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An Age Old Feud

The Rival Kingdoms


a part of An Age Old Feud, by Scarlet Loup.


Scarlet Loup holds sovereignty over The Rival Kingdoms, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Rival Kingdoms is a part of An Age Old Feud.

2 Places in The Rival Kingdoms:

10 Characters Here

King Ladislaus of Sliabh [16] "Pleasures of Life, with all the eye can see"
Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald [13] "Alas, I am no ordinary woman, yet surely one should know this by now?"
Annelise [10] Sister of the King of Slaibh, betrothed to the King of Abhainn
King Charles of Abhainn [9] "My ancestors will not die in vain."
Guy Kirkshaw [7] "I would die for this Kingdom."
Queen Josslyn of Slaibh [4] "Listen and learn, you may understand something."
Sir Conán Fitzgerald [3] "Our Oaths are very morbid, death seems to be mentioned in every sentence, thats probably why I dont take them too seriously."
Sir Eric Fauxhelm [2] "Some things are better left unsaid."
Prince Liam of Abhainn [2] "Sometimes I want to be a knight. But then I remember I'm a prince."
Judith Aelfwynn [1] "It is easier to build strong children than to rebuild broken men."

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Annelise smiled and nodded, "Yes please, my king." She chirped gladly, following close behind Charles.

"I had my servants set up a guest room since I'm assuming you would much rather wait until we are wed to share a room." She nodded in response, "Of course.." She murmured, smiling back at Ladislaus and Gweneth, although she hoped they wouldn't follow. She wanted some time to spend with her future husband after all

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Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: Annelise
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Annelise looked around with a joyful grin, looking over to Charles and nodding. "It's perfect, thank you very much!" She replied, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes with hers. She wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words, instead blushing a bright red and looking at the ground shyly.

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Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw
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(OOC: Uhmm.. I was going to have Guy read it out loud, so, lets just say this is what happened.)
Guy looked up, seeing that all eyes were on him, eager to hear him speak. After clearing his throat, he unrolled the parchment and read:
"To our most worthy liege and ruler, we, the people of the village of Maud, sick and pale with grief that we are, would welcome a most generous and gentle-hearted hand of help like rain after draught. Yesternight, in the dead waste and middle of night, from the forests came a band of villainous rogues, draped in nightly colours and armed with sickle-shaped knives who burnt, looted, and pillaged our humble village. The few men we had who knew a thing of two or about swordfighting, slain. The few women who attempted to fight, slain. From hence forth, they took every little money we had in our possession, rummaged through our grain stores, commit ungodly acts to our women, children, and livestock. A savageness in unreclaimed blood. Of general assault. We are at your mercy my lord. Our lives rest upon your generous helping hand to vanquish such savagery."
After Guy had finished reading it, he placed a hand on his sword hilt, as if ready to spring into action.
"My lord, if you would but give the order, with all my heart, and it doth much content me if your lordship would give me the opportunity to test my valor. I perceive it would be a sound strategy that I may be given the opportunity to lead thirteen men, including myself, to travel to Maud and challenge these heathens to mortal combat. Being a rather trifle task this is, too simple for the Captain, Sir Fauxhelm to lead. Such action as I can make, you shall command. Pronounce."
Guy waited on the King's answer.

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((Well, I didn't know when you'd be back so I had Charles take the note to progress the plot, but, alright))

Charles listened closely as Guy relayed the message to him. His lips pursed and his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, he gave a light sigh and processed the words. Then, Guy placed a hand on his sword's hilt and spoke again. Charles frowned deeper and looked down at the knight.

"Do not speak ill of your Captain, Sir Kirkshaw," he scolded lightly. The King had a great respect for the Captain, never mind the fact that he was drunk half of the time. He gave a soft sigh and then nodded lightly. "You may go...however, you will leave my best men here and you will not depart until after our guests have left, do I make myself clear?" He paused, and then added, "I send you instead of Sir Fauxhelm only so I may have the Captain of my knights present." He certainly didn't need Sir Fauxhelm believing he was being undermined.

"It's perfect, thank you very much!" cried Annelise, gazing around the room with wide, blue eyes which moved back to meet his own azure hues. Her cheeks reddened and she quickly looked down at the floor. Cautiously, he stepped forward and placed a hand over one of hers, which hung at her side.

