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Darkness Unleashed

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:50 pm

"Elsana has always been able to corrupt the hearts of wicked men. His offer is too good to refuse, and truly, the man cannot refuse and live to tell of it." Lucius said gravely, looking to his new companion. I still need to read that letter. "But we should stay here, even if it is desecrated." Lucius whistled again, Hil'Staad going in the double doors and standing off to the side. Obviously the stallion wasn't the happiest to be staying here, but it would have to do.

"After a fall from that high?" Lucius asked, looking from where she fell. "How could it heal so fast? What manner of being are you?" He wanted to grab his sword, but it was only a child. He couldn't possibly bring himself to kill it if he would have to.

"Speak, child." Lucius bade her.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blade on Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:06 pm

"Well, I guess it cou--" Aeron started to say to Rosecleer, but was cut off when he heard what Lucuis was saying. He wasn't really paying attention to the girl who had fallen through the roof, so he didn't really notive how fast she healed.

He slipped his bow and one arrow out of its quiver in one quick motion. He held the arrow strung to the bow and stood a couple of feet aside from Lucius who was confronting her.

"What and why were you doing ontop a roof here anyway?!" He asked, gripping his weapon tigher. "Alone how did you even manage to get up there." He wasn't about to let this girl go easy, he didn't think about any of these things until Lucius brought it to his attention. He aimed the bow carefully, ready to releave the arrow at any time.

"What are you?" He asked, his eyes squinting.
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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .Life.Death.Tragedy. on Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:47 pm

Aysel looked up at the two, fearfully. She then sighed, regaining her psture and looking at them, confused.

"I thought it would be obvious by my eyes..." She said, standing up and rubbing her forehead, "But I'm not like the others... rather, i only kill those who have done horrible things"

She wasn't afraid of the weapon Aeron held before her. She knew that being a vampire, his arrows would only owund her slightly, but she would heal almost instantle. She sighed, then smiled weakly.

"My name is Aysel, by the way. Not 'child' " She stated.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:08 am

Granlad frowned and held his knife tightly. This was not a normal girl; the best they could hope for was that she be insane. "I be Granlad, by the way," he said. And to her gibbering he responded, "Not like the others? Not like the other whats?"

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:40 pm

"A good time to introduce thineself, Granlad." Lucius said, trying to sound cheerful. But when the girl started talking, his attention snapping to the girl.

Yes, she spoke correctly. Lucius had hoped that her pale skin and frightful eyes wouldn't be so. But what would they do? A vampire was a fell creature, something that any smart person would not go searching for.

"A vampire, aren't thee?" Lucius asked suspiciously. "A horrible race if one ever existed. Not to be trusted, methinks. I've heard many a tale of them, the children especially. What is to say thou shalt not harm me or mine companions?" Lucius inquired. Not taking his eyes off of the girl, he snatched up a wooden floor board. "How be it that ye are not like 'the others', child?" Lucius probed, not giving the vampire the satisfaction of him using her name. As old as she was, she would remain 'child'.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blade on Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:47 pm

Aeron sighed.
He lowered his bow very slightly and turned to Lucius.
"Don't waste yer time. Even if she be different, we can't allow it to breed. We might as well kill it off while we have the chance. Ye know thier dreadfull creatures!" He said, anger in his voice. He hated vampires, they had killed much of his family, friends, and compainions in the past. He also was told by the law of men to kill all female vampires encountered before they could breed, and to take young male vampires that would be easiest to capture and break easiest under preasure as captive. They would be used for questioning, then killed so that they couldn't escape back to Kalnar Dun, or possibly breed with a female of the same race.
Another reason he hated vampires was because they are one of the most powerful, causing much thread to even mightiest warriors. Vampires are one of the most powerful because of thier quick movement, fast healing, stealth, and born fighting skills.

Dwarves are much stronger and pack a heavy punch than any vampire, but thier reflexes aren't fast enough to save themselves from the vampires quick attacks.

Elves were quick enough, but didn't have enough strength or probably enough time to get an arrow off before having vampire teeth sunk into thier neck.

