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Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

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Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:13 am


The Zodiac Braves

Long ago folks here had fancy technology.
Then they just up and left it all behind.
Later interlopers came and took your land.
Now it's time to fight for what's yours.
Leap into a gun-slinging wild west adventure

Long ago, There was once a primeval race which called itself the "Golden Tribe". They possessed many powers, including the ability to create Planets and see into the future. They created the race that was known "Silver Tribe", that are today called the Ancients. This race of beings lived alone on the planet, and was the first creation of the Golden Tribe. The Silver Tribe excelled in technology, and came in all different shapes and sizes, as well they had immense collasal power to their disposal, and they were the only beings, other than common fiends and animals to live on the earth at the time, but soon that would all change. The world began to change slowly, and the emotions of the Silver Tribe developed in such way that they felt that they were forced to rebel against the inferior Golden Tribe, who felt that they were greater than them, and that they did. A war broke out between the two, and the war lasted 100 years, up until the point where they equaled each other, and in the final battle, they had killed each other. They then dispersed into the air, and nothing was left, but the technology of the Silver Tribe, that had once exsisted, and no longer exsisted.

Then, humans were born into the spectrum of light, by a small seed known as the "Seed of Eden" which brought life to the world once more. There were many signs that battle had occurred, but this was a planet they would have no problem living, and developing on. They would call the world Filgaia, meaning 'New World' or 'New Terra'. The humans felt and had a strong belief that they had been born again through another means, and after developing the theory on what had occurred before, they felt as if they were the Silver and Gold tribe reincarnated into inferior beings, and that in this way they were forced to atone for their sins. Though some believed this, others believed that was a load of rubbish, and that they were just beings that were created through nature itself, as all other things are created. But still it did not matter how they felt about it, for they existed in harmony, and the had no problem with how they lived. Nothing was wrong, and all was well in the world that they called home. Nature seemed to help as they reconstructed the world to fit their needs. They would later be called the "Bronze Tribe"

Later, out of the blue, a race that were known for their supernatural abilities, otherwise known as "Iron Tribe", they seemed to rain down from the heavens, or otherwise the universe itself upon their world, and called it their home. They seemed almost exactly like humans, except they had supernatural abilities that were not at all normal. They all had different affinities, and different powers that made them unique, as well as a stunning tattoo on their bodies upon birth. They called themselves the higher ups of Humans, and that the humans had been born from them, but casted onto what they would call Earth. Everyone knew this was a load of rubbish, and when they came, they called themselves the Veruni, and began to rule over the Humans with their power, establish a world in which they could live in, above the humans. Some Veruni and Humans believed that one day they could exsist along side each other with no problems, while the others believed that the only solution was war.

Now, its time for the humans to rise to where they belong, and find out what's going on. Its time that the world is changed, and if human, that you get what was once yours, and what you rightfully deserve. Its time that you right back, and get what you know belongs to you. Or if you are a Veruni, its time that the humans learned where they belonged and they got back in their place. Its time that they are taught who are the true supremes of this world, and that it doesn't belong to them, but to you. Or if you are a true being, a pure hearted being, who in the end will rush for peace between the two races, you must make haste and do so, for another force is rising, controlling both sides behind the scenes. Become what you are meant and supposed to be, and gather with your brethren. The Zodiac Braves, must emerge and despite all odds, go against what's coming to them, and liberate the world of chaos that is about to ensue. Prepare for the greatest adventure that you have ever embarked on.


Each human is equipped by what is called a ARM. Though allot of variations of the ARMs are guns, those are not the only variations that exist, for they are in a summary like a weapon. They can be a sword, or a gauntlet, a suit of armor, but the weirdest thing about them is, they are obtained by mining and digging the remains of the Silver Tribe's weapons, and their body parts, and using them in invoations that humans use today to fight, or use in creating cities or robots, structures of any kind, etc. These ARMs are most commonly used in this story that is to be told, for battling, and on the battle field. The Scriptures of Germonique, that was written by what seems to be a Silver Tribe Elder, describes themselves, in the scripture below.

ARMs otherwise known as Artificial Remaining Molecularities, come in all shapes and sizes, but all have or once had a specific purpose. Within the ARMs is a incredible life force behind them, that is unknown and impossible to describe with words, and only the right user can unlock and use the ARM to its full potential. Almost like another being exists within the ARMs.

Furthermore, the ARMs are capable of transforming and growing more powerful on a steady or unsteady scale. This is only possible if that being has found the perfect ARM to match him/her completely. This rarely happens, and is most often seen with the elders who have and still posses ARMs. [All of the Zodiac Braves that have a ARM, will have their ARM develop and grow.]

