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Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution


a part of “Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution”, a fictional universe by Crooked Thoughts.

They tag us like animals and monitor us like children. We mustn't let this continue! It is time we rebel, time we fight; it is time for a revolution! Brothers and sisters, Anarchy needs you... Won't you join us?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

[OOC] WTD:TR-Races&Classes

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:46 pm

Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution
Races & Classes

This thread is for the RP, Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution. It is to display and explain the different races and classes of the specific RP world. If you notice any grammar or spelling errors, please alert me. I won't lie, after typing all of this, I was too lazy to go back over it. Just build a list (hopefully its not that many) and PM it to me. Also if you have any further questions, PM me. There are links below to help navigate to the other pages of the RP as well as a contents listing. And if you are not part of this RP and would like to be, either PM me or use the below links to go to the RP and join. However this final rule goes for everyone: PLEASE DO NOT POST HERE!

    NOTE: To help you navigate the page better, press CTRL+F, then type in the key next to each topic in the content listing.
      Ex: Press CTRL+F, then enter A4 to take you directly to the Celestine topic.


1. Race - A1
2. Synthetic - A2
3. Human - A3
4. Celestine - A4
5. Anthrope - A5
6. Cybernetic - A6
7. Cyborg - A7
8. Hybrid - A8
9. Devoid - A9
10. Robot - B1
11. Droid - B2
12. Drone - B3
13. V.I. - B4
13. Classes - B5
1. Roleplay Tab
2. OOC Page
3. Announcement Page
4. Player Directory
5. Character Directory
6. Information Page
7. Groups Page
8. Races & Classes Page
9. Technology Page

In this future earth, there are two species of people: synthetic and cybernetic. Each side has three degrees humanity, each varying from the next. But, there is no mixing of the two, for political and biological reasons. No matter what a person's parents were: splitter and splicer, their child will always be born neutral. However the kid might have a natural affinity for the element their parent was or slightly enhanced or dehanced abilities because of the animal splice their parent was. And for obvious reasons, no one can be born machine. So no matter, children will always be born neutral.

For this same reason, a synthetics cannot obtain cybernetic upgrades and vice versa. Once the body has accepted one, it will not accept another. The same can be said for a splitter trying to become an splicer, except even worse. Where as a splitter might have a useless robotic arm, a splitter trying to have splicer capabilities can have nasty side effects. The worst case scenario is eventual or sudden death. There aren't even doctors or scientist around who will even attempt such a risky procedure.

    Also called artificial or man-made, Synthetics are the closet things to humanity on earth today. When a person loses a limb or has a bad organ, it is replaced with a synthetically made one. Advances in stem cell research, organ farming, and other medical breakthroughs, have made miracle simple everyday procedures. By age 18, the average human has had at least one or two synthetic operations. A doctor can even fix birth side effects, like autism or mental retardation. Disease, addiction, the paralyzed, none of these are no longer irreversible problems. This has allowed humans to live for much longer lengths of time. It is not unheard for a man to live to be 150 and have the appearance of a 50 year old and the physical attributes of a 20 year old. Now perfection is almost obtainable.

    • Human: The starting point for everything, humans are the foundation for every race. However, in today's society nobody stays completely human for long. Humanity is considered a thing of the past, something considered to be retro. But humans are no longer the fragile little creatures they used to be. Life expectancy has increased, plus they are a lot smarter, stronger, and faster.A3

    • Celestine: Celestine may appear human, but they have a major difference that sets them apart. This is their ability to use certain "powers". By receiving a chemical injection, humans are able to accomplish great feats, like spit flames, instantly freeze objects, or throw lighting bolts. They are able to do this by introducing a chemical liquid known as the Herculean Formula to their body. After that, they are able to use the power of their choice.A4

        Celestine get their power from the Herculean Formula. It was developed by the army as part of super soldier program. It wasn't until the year 2200 that it was made available to the public. Fifty years later, the formula was worldwide and old news. They are still developing new powers and working on better versions of the formula as their are still harmful side effects. Overexposure to the formula or incorrect dosage of the serums can result in: death, power deficiency, insanity, and/or other undesired effects. But, there is no need to worry as they have perfected one version of the formula, which is the one available to the public. Other versions are restricted to testing and soldiers of the U.S. military.

