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An Age Old Feud

The Rival Kingdoms


a part of An Age Old Feud, by Scarlet Loup.


Scarlet Loup holds sovereignty over The Rival Kingdoms, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Rival Kingdoms is a part of An Age Old Feud.

2 Places in The Rival Kingdoms:

10 Characters Here

King Ladislaus of Sliabh [16] "Pleasures of Life, with all the eye can see"
Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald [13] "Alas, I am no ordinary woman, yet surely one should know this by now?"
Annelise [10] Sister of the King of Slaibh, betrothed to the King of Abhainn
King Charles of Abhainn [9] "My ancestors will not die in vain."
Guy Kirkshaw [7] "I would die for this Kingdom."
Queen Josslyn of Slaibh [4] "Listen and learn, you may understand something."
Sir Conán Fitzgerald [3] "Our Oaths are very morbid, death seems to be mentioned in every sentence, thats probably why I dont take them too seriously."
Sir Eric Fauxhelm [2] "Some things are better left unsaid."
Prince Liam of Abhainn [2] "Sometimes I want to be a knight. But then I remember I'm a prince."
Judith Aelfwynn [1] "It is easier to build strong children than to rebuild broken men."

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Abhainn's palace was located in the middle of the kingdom's large river, nestled on an island that was connected to the main land only by a large, stone bridge which was held up only by a set of large, ornate supports. Along the bridge, their were a great number of flag poles, all bearing the kingdom's seal again a blood red piece of fabric. Upon reaching the castle, one was greeted with the large, intimidating doors, carved from trees that had been almost impossible for a man to wrap his arms around. Abhainn was known for its customs, trading and bartering over the harbors that were set up at the mouth of the river. As one entered the castle and looked around, they would undoubtedly notice the large tapestries and trophies that sat on display, boasting the good fortune of the kingdom and the valiant acts of its knights. Though there were many doorways and archways leading to different ends of the palace, there was a grandiose staircase in the center of the front hall that branched off halfway up and led to different wings of the building. The East Wing had been, for many years, set aside for recreational use, whether that be sword fighting or playing chess, whilst the West Wing was for more domestic uses.

It was in the West Wing of the castle that Abhainn's ruler and sole successor of the former King slept, sprawled out spread-eagle on his ornate four-poster that had been used since the time of Henry's reign. Bright morning light was filtering into the dark room through the fabric of the heavy curtains, casting odd shadows on the floor and walls. A sole ray of light landed on the monarch's closed eyelids and, eventually, they snapped open. He emitted a light cry of shock and sat up quickly, eyes closed again to try and bring them back into focus. Rubbing the sleep from them, Charles yawned softly, his brow crinkling slightly in response to the movement. He swung his legs over the side of the large bed and warily placed weight on his feet, grateful that they hadn't given out.

With another yawn, he raised his arms above his head to stretch them out and wandered toward the drapes that had allowed light to come through and wake him up. Wrenching it aside, he had to squint his eyes to avoid being blinded by the sudden change in lighting. He continued pulling it aside until the light had illuminated his entire room, making his dark quarters appear less...dark.

He wandered back toward his bed and sat on the edge, holding his head in his hands for a bit. It had been quite a while now since his father's death- though how long, he didn't know- and yet, he still hadn't fully recovered. Perhaps, though, his son's presence made life a bit more bearable. Certainly, he didn't feel the pang of depression as much anymore. Charles laid back on the bed, staring at the molded ceiling above. It would have been wonderful to lay there all day, able to simply think and reflect, but he knew he wasn't able to. For, today he was to meet his betrothed- the sister of Sliabh's King. It had been arranged since Charles's father had begun planning the treaty with the rival King, yet Charles hadn't actually thought about it until then. He couldn't even tell if he was excited or worried...he simply felt apathetic. But, he might as well get dressed, no? So, with that thought in mind, he got up again and dressed himself in a simply, yet refined style before exiting his chambers.

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The weak looking black haired girl looked up, sad eyes boring into her brothers as she gave a pitiful smile. "Of course.." Annelise murmured in response. She wasn't lying, of course not, a small fraction of her was excited but most of what she was feeling was anxiety and an overwhelming fear. She knew how Ladislaus felt towards his wife and was afraid she would be treated the same by her husband. That wasn't Annelise's only fear though, what if this king didn't even like her in the slightest? Hated her even?

