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The Zero Series

The Zero Series: Stay Alive

a part of “The Zero Series”, a fictional universe by Game Master Zero.

This contains a series of one x one roleplays that I along with others have come up with. This series will grow with time and will hold all my roleplays which will only be one x one roleplays.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “The Zero Series”.
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The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:27 pm

The Zero Series

Welcome to Stay Alive a portion of The Zero Series!


Genre: Action, Adventure

Roleplayers: Zero & Ziddie

Characters Damien Vetrix & Jace Moon
Last edited by Game Master Zero on Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
ImageGame Master Zero
"Expect realities to be broken, dreams to be shattered, stories to be devoured, for the Game Master only accepts the broken, lost, and ruined."
So, will you enter the master's domain?

Click --->The Zero Series <--- Click

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:55 am

Damien Vetrix: Damien found himself walking down the cracked sidewalks of south side New York, it was one in the morning and this part of the city was both silent and cold. He was miles away from home and even further away from Laughing Coffin headquarters. The south side is in worst shape than the rest of the city and a place that the gang had the least influence, even so the area he was sent to was one of the few nice places in the south side. Even though he was part of the notorious Laughing Coffin gang there were times even someone like himself were sent on a errand ad this is exactly what it is, an errand. Laughing Coffin caught word of a raid on its territory normally this was doing of the remnants of the mafia, most cases by the time a member got to the scene the culprits would be long gone leaving the aftermath. These raids would result in stolen goods, rape, torture, and all victims dead so the goal for sending a member to these sites were just for cleanup and tracking saving the victims was never the key concern. Heck, some members preferred the victims to be dead since it meant that they would be able to get a free meal, even though it was frowned upon to feed off someone else's kill. Well, that was exactly what Damien was doing in the south side of the city. So when he felt a single living human presence within the site where entire families was suppose to be slaughtered he was a bit confused.

As with many other sites this one had the buildings that have fallen prey to the raiders burnt along with the bodies. He walked along the scene both examining the scene and trying to pinpoint the human he felt previously. There was plenty of bodies to fill an entire neighborhood, all of them in horrible conditions that even lowlife gang members wouldn't feed on. The bodies were so burnt and mutilated that he could only identify some of the bodies as females and that was only because of the natural characteristics they had along with the fact that most of their bodies were placed in lewd positions for obvious reasons. Aside form the burning these a lot of these bodies were mutilated with body parts separated to be used to decorate the walls, ground, and roofs. Even though the scene was horrible Damien was accustomed to it and simply stepped over bodies and continued on the task at hand. Feeling the human presence he began walking towards this survivor, the question is what exactly did this nightmare leave behind?

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:34 pm

Jace Moon

How quickly can Death come?

An evening of beauty had turned into a blood-painted massacre. The coppery-sweet scent of body fluids smothered her nose as she laid broken beneath brick. Black eyes forced to watch the entire event darted bloodshot for any savior with a gun to blow her brains out. There had to be someone left. Anyone. She wasn’t frightened of this savior. He would bring all to an end. Finally, her whole family line would be gone in an instant.

Everything had started as an evening to be celebrated. She, the daughter of a mob boss was going to get married to another’s son. A very high-class event to commemorate her engagement. Her slender form had been accentuated in a champagne gown. A ruby pendant had graced her ivory neck and swelling earrings dazzled with diamonds danced lightly around her face. Her fiancĂ©, Gregory Abelli, had come from a long line of Mafia men dating back to the 1930s. She had been very proud. The two were going to own a new perfume company after the glorious honeymoon in Venice—both were her mother’s gift, of course. Gregory himself had been stunning. With his sleek black suit, poker straight dark hair, and blazing russet eyes he was certainly something to behold. Even across the room, his bright smile brought a blush to her cheeks. Her friends and family had all swarmed around the new couple, admiring the humble diamond on her hand. Jace had thought nothing else could be more perfect.
Most of Gregory’s gang had not found favor with this new blended family, however.

Face growing hot, she began to choke out the last of her sobs at the memory, her eyes looking at the mangled bodies before her. Though she couldn’t tell anymore, Gregory’s destroyed body was the closest to hers. That man had tried to protect her. His lithe back was bent at a hideous angle, his legs ripped from his sockets so his most private areas would be displayed for all. He was so elegant before. She couldn’t stand to look at him like that. The men that had come made sure that she wouldn’t be able to look away.

