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Under the White Sheet

Under the White Sheet


Welcome to S.C.U. institute of higher learning for a higher breed of students.

9,779 readers have visited Under the White Sheet since Crooked Thoughts created it.


Creatures of the night, welcome thee...

Hello _____, we welcome you to Sangre Cazador University: Haven for the genetically adept. This is your official acceptance to join us here at our home in the wonderful, Mandrake Falls: A lovely little place, that is nicely secluded, in the French Alps. Thanks to its mountainous location, it keeps our lovely campus covered in snow and our daylight hours short; giving our students a serene backdrop to study by.

Our college has always attracted a higher breed of students, so we make sure to cater to their needs. Mandrake Falls has always been a hot spot for out-of-the normal characters, ever since it’s founding. So it only made sense for us to create a place where these people could build their skills, in privacy and safety.

Here at S.C.U., we understand how hard it is for people like us to function in everyday society; how hard it is to hide what you really are, in order to make people feel more comfortable. But, here you don't worry about any discrimination. You see, at our university we plan to help our own blend in with the world around them. But, enough about the differences let us talk of the benefits.

At S.C.U. you will be provided with the best meals, feasts if you will, that any man or woman has privileged to on a nightly basis. You will be provided with our standard-issue textbooks, free of charge, and a dormitory positioned in a convenient area, with which you may access many facilities. You will be able to experience a small town life like you have never seen, as well as the benefit of a gorgeous back drop with just the right amount of lighting.

Consider this letter a scholarship, for if you fill out the form below you will be given room and board free of charge for this year. Our courses are currently hovering around the lowest rates in the world, but offer some of the highest education. So please fill out the form included and experience the greatness of S.C.U. for little cost to you.
Dean Blackwood

From the office of Greek Life Council,

S.C.U. is no different from normal colleges; we have fraternities and sororities, just like any other. Though all fraternities and sororities are as new as the campus itself, their backgrounds go further back than many can imagine. To become a part of Greek life on campus is a great responsibility, therefore one must Rush for a semester to gain the acceptance and trust of the organization being considered. During this new member period an individual is subject to do what officials of the specified organization deem necessary. There is no Hazing policy here at S.C.U. and one is subject to enter an organization with caution and the utmost respect for its founding.

All members of Greek life tend to be more recognized students anyhow; they hold a certain unrivaled status. Only rivaled by one another, the two pairs of organizations hold tension towards one another and are already beginning to butt heads on the small and serene campus. Below we have given you a list and a brief description of each group, so take time and consideration before joining one.

Thank you.

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity:
Brutal and merciless men with seemingly no compassion.

This is a fraternity has been founded by Dante Ravenglass upon the University’s opening. Members of this fraternity are generally very hard and cold individuals who seem to not care who or what they need to stomp over to get what they want. Their sister Sorority is Delta Epsilon Mu.

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority:
Beautifully dangerous…

This sorority has been founded by Deirdre Collins upon the University’s opening. Members of this organization share the same philanthropy and belief as their brothers’ Ξ‘Ξ¦ΓŸ, though their means of getting what they want is much different. Through means of seduction, manipulation and deceit these girls are seemingly bad to the bone and ruthless.

Tau Omega Zeta:
Level headed, and strong; a group fit for monsters that still have a heart despite its beat having ceased.

This fraternity has been founded by Phoenix Talisman upon the University’s opening. They are a tight nit group of men whom have banded together in order to protect against the damage in which Ξ‘Ξ¦ΓŸ so often leaves in their wake. By nature they are killers but by choice they are protectors…

Sigma Theta Psi:
Classy and refined, these women are in appearance perfection.

This sorority was founded by Akasia St.Joseph upon the University’s opening. It is the sister sorority of TΞ©Z and shares it’s philanthropy. These are strong willed women who present themselves well and often times are considered to β€œrun” the campus social life.

Student Policy

Due to the fact that the secrecy of our race must be kept unknown to the public eye there are rules to be followed. Breaking any one of these rules can result in immediate expulsion.

1. No physical fighting within the schools property. Academic (dark green) and housing (blue) areas are for study and violence of any kind will not be tolerated…

2. All students must have one faculty adviser within their major to guide them towards academic excellence; also they must meet with this adviser once every semester.

3. We ask that all students feed within the designated dining hall and not the surrounding residential areas. If you must feed away from the university you must not be seen doing so. Also feeding on any human within Mandrake Falls town limits is forbidden.

4. Cheating and plagiarism of any kind will result in a zero on the specified assignment, and will be discussed by the judicial board to decide on more sever consequences.

5. Speaking about the nature of what you, or any one of us is to an unknowing ear will result in immediate expulsion with no exceptions.

6. While attending this University, you must abide by all human rules and laws.

7. Keep a low profile. Do not go flaunting your vampire abilities recklessly. We do not need any extra, unwanted attention.

8. Do not bring harm to those who bare the mark of the school.


Code: Select all
[b]Race:[/b] ANY type of vampire is welcome here.
[b]Race Description:[/b]  If you aren't a a regular vampire, I want a full description.
[b]Bloodline Trait:[/b] You can 3 of these. They are things that are specific to your bloodline of vampires. Things like flight, transforming into a bat, or a more beast like form.
[b]Skills:[/b] Outside of being a vampire, what else can you do or what are you skilled at.
[b]Personal Effects:[/b] Outside of clothing, is there anything special you brought with you?
[b]Birth Place & Area of Residence:[/b] Where were you born and where do you live.
[b]Family Tree:[/b] List any family members, this can also be where you list if you have a girlfriend or not.
[b]Year:[/b] The school has only been around for two years, so the max is Sophomore. But I will NOT let just anyone be a Sophomore.
[b]Fraternity/Sorority:[/b]  Also state whether you are rushing or a current member. Your year would reflect this.
[b]Requested Dormitory:[/b] D1-D12
[b]Courses:[/b] Choose 5 (you can add classes, just make sure they fit the current scheme)
[list]- Human Appreciation: Just like when your mom taught you table manners, this is the same except with humans.
- Anatomy: Learn more about the human body, than the location of the jugular.
- Ancient Literature: Read ancient text about our kind and others.
- Astronomy: Learn how to navigate the planet without mapquest.
- Beginner's Acting: Really learn how to be human. Or at least seem like for a few minutes.
- Aviation: Most of us were blessed with the gift of flight; learn how to use it.
- Covert Practices: Tired of your prey scurrying away because you made too much noise? Learn to move like the ninja.
- World History: Interested in other things about humans, besides eating them?
- Foreign Languages: Humans speak more than one language, why can't you?
- Culinary Arts: There's more than one way to suck the blood of a human, not to mention different ways to prepare it.
- Genetics: Want to know what makes you a vampire?
- Technology Education: You still think a mouse is a rodent?
- Black Arts: Got magic?
- Dentistry: Those pretty fangs of your getting dull? Learn how to take care of them.
- Fencing: Last time you held a sword, Arthur was King? Time to brush up.
- Arms Handling: Was there a 5 step process to reloading your old gun? Learn how to use more modern weapons.
- Self Defense: Street fighting alone won't cut it, learn some martial arts.[/list]

Mandrake Falls

Mandrake Falls is bigger than what the map shows. The section displayed is only its most populated and busy area. It can be considered the downtown of Mandrake Falls. There is approximately a population of 7000 humans in the the town. But, there is also a population of vampires here, that do not attend S.C.U.. There about 200 vampires that take residence in the surrounding area.

The town itself is always covered in a blanket of white snow. It is a mixture of modern and old buildings. During the day it is very vibrate and sometimes hard to tell that it is a small town, with so many caught up in their hustle and bustle. Due to the lush environment and nice slops, it also keeps tourists and visitors coming and going. The night scene is just as wild, since Mandrake Falls is home to some of the hottest bars and clubs around; just another reason why it is so hard to believe this place isn't a major city yet. Below is the town map.

Daylight only represents about 10 hours of the day. Rising at about 8:00 AM and setting at about 6:00 PM. And with the rp beginning in August, the daylight hours will only get shorter.

Below that is a form you can use to fill out buildings you would like to name, be creative, don't just call them "Bob's Store". If you do, the name will be rejected and you will be sent home with a swift kick-in-the-face. The map will be updated daily (or often) with your requested names, so don't be shy. Also if you need help with creating the building, then I will help.

Mandrake Falls Map

Code: Select all
[b]Picture:[/b] Make sure the picture matches the building somehow.
[b]Requested Name:[/b] Remember: be creative.
[b]Purpose:[/b] Reason for the building.
[b]Description:[/b] Overall description of everything about the building.
[b]Building Zone:[/b] City, commercial, etc.
[b]Building Location:[/b] The indicated number.

Background Information

This roleplay takes place in a secluded town that has recently gained a university. However, some locals are concerned about the types of people the university is attracting. It seems rather odd that many of the university's students have grey hair, but appear to be near age twenty, doesn't it? Or that they tend to stay indoors during the daylight hours...that is strange...

Oh well, I guess what the townspeople don't know can't hurt them...or can it?

S.C.U. has brought a whole new attraction to the town, however, and those who aren't concerned seem to be basking in the glow of the town's new economy. Everyone is excited about the new cinema being built just off of I-42, not to mention the new restaurants that have been popping up around the town. If anything could spread like wildfire in this town right now, it would be the wealth of the new students.

Anyways, on to the straightforward stuff. We will be beginning this RP the night AFTER your character arrived. We are going to skip all of the boring arrival stuff and let you guys either say your characters met up earlier, explain how, and move on, or just say your character was too caught up unpacking to do anything constructive. You are allowed to wander the town all you want; after all, it is college. No one will yell at you for not going to class. Your grades will just fail and you will be sent out of the institution at the culmination of the semester.

The dormitories you were given are small, two-bedroom homes. You will share the home with one other character, I don't care who. Just indicate it on your application. Your dorms are equipped with one bathroom, a kitchen, a small living area, and whatever you happened to schlep into the French Alps with you. If you feel you forgot something, there is a general store in the town that probably sells what you forgot. If not, they will find a website to order it from for you, with very little extra charge.

You do not have to be a member of a fraternity/sorority, though it is sought after to become a member of one for security and status purposes on campus. Also, there can and will be interaction between members of the two groups…keep it entertaining. If you don't wholly fit either pair of organizations and you would still like to be a part of Greek life, then chose the one which fits best and always remember that loyalty to the group only goes as far as you want it to; if you agree with some things within the organization and disagree with others that’s fine and expected, as that’s human (even vampire) nature.

Have you been wondering how you will survive in the dreaded daylight? Simple. We cover all university windows with a special film that blocks out all those pesky UV rays. So does that mean you have stay inside your dorms during daylight? No. Thanks to some nice digging, we have underground tunnels that connect all University buildings! Though they are nothing special; they just get you from point A to Point B. But, if that doesn't interest you, then give Mercy Mortuary a call.

It would be impossible to have so many humans running around and not take notice of the vampires. Therefore a few of them work for us. One establishment we have taken over completely is Mercy Mortuary. Give em a call and they will kindly pick you up. Think of them like taxis for the dead. Any human sporting the S.C.U. Crest in some way or fashion, works for us.

Rules and Guidelines

00. This rp is Co-GMed. Meaning myself and Kay422 control/own this rp. So if you have a problem or you need help, you PM or address either one of us and we will help you.

0. This is not a casual. Meaning this isn't just another school RP with a twist. This RP has no real defined plot, so a very creative mind is required. In order for this RP to thrive and be enjoyable, it will depend on all our creative minds mind working together.

1. This rp is about as Adult as it can get while staying within RPG rules, so just remember that.

2. Quality over quantity.

3. I want only serious, dedicated, experienced rpers only. I feel I have those skills, so it is only right I ask for the people of this rp to have the same.

4. Your character can and might die. Even mines can, though I don't want him to...

5. A tad bit of common sense is required here. Not to be a jerk, but I'm just saying...

6. Once your character has died, they are forever gone from the rp. Unless, they are brought back to life; which the method will have to be discussed first.

7. You can have more than one character, as long as you can proficiently rp them.

8. Also please DO NOT POST anywhere EXCEPT the OOC, until I say otherwise

9. READ EVERYTHING! Not just because I spent hours of my life writing it, but just because it explains a lot of the rp. And will save a lot of time. This also goes for post.

