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Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:27 pm

Sure, but it's just an interest check. Right now I'm tossing up ideas for the public, but I'm already
planning an OOC post. I must say, I'm pretty excited... I have all kinds of interesting ideas for the world (Exile) and the characters. I'm totally gonna play a loser trying to be a dark lord.


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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Stairdweller on Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:58 pm

I have an interest check up too, for my Stairdweller RP idea... Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad, what with me being called Stairdweller, but Stairdwelling is more like a profession than a name... *gets defensive*

Um, anyway, Sarah/Raven got a 12 on the litmus test, but I'm not sure how accurately I answered the questions. Sarah and Raven are and aren't the same person, so it's a little tricky to put them through the test. For example, I'd want to be Sarah's friend but not Raven's; Raven knows he's Fae but Sarah doesn't; etc....

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kita-go-nyaa on Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:12 pm

Yeah, Sarah/Raven's hard to do. -ponder- Perhaps they'd have to be scored seperately. -shrug-

Haha, Owl! That looks amazing! I'll try and jump in, but I'm a bit behind in the one I'm running as it is, so I don't know. ^^;

OMIGOSH! BOOGIE'S DONE! {Freakin' finally...} Whaddu think?

The Boogie Man/ Red
Race: Third Race
Age: As old as children have had nightmares, and not quite as old as Lord Oberon.
Gender: Unknown
Occupation: Terrorizer of Children everywhere
Appearance: Boogie is a shape-changer, forced to take the shape of what people most fear. He can change at will when many people are around him, but it's very unlikely that any will see him in his true form, a green-skinned beast that appears to have gotten absolutely no sleep throughout its lifespan. He, like most of Oberon's children, has pointed ears although his are elongated and his left ear has a chunk missing from it- a token from a fight with his brother, the Sandman. He has deep green freckles along the top of his bald head, his shoulders, and his shins, though they are not from exposure to the sun. He has a sparse scattering of coarse hair atop his head, though only enough to give him a spiny look. Two horns protrude from his scalp, one long and twisted, the other short and slightly curled- both a sickening yellow color. His eyes are also uneven, his left eye larger than his right. One of them is a livid blue color while the other is pitch black. His eyes seem to have different functions as well as sight, though very few have seen them in action. Boogie himself is rather short, topping out at about four feet. He wears a black toga-like article of clothing to cover himself, with red-brown boots and a belt. A black and white furred tail curls around him, looking slightly less prehensile than a lemurs, but similar in feature.
Recently, Boogie has grown fond of an appearance he has selected for himself. So long as there are more than one person in a room, he can select any form he likes. The look he has named 'Red' is loosely based on a fairy tale once told to him and well known among the humans. She is a girl about eight years of age with long black hair that drapes over her eyes, shrouding the fact that she has one black iris and one blue. She too appears to have not gotten much sleep and if anything it's more noticeable against her chalk white skin and ghostly appearance. She isn't much taller than Boogie is himself, though she is much more slender and appears under-fed. She is dressed in over-sized, dirty jeans with a bright red and equally dirty red hoodie that hides her face further. While the red stands out against a crowd, she tends to disappear into a large group of people quite easily- as Boogie never wants to draw too much attention to himself. She is a bit creepy for a little girl, not one any normal person would feel comfortable with running into in a dark alleyway- although most have a sensitivity to pallid girls with long black hair and ghostly appearances due to the recent rise in Japanese Horror.
Boogie has one third and final repeated appearance and this too is based on the fairy tale he has become familiar with. It is the shape of a dark ghostly wolf- jagged and distorted and three times the size of any normal canine. This- like all forms he takes- has one glowing blue eye and one of pitch black. This spectral form he can channel through 'Red' and though his own power though he cannot become the form completely, as the Boogieman must remain tangible.
Personality: Boogie is what he is, a little monster in his own right, he finds joy in tormenting children to the point of insanity and some adults as well. He has what most would consider a sick sense of humor and no moral boundaries to hold him back. He is forced to hold to Oberon's rules placed onto him, but he finds ways around them- as most of Oberon's children manage to do. Lack of sleep has left Boogie with a lack of sanity, tormented by his own monsters which he uses to haunt the dreams of children. He has a number of neurosis, often humming to himself or talking to phantoms.
'Red' is a quiet girl. She hardly speaks and avoids contact with other people as she roams about. Her sanity is only as real as Boogie's and thusly she also tends to hum to herself, usually the tunes "Hush, Hush, Hush, Here Comes the Boogeyman" and various lullaby's. She ignores those who talk to her, wandering off into crowds, though she tends to be curt and brief if she's pulled to the side and forced to speak, often talking in rhyme or riddle. She doesn't see kindness in people and waits for the catch in most situations and she snaps into a rage when offered food.