Finally, humans. They are probably the weakest race of the three some might say, they dont possess great strength or steady hands but they are able to wield almost any weapon, being stronger than elves but not as strong as dwarves, and the same with the steady-ness of an elf. This doesn't mean that they can defeat a surprise attack by a vampire any easier though.

No knowing what she was, and almost un-killable with a human bow. He put it away and dual wielded his sword, he couldn't move as quickly as usual since his chest injury was getting worse by the second.

He remained quiet but took a couple of steps closer.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rosecleer on Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:16 am

Fast as she could manage, which was rather fast if she did say so herself, she put herself between Aeron and the vampire. She mentally scolded herself, thinking bitterly,

But what else could be expected from Queen Rosecleer, the one who thought she could help the goblin's daughter?

"No," she said in her most authoritive voice. It sounded strange to her ears. She hadn't spoken like this in a very long time....

"This not dangerous," she said calmly. "So we will not hurt her. Were she dangerous, she would have attacked us already...We can't kill her." She looked at Grandlad pleadingly. "Right?"

Somewhere in her mind, she thought it ironic that it was a mercenary pleading for the girl's life, not the knight...Finally, she steadied her footing and looked Lucius in the eyes, her own hardening into ice once more.

"You will have to get through me, to get to her," she said. She didn't like making this threat, mainly becuase she didn't know how strong Lucius was, and also, becuase she didn't know who would side with whom, if they DID fight...
"It is said that when the Ice Princess lost her greatest love, she melted into a puddle and washed away into the earth," Vincent said, looking over the tiara carefully.
"So do you think this is her's?" the Gaurd asked eagerly.
"No," Vincent said plainly. "For I know the Ice Princess...and she is no such form of weak..."

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:28 pm

"Ma'am. Doth thou not understand? The child may not pose a threat now, but if we let her escape, there will come a time when she will be strong enough to slay us all in our sleep. I ask ye, doth thou truly believe she will repay the kindness? It is foolish to let a creature of her kind survive, as harmless as she is now. If we do not harm her, then what shalt we do? Go thither and leave her to find elder vampires? Surely we cannot defeat more than a few. Night is upon us. I fear that even if I were to be the night watch, I would be overpowered before raising an alarm." Lucius spoke of neccessity. Did he want to harm the girl? Of course not. But he knew how vampires were. They were sick creatures, who held no allegiance. If Elsana had any hold of the race, it was tentative. They were wily and evil, and exactly the kind of foe a knight of the Alliance is taught to defeat.

"Lastly, I shall not harm thee. You have good intentions, but kindness is nothing to a slave of Elsana, surely you would know this by now... it has been months and all negotiations have been for naught." Lucius gave a helpless glance to Aeron. What was he supposed to do? If Lucius knew it was THE Princess Rosecleer, he probably would have stood down immediately, but to him, she was but a simple mercenary, and held no such authority, even if she were skilled.

Lucius continued his hold on the broken board. If anything hurt vampires, it was wood. Or sunlight, which, at this point in time, they didn't have. So improvisation it was, then.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rosecleer on Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:54 pm

Rosecleer glared at Lucius. Whether her kingdom stood or not, she was still Princess Rosecleer.

And she would not be ignored like this. Not when she was right.

She set herself more soldily infront of the girl and placed one hand on the hilt of her sword.

"You will not hurt this child," she said. "I may have lost my throne, but I am still a princess and my word will not be thrown aside!"

She felt childish saying the words, but felt they needed to be said. She was royalty. She was possibly one of the only decendents of true royalty left in this county. She knew this girl was no danger.

And if she had to, she would fight a knight of the Alliance to prove it.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blade on Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:21 pm

"Enough of this!" Aeron growled. "I'm sorry, but you cannot hide the fact that she is what she is. We should dispose of her quickly and humanely. Princess, look at her... She has to eat sometime, and thiers only one thing around here for her to eat. No, she wont eat any nasty tasting orcs, and is too young to get any other vampires running around here. So what do you think that she'll go after?"

He sighed, and lowered his weapons slightly. "Although, It would be a shame for use to try to kill each other here. Princess Rosecleer, I am under your command by law. So, what are ye proposing we do? Clearly we do not trust the creature as you do, what tells you that she is harmless?"