She sighed, looking back at the floor and trying to push away her depression for a moment, although she knew it was pointless. She could never escape the memory of her father, the only real friend she ever had. Maybe if he was still alive she wouldn't be sent away, but there was no point in living in fantasy, she had to face the moment. Annelise looked up and stared out the window, her stomach sinking as she spotted the castle in the distance.

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As he was about to exit the room and enter the hallway, Charles was nearly run into by a young boy, no older than ten, who pushed his small self into the room, despite the brief growls of protest from the guards as the half-naked boy dodged between them. They had already learned there was no point in telling the young prince "no", since he listened to no one besides his father, who wasn't a very good father, in their opinions. It was true that Charles wasn't very good at being a father. Then again, he was only nineteen when the boy was born, hardly old enough to properly learn how to be a father, on top of studying and refining his skill set. But, he had managed and, although the boy was rowdy, he still listened to his father. Stepping back, he watched Liam crawl up on to the large bed and jump up and down, causing the old bed to creak gently each time. "Morning, Papa!" he cried, just about grinning ear-to-ear.

Charles returned the grin, though it seemed much more forced, and sat in an armchair that rested in the corner of the bedroom. "Good morning, William," he replied, continuing to watch the boy and, ever so slightly, envying the innocent excitement that seemed to just about radiate from him. In an instant, he had begun rattling off questions.

"Papa, today the girl is coming to day in't she? Isn't she? Is she pertty, Papa? Is she a princess? I bet she's real pertty then. Is she gonna live here with us? When's she coming Papa?" he said quickly, hardly taking a breath of air between each question. As if the sudden increase in the room's energy had affected him, Charles fidgeted for a bit and then stood up, walking toward the bed and picking Liam up in mid-bounce. Chuckling softly, he set the boy down on the floor and crouched before him to help minimize the difference in their heights. His bright, blue eyes met those of his son, who had inherited the trait. For a brief second, he glanced at the floor, not knowing how to reply. Then, as if the ground had given him advice, he looked up and met his son's gaze again.

"Yes, she will be coming today," he replied coolly, hoping his calm tone would rub off on the boy and calm him down before Ladislaus arrived. "She's a princess, from the other kingdom...and yes, she'll be living with us." He attempted to skirt over the other question, regarding how his bride-to-be looked. Frankly, he hadn't met her before. All he knew was she was a princess and, as part of that damned treaty, he was to marry her. "...I hope she's pretty," he finally said, giving another quick smile before standing up fully again. "Now, go finish getting dressed. She'll be here soon."

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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

Blue eyes parted as golden sunlight filtered through the gap in the heavy fabric drapes of her room; a loud yawn parted from the woman’s lips, after a unsettled nights sleep it pained Gweneth Fitzgerald that the morning came so quickly. Sitting up in the middle of the plush mattress, covers pooled at her waist as hair as golden as the sun and soft as freshly spun silk fell from its braid, helped from the sleepy Gwen as her slender fingers ran through the tresses. With a heavy sigh and a final yawn, she stretched her legs over the edge of the bed, slipping her feet into the slippers her maid had left out, calling out for her as she stood up walking to window, glancing out at what whether the gods had bestowed onto them today.

A thin smile, slipped upon her pink lips. The sun was already high in the sky, shinning down on the kingdom of Abhainn with all its might; the sky was blue as the ocean, a blessed sight for a woman brought up around water. When away from Beaumont Quay, Gwen found herself missing it dearly, the pristine waters of the harbour, the tall ships all docked neatly in rows, the goods from different far off lands; the thought caused her smile to widen. The Lady of Beaumont Quay missed her home it was true, however being at the palace was the next best thing as she got to be close to Charles; his name brought a blush to her cheeks. Gwen had never been one to stick to the boundaries of the silly conformities women had, but, when she thought about her dear King, the flutter in her stomach made her feel as silly as the rest. A dark cloud on the horizon caught her attention, forcing a frown onto her face, a subtle reminder that the day was far from perfect; today Abhainn welcomed their new Queen. Gwen had never met the Princess but she already despised her, she would be Charles wife, bare his children, rule by his side, love him…do everything she was suppose to do!

“Good morning milady” Her maid curtseyed politely upon entering her rooms.

Gwen’s face was thunderous “Where were you!?” she demanded in a harsh snarl. Seeing the girl flinch her expression softened “apologies just help me get ready to greet the King.”

