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Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orrin55 on Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:21 am

"Yea it looks similar to my necklace" Mike replied. Astonished he slipped off his own necklace and held it for all to see. "Mine was called a Temporal Crystal, supposed to absorb solar energy and release it in a burst of energy, Thats how i primarily time travel tho it has to recharge after three jumps." He slipped it back onto his neck and sat back in a nearby chair "Someone muust have found a mine of it in the future if they're distributing it like candy." Mike muttered musing over the info "From what i've explored no one had discover it in the future." He sighed thinking about how much he didn't know and scratched his head "What now?" He asked

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aryx Noi on Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:31 pm

Damien couldn't fall asleep. He tossed and turned under the covers, everything just felt odd after that nightmare.

"I never have nightmares, I never even dream." he said to himself. He threw aside the covers and got out of the bed. It was still nighttime, probably only about fifteen minutes till midnight.

"Maybe those people are still at the skyscraper." he said. He took out The Machine and set it for the skyscraper, and for good measure, set it about five minutes ago. He pressed the button and appeared in a room with a flash. He landed on his feet and looked around. He saw the same half asleep man he saw in the hospital before they disappeared. The man was asleep, with bandages around his stomach area.

"What the hell..." Damien said to himself. He looked around the room; no one else was in it. He could hear the people talking in the other room, so he was definitely at the skyscraper. The room was empty, save for a bookcase and a chest. He walked over to the bookcase and looked at a couple books, most were old classics like Huck Finn and The Cay.

"...Lucas?" a voice said behind him. He was holding a copy of The Fantastic Voyage when the voice said that, and as a result, threw it up in the air out of shock. He was just lucky he didn't yelp like he usually did. He turned around to see the man was talking to him.

"...Weren't you just asleep a second ago?" Damien asked.

"Was I? I thought I was in a hospital..." the man said.

"Uh huh..." Damien said. "Um you are who exactly?"

"Kane Axum," he said. "I can't remember anything right now, who are you?"

"Oh I've never met you before, I'm just, erm..."

"Wandering?" Kane said. Damien looked at him oddly. Hadn't he just said that a bit earlier at the cemetery?

"...Sure, I guess."

"What's your name?"

"Damien Vice, why?"

"You just seem..." Kane paused. "...Familiar."

"Yeah, well, erm...I'm just gonna go and..."

Damien just ran out of the room into the other room.

"Yeah there's a man in there, and I think he may be a bit loopy." Damien said.
Writer, Musician, and Time Person Of The Year 2006.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chexmix5 on Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:06 pm

"If you would have seen what I have seen, you would know we certainly are in danger.. And apparently even more than I know." Lucas said, eyes still fixed on the crystal. He turned them back to Ryan. "Saving the world is an awful burden, but it is not one you will have to handle alone." Lucas almost had a smirk on his face. He knew that there was no way these people could turn back now. It was fate, in some way or another, that they were all here together.

He turned back to Mike. "That might be what's going on, we need to find out. Then we stop them. But for now we-"

Damien ran into the room from the room where Kane was resting. "That man is Kane, he was another partner of mine in defeating Maestro. He was wounded, probably still hopped up on the medicine. What are you doing here anyways, I thought you weren't invloved in this?"

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aryx Noi on Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:55 pm

"Well, couldn't sleep really. I thought it'd be a bit better to talk to human beings than watching a blank motel room until I felt drowsy, wouldn't you agree?" Damien said.

"No!" Kane said from the other room.

"I wasn't asking you!" Damien said. "Anyway, who is this Maestro guy exactly? I'm not one who would know about this type of thing, really."

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StandardFiend on Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:10 am

Aiden eyed the various other devices produced by the gathered individuals. Perhaps his own time machine wasn't so unique, after all. Well, they all apparently performed the same function, perhaps even using the same type of crystal, but the Aperture seemed different in some way. There was no visible means of activation anywhere on it--it was entirely the power of Aiden's mind that initiated the various feats.

Come to think of it, Aiden hadn't bothered checking the body of the Time Keeper he killed that time, but if he had, would he have discovered yet another one of these things?

