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The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaTwilight on Sun May 08, 2011 2:25 am

Kin was momentarily caught off balance by the kid pulling her suddenly toward the stairs, but she quickly caught herself and shook her head. Might as well follow along, who could possible NOT go along with Shush? “Sounds like you had fun today, which is your favorite?” Kin asked as she walked into the room then spotted the clothes and raised and eyebrow. This is going to take awhile.

Making herself comfortable sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the bed, Kin smiled and waited to see what all Shush was excited over; faintly listening to Crystal and Morris in the process. Come to think of it, what job did he get anyways? Eye’s traveling over the stock pile of clothes, a “How cute!” slipped from her mouth an octave higher than her normal voice. Trained in combat and capable to turn into a wolf and throw things with a look, she was still a girl at heart; and the cute clothes were dragging it out after all this time as she picked up the dress. “I bet this looks adorable on you!”

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BSX on Tue May 10, 2011 11:13 am

Shush dragged him and Kin into the house wanting to show off the new clothes she had received. Everyone was in agreement about Kin’s status, the group now stood 4 member’s strong. Crystal sure was persistent! Well she just wanted to know for the sake of knowing. Morris didn’t know what to say, he didn’t want to lie to Crystal about him possibly working for Gambit.

“Let’s just say it won’t be easy,” he replied, “You know I think this is the first time I’ve seen you smile.”

Thank goodness for Kin’s vocal squeak, it served as a distraction from Crystal’s questions. It was surprising that Shush had clothes of such quality. Did that mean Casey was expecting a girl!? He wasn’t sure, it was hard for him to sense that much detail of the baby. All he knew was that for now he or she was doing well. Morris did have an uneasy feeling it seemed like this moment was the calm before the storm. Whatever challenges that were waiting for them they had to be ready. . .

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CortezHorse on Sun May 15, 2011 4:38 am

Shush picked up each piece of clothing she bought and showed it to them but then would quickly cast it over her shoulder to continue her show and tell session. “This is a skirt, it’s fluffy and that’s why I got it!” Tossing that over her head into a pile, she grabbed a pair of nice dress shoes. “These are things that Casey said I need but I dunno why you need shoes so shiny and clean looking, they’re only gonna get dirty!” Once more, she tossed the shoes over her head then stopped when Kin expressed excitement over a dress she found. This boosted Shush’s happiness and she smiled widely. “I like that the best, cause um, well because you like it now! I’ll go put it on real quick to show you!” Taking the dress from Kin, she hurried out of the room, and then peeked around the corner watching them for a moment as if they would jump out of the window to escape. “Don’t go anywhere!”

It didn’t take long for Shush to come back into the room and model her dress off with a twirl and a giggle, waiting for everyone’s comments. If one were to know Shush now, they would never guess the now bouncing, energetic girl had once been a child that barely spoke a word, afraid of every sound. Finding a place to belong had really brought out the child in her, as odd as that sounded considering she was a child and should have acted as one all along but being involved as an experiment with Gambit would force fear and maturity into anyone to adapt and survive the trials. Now, she felt as though she could rest easy, nothing bad would ever happen again to them, this would be her life with her new family forever. A child’s naivety is all it was but it’s what kept her smiling and twirling about in her dress now.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crystal Flamedance on Sun May 15, 2011 8:42 pm

Crystal paused as he not only answered, but mentioned that it was the first time he had seen her smile. She looked up, thinking; she had smiled at least once before, hadn't she? ...Well, with everything that had been going on, she wasn't too surprised. Trying to escape Gambit like that had been busy enough that, even if she had, which she couldn't remember smiling then, he might have just missed it, or something. She looked back at Shush as she mentioned putting on a dress that Kin had been looking at, sounding excited herself.

She watched Shush leave the room, then shook her head, grinning again. "I suppose there wasn't much reason to smile before, honestly. But I think it might just be that Shush can act like a child now...She's too young to have been through what she has, what the rest of us have, and still go on about dresses like that." She glanced at him for a second, then back at the door, waiting for Shush to come back wearing the dress. Which didn't take long at all, really. She watched Shush showing off her dress. "That one is pretty, isn't it? But the shoes might actually match it; wouldn't it look better to match them?" she suggested. She had just thrown them over her head...but she thought a suggestion like that might be a good thing; after all, the more she acted like a child, the better it was for her, at her age, and the better she would blend in. Besides that, she seemed to enjoy showing her clothes; it would just give her something else to do for fun, matching shoes with her clothing.

