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Tale of the Innocents

Information Thread

a part of “Tale of the Innocents”, a fictional universe by Scra.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep... (If you really want to join pm me, but otherwise ALL ROLES HAVE BEEN FILLED.)

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Tale of the Innocents”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

Information Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Scra on Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:07 am


All announcements, information, and anything else extremely important will be posted here. Only I may post in this thread unless I give you permission.

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Re: Information Thread

Tips: 0.50 INK Postby Scra on Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:32 am



Innocents are what you are before having your memories erased by the island. Though they possess virtues like Soulless’, they have their memories, which keeps the island from erasing their memories. A memory item is a protection charm for your character. If they lose it, the island can take away your character’s memory immediately. A memory item can be any object you wish, just remember your character has to carry it around with them the whole time, so make it something light. But the memory items are only so strong, and as long as your character is stuck on the island, sooner or later they will lose their memories and become soulless’. Virtues are something you can learn and can grow as you mature. They are basically your character's personality. The virtue is the good trait of a person, the trait that the Island has taken a liking too. Also, when creating your character the vices aren’t necessarily something your character does, but they could have been a part of your characters life. For example, the vice could have been done by somebody in your character’s life and it has caused your character harm in some way. Or, your character could have performed one of those vices in their life. But remember, right now the reason your character isn’t taken over by the island is because of their vices. Vices are what defines a person, just like virtues. What makes your character human is the memories and mistakes they have done in the past. The reason why your character doesn’t want their memories taken away, even if it means getting rid of their vices, is because if they lose their vices they cease being human. They become just like the soulless.


The Soulless’ are innocents that have lost their memories to the Island. Soulless’ have absolutely no idea who they use to be and are completely tied to the island. There are thousands of Soulless’ located on the island, but three of them a very special because they possess Graces instead of Virtues. Soulless’ are in a sense “emotionless beings”, even though they possess such beautiful qualities. Just like the innocents, the Wandering Island saw virtues in them that it liked and kidnapped them, but by erasing their memories they became nothing but mindless dolls. They don’t have the compassion or values of humans. By taking away their vices the island made them “perfect” but in their perfection, they lost their humanity and became unable to understand the human emotions. Happiness, love, safety, soulless’ don’t understand any other emotions other than the “pure” emotions that the island lets them feel. They don’t understand anger, rejection, or acts of bravery if it doesn’t benefit them in any way.

The graces are basically virtues, but simply “upgraded”. Other inhabitants on the island call those who have graces the “Three Heavenly Graces”, meaning their virtues are more advanced than others. Unlike the virtues, which can be obtained by anyone, graces are “gifts” from the Owner of the Island, and the objective of graces—what the existence of the graces aims at—is serving the owner. Therefore, those who possess graces do not have vices or at least any they are aware of. In exchange, the Owner gives those who own graces powers to cover up their vices, in hopes of keeping them pure and faithful to them and the island. Since the graces come from the island, the farther the user disconnects from the island the weaker the powers that come with the grace becomes. Meaning the Soulless’ will not be able to use the full extent of their powers because they are betraying the purpose of the powers—serving the island.


There isn’t much I can reveal about the island because that wouldn’t be fun. The island has Five locations. The island does have guards, which will be NPCs, they are called Obsidians. And just like their names they are black figures made of rock. If you have other questions that absolutely must be answered then ask me and I’ll tell you.

This Rp is a very reflective process if that makes sense. It is more mystery and clues then action packed and it will have some dark themes, so if you don’t like stuff like that don’t join, please. The Rp is about psychological issues and the character connections than physical fighting and action. Of course, there will be some of that but the island attacks people using their vices and a lot of psychological warfare. So, keep that in mind. This Rp will start off exploring the world and the characters involved, and the second part is where the actual dark themes come in and you start peeling off the innocence of the Rp and get down to the dark stuff. And then you get to choose rather or not your character gets to grow throughout the Rp, which lets their resolve to go home become stronger or they learn that they aren’t strong enough and they wish to stay on the island. Each character will have their own arc, so it’s your job to come up with it and how you want it to play out. The goal by the end is for your character to retrieve their memories, find a way out, and learn why they were really brought to this island. As well as make the ultimate decision of going back into their old life or staying on the island.