Strengths: Boogie is the definition of fear. He draws power from the feeling and becomes his strongest in mass panic. He can change shape and manipulate humans in their sleep, when they're the most vulnerable. He can also channel his energy into a wolf-like phantasm that tears at the sanity and very minds of his victims. His strongest feature, however, is his ability to change shape- mostly at will. He can become one's worst nightmare or he can become an insect and flee battle.
Weaknesses: Boogie has no physical strength and at least one part of him must remain tangible as he passes through objects or takes ghostly forms. As 'Red', he possesses the strength and abilities of an eight-year-old girl. Like all of the Third Race, he's vulnerable to iron. He makes it a point not to reveal this, but he cannot escape a ring of salt on his own as well. He cannot choose his own shape if there is only one person within a certain proximity of himself, which makes it difficult for him to flee or disguise himself. Oberon's punishment has also left him starving and desperate for a meal, although he cannot eat his favored prey.
Skills: Boogie has the ability to terrify the masses, but other than that, he's not particularly gifted.
Weapons: Boogie's psychosis is most likely his greatest weapon. His unstable mind allows him to imagine great creatures to tear at the very fabric of sanity in his victims. The wolf-like phantasm he can channel attacks the mind directly, not doing physical damage.
Abilities: Boogie can shift into many shapes, 'Red' being one of the many. He can enter the dreams of children and some sensitive adults to torment them and he has limited intangibility.
History: Boogie is an ancient being, one of Oberon's many children. He and his sibling, the Sandman, have never gotten along. Not since Boogie developed a taste for the children he tormented. There were several years of bitter fighting between the two before Lord Oberon was forced to step in. The law he laid down for all of his children prevented Boogie from interfering directly with humans, leaving him without a satisfying food source. Although his power blessed him with immortality, he starved, tormented by hunger pains. But this was only the beginning of his torment. He pressed at the boundaries of his abilities and the rules, constantly at odds with his sibling, the Sandman. The two continued to feud, as the Sandman put people to sleep while Boogie woke them up once more. It wasn't long before the Sandman grew tired of their quarrels and ended the fight, by cursing Boogie with the inability to sleep. Boogie slowly went insane, unable to rest himself. He continued to torment children, although he could no longer eat them. It brought him joy to have others suffer as he had to suffer, although he brought his suffering upon himself. He grew hateful of humans and his siblings, blaming them for his own misfortunes.
It took four-hundred years for Boogie to find something new to ease his pain. Although forbidden to interfere directly in human affairs- there were no rules against interfering in gargoyle affairs. He found that gargoyle eggs were a delicacy almost comparable to human flesh, but much rarer a find and more dangerous to obtain. He stole them away from clans around the world, hoarding them to eat on special occasions or when he was particularly suffering from the pains of hunger. He made sure that they weren't noticed, stealing only from large clusters and only one, maybe two. He kept his eye on clans that started to diminish in size, sometimes even stepping in- although not to the knowledge of the gargoyles themselves- to defend them when they were in dire need. When he heard about the massacre at Castle Wyvern, it wasn't long before he stalked the Castle, tormenting the children who survived the attack. He managed to steal one of the eggs from the rookery to hide away, but took no more, hoping that they would hatch and provide further sustainence, although his duties around the world left him without an answer to this thought. He didn't return to Castle Wyvern for several decades, only to find the eggs gone. As the clans world-wide shrank, he found himself suffering once more as he did long ago, falling into his delusions. He could not help them, or they would get suspicious or worse yet- Oberon would get suspicious.
He followed the gargoyles to New York, a city teeming with children to torment and strange human foods to eat and hate. They would not satisfy him as gargoyle eggs could. When the gargoyles awoke once more, he watched them carefully, hoping that they would provide a food source for many years to come. To blend in with the human populace, Boogie developed 'Red', a little girl he could wander freely about the city in the shape of.
Other: While he does not ally with the gargoyles, he won't attack them directly- especially the females.

Yes, he did eat children... and yes... he does eat gargoyle eggs.
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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:34 pm

Wow, I never would've thought of the boogie man. That is pure brilliance... I'm jealous. =0

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kita-go-nyaa on Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:52 pm

Thank you. ^^; I've been obsessing over Boogie for weeks now. I have pictured doodled of him, but not scanned. -should do that eventually- Red... is a creepy little girl.

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:12 pm

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still in the roleplay, but my muse kind of died (I don't think Sinistra saw my earlier post), so is it okay if I don't post until this historic scene is over? If it's not okay, I'll work one up.

EDIT: Nevermind. I just saw your recent post, wolfangel, and will type one up now.

EDIT EDIT: (Hehe) I just saw Sinistra's as well. >_> It looks like I'm the one not paying attention.

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vizcious on Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:56 am

I hope its not too late to join the rp.