She paused, glancing back at Morris. "By the way...nothing was really done for that wound on your that okay now?" she asked him quietly; she didn't need to worry Shush or Kin. She wondered what made her think of it then; it seemed to have happaned so long ago now...and she thought she probably should have asked before, when there was probably something more she could do about it, but she didn't beat herself up over it; after all, a lot had been going on, and things looked like they were getting better.
Hi peoples! If you're interested in a rp partner, let me know. Im always looking for a new rp to get into!

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaTwilight on Wed May 25, 2011 11:26 pm

Kin leaned back with her arm’s propping her up as she watched the door that Shush disappeared around. The kid was definitely a lively one, but it was refreshing to be around pure energy like that; even if it may be fleeting chances for it. With Shush’s return as she modeled off the dress, Kin couldn’t help but laugh at the increased excitement from the girl and Crystal’s suggestion of the discarded matching shoes. “She’s right; they’d look darling with it
 In fact, if you’re going to get fixed up you might as well go for the whole look! Can you sit right here a minute?”

Patting the floor in front of her and fretting to make sure the dress didn’t get wrinkled while sitting on the ground, Kin faced Shush away from her and started to separate her hair into two strands as she faintly noticed Crystal talking quietly to Morris. “Have you ever had your hair braided? I think I saw a package of barrettes in that pile somewhere. Now hold your head still, I don’t want to pull to tight.” Fingers running through the girl’s hair as she separated the two sections into three each, Kin swiftly set to work on overlapping them as her fingers glided through the task they’ve done countless times growing up. How long had it even been since she braided hair? Definitely not after the attack. It couldn’t have been to long before then though, her little sister would never let her go to long without wanting her hair fixed.

The thought striking a note for a moment, Kin paused for only to shake her head slightly and dig in the pile for the hair accessories. “Can you hold the end right here so it won’t come undone? Ok, now for a matching color
and voila! One down another to go!” The smile back on her face as she pushed the memory aside, it turned more into a melancholy smile as she finished the second braid and tied the end. “There we go. Cute hair for a cute dress with cute shoes for a cute girl.”

There was no possible way to replace the past, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a chance for a happy present and future, was there?

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BSX on Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:30 am

4 months passed by quickly, the group moved into their an apartment and adjusted to living like humans. Morris lessened the lies of them being a family since they looked and acted like one. He and Kin both worked their jobs to support the group. Crystal spent her time learning how to cook from Casey, while Shush was free to do as she pleased. Still throughout the normality the group was experiencing some part of them, well Morris anyway, longed to for the days of roaming the wild and less human troubles like rent and buying food. Taking walks and using a bike that stayed in one place helped feed that desire though he couldn’t explain why. He did look a bit more refined as well by being clean cut and dying his hair black.

The fact he got hired as a lab assistant at Gambit’s Rehabilitation Center was a surprising, Jeff really pulled out all the stops on the resume to make sure he got the job. Morris’ job was housed in the lower complex area of the massive blue skyscraper in the middle of the city. “Lab assistant” was an interesting job title since most of the work he had done was care for the poor souls that were turned into hybrids like them. That was the part he didn’t tell the others, he now knew why Gambit was so despite to catch them. Most of the hybrids died within a few days after going through “the process”. Morris found out that was classified information and rarely spoke about, those involved were treated like they didn’t even exist. Still he was determined to find out what “the process” was and how to help the new hybrids cope and escape their fate of being living experiments. The line he was on now was extremely thin, protecting those he cared about while working for the enemy . . . sooner or later the scale was going to tip.

~The present day~

Spring was in putting on its finest show before summer took over, Morris figured out that the break out occurred less than a week after the new year and that they spent had been on run for about 5 days before entering the city. That experience was far away yet with he thought about it, it seemed like it happened yesterday. Morris did wonder from time to time what became of Blade and the others, hopefully they were doing alright. Spotting an empty bench he took a sat and watched people go about their lives.