Aiden had been in 2025 for less than a year, and already he was becoming involved in some plot to save the world. Saving his own ass was higher on his own list of priorities, but it seemed like these people could help him do that, so it was only right that he helped them in return--besides, it was basically one stone for two birds.

"Temporal Aperture... What I don't understand is how and why it brought me back to this time. And why can't I go back? I can do all sorts of things with it, but I can't travel through time. Oh, and who's this 'Morotov' character you mentioned? Seemed like the whole thing drove you kinda crazy."

* * *

A stark, cold, white room in a stark, cold, white castle. And darkness consumed the place--all of it. A single dull, white light crept in through a small slit in one wall of the room, illuminating a sliver of a pale, hairless face, but completely hiding three other figures in shadow.

They were men, these figures. Large and burley. Their voices were deep and gruff, but two of them kept relatively silent. They would let their fists do the talking.

One of the men, the one who usually talked, stepped forward and uncrossed his arms. "Tell me what you've done with the device."

Slightly confused and extremely disoriented, Morotov looked up at the man, whose face he could not see. "I don't know what you mean." And for now, he really didn't.

"Don't feign ignorance. I don't know how you came into possession of the device, but we want it back," said Nestor. He was a high-ranking general amongst the Time Keepers, both feared and respected. His powers were great, but he did not feel the need to demonstrate them on the bald man. "Now, tell me where it is. Where is the Temporal Aperture?"

Realization suddenly came to Morotov. His memory of the last few days was splotchy at best. Vague images of a bomb, a silly masked man, a young boy, two men... a flying submarine? But he definitely recalled the Temporal Aperture, the machine that had allowed him to travel through time at a whim--the machine with which he had saved his own life. But of its current whereabouts, Morotov did not know a thing. He did not have it with him, obviously. He had lost it. And then he had lost himself. This room was all he knew since the battle at the cliff-top.

A fist struck him across the cheek, and the pain brought Morotov back to reality. Without even knowing it, he had drifted into semi-consciousness. Who knew for how long?

"Where is it?!" Nestor was practically yelling now. The Aperture truly was an important piece of equipment. As a time traveling device, it existed as only a singular entity--that is, whatever time in which it currently resided was the only time in which it existed. Therefore, it was pertinent that Morotov divulge its location--there was no means by which to track it.

The Temporal Aperture was the first machine of its kind--a prototype from which all future devices would be made. Its design was one-of-a-kind, and only a select few individuals could harness its true power. Nestor needed it back.

Another fist struck Morotov's face. He spat a wad of blood out onto the floor. He tried to move his arms to wipe his mouth, but found them bound in strong metal cuffs behind his back. "I... don't know where it is."

This time, Nestor himself struck the bald man. "You lie! We know you had it!"

Morotov shook his head. "I don't know where it is! But... I know when it is." It was useless to protest. He knew these men would simply kill him if he refused to tell them what they wanted.

Nestor moved closer. His voice grew softer. "I'm listening."

"Twenty...twenty-five. The year two-thousand twenty-five is when I lost it. I can't be more specific."

Nestor turned away. Well, one whole year was easy enough to cover. He had man-power enough at his disposal. He would begin scouring the year immediately. It would take time, but time was something Nestor had much of.

The Keeper nodded firmly. "Feed him through the Apparatus."

As the two larger men lifted Morotov from his seat, Morotov addressed Nestor: "What are you going to do to me?"

Nestor spun around with a wide, malicious grin on his face. "I'm going to ensure you never again cause me a problem. The Apparatus will tear you apart and spread you throughout ten thousand different timelines. You will cease to exist."

Morotov struggled, but his captors were stronger. "No!" His nostrils flared as his breathing became heavy and quick, and he fought, but to no avail.

Nestor left the room, and Morotov was dragged off to his fate.