10. Always, always, ALWAYS, remember to select the place where your character is at in your post. If you happen to go to more than one place, just select the place you end up at.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 39 Settings to roleplay in


Ballroom by RolePlayGateway

A vast and elegant ballroom.

Underground Tunnels

Underground Tunnels by RolePlayGateway

Traveling system, to get from place to place on S.C.U. Campus.

Cherub Forest

Cherub Forest by RolePlayGateway

A beautiful place in the day, kinda creepy at night.

Mandrake Falls

Mandrake Falls by Crooked Thoughts

Serene backdrop, bountiful attractions, nice town-folk, and blood thirsty vampires. What a wonderful place...


Lombardi???s by RolePlayGateway

Lombardi's; a elegant restaurant where you can take your friends out for a pizza, or your lover to fancy dinner. Or you can just discuss the family business, capisci?

Bobbys Diner

Bobbys Diner by RolePlayGateway

Ahhh, you can't beat that good ol' diner style taste. So much grease on your burger, you almost wanna call the health inspector.

Saint Vivians Hospital

Saint Vivians Hospital by RolePlayGateway

Smells like old people, the sick, with a hint of cleaning products. A horrible combo if you ask me.

Midnight Hour

Midnight Hour by RolePlayGateway

Looking for a party and to have some fun with humans, without drinking their blood? Then this is your spot.

Emperors Sanctuary

Emperors Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

Workout, get a massage, go for a swim, and maybe get your hair done. It can all be done here.

Club Pulse

Club Pulse by RolePlayGateway

You can hear the music from outside and see the line from the school. I guess you better some people to get in here.

Underworld/Pete's Pub

Underworld/Pete's Pub by RolePlayGateway

Need some blood, but don't feel like hunting? The Underworld is right down the street.

Police Dept.

Police Dept. by RolePlayGateway

Whats the result of having too much fun? Just a headache, right? Or maybe you get have a sleepover with the wonderful people of the MFPD.


Firehouse by RolePlayGateway

Not too much going on here...


Infinitive by RolePlayGateway

Goth, Rock, Business, Urban, whatever your style, this store is sure to carry it.

New Height Cinema

New Height Cinema by RolePlayGateway

Looking to catch a late night horror flick? Here is your place.

Alps General Supply

Alps General Supply by RolePlayGateway

Duct tape, rope, and a blind fold? Weird combo of items, but we carry all those here!

Sangre Cazador University

Sangre Cazador University by RolePlayGateway

Creatures of the night, welcome thee...

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House by RolePlayGateway

Broken beer bottles, dead humans, and passed out vampires... The results of your average night at the Alpha Phi Beta Frat House.

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House by RolePlayGateway

A deltas beauty is comparable to a rose. But just like a rose, they will hurt you if touched in the wrong places...

Sigma Theta Psi House

Sigma Theta Psi House by RolePlayGateway

Perfection is in the eye of the of the beholder. And in these girl's eyes, nothing is better than a sigma.

Tau Omega Zeta House

Tau Omega Zeta House by RolePlayGateway

One of the few places on the S.C.U. campus where a human can be seen as a friend and not lunch.

S.C.U. Library

S.C.U. Library by RolePlayGateway

You can find just about any book within theses walls, from a Harry Potter book, to ancient vampiric scrolls.

Mercy Mortuary

Mercy Mortuary by RolePlayGateway

The only mortuary that moonlights as a taxi service for the dead... Ironic?

Full Moon Lounge

Full Moon Lounge by RolePlayGateway

A place to relax and let the worries of your day melt away

Gelee Lake

Gelee Lake by RolePlayGateway

Gelee, french for freezing cold or frost. What a clever name for a frozen lake...

Heavens Hill Cemetery

Heavens Hill Cemetery by RolePlayGateway

Heavens Hill~ Just because you buried here, doesn't mean that will be your destination in the after life...


Dormitories by RolePlayGateway

A nice place to relax and study after school... Yeah right? Nothing going on here that mother would approve of.

Dorm Room: 1

Dorm Room: 1 by RolePlayGateway

Akasia Rosaria St.Joseph and Contessa St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 2

Dorm Room: 2 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 4

Dorm Room: 4 by RolePlayGateway

Dmitri Ravenglass room. Currently has no roommate.

Dorm Room: 3

Dorm Room: 3 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 5

Dorm Room: 5 by RolePlayGateway

Deirdre Elizabeth Collins room. Currently has no roommate.

Dorm Room: 6

Dorm Room: 6 by RolePlayGateway

Lilith & Lorcan De la Rosa room.

Dorm Room: 7

Dorm Room: 7 by RolePlayGateway

Dante Ravenglass and Moses St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 8

Dorm Room: 8 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 9

Dorm Room: 9 by RolePlayGateway

Phoenix Talisman and Claude Sanct room.

Dorm Room: 10

Dorm Room: 10 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 11

Dorm Room: 11 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 12

Dorm Room: 12 by RolePlayGateway


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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#, as written by Kay422
Deirdre stopped hearing the sound of a familiar voice behind her. Swiveling on her heals she turned to face him; it was whom she’d expected though for once his two sisters weren’t by his side. A strange family, she’d always thought…With one sister a member of their rival sorority Deirdre was always more careful with the words she used around the other two. In all honesty, she couldn’t respect either Contessa Valentina or Moses for the simple fact they allowed their sister to go soft…

β€œHm…” She thought in response to his question. β€œWell I haven’t started, now have I?” She asked with one brow raised and a slight shrug of her shoulders. Her eyes met his a moment; the entrancing stare that could make most men crumble, she didn’t expect him too however. He and Dante were the only two men it seemed who could fully tolerate the ominous gaze.

β€œIf you would excuse me…I have dinner to prepare.” She noted with another quirk of her brow before breaking her gaze away from his and turning away once again allowing him to go back to his peculiar family duty of keeping his two sisters out of trouble. She supposed family duty was honorable, though she still didn’t like the idea of alliance with other organizations no matter how strong the family bond was…

She stepped toward the back door in time to catch a glimpse of the carnage that ensued by Lilith’s hands…She heard a gunshot as well though she was already walking away from the scene and it was none of her concern. However, the unfamiliar face of the female vampire responsible would stick in her memory. Rush was beginning soon and a member like such was always a valuable contribution. She made her way to the side of the building and then to the street before noticing a small group of bikers. She couldn’t help the smirk from creasing across her lips as she approached them.

β€œBoys…Would any of you mind giving me a ride back to my dorm?” She asked eyeing one younger man in particular and catching his gaze with her own. Her question was directed at him and by the way his breath seemed to catch in his throat she knew it had worked. Stepping closer to the individual and feeling the disappointment of the others around him as she placed a hand on his shoulder and climbed on the back of the Harley. Leaning into him she could feel his whole body tense with anticipation.

β€œWhere do you live?” The man asked her, seeming to force the words out.

β€œDormitory Five…” She answered as he started the bike and took off leaving the comfort of his group of friends. They arrived a few moments later. β€œPark in the back…” She instructed. She was about to break a cardinal rule, and feed on university grounds and didn’t exactly want anyone to see her do so. She never liked to make a mess of her dormitory. The engine died down and the biker attempted to get off the motorcycle but Deirdre held his thigh to the seat.

β€œAh ah ah…” She scolded as the man swallowed hard, his breathing heavy as he realized that it wasn’t just a ride home she wanted. Though what was running through his mind was a much more pleasurable thing than that of what was running through Deirdre’s. She stepped carefully onto the ground and looped around to once again climb onto the bike in front of him, this time straddling it to face him. Her head tilted with a smile. β€œSuch a pretty little thing…” She noted running a hand down his chest and pushing him back down onto the seat. The man looked confused by her words for a moment but her actions distracted him, and kept him waiting. β€œWhat a shame…” She whispered with another smile as she slid up his body before her fangs reached his neck. It was only a matter of moments before her fangs had dug into the skin, and though he stirred a bit he didn’t put up a fight…As she’d expected.

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 5 to Mandrake Falls


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((Mmmkay, so I don't know what's going on with Claude, but I'm skippin' him around. Sorry for the absence.))

Claude groggily entered his room, shutting the door behind him. He wasn't quite sure if his roommate was home or who all was or would be there, but he was tired. He was pretty sure he'd ended up doing some kind of shots at the bar earlier. In all honesty, he could care less. For now, he just wanted to lie down. The sun was coming up and the new light wasn't making his head feel any better or clearer.

Entering the room, he threw off his jacket, shoes, and shirt, then fell onto the bed. He reached under the mattress and found what he was looking for. It was a very worn sheet of paper, yellowed with age. He'd hid it there before he'd left for the club, unsure of what to do with it. He didn't want anyone potentially finding it, and typically they went for the obvious hiding spots, like a closet or under the bed first, nto between matresses.

As he attempted to read the note, he slipped back into old memories.

Dear Diary,
I'm not sure what day it is, what year, what month, I just know that today is another day in this new life of mine. Since I transformed, I have been unable to keep time. Wilkos says that somedays I sleep for a few hours and others for days. Once he said that he intentionally woke me up because I'd slept almost four days straight. I sleep in a bed unlike most people would think. This shack is heavily darkened and this provides Wilkos and I with comfortable sleeping arrangements rather than those wooden boxes for the dead. Although, I don't suppose I can talk. Technically, I am dead. Wilkos says I'm a Blue Blood, but I'm not sure what that means.
I miss my parents and I don't understand what happened. All I know are the stories. Wilkos said that they died shortly after I was abandoned in England. They were murdered, he says. I ask him if he know who did it, but he never answers me. I think he knows. All I'm certain about is that once I find out who did it, I will kill them and their families. Kill their family until they are no more. Until not one remains to carry on the lineage. So help the one who is responsible.
I'm angrier than I was before now. The woman who appealed to me tonight was sitting on her balcony. I couldn't lure her out - I would risk being caught. So now, here I sit, awaiting Wilkos. Speaking of Wilkos....

As he let his hand fall limp, he guessed that Wilkos had walked in right that moment. This page had fallen out of one of his journals, but he didn't know which one. He'd never been able to figure it out, so he kept the page hidden, treasured so he wouldn't lose it. It provided so much insight of when he'd first changed. Not much had really changed since then. He was wiser, sure, but he was still fairly confused and curious. As far as he'd learned, those traits were dangerous in his world. . .

The setting changes from Mandrake Falls to Dorm Room: 6


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Lorcan wore his own Blood, his hand pressed against the missing portions of his cheek slowly healing. He laughed at his sister and spoke playfully, " Clandestine doesn't turn into canines, I do".

His gaze dropped to the floor, his humorous voice carried an impious tone, he let his hand slip from his wound, "Clandestine did you really sleep in Lilith's bed."

Clandestine immediately stepped out of Lorcan's body, her expression buried in embarrassment, he apparition glided to Lilith's feet. She leaned down on her knees, her eyes transformed into begging puppy eyes, her hands held up to her chest, actually for Lilith to slap rather than for the appearance of a canine, "I can be a dog for you princess."

Lorcan's fingers smoothed across Clandestines lips just as a bark was escaping her throat. "Sister, you know my slaves love us with out even a use of our powers. "

Clandestine's eyes shut, her breathing entered a state of masochism, as Lorcan's hand fondled her throat. Lorcan's lips spread into a sick grin, His gaze perused every reaction of Clandestine's tension and pleasure, as his grip tightened. Lorcan's fingers pulled on Clandestines throat so swiftly, her neck split from her body, and the whole astral projection disperesed from existence.

Lorcan smiled at Lilith,his tone remained endearing , " Sister, Don't abuse my favorite slaves. What is the problem, This is our first year together at S.C.U, do you really want to spend it bothering my gaurds ?", the blood that spurted out of Clandestine had already faded from his hand and body.

Lorcan leaned out and hugged his sister with his free hand, his uninjured cheek rested on her shoulder. Lorcan's nose sniffed at Lilith's lips, he smelled the blood of her victim " Why so moody sister, Didn't you have fun with your meal ?" Lorcan sighed, his eyes closed, "I havent eaten yet, But I do have some toys waiting for us if you want to come with me tomorrow. Its shame its too late to go play now", he parted from Lilith, spitefully glared at the sky which was coming to daylight, and walked inside their dorm.