“Glad it’s the weekend,” he thought to himself as he strolled through the park, “I can’t tell sometimes if things have gotten easier or more difficult.”

He was glad that things had gotten less awkward between Crystal and Kin since they had trust issues. Well it was more so from Crystal, but she seemed to accept Kin since she had proven her loyalty to them. Though it was pretty obvious he was the “leader” he dismissed that notion saying each of them was the leader in their own way. Crystal for her reasoning, Kin for her resourcefulness, Shush for giving them all hope and Morris for his bravery. The four of them created a small but powerful pack!

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CortezHorse on Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:01 pm

Shush skipped along the sidewalks happily, only just recently had she been allowed to walk to and from destinations by herself. Freckles bounded beside her, tongue lolling out and tail wagging as they made their way through the crowds toward the cafĂ©. Ever since she’d gotten permission to begin traveling by herself, she’d been going to the restaurant where Kin worked every afternoon to visit. Being home was fun but most often everyone was busy and plus, when she went to the cafĂ© she was given treats as well as school lessons from Kin and all the other workers during their breaks. It was so much fun!

As she hopped over the cracks in the sidewalk, finally jumping to a stop in front of the restaurant, a wide smile spread on her face. “Ok now Freckles you know the drill. You stay out here and be a good dog and greet the customers while I’m inside.” She pat his head and Freckles barked happily then plopped down beside the door to assume his post. Shush meanwhile hurried inside and hefted herself up onto a stool at the bar after she spied Kin gathering glasses behind it. “Hi Kin!"

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crystal Flamedance on Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:04 am

Crystal gave a half-hearted grin and shrugged. Casey was trying her best to teach her, and she was indeed learning, but the going was slow. Especially at first, when she outright refused to remove her gloves to cook. She wore them for a reason, after all; she didn't want to accidentally freeze the woman! But, at the same time, she couldn't tell her that. So it had been hard to convince her that her gloved hands were clean enough to cook with. That had held them up for quite a while, but she had managed.

But this...something just wasn't turning out right, she knew. She had decied she would take a little break, anyway. Nothing was going to burn, after all, so she frlt it was fine to leave it. She had put it in the fridge, after all. Perhaps she just didn't like the idea of sitting still, and that was why she wasn't good at it. She found herself to be more and more impatient, and was finding it harder and harder to sit there and wait for everything to cook properly.

She sighed, taking a seat on the couch, she wanted to be moving, not sitting, but she would need to force patience onto herself. After all, what good did she do with impatience? She sighed again, leaing back so that she looked up at the ceiling. It was a relief that they had finally gotten a place for themselves, but it still left a longing for exlporing. She shook her head; this wasn't important. She needed to focus on other things. She got up again, heading for the kitchen. She had to make sure the others had a meal to eat when they got home, after all.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BSX on Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:02 am

After wandering the park for a while Morris made his way home to find Crystal cooking. He had created enough noise upon entering the apartment to let her know she wasn’t alone. It was surprising that her and Shush had adjusted so well to living like humans. The way she looked in that moment was almost an exact of an image that flashed in his mind. Morris’ nightmares began less frequent now, well he really didn’t dream that much anymore since he started working. When he slept everything was black with no sound until he woke up.

“ Hey how was your day? ” he asked her breaking the nuance of cooking noises, “have you been inside all day?”

He took a seat at the kitchen table as he flipped through the mail finding nothing of extreme importance. However an ad caught his eye about camping, maybe that’s what they needed! Some time away from the city would help them connect back with nature. Suddenly the phone rang and he got up to answer it. Morris nearly yelled in response before lowering his voice, it was too late surely Crystal heard him. After a few more minutes he rung up and sighed leaving the kitchen then returning with his work clothes on.

“They say it’s an emergency, I’ll try to hurry,” he said to her before leaving.

Once the lab came into view he could see what the problem was, there was a mass amount of police, firefighters and other personnel around the complex. What could’ve happened? He looked around spotting a few of his co workers and walked over to them.

“What happened, how did a bomb get into the complex?” he asked.

“They don't know, but had us leave to be on the side safe” Lisa answered seemly unaffected by what was happening.

“Everyone?” he asked.

“Yes, but you know the complex isn't full during the weekened,” Trent replied then lowered his voice, “We did move the survivors to a different location though.”