Name: Azaizel

Race: Gargoyle

Age: 17 (34)

Gender: Male

Clan: Wyvern, Manhatten if still available

Appearance: 5'8 Athletic, Muscular, Slender, Jet Black skin color except for the outline of his wings which are a dark blood red color. He wears dark red greaves above the claws on his feet and red forearm guards as well. He has long dark red hair that covers parts of his face down tohis shoulders. His ears are pointy elven shaped and normally covered by his hair. His eyes are pale white color but glow red when he is enraged. He has two dark red bones flowing on the sides of his face (like sideburns) that stick out about a half an inch from his chin. His tail is about half the size of his body, jet black in color with a dark red bone extenting to the tip.

Personality: He is very cold hearted and cruel. Azaizel believes that the humans should be servants to the gargoyles since the gargoyles are the more powerful race. He often wonders why he should show the elders in his clan such respect expected of the young when they let the humans treat them like garbage. He does not believe in the clans princible of protecting a home which they are not wanted. He is merciless and has no problem killing the weak, unarmed, or anyone that he believe may affect him completing his mission or assigned task.

Strengths: Incredible balance and center of gravity, very intelligent and able to grasp and learn new concepts, extremely agile and fast expert at casting spells and affinities with magic and technology

Weaknesses: Smaller more human size and not as strong as the more larger gargoyles which is why he is infatuated with learning fighting techniques and sorcery to gain strength. Can be very tactless, cold hearted, and cruel which causes others to distance themselves from him. Extremely curious with a scientific personality quick to act with disregard for others.

Skills: Martial Arts, flight,strategic planning

Weapons: Hand to hand martial arts and sorcery

Abilities: Knoweledge of arcane arts, Great understanding of technology, Detailed oriented and very analytical has a keen sense to analyze situations and provide strategies

History: When Azaizel was a very young hachling he was enamored with an elderly witch that taught him many things. It was she who gave him his name. The witch was a master in the dark arts and performed many experiments on humans. Unaware of the consequences of his actions Azaizel assisted her in performing many of these experiments. Azaizel established a maternal bond with the woman early on and was oblivious to her corrupt nature. Realizing one of their hatchlings were being led astray seven of the elder gargoyles confronted the witch and a great battle ensued. The witch managed to kill 3 of Azaizel's brothers and sisters right in front of him. This caused him to enter the battle. The witch refused to attack Azaizel because of the maternal bond she felt for him. Just as the witch was about to slay another one of Azaizel's brothers he lunged at her and bit the witch in the throat. As her blood flowed onto his body she embraced him as she passed away.

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kita-go-nyaa on Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:37 am

I'm still here, guys! ^^;; I've been under a lot of stress the last few weeks. {And both my characters have been turned to stone ;-;} But I'm still here and am keeping up with the RP. X3

On the side here, I'm very excited to almost be in the present. I can't wait for London and Orlando to wake up and get Llian some screen time. And Boogie's been a nuisance in the back of my mind for quite some time he wants to pester you lot.

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wolfangel26 on Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:39 pm

Intriguing profile, Vizcious :) Approved! If you introduce your character before the remaining clan is put to sleep,you can be a part of the Wyvern Clan! Enjoy :)

And, Kita, I understand, lol. We're almost done with the intro scenes.
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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:19 pm

I think the genetic research company Anamaria bought should be opposing Marshall's, and because I can't think of a better name, I'll call it Gentech. Do you think this would tie the plot together better? It also gives me an inkling of an idea as to how the Labryinth clan comes about.

It might have something to do with Marshall slipping a 'double agent' type scientist into her labs who introduces some of his employer's superior research and claims he can cure any disease as long as it's in it's earliest stages. So maybe some of the other soon-to-be-Labryinth-Clan-members can be diseased to. Or, alternately, Anamaria offers a shitload of money for test subjects, and maybe some of them are desperate for money. Very desperate. At first they can be angry at her for bribing them into it, but all of them (including Anamaria) quickly realize who's to blame when the double agent scientist flees right after, leaving his laptop behind in his haste for Anamaria to hack. She discovers the name Marshall and immediately they're all out for revenge.

Of course, they need to be mad at the gargoyles too, so maybe they track the scientist to Marshall's place, and Marshall taunts them with a transparent suitcase full of cures, as he expected them to come after him. Then he tricks the gargoyles into attacking them, and during the fight, one of the Labryinth clan grab Marshall up in an attempt to get the suitcase, but he spitefully drops it to the castle floor below, where it shatters. Of course, the labyrinth clan cat drops him, but the gargoyles save him.

Of course, this is just a suggestion. I bet someone else can come up with something better. >_>

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wolfangel26 on Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:59 pm

Sounds like quite an intriquing plot, in my opinion. I'm in, most definately.

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:52 pm

I think I've struck gold. I was trying to figure out how many floors Xanatos' building had, so I could build Ashworth's to be at least close to it, and I found this:

It describes in pretty good detail the interior of Xanatos' building. Figured you might want to use it for Marshall.

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Re: Gargoyles: Awakening ((OOC Board))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kita-go-nyaa on Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:02 pm

Sorry I took so long! I had midterms. ;-;

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