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Re: Information Thread

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Scra on Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:36 am


Here is all the information you need about the Virtues, including their Vices.


Intellectual Virtue | “Mother” of all Virtues

  • Prudence (φρόνησις, phronēsis; Latin: prudentia): also described as wisdom, the ability to judge between virtuous and vicious actions, not only in a general sense but with regard to appropriate actions at a given time and place.
  • Prudence is the virtue which directs us to the right way of doing something. It is the intellectual virtue which rightly directs our particular actions toward a good end, and even to lesser ends necessary to achieve the ultimate end of happiness.
  • Prudence is commonly associated with rulers and to reason.
  • Being prudent is not necessarily being cautious, even though a prudent person may exercise caution when the circumstances so dictate. The prudent person is really more a commanding person than a cautious one.
Vices of Prudence
Prudence names a reluctance to take risks, which remains a virtue with respect to unnecessary risks, but, when unreasonably extended into over-cautiousness, can become the vice of cowardice.

  • Impetuosity - Insufficient consideration of choices. This is the vice of acting too quickly because of a failure to consider adequately the available choices.
  • Thoughtlessness - Defect of practical judgment. Closely related to Impetuosity.
  • Inconstancy - Wavering, resulting in refusal to command. The failure to complete a moral action by refusing to command that an action be done.
  • Negligence - A failure to exercise the appropriate and or ethical ruled care expected to be exercised amongst specified circumstances. It's the most serious vice because it attacks the most important act of the virtue of prudence which is the prompt execution of command.


Moral Virtue | Best Known (Strongest) of all Virtues

  • Courage (ἀνδρεία, andreia; Latin: fortitudo): also termed fortitude, forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation. Is mostly associated in history to the warrior class and to the spirited element in man.
  • Courage (also called bravery or valour) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. Physical courage is bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, death or threat of death, while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement, or personal loss.
  • Courage is a strength drawn from a wise balance between the weaknesses of cowardice and recklessness. It is the discipline to act on wisely-chosen values rather than an impulse.
  • A courageous person understands the danger and chooses to overcome their fear and proceed to face the danger and act according to their values. It is not fearlessness, recklessness, or rashness. It is a well-considered, wise, and brave decision to behave constructively despite the fear, discomfort, or temptation.
Vices of Courage
Courage as the virtue is the mean between rashness and cowardice. But due to Courage being the mean that balances the two terms, it has the most vices of the four virtues.

  • Presumption - Causes us to consistently attempt to accomplish what is beyond our ability. This vice occurs when, after realizing that something is beyond us, we keep at it, usually to the detriment of something else we have the ability to do and probably should do.
  • Excessive Ambition - Causes us to constantly strive in one way or another for honor or recognition which is not due to us and for which we have an excessive desire
  • Vainglory - An excessive desire for fame or praise, going beyond what is reasonable.
  • Pusillanimity - A person who avoids doing what great things he or she is capable of doing, often out of fear
  • Impatience - This is the vice of giving in to sadness or irritability in the presence of some difficulty to the extent that one gives up attaining whatever good is being thwarted by the difficulty.
  • Pertinacity - This vice causes one to persist unreasonably in seeking to attain some good
  • Softness - This vice inclines one to give up too easily because of difficulties standing in the way, even though one could reasonably expect to overcome those difficulties.


