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Davis looked at Alley and was about to say something, but just turned off the TV. He ran his hand through his hair and took a heavy sigh. "If I do what? Leave you?" He stood up and didn't make eye contact. "You think I would do that." He left the room and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a drink from the fridge and sat down at the table opening it. He didn't take a drink, but instead just sat there.

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

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Alley stood there for a moment, shocked that Davis had walked away, then followed him into the kitchen. Leaning against the door frame she watched him sit at the table after opening a drink. Walking slowly to him she pulled on his sleeve silently asking him to hold her "You are growing up," she said crawling into his lap "you don't even bring me with you any more." Looking up at him she sighed "It's like you don't need me anymore."

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Cloud smiled as she landed in his arms, quickly hugging her tightly then releasing her with a grin. "School? I thought you said school was only open at day?" He asked, one arm snaking around her shoulders and pulling her close to him. "Well, let's just go with your friends, besides, I want to meet this Trever guy...It'll make me feel better to at least see him," He said, smiling and guiding her towards the mall, probably where her friends would be, "and, if you make me feel better, I may not strangle this Trever guy." He finished, smiling widely. He could alreadu see the mall from where they were, and it wouldn't be too long until they were there. He released his grip on her and walked beside her, he could already spot a group of girls and guys, he recognized some of them as her friends. "Hello, all!" He announced their arrival as they approached the group. A grin plastering his face.
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." -~-~-~- Edgar Allan Poe.

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Carters' smile faltered as she saw Trever standing beside her friends. Jessie, one of Carters' friends from school ran up and pulled Carter to the side. "Why is Trever saying you two are together? I thought you hade a boyfriend?" Carter placed her finger over her lips trying to tell her to keep it down, but it was too late, everyone heard. Trever walked over placing his arm around Carters shoulder and smiled to Jessie then glanced over to Cloud holding out his hand. "I don't think we have met, I'm Trever." Carter pushed Trevers arm off her and walked to stand by Cloud expecting the worse.

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Cloud simply smiled and shook Trever's hand. "Nope, I'm a friend o' Carter's, from Texas, actually." Cloud said, using a Texan accent. He released Trever's hand. "Well, actually, she's my step-sister, but we prefer just friends." He said, but knew Carter's friends would know different, they had met Cloud before. He squeezed Carter's shoulder gently, like an over-protective older brother. He released her and stepped to the side, nodding his head to Trever as if saying for him to go ahead. Cloud simply grinned and began speaking with some of Carter's friends, as if he was their friend as well, which, in ways he was. He chanced a secretive wink at Carter, which he knew she would take as "Just enjoy yourself, talk with him, we'll talk later." sory of thing, he knew Trever hadn't noticed, and continued to converse with Carter's friends, leaving Carter and Trever to talk.

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Well, actually, she's my step-sister, but we prefer just friends. Carter felt her heart drop, so that's what we are? Looking back to Trever she allowed him to pull her on his lap with a blush. Jessie looked to Carter confused for a moment then looked to Cloud. Carter knew she'd have alot of explaining to do, but Cloud didn't seem to care so why should she? Trever tickled her side and she let out a squeel "Trever!"

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Cloud's eyes shifted to one of Carter's friends who was texting, and he saw the time. What the hell?! That late already? He thought to himself, seeing it was already half-past eleven. "Wow, it's getting late already. Hey, Carter, you're granny'll kill us if we aren't back at the house soon. Sorry, everyone, we have to go." He said, forcibly taking Carter's hand and walking off, walking very fast, he whispered to her when they were far enough away. "Hey, you know you're a lot more to me than just friends, or siblings. I really do love you, Carter, I was made for you, after all." He said, after noticing they were far enough away so her friends couldn't see them, he stopped her, and, gazing up, he noticed where they were. The park. "Remember this tree?" He asked, and slowly pushed her back against the tree, his eyes lighting up. Even after her back was against the tree, he kept moving forward, his lips meeting hers in mid-stride. He didn't care if she pulled away, if she hit him, said she never wanted to see him again, anything, he just wanted her for a few moments, but like all good things, it had to end. He slowly pulled back, one hand against the smooth bark of the tree, his lips still an inch or under away from hers. He just stared into her eyes, awaiting a reaction.

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Carter stared in shock for a moment then smiled leaning her head to Clouds "I guess this means I can't be you step-sister?" They both laughed and Carter leaned up to kiss Cloud again when her phone rang. Looking town Trever flashed across the screen and she pulled herself from Cloud. "Hey!" She said answering the call. Where did you go? "It's okay Trever I just had to be home. Please don't tell my grandmother I was out." Looking at Cloud she smiled Carter I don't like that boy. Jessie says he's your boyfriend. Carter took a deep breath and said the hardest thing she ever had to, knowing if she didn't she would be caught. "Who Cloud? No way! You know I love you Trever." After a few more words she turned back to Cloud who had his face down. Saying nothing he walked past her and up to her house.