        The Herculean formula works by introducing modified stem cells into the body, which allows for genetic modifications and mutation, therefore enabling the user access to his/her powers. However, the formula only equips the user's body with the ability to handle the powers of their choice. It is the serum they take afterwards which gives them powers. But, before the user can choose serums, they must pick one of two formulas made available. There are others version of the formula which offer different things, but because of their unstablity they are unaccessible to civilians.

        • T-1: The T1 version of the formula is only temporary. It is designed for users who have not made up their minds about what power they want. The formula is made to hold the power for up to 24hrs and fade away. The formula itself is also temporary, lasting for only a week or so. After that the user must decide if the Celestine life is for them and what power they want, otherwise there is waiting period before the user can be subjected to the formula again. This is also one of two formulas that is civilian accessible.

        • EGV-11: Eternal Glory Version 11, is the only perfected formula and the only other one civilian accessible. This is because out of the other 5 formula variants, this is the only one without any side effects. Even the the T1 is considered flawed because of its temporary factor.

          The formula is named for its effect to give ever lasting power. Once the formula has been introduced to the users body, they then have to take their selected serum and they will forever have access to that and only that power. However, power strength does dwindle down over the years, so regular check ups are in order if you want to be at full strength.

        • DES-47: Divinity Experimental Series 47, is the only variant still in the experimental stage. This version of the formula hasn't even made it human trials, though there are some military volunteers recorded. Divinity gets its name because it is supposed to enable the user to wield multiple powers. Which it successfully does, but it also causes unavoidable side effects. The most common seen, is Insanity: Serum Thirst.

          Serum Thirst is where the patient thinks they need to constantly consume serum for whatever different reason. In most cases this is not true and will lead to even more problems, or death; though in one human trial the user actually did need to consume serum in order to stay healthy and have regular use of powers. No matter how many powers the user's try to take on, the results are always the same. For this reason, Divinity will stay in experimental trials and may even be deemed a failure and be discontinued.

        • GEV-03: Great Equalizer Version 3, is a unique variant of the formula that requires no serum, it is a power on its own. The power inherited by this formula is the ability to: drain and borrow others powers. Those who have this power are able to borrow another power, just from a simple touch. The power is then there's for the time period of week or until they make contact with another Celestine.

          The power to drain works the same way, except the user must keep contact. They are then able to temporarily disable the targets power. However if contact is held for too long, they could completely drain the target and potentially kill them. For this reason, this variant is only available to law enforcement and military personnel only. But, with proper training, they learn how to turn that specific ability on and off.

          But like DES-47, this formula has its faults. The worst side effect one can get from GEV-03 is Insanity: Power Hunger. Power Hunger is a lot like Serum Thirst, except the user must get the serum from a host and feels they must drain every drop from them. So potentially, this is much worse. Good thing, it doesn't happen often but. Scientist believe they have traced the problem to be physiological since all who have suffered from it have similar personality flaws.

        • N-07: Neutralizer 7, is unlike every other variant, because instead of giving powers it takes them away. Like GEV-03 it is made for law enforcement officers, but mainly prison guards. This formula is designed to temporarily remove ones power, it can also permanently do so, but to do that is to also risk death. Little amounts can make a Celestine powers fumble, but to correctly disable them for months, there are a lot of variables to consider. So prisons just give out small amounts mixed in with water and food.

        The substance in which gives Celestine their actual powers. So far there are only 22 Serums available, but Omega Genetics are currently developing more. But, once you have mastered a power, you notice just how much you can do and that having one power is like having a million. There are several brands, which include different types to choose from, so for now there are more than enough to keep the public happy.

          Brand: Elemental Manipulators

          Celestine with the power to channel, create, and manipulate a certain type of element through their body. The government was iffy about releasing these powers amongst civilians as they all could be used for evil and destructive purposes, so there effects are severely watered down. These powers are nothing compared to the ones made available to military soldiers.

          • Chromatic: Can project light, and have the ability to change color, light and shades like a chameleon. The user basically becomes invisible to the naked eye.

          • Electrical: Can absorb, channel, create, and manipulate electricity.

          • Thermal: Can absorb, channel, create, and manipulate fire or cold; not both.

          • Sonic: Can control sound waves.

          • Botanical: Can control and manipulate plants.

          • Geological: Can control earth.

          Brand: Molecular Masters

          Celestine who can manipulate their body structure and molecular density in various ways. These are the first serums made available to civilians as they have no real criminal use. However they did reduce the max speed of the Propulsive Serum, so that cameras could still make out who they were even at top speed.