O heart, lament not, for this world is only metaphorical.
O soul, grieve not, for this abode is only transient.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chexmix5 on Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:31 pm

All of the information Lucas was giving out was sure to be a lot for these people he barely knew. Most of them were new to time travel in the frist place, but now they were all going to attempt to stop a regime of time traveling warriors. It was a far shot from an easy fight, surely there would be some damage. Heck, just fighting Maestro, Morotov went missing, Nile seemed to be scared out of the whole ordeal, and Kane was still out cold.

"The temporal aperture, from what i was told, is activated by your mind. Or atleast Morotov used his mind to activate it. His power seemed to amplify it, allowing for long-distance time travel. How it got you so far in one use is beyond me, perhaps it had spent so much time gathering energy..." Lucas trailed off, still pondering about the strange crystal. Why it took you here I'm not sure. It has a strange way with bringing people together, it seems. It brought Morotov and I together in about the same way." He thought back to when he met him. It was an odd experience, no doubt. But then again, everything was an odd experience nowadays.

His face darkened at the question about Morotov. "Morotov was, in my eyes, a hero." He didn't know how else to put it. "He sacrificed his life to defeat Maestro, who i believe was one of the Time Keepers." The words stung as they came out. He hoped he was wrong about his fate. "I have no way of knowing what really happened to him, unfortunately. He decided to change the subject.

"You cannot go back without as much power as was stored up in the Aperture." Suddenly Lucas' face brightened, and he grinned slightly. It was like a light bulb had just gone off.

"All of you, listen. After we defeat the Time Keepers, I can get you home. We just need to find the cave of crystals like this one." He held it up for all to see more clearly. "Surely it has enough power to take you all where you need to go." He was happy with idea, though he had no way of knowing that it would work for sure.

"We need a lead, though. We have no way of knowing where to look for the Time Keepers."

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aryx Noi on Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:30 pm

"Actually, Lucas, I beg to differ. We might know where their headquarters are." Damien said. "Maybe, just maybe, my friend Marcus is trying to locate it as we speak. And let's hope he can find it soon. It has to be somewhere discreet, somewhere where you'd never expect a huge organization to be hiding."

Damien hoped Marcus could find it, but if it took him so long to find their database, it could take so long to find where they are located. Marcus only had the entire internet to look over to find their database, but to find their headquarters he had to look over the entire world. Damien took out his phone and called Marcus, hoping to get a lead of where the headquarters could be.

"Marcus, any clue of where TTK's headquarters are?" Damien asked.

"Somewhere in rural Ireland, apparently, I don't have any exact locations, but somewhere outside Dublin, in the mountains. It looks like a castle on the outside, apparently."

Damien looked at Lucas. He knew that they could here his chat, so he nodded to all of them. He hung up and put it in his pocket.

"Well, off to Ireland, apparently. Not a second to lose, but I need to see one thing first..." Damien was talking about the grave of "Maestro". Damien knows nothing about this guy, except apparently he was evil. "I'm going to the cemetary, anyone following?"

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orrin55 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:13 pm

"Sorry, i don't want to visit a madman's grave" Mike replied "I'll warp to Ireland and scope out the area, no doubt the area's crawling with Timekeepers, but with any luck they won't make a move against us yet." He begun packing his scimitar inside his guitar case and the revolver underneath his jacket "If anyone wants to come they can, i would appreciate the help in case we've been spotted." He looked around to everyone "Whether we like it or not we've been dragged in this war, some earlier then the rest of us, I hope we can win this with the few we have now." He grasped his Crystal and grinned "Good luck, and may i see you again soon" He spoke the keyword and vanished in a flash of light

Felix sat lazily against a metal chair facing the cold metallic wall of his small room, his Falchion leaning against the steel table the Time Keepers had provided him with, in addition to a bed and small bathroom. The door slid open and without turning Felix spoke "Greyn...." He rolled his eyes "Here to lecture me about using the Temporal machine for my own use?" Silence filled the dry, chilling air before a rough and deep voice spoke "No" Felix heard him step inside "In fact i wanted to know how far you've gone with your plan?" Felix turned in shock.