He glimpsed Clandestine already laying in his bed now, and re-energizing her spirit spell, a satisfied smile perked on her lips as she hugged Lorcan's pillow close to her throat. Lorcan lowered his hand after reaching lilith's bed, he wiped the blood of his wound on her sheets. "The blood of a prince should purify your bed of my slave"


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Lilith folded her arms over her chest with anger as she glared at her brother and his pesky little slave as they made their way towards her. She purposely kept her eyes away from them trying to seem more pissed off then she actually was. Out of the corner of her eye’s she sneakily watched as Clandestine knelt down onto her knees and presented herself to get the consequences for sleeping on the wrong bed. Lilith’s face seemed to light up with excitement of the thought of being able to slap the slave as she reached her hand up to do it but it immediately dropped again as her brother came back into the picture.

She rolled her eyes in disappointment as well as disgusted as Lorcan wrapped his fingers around the Clandestine’s neck. Get a room. Lilith smirked at her own thought before being interrupted by her brother again as he embraced her. Although she loved her brother dearly and enjoyed having attention on herself she was still supposed to be angry at him and so just stood their motionless with her head turned to the side as he hugged her.

A cheeky smirk appeared on her face when her brother asked if she didn’t have a fun time with her meal. She knew he was obviously just trying to distract her from being mad and decided to just give in because she was rather excited to tell him about what she had gotten up to. β€œOh you should have seen me brother, I was perfect…as usual of course...I didn’t even use my hypnosis on him to get him to follow…but sadly my fun got ruined by some annoying barmaid…but I took care of her,” she grinned following her brother inside their dorm room. β€œThe police then showed up but they were very cooperative…and gave me a ride home,” Lilith remember back to the car ride as she pulled down the blinds noticing that the sun had began to rise over the horizon.

As she moved of towards her bed again she saw Lorcan wiping his blood on her sheets. This annoyed her cause now she would smell the fresh blood all day but then again she had a pretty big meal which filled her up quite a bit. But still she wanted to get back at her brother for not letting her slap his slaves and so grabbed the nearest object which just had to be a vase and throw at his head. β€œJERK!..” Lilith poked her tongue out at him like a little kid.

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 6 to Mandrake Falls


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" And did the human touch you ? " , his gaze faced Clandestine, " I am surprised you consider my slave lower than a human. She has been a friend since child hood, when my body was still that of a small boy.", he fangs sank into his tongue as he knew he regret reasoning with his sister, "I cant believe you two aren't getting along".

He shifted his priority back to his sister, a large smile spread across his face, he laughed astutely at the details of the barmaid and cops, " haha, who took the blame ? the officers maybe "?
" Not my preference to use touching alone, but I don't doubt as good as sister is , that human wanted to turn the feeding area into a future family parturition. of course he was thinking of remaining the father, and raising grand kids. Sister has those lustrous lustbetont rarities that make a fool dream."

"There are no other girls on this campus who come close to your beautiful features princess", Clandestine quickly added.
"eheh, yea we checked the freshmen tonight too", Lorcan's eyes tilted to Clandestine.

Lorcan was in the midst of turning and laying his back on Lilith's bed when the vase crashed into his head, his gaze shot toward Lilith as his head arched away from the impact of his skull to the vase. "I want the name of the person who made that vase, I want him and his snake and his flute, dead", Lorcan's lips pursed in means of showing that even though he was attempting to reassure himself she wouldn't attack him again, he was tottering on doubt.

His glanced at his sister's tongue, and felt a little cautious, but he laughed. He faced Clandestine, his eye brows furrowed at her, he moved closer to his sister as if he were protecting their brother sister bond from his mistake. Lorcan lowered his head, his eyes handled themselves shamefully passing between glancing in Lilith's eyes and staring at the ground. Lorcan suddenly remembered how selfish his sister can be, and the way she demanded his attention, He continued precariously, "I am sorry sister, its been a long time since we last played together. Forgive me, I have forgotten my place. I shouldn't have gone with Clandestine hunting alone." His blonde hair fell across his eyes, his head nuzzled Lilith's shoulder in a playful manner.

Clandestine crawled out of Lorcan's bed, and threw her body down on the floor hard. she remained face down, her hands scraped along the ground, and pulled her body closer to Lilith's feet. "This is my fault, lorcan", her voice strained nervously, she reached under dress, and held the blade retrieved, out to Lorcan. Lorcan's fingers shelved the blade, and then gripped it by the blade tip, and dangled it in front of lilith's eyes, "Try not to kill her, she is not in her spirit form", he smiled brightly at his sister.


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β€œHave fun with that,” she half mumbled underneath her breath not really caring much about him trying receiving them name of the person who made the vase and then having them killed. She swiftly stepped behind a dividing wall she had set up so she could change clothing in peace. Lilith slipped out of her bloody and ripped clothing and into a red silk robe, tying it tightly around her waist before stepping back just as Lorcan lowered his head and apologized.

β€œIt’s okay brother I forgive you,” she spoke in a very superior tone almost like her forgiving him was a big deal. β€œIt doesn’t matter now anyway and it looks like I had more fun then you anyway,” Lilith grinned happily licking her lips as she remember the sweet taste of the man’s blood. If only that stupid barmaid didn’t show up, then she would’ve gotten a better feed.

Lilith’s eyes trailed away from her brother’s as he nuzzled her shoulder watching very suspiciously at Clandestine as she crawled out of the bed. What was she up to? She watched closely as Clandestine handed over a blade to Lorcan before hearing her brother say β€˜try not to kill her.’ Her eyes widened with excitement as she snatched the blade of her brother rather quickly in case he changed his mind.

She looked down at Clandestine and gently brushed her fingers through the slave’s hair before pulling her head back so she could see Clandestine’s face. Lilith smiled deviously as she pressed the blade on Clandestine’s neck, lightly piercing her skin to let a little blood run out. But all off the sudden her hand with the blade in her hand dropped to her side and away from the slave’s neck. She wasn’t really enjoying this because Lorcan gave her permission to hurt Clandestine. It would be far more exciting for her not having permission because Lilith liked to break the rules and be naughty.

β€œIt’s okay Clandestine, it was as much as my brother’s fault as yours,” she smiled softly before throwing the blade on the table. She noticed Clandestine sigh in relief and that’s when Lilith raised her hand and slapped the slave hard across the face. Lilith smirked as she shook out her hand and looked cheekily at her brother. She had slapped Clandestine because she clearly never saw it coming which got Lilith all excited. "Anyway I would like to have a sleep now, so could you please keep the noise down." Lilith hopped into her bed.

The setting changes from Mandrake Falls to Dorm Room: 7


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Dante's steps were hastened as he was in a hurry to feed. His eyes were as bright as the moon's glow, further supporting his need of blood. It seemed he was not alone in his late night craving; all around he could hear blood being spilled and teeth piercing the plump jugular veins of humans. It was indeed a wonderful night for hunting and Dante's was soon coming to an end. As he floated through the city, a body of ominous mist, he drew ever so close to the dormitories. There he had wondrous event planned.

His thoughts were occupying his attention and he didn't notice the oncoming vehicle. However it wouldn't harm him in this form, but it was still an annoyance. As the motorcycle tore through his smoky form, he recognized the passenger as Deirdre. 'Seems she has found her a decent meal'. Dante never liked the taste of bikers, their blood was full of alcohol and they reeked of tobacco. However Deidre's pick looked to be more of the bad boy type.

By now Dante had reached the steps of the dorms and grew tired of misty transformation. So as his he reached to grab the door handle, it began to solidify as the white mist became an equally pale vampire hand. He strolled down the hallways and jogged up the steps until he reached his floor. His floor was filled with chatter and different faces, some familiar others not so much. He didn't bother speaking to anyone; instead he unlocked his dorm door and walked in, shutting and locking it behind him.

There were no signs of life or death in the dorm room, though his roommate could have been hiding in his room, Dante didn't really care to check. He instead headed for his room. Upon opening the door, he met opposition, clothes were blocking the door's pathway. They were an assortment of woman's clothes, 'I guess my guest have made themselves comfortable'. Kicking the clothes out of the way, Dante eyes trailed from the floor to his bed, where they then rested on his visitors.

There comfortably resting on his bed, wearing only what god had given them, were his date and their meal. Their fingers then curled backwards , motioning for him to join them. A smirk crept across his face as he shut the door and got in bed.

The events of tonight are, but a taste of what is to come for the citizens of this snow covered city. It wasn't long before the sun woke from it's slumber and vampires began theirs. The students and faculty of Sangre Cazador University vanished from the grounds of Mandrake Falls, all afraid to let sun's beautiful rays rest on their pale skin. Those who still had business to take care of, dwelled in the underground tunnels and protected walls of the school and dorms.

Days passed, the trend continued: the sun rose and vampires slept, the moon rose and vampires fed. Mysterious disappearances and animal attacks filled the morning paper and newscasts, but humans didn't seem to bat an eye. However the staff at S.C.U. were a different story. The rules put in place by Dean Blackwood, were not meant to be broken. Students responsible for attacks were dealt with by the disciplinary board. Punishment for killing humans wasn't the severest, but it was still something students would rather not go through. But, there was also good news on the S.C.U. campus...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010, marked the beginning of a new tradition. From now on, September 1st - September 31st, would be known as The Searing. The Searing would be to college vamps, what Hell Week is to college humans. And to start things off, a party was being thrown in the S.C.U. Ballroom. The Black Widow Masquerade, would be a social mixer, where all occupants must wear red and black. The party would hold no real significance other than to have fun and introduce the future rushers to their fraternity/sorority. And hours before this event, will be where our story resumes...

As the sun peaked through the curtains, its warm rays landed on Dante's pale face. The unusual rise in temperature was enough to bring the young vampire back from his hiatus. His eye lids lazily peeled back, exhaustion had built up from all the boredom of the past days. He had been dealing with the dean because of all of Alpha Phi Beta's exploits. They had recently thrown a rave, which wouldn't had been so terrible if they hadn't devoured a number of tourists. And to make matters worse, he had be given the cruel and unusual punishment of helping plan the masquerade along with other fraternity/sorority founders. But alas, the silver lining had arrived: the party was finished and would begin a couple hours after sundown.

Dante was looking foreword to this event. Between Moses, Lorcan, and himself, they had a few events planned to test newcomers loyalty and morals. Plus, the Tau's had greater numbers than the Alphas and Dante was looking to change that. Overall, the party looked to be something he would not forget anytime soon, especially since he helped create it. All that was left to do now, was get his suit and make sure things were in order.

Rolling out of bed, he stretched to full lengths and began his morning routine. It was quite simple: eat, shower, and, get dressed. Vampires didn't need to eat, but Dante still loved the taste of human food. But, for now he would keep things light, with bottled blood. He kept a personal supply in an incubator in his room. The temperature was set to 98.6, so it was just like the real thing. Grabbing a bottle, he sampled the contents, as the warm blood coursed through his body, it filled him with the energy he would need for the day.

The next step in his routine, would be more enjoyable than the last. Dante loved an steaming hot shower in the morning. It was one of the few things he did that made him feel human. With his body being so hot, he imagined it was like humans felt like on a normal basis. Grabbing the necessary hygiene supplies, he left his room and entered the bathroom. He then removed his tank top and boxers after preparing the shower. Steam had already began to fog the mirrors and warm his body. A smile swam across his face as he entered the warm embraces of the shower. As the water splashed against his skin, a sigh of relief escaped his lungs. He stood, letting the water trickle down his well sculpted frame before commencing his cleaning process.

A hour later, Dante emerged from the bathroom, clean, groomed, and refreshed. Wrapping himself in a towel, he retreated to his room. But soon, to his dismay, he learned he had no clean clothes. It had been Dante's turn to do the laundry and he had forgotten to bring the clothes back up. And since Dante wasn't one to wear dirty clothes, he would have to go and get them. Cursing under his breath, he grabbed another bottle of blood and left his dorm room, heading for the laundry room.

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 7 to Mandrake Falls


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A few days later, after a boring routine of just exploring the campus and avoiding trouble, Claude awoke, excited for the night's party. Just after sundown a mixer was being thrown to, essentially, recruit young men and women into Frats and Sororities. New to S.C.U., Claude was looking forward to checking things out. It would give him a chance to experience more than just boredome and sadness as he read his journal entries.