"You are quite welcome," he replied, slowly removing his hand. "Should I leave you now? I would not want to keep you from resting, if you are tired."

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Annelise looked up into his eyes again, smiling softly and flushing a deeper shade of red as their hands touched. "I'm not tired, it wasn't really that exhausting getting here." She murmured, referring to her brother saying how hard their journey was.

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

"I do apologize for not having done so earlier. King Ladislaus, Princess Annelise...this is Lady Gweneth; a close friend of mine." Gweneth immediately snapped out of her daze upon hearing her name, looking towards the threesome in the middle of the room she noted Charles smiling at her motioning for her to approach. Gliding gracefully across the hard oak floor, stopping in front of the foreign royals, she curtseyed respectfully as she was taught to do for any member of royalty, despite their country.

"Hello Lady Gweneth.." Acknowledging the young Princess with a small, incredibly forced smile "Princess" her smooth voice drawled "Welcome to Albhainn."

Ladislaus voice finally broke the tension between the two women “I did not think I would see such a pretty woman out of Sliabh.” Although she could have taken the Kings statement either way, Gwen offered a small smile "Thank you sire. I pray you find more things of beauty whilst your in Albhainn as I have yet too see a prettier place." The blonde retorted defending her home with words.

As Charles announced he was too show Annelise her quarters, Gwen's hopes fell, yet quickly rose as he asked her to accompany them "No, you two go on ahead, I shall see you later, if it pleases you?" Watching the soon to be newly-weds leave, Gwen's heart filled with emotion, pain, mostly. A little anger, at herself for not acting on her feelings sooner, at Annelise for having the privilege of becoming Charles wife, at Charles for accepting the treaty conditions.

Shaking thoughts from mind, Gwen turned to Ladislaus "How long do you plan on staying with us sire?"

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(It never said the smile was forced ._.)

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((I think Gwen was the one forcing the smile, though I might have read it wrong?))

Charles nodded slowly and glanced around the room, not knowing what to speak about.

"" he began. He sighed and pursed his lips briefly. "Please do not hate me for the arranged marriage." He seemed to blurt this out of nowhere, as if he had sudden remembered it. "I know you probably are frightened and worried...but, I want you to know I do not want you to think of me as an enemy or anything and...well, if we are to be married, I'd rather a happy marriage, wouldn't you?"

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(oh ok I see it now)

"I'd rather a happy marriage, wouldn't you?" He asked, getting a smile in return from Annelise.

"Yes.. That's all I want, I was afraid you wouldn't like me.. But I think this will be just fine." She murmured, although she wouldn't admit she was afraid about the most likely inevitable mistresses he would have. She never liked that her brother did it, it was wrong to deceive the woman you're supposed to love like that.

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Charles smiled briefly in a way that was both slightly amused and also a bit sad at the same time. "I am glad to hear that," he murmured in reply. He took a few steps back and slowly sat in an arm chair in the corner of the room, gazing around to take in the tapestries hung on the walls as if he had never seen them before. "Tell me about yourself," he said out of nowhere, turning to face Annelise again. "I know nothing more than your name and your title, yet I am to wed you- tell me anything, I simply wish to know my future bride better than I do as of now."

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Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Sir Eric Fauxhelm
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After receiving his orders from the King, Sir Guy bowed, and immediately turned to prepare himself. Spotting the captain, Sir Fauxhelm along the way, he stopped to greet him.
"Good morrow captain! Liegeman to the throne. My hour has finally come to prove myself worthy to lead men to battle. It seems that when in peace, our swords turn towards enemies within- heathens, rogues, bandits, and the like. Thirteen men I shall take from our ranks including myself, all of lesser rank than I, from orders of the king himself. Was that the princess of our former enemies that went hence by so fast? Well, I guess the hour has finally come, rumors and whispers sealed to make presence. What make you of this marriage captain? If anything, I would much prefer total war over a bad peace. Though I dare not speak evil of good that may come from such a union."

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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Ladislaus didn’t follow them; knowing he was the last one they wanted around as they got to know each other. A part of him felt insulted, for some reason wail the other more dominant half simple brushed it off. It was then his attention was brought back to The Lady Gweneth, with her delicate figure and and attractive appearance.
“I will stay as long as I am welcome” he said gently, in recognition of her question. “But I fear that may be shorter then I would prefer.”

