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Aura and Edge

Aura and Edge


They have come. New York is in shambles. The Eiffel Tower rests in the grass of the Champ de Mars and 1000 sq. acres of the Sahara Desert have been turned to glass and they're just getting started...

8,625 readers have visited Aura and Edge since daathkil created it.


When August Rayne Smith opened her front door, she felt a tinge of dread. She already knew that her voicemail was going to be filled to the brim with messages from Hunter Olofson. She never should have given him her number. She put down her books on the kitchen table and called, β€œCharlie-bear?”
Olivia came first, poking her head around the doorway. β€œMs. August, I didn’t know that you were home. I didn’t hear you come in…” Olivia was Charlie Smith’s caretaker and Charlie Smith was August’s brother. While August was at New York University, Charlie needed to be cared for, as he suffered from Asperger Syndrome. Charles’ suffering from an autism spectrum had made things difficult on August but their parents managed to leave them a substantial amount of money when they’d passed.
August and Charles’ parents died in 2008, while August was still attended Stuyvesant High School in New York. They’d been driving home from Albany with Charles when they were hit by a drunk driver in a pick-up truck. Both of them had been killed when their Chrysler was hurled into a pole. The car had impacted with so much force that the front of the automobile had been ripped off, her parents still inside. Charles had been fine….miraculously. They’d lived in Stuyvesant town then. August had never felt comfortable going much further so she and Charles moved not too far away on 110th Street, overlooking Central Park.
August smiled at Olivia. The Russian woman’s smile tore into August’s soul as it always had. She was such a wonderful old woman. She had been with them since before the tragedy. She loved August and Charles. She’d also made quite a bit of money for herself taking care of Charles while school was in session. Today was Friday though, and August would have her brother to herself.
August said, β€œI’ve picked up his prescription for his decongestant today. So you don’t have to worry about getting it and coming back. That way you’ll be off earlier…”
Olivia thanked August as she began to place things in a bag she had sitting on the kitchen table. August went to the refrigerator and grabbed a carton of Dole guava-flavored juice, opened it and began drinking from it. Olivia walked to the cabinets, withdrew a glass and walked over to August. When she took the carton, August said, β€œOlivia, come on man, I’m thirsty… Olivia…”
β€œUse a glass, please, Ms. August. Your brother is only sick now because you won’t stop drinking off of cartons and jugs.” Olivia poured juice into the glass and handed it to August. β€œTake it….”
β€œI don’t like glasses…”
β€œTake it, Ms. August…”
August reluctantly took the glass as Olivia placed the carton back into the fridge. August took a swig and Olivia said, β€œOkay, Ms. August, I will see you Monday morning…” Now, Olivia was rushing to gather her things. August turned down her brow questionably and giggled, β€œOlivia, what are you doing…?”
β€œOh, Ms. August, I don’t mean to rush off,” she said as she placed her car cars between her teeth and past them she muttered, β€œWell actually, I do. But I don’t mean to be rude…”
β€œWhat’s going on? Are you being deported…again?”
Olivia shot a harsh look at August who smiled guardedly. β€œThat was a misunderstanding, Ms. August. And you know that. But what is going on is the fact that I have a date tonight…”
β€œYou, Olivia?” August asked, impressed.
β€œYes, Ms. August, me. I have to get mine too, Ms. August…”
August laughed heartily and Olivia narrowed her eyes. β€œI don’t see you go on any dates, Ms. August,” she said as she made her way to the hall.
August followed Olivia as she headed for the door and August said, β€œI do have my dates. I spend my evenings with Charles. That is all I need.”
Olivia laughed sweetly and was out of the door, pulling it closed.
August turned away, releasing what Olivia had mentioned from her mind. She wanted to find Charles. He was probably in his play room. Indeed, he was. When August peeked into the room she smiled at Charles, who had his back to her. He was building another Lego structure. On some days it was all he would do; play with Legos and eat Bologna sandwiches. There was a plate next to him with crumbs on it. He had his sandwiches with no crust. β€œCharles,” August called, but he ignored her. He was building a Lego Eifel Tower. He had no plans, no Lego books and no magazines by National Geographic so she was never sure how he was able to build structures like this. He ignored her the next time she called his name. Instead of responding to what she was saying, he said, β€œFeel….Rainy…”
β€œIt doesn’t feel like rain, Charles…”
β€œNo, Rainy, feeeel…”
Then, there was a harsh bang at the door. Charles didn’t jump…but August had. She slowly made her way down the hall and turned, looking down toward the door. There was sharp, crude bang once again and she jumped, yelping a little. β€œHello…” she said as she walked down the hall. There was another bang and a man with a deep, gritty, phlegmy voice said, β€œOpen the door…”
August called out, β€œWho is it? Who are you…?”
β€œJust open the door…”
β€œNo,” August said and leaned in toward the door when she got there, looking through the peephole. She jumped back when the hooded man banged on the door again. She shivered and said, β€œDon’t bang on the door. I’m not letting you in. I’ll call the cops…”
β€œThey are of no-β€œ the man yelled and slammed into the door, β€œCONSEQUENCE! Let me in!” He hit the door again and it seemed to be knocked slight off of its hinges. He was breaking it. August backed away, reached around the kitchen doorway and grabbed the phone. Dialing quickly, she waited for someone to answer. She yelled into the phone that a man was breaking into the house and she jumped when the man slammed himself into the door again. She was hysterical and the woman on the phone with emergency services was giving her the run-around. β€œHe’d breaking in right now! He’s ramming the door right now!”
The woman talked more and August became frustrated and threw the phone down the hallway. She was going to have to fight. She knew how. She’d taken a myriad of martial arts sense she was six years old. She was a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do-but that was only in practice. She’d never used her skills before.
The man hit the door once more and cracked it. Then, he was in. He came straight at her, staring hatefully with eyes that appeared as black as night. There were no pupils, no iris, just swarming blackness. His face was scarred and wrinkled and when he grit his teeth, blackened, decayed teeth showed. He threw a furious punch at August’s head and she ducked beneath it, pressing both of her fists into the man’s belly with all her might. He was hurled away from her, back toward the door…but he only came forward once more. The hall was too small for his bulk. He tore into the wall to his right, August’s left, with a punch, and she was sprayed with debris but she leaned forward, under the blow, allowed his fist to slam into the wall to her right and she flipped her left leg up, slamming the bottom of her foot into the man’s face. She screamed, blood sprayed on the back of her head. She drew her leg back down, spread her arms for balance and used the momentum to swing her leg up, slamming her toes into the brute’s chin. He stepped back, blood spraying from his nose.
Then, the man tackled her. She’d not expected that. He was more powerful than she, bigger. He sat up, punched for her face but she moved her head and she felt his fist graze her ear, bruising cartilage. She screamed but Charles was saying, β€œRainy….?” The man looked up to see Charles and August craned her neck back. She yelled, β€œCharles, run!”
The man looked down at August and shoved another punch in toward her face. She was able to dodge again but he raised his other fist. August shoved her knee between the man’s legs, ramming his testicles. The man roared in pain and August yelled herself, drawing her hands from beneath the man as he shifted. She shoved her hands into the man as hard as she could and he was knocked back onto his toes and heels. She shot forward, slamming her hands into his chest to push him back. He allowed her next blow to graze off of his right forearm and he swung down with his left. His weight came down on her again and she was tossed to the floor but she moved her head and his fist cracked the floor. She didn’t understand how he’d done this but she grabbed him, flipped him above her head and held on as he slammed into the floor, widening the spectrum of cracks he’d put in the floor. A human could not crack the floor of an apartment like this. August kicked her legs up above her head, flipped herself onto the man’s chest and slammed her knees into his. The floor buckled beneath his weight and her strength and she yelped as the floor gave way.