With a lazy groan, Claude got out of bed and set about getting showered and dressed. He made his bed with precision, something he'd grown good at over the centuries, and then walked to his closet. He grabbed the necessary items for a shower, clean clothing, and, with a last look at the Box, shut the door.

It took just under an hour for Claude to be completely ready, but as he studied himself in the mirror, he realized he had to shave. An irritated sigh escaped his mouth. After all these centuries he still loathed shaving. But, it had to be done, so he set about it, being careful as he did.

As he finished, he walked through his dorm, wondering where his roommate was, but not really caring at the moment. He was hoping, that by the end of the night, he would have seen enough of the available Frats that he would be able to join one. It was a hope, a chance for him to actually gain some friends who wouldn't die.

Deciding that's what he would do, he set off to the diner. He hadn't bought food yet, and he wasn't one to take advantage of anyone else's purchases whether they were meant to be shared or not. It was just best that he go to Bobby's Diner and get something there. He pulled his hood over his head, taking his time to get to the diner. He was still tired, but food would wake him up quite quickly.

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#, as written by Kay422
Deirdre had awoken early to the sound of a hard knock on her bedroom door. It sounded frantic, otherwise the presence of another wouldn’t have drawn her out of bed so quickly. Scrambling to her feet she adjusted her laced nightgown and drew open the dark wood door to reveal a panicked Tabitha, a member of her organization.

β€œTabby this better be good, you interrupted my beauty sleep.” Deirdre nearly snarled at the much younger female vampire.

β€œYazmin is gone…” The young vampire burst out. β€œShe didn’t come back last night…she always comes back.” The girl stammered. β€œI think she’s hurt…or worse. I can’t get a hold of her, and I can’t go out to find her. I don’t know what to do.” The girl rambled.

β€œWhoa, whoa, whoa…Slow down, and rewind. Come in and sit.” Deirdre ordered, already annoyed by the girl’s inability to control herself. She held the door opened and Tabitha entered the room sitting in the antique crimson stair set in the corner of the room by the vanity.

β€œWhat makes you think she’s missing? She could simply have been enjoying the company of others until after sundown and decided to stay out. You aren’t her mother she’s a grown woman…” Deirdre said with a short sigh attempting to reason with the frenzied girl who was now fiddling with her cell phone.

β€œDare just listen to this…I wouldn’t have come to you if it wasn’t a true concern.” Tabitha finally managed to collect herself enough to playback a voicemail she’d received. The reception seemed fuzzy; that wasn’t surprising given the area but the scratching and rustling, and the noise of heavy breathing was definitely odd.

”Please stop!” There was a thud, and then a cry of pain… A male voice was heard in the background, a male voice that Deirdre recognized. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. β€œLet this be a warning to those bitches you call sisters…”

The line went dead. And evidently so did Yazmin.

Deirdre stood stunned for a moment before she rushed to the window pulling back the curtain just enough to look into the parking lot. Squinting out and trying to avoid being in the direct sunlight she saw exactly what she didn’t want to see…sitting there was a Harley, but upon it was no corpse. She’d only heard the man’s voice a few moments the night before but it had been memorable. The voice on the voicemail.

β€œImpossible…I can’t…” Deirdre’s breath caught in her throat before pushing the curtain back. β€œLeave! Now!” Deirdre ordered pointing towards the door and ushering Tabitha out of the room.

β€œBut Dare!”

β€œBut nothing! Out!” She ordered again slamming the door behind her and letting her back rest against it.
There was something wrong with this situation…There was no way she could have changed a man, only females were subject to her venom meaning someone else had turned her victim, and turned them against her and her sisters as well. Until she figured out whom this was she couldn’t allow the others to panic. Fear wasn’t something she liked to instill in her girls.

- - - - - - - -

Within the next few hours dare prepared herself for the party; the other Delta’s all gathered at the Delta house in order to get ready and make their preparations for the night. They would be selecting girls through a process of elimination…Each of them selecting three girls that they would like to take responsibility for and bring forth to the organization. Some would make the cut, and others would simply not uphold the right qualities. Of course they would enjoy their night as well, it was a known fact that this annual ball was one of the only times Deidre Collins was ever truly intoxicated…It was necessary on this night in particular with everything swirling upon her mind. She was already nine glasses of wine deep by the time all her girls had gathered.

β€œSlow down Dee…you’re going to be falling over before you even make your speech tonight.” A woman joked, though she knew better than to say more. Deirdre would do what she wanted regardless.

β€œMm…would that be so bad?” Deirdre asked with a slight smirk, before motioning to her back which she was struggling with her dress. β€œHelp with this…please” The β€˜please’ was an added surprise to Dare’s demand, as it wasn’t something dare said often. It was only heard when she had a guilty conscience, which she did.

One of her sisters helped lace the back of her crimson red gown; the torso was laced in black and an intricately designed black beading covered the whole gown. She looked like a gothic princess; her hair fell in loose curls over her bare shoulders and a thick silver chain wrapped around her neck with a large red pendent hanging from it.

β€œWhere’s Yaz?” She heard the question but Deirdre didn’t answer. The room grew quiet and she turned looking over her shoulder at the others.

β€œShe’s not with us.” She said simply. That was the only answer she would give, and the other girls knew all too well what it meant.

The setting changes from Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House to Dorm Room: 6


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Lorcan held his breath for a second, Lilith didn't sound sincere at all, she was taking advantage of his concern. His fangs protruded as he hissed, he was being treated like a human. Lorcan ignored what ever was going on with his slave and Lilith, the time here had put Lorcan in a displeasing position with his sister.

Clandestine held her facial cheeks up to Lilith, her fingers pressed over the red mark of Lilith on Clandestine. Awaiting another slap, unaware that what Lilith wanted was for Clandestine not to face Lilith, for her to let her guard down and Lilith would take her by surprise. Lorcan crouched down, his index finger stabbed down on the handle of the blade on the floor. The dagger flipped at Clandestine, and pierced through the inner section of her elbow. Clandestine groaned in pain, remember that Lilith hated it when Clandestine felt pleasure from Lorcan's abuse.

He stepped over to Clandestine, and with out touching her, his hand waited close to her throat. "Go clean up, don't leave your blood in here", he gentle spoke while moving to sit on the edge of his bed.

Clandestine nodded, and hurried to get cleaning supplies from the bathroom. Lorcan avoided eye contact with is sister, and turned over in his bed, disappointment swelled in him.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010, daylight.
Lorcan's hand crawled over his drawer, and retrieved a long rod with extended claws on the end, he tossed it onto his sheets. He reached back into the open drawer and walked away with a cleaver held low to his knee. The door creaked behind Clandestine, her butt rested on the bathroom sink, while she fixed herself up, and gazed at herself in the mirror. Lorcan stood half way behind the door, then rushed at her with the cleaver concealed at his back. Clandestine swung her self back up right onto the sink top, and was shocked to see the cleaver rip into her right arm. A moan was on the tip of Clandestine's lips, fully indulging the blood seeping from her slender bicep. Lorcan's fingers closed on her cheeks, his wrist turned so that his fingers spread pinky and ring on one side, index and middle on the other, with his thumb under her chin. He forced her jaw shut, to keep the screams or what ever annoying sound was echoing in her mouth, as he chopped through the sinew on her arm.

Clandestine seemed to still enjoy this, by the ecstasy in her eyes. Lorcan slammed his head into her nose, to cause her eyes to blur and distort that erotic expression on her face. At same time he sliced the cleaver through her bone, her arm tumbled and roll to a stop in the sink, leaving a stream of blood. Lorcan glared at the blood leaking from Clandestine and everything it tainted.

Clandestine's leg launched into Lorcan's chest, pushing him back a few inches, rebounding off him she landed her feet on the sink counter. His arm retreated behind his ribs, his crouching form spun into the air. Her remaining hand clasped her blood smeared arm nub, the wound still bearing her bones open to the air, she didn't have time to look for the missing limb. His arm outstretched as he spun full circle once again, the cleaver in his hand collided with the quill of a porcupine. As the severed quills fell in wake of Lorcans slash, Clandestine's left leg transformed into the stump of an elephant. Lorcan grunted as the weight of it slammed onto his knee, just after he landed his toes on the edge of the sink counter. His left hand gripped her thigh, as she tried to swing her right knee into his throat. His legs gave way, and the two dropped off the sink counter. Clandestine kept her weight on Locan's leg, her legs both in human form, as her face stabbed at him in the form of a sword shark blade. The sword shark pierced into the edge of his neck after his eyes dodged the many attempts to blind him. Clandestine struggled to just drag the sword through Lorcan, and decapitate him, she barely understood what was happening with them.

Lorcan reached under, and grabbed her wrist, once her hand was pulled onto his chest, the cleaver tore into her upper arm. Clandestine receded the sword into her normal face, she couldn't make herself take Lorcan's head off. She dropped her forehead to his cheek, depressed and confused, she screamed as he split through her bone. Lorcan let go off the cleaver, as her arm plopped to the bathroom floor. He pushed her off, and stood on the blood puddle, then walked out the bathroom with a sigh, mixed in derangement. He returned with the spear from on his bed, to find Clandestine resting on her back. Her whole body was covered in blood, since she had twitched around wildly on the bathroom floor in pain, soaking her self in her own spills. Lorcan ran at her, and shoved the spear through Clandestine's chest, its claws locked around her heart. Clandestine gazed at him with panic and remorse before her eyes rolled back, her trembling body felt betrayed, but she had given up. After saving him all their life, she thought he cared about her,

"Lorcan , please, I have always been Loyal, and I take the abuse. But this is weird, tell this will end, tell me you wont leave me like this forever", Clandestine attained the full dyspeptic feeling of the horror as she glanced at her nubs. "You had to be relieved", he responded in a dead tone. "no, this cant be happening. because of that I am.. Lorcan this is not what I imagined it would feel like when we tortured those others before."

A mysterious sound escaped Her lips, it was difficult to say if this was pleasure or something excessive. Lorcan lingered in silence, he didn't know how long it had been, as they anticipated the return of Clandestine's astral projection. The tentacles mounted her stomach first, lashing a bit before the octopus form popped out of Clandestine's pancreas. Lorcan's grip had remained on the spear during the wait, his free hand grabbed the cleaver, as the tentacles grasped at the spear handle. The tentacles hassled with and tried to peeled Lorcan's hand away, to unleash the spear claws. A tentacle raveled around his wrist, pulling his arm toward with the aid of another tentacle roughly smacking his elbow at the bottom. A tentacle placed atop the spear would hold the rod and claws from ejecting her heart from her chest, while her other tentacle latched to the area between Lorcan's thumb and index finger, pressuring him to reveal the release of the claws. The Cleaver hacked through her right leg, disintegrating two of the tentacles, while spraying more blood all over the octopuss head.

Clandestine's spiritless body appeared to heal much slower with out the life force. Lorcan broke away from the spear, but his hand turned on the tentacles, scraping them together. He lifted up the octopus by its only two tentacles, the other nubbins wiggled as if they had forgotten their limitations and absence. He threw the octopus into the air, just as a sword fish formed again. The Sword fish whipped its body about, striking the sword point where he was, While Lorcan's lower half flipped over Clandestine's vampire body. The sword narrowly missed his head with the twist of Lorcan's shoulders. His hand dragged the cleaver along the ground, slicing it through Clandestine's last leg as he landed opposite of the astral projection. He pressed the blade all the way down to complete the removal of her leg, the demented sound of the cleavers metal distributing her blood and bone was complicated by the hissing of a snake. The snake raced at the spear, in ever changing patterns of approach. Lorcan swung the cleaver toward Clandestine's skull, but the snake launched its self into the path, to defend the true body.

The snake managed to hit the blade so that its body parted in two, but left a little wiggle length on the head. Lorcan's wrist turned, sliding the cleaver side along the snake's body in mid air, then flinging the snake at the sink counter. The head portion traveled along the cleaver, up the handle, and dropped from Lorcan's hand. The snake glided back into Clandestine's body, she awoke with a demoralized breath of air. Lorcan walked to the cabinet, and returned to Clandestine with sewing threads, a needle prepped between his finger tips. He lowered to his knees, blood seeped from her lips as he stabbed the needle in, and stitched her mouth shut so the snake could not bite, and the astral projection could not ask for help.