“You mean . . .” Morris voice trailed off. Was what Trent implying true.

Both of them noticed the question on his mind and shook their heads conforming what he thought. So a few had survived the process! However more importantly why and how did someone try to bomb the place!?
Last edited by BSX on Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CortezHorse on Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:35 am

Sitting on a bar stool swinging her legs, Shush happily scribbled down her ABC’s on a piece of paper while the last of the customers filed out and the shifts change for the night. Kin would be coming home soon but Shush wanted to leave now, not because she was impatient to leave here. She liked getting her lessons and special treats from everyone but she really enjoyed walking home alone, it showed how much she could do on her own! After all, she didn’t need someone holding her hand the entire time! Hopping off of the stool and shoving the paper she had scribbled on into her backpack she said goodbye to everyone and hugged Kin around the waist. “I’ll see you later Kin! I’m gonna go home now, maybe Crystal needs some help with the cooking!” Smiling widely, she promised to Kin as she did every day that she would be careful going home and not talk to strangers. Giving her a last hug, she hurried out the door and greeted an ecstatic Freckles before skipping off down the sidewalk.

Humming her ABC’s to herself and focusing on which letter came after the next made it much easier not to be overwhelmed by all the noises that came with living in the big city. It took a while but Shush finally realized that if she set her mind on one thing the many loud sounds didn’t hurt her ears. Sure she wasn’t as alert as she normally was but at least every single car door closing, brake squealing or conversation across the street didn’t bother her.

Hopping from one foot to the other, their home finally came into view as she finished her song for possibly the fifth time. “U, V, W, um, Z! Whoo! Five times in a row Freckles I did it!” The dog barked happily at her accomplishment and ran circles around her before taking off to the door of the house. Laughing, Shush followed quickly and opened the door allowing the dog to bolt in as she followed before slowing down as she came upon Crystal in the kitchen. “Hi Crystal, you need any help? Is Morris back yet? Look what I did today!” In her rapid fire speech session she had whipped out the paper she wrote her alphabet on and held it out to her. Although at her age she should already know such things but being an experiment so young had prevented her from the education she needed. If the scientists didn’t deem the knowledge useful for their work, it wasn’t taught to her and safe to say they didn’t see fit to teach her much because after all why would an early experiment need to know such trivial things?

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crystal Flamedance on Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:48 am

Crystal smiled a little to herself as she heard the door. It was about time someone had come home. While she didn't mind staying inside...well, aside from the place being a bit stifling to her, she still preferred company. She glanced up at him as he walked into the kitchen. "Ah...rather boring, same as usual. I haven't had the chance to get out yet. have messed up a few times..." She couldn't seem to get the hang of everything in the kitchen, though; she could really only make certain dishes without too many problems. Apparently, she decided, pizza just wasn't one of them.

As he relaxed, she turned her attention back to the food. She had changed her mind, since she couldn't seem to get that one done properly, and had instead started on a stew; one of the few things she could do. She jumped when he shouted, and glanced at the doorway, expecting to see him again. She nodded as he said there was an emergency, adding, "Please do try to hurry." She understood that work was important...but she could never understand why he had to be called back, even after he had finished his work for the day.

She shook her head, turning back to her cooking, and paused again as she heard the door opening again. Either Morris had forgotten something, which she doubted, or Kin or Shush, or possibly both, had returned. But she heard only one person, and the dog coming in. She moved the pan off the burner before turning to Shush, listening to her talking quickly, and examining the paper. " Morris had to go back to work again; there was a problem at his job," she answered, much more slowly than she had asked. She was trying to teach the child to slow down a bit, especially when she was excited. She smiled at the girl. "And that's a good job. Now, if you want to help, you'll have to wash your hands first. I'll cut up the stuff that needs to go into the pot, and you'll put them in." She pulled out a stool she had kept in the kitchen; Shush seemed to like helping her out, so she had made sure to keep the stool in the kitchen, where it was often used the most. It was better than her tossing the food into the pot when she couldn't see whether or not she had made it. That, and it was so much easier to see what she was doing at eye level, instead of having to look down. "And then, when we're done with that, make sure you feed Freckles," she added.