They were in the barren apartment below, it was being renovated. It was all concrete, wood and sheetrock. August coughed through the dust and realized she was still on top of the man. He realized it to. He grabbed her and hurled her above his head. She slammed into a wall, back-first and fell from it, to the floor. She cried out when she landed but the man was up. August scrambled to right herself and to get to her feet. He was too fast; he was going to hit her. Reflexively, she put her hands up in front of her face but she watched as the man’s arm slammed into an invisible wall of energy and shattered, flesh tearing away from muscle, muscle shredding and bones erupting from within this mangled, ragged mess of flesh and blood. August screamed and the wall behind her buckled away from her, shattering. Dust and debris from behind her showered behind her and around her. The scream resonated away from her as a burst of energy unlike any she’d believed could exist. The man was thrown away from her. His body spiraled away, his arms limply flailing at his sides, blood exploding from his body. He hit the ceiling, bounced off of it and slammed into the floor, sliding with a trail of blood.
August raised her hands, stared at them, shaking her head. What was happened to her? How was she capable of this? The man was getting to his feet but August would not let him come near her again. She screamed at him, the floor beneath her cracking as the man’s left arm was literally blown off. It flipped away from him, crashed through a window and fell away from the building. The man paid no mind to this as he made his way toward August again. Her body reacted once more, sending out a shockwave of energy. The man was hit in the chest, his shirt exploded away from his back, blood sprayed on the wall and windows behind him. He yelled and August yelled back. A burst of energy slammed into the man, throwing him out of the window. There was a crash, followed by screams and the blaring of car alarms.
August was released from her trance. Her ear was still ringing from being hit. Then, she realized that it was not just her ear…it was the phone upstairs. She walked toward the hole in the ceiling of the room and when she looked up, Charles was on the phone. She smiled at him as he looked down at her and said, β€œIt is uncle Chip. Chip is on the phone, Rainy…”
Chip was a lieutenant with the police. At least someone would come. Be it the lack of adrenaline or simply because these innate abilities that lie dormant within August Rayne Smith understood that she was free of danger, but she took a deep breath and collapsed on the pile of rubble that had once been her hallway floor.

Toggle Rules

There are very few rules to consider beyond the obvious; ix nay God-Modding, Over Powered Characters (I'll take care of that), picking fights with people and sex in threads.
Let's keep it clean, tidy and let's have some fun.

Your characters will not only be going through the storyline but as the enemies appear you will be fighting them in various areas of the world. Come on, destroy something. if you're in Tokyo, bring down Tokyo tower. if you're in London, get rid of Big Ben. Enemies will be introduced to you as you travel with the main characters, attempting to uncover the fate that has befallen your world and you will use your powers to do away with them. As GM, if your posting is poor, unimaginative and illiterate, then I will override the action and the enemy will utterly massacre you.

You will be following a storyline from a book that I am writing. If you would like more leeway on where you can go and what you can do, then this is not the game for you. This is about exploring our abilities as writers and playing a part in a tale so that we can enjoy the story but not sit in our dingy rooms, reading by ourselves beneath lent-ridden sodium-vapor lighting from lamps covered with lamp shades in need of a good dusting.

Physics apply here, regardless of the powers therein because in the novel, all of the powers have scientific backing. I don't want to get into that for the role play. If you want to know the scientific specifics then PM me and I will be glad to spill the beans. All you need to know is that each character's mitochondrial DNA has evolved and changed and has absorbed varying characteristics that allow them to change the type of energy that they produce.
Back to physics. It works. This is not Dragon Ball Z or Bleach. If that is what you want, then go find one of the hundreds of RPs based on those stories.

In power descriptions, there will be extraordinarily detailed listings of each powers attributes, weaknesses and growth patterns. As you play, you will learn that you abilities have their own niche and you will learn other effects of your powers. Don't deviate. If you want freedom with your powers then pick one that is listed as being widely expansive. Some of the powers are static as others grow to extreme levels of expansion.

-that doesn't mean slack in creativity. I still want to see some creativity because if you don't apply it you will die! You create crazy, fast-paced battles with these powers. Trust me, I'm writing the novel.

Don't be afraid to PM if you want some help with figuring out how to post creatively with your powers. Please don't be shy. I want everyone to have fun. Don't feel like asking for help means that you're not good at this. I'm always here to help.

Powers will be in a HUGE database in the OOC. When you go to create a character you will need to go to the OOC and choose your powers. Don't post there. PM me about the powers you want. I will add your name to the thread with those powers and that is that. One set of powers for one player. No doubles of powers. All of our DNA is different, our mitochondria is effected differently. Only twins can have closely related powers (as in one twin having fusion and one have fission) or something like that. This is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. If you get stuck with lacking powers or someone has what you have then I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do.

Don't skim over people's posts. Pay attention, read, enjoy. This is very important here. Enjoyment is always important but paying attention is important because there will be lots going on. Also, you will need to get out of the mindset of playing cliched anime characters or whatever you are accustomed to playing. Following a good writer's posts can aid you in understanding what's going on and how to use the powers you choose.

You are a human with extraordinary powers. How would you react to them as the person that you are now? How would you feel? Would you welcome these powers or would you hate them?

DO NOT CREATE A CHARACTER THAT FOUND OUT THEY HAD POWERS BECAUSE A BULLY PUNCHED THEM. I don't want to see powers that manifest because you hit puberty or your step dad hit you and tried to rape you or any of that shit! This is not a Marvel Comics RP and it sure as hell is not an anime RP. As I've said, there are plenty of them. If you create a character like that I WILL KNOW YOU OVERLOOKED THE RULES. These Aura and Edge powers do not work like that. After playing the RP, you will understand why they don't.

As you begin, you'll be given a setting and Partially Controllable Characters that you can use to form your initial story. If you want to start in a particular city or surrounding then let me know but I will attempt to place as many characters in the same places as I can in order to drive the story. I will be very active, playing in many cities as once. Everyone will meet up at some point and time. You may be advised to start in a certain place. Have fun but understand that your own tale will become that of the main character's at some time.
Remember that this is a skilled role play and that you will be quite active if you stick with this. You will be jumping from place to place as there are a lot of real world locations here. Some of the characters will be able to travel from New York to China just by thinking about it. If it is one of your abilities, then you will most likely use it. Think about that.

I have received a PM containing a very important and good question. A member of the site wanted to know how much character control there would be. I'm aiming for a lot of freedom. First off, I usually won't jump in with my two cents on a fight unless yours sucks. To be honest, if you are traveling, it's probably with an NPC and other characters from your city. All story lines will cross at some point but you can fight an enemy on your own, collaborate with other players for super bad-ass co-op attacks. But you must be fair. You must allow yourself to get hit in combat, shed some blood. If you need to, go read a good combat-based novel or two. This is more about the story unfolding and everyone being a part of it so your story matters. When you are introduced (which I will simply tell you where to start) you are to create character to surround yourself with. if you start in Prague, do some research, learn about the city. maybe you attended Charles University and you want to tell that story. Look at August Rayne Smith's opening story driven post. That is what they should look like. You can go to what school you want, have whatever job you want. honestly, you can create two characters, have them be lovers, both with powers with a child on the way. There are guidelines, that is true, but you are telling your tale. Now I don't expect or want to read a bunch of crappy emo stories about how your parents left you when you were six and you hate everyone...please create a real person. And not a bunch of angsty teenagers. Why the hell would they want to save the world. They wouldn't have the mindset to save the world. There are already children locked up that need our rescuing so no ten year olds shooting fire balls from their asses. There are the obvious rules but aside from those, all I ask is that you create a good, MATURE, enthralling tale that you would want to read in your spare time. The tale that the book is based on will be told in arcs as characters are drawn from their home towns and personal stories. As your powers manifest, Clairvoyants will sense your abilities awakening and come ofter you. Very few people know that they have these powers. Most of you that are starting out will be exploring, harnessing and learning to control your powers as your body changes, becomes more powerful, leaner, faster, naturally more muscular and energetic. Explore that as you post, creating a character before our eyes.
The most important rule is just be creative. Don't start this is you can't commit a human being as a character. There are enough twilight Rps, anime Rps and high school Rps for those of you that can't do this.

Anyway, hold on to the oh-shit bar, have some fun and take it slow as the world and the story develops.

Time to Create a Character: Copy the information below and when you open the character creation, paste it into the Description field. Create the information accordingly.

Power Lists
Next, find the Aura or Edge you desire. As long as there is no name on it then it is open. Copy the text, and paste it beneath the character traits. If you will use a picture as your description please use a real photograph. If you feel like an illustrated picture will better suit you then use one but I ask that you find a photo first. And avatars will be nice but not required. i don't care if you want to crop the head of a nude model, I'm an adult. Just take the boobs out because of the rules suggested on this site.

This is all based on reserving abilities and first come first serve so the order that characters are submitted in is the order that I will follow for allowing powers to be used. If someone grabbed one before you then I will NOT decline the character. I will ask you to edit it and change the Aura or Edge to another of your liking.