Lorcan's finger circled around Clandestine's organs, an enigmatic expression stamped on his face, " I thought I would have to find where in there the four extra arms came from."

Lorcan proceeded to clean the dorm room of Clandestine's blood, and essence. When he was done he stumbled into the bath tub, Clandestine's body still lay on bathroom floor, he practically stepped right ontop of her gut. Lorcan shut the curtains, the cold water ran for a while, before he turned it off. His mouth dropped into the water, soaking his face in the chill temperature, he smiled at the selfishness of his whim. Heartless to Clandestine's condition, he slept soundly, sprawled in the low depth water. His arm suddenly trimmed the soap bottle of its cap, his hand curled like a snail and tilted the angled plastic. The soap piled on Lorcan's pink finger, the extra toppled in heaps in the water. Lorcan splashed the soapy water on his hair, his eye popped open, staring at a bubble. The blonde strands dripped water furiously as Lorcan sat up, supported on his palms. Lorcan finished his bath in a slow pace, his eyes kept wandering to fridge, his ear pressed up to the wall blocking the kitchen.

Lorcan's wet feet to the fridge door, a pair of fire man pants adorned the only skin on his body covered, the blue light of the fridge glistened upon his back as soon as he passed out. The door silently rotated past his head, the light closed off. His body rolled under a glass sculpture of a Neil Patrick Harris kite eating the 'brave little toaster' character, while holding a gun to Anton Yelchin's hip forcing him to stroke the latch nob.

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 6 to Bobbys Diner


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It had been quite a bit of time since Frank had the locket. He still wore it around his neck, visible to all. He hadn't had anyone at all try to claim said necklace, which was good because he had sort of an attachment to it. He would get something to eat sooner or later at Bobby's Diner, he'd go now. He didn't dress in anything special, just a t-shirt and shorts. He didn't feel like dressing up, but he still had the locket. Sometimes, he'd forgotten he'd even had it. He still felt the depression of being a vampire, destined for a soulless, unfeeling life. He had someone, but that someone would mean nothing down the road, and he knew it. He didn't like the idea of that, the person he'd spend a portion of his life with would become old and die, then disintegrate into a pile of dust. Even his brothers and sisters would become maggot food before his very eyes, he'd watch them grow old as well, and suffer the effects of mortality.

DJ, Rowan, Richard, Ezekiel, Tadashi and Sora. All gone. While he lived, well, sort of.

The emotional distancing would be a blessing in disguise. That way, he would no longer lose who he cared about, since he wouldn't care about anyone anymore. He thought of this as he walked, how much he wished for it to happen. He stared into the distance, his icy eyes seemed to pierce the night with their now feline quality. Flicking back and forth, he finally found the building he looked for after an hour of slow walking and brooding depression. The diner.

He went inside, picked a seat, then sat down. He'd eat soon, but right now the thinking made him ache.

The setting changes from Bobbys Diner to Dormitories


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Her dark brown eyes shot open hearing a familiar scream in the distance. Clandestine. Lilith couldn’t help but smile a little thinking about what her brother could be up to before her eyes noticed a strange black stain on the roof. What had caused that stain better yet since when did they have such a stain on their dorm room roof? All of the sudden the mattress moved underneath her as she felt someone next to her roll over towards her. She jumped a little with surprise as well as shock as the stranger’s hand fell onto her stomach. Numerous questions seemed to flood her mind. Where was she? Who’s bed was she in? Why was this stranger touching her? Why was she naked? She rubbed her temples for a moment.

A disgust look fell on her face as she gentle grabbed the stranger’s wrist and dropped his hand by his side and off her. Lilith sat up a little, letting her eyes trail around the room as she tried to work out where she was. There was a groan from the stranger next to her which she drew her attention back to him. His was laying on his back his face turned away from her making it hard for her to recognise who this fellow student was. Lilith’s fingers travelled along the white bed covers before she very gracefully lifted it up a little. Her eyes travelled down the male vampire’s back admiring the cuts and small bite marks he had which clearly were from her. She stopped at his buttocks clearly realising who this was as a small smirk appeared on her face. β€œWhat a fun night…” she mumbled to herself before her face became cold again.

Without hesitation she kicked the male vampire in the side pushing him off the bed and onto the ground. β€œGET UP!” She shouted before pulling the blanket up towards her neck more to hide her naked body as she watched the vampire hurry to his feet with surprise. Lilith smirked again seeing him standing there with his junk hanging out looking all confused as to why she had kicked him out of the bed. He opened his mouth to say something but hearing giggles coming from the bed positioned on the opposite wall he looked down and noticed he was fully exposed. He scrambled for anything he could find to cover up his manhood before looking back at Lilith sitting upright and peacefully on his bed. β€œBabe what is your problem?”

Lilith shot him an evil glare, how dare he call her babe. She wasn’t his babe, she didn’t belong to anyone. β€œGET THE HELL OUT!” She yelled at him before throwing a pillow at him. β€œThis is my dorm…and I’m naked” he dodged the pillow. β€œAnd your point?.....GET OUT NOW and take your roomy and his bitch with ya!” Her tone was unsympathetic as she gave him a hostile look which made him scramble again. He rushed to grab a pair of jeans and shirt before hurrying out the door. His roommate and the female vampire followed quickly behind him not making eye contact with her at all as they got out and shut the door. Lilith smiled a little with satisfaction before her face fell again as she looked around to find her clothes. Where the hell were they? She always had clothes on when she left her dorm even if it was just a little.

Lilith gently placed her feet on the ground, wrapping the bed covers around her like a dress as she tiptoed across the floor trying to find any signs of where her clothing could’ve gone to. To her astonishment she found a red dress ripped to shreds laying behind the couch. β€œI do like it rough don’t I,” she chuckled to herself before walking towards the wardrobe. Although she wasn’t really the type to wear other people’s clothing because firstly it’s not very hygienic and secondly because most people didn’t have a very good senses of fashion like her. She ruffled through the clothing until she found something that seemed to be the cleanest. Some boys don’t know how to clean. Lilith slipped into the green hooded jacket; luckily for her it was just long enough to cover her butt. As long as she didn’t have to bend over on the way back to her dorm room she would be fine.

She rushed out the dorm room and quickly looked to her left and right to workout where exactly she was so she could find the quickest and less populated way back to her room. Lilith hurried her way along the corridors and as she swung her head to the left to flick her hair out of her face she noticed Dante Ravenglass coming her way. She smiled at him politely with a hint of seduction in her eye as she passed him. Lilith knew that he might not know her but she sure knew he was and knew that he was from the brother sorority of the one she wanted to join and therefore making an impression on him might result in him telling Deirdre about her. But then again Dante was a very handsome man and so would have many girls crawling over him so mostly like Lilith would have to rely on her own abilities and her brother’s reputation to get into Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority.

She made her way back to her room in no time shutting the door quickly behind her before calling out for her brother. β€œLorcan why does it smell like blood?” She didn’t look around the room to locate her brother or his slave but was more concerned with getting out of this jumper and into her own clothing.

The setting changes from Dormitories to Dorm Room: 1


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Valentina and Akasia
Matahari purred as he rubbed his body around my legs while I was looking if which dress fitted me better.
I threw the dress over the bed and picked him up.
"How are you baby?" He continued to purr as I hugged him.

"How's the pledging?" I asked Akasia who was staring at the grandeur french windows.
"So many pledges, so few needed."
She stood up and stared at the collection of dresses on my bed and other places as well.
"What's all these for?"
"The ball."
"Oh. Well, I was hoping you could lend me something to wear," she picked through the throngs of red and black.
"You? Are asking me to help you? Wow, that's a first," I smirked and let out a laugh.
"Well, choose from these and wear them and we'll see which one looks good on you, I've settled for this one inside my closet."
A knock was then heard.
"Who dares disturb my concentration?!" Akasia shouted in a low, hollow and booming voice that shocked me.
Suddenly the door blasted open and one of Akasia's drones was bowing and repeateadly saying sorry.
And next thing I knew Akasia was floating beside me.
"What brought you here Salve?" Akasia said more calmly this time.
"Akasia, a delivery was sent to the sorority house for you." The one addressed as Salve replied.
Salve then signaled another girl to carry the black smooth box inside.

"You can leave now. Remember the tasks for the pledges. I need them by midnight.At the ball."
"Do you have to treat your sorority sisters like slaves?"
"I don't treat them like slaves, I just impose a strict hierarchy,"
"And what tasks are you talking about?"
"Pledges. Stuff." She said as her hands trailed along the sides of the box.
The contents intrigued me though I already had an idea what it was inside, maybe the identity of the sender intrigued me more.

"Well, won't you open it?" I asked impatiently.
Akasia lifted the cover and inside was a black studded serpentina dress.

"Wow, who sent that?"
She lifted the dress and I could see from her eyes how much she adored it.
"G$*#@!a..." Akasia whispered something I could barely understand.
"Go on. Try it. Then I'm gonna fix your hair."
She walked behind the antique wooden panels and removed her clothing...

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 1 to Infinitive


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"If you could just sign here sir," the sales clerk flirtingly pointed for me to sign my credit slip.
"Then maybe you could also give me your contact number," I smiled slyly.
That sent her giggling until I got everything I needed. But before I leave for the door she slipped a piece of paper on the back pocket of my jeans.
"Thank you for visiting infinitive!"
The night is still young, I can still enjoy a soak on the tub before gearing up for the ball.
More women.

The setting changes from Infinitive to Ballroom


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#, as written by Kay422
Deirdre and the higher ups of Delta Epsilon Mu arrived at the ballroom by limousine an hour later; now a bottle of wine deep Deirdre was starting to grow a bit more comfortable. She made small talk and even seemed to be enjoying the other girls company for once, which was a surprise to some as she was naturally very tense. To be at ease was something rare for Dare…a special occasion. Deirdre lead the way as the others trailed obediently behind through the corridors of the university. Just outside the ballroom she handed out black envelopes which were sealed with the Sangre Cazador mark; three envelopes were handed to each woman.

β€œExtend a bid to three women who you see the most potential…You know I don’t like to waste a bid so choose wisely.” She instructed, though the others present knew the routine from the previous year. This was the most valued time for them, and expanding their organization was necessary. To grow in strength was to grow in numbers.

Deirdre stepped through the grand entrance of the ballroom looking around at the set up. It was as she’d helped to create; the decoration was regal yet dark and the tables were draped in red silk cloth. Large bouquets of red and black roses topped each one, and an orchestra was beginning to set up in their appropriate space. There was a red glow to the lighting, though most of the dim light came from the use of many candles. There was an open bar in the far right corner, much to her pleasure. She gave a small smile happy with the appearance overall; everything seemed to be in place. They were among the first guests there; Deirdre had needed to see to everything being in place before guests arrived.

Let the night begin… Deirdre thought to herself giving one final look around before stepping out into the center of the ball room. The silence there for the time being was eerie and she motioned for the orchestra to start playing early…The sound of her heels on the dark marble floor was soon covered.

The setting changes from Ballroom to Dorm Room: 6


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The wooden table supporting the comical Sculpture shook after Lilith called out, Lorcan's shin bumped against the table legs, as he turned over on his back. The green jacket over his sisters body caught his eye as she hurried along, seemingly eager to clean up. He hadn't notice his sister was gone during day light, after acting like Lorcan had committed a crime against his dear sister, she was clearly letting out her own sexual behavior in a very hypocritical manner. The smile across Lorcan's face honestly depicted how much he didn't care about the subject anymore, tearing Clandestine apart had relieved the tensions and stress he endured because of his sisters disapproval of Clandestine's partnership with Lorcan. His feet brushed against the ground, then persisted into a drag, Lorcan's open palm slammed onto the near by diner table as his body rose out from underneath the glass sculpture.

A knock at the door pulled Lorcan's attention, his senses cringed at the familiarity of the guests, followed by his arrival at the front door. Lorcan bared his fangs when he peeked through the door an spotted the two Tau Zeta boys, that club's size meant increasing moments of intrusion upon his scheiss rot attitude and what ever dismay he left in the Falls.