They had held onto her as her family and Gregory died. Her earth-shattering screams only encouraged them as they ripped her jewelry from bloodied skin, cut open her dress, and one by one, used her as they saw fit. Some raped her—which turned out not to be the worst. Others used jagged knives to cut away skin she would rather have left unseen. One just took pleasure in using her for target practice, shooting at her shoulders and chest with his pistol. However, the wickedest thing done to her was burying her beneath the heavy wreckage, holding her in the brick by her long raven hair so she would only be able to look one way. She witnessed all the death. Every last person she loved, breathing their last as the other mob pulled their bodies apart and set the fire lapping at their skin.

She had been protected beneath the smoldering brick.

When they were gone, she could nearly cry no more. Being that she could see everything, she saw the nimble body of her angel coming nearer. A bloody shriek escaped from her at last. Every pain, every fear flowed out from her bloodstained lips.

“Please,” she begged. “Shoot me!”

Dying would be better than this existence! One last person, she thought. Would he have the mercy to pull the trigger?

It was his
s t a n d

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:17 pm

Damien Vetrix: Damien was much for rushing or even caring but for some reason his casual pace along the remains quickened when he heard the scream that could send shivers through even the most fiercest. At this point he disregarded the dead as he stepped on top of their bodies until he made it to the building that appeared to be the human's location. Slowly entering the building, if you could even still call it that, the entire place was in worst state than the rest. Bodies littered the ground, fashioned in horrendous ways but this was none of his concern. Blinded by the black charred appearance of everything he focused on his inhuman sense in order to find the human... that is when he found the human.

The human, at first he wasn't sure it was human if not for his senses let alone still alive. This girl was just as bad of shape as the dead that laid around, it was a mystery how this human was still alive. Quickly making his way to the human, only slowing as he reached the body as he observed the situation once he got a hold of what to do he squatted to get a good look at the human. Only when he got a good look at her did he hesitate. Even though he heard her screams it didn't register that the human was a girl.

"Okay hold on I'll get you out of this... mess," His words came out calm but there were a millions thoughts rushing through his head. These tasks were labeled clean up for a reason, the living and dead were suppose to be extinguished as if nothing happened. So why in hell was he considering saving this one? Carefully lifting the bricks off her hair, he couldn't help but to realize this was not what the gang wanted nor what she wanted. She pleaded death and here he was granting her life. "Okay, I'm going to have to lift you up, you probably won't be comfortable with me touching you but you have no choice."

With that he lifted her in his arms, cradling her but he made sure to hold her softly but firmly so that she could not struggle out of his grasp. This wasn't his job, this wasn't his problem, this wasn't his human, this was not good. He would have to come back to clean up but for now the dead could wait a couple hours as he tended to the living.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:52 pm

Jace Moon

As he lifted Jace, her pale, naked form squirmed in his rough hands before every muscle in her limbs released. Like a ragdoll, her dead weight dropped in his arms. Black eyes locking onto his, her mind drew a blank. He seemed to predict that she would hate his grasp, but at the moment she did not care. He could rape her, he could cut deeper into her flesh, or he could wrap a blanket around her and carry her home. Nothing would have made a difference in her mind. Not a thing. Letting out a rasped breath, her voice scraped along in tone, “Why don’t you kill me?”

Blood trickled down her face from her raw hairline. The black mass of knots falling into her vision so it was hard to make out his expressions. She desperately wished for it to end
she would quietly and easily accept her fate. “It’ll be easiest just to kill me, you know.”

Her angel, she knew, had the ability to do it. He could kill anything he wanted to. That’s why he was here, wasn’t it? To finish the job? Eyes narrowing as she faced upwards, looking at nothing in particular she asked, “what are you?” Her slimmed and bloodied body writhed as the pain returned. A gagging attempt of a wince of anguish escaped her paling lips as she eyed his arms again. She hadn’t meant to ask who he was, she was more curious of which facility to which he belonged. Was he a cop? A gang member? Was he another from the mafia?

Whoever he was—he couldn’t save her once she had lost enough blood. Soon enough, she’d die if he didn’t shoot her first.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:51 pm

Damien Vetrix: For a near death damsel she had plenty questions to ask, he saw no point in answering them so continued without a reply. Only when he reached his black, red striped mustang did he actually pay attention to the girl. He didn't park far from the scene so getting to it was quick enough, he knew this girl was on the brink of death. Maneuvering her around so he could open the passenger seat, he carefully placed her on the seat. Propping the seat backward he examined her body, taking in each injury, he was so distracted with his thoughts that this was the first time he acknowledged her naked body.