Nationality: Where were you born?
Race: Hispanic, Afro-Amer, Greek, Japanese, etc. (This has nothing to do with where you were born. You can be Japanese born in America or Greek born in France. This is the real world…)
Birth Date: Please be of a proper age where you would be mature enough to save the world. This is not an anime.
Career or Schooling: What job/what school do you attend?
Current Home City: Refer to the Places Tab. You will always have one, even if it is because you attend school in this city. This should be different from your vacation city.
Vacation City: Are you on vacation? In what city are you? Refer to the Places Tab. (This will change how you interact with the rest of the characters. If you aren’t on vacation then put none.)
Alignment: Would you use your powers for good, malice or are you neutral? (The course suggested by this answer may never be taken. You never know what will happen…)

*Somewhat out of my control, this RP is the most active on the weekends. There are a few players that post regularly during weekdays but the most activity takes place on the weekends. That is the going trend and I've gone through the posts in order to confirm the time between posts. On the weekends, posts may have less than ten minutes between them. Some of the weekday posts can have up to two days between them in certain places. Just forewarning. Remember, I will be able to reply to posts any day (I can check at work) and any time.*

Browse All » 21 Settings to roleplay in

New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


TriBeCa by RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Egpyt (Cairo) by RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert by RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China by RolePlayGateway

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


California by RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

San Diego, California

San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park, San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

"The Crossroads of the World"

"The Crossroads of the World" by RolePlayGateway

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

NYPD 25th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

Paris, France

Paris, France by RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Champ De Mars

Champ De Mars by RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey by RolePlayGateway

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.


France by RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

Marseille, France

Marseille, France by RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es by RolePlayGateway

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand by RolePlayGateway

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 14 authors


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Two bars, three bars, four bars; no August, no Sleggar. Daniella sighed as she walked out of the pub and shrugged at Edana who was having a cigarette outside. Alasdair came out after Daniella and she said, "I don't know where to even start looking but I doubt they would have taken a taxi somewhere..."
Edana stubbed her cigarette out on the brick wall behind her and said, "Maybe they took a taxi to someplace romantic. This is a romantic city, right?"
"Do you think they would do that?" Daniella asked.
Alasdair laughed, patted Daniella on her shoulder and said, "She was joking..."
"I know," Daniella said as Alasdair walked off and Edana walked past her in order to catch up. "I knew that," she said, moving to catch up, "But do you think they would do that?"
"No," Edana said.
"I don't think they would either. Sleggar doesn't seem like her type. Alasdair does, though. He's more debonair. He's kind. Much more so than Sleggar who seems to play too many XBOX 180 games..."
Alasdair chuckled and said, "It's XBOX 360. And I didn't know you thought so highly of me?"
"Well you're collected and you seem like you're dedicated to your sister. Those are good qualities."
"Marry him then," Edana quipped and laughed to herself.
"I couldn't suffer you as a sister-in-law," Daniella said and both of the women laughed.
Daniella sighed and said, "I just want to find them and go to sleep. I haven't had good rest in so long. I fell to sleep on the chopper but head was against the window and I slobbered on it."
"Endearing qualities you have, Danny." Edana said with a smile.
"They can take care of themselves," Daniella said, ignoring the comment, "But I guess we'd be stronger in a group."
"We already had to hide out in Jersey," Alasdair said, shaking his head.
"We don't need to go into hiding again, ever..." Edana finished.
Just then, Daniella felt a sharp charge of energy run through her and when the others stopped she knew they felt it to.
Go, Daniella. Run, your friends are in danger. You need to go.
Wolfy, what are you-
Go, woman. Run!"
Without another though, just as Edana began to question the spike of energy, Daniella grabbed her arm and yelled, "Come on, let's go."
Alasdair, confused for a second, watched as the women ran past him and he cursed and took off after them.
"They're in trouble," Daniella said. This was the first time that she'd ever ran without being out of breath. It was almost as if she were resting. It felt amazing.


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The setting changes from Paris, France to Prague, Czech Republic

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The light outside is finally dimming. The red light of the sunset pours through the Czech smog, and in through stained, moth-eaten drapes of a two-star motel. The curtains are drawn tight against prying eyes. The two inside don’t want company – Tobias Nyqvist, and Monika Jung, who have just moved from obscurity to being a pair of the most dangerous people in the world.
Tobias can’t decide if it’s a good thing or not. But he’s not thinking about that, or anything much. He’s trying to file away his thoughts, get his mind in order, with little success: his life has been a little surreal lately. He stares at the television, eyes unblinking even against the acrid smoke that drifts through the room.
Monika is smoking heavily – if Tobias is having a hard time, Monika is having a nervous breakdown – she’s been practically comatose since Tobias shoved her in the car. She finishes one West brand cigarette, and lights another. Her eyes skitter around the room, finally coming to rest on the television. It’s Z1, the Czech news station. She remembers the border patrol – she remembers Tobias blowing through the security checkpoint. No one even chased them. She remembers the explosion as well – though it seems unreal, it’s on the television right now. The newscaster is talking about how it’s suspected that someone was messing with Nuclear Fission in a home laboratory. Some soviet wannabe.
β€œDas is nicht-β€œ she starts, but Tobias cuts her off.
β€œEnglish, Nika. We are leaving the country soon. Very soon.” He says, with no emotional inflections. The following awkward silence is accentuated by the noise of the television. Monika drags off her cigarette.
β€œThat is not what happened.” She says, quietly.
β€œI know,” Tobias stands, β€œbut it’s better that people are not looking for us – they don’t think that it was intentional, so they won’t come looking for us.”
β€œThen why do we have to leave the country?”
β€œBecause that thing – whatever it was, came for us. It knew about our β€“β€œ He stops. Monika is looking at him right in the eye. She never does that. β€œThey knew about what we can do before we did. And if it came for us there, there is no reason to believe that more will not search us out.” He finishes. He pulls his lucky charm out of his pocket, and fiddles with it, pacing. It comes to him, finally, what he can do with these powers he has discovered. He and his sister, with this level of power, could take the world - they could singlehandedly fight an army. Tobias sat again, and furrowed his brow. If he has this kind of power, there must be more. Things had been going a bit awry in the world, though up until now, Tobias hadn't been paying attention to any of that. Even Czech had been rioting recently, he'd heard. But now things were quiet. At least for now they were. He stood again, annoyed at his own indecision.
What to do? Perhaps take credit for his actions? He could lead a revolution. Change things - really change things. That was it - he was going to find more people like him - he was going out, and he was going to destroy something. Something big. And he was going to let the world know that if they didn't conform to his wishes, he'd destroy them. But first, Tobias had to take things slow. Needed to recuperate. Get things together. Right now Tobias needed information, needed to find out more about himself, about his powers. He needed a gun. Unless he wanted to nuke cities anytime he was attacked. Getting a gun in the Czech republic was easy - hell, you could carry concealed weapons for any reason here. Much less restrictive than across the border. So get some protection, and then he was going to start hunting answers - looking for more strange events. He needed to find something else inexplicable that had happened, and start investigating. So a gun, an internet connection, and then to blow up another target to prove he was serious.
"Komm, mein kleines Schwester. Wir gehen."
"Where to?"
"Out. Its time to start making changes."

A gun, an internet connection, a social connection, political power, the world. In that order. Tobias opened the door, and hit the street.

The setting changes from Prague, Czech Republic to Tokyo, Japan


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#, as written by Vain

The sound of cracking bone and splattering blood rang out in the subway terminal as Yuko's foot crashed into the man's face and his skull caved. She came full around with her kick and her opponent went spinning sideways through the air and crashed into the ground arms and legs flailing, body flipping end over end before coming to rest a good five feet away. Yuko half expected the man to rise again, but he showed no signs of movement. Yuko sighed after a few minutes as she hadn't realized that she'd been holding her breath. She turned and went to retrieve her sword, placing both hands on the hilt and lifting it into the air. I wonder what I should do with this thing. I don't really want to get rid of it, but I can't just walk out of here with a giant, feather sword, she thought to herself. As soon as she thought of it the sword started dematerializing in her hands and Yuko almost panicked. "No, no no no no, oh no I broke it. Come back. Please don't disappear again!" Yuko cried and as if listening to her pleas the sword was once again whole. Yuko blinked at the sword and all at once it clicked. "It listened to me. Disappear! she said willing the blade to vanish and it did just that, disappearing as if it had never been. Yuko decided it was time to leave the terminal and headed up the stairs toward Harajuku hoping that no one had stuck around after everything that happened.