These are the symbols that are on the bodies of the Veruni. These are said to stand for the being that exist within the Veruni, and the power that the particular Veruni is said to have. The MARK's can range from elemental, to necromancy, to chi powers, to any type of power on the scale or spectrum [So long as it is not godmodding]. These MARKs were said to have been given to them by the higher beings themselves, bestowed upon them as a gift of their obedience. The power also often matches the attitude that the particular person or character has. The MARKs in a summary is a excuse to have a specific power, or a range of powers. It is impossible to have more than one MARK, but it is possible for the MARK to grow, and with it, gain more power. The bigger MARKs tend to have more power than the smaller ones.

Scriptures of Germonique

This is said to have been scriptures recorded by the final Silver Tribe member to ever live. This was a summary on the events to have occurred, and the many things that existed in the world itself. The scriptures were soon in the hands of the Veruni, after being confiscated by them for the scriptures also told them of the future, and thus the Scriptures soon disappeared from the heads and the ears of any being on earth, never to be heard of again, by mainly anyone. They were known almost as if they were bible scriptures themselves, and when they disappeared, so did the disciples who followed the scriptures and followed the belief of reincarnation into humans, after previously being a Silver Tribe member belief.


A. I am expecting that we write as if we have sense, and use atleast basic forms of grammar and spelling:
1. No walls of text. Use proper forms of spacing and paragraphing.
2. Always try your best to spell, and get every word right. I recommend using spell check, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. For information on these Browsers and how to get them, simply ask.
3. No size altered text. This means I don't want to see extremely large or small text. If you do this, I will ignore your post.
4. If you use one color, use that same color throught the entire rp. I won't dis encourage this, since this can sometimes be helpful to tell who you are.

B. I am expecting that you will follow the basic rules that we go by here on Roleplaygateway:
1. Do not Godmode.
2. Do not Marry sue.
3. Do not Metagame unless nesscary.
4. No godmodding powers.
5. No trolling.
6. No OOC in the IC.
7. Please do not post and go back and forth between another person, leaving everyone behind. It is ok to post back and forth for a total of 5 posts each, before I ask that you wait on everyone else. But if we are split up into groups, then it is ok to post, until a certain point, that will always be specified.

C. I expect that everyone will be dedicated, and not abandon the roleplay, for everyone that joins is always important to the plot completely. This is part of making the roleplay fun, by having your character interact and become involved in the rp itself.
1. I ask that you post once a day, or once every two-three days unless you post with and excuse as to why you did not post.
2. I ask that you regularly check the OOC for information and for clarification on what's going on with me and others.
3. I ask that you please do not make anyone in here mortal enemies, for that is fatal to the rp.
4. Upon joining, you swear that you will set aside time just for this rp, or that you will remain committed.
5. You have read these rules, and at the bottom of your post you will put 'I Swear'
Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[u]Act i. The Profile[u]
[b]Birth Name[/b]: (The name given at the time of your character's birth!)
[b]Name[/b]: (The name your character goes by now!)
[b]Age[/b]: (Current or Apparent. Perhaps both!)
[b]Race[/b]: (Veruni or Human?)

[u]Act ii. The Diagnostics[/u]
[b]Height[/b]: (How tall you are!)
[b]Weight[/b]: (How much you weigh!)
[b]Hair[/b]: (What color/how long is your hair!)
[b]Eyes[/b]: (The color of your eyes!)
[b]Voice[/b]: (The sound of your voice!)
[b]Skin[/b]: (The color of your skin!)
[b]App[/b]: (Put a picture here, if you don't feel like doing the above, or simply do both. )

[u]Act iii. The Armament[/u]
(This is where you put the title of your ARM or MARK: And this is where the description of its powers go. And remember this is only the first form it will have, for as the story progresses, we will gain different forms of our MARK or ARM.)
[b]Weapon[/b]: (The weapon{s} your character uses!)
[b]Armor[/b]: (The armor your character wears!)
[b]Accessories[/b]: (An odd trinket, perhaps?)

[u]Act iv. The Dossier[/u]
[b]Likes[/b]: (What your character likes!)
[b]Dislikes[/b]: (What your character dislikes!)
[b]Attitude[/b]: (Rude and stubborn or brash and valiant?)
[b]Habit/Twitch[/b]: (Odd quirks or habits that define your character!)
[b]Quote[/b]: (Either a quote that fits or perhaps something your character may say!)