          • Propulsive: The ability to move at high speeds.

          • Replication: The ability to duplicate solid objects.

          • Elasticity: The ability to change their shape or size.

          • Regeneration: The ability to heal and repair tissues and limbs.

          Brand: Psychic Maelstroms

          Celestine who have heightened mental abilities. Celestine with these powers must pass a very thorough background check and there actions are heavily monitored even after they pass. However most who pick these powers usually end up using them for good purposes.

          • Telepath: Can read other peoples thoughts.

          • Teleportation: The ability to teleport anywhere they can optically see.

          • Force Field Control: Is the ability to erect protective forcefields and manipulate them at will.

          • Animal Control: Is the ability to communicate with and control animals.

          • Telekinetic: Can move solid objects with their minds.

          • Empath: Can feel and, to various degrees, manipulate the emotions of others.

          • Technopath: Can mentally connect with machines and control them.

          • Precognitive: Able to receive visions.

          Brand: Superhuman Feats

          These are Celestine with enhanced powers that they already possessed as a normal human. These are the most popular of all serums, especially among sports players.

          • Adoptive Muscle Memory: Also referred to as muscle mimicry, is the ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed once.

          • Enhanced Memory: Is the ability to quickly absorb and accurately retain great amounts of information.

          • Enhanced Strength: Is the ability to exert greater than normal physical force.

          • Flight: Is the ability to propel oneself through the air.

          Brand: Forbidden Methods

          These are created serums that were made off limits to civilians due to their dangerous and criminal use. Somehow street geneticist were able to get hold of samples and are now selling them, but they are incredibly dangerous and you are risking your life by taking one.

          • Phoenix Mimicry: Is the ability to take on the characteristics of a phoenix. This includes ability to fly, produce healing tears, pyrokinesis, and the obvious, reincarnation from one's ashes.

          • Illusionist: Can create and project illusions to other people.

          • Pain Synthesizer: Can project pain into others.

          • Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects.

          • Impervious: The ability to increase their mass so they are invulnerable to projectile weapons.

          • Chemical: Can project chemical substances, such as acids, from their bodies.

          Brand: Adverse Side Effects

          These are side effects of ill-created serums. Therefore they have created new powers within themselves. Celestine with these powers are rare and few.

          • Bone Spike Protrusion: Originally a healing serum, however due to mistakes it resulted in the ability to produce a mass of bone spikes that protrude outward from the user's body.

          • Umbrakinesis: An experimental serum that was banned because of its side effects to the user's psyche and unappealing physical changes. The serum gave the user the ability to deactivate photons and literally generate and manipulate darkness.

          • Bliss & Horror: A failed empathy serum, resulted in the ability bring about feelings of bliss and horror in others.

          • Granulation: An irregular and random side effect of the Geological Serum, results in the ability to convert matter, including humans, into sand or dust.

        Celestine and there powers are monitored. They are globally ranked by what powers they have and what they can do. The level of their powers are separated into three tiers: 1 - Basic, 2 - Advanced, 3 - Expert. Civilians will never be able to surpass Tier 1 because the serums made available to them are diluted. Military and Law Enforcement however can easily achieve Tier 2, because they are allowed to have true serums. But, those who reach tier 3 are rare, but not few. It takes a lot of training and regular serum consumption which is dangerous.

        Those who achieve that level are closely monitored, but since most of them fight for good, the government isn't too worried. However it is possible for civilians with ordinary serums to reach this level. There are certain humans with natural affinities for these powers. Some are are just naturally gifted, others have sort of an inherited gift. Though it is possible to directly pass on powers, kids of Celestine parents still might have a natural calling to the powers their parents had.

    • Anthrope: Part human/part animal, Anthropes are the unique combination of human and the patient's select animal, fish, bird, dinosaur, insect, whatever. As long as you can provide a DNA sample of what you would like to be spliced with, then the sky is the limit. There are two types of Anthrope's, Aesthetic and Beast. Aesthetic's are spliced for appearance purposes only, usually only adding tails, ears, fangs, skin color, etc. Beast, however want the whole nine. Not only do they look like the animal, but they may even act like them and have a few of that animal's abilities.A5

        As stated before there are two types of anthropes. Each type is based on the patient's choice of how they want to look. If the patient wants to remain human like, but with animal like appendages, then that is possible. Or if the patient wants to look like a humanoid version of the animal, even possessing some of that animals special features, then this is possible. Either way, the patient has to undergo a surgery and gene splice.