Adrian was getting closer to Tokyo Tower and just passing Harajuku street when he noticed that things were strangely quiet. It was already dark and the street lights lit the way down the road. This is really weird. I've never heard of the street being completely clear in Tokyo. Even at night there are usually some people out, Adrian thought to himself. He looked around trying to see anyone around and when he came up empty he started getting nervous. There was usually a reason for things like this. Some kind of accident, an evacuation of the area, maybe the people ran from something; Adrian speculated with all of these possibilities. That's when he spotted someone coming out of the Harajuku subway terminal. It was Suzuhara-san from school. She looked like she'd been in a bar brawl and her clothes were torn to shreds. Without thinking twice Adrian ran across the street thinking to help her. "Suzuhara!" he called and she looked up at him startled and wide eyed. "What happened Suzuhara-san?" Adrian asked stopping in front of her.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I'm not sure if I believe it myself. I-It just all happened so fast," she told him and even as she talked Adrian could tell she was becoming more distraught and tears began forming in her eyes. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.

"I was really scared Dark-kun!" she sobbed.

All Adrian could do is return the embrace and attempt to calm her down. "It's ok now. Your safe. Tell me what happened, Suzuhara-san," Adrian said trying to get her story from her as well as soothe her.

"Yuko," she replied.

"Huh?" Adrian asked dumbfounded.

"My name, call me Yuko," she said.

"Yuko it is then," Adrian replied.

The setting changes from Tokyo, Japan to Paris, France


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Sleggar slammed into the hood of a car and dented the hood. Luckily, the engine was there so that he didn't fall through. His lip was already bloodied. August made an honest attempt to aid him but she was a little too drunk to be of any use. The automobile across the road from her was ripped in half and thrown into the building beyond it but that hadn't helped Sleggar. His powers weren't showing up either. "This sure would be a great time for the ju-ju magic Gods to show their Goddamn faces to help me out. At least Lord Raiden."
The man was smiling now, coming toward the car that Sleggar rested on. This was going from bad to worse. Why wasn't he going after August. She would be an easy kill... Was that it? Was he coming after Sleggar because he seemed to be the largest threat. Well hell, he was hardly capable of holding his own.
He pushed himself as the Shade bent its knees and hurled itself into the air, torpedoing toward Sleggar. It landed with its dusty boots slamming into the metal, wrenching it. A swift punch exploded toward Sleggar's face, taking the madman's erratic face out of view; only a fist remained. Even a punch carrying intense speed seemed as if it were moving slow to Sleggar. He moved his head to the left and the punch slammed into the metal with such force that it nearly deafened Sleggar. He yelled and a punch of his own connected with the man's chin, pushing him up. A knee pulled up gave Sleggar's right foot enough distance to be placed against the man's chest and a roar and a heave throw the man to the street. This was little help to Sleggar, as the man grabbed his left foot and gripped hard. "Oh," Sleggar said quickly. The man smiled before he flexed and turned sharply to he right, yanking Sleggar along. "Shiiiiiit!" he yelled as he was pitched from the car hood and into the wall along the street. Sleggar slammed into the wall so hard hat he yelped before landing hard on the walkway. Sleggar quickly scrambled into a sitting position but the man was already there.
Before he could act a blast of energy slammed into the side of the man and he was sent sprawling down the sidewalk.


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August walked slowly toward the enemy, weaving back and forth. She was still giggling when she nearly tripped. She kept her balance and smiled as the man got to his feet. A gash ran from the man's wrist to his bicep but no blood dripped or ran from the wound. This man was dangerously close to be just like the girl in New York. That mattered little to August at the moment. The streets were quickly clearing and the poor bastard whose hood was smashed in looked toward his car but decided against going for it when August's enemy got to his feet. The man shook off the blow and looked toward August, sneering. She asked him, "Do you really want to do this? You can stop now..."
The man pressed his foot into the sidewalk with such strength that a crack appeared in the cement. He exploded toward August, leaving the ground for a short while before landing and hurling his body toward the woman. His punch was stopped by a phantasmagoria of colors but another punch tore toward the woman. A drunken duck just barely caused the attack to sweep over her head and a thrust-forth left palm released a burst of rainbow-like energy that sent the man twisting into the hood of the car. August dropped at the knees and she screamed, her hair exploding away from around her face as the road in front of her cracked. She was pushed back slightly as she thrust her hands ahead of herself and a blast of energy tore the street away, blasted into the car and tore it in half before it burst into flames.
August laughed quietly as she stood, watching, waiting. She could still feel the evil energy the creature emanated. The man seemed to simply sweep the flames away as if they meant nothing, tearing out of the wreckage as a trail or smoke swept behind him. It attacked like a whirlwind. By the time August could truly ready herself its head was already toward the ground. The man propelled himself into a frontward flip. Amazingly, it cleared the forty foot distance with one flip. August raised both of her arms and dirt flew into her face as she stopped the powerful attacks. The force rocked throughout her, transferring through her and shattering the street beneath her. She opened her arms feverishly, releasing arching burst of energy that tore the man away from her. She was sobering now.
The man landed on his head and tumbled away before righting himself, digging his boots into the street. After sliding to a stop the man smiled widely and shook his head. August lifted her arms and positioned her body in a martial arts stance. This time, she attacked. A few steps and a thundering leap propelled her toward her enemy and she curled her body into a tight ball before slamming a tight fist into the palm of the man's hand. Before she could even touch her feet to the ground she screamed, hurling another fist and a burst of energy that pushed the man away. he stumbled back just as she pressed her feet to the ground. Just enough time and her left foot rocketed toward the man's head. He'd been constituted enough to drop beneath the kick. Her right foot followed and a spinning back kick smacked against the man's arm he'd pulled against the side of his head, deflecting the blood.
The kick brushed over the man's arm and head and he charged August, a powerful punch slamming into her belly. She went stiff, her body shooting into a crescent and a powerful burst of pressure sent her crashing to the ground.
Before August could even gain her bearings the man was slamming his knee into her belly. The street beneath her cracked due to the transfer of pressure and a punch was just barely avoided as she moved her head to the side. She thrust her left hand toward the man's face and a blast of energy exploded past his head as he dodged the blow, grabbed her wrist and turned it sharply. August screamed and the man slammed his wrist against the road, breaking it. A sharp scream was stifled when her breath was robbed from her when he forced her head to turn sharply, slamming a fist against her jaw. Her free hand slammed into the man's abdomen and he was pushed up. Another blast found her sitting up but that wasn't a good thing. Still moving backward, the man yanked August to her feet. A powerful concussive blow to her midsection cracked a few ribs and hurled her down the street.
The man watched her as she tried to get to her feet, tried to fight but she pushed up against her broken wrist and fell limply to the road. At least he wasn't going to kill her. But that was only because his head jutted back so sharply that his neck snapped. The flesh on the man's neck tore away and clawed hands reached toward the sky before they began to pull the skin away from the muscles, blood and bones.


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#, as written by guru101
β€œShit!” Alasdair cursed as he ran off after Daniella and his sister.
β€œTheir in trouble” Daniella said as she ran.
β€œWhat kind of trouble?” Alex asked as caught up with them
β€œYou don’t feel it?” Edana asked in skeptical voice β€œGod the power just radiating off that thing give me goose bumps”
β€œI don’t know what the hell your talking abo-” Suddenly Alex was able to feel this power that the girls were talking about. It was sort of like the sensation that you get when you feel someone watching you but more accurate by far. But instead of feeling someone watching him, he felt something releasing great gouts of energy. β€œDamn I feel it now, What it that?” he asked as they rounded a corner
β€œNothing good.” Daniella said
Then it hit Alasdair "You don’t mean one of those monsters again?”
As they turned down another street they came upon a familiar and gruesome sight. The shade was ripping out of the skin of some poor human like it was shedding a husk. β€œSpeak of the devil.” Edana whispered to herself as every one came to a screeching halt before the bloody sight .

Alasdair tore his eyes away from the monster long enough to note that August was laying on the ground she was moving so at least she wasn’t dead, and Sleggar was laying slumped by a wall also alive. Something had to be done and fast, β€œCover me!” Alex yelled to Edana and Daniella as he took off towards the monster. Alex noticed a fire hydrant by the creature and focused on that as he ran towards the creature.I'm in control this time! He thought when suddenly the hydrant burst and a great rush of water shot forth a stream of it branching off into Alasdair's hand forming a 4 foot long icicle. Still running he took a great leap over August that sent him in a direct path into the claws the just now fully released shade. The Shade drew a blade out of no where and slashed at Alasdairs throat as he was in mid leap trying to take him out of the fight quick. Out of the air there came a loud CRACK as a lightning bolt flew past Alex, making him wrench his head to the side. As the bolt crashed into the Shade it jolted the creature back half a step causing its blade to miss its mark by inches instead cutting a deep ragged gash across Alasdairs left cheek and down his jaw. Alasdair landed in a roll past the creatures guard popping up and stabbing the icy spear deep into its chest.