He felt a strange feeling of unwanted ness at play, he didn’t want to stay here any longer then he needed to it was too depressing anyway. After all he was losing a sister after all, and even though they were never close it was still a scary thought, when thy enemy is evolved.

“Would your ladyship mind, showing me this beauty you mentioned before. I fear I would be lost without a proper guild.” His smile winced gently, as he looked at her imagining what she may look like if her gown fell to her knees right now. “No harm in it, I assure you.” He added.

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

Suspicion was in Gwen's nature, growing up in an era where war was on your very doorstep, you wouldn't expect anything less. “I will stay as long as I am welcome...But I fear that may be shorter then I would prefer.” Gwen nodded offering a small smile although she highly doubted the truth in his words and she would hardly disagree.

Gwen could feel Ladislaus eyes run over her frame and if Gwen had been a weak woman she would have blushed and perhaps turn away with shame, instead Gwen straightened and let him have his little fun. That was the problem with men, they thought much with their downstairs brain, it was a wonder how they achieved anything in life. “Would your ladyship mind, showing me this beauty you mentioned before. I fear I would be lost without a proper guild.” Ladislaus asked. Gwen thought about it for a moment "very well, would you like to go for a ride and explore the countryside, I assure you it is most beautiful?"

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Annelise thought for a moment, "I like art.. I draw as often as I can." She admitted, blushing as she realized that was all she could really think of at the moment, too distracted by Charles to think straight. "Wh-What about you?" She asked, hoping she could think of more while Charles was speaking

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Charles nodded slowly, taking in her words and mulling over them.

"I was never good at drawing or painting," he replied, laughed softly. "Then again, I never have had luck with the arts. I prefer hobbies that require more...logic involved."

"Wh-What about you?" the princess asked shakily, as if fighting to stay calm. Charles pursed his lips slightly.

"I play chess," he replied. "I hunt, practice my sword fighting...not much, in all honesty. Being a king takes up precious time, though you probably already knew that from your brother." He settled back into the armchair and then gestured slightly with one hand to a chair a few feet away for her to sit in if she wanted. "What do you like to draw?"

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Annelise walked over and sat down, folding her hands in her lap calmly and sighing contently, much more relaxed now. "Animals mostly.. Sometimes landscapes too." She replied, looking out the window with a smile as if she was taking a peek at what she would be drawing soon. "I enjoy reading once in a while too." She added, turning her attention back to Charles and grinning happily.

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Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Prince Liam of Abhainn Character Portrait: Sir Eric Fauxhelm
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Liam watched the scene unfold, and followed quietly when his father and the lady left. He kept to the ends of halls as they found the lady's chambers, and when they'd begun to talk, he waited just beside the doors, listening. She seemed ever so kind... just the sort of person to be a good mother! He poked his head in, looking from the lady to his father. "...papa...?"


Eric was caught off guard when the knight began to talk with him, spewing out orders form the king and wedding and princesses... He blinked a few times for a while as his only response, staring at the young knight as if he were raving mad. "Erm. Er, yes. Yes, bandits, thieves, whatnot. Nasty lot. S-see... see to it, I suppose. Erm. Lovely... princess. It'll be a fine wedding." He nodded and waited for the knight to leave him, but thought of another thing. "Wait, erm... Guy, was it? Listen, remember who's in our court, alright? Don't speak of war when peace-time is so close at hand. Sometimes as knights we believe our duty is to fight threats against our kingdom, but that isn't truth. Our duty is to eliminate threats, and when peace is an option over bloodshed, it should always be so. Do not speak of war with enemies when they are now friends, alright? Don't stir trouble when it's only just finished."

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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“That sounds perfect” He Ladislaus said with a slight smile. “Fresh air should do me some good, but no carriage” he laughed. “I think I’ve spent enough time in one for the day.” He felt a gentle tug at his robes just then as Matilda gently begged for attention.
“Father?” she asked gently, “Can I play?” she asked wanting to explore this new place.
Ladislaus turned to his daughter and knelt down, “yes my dear you may play.” He said as she hugged him tightly, he whispered to her. “But be careful of the knights.” Matilda ran off outside on her own with a large smile on her face.

Ladislaus turned back to Gwendeth and offered his arm to her, remembering his manors. “Shall we?” he asked.

This woman was strange different even, in the best sense of the word of course. She didn’t seem fazed at his glances when most women would blush, most peculiar.