Lorcan's eyes widened at the sight of the unlocked door mechanisms, he quickly shoved his body outside the door, and held his hand on the nob to keep it closed. "Eloi , Gratien, get away from me, or I will peel your backs with my toes", although the boy's own fangs matched the escalating threat of Lorcan's fangs fulminating against their mouths, the two Tau Zeta had no intention of fighting Lorcan here.

The two Tau Zeta boys stepped back, only to shuffle to sides of Lorcan, and slip him away from the door. Lorcan passed by the two, and paused at the other side of the hall, as a sign of good faith. He would appear not to stop them, but would use their consciences against them, "My sister is near nude in the kitchen, I would find it unforgivable if the eyes of two wimps like you saw her. You are not her type, you wouldn't know the first thing about sin and ecstasy."

The two boys immediately jumped back and eased up next to Lorcan, leaning against the opposite wall of the dorm room 6. "Lorcan,What was that scream earlier?", a low volume suspicion exhaled with Eloi's heavy breathing.

"I almost walked in on the sister of one the most vile bastards to attend S.C.U. I cant believe he actually saved me from suicide", Gratien remained silent save the near death experience running circles in his mind.

" My sister saw my face, she hates ugly things, and I don't look savory. I haven't eaten human blood in about 6 days, come tonight.", The purple and blue of Lorcan's skin had become a horrible pink color, and the two Tau Zeta boys quickly agreed on Lorcan's current hideous complexion.

"How noble of you, have you betrayed your old violence. Maybe you could ditch Alpha, there is always room for a skilled fighter on a winning side. Just give rule abiding a try."

The two boys had given up on entering the Dorm 6, and capturing the whiff of evidence against Lorcan, instead they continued to pitch more ethics in the name of Tau Zeta to draw Lorcan to Morality. Any one who heard this mad concept would laugh, no one can consider Lorcan for Tau Zeta, Talisman would surely not listen to the rubbish.

Lorcan leaned to Gratien, then tilted over to Eloi, with a giant enthusiastic smile shining at the two in the cheeks from Lorcan's face. "I did enjoy betrayal today", Lorcan's voice livened up, then drop into dread, "betrayal is something you should really taste. Well, if you count the the feeling you get when you Tau Zeta's turn on the other vampires for the humans. You like being little worthless babies, don't you."

Gratien choked on the stupidity of falling into Lorcan's timorous act, All because they had almost violated a vampire girl beyond their imagination of beauty, whom could possible remove their spines for all they knew if she was related to Lorcan. Lorcan returned to Dorm 6, and locked the door, after he watched Eloi follow Gratien out of their hall way. Lorcan walked to the fridge, and tried once more to carry a bottle of blood from inside to the table. He seated himself at the closest chair, and popped the bottle top, while resting his face in his free palm for a minute. The first drop ached his sore throat before beginning its healing properties, the wounds Clandestine dealt would of been fatal if she had not stopped out of love, as weak as Lorcan was, this should of been his final daylight.

He moved through the dorm room, and located his sister, without glancing at Lilith above the ankles he spoke softly, "The filth in the Bathroom, I don't care what you do with it. and I have no more rules for you sister". He wasn't looking forward to explaining Clandestine's mess in the Bathroom, nor would speak of her loyalty any more, "The fool thought she could convince me to have a baby with her yesterday." Lorcan didn't need to glance out the window to tell it was getting early or late, which ever he saw as Night, "Lilith, you know about the Ball tonight? Dante might need me there, even though I don't feel like going. I suppose you will want your brother there to see you impress Deirdre and the Delta Epsilon Mu."

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 6 to Dorm Room: 9


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A field of flowers as far as the eyes could see, but something was amiss. Blood splattered against the delicate petals of the different varieties of roses and tulips and daisies caused Phoenix's skin to crawl. How could someone taint such beauty with the stains of blood? He stood in the field alone, blood dripping from his fingers. It is at this point in the dream that he realizes the murderer is him.

He had fallen asleep, how is quite a mystery to him, probably due to his boring room mate, or so he called him, still he had fallen asleep which was rare in the vampire world. Sitting up in his bed, he looked at the clock and sighed. It was his birthday MONTH, the 21st was his birth date and he wondered what he would do when the time came. Sighing, he stood, the dream having stirred his spirit a bit and caused him to look down at his hands as if they were the hands of a stranger. When he first arrived at the school, and founded his fraternity, he couldn't help but feel all powerful and what not, but now having been here for a while, he can't help but feel like a stranger, looking at a movie through his eyes and he being the main character.

He forced himself to walk into the shower. He forced himself to scrub the dried blood from his body. He forced himself to look upon the killer's face that he now owned, but he should be used to killing by now, being that he was a pure blood and killing was something they often did, still it seemed so new to him for some reason.

Sighing again, he exited the shower and fixed his hair. He was borderline when it came to dressing. Sometimes he wore provocative clothing while other times he wore regular clothing. He looked over at the door that led to his room mates bed and simply shook his head. Claude was an interesting young vampire and Phoenix had found him to be an alright guy to talk about problems with still he had to get to the Ballroom, time was winding down and he couldn't miss the party that was to be one to never forget.

Dressing silently, he made sure all was in place and exited the dorm room.

The setting changes from Dorm Room: 9 to Mandrake Falls


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"There! Never imagined we turned this moment into a bonding moment, sister." I stressed the word sister to make my statement.
"We should get going Delta has some special things to do before the fun starts and I'm eyeing this specific pledge," I double checked my reflection and when I was satisfied I grabbed her hand and we walked towards the special horse carriage I rented especially for this occasion.
The coachmen were waiting and escorted us.
The night was amazing and good thing their service coaches came in convertible style.
People like me really need to arrive in style.
I laughed at the thought and looked at my sister. Crazy how we look exactly the same and different at the same time.
We were nearing the ball room area so I tapped Akasia to be ready with her mask.
I lifted mine close to my face and scanned those who were arriving as well.
I scanned for a two particular people, the Lilith girl who's a very good Delta candidate and of course, Dante.
I licked my red lips and prepared to board off, as I stood by the exit a bunch of guys rushed by and offered their hands to escort me.
So many choices, so little time.

When Val applied the finishing touches to my hair and make up I stared into my reflection.
This rarely happens that I prepare for something, if it weren't for the sisterhood I wouldn't be attending.
She started panicking and saying something about their own pledges.
So I stood up and followed her outside.
I wasn't a bit surprise to her acts when I found a white horse drawn carriage with horsemen.
She signaled me to hop in.
I looked at my sister. She had always been daddy's girl despite the resemblance.
I sighed then I looked away, when I saw something move by the trees. It was fast, considering we have four horses.
I tried to look closer but Val tapped my shoulder and pointed towards the ball room.
I picked my mask and placed it on.
The coachmen escorted me off, I looked back at Val and saw the swarm of men making their way towards her and one by one they offered their hands towards her.
Looks like my sister already have her hands full so I walked towards the entryway.
Whatever it was I saw by the woods, I just have to check it out some other time.


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Lilith immediately rushed to her very large wardrobe as she ruffled through her close before coming to a sudden halt seeing a black bag hanging there amongst her dresses. That wasn’t there yesterday. She shoved all the other hangers aside to see the entire bag before noticing a small yellow note stuck to it. Lilith ripped it off rather vigorously as she felt a little confused with what it was.

Dear Sweetie,
Your brother has informed us that you had a
ball coming up at your school and so I made it
my duty to go get you something special to wear.
It is was made by your favourite designer from
Paris, I hope you like it and enjoy your night.

Lots of Love

As soon as Lilith skimmed through the note she throw it aside and pulled of the black bag in one go to reveal a short length white dress ( Her face let up with excitement, β€œMother you know me so well.” She threw off the jumper and put on some undergarments before slipping into the dress.

There was a sudden knock on the door but she ignored it knowing that her brother or his little slave would answer it anyway. Lilith pulled the zip up as much as she could before looking at herself in the mirror. Admiring her own beauty as well as the detail of the dress. This would most defiantly make her stand out and not because it looks stunning on her but also the fact that nearly all the girls at the ball would be wearing long ball gowns and not short ones like hers. She smiled again happily looking at herself before flicking her hair over her shoulder and turning towards the door just as her brother closed it.

β€œWho was that?” Lilith asked with a hint of curiosity but at the same time she didn’t care much about it especially if it was those band geeks who keep pestering their people to join their stupid little group. She couldn’t help glance at her blurry reflection in one of the picture frames as her brother apologized for some mess in the bathroom. β€œSorry what did you say I was busy….” She chuckled. β€œWhat mess?” Lilith walked over towards her make-up table and started applying some smoking eye-shadow as she listened to hear brother.

β€œSpeaking of your friend Dante I just passed him in the hallway, his looking rather sharp today but hopefully he will put a suit on for tonight.” She grabbed some dangling earrings and put on a number of silver bangles on her wrist. β€œHA! Brother you’re so funny as if I need to impress Deirdre or any of the Delta Epsilon Mu members…you’re so silly.” Lilith chuckled again as she slipped into her high heels. She seemed to be really confident with the whole pledges thing but deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside her cold heart she was just a little tiny bit nervous and worried. Lilith looked at her reflection one more time before walking back over to her brother and turning her back on him, β€œMind zipping me up…” She waited until he did what she had told him before turning to face him. β€œWhat do you think?” Lilith did a little twirl in front of him.

β€œAnyway I got to go meet my friends, see you at the ball and if you plan on doing anything fun,” she winked at him. β€œPlease don’t be afraid to come get me because you know I am always up for a bit of fun…” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. Lilith was too concerned with herself looking good and forgot to check the bathroom about the mess her brother was talking about.

The setting changes from Mandrake Falls to Dormitories


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An expression of annoyance crossed Lorcan's face as Lilith reminded him of the two wimps he just talked with, "Tau Zeta, you don't need to worry about them. Those pathetic vampires try to police the rest of us, but they will be to tongue tied to speak to an evil vixen like sister".
Lorcan packed away the topic of the bathroom along with his sister, if it didn't bother her, he didn't care to think about it. Lorcan's lips pulled into a smirk just to the left, as he deciphered Lilith's joke. Dante had forgotten to do laundry just before this big event, and was walking around naked again, which means Moses was too busy with his sisters again to help his buddy out.

Lorcan wrapped his arms around his sister's shoulders, she always tried to be shroud and arrogant, but the sorority was important to her. Lorcan knew she would go wild if she failed, the nightmare caused him to be nervous, even if she wasn't trusting her brother with her true feeling, he was there for her. "You miss understood me. I never meant you needed to impress them. I meant that moment when they are astounded by you just being your astonishing and wicked princess self. I will be watching, pa and Mum will never hear the end of it." After hugging Lilith from behind for a long moment, He released his sister, so he could zip her up. Lorcan stepped back, while she twirled, the fluff of her skirt rose up and tickled his abs. Lorcan walked to his own mirror, he sat on his bed, and scrambled through his make up, to cover the deathly starved appearance of his skin. "You don't need to hear it from me, the hormonal explosion in men everywhere will show you just how Sultry you look."

Lorcan's skin felt heated all over from the lack of feeding, but his cheek became cold to the touch of Lilith's kiss. "I guess she has forgiven me", Lorcan felt his appetite returning as he smiled, he was bit more excited to get to the ball and join the procession. Lorcan's throat tightened, the wound on the outer skin had healed, but the scars in his throat were still mending, he would not make the mistake of leaving his sister out of his hunts again. It made him ill when she acted upset at him, he knew his friends would were a bad influence due to use of his Idol psychic power, they lived or un-lived to serve Lorcan's constant hunger for destruction. Not to say that Dante is a dull vampire, but he may be a responsible kind of guy, Lorcan needed to avoid his friends and problems along the way, and Dante is man for the job.

" If my fingers get chopped off, just know that a message on your phone from me with just randomness, is distress call for fun", Lorcan slipped one last response to his sister before she exited the door.

Lorcan walked to his closet, and retrieved a doctor's carrying case, then placed it on his bed. Inside his hand pushed around various electronic objects, some for torture, and withdrew a video camera. The touched video camera Lorcan's covers gently with its lens and came to rest there, as he climed over to his pillow. From underneath the pillow, Lorcan recovered his cellphone, and dialed his parent's numbers.