I have to remember to thank Edie Alasdair thought as he fought past the fiery pain that was his jaw. Instead of retreating Alasdair stepped closer into the stunned Shade as he grabbed the icicle and fiercely levered it up putting the creatures center of gravity backwards. In one swift motion Alex stepped diagonally to the left of the monster,putting the right side of his chest up to its left, as he brought his right leg up forward and then back in a great sweeping motion scything the Shades legs right out from under it. The second the shade hit the ground Alasdair danced back and sent a torrent of water from the broken hydrant crashing towards the shade hitting if full force and washing it down the street to smash into a light post with enough force to send it tumbling down. There was an explosion that sent the light post flying away as the shade stood up seemingly unharmed except for the shattered icicle impaling it.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Prague, Czech Republic

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Under any other circumstance, the sight of a blood soaked blade sliding out of someones palm would have been enough to make James run as fast as he could, and get himself booked into an insane asylum. But after what he had just witnessed himself do, he was ready to believe anything.

"I-" He stammered at the woman, "I don't... Powers?" He questioned her, not taking his eyes off of the blade for long.
She said she wanted nothing more than protection, but that blade looked pretty damn lethal, it looked like she could protect herself. She didn't need James, or his "powers" as she called them.
And besides, how did she even know about them? Had she just witnessed what had happened with the rock, or was something else entirely going on here? Something more sinister?

His left temple throbbed as he pulled himself into an upright position, and quickly tried to analyze everything she said.

"The blade robs the life energy of those that I attack and transfers it into physical energy."
She was definitely some sort of fighter, aggressive. James' eyes caught sight of a few thick streaks of burgundy blood on her thigh. She'd been attacked? How badly was she hurt.

"Listen.. Lady.." He began, frowning slightly at her, but quickly shifting his face to show some mild sympathy. "I don't think there's much I can do for you."

He quickly took note of the blade again, and looked her in the eyes.
He couldn't be too careful. Trusting her was not an option.
And with once last drag, he flicked the butt end of his cigarette onto the floor, and mentally prepared himself for a fight.

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"Get Away from them!" Cam shouted as he launched a car at Molly. She deflected it and began to charge at him. "Oh crap, that's not good! Run away!!!" he said as he ran to find something to shield himself. Cameron spotted the SUV that had been knocked on its side, he ran over ripped the hood off and began to use it as his own sword. "Where do you think your going?" the possessed Molly shouted. "None of your business, but i'm warning you now that if you keep this up i'm gonna hit you with something unforgivable. "Die!" she shouted as she flew at him with lightning speed, blades swinging like a blender. Wait for it, wait for it, deep slow breaths, NOW He swatted her clean out of the sky with the hood of the SUV smashing her in to the cement with the momentum she had built up on her flight over. "Someone grab her or something, I can't hold her here for much longer!" he shouted as the sheet of metal began to vibrate and bend.

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"Get Away from them!" Cam shouted as he launched a car at Molly. She deflected it and began to charge at him. "Oh crap, that's not good! Run away!!!" he said as he ran to find something to shield himself. Cameron spotted the SUV that had been knocked on its side, he ran over ripped the hood off and began to use it as his own sword. "Where do you think your going?" the possessed Molly shouted. "None of your business, but i'm warning you now that if you keep this up i'm gonna hit you with something unforgivable. "Die!" she shouted as she flew at him with lightning speed, blades swinging like a blender. Wait for it, wait for it, deep slow breaths, NOW He swatted her clean out of the sky with the hood of the SUV smashing her in to the cement with the momentum she had built up on her flight over. "Someone grab her or something, I can't hold her here for much longer!" he shouted as the sheet of metal began to vibrate and bend.


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Edana stare wide eyed as the human who had been was shredded to pieces, making way for the inky black entity inside to burst forth. Another seemingly innocent person was dead because of those things and what took her more by surprise was her brother rushing forward to fight it. He might as well have yelled charge by how gung-ho he was about it! Oh wait, yea that’s right they were the quote, unquote heroes now weren’t they so it was in the job description to be all cavalier about fighting these things. Well, protectors or not if Alex died by that things hand then so help her she would cook that thing from the inside out! Her brother’s demise came to close for her comfort as he narrowly missed being cut across the throat; the only saving grace was her throwing forward a terribly directed bolt of electricity. In all honestly she was surprised she didn’t fry her own brother with that attack but he was safe now and pulling amazing moves against the monster. Well, seems as though your dream of becoming a hero is coming just a little too true brother.

A mighty heave of a fire hydrant with a torrent of water later and the creature was washed away before an explosion rocked the ground. She didn’t know why she believed it was over because the damn thing just stood up like it was peachy keen with an icicle hanging out of its chest! Alright then, Alex had done his part so it was time for her to go rushing in like a moron. Hurrying forward she tapped her brother’s arm lightly. β€œTag me in! Go see if August is ok I got this!” Ah, what an understatement that was, she most certainly did not have this but no one else was gonna know how much these things freaked her out!

A simple flick of her wrists and bright, popping energy surrounded her clenched fists as she moved toward the inky demon which seemed to just now take note of her. Ah damn, was her quick thought as it shot forward leaving the concrete beneath it even more cracked than it already was. In the short time it took for the shade to almost reach her, she could only think of tossing another bolt at its chest which succeeded in halting its rush and knocking it a few paces back. With stolen time to think now, Edana aimed a bolt for its legs causing it to buckle as the crack struck it. This was the moment she chose to rush forward like an idiot, the bright energy swirling around her fists as she raised one up to pound into the fallen monster, only to have it caught in mid punch by it. It seemed unaffected by the electricity that sparked and scorched its hand as it held her fist. β€œOhthisisnotgood!” She shouted as it tossed her with ease over its back, leaving her to skid and roll across the rough concrete until she finally slid to a halt on her belly. Ow, ow, ow, ow, the pain of her skinned arms and forehead were at the front of her mind until she realized the concrete she was kneeling on was wet. Oh, oh it was wet from Alex’s attack! Ha! Rolling over to her back, she watched as the shade stalked towards her with its blade drawn. Deep breaths Edana, you can do this! With a wet slap of her hand to the dampened road, she concentrated as bolts of electricity crawled across the water like glowing serpents. As they reached the shade, its body wretched with the shock, every time it attempted to shake off the attack as if it were nothing it was hit anew as Edie kept the continuous blanket of electricity over the ground going. She focused herself into it, upping the charge as much as she could before it had almost drained her and she pulled back her hand panting, allowing the monster free of the jolts it had been receiving. Now free, the shade took no time in reaching Edana and raising its blade to attack. With only a few seconds to spare, she rolled out of the way as the blade slammed into the asphalt sending out a burst of energy that slammed her against a nearby wrecked car. Taking only a moment to gather herself from the pain of the no doubt large bruise growing on her back, she then scrambled over the heap of metal as she fled the now angry monster. Fantastic, I only succeeded in pissing it off!

The setting changes from Paris, France to Tokyo, Japan


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#, as written by Vain
Yuko didn't know why she broke down and cried now and not during the battle. Maybe it was seeing Adrian here after so much had happened and she wanted someone to comfort her. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush and fight or flight instincts that kept her fighting until the end before and now that they were done she was left to face the emotional implications of what had happened. Yuko didn't know, but that didn't matter now. All that mattered to her was that he was here and now she felt safe. He'd even agreed to call her by her first name. At least she'd managed to get closer to him even after all of this.

"You can call me Adrian then," he told her and she looked up at him trying to pronounce his name.

"Eii-dri-an, You have a difficult name. I'll just call you A-chan," Yuko replied. Adrian had to stifle his laughter. It was the first time someone had said his name was hard to pronounce. The nickname she gave him was kind of cute and he didn't mind that much.

"Alright, that will work. Now, I was headed for Tokyo Tower to visit the music shop there and see the sights. You should come with me. They have a clothing store at the base of the tower so you can be more presentable and we can walk and talk on the way there," Adrian suggested. Yuko nodded in return and they both started on their way. As they walked Adrian tried to get her to open up on what happened and gradually she began to talk about it. So as they made the journey she began relating her tale of a demonic manage with strange abilities that attack the subway station and how she fought him off with a huge, feather-like sword. He had to admit, it sounded insane, but she wouldn't make something like that up and in his experience he found there was always some kind of truth behind it. So he just listened as she filled him in.