The girl nodded in a hurry, turning to the heavy chest in the corner, the girl lifted the heavy oak top and began rummaging for her garments. Sitting down on the edge of her bed, Gwen watched the girl gather up everything she would need to make her look presentable “What’s your name?” she asked her tone softer still.

“It’s Bess milady” The freckle faced girl said over her shoulder with a small smile. Gwen nodded, returning her small smile, “Which dress would you like to wear milady?”

Thinking about it for a moment, the blonde quickly decided “The gold and red, I think.” Once dressed, Bess ran a comb through her blonde waves, ridding it of all knots, leaving it loose, Gwen thanked Bess quickly before leaving the room.

Despite not having been to the palace in a few years, Gwen could still remember her way to the Kings chambers. Her heels clicked against the stoned floors as people greeted her in her wake; she smiled politely at them, moving quickly as to avoid any conversation. Her heart quickened as she approached his guarded room, the guards acknowledged her with a quick nod, she needed no introductions; she and the King had been good friends for many years. Upon entering the Kings chambers she heard small chatter and laughter coming from his bed chambers, creeping over, she smiled at the scene before her. Charles and his young son Liam chatting gaily, clasping her hands in front of her, she waited, listening. “I hope she’s pretty…Now go Finnish getting dressed. She’ll be here soon.”Frowning slightly at the topic, she quickly struck the thought from sight and waited for a pause in their conversation before opening her mouth to speak “I pray I’m not interrupting anything?” she asked smiling at them both.

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Sir Conán Fitzgerald

Sir Conán woke with start as something collided with his face, grumbling the knight opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the light in the unfamiliar room, looking around the shabby room with a frown, he casted his eyes downward, a smirk appeared upon his handsome face as he grey orbs fell upon the naked whore which slept next to him; suddenly the memories came flooding back. He had ridden in from Beaumont late and after escorting his sister to the palace, he had headed straight for Nellie’s whorehouse and well bagged himself a little beauty. Skin as pale as snow and hair as red as flames, a little spitfire too, it had been a remarkable night too.

Sitting up, Conán flung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up; he stretched away the aches sleep had caused his body, before reaching for his clothes. Pulling on his trousers, the knight sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots, when he heard Bridgette stir from her slumber “Leaving so soon?” she grumbled although eyes were still shut.

Conán chuckled “I have training” he stated swiftly, reaching for his shirt.

“Liar” came a soft reply. Turning back around Bridgette was now sat up against the headboard, the thin sheet pulled up to her wais, although she could not muster the feeling of decency to cover chest “tryin’ to sneak out without waking me make me feel like an ‘ore.”

A devilish smirk slipped across Conán’s lips as he moved to stand in front of the Red head, his hand running through her wild but soft hair before coming to rest on her milky chin; Bridgette smiled at the man for the tender moment, she wasn’t accustomed to many “But sweetheart you are a whore” came his words, sharp as knives; he removed his hand from her cheek as her smile fell.

Quickly finishing to dress, he buckled his sword securely around his waist and was about to reach for the door when a sharp voice reached his ears “If I am an ‘ore then, you pay me then kind sir” she spoke fiercely with a snarl of her lip. Conán smirked once more with a flash of white teeth as he dug into his pouch pulling out two silver coins and tossed them in front of her on the bed “Until next time sweetheart.” With that final statement he left the room and the whorehouse, walking out onto the already busy street of the street. It would have been the perfect day if it hadn’t been for the foul stench of sewage that ran down the streets, turning his nose up he began to walk towards the palace, he breathed through his mouth the remainder of the way.

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The boy moved to dash out of the room when Lady Gweneth appeared at the door. Remembering his manners, He halted before her, becoming rigid and giving a proper bow. "Good Morning Lady Gwen." he answered statically, "It's a lovely morning isn't it? If you will excuse me, I have to put clothes on. Good Morning!" He gave a wide grin and ducked around her, tearing out the door and back down to his own room, where his nursemaid had waited patiently to dress him. With a sigh he allowed himself to be clothed before slipping on his shoes and hurrying outside to watch the knights train.

He ran into the courtyard, where the knights had gathered together, and climbed up onto the wall surrounding it. He inched towards the middle and waved to the captain, who smiled back. "Hallo, your highness!" Eric called out. "Come on, boys, wave to your prince!"