He bowed his head head to her, noticably, but really not a complete bow. He felt bad dissagreeing with the daughter of one his close friends, her father. It was a fact, actually. It may sound awkward, considering that the king is a good 20 years older than him, but strange things happen in this world. Why else was Aeron trusted to carry these letters?

They actually met when Aeron was simply 10 years old, and was one of the ones required for early war training. Her father at that time was a prince, and Aeron was accedintly injured by a stray arrow. The prince was a healer, and helped him recover stronger. He was given more training than the rest of the children, and by the age of 15 had gained enough trust by Rosecleer's father to be the messanger of Van Peak.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:30 pm

"Princess?" Lucius asked, suddenly realizing he had thought right originally. He sunk to his knee, the board out of his hands and his helmet off. "My lady! Thou word ist my command." He completely felt the opposite of what Rosecleer had said, but he was bound by law to obey her words. To do otherwise would be to forfeit his title, and then he would be but a simple fighter, one who would not be able to find and lead the men needed to properly defend the free cities. And right now, Lucius felt the hand.... or was it push? Of destiny moving him towards that day.

"Then the girl shall be free, thou I pray my neck is not the one bitten tonight." Lucius said, worry plain on his features. Dark circles were under his eyes, and red lines were noticeable on the whites of his eyes. After riding for two straight days, he and his horse needed rest.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .Life.Death.Tragedy. on Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:15 pm

Aysel hissed at Lucius.

"As if I'd want to bite you. Your blood doesnt even sound appetizing for a new born" She snarled. She smiled up at Rosecleer.

"Thank you for sparing my life, and just so that you don't worry, I don't harm the innocent and good. I was raised for a craving for the evil. That's the only blood I will drink, no matter what." She stated, eyeing Lucius and Aeron as if to tell them as well. She sat down on the pile of rubble she had fallen on earlier and gazed into the darkness of the sky, the moonlight reflecting off of her blood red eyes.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rosecleer on Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:26 am

Rosecleer surpressed a giggle.
"I'm not sure Lucius," she said, the ends of her lips curving into a smile. "But I think you were just insulted."

But at the same time, she felt guilty. She didn't like using her status to boost herself up. She wanted to do it on her own...but if nothing else would work....She supposed she had no choice right there...but it still felt like a low blow.

"Don't bow," she said, blushing. "I hate that....I'm not 'Lady' or 'Princess' Rosecleer..just...Rosecleer, Rose if you think you can do that...It's not like I want you to obey everything I say...I just....I really don't think she's harmful to us....She only feeds off of the evil in people, that could actually be an advantage to use. And," Rose felt so stupid saying this one. "She's just a little girl!"

Truth be told, that was probably much of Rose's reason for not wanting the girl dead. She had been a big sister and she had seen her smaller sisters slaughtered....And she would not let this vampire child die.

"So, I'm assuming we have to follow vampire protocal...and keep you out of the sun, away from garlic and crosses and such?" she asked. "And I have to'd be nice to know your name..."

As she thought of names, she turned to look at Lucius. His was nice and original. Aeron....she thought of how reluctant he had be to give his last name...Of course, she didn't give hers either..but that was a matter of recoginition....But maybe his was too. After all, she'd known a messanger of her fathers named Aeron and he.-

She turned to Aeron suddenly, looking him up and down eyes wide.
"Aeron....?" She said softly. "My fathers messanger, Aeron?"

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blade on Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:15 pm

Aeron's eyes snapped toward at Rosecleer.
He thought about it and figured that it really wasn't a surprise she figured it out so quickly. After all, he gave a messag to Lucius, and he can speak the lands trade language more fluidly than anyone there.

"Yes Pr--, Rosecleer," He said, letting down his guard and giving up on keeping his identidy. "Your father has sent me with a small group of men disguised as other messangers. We were all headed to Tri Stanis, when we were assassinated by a grey-mountain troll."

He hesitated, but pulled back his hood. He breathed in deeply and looked down the passage. It was a long way till Tri Stanis, and this was a very dangerious route. Now, he had companions, from the looks on them they were very experianced.