When one of the numbers finally connected Lorcan to his mother, he began laughing in her speaker, "Nice dress mum. Lilith was glowing, she couldn't stop looking at her self in the mirror. She practically floated out of here, your daughter knew she was the collection of all beauty and no one can bring her down." When he said the last bit, Lorcan knew he would have to get his friends to bring restraints, just in case Deirdre didn't accept Lilith, a lot of people would die that night.

His Mum and Dad were celebrating in the background of Lorcan's phone, they didn't doubt Lilith's acceptance into Delta Mu, or didn't fear the consequences, because they didn't hold Lilith just before she left, Lilith's cold heart felt different for a slight moment then. While his mum was speaking, Lorcan shut the line, "I am going now, we will call you later." Lorcan called cosmin, and relayed his orders for the others, "... and I need your spirit to come to the dorms. You will come with me to the ball."
" Irema, That Sakartvelo vampire girl in my class. She can create her memories or false memories onto objects. Have her follow my sister and only watch Lilith. instruct her to answer to Lilith that Lorcan and Camilla sent her." Irema once told Lorcan she likes to use her spell to fool ghost hunters into thinking a place was haunted by memories of a murderer, just to watch them freak out and return with more guests to show off their mystical discovery, these were so tempting to eat.

Lorcan's outfit :

When Cosmine's astral projection reached the dorms, Lorcan was standing outside in the cold night air, his bare feet tossing ice with his toes.
" I dont want Irema to miss Lilith's grand entrance at the ball", Lorcan sneered at Cosmin, expecting the spirit to handle the problem personally. Cosmine held his own hands up to his chest, then pressed them forward slowly into Lorcan's body, as he began to possess him, "Irema made it to the ball door already, they flew her there. She will be waiting for Lilith, and wont miss a single stunning movement of the princess".
Lorcan turned and traveled back into the dorms to room 7, then knocked until Moses or Dante came. "Dante, I am coming with you to the ball, it is safer." "because otherwise I might run into my old problems, and sister will get creepy if I beat the hell out any thing with out her."

The setting changes from Dormitories to Mandrake Falls


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Moses talk a final moment to walk around the forest before going to the ball. He found a piece of paper with unreadable characters.
He looked around to make sure no body dropped it.

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Ballroom by RolePlayGateway

A vast and elegant ballroom.

Underground Tunnels

Underground Tunnels by RolePlayGateway

Traveling system, to get from place to place on S.C.U. Campus.

Cherub Forest

Cherub Forest by RolePlayGateway

A beautiful place in the day, kinda creepy at night.

Mandrake Falls

Mandrake Falls by Crooked Thoughts

Serene backdrop, bountiful attractions, nice town-folk, and blood thirsty vampires. What a wonderful place...


Lombardi???s by RolePlayGateway

Lombardi's; a elegant restaurant where you can take your friends out for a pizza, or your lover to fancy dinner. Or you can just discuss the family business, capisci?

Bobbys Diner

Bobbys Diner by RolePlayGateway

Ahhh, you can't beat that good ol' diner style taste. So much grease on your burger, you almost wanna call the health inspector.

Saint Vivians Hospital

Saint Vivians Hospital by RolePlayGateway

Smells like old people, the sick, with a hint of cleaning products. A horrible combo if you ask me.

Midnight Hour

Midnight Hour by RolePlayGateway

Looking for a party and to have some fun with humans, without drinking their blood? Then this is your spot.

Emperors Sanctuary

Emperors Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

Workout, get a massage, go for a swim, and maybe get your hair done. It can all be done here.

Club Pulse

Club Pulse by RolePlayGateway

You can hear the music from outside and see the line from the school. I guess you better some people to get in here.

Underworld/Pete's Pub

Underworld/Pete's Pub by RolePlayGateway

Need some blood, but don't feel like hunting? The Underworld is right down the street.

Police Dept.

Police Dept. by RolePlayGateway

Whats the result of having too much fun? Just a headache, right? Or maybe you get have a sleepover with the wonderful people of the MFPD.


Firehouse by RolePlayGateway

Not too much going on here...


Infinitive by RolePlayGateway

Goth, Rock, Business, Urban, whatever your style, this store is sure to carry it.

New Height Cinema

New Height Cinema by RolePlayGateway

Looking to catch a late night horror flick? Here is your place.

Alps General Supply

Alps General Supply by RolePlayGateway

Duct tape, rope, and a blind fold? Weird combo of items, but we carry all those here!

Sangre Cazador University

Sangre Cazador University by RolePlayGateway

Creatures of the night, welcome thee...

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House by RolePlayGateway

Broken beer bottles, dead humans, and passed out vampires... The results of your average night at the Alpha Phi Beta Frat House.

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House by RolePlayGateway

A deltas beauty is comparable to a rose. But just like a rose, they will hurt you if touched in the wrong places...

Sigma Theta Psi House

Sigma Theta Psi House by RolePlayGateway

Perfection is in the eye of the of the beholder. And in these girl's eyes, nothing is better than a sigma.

Tau Omega Zeta House

Tau Omega Zeta House by RolePlayGateway

One of the few places on the S.C.U. campus where a human can be seen as a friend and not lunch.

S.C.U. Library

S.C.U. Library by RolePlayGateway

You can find just about any book within theses walls, from a Harry Potter book, to ancient vampiric scrolls.

Mercy Mortuary

Mercy Mortuary by RolePlayGateway

The only mortuary that moonlights as a taxi service for the dead... Ironic?

Full Moon Lounge

Full Moon Lounge by RolePlayGateway

A place to relax and let the worries of your day melt away

Gelee Lake

Gelee Lake by RolePlayGateway

Gelee, french for freezing cold or frost. What a clever name for a frozen lake...

Heavens Hill Cemetery

Heavens Hill Cemetery by RolePlayGateway

Heavens Hill~ Just because you buried here, doesn't mean that will be your destination in the after life...


Dormitories by RolePlayGateway

A nice place to relax and study after school... Yeah right? Nothing going on here that mother would approve of.

Dorm Room: 1

Dorm Room: 1 by RolePlayGateway

Akasia Rosaria St.Joseph and Contessa St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 2

Dorm Room: 2 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 4

Dorm Room: 4 by RolePlayGateway

Dmitri Ravenglass room. Currently has no roommate.

Dorm Room: 3

Dorm Room: 3 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 5

Dorm Room: 5 by RolePlayGateway

Deirdre Elizabeth Collins room. Currently has no roommate.

Dorm Room: 6

Dorm Room: 6 by RolePlayGateway

Lilith & Lorcan De la Rosa room.

Dorm Room: 7

Dorm Room: 7 by RolePlayGateway

Dante Ravenglass and Moses St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 8

Dorm Room: 8 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 9

Dorm Room: 9 by RolePlayGateway

Phoenix Talisman and Claude Sanct room.

Dorm Room: 10

Dorm Room: 10 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 11

Dorm Room: 11 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 12

Dorm Room: 12 by RolePlayGateway


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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elizabeth Collins
Character Portrait: Phoenix Quadir Talisman
Character Portrait: Frank Cethin
Character Portrait: Claude Sanct
Character Portrait: Lilith De la Rosa
Character Portrait: Lorcan De la Rosa


Character Portrait: Lorcan De la Rosa
Lorcan De la Rosa

"Lilith und die barmaid, affixed uncontrived blickkontakt ! Lilith zog ihre .50 caliber pistol, instant kopf geschossen ! "

Character Portrait: Lilith De la Rosa
Lilith De la Rosa

"There's the killing, but there's also the pleasure, the sensuality, the lust. The sheer ecstasy of it all, is what I love most..."

Character Portrait: Claude Sanct
Claude Sanct

Blueblood vampire from the 17th century with a strong willed heart, so to speak.

Character Portrait: Frank Cethin
Frank Cethin

A vampire.

Character Portrait: Phoenix Quadir Talisman
Phoenix Quadir Talisman

The Middle Child, Yet the Strongest................

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elizabeth Collins
Deirdre Elizabeth Collins

Mysterious, feared and envied. Deirdre is a Vampiress of unrivaled and revered status, though it is unknown how she came to be such a callous and coldhearted being.


Character Portrait: Frank Cethin
Frank Cethin

A vampire.

Character Portrait: Lorcan De la Rosa
Lorcan De la Rosa

"Lilith und die barmaid, affixed uncontrived blickkontakt ! Lilith zog ihre .50 caliber pistol, instant kopf geschossen ! "

Character Portrait: Lilith De la Rosa
Lilith De la Rosa

"There's the killing, but there's also the pleasure, the sensuality, the lust. The sheer ecstasy of it all, is what I love most..."

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elizabeth Collins
Deirdre Elizabeth Collins

Mysterious, feared and envied. Deirdre is a Vampiress of unrivaled and revered status, though it is unknown how she came to be such a callous and coldhearted being.

Character Portrait: Phoenix Quadir Talisman
Phoenix Quadir Talisman

The Middle Child, Yet the Strongest................

Character Portrait: Claude Sanct
Claude Sanct

Blueblood vampire from the 17th century with a strong willed heart, so to speak.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Phoenix Quadir Talisman
Phoenix Quadir Talisman

The Middle Child, Yet the Strongest................

Character Portrait: Lorcan De la Rosa
Lorcan De la Rosa

"Lilith und die barmaid, affixed uncontrived blickkontakt ! Lilith zog ihre .50 caliber pistol, instant kopf geschossen ! "

Character Portrait: Lilith De la Rosa
Lilith De la Rosa

"There's the killing, but there's also the pleasure, the sensuality, the lust. The sheer ecstasy of it all, is what I love most..."

Character Portrait: Claude Sanct
Claude Sanct

Blueblood vampire from the 17th century with a strong willed heart, so to speak.

Character Portrait: Frank Cethin
Frank Cethin

A vampire.

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elizabeth Collins
Deirdre Elizabeth Collins

Mysterious, feared and envied. Deirdre is a Vampiress of unrivaled and revered status, though it is unknown how she came to be such a callous and coldhearted being.

View All » Places


Ballroom by RolePlayGateway

A vast and elegant ballroom.

Underground Tunnels

Underground Tunnels by RolePlayGateway

Traveling system, to get from place to place on S.C.U. Campus.

Cherub Forest

Cherub Forest by RolePlayGateway

A beautiful place in the day, kinda creepy at night.

Mandrake Falls

Mandrake Falls by Crooked Thoughts

Serene backdrop, bountiful attractions, nice town-folk, and blood thirsty vampires. What a wonderful place...


Lombardi???s by RolePlayGateway

Lombardi's; a elegant restaurant where you can take your friends out for a pizza, or your lover to fancy dinner. Or you can just discuss the family business, capisci?

Bobbys Diner

Bobbys Diner by RolePlayGateway

Ahhh, you can't beat that good ol' diner style taste. So much grease on your burger, you almost wanna call the health inspector.

Saint Vivians Hospital

Saint Vivians Hospital by RolePlayGateway

Smells like old people, the sick, with a hint of cleaning products. A horrible combo if you ask me.

Midnight Hour

Midnight Hour by RolePlayGateway

Looking for a party and to have some fun with humans, without drinking their blood? Then this is your spot.

Emperors Sanctuary

Emperors Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway

Workout, get a massage, go for a swim, and maybe get your hair done. It can all be done here.

Club Pulse

Club Pulse by RolePlayGateway

You can hear the music from outside and see the line from the school. I guess you better some people to get in here.

Underworld/Pete's Pub

Underworld/Pete's Pub by RolePlayGateway

Need some blood, but don't feel like hunting? The Underworld is right down the street.

Police Dept.

Police Dept. by RolePlayGateway

Whats the result of having too much fun? Just a headache, right? Or maybe you get have a sleepover with the wonderful people of the MFPD.


Firehouse by RolePlayGateway

Not too much going on here...


Infinitive by RolePlayGateway

Goth, Rock, Business, Urban, whatever your style, this store is sure to carry it.

New Height Cinema

New Height Cinema by RolePlayGateway

Looking to catch a late night horror flick? Here is your place.

Alps General Supply

Alps General Supply by RolePlayGateway

Duct tape, rope, and a blind fold? Weird combo of items, but we carry all those here!