While she was talking calmly to Shush, she had to worry. What sort of emergency would make him have to go back to work? It had to be something big...something that caused a lot of trouble. What worried her, though, was because she didn't know anything about his job, or where it was, or what he did, she didn't know what kind of trouble he was walking into by going back there during an emergency. She kept those worries hidden, though, because she didn't want to bother Shush with them. She was still a child, and she didn't need to worry about things while they were still uncertain; she had done enough of that when they were running from Gambit.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaTwilight on Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:29 am

Kin set the last glass of peach tea on the counter as her shift finally ended and Denny took over for her. It had been a long day of nose assaulting aromas, a few Tylenols, and customers; but she had to admit she loved the work for keeping her as busy as it did. Today was pushing it though as she barely had time to even speak to Shush as the young girl dropped in with the others quizzing her for the day then leaving. The best she managed was a yell of “Be careful! And look both ways before you cross the street!”

Work wasn’t the only reason for her distraction however. She had made a rather stupid decision the other day during her lunch break and it had been gnawing at her ever since, and last night she finally made her decision. Tossing the messenger bag she brought to work today over her head, Kin gave one last glance for the night at the bustling cafĂ© before heading out and in the opposite direction of home.

It was a good twenty minute walk to the bus station but the open air was well welcomed to her brooding mind. All she had to do was just turn around. Just turn around and go home to eat dinner cooked by Crystal while talking with everyone about their day. Shush’s schooling. Morris’s job. Crystal’s cooking. It would be so simple to just take one step to turn around and pretend that she never read anything at all. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t just pretend nothing happened and keep smiling like nothing was wrong, just like she had been doing since day one of this crazy life.

Reaching the bus stop and purchasing her ticket, Kin sat on the single deserted bench as she waited for the Greyhound to roll up. Head leaned back against the cold metal bar topping the seat; she couldn’t help but think over what had started the whole problem to begin with.

Work was slow for once and Barbara had let her use the office computer to look up some learning games for Shush. While one overly annoying document was loading, Kin perhaps made one of the stupidest decisions in her life. She looked up her hometown newspaper. It had been years since she even looked at anything with the place’s name written on it; after all, for the longest it was so tempting to return to the place she had felt safest growing up. Dreaming about returning home through the years she was locked up by Gambit. But that was impossible. They had killed her family, and they would just as easily go after her friends who would ask questions about the fire and her survival. No, it was better to just let everyone believe she died in the ‘accidental’ login fire like everyone else there. There was just that one stupid headline that blew the entire plan to pieces.

Right there on the front page was the familiar face of Susan Saunders, her child hood best friend and soul sister; killed in a car accident off the interstate coming into town. Kin was reeled by the news to say the least, her first instinct to hop on the nearest form of transportation and go home, to her first home. Yet the familiar sound of Shush coming into the café that day stopped her from rushing to decisions.

Now here she was, on a bench, heading to the last place she needed to be and one of the two places she wanted to be. She had read the article; seeing everything they had missed together. Senior prom. Graduation. Susan’s wedding to the guy Kin keyed his car for the time Susan mistakingly thought he cheated on her. There was no way she was going to miss her funeral. So with a note explaining everything sitting on her bed at home, being afraid of talking herself out of going if she told the others herself, a messenger bag with a change of clothes and enough cash for the trip, and Barbara’s permission to take up some personal time on account of a funeral; Kin took a deep breath as the bus came rolling up and opened it doors. All she had to do was just show up for that one day. Stay in the back, hide her face, and talk to no one. So with her mind set, she stepped onto the bus.

[OOC: Sorry for the suddenness and late post :P Things are still pretty hectic on my end and I don’t want to hold anyone back from posting; so I’m going to have Kin disappear for a little while until I can get things settled better. Cortez said she’ll keep me informed; that is if everyone doesn’t mind me jumping back in when I can.]

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BSX on Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:33 pm

“So what happens now? Do we still get to work on Monday?” he asked them.

“Most likely, we’ll just have to work around the damage. Plus it wouldn’t be good for the company’s reputation . . . showing that their scared of a few bombs,” Lisa replied, “Our work is too important to be delayed anyway this was just a weird timing.”

“You’re right, we can’t stop now not when we had a breakthrough,” Trent added.