For some reason, he felt better now. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he felt more free. Now that he was starting to feel more comfortable, he started to realize how tired he actually was.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:35 pm

"Let the creature insult me. I apologize for thinking her like the others... it is just that a 'good' vampire in completely unheard of. Such a self-serving race would never be thought capable of such, my lady." At her remark he stood up rather quickly. Lucius felt a slight blush on his face and he looked towards the ground. "I mean, uhm, uh, Rose. I shall do as you say. Or, uhm. I won't do as you say but in order to do so I need to do what you say. Or, um... Right. We're trusting you." It was odd, Lucius had never been on familiar terms with a true lord, never mind royalty.
This will take getting used to. Maybe I can ditch the archaic speech as well.

When Aeron spoke, Lucius' attention was brought back to the here and now.
"Ambushed by a troll? I am not surprised, those creatures will wait for hours for an unsuspecting adventurer to pass it by. You're lucky to be alive. Which, by the way, we won't be much longer if we don't find something to eat." He couldn't help but grin at his own turn of luck. Finally, he had fallen in on something good, instead of falling in to a river.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:24 am

Granlad stayed silent through the argument. He knew not the laws of this land, exactly what a princess was capable of deciding, or how the locals typically treated vampires. So he hung back and watched.

Finally, the others seemed to come to a conclusion. They had spared the vampiress, and were apparently taking her with them to Tri Stanis.

Luscius, the knight, then expressed concerns about food. "I be having food," Granlad spoke up, "in my pack. It be being outside. Follow?"

He gestured towards the open church door.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rosecleer on Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:26 am

Rose raised her eyebrows at Aeron when he tried to call her princess. But, he caught himself...and even Lucius was doing fairly well with this. She laughed slightly at his confusing explanation.

"Just please," she said. "From one traveling companion to another...don't call me name is not 'princess' is Rose."

She did note how Granlad stayed out of the scuffle between her and Lucius. That I won, she thought briefly. Maybe he really was from a different country. She pondered for a moment what country he could possibly be from, she heard his offer of food.

She stood up, nodding.

"Yeah, I'll go," She said, walking out with Granlad. "Left some stuff outside anyway..."She looked at Aysel smiling. "Do you need anything?"

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:00 pm

"Somehow I don't believe the dwarf has enough for all of us, but I shall let him bring what he has. It isn't too late to catch a hare or fox, though, and believe me, some roast meat sounds a lot better than jerky right about now." Lucius smiled to Aeron. "I shall read that letter of yours."

Putting his hand into his pack, Lucius produced the letter, opening it and reading it a few times. If he weren't a knight he probably wouldn't know how to read, and for once Lucius enjoyed the fact that it was a part of his training as a page and squire. Apparently he would rally men and bring them to Tri Santis? As it was closer to Kalnar Dun than other cities, Lucius found it an ill fated idea, but then again, your enemy never looks under his nose.

Lucius's features hardened at his remembrance of the true gravity of the entire situation. It was not a grand adventure, but a desperate call for able bodied soldiers to hopefully stand and fight for their world.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .Life.Death.Tragedy. on Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:59 pm

Aysel sighed. She was used to being judged. Looking at the group, she wondered why they were all there at this point in time, and how they even found her.

"By-the-by, do any of you know what happened to the Tangia castle?" She asked, curious as to what happened to her home.

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Re: Darkness Unleashed

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:13 pm

Granlad was just barely out the open door when the vampire asked, "By the by, do any of you know what happened at Tangia Castle?"

The Dwarf turned his head towards her briefly and answered gruffly: "Never heard of it."

He stepped outside into the cool night air, and saw his pack. He also saw a pair of does. "Aah! Nagar Uzbad ai-mênu!" he shouted at them in Dwarfish, waving his arms towards the creatures. They perked their heads up and stared at him for just a second, then bounded off into the cover of the deeper forest.

Granlad walked up to what was left of his food satchel. The bread and cheese he had been carrying had almost all been eaten whilst he had been in the church. He muttered a curse in his own tongue.

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