        Once the patient decides what type of anthro they want to be, they then decide what animal they want to be spliced with. There are 6 parts of the animal kingdom they can choose from: amphibian, bird, fish, mammal, reptile, and insect. Once a section is chosen, the choices are cut once more as they have to chose what exact animal. It is all down hill after that and no going back. No matter what a choice a person makes, the change is still mostly surface level. There may be a few internal changes, but nothing major. Not even in reproduction. This is so no matter what a child will be born human, even if the parents are Beast Anthro.

        • Aesthetic Anthrope: This type of anthrope has only gone through surface level changes or physical. Patients who choose this, only undergo surgery and not gene splicing. Therefore the process can be reversed or upgraded. Aesthetic anthros have the bonus option of having surgery to gain the features of mythological and fabled creatures. Because the surgery is cosmetic is the only reason why this is possible. However this choice is not reversible, mostly because the closer you resemble the animal, the harder it is to go back. Aesthetic's also do not develop any of the animal's abilities or natural skills.

        • Beast Anthrope: This type is for patients who want to truly be part animal. The patient will not only look like the animal, but may even act like them as well. They will also get certain abilities those animal possess. This is known as Synchronization. As a human becomes more like the animal, they become more in sync until they eventually reach perfection. By the time this happens, the person will be completely different from who they used to be. Some even change their name as well as lifestyle to go along with their new body.

    The unique fusion of humanity and robotics, is known as cybernetics. This major leap in technology, has spanned a tree which is still branching off and reaching new heights. To become a cybernetic is to defy humanity and religion. This is how most see it anyway, and it is partly true. Once a human has gone through the cybernetic surgery, they are no longer weighed down by what makes them human. No longer are you required to breath, eat, sleep, drink, urinate. The process is so seamless, that it is almost impossible to tell the difference, between human and cybernetic. Humans can even become Devoid. This is a process where a human is converted into a machine, however this operation is more so mental and not physical.

    • Cyborg: Possibly the most human of all cybernetics, Cyborgs are only part machine. Meaning because of certain circumstances, they have a robotic arm, eye, leg, or some roboticly replaced limb or organ. Becoming a cyborg is usually the first step to becoming a 100% cybernetic. Because once they see what it is like to have one robotic part, they tend to want another.A7

    • Hybrid: The middle of the cybernetic spectrum, Hybrids are the perfect mixture of the two. They are usually what people refer to when they say cybernetic, but the professional term is Hybrid. Hybrids are about 70% machine and 30% human. They still posses most of their major organs, the ones that make them human, but they also have robotic upgrades, which make them better than humans. No longer are there just veins running through the body, but wires as well. To become a Hybrid is to be reborn.A8

    • Devoid: Devoid can be hybrids, cyborgs, or have no machine parts whatsoever, but there is one key detail that has earned them their spot at the end of the cybernetic spectrum. Devoid have undergone a process which makes them void of any feelings or emotions, they can even have their memories altered if they wish. For this reason, people say Devoid are the least human of all. Devoid can also void the need for other human necessities, like: breathing, eating, sleeping, drinking, urination, etc.

    This classification are for those who didn't began as a human, but a pile of parts. However, due to technology they appear more human than the real things. Robots have become more advanced through the years in terms of thinking. Some respond to simple commands while other are able to think on their own, there are even some that take it further than that. Robots are capable of just as many things as a human is. They can do anything from simple civilian tasks to complex combat maneuvers.

    • Droid: Droids are robots built in the image of humanity. Their appearance and mannerism are designed to make them integrate into humanity without flaw. And with todays technology and sophisticated A.I., they have done their job well. Being able to tell if a person is a droid or a human is almost impossible.B2

        The first droid was not perfect, so right after it's creation, people were already trying to design something more life-like. This trend continued until two variants existed, both portraying human life at its best. Which one is better is just a matter of preference, some people say one does its job too well. Either way they both make up a half of the robotic population.

        • Androids: The older brother to biodroids, androids are similar to them in many ways. The difference is they ACT like humans and biodroids ARE human-like. Some consider androids to be obsolete while others think of them as perfections. They correctly do what they are made to do without threatening to replace the human race. But, they are immortal and lack many other aspects of humanity, for this reason they were thought to be imperfect.