He laughed, walking through the lot of them. "Come on Smith, get your elbows up... Wesley, the hell are you doing!? Stop yourself, now-- yes, alright there you go. See, when you leave yourself open like that, you're asking to get your stomach slit open, alright? That's better. Keep it up. Great... where...? Damn it all, where the hell is Fitzgerald?"

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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

“Well you should be.” Ladislaus said as he peered out the window, they were so near the castle now and Ladislaus couldn’t help but think Rather small castle. Of course this was just a defense mechanism he didn’t really mean to suggest it, It was good that it all in the safely of his own mind.

“Are you nervous?” he said readdressing her as the carriage came to a stop.
A slimy little man came up to the carriage window, “Good marrow, King Ladislaus, Princess Annelise. I will tell King Charles you have arrived.”

“Do so, and for God’s sake doesn’t keep us waiting, we’ve driven all night.”
The Little man ran off into the castle as Ladislaus turned to his sister and said. “Well no turning back now.”

Matilda poked her head out of the window and noticed some men training. “Papa, can I go over there?” she asked wanting to get out of the wretched carriage, after such a long time.

“No, Ducky you are to stay here.” He said in gently, not wanting his daughter to get herself into any trouble and knowing the girl she would.

Now they played the waiting game…

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Annelise nodded hesitantly, "Yes.." She admitted shyly, staring up at the castle with a small sense of fear, still avoiding eye contact with her brother.

She couldn't help but smile at Matilda's enthusiasm, looking over at the small girl and laughing a bit. If she wasn't here Annelise may have had a full blown panic attack by now, but her happy chatter had distracted her enough up to this point.

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"I pray I'm not interrupting anything?" came a soft, soothign voice from the entrance to the King's chambers. Charles started in surprise and whirled around quickly, his brow furrowed in surprise. Who the hell had the guards let into his room...? He opened his mouth to yell at the figure, though he quickly recognized her and a grin spread along his lips, matching the one she had given him. He opened his mouth to speak, and was cut off by the small boy who had halted in mid-dash.

"Good Morning Lady Gwen," he answered statically, as if he had rehearsed this moment. "It's a lovely morning isn't it? If you will excuse me, I have to put clothes on. Good Morning!" The boy ducked around her and sped off, his bare feet slappign against the tile floors as he hurried off to his own room. Now, able to speak, Charles smiled again quickly and walked toward his bureau, picking up the crown that sat perched on a small cushion. He centered it on his messy, auburn locks and then, deciding his hair wasn't flat enough, removed the crown and wet his hand in the water he had used to wash his face, quickly running it through his hair before placing the crown back on his head. Deciding he looked presentable, he turned to Gwen and walked back. He took her hand gently in his calloussed one and placed his lips against it in greeting.

"Good morning, m'Lady," he said softly, letting go of her hand slowly. "I trust you slept well?" A knock sounded at the door and a scrawny, shady little man stood a few feet back behind one of the guards whilst the other took a small step in, falling to his knees.

"Your Highness," he said respectfully, waiting to be addressed.

"Rise," Charles replied, subconciously raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"The King and Princees 'ave arrived," he continued, slowly standing up. Sure enough, as Charles wandered over toward the window, he noticed an elegant carriage outside.

"I see..." he murmured. Glancing back at Gwen, he beckoned her after him. "Come along, then. I'm sure you'll want to meet Sliabh's royals also." Without waiting for a response, he hurriedly grabbed a robe and pulled it on, makign his wy swiftly toward the stairs and, in turn, his throne room to greet his enemy and his enemy's sister.

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Annelise held her breath in anticipation as she was led out of the carriage and up to the castle with her brother and Matilda, thinking her heart would burst as they neared the large doors of the castle and entered slowly.

"Wow.." She mused, looking around at the beautiful decor and glancing over to see Ladislaus' reaction as they got closer and closer to the throne room.

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

As they walked from the carriage Ladislaus held his arm out for his sister, as is only customary for a gentleman to do so. He didn’t want to admit he was impressed with The Castle so far, he heard his sister’s reaction and he simply replied. “Oh how very modest of them” he spoke in a sarcastic tongue. Wail he was in denial of how impressive it was Matilda’s eyes hadn’t closed since they left the carriage.

“It’s so pretty!” she exclaimed.

Ladislaus grumbled, “Yes, pretty” he grunted not at all happy with using the praise.
The same spiny little man from before offered to escort them to the throne room, which was a tedious trip but at last the made their way and of course The Peacock was sitting proudly on his throne. How anticlimactic he had half expected his longtime foe to sit upon a mountain of those he had slain, but then again no one is ever as we first preserve.