Facing him stood a burly man, blackened with soot and literally rippling with muscle. Greyn rubbed at is full black beard and Felix shivered under his glazed, dead eyes. "What plans?" Felix asked giving him a murderous stare. Greyn raised his hands "I mean no harm, The orgainization is fully aware of your plans, and would like to put their full support behind you." He grinned "your plans would benefit us greatly, just tell us who you need eliminated." Felix gave him a curious stare, like one trying to figure out the catch to this, and went for it

"I've traveled to the future." Felix said "And after i saw it i realized something." He grasped his hand "There is one major liability, Lucas and the possibility of him finding new members." His voice echoed out "The one i've been tracking, Mike, i could of killed him so many times, but something held me back." He looked up at Greyn "Why do i look so similiar to Mike?" The question was childish, but Greyn stepped further into the room and sat down "I have something you need to hear." Greyn said "And you may not like it."

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StandardFiend on Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:10 am

Aiden shrugged at Damien's suggestion and returned the Aperture to his pocket--in his mind, its only rightful place. "I think I'll pass on that. Any of you have a few hundred bucks for a plane ticket to Ireland? Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of instant teleportaion."

At this rate, Aiden was sure to become a burden on the others as they traversed the timeline. He could never follow them through time, and he could only travel as fast as modern transportation could carry him.

"As for a lead..." He stared at Lucas. "How 'bout we catch one and beat some information out of him? With both of us at the top of their hitlist, it's not like that-" he pointed at the corpse on the ground, "-is the last we'll see of them."

"It'll just be a matter of waiting. But it's not like time has any real meaning for you guys, right?"

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chexmix5 on Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:18 pm

Maybe this won't take as long as i thought.. Lucas thought as Damien talked on his phone.

"Ireland you say?" He said with a smile and a nod, Marcus would probably become a good resource for the team. As long as the Time Keepers, didn't catch wind of him, at least.

"Right, Mike. We'll catch up with you there. Try and keep under the radar, and keep your eye out." With that, Mike vanished off. The idea of Mike traveling alone didn't seem like the best of idea's, but hopefully the others would travel with him, and hopefully he could manage to keep himself out of trouble.

"As good an idea as that may sound," He looked at Aiden. "It seems like we already have one in Damien's friend Marcus. Besides, I don't like the idea of waiting for them to send someone else after us. For all we know, that's just a weak scout. Once they find us they could send somebody like Maestro at us again, and we'll avoid that as long as possible. As for your offer Damien, I will accompany you. To the rest of you, good luck, and we will regroup in Ireland."

He took a few steps to the ledge where a wall sized window used to be and looked down. Kane... He spoke into Kane's mind. If he was asleep, perhaps it would come to him as a dream.

Kane, it's Lucas. I am going with a few others to continue fighting. The war is not yet won, but perhaps only beginning. If you can not fight, find Nile and lay low for a while. If you can, then i will be back for you.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StandardFiend on Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:47 pm

Aiden held out his hand to stop Lucas. "Maybe I'd better come with you as well. I wasn't kidding when I said I had no way to get to Ireland."

A trip to the cemetery wasn't something Aiden was particularly excited about; and what was it for, anyway? This was hardly the time for Damien to be paying respects to his dead relatives, if that's what he was after. But as long as he could roll along over the sea to Ireland, Aiden was going to have to suck it up and be the third wheel.

((Sorry for the shortness, but it helps with continuity while we wait for others to post...))

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hadiel on Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:59 pm

Ryan stood silent as he watched everyone decide on their courses of action. Mike had decided to go ahead on his own, and it seemed like the rest of the group was going to some cemetery. Ryan could have tried to figure out how his watch worked, and attempt to teleport himself through time into Ireland, but that would take time, and with his luck, he would end up on the opposite side of the world.

Ryan broke his silence "I hope you guys don't mind if I accompany you to the cemetery as well" He looked through the small group of people around him. "In all honesty, I only have the basic Idea of what were doing, so separating myself from the majority doesn't seem to be the best idea." Ryan hoped he would not be too much trouble to the group, he would just have to learn as they went.