-To be continued at Tokyo Tower, Japan-

The setting changes from Tokyo, Japan to Paris, France


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Sleggar's whole body was aching, luckily the Calvary had shown up. Sleggar decided that he was hurting way to much to get up. He had been in plenty of fights before it came with the job after all. Hell he'd been hit in the face with a lead pipe once, but this kind of beating was new, it was like getting hit by a truck. Sleggar closed his eyes to rest but then he heard a voice he could swear he knew. "Get up loser don't let this guy beat the crap outta you! Your not some punk who's gonna give up got it!?" Sleggar opened his eyes to see the source of the voice but all he saw was the fading of a man with an orange pompadour. "Damn guess I got beat harder than I thought." Sleggar mumbled as he climbed back to his feet. Sleggar pointed his finger at the shade. "Hey asshole I've had enough of your bullshit got it!? This time your gonna catch an ass whoopin got that!? I challenge you to mortal combat!" He shouted. Apparently the shade wasn't impressed with him because it looked back and began walking toward him slowly. When it reached him the shade tried to sucker punch Sleggar but he quickly ducked it. Sleggar came back up and connected a punch in its gut. It hunched over from the hit and Sleggar slapped his palms into both temples. Sleggar thanked Raiden that it had the same effect on it that it did on people. It was dazed as it gripped its head and shrieked in frustration. Sleggar acted quickly and grabbed its hands forcing it to hold its own head. He sent his knee up into its face three times with as much force as he could muster. The thing let out another shriek as it thrust its head into Sleggar's gut. He stumbled from the blow but managed to get the thing in a head lock. It thrashed and clawed as Sleggar unsuccessfully tried to break its neck. After a few seconds it broke Sleggar's grasp but he had a backup plan, finally able to understand what he had to do he sent his right arm up and slammed his palm into the bottom of the thing's jaw. Sleggar grinned. "Spirit sword mother fucker." He said as the flaming pain went from his right shoulder down his arm and formed the blaze blue edge. The thing's eyes locked with his for a moment before they exploded from its head with the force from the attack. Just then Sleggar's triumphant grin turned into a pained expression, he looked down to see the thing's claws jammed in his stomach, the wound wasn't a kill shot but it might have been if not for his own attack. Sleggar stumbled backwards until he was a reasonable distance. He fell to the floor. The creature let out a hellish screech as it flailed around blindly trying to find someone.


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Daniella was befuddled by the carnage, incapable of understanding how they faced an enemy with the power to take on five of them attacking in rapid succession, take lightning bolts and an icicle to the chest and of all things, a sword to the head. Though it probably withstood one hell of an ass beating from August, it was still moving on. It wasn't that it wasn't injured, it simply didn't show its injuries as though a man. What eyes it had were not at all humanoid and missing them probably meant little to the Shade. The beings were powerful and they needed to be destroyed. It's flailing over, it must have been able to move by sensing them. She could feel the energy the creature harbored and she was certain that it could do the same with them.
It was going after Sleggar and Daniella wasn't having it. She slid between the two and yelled, "He saved my life. You can't have him!" Daniella spread her hands down at her sides and the arc wolf exploded from her. It slammed into the ground twice before smashing into a wall of energy the Shade produced in front of itself. The arc wolf curled itself up before it slammed its head into the shield and burst away from it. It landed facing Daniella, howling as it spun toward the Shade, its head low. The Shade lifted its sword and struck quickly, releasing a blast of energy with a mist of blackness. Daniella called to the wolf verbally and she bound out of the way, rolling to a crouch as the wolf leaped from the sidewalk to pivoting on the wall of a building and launching itself toward the shoulder to the Shade. The energy avoided, arc wolf was able to slam into an intercepting palm. This mattered little to the wolf. It tore into the field with a mighty bite and its teeth slammed down hard, clamping onto the Shade's hand and wrist. The wolf tore the hand away and disappeared. Daniella crouched as the wolf appeared behind her and slid beneath her arm so that she could pet the wolf. "Thank you, Wolfy..."
The Shade was furious. It released a roar so loud and released so much energy alongside it that the glass along the street exploded. This was probably it. The water along the street pooled beneath Alasdair and electrical energy sprouted from Edana as August stood, stepping ahead of the woman.
In the back of Daniella's head were the sirens blaring in the distance. They needed to end this.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Prague, Czech Republic

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'I don't need much. I just need a little help and there is no one else that I can ask that won't be killed in their attempts to do so." Anezka said, limping around the man. "I wish I had answers for you to help you in helping me but I simply don't." Anezka surveyed the area before saying, "All of this; these riots and holy pilgrimages and the like, it's all due to my enemies...our enemies-the Shades. I know very few others will abilities like mine. My closest comrade died yesterday because of a Shade attack. It's all over the news now, the masses are in an uproar and the governing bodies are doing very little about it. They're having an information blackout." She stopped talking and shook her head before she looked toward the man somberly and said, "My name is Anezka Djokovic. I'm sorry I have to do this to you but we'll be stronger together than we will apart. Now that your powers are active the Shades will come after you as well. You can trust me for now and we can move together, hoping we don't face an attack. Or we can go our separate ways and probably die. I've yet to see one of us take down a full blown Shade alone without killing themselves in the process. I may damn near be on my death bed but I've still got some fight in me. I can mask my abilities once I'm healed but you're going to be an easy target. What do you say?"

The setting changes from Prague, Czech Republic to Paris, France


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This wasn't good. They'd just arrived in Paris and they were already in trouble. There were no more strings that he could pull if this got messed up. He had to go for Teal and he needed to take Rollo with him. At least he would have two of them with him that seemed to have had their powers for some time. He told Rollo to follow him and he went to Teal's room before knocking on the door and telling the man, "Meet me and Rollo at the parking garage. We've got a problem."
He turned away from the door before Teal could even respond and he said to Rollo as they walked, "August and the others are in trouble. We're going to go into town to collect them when they're done with their fight. The last thing we need is all of you in the middle of town fighting. We're to the points where we need to focus on extracting you guys from these fights. The last thing we need is any of you being apprehended..."
"Apprehension," Rollo said with a smile as he smacked the button for the elevator. "This coming from a police officer..."
"I think the city being saved is much more important than my career in the United States." The elevator opened and Rollo and Chip stepped in. Chip pulled his cell phone, rang Connie and began to explain the situation to her just as Teal slid in through the slowly closing doors. "Yes, yeah, Connie. We're taking one of the Renaults into town so that August and Sleggar have a way out. I doubt Alasdair and the others would have found them. Yes, that's true, and there are already sirens blaring outside. We need to get to the garden and we need to get there fast. Okay, Connie, I'll let you know. Alright, later."
Chip slid the phone in his pocket as he mumbled, "Fuck. And I still haven't slept..."


This was becoming a nuisance. This Shade was beating the hell out of them. She called to Daniella for some aid and after a nod the woman bent her knees and the arc wolf exploded from her hands. With a howl, the wolf streaked away from Daniella before leaping toward the Shade. A burst of energy from the Shade was avoided as the arc wolf bound to the side, pivoted and launched itself toward the one-handed Shade. The Shade was weakened now and the wolf managed to push it back. The Shade smacked the animal away with a shower of black energy and it flipped in mid-air, righting itself and sliding backward. August called on Alaisdair for a torrent of water and he did so, followed by Edana understanding what was going on and she hit the Shade with a powerful blast of electricity. When the water washed away and Edana withdrew her lightning the Shade was on one knee, panting, as far as panting could go for a Shade, and it was smoking, portions of its flesh burned away, blackened bone showing. August raised her good hand and a rainbow-burst of energy exploded away from her and slammed into the Shade, slicing its left arm. The subsequent blast slammed into the Shade off-center and sent the monster twisting into the building behind it. August waited for the Shade to emerge, her hands tense, extended ahead of her.
August whistled to Alasdair and nodded toward Sleggar. As Alex moved to help him August slowly began to move toward the building. She neared Daniella and Edana and said, "Screw this. We take its head off..."
"What!?" Daniella exclaimed.
"We have two choices; burn it away from those Goddamned bones or sever its head."
Daniella shook her head and said, "Are you telling me you don't think the damned thing is already de-" but he words were cut short when the injured Shade stepped through the shattered window. "Shit," she said sharply.
Though he could hardly control it, Sleggar had the blade, he had to kill the damn thing. Either that or Edana burned the damn thing to smithereens.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Tokyo Tower