“So how long exactly have you known King Charles?” he asked.

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Charles nodded slowly and then, as she looked out of the window, followed her gaze curiously. However, he only saw the forest and, beyond that, the harbors. "I read too, though not as much as I wish I did," he replied, folding his hands in his lap, also. He met her gaze briefly and then returned the cheerful smile though it seemed a bit tired. This conversation seemed so...restrained. Charles sighed gently and opened his mouth to speak again, but clamped it shut upon hearing the door open. He stood up quickly and took half of a step toward the door as it opened up fully.

"...papa...?" came a soft whisper. A smile crossed Charles's lips as Liam appeared in the doorway.

"Hello there, William," he said softly, waving the boy over. "The is someone I'd like you to meet." He turned and gestured toward Annelise. "This is the princess. Annelise, this is my son, Liam." He stepped back to allow the two to talk with each other, hoping they would hit it off.

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Annelise looked over as the door opened and Liam walked in, grinning with excitement.

"This is the princess. Annelise, this is my son, Liam." Charles introduced as he stepped back. Annelise smiled and walked over in front of Liam and knelt down to his eye level.

"Hello there.." She murmured sweetly

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Liam hid shyly behind his father, stepping out just slightly. He looked her over and then, feeling more comfortable, gave a big grin with bright eyes. He stepped forward, giving the princess a sweeping bow. "Hello there, Miss. I'm Liam!" He snapped back up and rocked on his heels. "You sure are pretty, miss princess!"

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Annelise giggled as Liam bowed, smiling down at him and giving a small curtsy in return. "Why thank you.." She murmured, kneeling back down in front of him. "It's very nice to meet you Liam."

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Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Sir Conán Fitzgerald
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Sir Guy proceded towards the training grounds. Spotting Sir Fitzgerald along the way, and approached the man directly.
"My, my, my, Sir Fitzgerald. What an astonishing sight to behold my liegeman awake in arms, not washed up dry in in 't alley of a tavern." Guy teased.
"Yesternight a man inquired about thee. I replied, yes I know a gentleman your referring to. I saw him just yesterday, and there he was gambling, there he was totally wasted, fighting with somebody about a jousting match, or, perchance, I saw him enter a house of ill-repute. Thou call thyself a true Knight of Abhainn?" Guy pushed him on one shoulder.

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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

Gwen nodded to Ladislaus request not for a carriage "very well, it is best to explore the country on horseback anyhow" she spoke with a slight happiness, riding was one of Gwen's passions, she had been a keep horsewoman since an early age and jumped at any opportunity to take her mare 'Whisper' out.

A small voice finally caught Gwen's attention, looking down to the Kings side she noted a young child, then it dawned on her, it was his daughter. The blonde watched the scene with interest, the child was obviously illegitimate, if the Queen had given birth to an heir, Albhainn would most definitely of heard about it. The child must have held a special claim in Ladislaus heart for him to acknowledge her as his own, judging by his reputation she doubted this was the first child he fathered. Gwen found herself smiling down at the scene, it reminded her of Charles and Liam together and Gwen, despite her slightly hardened heart had a soft spot for dutiful fathers, she prayed one day her children, if the gods granted her children, would be loved by an honourable ad dutiful father. Soon the little girl ran off and Gwen turned her head back to the king "you have a beautiful child sire, she is a credit to you."

The blonde took the kings arm as he offered it and they began their walk from the throne room “So how long exactly have you known King Charles?” The question took her by surprise, gazing at him suspiciously she hesitated before answering, why was he so interested in her relationship with Charles? Breaking her silence Gwen let out a small sigh "my father sent me and my brother to the palace after the fever ravished Beaumont Quay, taking my mothers life along with three of my sibling" Gwen explained steadily, she would not show her weakness in front of the enemy.


Sir Conán Fitzgerald

"My, my, my, Sir Fitzgerald. What an astonishing sight to behold my liegeman awake in arms, not washed up dry in in 't alley of a tavern." had been teaching a defensive block when a familiar, annoying voice resounded across the field "My, my, my, Sir Fitzgerald. What an astonishing sight to behold my liegeman awake in arms, not washed up dry in in 't alley of a tavern." Conán smirked at his words as he continued his training with the new recruit, surly Guy should have learnt by now that small digs at his expense weren't something he took seriously.