It seemed as though the group was just about ready to leave the building. Ryan realized something "One thing before we go guys." He gestured to the assault rifle on his back. "Anybody got like, a guitar case or something? I cant exactly walk around with this thing out in the open. I'd get funny looks, or people running in fear."

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aryx Noi on Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:12 am

"Actually, Ryan, I think there's a case in the other room..." Damien said and walked into the room. Kane, as expected, was asleep. Damein found a reasonably sized Banjo case. Who the hell plays a banjo anymore? he thought to himself. He took out the banjo and walked back into the room. He handed the case to Ryan, and was confident it would hold the huge gun on his back.

"Well, we better be off then, if you would all care to follow me." Damien said and walked down the stairs. He walked down the same street path he did before, leading to the cemetery. Upon arriving at the cemetery, he was confronted by rusty iron gates closed shut. But fortunetely, no lock. He opened the creaky gates and walked in and through the tombstones. He found the grave and looked around it. If Maestro was supposedly in the submarine when it exploded, there wouldn't be a body to bury. There had to be some reason why there was this grave. If it was just the grave of a normal person, why would the engraving at the bottom also be the password for the TTK database? This was all too weird. He crouched down and looked at the ground.

Little did he know, he was being watched. Grey eyes watched from behind a tomb, similarly grey long hair practically covering them.

"Three..." his raspy voice said.

"...Two..." Beads of sweat appeared on his face.


And then it went off. A grave on the far left end of the cemetery went off. Then another on the right went off. They went off all around the cemetery, filling the viscinity with smoke and orange glow. Damien sprung up when the first explosion appeared, then the second.

"Time Keepers..." Damien said. Then he realized, the explosions were in alignment. The explosions began from the left, and then the right, and then from the other ends, meaning, they were all headed for the center. And then Damien realized why that grave was there, it was all planned, made to get him to stand there, stand in the middle of a bomb field. He was indeed in the center.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orrin55 on Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:02 am

Beep "Sir!" The simple word had brought Felix out of his deep trance and looking around the room in panic. Realizing that he was still in headquaters he relaxed and nodded at the Time grunt to speak "Unidentified time signature has appeared in Dublin" Everyone looked up in interest "Can you identify what time machine was used?" Felix asked. The radar watcher nodded and began comparing known signatures. Felix looked wearily at Greyn "Can i kill him with out it affecting my life?" He asked quietly, Greyn stared fully at him for a while, "Yes" He replied "You and him come from different timelines." A smile slowly grew on the man's face "Thats good then." He said.

"Sir!" another nod and the grunt resumed "The signature is strange, like it's a raw Temporal crystal like we find in the mines, but this one moves." Eye's widen and Felix quickly brought up a computer "We have an intruder!" He called typing rapidly "inform everyone in Dublin to look for this man!" The picture of Mike was brought up, as well as Luca's "Our man is to the Left" Felix said pointing at Mike "But he is now working closely with Lucas, they may come in later and try to sneak in, in any case we should back up our data base and send it to our Main HQ!" Greyn nodded as Felix instructed orders

He turned to find Greyn there, already holding out his Falcion, He, himself held a large gun. "I'll help you hunt this man down" Greyn replied "It's more important then you realize." Felix nodded and sheathed his weapon on his back "Let's go then." Felix replied.

In a flash of light Mike had appeared in a small alley behind what seemed to be a classic restaurant. He gave a curious look out in the stone streets and sighed in relief as he watched civilians stroll about attending to their business. He stepped out and began walking down following the crowd. He never really noticed anything suspicious but he still occasionally glance back. he stopped by a local tourist shop and picked up a small brochure. 'The castle should be in here somewhere." He muttered flicking through the sheets, he flipped through lazily, then hurriedly, then panicked. No castle. He looked disturbed "Excuse me!" he called attracting an employees attention "Are there any old castle's here i can see?" The look she gave him confirmed what he feared "We have no castles nearby Dublin." She replied.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hadiel on Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:37 am

Ryan looked felt a little weird walking around with banjo case strapped to his back. Although, it was better then people called the cops on him for carrying and assault rifle down the street. The group arrived at the cemetery, and Ryan realized he had never actually been to a cemetery before. As Damien walked towards into the graveyard, Ryan decided that he would stay at the gates. He had seen enough dead people in his time serving the military, that he didn't exactly find a graveyard the most humbling of places to be standing.