[u]Act v. The Glossary[/u] (For any terms others may be unfamiliar with)[/size]

You character sheets are to be posted here for review by me, using the above character sheet.
Questions and Answers

If you have any questions on the roleplay or the character sheet, then simply post your questions here so that I may answer them, or pm me your questions, so that I may answer them and post them in this section here, so that everyone knows. Thanks! Lets have a blast! ^_^

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Calnot on Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:34 am

Act i. The Profile
Birth Name: Zhivorir
Age: 63
Race: Veruni

Act ii. The Diagnostics
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Hair: Black, shaggy, a few inches long
Eyes: Green
Voice: Quiet and raspy, usualy a whisper
Skin: Pale white

Act iii. The Armament
Mark Name: Alemoshat
Mark Ability: Minor ability to manipulate molecules of air, capable of causing concussive damage.
Weapon: Two ST Kinetics CPW Submachine Guns, holstered at the sides of his chest.
Armor: Simple tactical uniform, black BDU's, all that jazz.

Act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Enjoys a good fight, and has a tendency to gamble. Also loves to drink.
Dislikes: Losing, any any way.
Attitude: Usually quiet and reserved, but can get riled up at times.
Habit/Twitch: Smokes.
Last edited by Calnot on Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saken on Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:44 am

Not done yet, of course.
Birth Name: Ignis, Pulchritudo Vita (Fire, Beauty, Life.)
Name: Kindle
Age: 120, appears to be around 19-26

[u]act ii. The Diagnostics
Height: 4 foot 9 inches.
Weight:100 pounds.
Hair: Dark, dark red. (Like In this pic: ... e.jpg?o=49 )
Eyes: Mercury, no whites or puiples
Voice:Low in pitch, slightly husky/rough.
Skin: Tanned a golden brownish.
App: Image

act iii. The Mark
Color: A red-orange color, with a blue outline.
Design: A cat, made of fire that stretches a crossed her back, paws on each hip. (The Picture of her appearance is wrong- she also has the actual eye tattoo, but its useless.)
( ... telfic.jpg )

act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Colors, fighting, teasing.
Dislikes: How pridefull her race has gotten, the war.
Attitude: Much like fire, her mood can change fast, from shy, to angered. Outspoke, and able to consume things, she tries to be the best she can be.
Habit/Twitch: Chewing on her lower lip, and hiding her eyes. She also likes to stalk, yes stalk, humans she finds interesting. Always has fire on her, or a picture besides her Mark.
Quote: Ignis Fideles Defendit (Fire protects the faithful ones)

act v. The Glossary (For any terms others may be unfamiliar with)[/size]
Mercury, my own view of the color. A red-brown, almost like blood but tinted darker.
Last edited by Saken on Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:23 am

Act i. The Profile
Name: Date Inferno
Age: 24
Race: Human

Act ii. The Diagnostics
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: His hair is a darkish bloody red. It hangs and dangles right above his eyes.
Eyes: His eyes are the color of a orange flame on a stove, burning nice and bright.
Voice: Determined and loud, and sometimes a irritated kind of voice
Skin: Normal tan like white

Act iii. The Armament
Vårdslös Fire [Reckless Fire]: This skill is otherwise known as Reckless Fire, but isn't indeed fire. Its actually a weapon, that was formally known as Shell Bullet. This weapon was said to be the arm Silver Tribe Leader, Goldoa before his death, and founded by Date. Date has been training with this weapon since he was 17 years old, after he found it in another mining operation in the mountains. He has always been interested in battle, and thus he had always grown to use this weapon to its potential, though their is a problem with the weapon itself. This weapon feeds off immense pain to his arm, destroying the structure of the arm, and attempting to reconfigure his arm for the use of the ARM itself. If he would have worn it earlier, then it could have adapted without pain, but at the age of 17, his bones were already done adapting, or close to done, so thus the ARM causes damage to the arm, by reconfiguring it, causing temporary paralysis to the arm. Though this is the case, he continues to use the arm, despite the health technicalities and such it can cause to his arm, and to his arteries.
Weapon: Mosin-Nagant 3407 RKV Carbine: A basic Coilgun carbine, this weapon fires .381 caliber shells from a twenty-two-bullet drum magazine. The handle is made from high-strength black polymers, while the barrel and breach are made from heat resistant titanium-iridium alloy. The gun’s power cells last exactly six-hundred-thirty shots before requiring a recharge. This gun was given to him by his grand-father for when he goes into the mountains, in case he is ambushed.
Armor: None. Basic modern clothes that will be explained thought the role play.
Accessories: -Editing-

Act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Fighting, Sleeping, Video games, Girls, and money
Dislikes: Annoying bitches, anything that can annoy him, evil villans, stupid cartoon shows, idiots who think they can beat him. Someone saying they are better than him. And losing.
Attitude: He is a brash character, who thinks about himself in the long run, and has never been the type to believe in helping or protecting much of anyone, besides those that are most close to him. To get close to him takes much work that is hard to get used to, and his attitude towards battle is astonishing, always wanting to fight, and being fueled by battle, is someone of a curse that he has been given for always having a knack for wanting to battle.
Habit/Twitch: Cussing, telling people off. Sleeping, and chewing gum.
Quote: ""Remember my name, and pray you never hear it again. Cause next time you hear it, you're dead meat... Date Inferno..."