"Yesternight a man inquired about thee. I replied, yes I know a gentleman your referring to. I saw him just yesterday, and there he was gambling, there he was totally wasted, fighting with somebody about a jousting match, or, perchance, I saw him enter a house of ill-repute. Thou call thyself a true Knight of Abhainn?" That comment caused the Knight to laugh loudly and finally turn to acknowledge Sir Guy Kirkshaw "I see all work and no play has made Sir Kirkshaw very bad at conducting insults" Conán replied returning his sword to its scabbard and turned to the man he was training with "go practise" he ordered.

"And as for your question honourable Sir Kirkshaw...Yes I do consider myself a true Knight of Abhainn as I have proven it on the battlefield, time and time again. So boy...Next time you speak ill of me, remember one is not considered a true Knight for the morals you live by, for every man believes theirs are the ones others should adhere. Being a knight is about serving your King and country, laying down your life if need be, sacrificing yourself so that your kinsmen may live." Conán stated, nudging Guy back, his lips in a tight line, his eyes narrowed with emotions, before his mood lightened and a small smirk appeared on his lips.

"So forgive me Sir Kirkshaw, but being a Knight will most likely take my life so I am going to enjoy the time I have left."

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#, as written by Adantas
The jerking and bumping of the carriage may have frustrated any normal person when attempting to read but in Josslyn's mind it was just a challenge. A challenge that soon lost its interest when it became apparent that it was just something that wasn't possible. Thankfully her dear hand maiden Elisa was accompanying her to the Kingdom of Abhainn. The afternoon was bright and noisy, with the sun positioned directly overhead and the chirping of birds filling the air. Josslyn stared out the carriage window, enjoying the blur that was trees and fields passing by. A gust of wind would occasionally sweep through and tousle her neatly done hair, much to Elisa's annoyance.

"M'lady, may we please close the curtains, the wind is ruining your hair. We're expected to arrive at Abhainn within the hour and I wouldn't think it is appropriate for your hair to be so terribly messy." The sweet girl, while she always had a formal tone, talked with Josslyn in a relaxed and comfortable way, something that she deeply cherished.

"Elisa, do not fret so much, I was simply enjoying the freshness." She gave the girl a tender smile, in terms of how she felt it was all very confusing but she could not deny that she was attracted to Elisa. Just as Elisa started to argue back she leaned over and put a finger against her lips. "I know and I'm sorry." The Hand-maiden, used to such fondness in her Queen's touch didn't react. Despite being caring for Josslyn, she still didn't quite understand what it meant. Was this strange attraction between them the same love that could be between a man and a woman? That was a ponder for another day because very soon the carriage was slowing down.

Josslyn sat back with a content sigh, giving Elisa a secretive smile and staring into her eyes for a moment longer. Finally the carriage came to a halt and the door was jerked open causing bright sunlight to pour into their dark and cosy compartment. Josslyn didn't hesitate against the blinding light and quickly and elegantly stepped out. There before her was the palace of Abhainn, the place that after so many years of feuding were finally going to make peace. While it should have been expected that the Queen might have had some animosity against such a treaty but in actuality Josslyn had no feelings of ill against them. How could someone hate a whole Kingdom? There were people with families, children, lovers and friends. How could you hate them when you didn't even know them? So, because of this Josslyn had firmly stuck to her belief that this treaty was a very good opportunity to finally connect with their long lost half. So of course, despite her presence not really needed she wanted to be there just to make sure.

As she stepped out of the carriage, heeled foot tapping against the cobblestone she looked around at the grand palace. It was very different from Sliabh, but it had its own unique air. She breathed in deeply, filling her lungs with the different air, yet it had the same feel, taste and smell. This place was not so different from Sliabh. Turning back sharply she reached a hand up to help Elisa down. It may have looked odd, the Queen helping her Hand-Maiden, but for the Sliabh servants they were used to their Queens difference.

"My Queen." Came a gruff voice to her right. "I'll jus' take ta carriage to the stables and get yer gear inside for ya." The Schaeffer was a beaten looking man, slightly hunched with a limp. He had seen a few battles for Sliabh and remained truly loyal.

"Thank you, Rook." She said as he left to handle that. Josslyn turned back to the entrance of the palace, now it was just a waiting game to see who would greet them. She had sent a message along before her arrival so they were expecting her. At least she had Elisa for company.