“King Charles, pleasant to at last meet such a great man.” The words felt like daggers in his thought as he tried to regain some form of elegant. “May I present my sister, Princess Annelise”

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Annelise flushed a deep red as her eyes met Charles', her was handsome, that was for sure. She smiled and curtsied gratefully, "Nice to meet you, my king.." She murmured softly, shocked at how confident she was seeing as how she expected to be horrified. She felt as if a great weight had been lifted off her chest, being confident that nothing could possibly go wrong..

As she smiled up at Charles she could feel a hateful energy coming from the woman beside him. Who was she..? More importantly why did she give off this mood towards Annelise?

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Charles's jaw clenched and unclenched slowly as he waited anxiously. He, of course, hadn't met the King before. He sighed softly and adjusted the cloak on top of his clothing so it looked a bit more regal. That spiny, small man slid into the throne room and Charles looked up quickly, eyes lighting up.

"Your Highness, K-King Ladislaus is 'ere," he said, giving a weak smile. Charles grunted softly under his breath.

"Send him in then..." he muttered, waving the man out of the hall. In a few moments, the man himself strode into the throne, walking in a way that seemed to suggest he was extremely important. Charles scoffed gently. Maybe this worked in his kingdom, but here, Charles was the only one who walked with such a dignified step. Frowning subtly, he sat up slightly, straightening his spine.

"King Charles, pleasant to at last meet such a great man," he said, making it sound as if the words pained him. Frankly, the man surprised him. The monarch had expected him to come in wearing the skins of his kinsmen or the scalps of his soldiers. In fact, he was...normal looking. Attempting to hide his surprise, he slowly stood up and kept a straight face. "May I present my sister, Princess Annelise?"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, too," he replied curtly. "I have heard...wonderful things about you." He forced a slight smile and then looked to Annelise. She had flushed, turning a bright red, and he smiled subtly in return, genuinely this time. He slowly descended from where the throne sat, making his way toward the princess with an elegant stride. She curtsied slowly.

"Nice to meet you, my king.." she said softly. Charles, in turn, bowed deeply once she had straightened up.

"Wonderful to meet you, my lady," he murmured, slowly looking over her. She was attractive, with long dark hair and blue eyes. Her jawline was strong and her cheekbones were raised, giving her face an elegant look. He smiled again, sensing the anxiety that radiated from her, wishing to reassure her. His gaze returned to Ladislaus and he placed his hands in front of himself. "I trust your journey here wasn't too long nor tedious?"

((Naw, it's fine. I shouldn't take too long to post xD))

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(Sorry >.< Should have waited for you to post)

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A wave of relief washed over Annelise as Charles smiled in return, her heart skipping a beat as he walked over, his presence alone making her feel welcome and safe already.

"Wonderful to meet you, my lady." He murmured, sending a chill down her spine from the soothing tone of his voice. Annelise still eyed the blonde woman with confusion, wondering why she seemed so protective of the king.

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Noticing how much his guests were glancing back at Gwen, Charles also glanced quickly over his shoulder at her, giving a quick smile before turning back to the foreigners. "Yes, it was so," replied the other king to Charles's prior statement. [b]And I am very tired, please pardon my rudeness we have been on the road all day, and I did not sleep much." The slightly younger monarch glanced behind him toward a small girl, to whom Charles gave a quick smile toward.

"I have a son," he said softly, nodding toward his daughter as if to explain why he smiled toward the young girl. "He is ten..." Charles reverted his gaze back toward Ladislaus, frowning subtly. "If you are tired, there are rooms here which you can retire in for now...certainly, you'll be staying here for at least the day? I had planned a banquet for the arrival of my future wife." He glanced at Annelise quickly, examining her head to toe swiftly. It seemed to hit him, just then, that he had to be over ten years older than the girl. Was she frightened at all by him? God, he hoped not. What sort of marriage would it be if she feared him or even, God forbid, hated or resented him. From her expression, though, she seemed content enough...but, she was a princess and he knew that every noble and royal was a skilled actor. It was simply an acquired skill.