Act v. The Glossary None

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xiphoniii on Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:52 am

This might take a while. I'm at school, with a limited time, so excuse me if I edit later...
Let me know if he looks too modern......

Act i. The Profile[u]
Birth Name: Honip A. Vale
Name: Still Honip, Alias -Xiphon
Age: 19
Race: Human

[u]Act ii. The Diagnostics

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 119 Lbs.
Hair: A bit long, dirty blond
Eyes: Green
Voice: Lilting and light, but deepens to a low and quiet tone when angered.
Skin: Pale

Act iii. The Armament
Negris His boots, through the redistribution of air, allow him to run more quickly, jump higher, or even skate along the ground at high speeds when used.
Weapon: A series of throwing knives concealed within his clothing, and two daggers
Armor: Not much, it slows him down. He does sometimes wear knee pads and elbow pads with one small two inch metal spike on each.
Accessories: a metal chain necklace, with a small metal hawk attached

Act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Going fast, flying high, thinking.
Dislikes: Stupid people, doing nothing, being ignored.
Attitude: Honorable, and follows his own personal code. He also follows the "Path of Wings". He believes females deserve the highest respect possible, and would do much for his friends. When in combat, he operates on speed. He uses the philosophy of instead of being able to take a hit, just don't get hit. Thus, he is really fast, but not too tough. (will add more)
Habit/Twitch: Tends to think a lot, and sometimes goes too fast for his own good.
Quote: "I recommend you get under something. With me, death usually comes from above."

Act v. The Glossary
Path of Wings - A way of life in which people involved try to go as high as they can without actually flying.
Last edited by Xiphoniii on Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ImageImage ImageImage

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:49 pm

Everyone so far has been accepted, we just need two more people before we kick off, and head off into a world of adventure.

Also, Saken, in your profile I didn't see your power. Did I missread it?

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saken on Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:52 pm

You cant tell?

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:01 pm

I know what it is, but I know that anyone else that looks at it might not be able to tell >_>......Nevermind its kinda obvious,

Anyways. 2 more people as stated, and we are set.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OniIgnasha on Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:37 pm

If anything is wrong, I can change it.

Act i. The Profile
Birth Name: Kari Mary Sheppard
Name: Kari
Age: 20

Act ii. The Diagnostics
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Dark brown that goes all the way to her butt
Eyes: Amber
Voice: Sweet and kind like a spring wind
Skin: Cream

Act iii. The Armament
The Lethal 4-A set of four revolvers each able to hold 12 rounds. Their full potential is not yet know. All four guns are made of a dark metal, the weight being heavier then most hand sized revolvers and each has it's own place. The bullets that are used are a strange blend of metals that are specially designed for the larger barrel.
Weapon: A set of four twelve round guns, all mater and were made at the same time and with the same materials.
Armor: Mainly just her clothing, but she does have a breast place, leggings, boots, and a helmet, all made of a different material then her guns.
Accessories: A necklace with a strange three star symbol on it.

Act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Tea, the sun, wind, rain, heat, and cats
Dislikes: Heights, snow, blood, and snakes
Attitude: Her outward attitude is a bit harsh and cold, but she is normally just a laid back girl who enjoys a good fight now and then
Habit/Twitch: Her right eyebrow twitches when she gets mad.
Quote: "Yea.. I'm good like that."

Act v. The Glossary (For any terms others may be unfamiliar with)[/size]

[I swear]
Last edited by OniIgnasha on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
"When you wish upon a star... I will kill you, near or far..."

(01:10:26) [NPC] Bartender: Esari rolls 3d6 and gets 6,6,6.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:39 pm

Act i. The Profile
Birth Name:

Act ii. The Diagnostics
160 lbs.
Dark Teal
Pale Blue

Act iii. The Armament
A serpent like symbol on his left cheek.
Using the wings on his back, Aloen is able to fluently manipulable the air - wind - around him; he however is unable to manipulate the natural course of air - no controlling natural, earth-born wind currents. Able to shrink down to a minuscule size, taking on the appearance as a fairy, pixie, etc.
Not needing the use of a blade, especially since wind alone has the power to cut through steel with enough force behind it, he carries a shield in which has a very special surprise for Aloen's foes.
None, Aloen himself not really being known as a fighter in general. Plus, flying becomes rather tough when you have a ton of metal to haul around.