Realizing that he made his way to the trunk, "It is true that killing you would make my job easier but I do not believe in senseless killing. It might be a burden keeping you alive but that's a burden of mine, so take no need to concern yourself with it." As he was answering her questions he was retrieving the gang member suit that all members were recommended to wear but never enforced, along with a first aid kit that he borrowed in a previous assignment. Back at her side he began cleaning up the cut wounds before treating them, he wasn't a doctor but for now he could only administer novice treatment. Once he tended to the cuts he could visibly see he moved onto the gunshot wounds. He was familiar with gunshot wounds so this part came naturally to him.

"This is going to hurt, but nothing compared to what you've been through," Without hesitation he first sanitized his hand with alcohol wipes, placed on latex gloves, then went onto pulling out the bullets lodged into her chest and shoulders with tweezers. He knew it was possible that the bullets might of broken up but he did what he could. After he was done he tossed the uniform onto her lap and began packing up the first aid and tossing the used tools. "They're not going to fit you but it's the best that I've got," he quickly said before making his way to the trunk placing the kit back in the trunk. "Dress up so that we can get out of here." He added with his back turned to her, waiting patiently.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:43 pm

Jace Moon:
When she had discovered that her questions were going unanswered by the angel, she closed her eyes in a half-acceptance. She honestly had no control now of what was about to happen
and the little ravenette certainly did not believe things could get worse. Oh, how on Earth could she experience anything worse? From the shock of seeing her fiancée and family brutally mutilated before her eyes, a strange delight bubbled in her stomach.

That’s right! It couldn’t. Possibly. Get any worse.

He had taken her back to his car, laid her out on the passenger seat and began to examine her wounds. Noticing her nudity, he walked around to the trunk while speaking to her. He called her a burden as he spoke. Like she was some sick dog he had had mercy on in the street. A slight smirk lifted her mouth—demonic, but amused for once. It seemed almost an accurate depiction of the two. He could be the little boy that didn’t respect orders of not to get a pet
and she was the stray.

It seemed that Jace had distracted herself from his care, and a searing pain shot through her shoulder as he plucked a bullet from her flesh. The young woman struggled not to scream—instead, she watched the man with panicked eyes as disfigured whimpers fell from her lips. He had been correct—the pain was nothing compared to the emotional trauma. However, in her opinion, getting the bullets removed was worse than getting shot.

As he walked back to the trunk, she looked at the suit he had tossed into her lap. With a straining groan, she sat up and pushed the crisp fabric of his dark suit jacket over her slender shoulders. Her hands shook as she fumbled with the buttons. Eventually she gave up and left the jacket open—she could hold it shut when he was in the car. Looking to the pants and the wounds on her upper thighs and above she said softly, “I can’t put those on
” A hint of remorse etched her voice as she reached for the crisp white shirt and tied it in front of her like a bad skirt. His jacket would be long enough to cover her if she should stand in the future. And the shirt could cover her while she sat.

“T-thank you
” Jace mumbled, clutching the front of the jacket closed.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:52 pm

Damien Vetrix: Damien listened idly by as she dressed, he figured that's what normal people do. He took her voice as a sign of her done dressing. Quickly making his way to the her side one more time eyeing her then the clothing he decided it was good enough. He had to get out of here long before any witnesses. He tossed the remaining outfit to the backseat, buckled the young lady in, and closed her door all in one quick fluid motion. Only once he made his way around the car and into the driver seat did he began speaking again.

"As you can see I am not going to hurt you nor grant you death," He stated as he started the car and peeled out of the neighborhood. "I am a member of the laughing coffin," Only pausing to glance over to take in her reaction, "I was sent to cleanup this mess, including you, but as you can see I have no intention of doing that." Interrupted only by the blasting horns of cars he cut off as he sped down the road. "Since you're a survivor, which is pretty uncommon for an incident as this I want answers. Let's keep it simple. Why were you there? Who are you? And why are you alive?"

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:31 am

Jace Moon
As he spoke, a look of delirious amusement crossed her features once more. It figured. Mafia groups were the Laughing Coffin’s enemy, correct? Didn’t that just simply mean the stray he had lifted from the street also bit him on the way back home? As the car moved, the shock began to move off into a haze as she kept her eyes on the road, answering his questions in a dry voice.

