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The Order of the White Lotus

The Order of the White Lotus

a part of “The Order of the White Lotus”, a fictional universe by Gabriel_Whist.

A literate, mature, advanced/semi-advanced story, set in the world of Avatar Last of the Airbenders, hundreds of years before hand, in a different time, a different era.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “The Order of the White Lotus”.
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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:33 pm

Technically, Star Wars: A New Hope was a fourth movie. And wasn't it one of the highest grossing films of all time? Not to mention the start of one of the most massive cult followings since Star Trek? Though, it was the first film theatrically, so I suppose that would be why.

And I'm not sure I agree, Gabriel. Jaws was a quartet, and look what happened to it? First film was an amazing cult classic that I still love to this day. Jaws II was kind of... not so good. Jaws 3D didn't even exist as far as I'm concerned. And Jaws: The Revenge is just plain stupid (only not as stupid as 3D, just the lesser of two retards), namely for it's numerous continuity errors when compared to 3D.

All the best franchises come in Threes.

Star Wars (barring the prequels)
Lord of the Rings
Blade (not as great as the above series, but still OK)
TMNT (in a "So bad it's good" kind of way, barring the first film since it was pretty decent)
The Man Without a Name (it's Clint Eastwood at his finest, other than Dirty Harry).

The only things that never worked in trilogies is Disney stuff. I don't why, but Disney is horrible at making sequels. Even worse at trilogies. Look at The Little Mermaid. It was a great movie (I know because my older sister had it and she often made me watch it with her), with two of the most memorable musical numbers in history ("Part of Your World" and "Under the Sea"). Disney made two direct-to-video/dvd sequels, each one worse than the previous. The other example is Aladdin. The first movie remains as one of my favorite Disney classics growing up (right along side The Rescuers Down Under), but Return of Jafar was very subpar. It was a good idea that was simply executed horribly (especially with the absence of Robin Williams as the Genie). The third movie is an oddball in my eye. I think it was pretty decent, the voice acting improved since the second film (you probably have Robin Williams to thank for that since he signed back on as the Genie), but it really should have had an actual Ali-Baba character instead of just being based on that story.

I've seen bits of The Last Airbender, and I can almost guarantee that M. Night Shamaylan will will fail at the other two (since he confirmed it will be a trilogy). The third film (which will no doubt cover Book 3) might be pretty cool (and that's only if the final battle isn't fucked up) but easily not enough to carry the series.


I'm working on a post for the IC, but I was wondering if I could ask a few questions regarding Roshi's family. First off, the father is called Toshi.

1. Can I have Toshi be a retired Fire Nation Soldier? In the army, he served as leader of the Rough Rhinos.

2. Could he still perhaps have the mount (probably an Eel Hound like Xin Bei has) he rode in those days and perhaps give them to Roshi before his departure? Her name will be Zuza (and it will be a female mount)

3. Do you think Toshi could be either an inactive (hasn't been called on in a long time) or retired member of the Order? I know it makes him sound a lot like Iroh, but I promise they aren't the same. Toshi will probably have an attitude closer to Pakkun than Iroh. And he is not short and fat like Iroh is either. He'd be about average height (maybe somewhere close Piandao's range) and probably be a bit on the big-boned side, while retaining a decently strong physique (since he still trains young Firebenders as well as works the farm).

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:04 am

Dude, Jaws was not planned as a quartet. They were simply cashing in on the first one repeatedly. Like I said, it has to be planned as a quartet. As for Star Wars, I didn't say 4 wasn't fantastic, because it is, I just said 5 was my favorite, because it is. It is also the second movie in the original Star Wars trilogy, which is why I mentioned it because of Oran's point about the second of a trilogy seeming to always be the best. And the third Aladdin movie is freaking awesome if you ask me. :D

1.) Sure I guess, but remember there hasn't been a war in over 200 years, so its not like he would have seen any combat.

2.) If he was in the Rough Rhino's his mount would have to have been one of them Rhino things like in the show, and Eel Hounds are notoriously hard to train, and extremely rare and expensive.