Sangre Cazador University

Sangre Cazador University by RolePlayGateway

Creatures of the night, welcome thee...

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House by RolePlayGateway

Broken beer bottles, dead humans, and passed out vampires... The results of your average night at the Alpha Phi Beta Frat House.

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House by RolePlayGateway

A deltas beauty is comparable to a rose. But just like a rose, they will hurt you if touched in the wrong places...

Sigma Theta Psi House

Sigma Theta Psi House by RolePlayGateway

Perfection is in the eye of the of the beholder. And in these girl's eyes, nothing is better than a sigma.

Tau Omega Zeta House

Tau Omega Zeta House by RolePlayGateway

One of the few places on the S.C.U. campus where a human can be seen as a friend and not lunch.

S.C.U. Library

S.C.U. Library by RolePlayGateway

You can find just about any book within theses walls, from a Harry Potter book, to ancient vampiric scrolls.

Mercy Mortuary

Mercy Mortuary by RolePlayGateway

The only mortuary that moonlights as a taxi service for the dead... Ironic?

Full Moon Lounge

Full Moon Lounge by RolePlayGateway

A place to relax and let the worries of your day melt away

Gelee Lake

Gelee Lake by RolePlayGateway

Gelee, french for freezing cold or frost. What a clever name for a frozen lake...

Heavens Hill Cemetery

Heavens Hill Cemetery by RolePlayGateway

Heavens Hill~ Just because you buried here, doesn't mean that will be your destination in the after life...


Dormitories by RolePlayGateway

A nice place to relax and study after school... Yeah right? Nothing going on here that mother would approve of.

Dorm Room: 1

Dorm Room: 1 by RolePlayGateway

Akasia Rosaria St.Joseph and Contessa St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 2

Dorm Room: 2 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 4

Dorm Room: 4 by RolePlayGateway

Dmitri Ravenglass room. Currently has no roommate.

Dorm Room: 3

Dorm Room: 3 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 5

Dorm Room: 5 by RolePlayGateway

Deirdre Elizabeth Collins room. Currently has no roommate.

Dorm Room: 6

Dorm Room: 6 by RolePlayGateway

Lilith & Lorcan De la Rosa room.

Dorm Room: 7

Dorm Room: 7 by RolePlayGateway

Dante Ravenglass and Moses St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 8

Dorm Room: 8 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 9

Dorm Room: 9 by RolePlayGateway

Phoenix Talisman and Claude Sanct room.

Dorm Room: 10

Dorm Room: 10 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 11

Dorm Room: 11 by RolePlayGateway


Dorm Room: 12

Dorm Room: 12 by RolePlayGateway


Mandrake Falls

Serene backdrop, bountiful attractions, nice town-folk, and blood thirsty vampires. What a wonderful place...


Mandrake Falls Dormitories Owner: RolePlayGateway

A nice place to relax and study after school... Yeah right? Nothing going on here that mother would approve of.

Dorm Room: 9

Dormitories Dorm Room: 9 Owner: RolePlayGateway

Phoenix Talisman and Claude Sanct room.

Dorm Room: 6

Dormitories Dorm Room: 6 Owner: RolePlayGateway

Lilith & Lorcan De la Rosa room.


A vast and elegant ballroom.


Mandrake Falls Infinitive Owner: RolePlayGateway

Goth, Rock, Business, Urban, whatever your style, this store is sure to carry it.

Dorm Room: 1

Dormitories Dorm Room: 1 Owner: RolePlayGateway

Akasia Rosaria St.Joseph and Contessa St.Joseph room.

Bobbys Diner

Mandrake Falls Bobbys Diner Owner: RolePlayGateway

Ahhh, you can't beat that good ol' diner style taste. So much grease on your burger, you almost wanna call the health inspector.

Delta Epsilon Mu Sorority House

A deltas beauty is comparable to a rose. But just like a rose, they will hurt you if touched in the wrong places...

Dorm Room: 7

Dormitories Dorm Room: 7 Owner: RolePlayGateway

Dante Ravenglass and Moses St.Joseph room.

Dorm Room: 5

Dormitories Dorm Room: 5 Owner: RolePlayGateway

Deirdre Elizabeth Collins room. Currently has no roommate.

Tau Omega Zeta House

One of the few places on the S.C.U. campus where a human can be seen as a friend and not lunch.

Cherub Forest

Mandrake Falls Cherub Forest Owner: RolePlayGateway

A beautiful place in the day, kinda creepy at night.

Midnight Hour

Mandrake Falls Midnight Hour Owner: RolePlayGateway

Looking for a party and to have some fun with humans, without drinking their blood? Then this is your spot.

Gelee Lake

Cherub Forest Gelee Lake Owner: RolePlayGateway

Gelee, french for freezing cold or frost. What a clever name for a frozen lake...

S.C.U. Library

Mandrake Falls S.C.U. Library Owner: RolePlayGateway

You can find just about any book within theses walls, from a Harry Potter book, to ancient vampiric scrolls.

Heavens Hill Cemetery

Heavens Hill~ Just because you buried here, doesn't mean that will be your destination in the after life...

Saint Vivians Hospital

Smells like old people, the sick, with a hint of cleaning products. A horrible combo if you ask me.

Dorm Room: 4

Dormitories Dorm Room: 4 Owner: RolePlayGateway

Dmitri Ravenglass room. Currently has no roommate.

Underground Tunnels

Traveling system, to get from place to place on S.C.U. Campus.

Mercy Mortuary

Mandrake Falls Mercy Mortuary Owner: RolePlayGateway

The only mortuary that moonlights as a taxi service for the dead... Ironic?

Underworld/Pete's Pub

Need some blood, but don't feel like hunting? The Underworld is right down the street.

Police Dept.

Mandrake Falls Police Dept. Owner: RolePlayGateway

Whats the result of having too much fun? Just a headache, right? Or maybe you get have a sleepover with the wonderful people of the MFPD.

Club Pulse

Mandrake Falls Club Pulse Owner: RolePlayGateway

You can hear the music from outside and see the line from the school. I guess you better some people to get in here.

Emperors Sanctuary

Workout, get a massage, go for a swim, and maybe get your hair done. It can all be done here.


Mandrake Falls Lombardi???s Owner: RolePlayGateway

Lombardi's; a elegant restaurant where you can take your friends out for a pizza, or your lover to fancy dinner. Or you can just discuss the family business, capisci?


Mandrake Falls Firehouse Owner: RolePlayGateway

Not too much going on here...

New Height Cinema

Looking to catch a late night horror flick? Here is your place.

Sigma Theta Psi House

Perfection is in the eye of the of the beholder. And in these girl's eyes, nothing is better than a sigma.

Full Moon Lounge

Mandrake Falls Full Moon Lounge Owner: RolePlayGateway

A place to relax and let the worries of your day melt away

Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity House

Broken beer bottles, dead humans, and passed out vampires... The results of your average night at the Alpha Phi Beta Frat House.

Sangre Cazador University

Creatures of the night, welcome thee...

Alps General Supply

Duct tape, rope, and a blind fold? Weird combo of items, but we carry all those here!

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Under the White Sheet: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Under the White Sheet

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)


the rp is invisible to me.

O_O ? ?

are the words there on computers?

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

Hey Everyone,

If you haven't noticed, I have been a bit M.I.A. this week and last. Been a lot of drama in my life recently and I just needed to take a break from things. Unfortunately, I still need to get my head on straight, so I am dropping almost all of my RPs.

This one though, I would like to have my CO-GM take over my character until a later date or just have y'all continue and ignore my character. If Kay agrees then everything will continue as normal and she will be in complete control of my character and over this RP, until I return. If not, then assume my character has vanished from SCU campus grounds and that Mose and Lorcan is in control of the frat.

I will still be around on the website from time to time, since I will be staying in one RP. And that is only because it is so close to being finished. Or I may be working on an unfinished project, when I am bored and need to get ideas down.

I will let you know the final decision soon as I talk to Kay.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

I'm feeling alright now but there is still occasional pain however its manageable thanks for the advice though.

Now then where should I post now?

EDIT Also I need a recap as to who is who and what has been going on while I was away so to speak

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

@ wind

you might have a pinched nerve ?

use a flat stone surface to massage the pain out.
it will stop quickly.

other than that get a butt massage from therapist

and have a chiropractor show you the stretch moves.

I had that problem from my hip injury a few months back.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

My guess would be to submit a character to Flysociety and I'm sure he will inform you as to whether or not its accepted though he hasn't turned anyone around yet.

Fly, I have to ask if my character is stll the founder of a fraternity.....

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

I actually have to re-vamp (no pun intended) my character due to my absence from If you are still accepting new RPers when I am done, then I would still like to join ^_^.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

You all still want another RPer?? ive been out of practice, but this character is a vampire, heh :). If not, understandable

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

Let me be the first to say that back pain is NO FREAKING JOKE...........

I'm in a bit of pain right now, I don't know why but my back is freaking killing me, it's been like this for days now and that's why I haven't been able to post. I take meds and it helps but it just keeps on, I'm hoping to see the doctor some time tomorrow or Wednesday but who knows, the doctor stays busy and appointments are hard to get.

Sadly, I probably won't be able to post tonight, but DO NOT count me out, I give Fly permission to move my character around a bit just so he doesn't get left behind. Hopefully, and again I am hoping, that the pain subsides and I am able to get back on tomorrow morning/afternoon, and if I do get chance I will definitely post.

So sorry for the wait Fly, I know you must think awfully of me......

I managed to post in Dorm 9, and will post in the Ballroom once I get chance. I must say I was confused as to WHERE to post but I think I got it now.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

So, I'm gonna have to drop this RP. This is one of the more active ones and I can't keep up and post within the rate it currently is going. I am starting to get packed down with last minute vacations, Band Camp, and work with Summer reading and ACT test prep. It was all slammed on me last minute. I apologize deeply for this, and it really sucks, but I do have to drop out.

It was a pleasure RPing with you all and I hope to somehow join in, whether it be a different RP or not, someday later.

Best wishes to this RP. Be safe, all.


Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

Sorry that last post was awful...But it's up none the less.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

FYI: This RP began on the fictional date of Friday, August 27th, 2010 around midnight and after the time jump, it resumed Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 around 3:00.

The party will begin after my character or Kay's character arrives at the Ballroom. Which is a new location that has been added.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

I have finished my post and narration, but I will wait till tomorrow to post it.

This will allow you all to finish up before the time jump.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

@moon: um...what the hell is going on in the pet shop post? hahaha
by the way bad move with wiping the blood on lilith's bed...i think she might be pissed off now

@kay: YAY thank you :)

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

@ kay !!

YAYYAA Lilith for Delta E MU ! deirdre rocks !

*happy dance *

.. I Know what you mean, I use to work 16 hour shifts, it was like the more hours I did , taxes pissed me off .

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

I'm so out of the loop in this roleplay haha...I work too much to be healthy I'm ready to throw in my apron and tell customers to help themselves.

BUT, I finally got a post up sad and distant as it may be I'll find a way into the action soon enough! Deirdre will be attempting to recruit Lilith in the near future, and such as it seems she'd make a good candidate haha.

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

Yes, sorry, Fly. Too many freaking characters in my mind.....

Ah that's so frustrating that I did that...GR!

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

vo.ov aro ? claude

@ fly society

did you just ask me a question ?
I dont speak Albanian !

*gives fly society a couple of jello shots *

Ahh, rawr, lets get drunk and do things we will ______ about should we ever remember!

*whispers *
"it says scheiss"
:) , we need food for that!
I have a plan !

*puts a mirror infront a pelican , and watches it kick its own ass *

this wont take long
;) yea

.. *gets distracted and calls a petshop *

"I am sending a turtle fish ..." o_O " I totally meant to say possibly piglet square"

*whispers to Flysociety *
"When they put you in with the other square kitty kats, You know what to do "

*puts a circle dinosaur suit on Fly society *

*sends Flysociety to the petshop drunk *

*notices The pelican strangled its self with the miror * ?????

*chibi moon sits down , confused and frightened *

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)


Isn't your character's name, Claude?

Re: [OOC] Under the White Sheet (Need RPers)

I'm going to post today for sure. I haven't quite decided what to write to explain for Dante's absence, but I'm working on it.