“M-My name is Jace Moon,” she said, her fingers slowly clutching the jacket closed with more vigor. “At that building I was having a party to c-celebrate
” An image flashed in her head of her fiancĂ©e’s mangled body and she winced again. “
my engagement.” Her fingers rubbed the barren area around her ring finger bitterly. Those men had really taken everything from her, hadn’t they? “If you’re going to keep me alive, may as well know I’m the daughter of the mob boss on the east side. I was going to marry the leader of the west side. His gang didn’t like it.”

“So,” she began, turning to look at her angel’s profile carefully. “They took everything away. Him, my family
even part of me. They held me still so I could watch, then tortured and maimed me so death would be the perfect option. They didn’t grant it of course
those cruel bastards wanted to see my side of the family in their weakest state. They put me under that brick so I could watch the fire consume everything I loved.”

Eyes returning to the road, her frown tore at the made-up face she had designed for that day. Rouge and smeared eyeliner still remained on her faded face, a crude reminder of a little lady with a pretty life. “Tell me your name,” she demanded in a quiet voice. She too, could play questions that were not up for debate.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:22 pm

Damien Vetrix: He listened silently as she spoke, answering his questions. Listening to her he could tell it was hard for her to talk about but he needed answers regardless, he needed to know how dangerous this situation was. As she talked he kept his eyes on the road as he processed the information and mentally established plans. So, when she demanded his name a confused stare at her was his only response for a few seconds before turning back to the road.

"Damien Vetrix, depending on your actions and decisions I could be the one that saves your life or prolong it long enough for you to take your own life," Bringing the car to a slow stop. They arrived at a house that resembled more a bunker than an actual house. Flat roof dark gray house in a rectangular shape with two floors. The second floor giving way half to a balcony-like area. The front of the house was complete glass giving off a glass house feel, while the sides and rear constructed of what appeared to be steel. Turning off the engine and turning towards Jace, staring into her eyes he broke the silence "It's about time you chose, life or death?"

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:13 pm

Jace Moon
“I already know what death brings for me,” she sighed, her black eyes directing toward the steel-and-glass bunker that he had brought her to. “If I die, you lose whatever you decided to wager on me. And I may not know what that was, but you did wager something in order to reason why I should live. As for me, I just disappear. Like I had wanted to

The last sentence had come out of her lungs as if an invisible force had punched her. She had wanted to die
and it seemed that now she would get her option to do it. But why so suddenly did she feel that she could have so much more potential by staying alive? After all
she would certainly be beneficial to Damien, wouldn’t she?

“If I choose life,” she began with level voice, eyes narrowing at the man, “what’s in it for me?”

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:00 pm

Damien Vetrix: "Answers, redemption, revenge," These were the things he would seek if he had to go through something like this then again this was only a temporary solution, a temporary goal. He had no idea what she sought let alone what would bring peace in mind. Breaking eye contact he stared out into the darkness that enveloped the car. "I don't know what you want or what will truly help ease your pain. But at least you could try to set things straight."

He sat staring out into the darkness for a second then turned to face her again with a smirk, "Life has been off balance for long enough it's about time someone straightened it out."

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:44 am

Jace Moon
For the first time since Jace had met Damien, a genuine smile shaped her lips. “If you help me get back on my feet,” she said, black eyes turning from the darkness outside to the company within, “I’ll help you with whatever task you need me for.”

the only answers she wanted were ones that told her more about Damien. She cared very little for the gang that killed her loved ones. Hell, she even knew a few of the brutes by name! Redemption
that was what her heart ached for. If she could return to her previous way of living, without having to worry about what had affected her before she would use whatever means necessary. As for revenge
Jace cared very little for such gruesome things. In her heart, she had no ability to kill or harm, however
deep, deep, down she would have loved to see those men burn in their personal Hell.

Taking a breath, she nodded towards to large man at her side as if to say she was ready for whatever came next.

“What is this place, Damien?”

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:30 pm

Damien Vetrix: Without a word he stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him then proceeded to make his way around to her side. Opening the door and reaching out for her hand. "This is our home, I figured you needed a place to stay and this place is safe enough" As if to reassure himself he looked at the house for a few seconds then back to Jace, "if that's alright with you, technically it's my house but I've seen enough evicted men because their wife claimed the house. Just do me a favor and give me a heads up before you kick me out."