Social Virtue | Most Important of all Virtues

  • Justice (δικαιοσύνη, dikaiosynē; Latin: iustitia): also considered as fairness, the most extensive and most important virtue; the Greek word also having the meaning righteousness. Justice stands outside the class system and divisions of man, and rules the proper relationship among the three of them.
  • Justice is the moderation or mean between selfishness and selflessness – between having more and having less than one's fair share.
  • Justice is the virtue that puts our public actions in order and relates them to our ultimate end of happiness. Unlike the virtues of prudence, temperance, and courage that are mainly concerned with our individual problems and they help to put our private individual actions in order, relating them to our ultimate end of happiness.
  • There are traditionally two divisions of the virtue of justice, one having to do with the common good and the other having to do with the private good of each individual. The first division is called legal justice: The virtue by which we exercise the acts of all virtues in relation to the common good. The second division is called particular justice: The virtue by which one constantly and perpetually gives what is due, what is objectively right, to another with respect to some particular good, such as money, honor, or truthfulness.
Vices of Justice
Justice regulates the relationships humans have with others. It is a cardinal virtue, which is to say that it is "pivotal", because it regulates all such relationships, and is deemed the most important of the virtues. But, because Justice is a very powerful virtue its Vices are equally as harsh.

  • Lying - deliberately saying as true what is known to be false.
  • Ingratitude - the refusal to acknowledge and manifest thankfulness to some benefactor.
  • Revenge - The revengeful person seeks to punish for the sake of satisfying his own feelings and not with preserving justice.
  • Adulation - This is more often called flattery, and consists of trying to gratify another’s vanity in order to ingratiate oneself with the other person.


Moral Virtue | General Condition (Characteristic) of all Virtues

  • Temperance (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosynē; Latin: temperantia): also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the appetition; especially sexually, hence the meaning chastity. Temperance was common to all classes but primarily associated with the producing classes, the farmers and craftsmen, and with the animal appetites, to whom no special virtue was assigned.
  • Temperance is not abstinence, it is moderation. It is choosing enough rather than relentlessly pursuing more. It is exercising our ability to master our desires. It is learning to cope with abundance.
  • Temperance is the decision to savor pleasure—intensifying its sensation—by shunning excess and thereby enjoy what we have so much more. It is choosing quality over quantity. It is choosing the middle way.
  • Temperance is defined as moderation or voluntary self-restraint. It is typically described in terms of what an individual voluntarily refrains from doing. This includes restraint from retaliation in the form of non-violence and forgiveness, restraint from arrogance in the form of humility and modesty, restraint from excesses such as splurging now in the form of prudence, and restraint from excessive anger or craving for something in the form of calmness and self-control.
Vices of Temperance
Temperance concerns itself with the most natural and basic activities we as human beings possess. But there is a dark side to these activities.

  • Gluttony - It is the inordinate desire for the taste of food sought only for pleasure and not for the good of reason. Meaning, overeating. Or overindulgence of a negative feeling or emotion.
  • Drunkenness - The result of an inordinate desire for such types of beverages. Drunkenness not only has a moral effect on a person but also has physical and psychological effects. Intoxicating drink can result in the loss of the good of reason and also in the use of reason itself. This doesn't mean drinking is bad, but overdrinking can be harmful.
  • Lust - the immoderate desire to engage in venereal activities and may have physical, psychological, and social effects as well as moral effects. It is important to keep in mind that lust does not mean the prohibition of sexual activity. Unfortunately, some people have interpreted it as such. Lust means engaging in sexual activities to an extent and in a manner wholly opposed to right reason.
  • Insensibility - This is a vice which impels us to avoid in an extreme manner such pleasures of sense as are desirable from the standpoint of right reason.
  • Indulgence - the vice which causes us to seek the pleasure of the senses to an extent and in a manner wholly opposed to right reason. Notice that this does not mean the simple partaking of such pleasures as food, drink, or sex. It means indulging in such pleasures and as well as overindulgence of a negative feeling or emotion to an excess, usually causing us some harm in the long run.

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Re: Information Thread

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Scra on Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:12 am


The information about the Virtues was very detailed and it's because they needed specific explanations. The Graces will be less detailed, mainly to tie in with the Rp and because I want to give the roleplayers who pick these roles the freedom to develop them as much as they like in their own way. So basically I will mostly be explaining graces roles on the island and the powers that come with them.