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Inuki Saito was not enjoying herself. She felt sick, she felt tired and she was terrified of the state of the world. Little information had been given in regards to the creatures reportedly seen in some of the places that were destroyed or disturbed by unprecedented disasters and attacks and it appeared that Paris was a hot bed for them. She settled on a park bench, unable to believe that the latest news had come from Tokyo, as a train station was ravaged by two combatants with these strange powers that were all over the news feeds. Inuki reveled in logic and realism and she was having a hard time understanding what was happening. The idea of her world changing was baffling and she wanted nothing more than to simply deny what was happening around her but that wasn't going to happen. Be in that these beings were aliens, demons or the worst beasts from nightmares, they were real and Inuki couldn't get her head around that fact.
Inuki loved Tokyo tower but now it seemed like a distant memory that she could come to this place and just sit, watching passersby, listening to her iPod and letting her troubles drift to the top of Tokyo Tower as if they hadn't existed. This was her favorite place in all of Tokyo. Shiba park was a beautiful place and Inuki wanted nothing more to be there. This was one time when Tokyo Tower, her shining beacon of hope was going to do little for her.
That was when she saw the man; the one with the sad black eyes. He looked toward her and she smiled but he did not return the gesture. In fact, his face was blank, stoic, and she looked away from him quickly. His eyes were so empty, so hollow.
She crossed her right leg over the left and slowly kicked her right foot back and forth but she stopped when she realized that the man had simply stopped walking nearly fifteen feet away from where she sat. She looked toward him and diverted her attention quickly to the tower but her eyesight slowly drifted back to him as she sat forward just a little. This was was unsettling, in his dingy jeans and black t-shirt covered in dust. She said, "Umm...hello, sir." but the man did nothing.
She tried to get a better view of his face but that was when she saw the blood running down his chin. She pressed her left hand to her mouth and said, "Sir..." and then, "Are you alright," as she got to her feet to go to him but before she could move toward him the man screamed, pressing his hands to his face before a bone-shattering crack sounded from the man and his head tore backward so quickly that the back of his head slammed into his upper back and empty, bleeding eyes stared toward her. She screamed.
Why her? Why in broad daylight? Her screams drew attention to her and to the man. But he was hardly that anymore as black hands tore the shoulders away from bones and slithering blood and muscle as bones shattered and stretched and the horrible figure did a dance of ecstasy as it took its first breath, screeching toward the sky. Inuki felt as if the world has playing tricks on her, as if gravity had become more effective and she was brought to her knees. She was frozen in terror as the creature ahead of her turned and set its four eyes on her. she wished she were dreaming, she wanted to be so bad. She began to sob and she mumbled, "Dear God, please, if you are out there I just want you to take me away from this. I don't want to die..."
The monster stomped toward her, its straight mouth slowly curving into a wretched smile. The thing hovered above her, seeming to savor her plight, her fear. But that was only before it reached for her, taking her head in both hands, before it slid its claws into the back of her head and drank her dry.

The setting changes from Tokyo Tower to Paris, France


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The setting changes from Paris, France to Prague, Czech Republic

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Paranoia didn't even describe it. Tobias's stomach was cramping - and only partially because he hadn't eaten since Berlin. Fear laced his every action at this point - those things could be lurking about anywhere. He hated to be going on foot - the car was out of gas - it had gotten them to the hotel, and wouldn't get them any further. Nyqvist was planning on buying a gas container and bringing it back to the car. But he had to get to a bank first.
It was easier for Monika. She knew Tobias would take care of everything. Knew that he was going to keep her safe.
It was a long walk through the dark to the banks. Prague is bright in some places - but in other places, the darkness is almost surreal. Cobblestone and twisting alleys, paths beneath arching architecture, gothic windows watching their every movement. He didn't really know where he was going - just towards the lights. He remembered somer places in Prague with ATMs. There was a bank in Old Prague named... Damnit, what was it called? Exchange? eXchange, that was it. They did currency exchanges via ATM, and they had 24 hour access. That was where they were going. It was by Saint Nick's church, which was - the other way. Tobias pulled a 180 degree turn, and started the other direction.
"Do you know where you go?" asked Monika, thrown for a moment by the quick turn.
"Yes. Shut up." Said Tobias, embarrassed slightly.


It was a fifteen minute walk to the bank. It was dark out, but everything went well anyways. He went over, swiped his EC card, and withdrew some Czech Crowns. He stuffed them crookedly into his leather wallet. He walked, sister in tow, into a nearby alley, to think over the next move. Gas, probably. Shock met him when he turned the alleyway, and was confronted by an armed thug.
"PenΓ­ze. NynΓ­." He said. Money. Now. He had a gun, and was silhouetted by the streetlight. The thug lifted the gun, a revolver, pointing it towards Tobias. Nyqvist took a chance. He ducked, and wrenched the pistol, snapping the thugs fingers in the trigger guard. The pistol fired, the round ricochetting off the stone pavement. Police sirens were instant. Tobias grabbed the gun, and sprinted, his sister following. She couldn't keep up for long - smokers lung. She started to slow. Tobias shoved the pistol into his pocket, and ducked into the Old Town Square, where he hid in with a group of pedestrians mulling outside the Old Town Square Hotel. All the bustle made Monika nervous - she spent the whole time looking at her shoes, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
Too much excitement. Too much attention. But... things were going according to plan, Tobias had to admit. He had his gun. A strange blessing. The sirens faded, and Tobias stayed with his sister outside the bustle of the hotel for some time. Then he headed into the darkness of Czech night with much more confidence. Once in the dark, he checked the ammo - five shots left. He familiarized himself with the gun a moment, checking the safeties, and making sure it was double-firing. It was, and he stuffed it back in his front pocket, heading towards the nearest gas station.

The setting changes from Prague, Czech Republic to Paris, France


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Sleggar had been on the ground while the fight still went on. He hoped that it was simply because the fucking thing had brought a friend. He opened his eyes to see Alex holding out his hand to help him up. Sleggar took it, he was hefted up and left to stand on his own. At first he didn't think he'd be able to do it but he was more than capable, he was in pain but it was surprisingly bearable. Everyone seemed to be shouting at once and it was making Sleggar's head hurt "Cant a guy get some fucking sleep?" he said walking toward the injured shade. Sleggar stood face to face with the thing, it roared at him. He did the only thing he could think to do, he spit in it's face. The shade didn't know how to react, but Sleggar didn't wait. He thrusted his sword hand forward to hit the thing's neck and sever it's head. Only a mere inch away the thing caught his hand. "Fuck you." Sleggar said weakly, he felt like crying he had been beaten and now he was gonna die like a bitch. Sleggar tightened his grip on the orb. When he did the shade's grip loosened, Sleggar looked up in surprise, he now held the thing's head in his hand. He was about to celebrate, but it was cut short when he was knocked off his feet by the creature's body it had slapped him down and then promptly died. Sleggar was on the ground again, he started laughing. Finally a victory


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*Ignore DarknessofaMind's post. He is at the wrong place. Teal and Rollo are going to Luxembourg Garden with Chip-just in case there is any more confusion.*