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:24 am

Jace Moon
Noticing that she would soon have to stand, the ravenette looked doubtfully at her marred legs. Would she actually be able to get up? Uneasily she watched Damien cross over to her as he opened the passenger’s door. Fingers quickly checking the knot on the makeshift skirt she made, the girl blushed and looked up at the man through dark eyelashes. She didn’t want to fall over
but at the same time, Jace didn’t want Damien to carry her everywhere either.

With timid fingers, she placed her palm in his, allowing his help. “Oh?” she said with a smile, “You’re treating me like a wife now?” She laughed, slightly delighted.

On wobbly feet, she brought herself upwards, shaking slightly on her wounded knees. Stumbling forward, the girl felt herself fall into Damien’s side. A sharp pain seared from her lower region as skin tore. She felt a warm liquid flow down her leg
embarrassment flushed her cheeks again. However, Jace took a sharp breath, straightened her back and attempted once more to gain her balance.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:04 pm

Damien Vetrix: He smiled to the wife reference as he watch her get onto her feet. When she stumbled into his side he simply remained still and kept his balance for the both of them only loosening up when she regained her balance. He couldn't help but to smile when she became flushed, it wasn't something he got to see a lot in his line of work. When she was ready for the walk he kicked her door close and continued to help pace her walk to the door.

"You're pretty tough," He said trying to make conversation, "My mother would tell stories of how I'll cower from every little thing when I was a kid, or at least that's what I've been told."

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:31 pm

Jace Moon
Although she could walk on her two feet, she leaned against Damien’s shoulder every now and again as they approached the doorway. Jace’s heart sped, anticipating what might be on the other side. She’d get some sort of answer, wouldn’t she? Would it be a little bit of a hint toward who he was? Taking a breath, she looked up at him trying to forget about the mystery for a moment.

“Me, tough? You think so?” She laughed, eyes darting to look at the trickle of blood down her leg. “I don’t.” With her free hand, she brushed her knotted hair from her eyes. “But look at you now. Showing up at murder scenes like they’re nothing. You’ve got more guts than me. I’m just in shock.” Though the words came out seemed to be ones regularly spoken angrily, she talked almost nonchalantly and brightly. The idea struck her as funny and she figured it was most likely because of the astonishment she had just experienced. Jace wondered how she would feel in the coming days, knowing how Damien would turn out to be, or seeing how she got into things she wouldn’t foresee.

“How did you get over that, anyway?” she asked curiously. "You know, being scared as a kid and now you're...that." Nodding at him, she almost grinned.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:30 pm

Damien Vetrix: Smirking at her somewhat compliment, or at least he considered it a compliment. He also noticed her distracted looks to her leg, he didn't pay much mind to it but he figured it meant more to her than he thought. When she asked about his transformation from a cowardly kid to a cold heartened gang member brought him to chuckles as he slowly opened the door. Taking her deeper into the darkness that enveloped the interior of the house, it took him a second to find the switch that brought about a blinding light the lit up the interior doorway and the loft that it led to. The walls were pearl white but the floor was wooden which complimented the furniture that were fashioned in light shades of brown, some orange, and black.

Leaving the question in the air; just as it seemed like he was walking her to the loft he took a right that brought them upon a staircase. "Once again forgive me," With that he lifted her into his arms then went up the stairs, not bothering to place her back down he walked down the hall past two doors one on the left and the other on the right. Opening the third, last door on the left he confidently walked into the dark room knowing his way to the bed. Lightly placing her down on the bed he made his way to the light switch and flicked on the light.

"Well, it took time... you know getting used to," He finally began answering the question that seemed to have been asked years ago, walking into what appeared to be the bathroom the sound of running water could be heard. Returning with a damp hand towel he cradled her head with his left hand as he began lightly wiping her face with the warm towel. "You know the blood, deaths, horrors. "But after experiencing it daily, you simply become numb. Humans aren't meant to be like me, unfortunately I might have to ask this of you.," Placing the towel into her hand he evaluated the bedroom. The room was a bit bare there was a bed, cabinet, empty walk-in closet, dresser, and a old chest shoved in the corner. Seeing shopping needing to be done in the future he walked to the door.