3.) No. Sorry, but the Order is small (on a global scale, roughly 50-100 members max), and elite. You don't really retire from the Order or become inactive. You're either a member, or you aren't. Most younger members of the Order travel the earth, alone or in groups, helping people, and keeping the peace in the world. Most older members live in the Grand Temple, dealing with global issues, and keeping the peace on a larger scale, as well as raising the occasional orphan child, if they can't find a relative or family friend who wants to keep the child and give them a good home, and training younger members. They are also very secretive, and for good reason. No one but their members can know the location of the Grand Temple, and no one but their members can be taught White Lotus techniques, or martial arts, or anything like that. So your father being an ex Order member with his own dojo really just doesn't make sense. Particularly with a history in the army, and son's in the army as well.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:05 pm

Then by your logic, Iroh, Piandao, and Pakkun should not have been members of the Order. Iroh was in the army, and had sons in the army (Lu Ten). Piandao and Pakkun had training schools/dojos. Bumi was a KING yet he was still in the Order. If everything went as you describe, then only Jeong Jeong would be a member of the Order. Anyone can be a member of the Order, despite their occupation and nationality. The only reason you don't want Toshi to have had any affiliation with the Order is because you think it will ruin your story. It won't, we're talking about a character we'll see once, and then probably never hear from again. Member or not, it would have absolutely no effect on the plot whatsoever, and only serves to add more depth to an otherwise bland role play character who badly needs more depth other than "I will prove myself better than Firebenders".

And FYI, just because no one has declared war, doesn't mean there's no battles here and there. Even in peace time, there are always border skirmishes, small rebellions, and whatnot keeping a military busy. The military isn't just for all out invasion, it's there for other reasons as well.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nishomay on Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:11 pm

I feel supremely lame for resorting to posting here, but eek.

I submitted a character to this RP (because I love love LOVE Avatar and this looks amazing!) and haven't been accepted- much to my disappointment. :/ Can the GM perhaps make some suggestions as to what things I did wrong on the character application that I can fix to get in on this?

Sorry, I'm fresh blood here, and only looking to have a good time. Thanks!

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:01 pm

Well, the Muten Family is supposed to be about as well-known/rich as the Bei Fong, so the price of an Eel Hound would likely not be an issue. However, I would like to have something else, due to their rarity. How would you feel if I had a Mangoose Dragon? Those are the lizards that Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai ride in the episode titled "The Chase". Plus, I can't use the Rough Rhinos since most people agree that it was founded by Mongke, which would mean it doesn't exist in this era. So, in light of that, Toshi could just be a retired officer (probably Colonel, unless you don't have a problem with him being a General?). Hell, maybe he's not even retired, and just on leave due to an old injury or something?

And I have no intention of arguing over the White Lotus question. I said what I said to continue the discussion (cause it's a very interesting topic), but I'll still post and leave out all the White Lotus stuff in accordance with your wishes.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Elektrische on Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:07 pm

Nishomay, I'll quote a post that Gabriel said to you a few pages back. It can be hard to miss with 100+ posts, so here:

@Nishomay: Females are in no way forbidden to airbend. In fact, every single Air Nomad is an airbender, and the woman grow up in temples and learn to airbend from youth, just as the males do. As for the herbs and weed, trust me, I have no problem with stoner characters, I'm a stoner myself, but the pacifist stoner character really does not work for this roleplay. These characters should be trained and skilled benders, with drive, and ambition, who have joined the White Lotus, people who will change the world. A stoner pacifist who doesn't even know they can bend, and wears clothing from the American 1970's has no place in this game. Feel free to rewrite your profile though.
Over and in, last call for sin. While everyone's lost, the battle is won, with all these things that I've done.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nishomay on Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:39 pm

Elektrische wrote:Nishomay, I'll quote a post that Gabriel said to you a few pages back. It can be hard to miss with 100+ posts, so here:

@Nishomay: Females are in no way forbidden to airbend. In fact, every single Air Nomad is an airbender, and the woman grow up in temples and learn to airbend from youth, just as the males do. As for the herbs and weed, trust me, I have no problem with stoner characters, I'm a stoner myself, but the pacifist stoner character really does not work for this roleplay. These characters should be trained and skilled benders, with drive, and ambition, who have joined the White Lotus, people who will change the world. A stoner pacifist who doesn't even know they can bend, and wears clothing from the American 1970's has no place in this game. Feel free to rewrite your profile though.

Ah, yikes. I get what you're saying. She's actually not a stoner, I guess I should have specified. But I see what you mean. Maybe I'll try again.

Thanks guys!

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:29 pm

Protoman X wrote:Then by your logic, Iroh, Piandao, and Pakkun should not have been members of the Order. Iroh was in the army, and had sons in the army (Lu Ten). Piandao and Pakkun had training schools/dojos. Bumi was a KING yet he was still in the Order. If everything went as you describe, then only Jeong Jeong would be a member of the Order. Anyone can be a member of the Order, despite their occupation and nationality. The only reason you don't want Toshi to have had any affiliation with the Order is because you think it will ruin your story. It won't, we're talking about a character we'll see once, and then probably never hear from again. Member or not, it would have absolutely no effect on the plot whatsoever, and only serves to add more depth to an otherwise bland role play character who badly needs more depth other than "I will prove myself better than Firebenders".