Morris was silent as he listened to what was said. Gambit really didn’t even care about their own workers, just protecting their image. It struck him as odd that Lisa and Trent didn’t seem distraught over what was happening or the fact that they would have to work in a few days. Seeing no reason to stay he began to leave the area yet was stopped by Trent. He raised an eyebrow at the gesture and pulled away from him.

“We have to stay until the place is deemed safe to enter then check on them,” he said to him.

He let out a heavy sigh showing his frustration with the whole situation. After many hours the sun had set and the city lights were shining bright yet still there was no clear status on the situation. Morris had asked around and got a mixed response of them being let in a few minutes to not knowing when such was going to happen. Crystal was probably mad at him for being out for so long. Just then the whole atmosphere changed at people began to go inside the building. Following Trent and Lisa, the three of them made their way to their work area. Every so often they would see a Gambit solider standing still with their gun visible for all to see.

About halfway through the way they went off the normal route down a different hallway, he tried to remember the turns they were taking but it was hard for him to keep up. The area was so large, Morris almost ran into Trent when he stopped walking. Lisa was busy with the locked on a metal and opened it revealing a narrow hallway and another door. After entering this door they entered a large room with three clear boxes containing the survivors. Another worker was already in the room sitting down at a desk close to the door. The group walked over to her and all she did was hand them a clipboard to read, Lisa held it with Trent and Morris each on one side as they read the information on the papers.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CortezHorse on Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:37 pm

Shush beamed a smile up at Crystal and hurried away to put her bag and papers up before coming back, skidding around the corner into the kitchen with Freckles on her heels. “Don’t worry Freckles after we’re done cooking then I’ll make you your food.” He wagged his tail happily as if understanding her words as the dog watched her use the stool to reach the sink and wash her hands then drag it back over to the stove and begin tossing in things as she was told. “So, what kind of problem did Morris have at his job? Is he gonna be home for supper?” She asked questions but her eyes never moved from the pot as she fixated on making sure to do everything correctly. Shush knew what Kin and Crystal did during the day but Morris would always disappear to work at some place unknown and then come back without discussing what he did that day. It always perked her high, childhood curiosity about where he went and what he did.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crystal Flamedance on Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:16 am

Crystal grinned a little at Shush's curiosity. It was about time she started acting like a child, rather than being so worried about Gambit coming after them. She shrugged. "He didn't tell me anything; just that he needed to head back to work." She paused as she debated over the next question, then shrugged. "I hope he'll be back for dinner; he didn't say exactly how long he'll be gone, just that he'd try to make it quick." She glanced at a clock on the wall, pausing half-way through cutting a carrot to keep from cutting herself, then looked back down and resumed. "Hesaid he'd hurry, though; we'll just have to hope he'll be home soon."

She finished cutting up everything she needed, watching Shush to make sure nothing bounced out or force the water to slosh back out. If anything, she had to be ready to clean up any messes before they set into the stove itself, making it harder to clean up later on. "When you finish, you might want to consider giving Freckles a little more food; looks like he's losing a bit of weight..." she added, though she knew Shush was almost done, anyway. "I think all this running around means that he needs a little more food."

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seiken Exsa on Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:06 pm

Another day had passed. It was the time of Spring shortly before the arrival of Summer to return. Thick layers of humidity was surely the deal for today's forecast. Inside the buildings of the busy city was surely nice and cool inside. Most especially the library of the place. Many people coming in and out, doing research or work of any kind that was permitted. Just like how your average library was supposed to be. Peace and quiet was the name -- Sometimes. There would be often moments where students or people with daily jobs discussing things over work or research related material. Sometimes even for goofing off. The announcements doing it's routine of messages through the ceiling speakers every hour as it passed by.

"Alright... One more page and I should be finished for today's work on this novel. I'm surprised I've gotten this far already. About 40 pages finished in hand writing with pencil and pen. I normally do about 20-35 pages, but... Heh, oh well. I always go over my words in pen after I write them in pencil. There is the use of computers here, but I would prefer hand writing things instead since people can usually see what you're doing on the machines. People... Humanity..."

A noise that broke her silence emerged then. A voice that always seemed to annoy this young woman whenever she was working hard and focused on her novel job. Though, there was a small good thing about this. And maybe a bit unrealistic in a way... But as she looked up away from her writing, she saw the man again about to give her the reception of her work and payment amount earned.