"There are clothes in the dresser from a lady friend of mine that tend to stay here when in trouble, might not be your size but it'll have to do for now," Turning to her with his hand in the doorknob "if you need me I'll be next door... goodnight." with that he closed the door.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ziddie on Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:19 pm

Jace Moon
It appeared Damien lived alone. His furniture taste seemed fairly mannish, but not ugly among the pearl-colored walls and tanned floor. After an apology, he lifted her up in his arms and habitually, she squirmed before curling up and allowing him to carry her. He knowingly moved through his home, opening a door with ease. In a moment, her body was enveloped in a pillowy fluff. A sweet, flowery scent met her nose and she wondered whose bed this was.

The light flicked on and color bloomed in the room that matched the area downstairs. Jace watched him wander into the bathroom as he finally answered her question. Her head tipped to the side as he returned with a damp towel. Damien spoke of how he’d grown day to day, becoming what he was. She kept her hands over her knees, watching him cradle her head, and lightly wipe the blood from her face. Jace wished she had known him as a boy—innocent and frightened. She wondered if he hid from things. She wondered if this lug of a guy, cut with strong and lean muscle had once been small, tired, and afraid.

“It’s okay,” she said softly, accepting the towel. “It won’t take me long to become
” but she cut herself off to simply look up, a bit flustered again. “It’s okay,” Jace repeated with a breath. “I’ll be able to handle it.” Throughout her life, she had watched men come into her home, begging money from her father only to watch their fingers be removed. Jace had never winced when watching that. In her heart, she knew that blood coursed in her veins. If she wanted too she could easily become numb. But seeing the way Damien spoke about it, she honestly believed that becoming numb would not be the best option.

He turned for the door, telling her about the clothes in the dresser and wished her goodnight. Nodding, she returned the gesture. “Thank you, Damien,” she said, clutching his jacket closed around her chest with her left hand and holding the towel in her right. “Goodnight.”

And with that, he left.

The girl lolled on her back for a moment, listening to his footsteps down the hall before sitting up again. Wincing, she finally looked down at the damage on her upper thighs and above. Taking the towel she wiped gently at the cuts, thinking about the possibilities. This was the first time it occurred to her that she might get pregnant. Right now was not a good time for a baby! And from a man who had did such horrible things. And who would have her after all of the disfigurement on her body? Wildly shaking her head, the girl choked on a sob lifting delicate fingers to her mouth so the man next door wouldn’t hear. There were worse things as well. She could barely walk—would that heal in the days to come? She could get sick from infected wounds. She could die from disease. Jace doubted that she would ever receive proper medical care. A sick, horrible knot twisted in her stomach as she felt bile turn on her tongue. Warm tears trickled down her face as she looked up and swallowed the sour taste.

Whatever happens will happen, Jace reminded herself. Right now, her loyalty belonged to Damien. She’d help him until she couldn’t. That was all she could do. If life ran smooth, she would return to days of attending parties in gold lights. If not, the girl decided, that would be
okay. She had wanted to die anyway. What did it matter if the suffering endured for just a little bit?

With a shaking breath, she stood up on wobbly knees, found the light switch, and shuffled back to the bed.

“Goodnight,” she whispered, curling up in the crisp jacket. Tomorrow life would start going again.

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Re: The Zero Series: Stay Alive

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Master Zero on Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:38 pm

Damien Vetrix: It was early morning but it was morning nonetheless and Damien was wide awake, with company. He watched the red haired lady, which he grown to label as friend, in Jace's room rummaging through her belongings. It was weird calling it her room but it was something he decided on, this was as much his house as it was hers. Rebecca, the red head, was a member of the gang as well but just like him she didn't wear her uniform much she was more of a dress type but for this occasion she wore her plain jeans and a shirt that she didn't mind too much about. Jace survived to night, or at least it seemed that way, so today was the day for a full on treatment and Damien was neither skilled or prepared for that.

"So why'd you do it?" Even though she was concerned it sounded as if she was reprimanding him and even though he was a few feet away leaning against the wall beside the door, his thoughts brought him worlds apart. "Well?"

"Oh you're talking to me?" Even though it was obvious that the question was directed to him he was a bit surprised, scratching his head he answered "I don't know it was just something I had to do, I figured maybe-"

"Don't think that way," She interrupted, "No matter what you do you can't make it up to them." "Just move on," With that she finished setting up her little medical area and walked over to Jace laying a hand on her shoulder she whispered, "Sweetie I need you to wake up."

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