        • Biodroids: A unique version of an andriod, Biodroids are the most human-like robots today. They are deigned to grow as they age, and are born instead of created. Biodroids dream, think, and even feel, they also require food, oxygen, sleep, and water to survive. Humans and Biodroids only differ in a few areas. Their skeletal frame are two times stronger, they are also disease resistance, and don't require as much to keep them alive or healthy.

            Biodroids are born through the same process as humans, except it takes place in a bio-tube. Inside the tube are bio-nanobots which are responsible for building the biodroid. The end result is just as random as birth, but, it can be controlled. Until the brain is formed, the nanobots can be controlled just like any others can. But, after that the robots will only take orders from the brain. So scientist can order the robots on what the biodroid will look like or they can leave it up to them.

            There is also another way to influence the outcome. By adding DNA to the bio-nanobots they will construct a biodroid based on the combination of DNA or just that one sample. So this process is ideal for couples or individual wanting children.

            As stated before the only difference in humans and biodroids is there resistance, but there are other key details. Biodroids skeletal frames are much stronger than humans, their bones are almost metallic are at least seems that way. But, just like human bones, when enough pressure is applied they break and/or shatter, and they can then be mended and healed. Their blood is still red, but it is a lot thicker. In fact if placed in container of water, the two liquids would separate. Their skin is a inch thicker and their hair is a lot stronger and heavier. Plus since they heal faster and human diseases do not affect them. But, because biodroids are robots, they are also effected by things like EMPs. It is assumed that they would also be affected by computer viruses if they could organically be made.

            Besides those key differences, there is one more that sticks out: reproduction. Humans + biodroids cannot reproduce, however biodroids + biodroids can. This is because neither of the other cells can survive in the others body.
    • Drone: Drones are robots of the most basic functions to complex ones. They are everyday robots, used for civilian duties, like helping with cleaning, cooking, or other household chores. There are also combat drones used for military or security purposes. They are made to simply follow the orders of their master, but above all else they are to abide by the Three Laws of Robotics.B3

        There are a lot of different types of drones, which are can be divided into three groups. Service, Combat, and War, these are the three models of drones. Each have a specific duty within the human world.

        • Service Drones: The most human like of the three. Service drones are designed to make human life easier or less mundane. They can easily do anything a human can and can be seen everywhere from households to job sites. Due to laws they cannot replace humans as the main work force, but they can be allowed to do less appeasing jobs or life threatening. Also when it comes to intelligence, they are the smartest with the most basic of artificial intelligence. Since they are the less lethal of the three they are capable of thinking on their own. This is also the only class of drone that follow the three laws of robotics.

        • Combat Drones: A step up on the scale of robot lethality, Combat Drones are the soldiers models. They are more commonly seen doing security and guard work. They have no artificial intelligence of any kind, but follow fixed, minimally adaptive programs. They are programmed to do simple tasks like guard, defend, patrol, and of course attack. Their appearance is almost always basic, not many want to spend the extra money have them dolled up.

        • War Drones: Giant machines of death and destruction. War Drones are like tanks, except more versatile and lethal. They have a humanoid like structure, with shoulder mounted missile launchers, gatling gun and rail cannon arms, they are affectionately ranked as Anti-Existence since they can effectively combat anything from land, air, to sea. These machines work on a simple point and destroy basis. But, because they are so advanced and expensive few militaries can say they own one.
    • V.I. (Virtual Intelligence): Are an advanced form of user interface software. VI's use a variety of methods to simulate natural conversation , including audio interface and an avatar personality to interact with. However they are not self-aware, nor can they learn or take independent action. They are used as operating systems for commercial and home computers. Some serve as personal secretaries, filtering calls and scheduling meetings based on user-defined priories. Others are advanced search engines, propagating themselves across the extranet to collate user-requested data.