Grace of Memory and Imagination

  • Hope is the trait of relying on someones help for things which have been promised and so confidently expecting to obtain them, even in the face of difficulty or in the face of their being beyond your power.
  • The second of the three graces. The one who possesses this grace will be the most innocent of the three but also has had the darkest experience being on the island and has seen the evil the island can offer.
  • This grace mainly focuses on a person's imagination and memories. Meaning the one who possesses this grace is in charge of erasing the memories of those taken by the island, as well as manipulating and maintaining the current memories of the inhabitants of the island. This grace is unable to return or retrieve lost/missing memories of any kind for anyone, nor is it able to erase memories from those who are unwilling.
  • This grace has the power to animate people's greatest thoughts and desires. It's a very powerful ability that must be used with caution because it can consume the user making it hard to distinguish between reality and imagination. This ability is mostly used to keep the younger inhabitants of the Wandering Island content.


Grace of Mind and Knowledge

  • Faith is the character trait of where without seeing or knowing, with confident trust, reliance, and by following and adhering to its word you believe without doubt.
  • The first of the three graces. The one who possesses this grace will have been the longest resident on the island, and also would have been the closest to the Owner of the Island.
  • This grace mainly focuses on the mind and knowledge. Meaning this grace's purpose is to maintain how much knowledge the inhabitants of the island understand. This graces job is to control the people's faith, making sure the inhabitants have complete trust and confidence in the island. They do this by planting suggestions in a person's mind, no matter how big or small. The bigger it is, the harder it is for someone to believe. If someone starts to doubt in the island this grace will change their mind.
  • This grace is also able to connect to the Owner of the Island's thoughts. It shares a connection with the owner, so that they may communicate with the user. But the power only works if the user has complete trust in the Owner, if the user starts having doubts the connection starts getting cloudy and it becomes harder to communicate.


Grace of Power and Will

  • Love is the character trait of seeking, choosing, and willing to do good to others in a way appropriate to the relationship we have with them.
  • The last of the three graces. The one who possesses this grace will be the youngest of the three but will be more powerful than the others.
  • This grace mainly focuses on the people's love for the island. They are able to increase a person's feelings of joy, happiness, and any other pure emotion, even if the person doesn't want to. They simply have to touch someone and in extreme cases, if the group is larger, they are able to manipulate everyone's emotions at once. But this is very draining and the user will receive some damage to their body. There is another side to this power. The user's own emotions can affect the people around them and how they react to a situation. But the opposite can also happen. If someone feels an emotion other than pureness, the user will receive damage and will be affected.
  • This Grace also has a very dangerous ability. It's the power to control a person's will. This Grace is able to make a person do whatever they desire. It is rarely used and when it is used it's mostly for when an inhabitant is disobeying the law. But since this is an extremely powerful ability, whenever the user uses it a part of their life force is depleted. Meaning it is possible for them to die because of this ability.


Grace of Fact and Reality | Apprentice of Hope

  • Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or standard.
  • This Grace is a newer member and not part of the Three Heavenly Graces. The one who possesses this grace is not officially a full-fledged Grace and is the apprentice of the Grace of Hope.
  • Truth isn't a heavenly grace, but they are a grace. Since they are one of the newest souls to arrive on the island but showed the most promise, they have been moved up from a regular inhabitant to a Grace's apprentice, so they will have the potential and power to be a Grace later on. This Grace's powers are still underdeveloped, so they are nowhere as powerful as the other Graces. This Grace has the power to detect lies, of course not all the time, since they are still learning how to use it, and also right now since they have limited knowledge about the things around them, they don't fully know how their powers work. This grace's power is tricky because if a person believes what they are saying to be true, to them it is true and therefore its a truth. Overall, the grace can't find a lie.
  • Another power that this grace will develop, but aren't able to use right now, is that they will be able to "see" behind things. Almost like being able to see a person's or things true self, but the user wouldn't be powerful enough to use this power. The problem with this ability is the more powerful it becomes the weaker it becomes as well. Since grace's get their power from the island, if this grace starts to doubt because of what they see, they will lose their power.
Last edited by Scra on Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:19 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Information Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Scra on Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:21 am