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Cloud's head immediately went down in thought when she told Trever she loved him. "Why don't you just tell him you're in love with me, and tell your grandmother I'm real?" He asked, one arm snaking it's way around her shoulder protectively. "Shouldn't I be completely Human now that your feelings are returned?" He asked, almost asking himself. He had once read about his kind in an exclusive article, supposedly, Dolls, as they were called, were to turn completely Human when their Owner, as they were called, returned feelings for the Doll, that's when he realized how he truly felt about Carter, that had been a while ago. "Well, Carter, let's head back to the house, but let's go through the front-door this time? I want to officially meet your grandmother...Just tell her you dumped Trever for me...?" He said, his face quizzical and tone inquisitive.

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Carter smiled softly at Cloud and tried to think of a way of explaining why that couldn't work. "What is she wants to see you during the day Cloud? You know you are...a doll." Looking at the ground Carter winced at the word doll. Anyway, Carter thought do i love Cloud? Carter knew he was her best friend and she wanted to be with him, but love was a big step. "Can we just take this slow? I'll break it off with Trever, but give us time."

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Carter smiled softly at Cloud and tried to think of a way of explaining why that couldn't work. "What is she wants to see you during the day Cloud? You know you are...a doll." Looking at the ground Carter winced at the word doll. Anyway, Carter thought do i love Cloud? Carter knew he was her best friend and she wanted to be with him, but love was a big step. "Can we just take this slow? I'll break it off with Trever, but give us time."

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Cloud's facial expressions darkened, and his arms dropped to his side. "Yeah. I'm only a doll." He said, and his long and powerful legs quickly took him off, seemingly by themselves. He ran, and he ran, eventually arriving at the beach, where he had been once before. He stopped in the sand and sat down, gazing dreamily at the water, he felt his throat tighten and some tears trickle down his face, and he sighed. "Only a doll." He croaked, his voice cracked and depressed. "Only a doll." He repeated, as if forcing the thought into his mind by saying it. He grabbed a rock from an outcrop of rock next to him, and skipped it across the water, watching as it hit the water once, twice, thrice, and continued on. His eyes suddenly burst into tears, and he buried his face in his hands, wondering why he was here. I'm not even meant to be here...I'm a doll, not a human, I'm not even real. I'm a fucking doll. He thought to himself through clenched teeth and saddened mind.

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Carter stood stunned for a moment "Me and my big mouth!" Watching as Cloud disappeared Carter was stuck between following him or giving him his space, she chose the later. Taking off after him Carter tried to think where he could have gone off to this late. Suddenly she remebered him telling her awhile ago that her grandmother had found him on the beach when Carter was a child and promised to find him a owner, her. Slowing down Carter smiled as she saw Cloud kneeling in the sand, but stopped as the sound of his sobs reached her. She never meant to hurt him. Cloud would always be more then just a doll to her, but why did the fact he was a doll upset him? If he would have never been a doll, then I would have never met him. Walking over to where Cloud kneeled Catrer wrapped her arms around his back locking them together across his chest. "Funny," she whispered "it's usually you comforting me about something you say." Holding on to Cloud tighter Carter kneeled behind hi mwaiting for him to speak."Please don't leave me Cloud."

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His face stayed in his hands, even as she approached him. "No, Carter. You're the one that'll leave me. You're outgrowing me, even now. I'm just...I'm not fit to help anyone, not anymore. Carter...Good-bye." He said, shaking her from him, and walking down he beach, slowly, as if saying for her not to follow him. He did love Carter, but...She was just too old for a doll anymore. He wasn't fit to help her anymore, to help anyone. She was just too old. He was her doll, a little piece of fur and stuffing that she could confess her secrets to, sure, it was fun when he first became partly Human, because they could carry-out a conversation instead of her just talking, but that was the begining, now it was different. I'm not going to be her Doll anymore, I'm...I'm leaving her, forever. I know I'm not fit to help anyone. As he thought that, he felt a pain, in his brain, like someone had hit him with something in the head. "Urgh..."He grunted, falling to the ground in pain.

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ImageSeeing Cloud fall Carter ran to his side "Cloud!" She couldn't understand why he thought she was outgrowning him she loved him! Kneeling down she graved his face "What's wrong!" Carter could feel herself tearing up What is wrong with him? When Cloud told her he was leaving she felt like a part of her was ripped away, but now CLoud was hurting and she needed to be there. If he really wants to leave, I have to let him

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