Classes don't have as much to do with the RP as they do characters. They are merely skill sets attached to fancy titles. Your character may have one or the maximum of two, they don't even have to have any at all. And just because your character doesn't have a class doesn't mean they can't do something, it just means they don't do that certain something as well as someone who does. Some of theses classes are race specific while others enable characters to perform certain feats; they each do something different. The main purpose of this is so that not everyone will be able to do the same thing and to place limits on characters. So choose wisely or not all.B5

    Gun Kata Practitioner
    This is a class based on a gun-fighting martial art discipline. It is based upon the premise that, given the positions of the participants in a gun battle, the trajectories of fire are statistically predictable. By pure memorization of the positions, one can fire at the most likely location of an enemy without aiming at him in the traditional sense of pointing a gun at a specific target. By the same token, the trajectories of incoming fire are also statistically predictable, so by assuming the appropriate stance, one can keep one's body clear of the most likely way of enemy bullets. Characters with this class are skilled with guns and have no problem in situations when they are outnumbered and out gunned.

    Super Celestine
    This class is only for Celestine. It is for those who have reached a certain level of mastery with their power(s). They can perform 2nd and even 3rd tier moves. Which are very complex techniques usually only achieved by special ops with military grade serums. Celestine on this power level are constantly being watched by the government because of how dangerous they are. Because of this, they don't show off their talent, they keep their abilities secret. Others, chose to show the world their strength and do either great good or bad with them. But, no matter what they do, they are likely to have their powers nulled and maybe locked away forever. Below are examples of what those techniques might be.

      Ex; Flame Thermal Celestine:
        Tier 1: Streams, Projectiles, Manipulation/Creation
        Tier 2: Producing flames from other areas, Increased precision and temperature, Area Techniques
        Tier 3: Power Increase, Channeling/Absorption, Grander Techniques
      Ex; Telepath Celestine:
        Tier 1: Read Thoughts
        Tier 2: Push Thoughts
        Tier 3: Brain Control

    Cybernetic Warrior
    This is a class for cybernetics who chose to turn their bodies into weapons. Every body modification isn't to make their life better or health reasons, it is instead just another tool of destruction. Their skin is armor, eyes are scopes, hands are guns, and their feet are jets; literally they are a one man army. Cybernetics of this level of lethality require special permits and licenses to even walk the streets. But of course there are those who do things illegally. Either way, having this class will allow you to do so.

    Combat God
    This class is for characters who skills are so unparalleled it is like fighting a god. They are incredibly talented in hand-to-hand combat or wielding a weapon, know multiple fighting styles, and have trained for years. Going into a gun fight with just their bare hands, is no cause for stress or fear. These are the guys that are surrounded by 10-20 enemies and walk away with a smile on their face. Having this class gives you that extra edge in NPC fights as well as PVP.

    Cyber Ninja
    This is a specialized class for characters of a unique occupation. Ninjas, secret agents, spies, assassins, hit-men, contract killers, murders, thieves, rogues, robbers, etc. What all these occupations have in common is their love of stealth and death. For that reason, this is for characters good with future stealth tech, cyber suits, and the arts of assassination and stealing. Characters with this class are well trained in disguise and impersonation, stealth and entering methods, escaping and concealment, strategy and tactics, and sabotage and espionage. They also face no more moral dilemmas when taking another life and usually do not care about losing their own.

    Alpha Anthrope
    This class is only for Anthro's, mainly those who have gotten in touch with their inner animal. This process is also known as Perfect Synchronization, except this is a greater experience. Characters of this class have been spliced with superior DNA of that specific animal breed, usually belonging to one that was dominant, in other words the alpha. Because of this their borrowed abilities and skills are greater, even their senses are better. They also seem to take on more of the animals qualities, features, and personality. It has even been seen that they can communicate or at least understand the animal they have been spliced with.

    AMP Master
    This class is for those who have mastered AMP Gear. Characters of this class use both types of AMPs for offensive, defensive, and support reasons. They are very hard to control, anyone misusing them can very well end up dead. But, once mastered a person can jump from the top of 40 story buildings, survive the impact and walkaway as if they did nothing. This class is a necessity if you plan on having a character who manipulates AMPs.

    Web Assassin
    This class is for those skilled in the art of hacking. Hackers have evolved and risen from the underground, to the light of the outside world. Being a hacker is no longer a hobby or something to hide, it is now a proud profession. Characters of this class can steal an identity, hack some bank accounts, crash computer systems, and mass send some viruses, all within a 5 minute bathroom break. Most hackers use the custom made GLOVE: Hacker's Delight along with one of four hacking styles to do their job. The only question is, are you elite or are you pro; are you a black hat or white hat. Basically, do you use the ancient technique to work for the man or against him. Either way, you will need this class to do so.
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Crooked Thoughts
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