And FYI, just because no one has declared war, doesn't mean there's no battles here and there. Even in peace time, there are always border skirmishes, small rebellions, and whatnot keeping a military busy. The military isn't just for all out invasion, it's there for other reasons as well.

This isn't Avatar the Last Airbender. Its hundreds and hundreds of years before hand. This is my roleplay, and things work differently in it than they do in the show, and you have to accept that they work as I, the GM says. At this point in time, the way I described it is how the Order works. There has been absolute peace in the last 200 years, maintained by the Order, armies have done literally nothing, and are pretty much entirely ceremonial at this point. Everything I've said is the way it is for a reason, and related to the plot. Like it or leave it man, I'm not changing the world or plot I've built to satisfy you. Not that I created Avatar of course, just that I built a different world based off of it, in an attempt to explore the world's past some, and create a unique and enjoyable new story.

EDIT: A mongoose dragon is fine.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:33 pm

Nishomay wrote:
Elektrische wrote:Nishomay, I'll quote a post that Gabriel said to you a few pages back. It can be hard to miss with 100+ posts, so here:

@Nishomay: Females are in no way forbidden to airbend. In fact, every single Air Nomad is an airbender, and the woman grow up in temples and learn to airbend from youth, just as the males do. As for the herbs and weed, trust me, I have no problem with stoner characters, I'm a stoner myself, but the pacifist stoner character really does not work for this roleplay. These characters should be trained and skilled benders, with drive, and ambition, who have joined the White Lotus, people who will change the world. A stoner pacifist who doesn't even know they can bend, and wears clothing from the American 1970's has no place in this game. Feel free to rewrite your profile though.

Ah, yikes. I get what you're saying. She's actually not a stoner, I guess I should have specified. But I see what you mean. Maybe I'll try again.

Thanks guys!

Sorry Nishomay, but at this point, all the character slots are filled, and submitting a redone profile still won't win you a spot. I apologize, but I only had room for five players max, and casting has been closed.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:25 pm

I posted. Yay.

Toshi is a retired Colonel of Fire Nation Army (around 50 years old). Satoshi (the oldest son, around 30 years old) is a Captain of the Fire Navy, but is soon to be promoted to Admiral. Yoshi (middle son, around 24-26 years old) is a Lieutenant of the Fire Navy (isn't assigned to the same ship as Satoshi).

None of that is in the post, but it's here just in case we wanna use any of those characters as plot devices later. *shrug*

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jetnerd on Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:03 am

Umm, i submitted a new character, and then realized that I should probably check if that's still allowed, so I'm here to ask Gabriel if I should follow through with my character Li or just leave him to be deleted?
<This space purposely left blank>

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:33 am

Yeah, sorry jetnerd, the five character slots have already been filled.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Fabricati.Diem on Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:44 pm

This roleplay is already stagnating.. We're waiting on Gabriel, now, right? Does anyone know if there's been an issue, or if it's these new site glitches, or...? I would hate for the RP to die so early.
Only those with their feet on rock can build castles in the air.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Designation Kik on Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:51 pm

Yea, everyone's waiting on their mentors to reply.
Come to the edge,
We can't, we're afraid,
Come to the edge,
We can't, we will fall
Come to the edge,
And they came
And He pushed them
And they flew
--Guillame Appolinaire

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:48 pm

Sorry guys, my friend just got back into town from a summer semester at college, so I haven't been spending much time at home on the internet, and when I have I've generally been to fucked up on my ambien to really focus on writing. I'll try to get replies up soon though.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Designation Kik on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:07 pm

ah, ambien... :)

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:24 pm

Trying to work through my isomnia with it. But weed is still the only thing that really helps.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Designation Kik on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:43 pm

ha, I've heard weed is good for everything. I've pretty much been terrified by it by all of my friends though, so I have to take your word for it.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gabriel_Whist on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:56 pm

Weed is 100% harmless, don't be afraid of it. It's the only drug that is literally impossible to overdose on. Thats not to say you should smoke it if you don't want to, but definitely don't fear it. I could go on for hours about how wonderful it is, and all the benefits it has, but if and when you try it for yourself, you'll form your own opinion. Just don't try eating a bunch of edibles your first time or anything, you'll trip balls and you might not be able to handle being that stoned if you're not used to it.

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Re: [OOC] The Order of the White Lotus

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Designation Kik on Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:12 pm

I'm starting to think whoever sells in my neighborhood is lacing it with something else, though, because all anyone talks about is their bad trips.

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