Code: Select all

[color=transparent]filertext[/color][font=arial][size=70]PUT ANYTHING HERE THAT DESCRIBES YOUR CHARACTER. SONG LYRICS FROM CHARACTER SONG, QUOTES, ALONG THOSE LINES.[/size][/font]
[color=transparent]LOL[/color][font=helvetica][size=70][color=HEX#1]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [url=song]♬[/url]❖[url=song]♬[/url][/color][/size][/font]

[center][font=arial][size=70][b]ROLE:[/b] [color=#HEX1] Yep.[/color] [b]|[/b] [b]FC:[/b] [color=#HEX2] just written[/color][/size][/center][/font][left][color=transparent]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color]
[font=arial][size=70]✘ ✘ ✘ PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE[/size][/font][color=transparent]x[/color][img][/img]

.[/color][font=arial][size=110]⌠[/size] V I R T U E/G R A C E S | V I C E[size=110]⌡[/size]
[size=85]short explanation[/size]

[size=110]⌠[/size] M E M O R Y  I T E M/W E A P O N [size=110]⌡[/size]
[size=85]short explanation (weapons are only for Soulless'. If you want your Innocent to have a weapon you can put it here but nothing too extravagant)[/size]

[size=110]⌠[/size] D O U B T[size=110]⌡[/size]
[size=85]short explanation (Explain to me briefly how your character feels about their current situation. For Innocents how they feel trusting the Soulless' and being stuck on this island. And Soulless' on how they feel about helping the innocents and betraying the island.)[/size]

[size=110]⌠[/size] G E N D E R [size=110]⌡[/size]

[size=110]⌠[/size] A G E [size=110]⌡[/size]

[size=110]⌠[/size] S E X U A L I T Y [size=110]⌡[/size][/font][/center]
[right][img][/img][color=transparent]x[/color][font=arial][size=70]PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE ✘ ✘ ✘ [/size][/font][/right]
[left][img][/img][/left][left][font=georgia][size=120][color=transparent]XX[/color][color=black][b]H E I G H T[/b][/color][color=transparent]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color][color=black][b]W E I G H T[/b]  [/color][/size][/font]

[size=120][color=transparent]XX[/color][color=black][font=georgia][b]H A I R [i]color[/i][/b][/font][/color][color=transparent]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color][color=black][font=georgia][b] E Y E [i]color[/i][/b][/font][/color][/size]

[color=transparent]XX[/color][size=120][color=black][font=georgia][b][i]GENERAL [/i]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color][/size][/left][/font]

[font=Georgia][justify][size=80]Simple and to the point.[/size][/font][/justify]

[left][font=arial][size=70]✘ ✘ ✘ PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE[/size][/font][color=transparent]x[/color][img][/img][/left]

[size=85][font=helvetica][justify]this is where a description of your character's personality goes. it doesn't have to be long. be unique.[/justify][/font][/size]
[right][img][/img][color=transparent]x[/color][font=arial][size=70]PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE ✘ ✘ ✘ [/size][/font][/right]
[left][img][/img][/left][center][size=250]┍━━━[/size][size=125][color=transparent]X[/color] [b][font=Georgia]LOVE & HATE[/font][/b][color=transparent]X[/color][/size][size=250] ━━━┑[/size][/center]
[justify][font=Georgia][size=85]You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three likes) or do a list where it's like this. Oh and obviously you substitute the light coral for your hex code.
[color=#6b2c82]LOVE[/color] ; Answer
[color=#6b2c82]HATE[/color] ; Answer
[color=#6b2c82]LOVE[/color] ; Answer[/size][/font][/justify]
[left][font=arial][size=70]✘ ✘ ✘ PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE[/size][/font][color=transparent]x[/color][img][/img][/left]
[right][img][/img][/right][center][font=Georgia][b][color=black][i]Q U I R K ;[/i][/color][/b][/font]
[size=90][font=Cambria][b]Answer;[/b] [i]explain[/i][/font][/size]