Act iv. The Dossier

Act v. The Glossary
Last edited by Maestro on Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:23 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 am

OniIgnasha wrote:If anything is wrong, I can change it.

Act i. The Profile
Birth Name: Kari Mary Sheppard
Name: Kari
Age: 20

Act ii. The Diagnostics
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Dark brown that goes all the way to her butt
Eyes: Amber
Voice: Sweet and kind like a spring wind
Skin: Cream

Act iii. The Armament
(This is where you put the title of your ARM or MARK: And this is where the description of its powers go. And remember this is only the first form it will have, for as the story progresses, we will gain different forms of our MARK or ARM.)
Weapon: A set of four twelve round guns, all mater and were made at the same time and with the same materials.
Armor: Mainly just her clothing, but she does have a breast place, leggings, boots, and a helmet, all made of a different material then her guns.
Accessories: A necklace with a strange three star symbol on it.

Act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Tea, the sun, wind, rain, heat, and cats
Dislikes: Heights, snow, blood, and snakes
Attitude: Her outward attitude is a bit harsh and cold, but she is normally just a laid back girl who enjoys a good fight now and then
Habit/Twitch: Her right eyebrow twitches when she gets mad.
Quote: "Yea.. I'm good like that."

Act v. The Glossary (For any terms others may be unfamiliar with)[/size]

[I swear]

Only one thing. Is your ARM going to be your main weapons which are the guns? In that case it would be best to take the Weapon's in the weapon section and give them a name and put them in the line above that says 'This is where you put the title of your ARM or Mark', since the Zodiac Braves were throught to have them.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OniIgnasha on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:46 am

I have altered the profile to include the guns in the place where AMRS would be.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:08 am

Everything else is nice! Very nice profile ^__^

Oh and everyone who has joined so far, go read the rules before we get started, while Near finishes his profile.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Big Boss on Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:13 am

Is there still room for an old role player like myself?

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:17 am

Always ^__^ Come right on in and join the ride.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Big Boss on Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:54 am

Act i. The Profile[u]
Birth Name: Vicious Valentino
Name: The Cowboy Samurai
Age: 27
Race: Human

[u]Act ii. The Diagnostics

Height: 5'10
Weight: 170
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blood Red
Voice: The guy that talks at 1:23 in the video.
Skin: Pale

Act iii. The Armament
Weapon: Hitokiri (Man-Slayer) a large Gun blade that hangs off his back. Despite the gun blade being on his back he is able to draw it and attack in one motion and strike with great speed and precision. But the blade is just one of the things to worry about on the gun blade. Not only can he melee he can attack from great ranges with the large cannon like gun. He can also load it with different kind of shell's like his Anti-Personnel that explode in to a fairy inferno or Armor Pricing rounds that can rip through solid wall and metal. He carry's two side arms as well his twin Yin & Yang revolvers that are black and white.
Armor: Doesn't have anything Beside his cowboy hat but all that can block is the sun light.
Accessories: The star key chain at the end of his gun blade.

Act iv. The Dossier
Likes: Cigarettes and Whiskey
Dislikes: People
Attitude: Vicious is cunning and ambitious. He stays quiet most of the time he's not one for small talk.
Habit/Twitch: Is a chain smoker.
Quote: "The Blood of a beast still runs through my veins no matter how much blood I bleed away."

Act v. The Glossary (For any terms others may be unfamiliar with)[/size]
Last edited by Big Boss on Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:51 am

Make a space above Weapon, and add the name of your gunblade, along with a big of description. Leave the Weapon as it is, but everyone who is human needs a primary special weapon, that will evolve and such later on.

(Keyblade name): (Description of the keyblade)

After that you are set, and we can start soon as Near finishes his,

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:06 am

Just go ahead and start, I'll post later and finish my profile.

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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Big Boss on Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:30 pm

Læment wrote:Make a space above Weapon, and add the name of your gunblade, along with a big of description. Leave the Weapon as it is, but everyone who is human needs a primary special weapon, that will evolve and such later on.

(Keyblade name): (Description of the keyblade)

After that you are set, and we can start soon as Near finishes his,

Yea was thinking of one. Uh I think I got one I will post it now.

Fixed it.

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Big Boss
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Re: Wild Arms: The Zodiac Braves [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:08 pm

I will have the roleplay up tommorow due to me having to sponsor and judge a Roleplaygateway tournament that is occuring right now in the battle arena. Sorry for the delay, but your delay is not in vain, for it will begin just when I said, and it will be quite fun ^___^

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