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Annelise felt honored that he had a banquet planned for her, but tried not to get too excited, it was normal after all. She blushed again as she noticed his eyes roaming her, she couldn't wait to spend alone time with him to get to know him better. It would be nice to have a good relationship with her husband, she had no choice after all. When Charles said he had a son she smiled, she had already known this but got excited to meet him, hoping he wouldn't be resentful of her.

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Sir Guy, patrolling the outer courtyard of the castle, spots a peasant in rags held up by two other guards.
"Who goes there?" Guy shouted in his usual commanding voice.
"Long live the King!" The peasant cried.
"Why do the clouds hang on you peasant? You tremble and look pale. What news do you bring?"
"For the good King an urgent message my Lord- as swift as my poor two legs brought me here to deliver."
"Step no further down then my man, and give thy legs rest. I will seek council with the King and speak this message on your behalf."
"O heavens! Bless you my Lord!"

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Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw
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Sir Guy stepped into the royal court and knelt before King Charles of Abhainn.
"Hail to your lordship my lord! Our duty to your honor. I, Sir Guy Kirkshaw, still your faithful sword and servant, would request audience to read before you a letter of utmost urgency, departed from the humble hands of a lowly farmer."

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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

Eyes were momentarily torn away from the King as a little voice caught Gwen's attention "Good Morning Lady Gwen..." Liam's little but powerful voice echoed around the room, mimicking his fathers, causing Gwen to smile at the boy fondly "Good morning to you too my Prince" she spoke also offering him a swift courtesy. "It's a lovely morning isn't it? If you will excuse me, I have to put clothes on. Good Morning!" He spoke quickly before darting from the room, Gwen watched after him with a small laugh and shake of her head "your son get more like you each time I see him."

Turning back to face Charles, she was momentarily breathless at the sight of him in his beautiful crown, never had she seen a man look so powerful. As he strode over, taking his hands in hers, her rate quickened 'legs don't fail me now.'

"Good morning, m'Lady...I trust you slept well?"

Smiling the blonde nodded "very much so" a frown momentarily faltered across her reddened lips as he let go of her hand, but was quickly replaced "it is very good to see you again Charles."

As if on queue a small man entered the room, bowing grandly before their King "The King and Princees 'ave arrived" he stated. Gwen's blood ran cool and the smile once again fell from her face, she couldn't hide her disdain, not when it was so strong, she knew this was the beginning of the end for them but still she wouldn't go down without a fight. "Come along, then. I'm sure you'll want to meet Sliabh's royals also." Charles voiced beckoned her from thought, I think you'll find I have no desire too, however not want to upset the King, she simply nodded and followed in pursuit.


Gwen stood behind Charles throne to the left, hands clasped firmly in front of her, blue eyes widened, her expression was unreadable. Their was silence in the throne room in the moments leading up the King and Princesses entrance, an uncomfortable silence, she cast her eyes down ward to see the King fidgeting in his seat, her lips pressed into a thin line. Hearing the heavy doors open, her eyes quickly flicked forward, inhaling a sharp breath as she watched the Silabh's royals walk towards them.

Despite the feeling that her heart was breaking into tiny pieces as the pretty girl from Silabh walked towards her future husband, Gwen stood tall and proud, like a beautiful statue, unable to read save for the hurt and anger in her large blue eyes. She watched as they exchanged pleasantries, the two Kings eyeing the other one suspiciously. Gwen caught how the Princess would look behind Charles towards her ever-so-often and other than a small nod she returned no friendly gesture, after all she wasn't one to play on false pretences.

When Charles looked back at her however, she offered him a small smile and waited patiently for him to introduce her, She was sure the pretty Princess was dying to know just what relationship she shared with the her future husband.

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Sir Conán Fitzgerald

Conán took his time in getting back to the castle, he knew the King and Princess from Sliabh would be arriving any hour now and frankly he did not care for exchanging pleasantries with any of them. How the king could marry the girl in exchange for a peace treaty was beyond his comprehension; for hundreds of years Sliabh's had been slaughtering their kinsman on the battlefield and now he plans to marry one! Yet then again he supposed that argument had a few holes seeing as he had spilt his fair share of Sliabh blood, still he wasn't one marrying one.

Passing a man with an apple cart, he picked one off the top before tossing the man a coin, it was more than it was worth but he was in a pleasant mood, thanks to Bridgette and her flexibility.

Upon reaching the castle training grounds, he spotted Sir Eric the Faithful training the newest of recruits or at least trying too. Leaning against the stone wall, he watched with an amused grin, he'd be damned if any of these men would last an hour on the battlefield. "Damn it all, where the hell is Fitzgerald?"