[font=Georgia][b][color=black][i]S T R E N G T H ;[/i][/color][/b][/font]
[size=90][font=Cambria][b]Answer;[/b] [i]explain[/i][/font][/size]

[font=Georgia][b][color=black][i]W E A K N E S S ;[/i][/color][/b][/font]
[size=90][font=Cambria][b]Answer;[/b] [i]explain[/i][/font][/size]

[font=Georgia][b][color=black][i]F E A R ;[/i][/color][/b][/font] 
[size=90][font=Cambria][b]Answer;[/b] [i]explain[/i][/font][/size]

[font=Georgia][b][color=black][i]S E C R E T ;[/i][/color][/b][/font] 
[size=90][font=Cambria][b]Answer;[/b] [i]explain[/i][/font][/size][/center]
[right][img][/img][color=transparent]x[/color][font=arial][size=70]PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE ✘ ✘ ✘ [/size][/font][/right]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][font=Georgia][b][color=black][i]P O W E R[/i][/color][/b][/center][/FONT]
[font=helvetica][size=80][center]DELETE THIS SECTION IF YOU ARE AN INNOCENT. An explanation of yor power and it is ability blah blah blah. Make sure to state how you will use it, and all limitations. Make this brief[/center][/size][/font]
[left][font=arial][size=70]✘ ✘ ✘ PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE[/size][/font][color=transparent]x[/color][img][/img][/left]
[left][color=transparent]__[/color][size=170][color=black][font=Georgia]F A M I L Y[/font][/color][/size][/left][right][font=Georgia][size=80]NAME // AGE // RELATIONSHIP[/font][/size][color=transparent]__[/color][/right]
[right][font=Georgia][size=80]NAME // AGE // RELATIONSHIP[/font][/size][color=transparent]__[/color][/right]
[size=90][font=aa][color=transparent]__[/color]ONLY FOR INNOCENTS, DELETE THIS SECTION IF YOU ARE A SOULLESS. This is where your history goes, before the Wandering Island. Was your life happy, horrible, content but not really. Tell it here, and also where the island adbucted you. This should be no more than a paragraph or two.[/font][/size]
[right][img][/img][color=transparent]x[/color][font=arial][size=70]PUT SOME FANCY WORDS HERE PLEASE ✘ ✘ ✘ [/size][/font][/right]

[size=80][font=Georgia][b][color=black]CS [/color][/b] - [i][b][u]Verix[/u][/b][/i]
[b][color=black]CS Edits[/color][/b] - [i]Scra[/i]
[b][color=black]Inspiration[/color][/b] - [i][u][b]Verix[/b][/u] & Scra[/i]
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Re: Information Thread

Tips: 0.50 INK Postby Scra on Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:31 am