"Hey Shiki! Your time is up. You can leave for home right away and oh -- Here. This is your wage for today. I'm surprised no one else worked as hard as you today in our writing group. But here it is. You made about $50."

Shiki took the money she was handed in bills, and placed it in her purse. She had little to no emotion placed on her face. It seemed... Like there was almost nothing to see in her. Like she had given up on something peering into her ocean blue eyes. She replied with a voiceless tone to the man as she always did, "Thank you", and walked off towards the entrance door with her belongings picked up and packed as she went.

"It's kind of strange thinking about it now. Being in a non-professional writing group that pays wages on how much time and work you spend on. I guess this is what they call a pre-job that takes the next step into the real job later on. Though... There is a test you have to pass by the end of the year before you can move on the professional stuff. I don't see any reason for me to be nervous like others, however. There's really no point. You either pass or you don't pass no matter how hard you've worked on the test."

A park was noticed as Shiki further walked down the city streets to her house. She knew past that place there was a graveyard for respecting the ones who had passed away... or died in action. She shifted her path, and followed that direction. As she would make it there, a single and lonely tombstone would catch her eyes. Shiki placed a hand on top of the cemented sculpture for this lost person.

"I wonder if... You're doing okay. Does the afterlife really exist? What happens when the time comes? Surely, you've seen it. Although I know, I don't think you can tell me. It might be against the rules if there any kind of rules where you are. Anyways, I just wanted to see you again. Sleep in peace... Friend."

She didn't want to stay too long. Yet, she stayed too short of a time. It might have been thought of an insult to the one she was paying respects to, but at the same time of thought she was leaving for the person to sleep more. If... That's what the afterlife was which she often questioned on herself. Is the afterlife really peaceful? Are humans and other creatures of life in pure harmony for once? She couldn't figure it out.

The rain began to pour itself from the puffy white clouds. The alerted message of peoples' minds telling them to get someplace where it was dry. Shiki had recently lost her home apartment place due to unfortunate understandings. The one she often paid rent to had stated her contract was over, and that nothing could be argued over it. She soon came by to a residential area, and took a seat down next to a short set of cemented stairs going it's way to a front door of a home. Her umbrella was stood above her as she was covered from the rain drops and legs were crossed. Her head faced down looking at the poor insects getting wet during their meal time. She just wanted to rest for awhile... And maybe sleep. She didn't care if she would get sick from the heavy rain. She always enjoyed the water from nature... She was in her own inner peace of just listening to it's sound and the feeling of being embraced. She felt... At rest in a way.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BSX on Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:20 pm

His was breathing hard as he raced home, the rain annoyed him a bit but he would just have to man up and deal with it. Morris’ eyes caught a glimpse of a digital clock that hung over a near by building. 11:34 PM!!!! What time did he leave the house!? It didn’t seem like he was there that long, he knew Crystal would be mad at him, but it’s not like he was out drinking. Coming up to the residential area he slowed down and began to walk. He was drenched from head to toe, but it didn’t matter now. Morris almost bumped into a young woman sitting on the steps, he hadn’t paid her much attention as he passed by her to go inside. There were many homeless people who hung around the place looking for food or money.

“. . . you shouldn’t beg in the rain,” he said to her, “people aren’t going to pay attention to you.”
He took a seat beside her, “You should go to the park, there’s lots of people there who are a bit more sympathetic. Well if you’re looking for that kind of a handout.”

Morris looked at her with a nervous smile, he kind of felt like he was intruding. She didn’t ask for his advice or anything, he just assumed she was there to beg and nothing more. There could be more going on than what he knew. Seeing her on the steps reminded him of the times he managed to escape from Gambit and roam the land until he returned back to the city. He sat there with her in silence listening to the rain fall.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CortezHorse on Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:57 pm

Shush stared out of her window, watching and listening to the rain pitter patter against the glass. They had long since finished their meal, she had fed Freckles and still there was no sign of Morris. She worried if maybe he’d gotten hurt but promptly remembering the man was as quick as a flash put her at ease a bit. No one could hurt him because they couldn’t catch him! Yea, he was fine just running late at work like Crystal kept saying. Despite the reassurances she was being given she still couldn’t go to sleep until she knew he was home safe. It was long past her bedtime but surely staying up to make sure Morris was alright wouldn’t get her in trouble right?