Ryan had his back turned to the graveyard as Damien walked towards his grave of choice, he decided that he should watch the rear and see if any of those Time Keepers decided to show up. Admittedly, Ryan was pretty tired at this point, as it had been over 48 hours since he last slept, so he wasn't paying all that much attention, until that is...

-BOOM- The sound of the first explosion put Ryan into alert , shortly followed by another, and another. Ryan turned around quickly to see what had happened, and to his dismay, he saw a large number of explosions converging on Damien, who was standing in what seemed to be the proverbial X-Marks-The-Spot. Ryan had only moments to decide his course of action before Damien became nothing more then limbs scattered across the graveyard. Ryan closed his eyes and concentrated.

'Please, I hope to god you have something metal with you Damien' He prayed. And to his relief Damien started to rise into the air. Unfortunately, Ryan was still weak from the last time he had used his power, and his vision now started to go blurry 'NO! I cant pass out! Not yet!' His mind screamed. Using the last of his energy he roughly tossed Damien towards the group.

"Someone catch him..." Was all he could say before he dropped to his knees and blacked out.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chexmix5 on Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:45 pm

Lucas laughed a bit at the sight of the banjo case on Ryan's back. It was a bit odd, yes, especially that it was in an apartment owned by Lucas. He had found it traveling through time, and it was considered an antique. He decided to keep it, and apparently that was a good idea.

He followed the two of them to a graveyard. Whatever the reason was for coming, it was important to Damien, so Lucas could respect that. Ryan stayed at the gate, and Lucas followed behind Damien. Suddenly there was a strange noise, some sort of countdown... Someone was there. He heard Damien say Time Keepers, and that confirmed it.

The explosions were headed straight for them, and Damien was lifted off the ground, presumably by Ryan. When he started to fall, Lucas lept into the air, snagging the edge of Damien's coat as he fell. Lucas teleported them outside the gate to safety without harm, or so he thought. He he took a step on his left foot, he fell to the ground, feeling a very sharp pain. His shoewas on fire, as well as the edge of his pants. He quickly removed the shoe, threw it on the ground and stomped the fire out. Despite the pain on his foot he slipped the burnt shoe back on. He treid to walk over to Ryan, but his steps had a slight limp to them.

"We need to be much more careful..." He said, catching his breath.

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aryx Noi on Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:09 pm

Damien was awestruck. It happened very fast, it took a bit to sink in.

"It's impossible to be careful with these people around." Damien said. He looked over at the grave, the explosions narrowed on it, and the grave exploded larger than all the others.

"Hang on, he's still in there!" he said and ran through the gates and through the rubble of granite from the tombstones. He ran over to the unconscious Ryan and kneeled down next to him. He shook him, hoping that would wake him. He was knocked out, how would a shake help? Damien just decided to put him around his shoulder. As he was lifting him up, he saw something. Or rather, someone. The person was peeking out from behind a tomb. Damien set Ryan back down and tried to not look directly at the person, if that person ran away, he would've lost a lead.

"Ryan, I know you're unconscious, but I hope you don't mind me using your gun." Damien said quietly. He opened the case on Ryan's back and took out the rifle. He aimed it at the tomb, and fired. The gunshot rang out, and hit the side of the tomb, about a foot away from the person. The figure poked his head back in, and most likely ran away. Damien put the gun back in the case and sealed it up. He carried Ryan back to the gates and set him down on the ground.

"I saw the person who caused this. And now I know one thing..." Damien paused and looked around. "He's afraid. A usual Time Keeper would fight, and die for the cause. But he's one of the higher Time Keepers, who shouldn't die. He's high up on that ladder, and now I have a feeling we're high up on a different list. A wanted list."