So, basically since this is my Rp and I can do what I want as long as it is to better the experience for ALL you guys, I have made some(a lot, but not really) changes to this Rp to make it better and just cause
In light of these changes: AFTER you read this update in your character sheet, replace DOUBTS With THOUGHTS. And then for innocents talk about your thoughts about your situation and Graces talk about how you feel about watching over the innocents.
  • Another Grace has been added. The Grace of Truth and they are an apprentice, so doesn't have the whole mighty power thing and they won't have a title.
  • Major shift in the storyline:
  • In the original story, when the innocents denied the island, the island made it so the innocents can’t leave the island and are trapped.
  • The island sends the innocents to the field so that they can meet the Graces. Who the island has told to watch over the innocents until they start changing their minds about staying on the island.
  • Your memory items are still an item that holds your memories, but it is something the island has given you in "exchange" for trapping you on the island, so you have a way to maintain your memories until you change your mind.
  • The first arc (there will be five others), has turned into the Graces watching over the innocents and basically the innocents are “under arrest” until they see the value of the island. Which some of you might and some of you might not. This arc is for mostly building character relationships and for us to learn about who your character is since we are going to be stuck with them.
  • By the end of the first arc something tragic happens, which causes the Graces belief in the island to waver a little, doesn’t mean they are completely against the island, but they are starting to question a little bit about the island, some more than others. But there is doubt.
  • Like I said. There will be five other arcs. The fun part is that you guys are going to work together to make up four of those five arcs! I’m pairing you up randomly with another person, and two of you with me are going to come up with the arc that all the characters will play, and the arc will be tailored to help every character grow.
  • When I pair you up you can choose which arc you want to do.
  • I’m taking out the part where the Graces wanting their memories back, but, they still agree to help you off the island, but not until the 2nd arc or beginning of the 3rd arc after stuff happens.
  • Also, just cause: At random 2 or 3 of you guys, haven’t decided, will be villains in the 5th arc, where you guys actually get to fight the owner of the island. Like your characters will be villains, not of their free will of course. I’m going to give everyone the chance to volunteer if they want to play the role and then I’m going to choose at random who is going to be the villain. And like I said, your character won't be a villain just because they want to wreak havoc it’s because the island has taken control of them. When the villains are chosen during the 3rd arc we’ll get together and build the fifth arc. Only me and the people I have chosen will know who the villains are, to keep secrecy.

That is all for now. Have questions pm me or ask in the question thread!

Last edited by Scra on Mon Dec 18, 2017 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Information Thread

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Scra on Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:42 pm


Once again we have UPDATES XD
In light of these changes: If you have any questions please ask! And if you have ideas for the RP that you think are good pm me and we can discuss them.

  • As you have seen all the locations that have been posted are the locations that will be open for the 1st and 2nd Arc. Every Arc I will be opening different locations around the island, of course, that means the previously created locations will be closed because your characters will not be returning there, at least some of them. When creating Arcs I will tell you which location that you will be using and information about it.
  • The goal of Arc 1: Part One is to bring the innocents to the wrap pad inside the garden. Of course, this won't be that simple since they are going to be very reluctant and have a bunch of questions. So this part is basically one of those infamous information dumps. Once I feel that we get to a good point I'll announce when we should start wrapping up part one.
  • In Arc one we will be introduced to the Graces and there lives mostly.
  • Graces have their own temple, with servants. The temple is divided into three sections, each Grace lives in one of those sections. Each Grace has servants, apprentices, even surprisingly marriage candidates (Though none of the Graces are married) that live with them and care for them.
  • Truth doesn’t have their own section, instead, they live with Hope, and Hope's servants are their servants until they become a full-fledged Grace.
  • The innocents will be staying in the Graces Temple. Which Grace's wing your character stays in is up to you.
  • By the end of the 1st Arc the Graces and all the inhabitants will be getting ready for a festival where they will be welcoming the Owner. This is the island inhabitants once every five years time where they are able to at least have a glimpse of the Owner, though they never really seen them. They are always hidden behind Obsidians but the inhabitants hear them speak, the Owner will give them all a clear message, like for good luck. More information will be given when we get closer to this part.
  • Yes, there are marriages in this world. You have to go to the Grace of Love to get married though.
  • There are two types of children: those who are born into this world, these children are able to grow older and stop aging when they hit their twenties. Then there are children who are brought into this world, and they have the choice to continue aging to their twenties or stop at their current age forever. For kids who are 15 and younger, they are kept in the Kindergarten, which Hope is in charge of and manages.
  • Innocents will be popular because the inhabitants would have never seen people like them. So be ready for your character to be the center of attention, in a good and bad way.
  • The innocents will develop powers throughout the rp, so start thinking what your power will be.

That is all for now. Have questions pm me or ask in the question thread!


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