Plopping backwards she flopped on her bed, giving up her vigil for a bit to stare up at the ceiling. They were all so happy here, at least Shush knew she was but would it last forever? She wasn’t use to being happy and content, if there ever was a time in her short life she had been then Gambit would quickly do something to take it away. If she met a new friend among the other experiments they were either dragged off to some unknown or died, the scientist always called those the failed experiments. Although she never showed it, she was always fearful of Gambit coming back to shake her new home to its very foundations. As long as Morris and Crystal were there though, they’d be safe because they were some of the strongest and most brave people she knew. Leaning up once more she took her kneeling position on her bed, in front of her window to keep watch again.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crystal Flamedance on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:06 am

Crystal glanced at the window again, then settled herself back into the couch. She had long since gone up to Kin's bedroom and found the note; she wasn't really expecting her anytime soon. It only made sense...though she wished she would have thought to at least give her some bit of contact information so that she could check and make sure she was still okay. She wasn't overly worried about her, not when she knew where she was going. She'd really start to get worried when she was gone for much longer...perhaps a few weeks or so. Surely her trip couldn't last that long?

What really worried her was that Morris still hadn't come home yet. She was well aware that Shush was still awake, but she figured it was the same thing that was keeping her awake; worry for Morris. That was really the only reason she didn't go up the stairs and tell her to go to sleep when she heard her flopping onto her bed. She fidgeted slightly, glancing at the window again, then back to her hands in her lap. The rain only made that so much worse for her; it wasn't a thunderstorm yet, and it didn't exactly look like one was coming, but you never knew. Sometimes things like that changed awfully quickly.

She stood up, moving to get a better look out the window, looking to see if she could see Morris, maybe just walking up to their home, just now getting there. She hoped so; she had tried to keep the food warm for as long as she possibly could, but had ended up putting it away. He would just have to reheat it whenever he got back. She wasn't entirely sure how much longer she could really stay up waiting for him. She wouldn't be able to sleep...but she might end up passing out, anyway, from staying up so late.

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Re: The Pack (A Wolf Rp , IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seiken Exsa on Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:48 am

Shiki had stayed quiet the whole time when Morris spoke to her. She paid attention to what he was saying, but didn't bother to show eye contact with him and a form of emotion he would maybe accept to see. She just sat there right next to him. With her legs crossed on those cemented stair steps. Her hands cradled together in a form of catching the rain drops as they ran down from the dark sky. Shiki was in her own train of thought about this guy she didn't know. A one word of label to summarize what she saw in him just like many other people she has met in her lifetime. The term called "oblivious".

She had laughed a bit some with cackling and snorting added after Morris was done talking to her in a judgmental sort of way. Shiki would always laugh at those who considered they were more "idealistic" than anyone else and the assumptions they made that were always correct to themselves without really getting to know the others' position in the first place. Her hand was also placed on her mouth as she did this. Eventually standing up on her two legs, and speaking to Morris finally of what she was going to say. She looked at him with serious eyes that may or may not look scary to anyone else. It would be like seeing fire roaring it's way out in a sense.

"It's really amusing you wanted to 'point out' that I actually wanted sympathy from others by just looking homeless for sitting on these stair steps. While you never really thought to ask me why I was here in the first place. Yes, you were right about me being something called 'homeless' if you thought that. Since I recently lost my apartment due to an argument that could never be explained with logic we universally are thought to use. But what's the real answer of why I was on these foot steps in the rain? Begging for sympathy, seriously? If you really wanted the truth instead of uselessly assuming I was 'this' you claimed of, it's because I wanted to listen to the rain."

Without much thought for Morris in attempting to hear what he said, she simply walked off the stair steps and left her umbrella she put behind. She's been through this situation so many times with people, she really couldn't care to hear what this one might have to say to go against her theory of logic. Though, since she did have a little positiveness inside her heart; she didn't walk fast. She instead walked very slow. So in case if she was hearing something worthwhile from this person, she would stop for him and actually converse with the guy. Shiki really was one of the few that looked down at humanity in it's general existence.

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