Thats my queue "Right here old friend, I have just been admiring your teaching skills" Conán replied, a devilish smirk creeping to his lips, as he strolled amongst the men, grabbing the sword off one of the recruits, a small lad who could have been no more than sixteen, examining the blade he frowned slightly "where did you get this sword?"

"It was me pa's sir, he died a hero on the battlefield" the boy replied with a slight stutter.

Conán nodded, he knew the pride of wielding the sword of someone who you considered a hero "it is a good sword, but you are too small for it yet, it will tire you out too much giving your enemy more advantage. My advice to you go to the armoury and pick one out that you can wield swiftly, build up your strength then try again with this sword." The boy nodded, though a hint of disappointment flashed through is eyes "go on then" Conán ushered him off handing the sword back to him "oh and boy, on your walk, think if this is the life you truly want, your father died on the battlefield and you probably will too. And once you take your oath there is no turning back."

The boy nodded once more before heading off towards the armoury. Conán shook his head and turned to Eric "I see we have resorted to recruiting children into the ranks now" he commented taking a large bite out of his apple.

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Waiting for a response from Sliabh's king, Charles heard the large doors of the throne room open. He quickly turned his head toward them and watched as a knight strode in, carrying a piece of parchment in one of his hands. The knight knelt down respectfully before him and Charles nodded in acknowledgment.

"Hail to your lordship my lord! Our duty to your honor. I, Sir Guy Kirkshaw, still your faithful sword and servant, would request audience to read before you a letter of utmost urgency, departed from the humble hands of a lowly farmer." The knight's humbleness brought a smile briefly to Charles's lips.

"You may rise," he said quickly, gesturing for the knight to pick himself up while taking the note from the knight. Instead of opening it, he simply held it in his hand for a few moments. As if suddenly being reminded of Gwen's presence, he stepped to the side to allow the guests to get a better view of his close friend. "I do apologize for not having done so earlier. King Ladislaus, Princess Annelise...this is Lady Gweneth; a close friend of mine." He beckoned the woman over, giving a warm, friendly smile as he broke the seal on the letter and began to read it over.

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Annelise smiled, assuming she was protective because she didn't want to lose her friend. "Hello Lady Gweneth.." Annelise said with a smile, waving politely as she stood close to Charles happily.

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

Ladislaus’ thought pattern suddenly shifted as some perfectly sinful thoughts ran rapid though his head. He nearly forgot where he was for a moment, “Yes, um right yes” he muttered trying to make it sound like he had been paying attention. When King Charles mentioned a party his eyes widened,

“Oh I do love a good party.” Was that ever try Ladislaus was known throughout his realm for always hosting some kind of celebration no matter how small the event was. “But I warn you I have yet to come through a party were a woman’s garments did no fall to her knees.” He laughed as if it were a joke, for he loved seeing his noblewomen dressed in gowns that reveled more of their natural form, rather than conformed in a corset.

The women of his court wear gowns that are a little bit better than a nightgown and more frequent then not the pin holding the gown over their bodies’ snaps and falls to their feet.

Again he fell prey to his day dreams, and again missed a vital part of the conversation as King Charles introduced the young lady behind him. Luckily he managed to hear her name to be Lady Gweneth. His sister responded with much haste and he feared he would be found rude again if he did not complement the young noble.

“I did not think I would see such a pretty woman out of Sliabh.” He claimed not meaning much disrespect.

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Eric scowled at Conán, but kept himself quiet. He let the boys train a while longer before a guard came to inform him the Royals from the rival kingdom had arrived. He barked for the boys to shine up their armor and get into position quickly. With any luck, This would go smoothly.

As the men filed inside, Eric kept a close watch on Conán. He didn't like how the knight undermined his authority. He had half a mind to order him to trade off with a knight in a less compromising position, but he couldn't deny Conán's skill. He could only home things would change over time.


Liam watched the knights a while longer until they were to clean up and move into position outside the Throne Room. He leaped off the wall, landing on the ground with a thump, and tore off towards the Throne Room at top speed.

There was a second layer to the throne room, a thin balcony that stretched around half the room, usually used when the king addressed the court or during special ceremonies. Liam snuck through the second set of doors to the balcony and crawled through, watching the scene from above. He watched the King and Princess come in. "Wow..." he muttered. She was pretty!