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StandardFiend on Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:36 am

As soon as the explosions went off, Aiden's sword flew out of his sheath and into his firm grip, and he moved through the gate to Damien's side, all in just over an instant. His eyes darted around, trying to find something--anything.

Damien apparently spotted something first, and retrieved Ryan's gun to fire a bullet at it, much to Aiden's surprise. It was kind of a rash action. But as soon as the words "I saw the person" escaped Damien's lips, Aiden was quick to respond with an even more rash one.

"I'm on it," he said, and reached into his pocket for the Temporal Aperture.

To the rest of the group, Aiden appeared to, well, disappear, but all he did was simply dart behind the tomb at which Damien had fired. Running away at what seemed to Aiden a snail's pace, was a man who thought he was getting away at top speed.

Aiden had only seconds to catch up, so he put all his energy into his strides, and he closed in. Reaching out, he grabbed hold of the man's long, grey hair and skidded to a halt just a few inches into the man's stride. When time returned to normal for the world around Aiden, the man's feet flew out from beneath him, and Aiden allowed him to fall to the ground, but after that the young man kept his sword trained on his captive.

Aiden called out to the rest of the group. "I've got 'im!"

((If I've screwed up something for somebody with this post, I apologize, and I'll change it immediately.))

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ValaunDae'Voth on Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:45 pm

There was a brief flash of light and fire and shrapnel shooting in all directions close to where they all stood and as,from what appeared to be the center of this flame Jaeryk appeared,falling a score or more of feet before smashing into the ground,his head hitting with a near audible crack and his large gun bouncing off of his prone form and landing a few feet away.He briefly illuminated the area for his trench coat's hem was ablaze and his whole body was smoking as if he'd run through a fire before making his jump through time and space.
He coughed lightly and lay there not quite moving,his shirt and fists were covered in blood and his right hand had a death grip on a large combat knife which was adorned with skulls,as was most everything else he carried down to his gun and boots.

He was dressed in earth toned clothes,his black hair slightly singed and smoking,the only thing really sticking out was a cybernetic eye that glowed a dim,but piercing yellowish bronze,several cords branched out along his arms and head though they seemed more embedded than anything,at first glanced much of him and his gear seemed custom fitted,rigged,or built,or almost pieced together out of whatever could be found.
Image Image

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Re: Time Travel: Rise of the Time Keepers (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chexmix5 on Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:53 pm

A soldier stepped to the large ornate door, scared slightly at the thought of perhaps interrupting something. Past events suggested that walking into the library without being summoned there was a horrible mistake, one that not many would make a second time. However, something had been discovered that the boss had to have been notified of.

The man pressed a small button and a panel beside the door. A buzzing noise was heard, and the large golden door opened. The man stepped in; he had never seen the room for himself. The floor was made of a strange white tile, polished so that it almost looked transparent. The walls were covered by large wooden bookcases, which were completely filled with books of different sizes. He was snapped out of his trance by a deep voice on the opposite end of the room.

“I hope for your sake you have something important for me...” The voice came from a large man seated on what looked like a throne. He was wearing a large black coat with a hood that shadowed most of his face.

“Uh… Yes sir. We have detected a ripple in the time frame, and we do believe Lucas is behind it. It is possible that more people are with him.”

“Then the information we harvested from Morotov was correct. More people you say? This means he has found more… Morotov is dead, and Nile and Kane are presumed dead as well.”

“Yes sir, we thought the same as well. We have reason to believe that he is traveling with Damien Vice and Aiden Langley. They are on the move, what should we do next?”

“Send Shayne.”

“Yes, my lord.” The man bowed, then exited to follow his orders.

Lucas stood silently on the edge of the cliff. The group had agreed to travel separately so they would not be noticed. They had also agreed to meet on the mountain where Lucas was now. He was standing on a large flat cliff, which jutted out of the side of the mountain. It was a beautiful sight, looking down on the clouds from the spot. Lucas very rarely had the chance to stop and enjoy sights like this, so he took advantage of them while he could.

The longer he waited for the others to reach him, the more anxious he became.

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