August watched as the Shade fell on top of Sleggar. Of course, the man started laughing hysterically and Alex moved to help him out. August, on the other hand, didn't see the humor in any of this. She dropped to her knees and actually started sobbing. Everything was hurting, including her heart; and it was becoming unbearable. This was simply too hard. All that she'd worked for in life was gone, she'd needed to drag her brother off to Paris and leave her life and her home behind. She really just wanted to be sitting in her apartment, watching a George A. Romero movie and sipping on Brisk raspberry Iced Tea and ignoring Hunter Olofson's calls. Her life had been normal, routine; hell, boring even-but she loved it. This... No, this was-
"This is crazy...." August said quietly through sobs.
"August," Daniella said, walking toward her, reaching her hand out for her shoulder. "the police are coming. We need to get out of he-"
"And go where!? To do what, Daniella," August yelled, not even looking away from the body of the Shade. "We leave so that we can fight another one of them in the next four hours; so that we can die fighting the next one? It took the five of us to take this one down! What do you expect us to do, traipse around from city to city, saving the Goddamn world?"
"Maybe we're supposed to sav-"
"Why can't he save it himself?" August said quietly.
Daniella would have had August yell again. Her quietude was disquieting. Daniella took a step back before she said, "August, you're not thinking clearly..."
"Clear!" August said and she snapped her head around, staring into Daniella's eyes. For a moment even the sirens seemed to sneak back into the shadows to escape her wrath. "For the first time, I am thinking clearly. This is just too much. I can't do this. I can't keep fighting these things and I sure as fuck can't be responsible for the destruction of the Eiffel Tower. I just want to go home!"
"Well you can't," Alasdair yelled from near Sleggar. "You think you're the only one confused, the only one in pain?"
Sleggar slowly said, "Alex, be easy on her."
"No, she needs to hear this. August, we're in this together-like it or not-and if we don't stick together then we're as good as dead."
"Then die..." August said and got to her feet.
"August," Edana said, shaking her head in confusion. "August where are you going?"
"As far from all of you and the Eiffel tower as I can get!"
"August, you can't just go!" Daniella yelled.
"Fuck you if I can't," August nearly whispered as she began to walk down the street.
"August," Sleggar said, trying to go to her. "Chip is waiting for us. Don't go. Come with us and think about it."
"I don't need to think!" August yelled. She turned to stare at Sleggar sharply but he was taken from his feet and pitched toward Sleggar.
"No you didn't!" Daniella yelled and arc wolf exploded from her, sliding between August and Sleggar. Alasdair yelled for Daniella to calm down but she started crying and the wolf exploded toward August. August simply waved her left arm toward the wolf and as it smacked into August's field and a squeal emitted from the woman as the wolf attempted to bite at her field of energy. With each snapping blow a writhing pulsation of colors swirled against its maul until August's left shoulder snapped back and a burst of energy rendered the wolf as dazzling tinges of green electricity. Daniella screamed and was brought to her knees as she grabbed for her head. She slammed her forehead against the street.
"Fuck you," Edana yelled as she released an arc of electricity toward August but before the attack could even reach August she screamed and was simply gone.
The lightning bolt fired through the sky and slammed into the building beyond them, exploding with energy.
Sleggar, vexed, gasped and simply said, "Damn..."
Alasdair helped Sleggar walk over to Daniella and he said, "Did she...teleport?"
"I could care less..." Edana said and knelt next to Daniella. She wrapped her arm around Daniella's and asked, "Are you okay... Is he alright..."
"I'm fine," Daniella said and then she giggled and said, "Wolfy is fine too and he made a joke..."
Just then, a Bentley turned the corner quickly and stopped. An older woman with gray hair opened her door and said, "Get in the car before the police get here..."
"What the fuck," Sleggar said, "More of this crazy shit. Who are you?"
"My name is Delilah. I am a clairvoyant and I need to see Charles. Please get in!"
"No," Edana barked.
"Look; did August just leave on her own?" Delilah asked.
"Yes," Sleggar said somberly.
"Fine, she'll be back. But you'll never make it to Luxembourg. Just come with me, please..."
Daniella got to her feet and walked past the others as she said, "Wolfy says she's on our side. Come on..."
Alasdair shrugged and followed suit.
Edana and Sleggar stood their ground until Delilah said, "August will be back and everything will be okay but we have to"
"Fine." Edana said and helped Sleggar to the car.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

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It had been the most peaceful place she could ever have recalled. At the time she'd simply needed to escape, a place to go to in order to just let things go. Luckily there had been no one out at Lake Hooker in New Zealand. An the shore of Lake Hooker, August Rayne Smith took in a breath of cool, sweet mountain air and released a belting scream over the lake. Her legs went limp and she flopped to the rocky sand bed. She lowered her head, unable to believe what she'd been through.She didn't under stand how or why she was in New Zealand. All she knew was that she wanted to be any place except for where she was. In her despair, she'd begged for a place to be, pleaded-all she wanted was to go. She remembered the most beautiful place she'd ever been in her entire life and then she was there-on the shores of Lake Hooker in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park. She took a deep breath and sighed as she blew it through her lips audibly. This was better. She felt better. But she was being selfish. The others hadn't been given a means of escape as she had. Was it really fair for her to leave them behind to fight a proverbial war that she should have been a soldier in? No, it wasn't fair. She needed this though. She'd been on the move since that burly man crashed through her front door. And just to think; that had only been a few days ago.
It was almost as if her life had been thrust into overdrive and there were no signs on the side of the road suggesting that the speed limit would ever allow her to catch a breath. But now, she was able to do so. In fact, the mountain air stung her lungs but she welcomed the feeling.
Paris. She would soon need to go back to Paris. She needed to go back for Charles. She knew that Edana would be angry with her for her actions but she needed to go back for the others as well. They had been right; especially Alasdair. She didn't like the fact that she'd been thrust into this situation with the rest of them but she was going to have to make due. This was her life now and she wasn't just going to be able to turn the page to place herself on the pages of a new tale. This was what she had to do. She got to her feet and looked over the lake one more time.
This truly was a beautiful place. Upon that realization August decided on something. She smiled, almost as if she were embarrassed and she proclaimed to the lake and mountains, "I'm going to fight because there is beauty like you in this world, because we can't just let these monsters destroy everything..."
August also realized that she didn't really understand what her enemies even wanted from mankind or from their world. She was going to find out. they couldn't have all been wordless, bumbling idiots and she was going to find the first smart one and rip the answers she wanted from his throat. She closed her eyes and cringed, willing herself to go back to Paris but when she opened her eyes the expanse of Lake Hooker was still ahead of her. "Fuck," she whispered.
She didn't know how to get back. she didn't understand her powers actually. She would have been surprised to learn that any of them did. She could take a little more time to learn some things about herself. She raised her left hand and looked out over the lake. "A line burst of energy..." she said and she tensed her hand before her shoulder snapped back and the shoreline in front of her was torn with an incision. Her burst traveled over the lake, creating a thin parting of water. Nearly four hundred feet out and the line of energy trickled away.
She brought her other hand up and thought about a single, concussive burst of energy; short, controlled. As before, the intended eruption of force was released. The earth in front of her was torn away, hurled toward the surface of the lake. Dust settled and pebbles sprinkled the otherwise pristine surface of the lake as August was able to see that rounded wound appeared in the sand. It was shallow closer to her and of course, deeper about eight feet in front of her but the peculiar thing was that the end of the mark appeared to be perfectly straight. This was a very precise release of force. Each blast or line of energy was released with a dazzling pulsation of multicolored light. This light even presented when she deflected or defended attacks. She smiled as she lowered her arms. She swept her left arm up and released an arc of energy and an incision trailed away from her foot in response as the wound continued out over the water, following the path of her hand before she held fast in front of herself and the presentation trailed off. Before the water could settled she released a burping blast of energy that caused the water to part with such force that it washed upon the adjacent shores like tidal waves and firmly plopped August on her buttocks. She looked at her hand as the water settled and she said, "Oh-hoo, damn..." Then, a thought hit her. She said, "Oh, SHIT!" she got to her feet quickly, turned, and raised both of her hands. She didn't even think about it much before powerful burst of energy tore away from her and she kicked away from the earth. The release shot her out over the lake surface an she hardly disturbed the water as she traveled before she lowered her hands and released booming releases of energy that found her being drenched and hurled toward the sky. The towering spouts of water formed one column-like deluge that fell back toward the lake but August found herself hovering above the lake, continuous waves of energy being released from her hands. The lake was not allowed to return to a pristine form, as the jets of rainbow energy emitted from August's hands created sweeping ripples in the surface. She smiled. Maybe she knew what she was doing now. With that, she understood; and she was gone. The water was allowed to settle.

The setting changes from Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand to Paris, France


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*triton187, just ignore DarknessofaMind's post....again! I don't know what the hell he is doing,*


Some pictures of Jardin du Luxembourg for combat reference.


Chip, Rollo and Teal arrived at the Luxembourg Garden promptly enough but no one was there. Chip withdrew his cell phone and looked at the screen, seeing that he had no calls. "Dear God, I hope they're okay. Shit..."
Rollo stepped next to Chip and said, "Now that Teal has mentioned sensing us, I have made it more of a point for myself to be able to do so. I can feel fluctuations of energy but they are feeling minor to me. It is probably because I am not so skilled at understanding what my body is feeling. I do feel one heavily waning power."
"I hope that it is not one of our own..." Chip said.
Teal smirked and said, "No, not at all. It is the shade. They are doing okay. But there is one power that is very strong..."
"Strangely so," Rollo said, "And I would guess that it is August..."
"Why would you guess her?" Chip asked.
"Anyone that is going to bring down the Eiffel Tower must pack a wallop..." Rollo said and then he looked about before saying, "Teal, do you have that?"
"Yep," Teal said and laced his fingers before cracking his knuckles and his neck from left to right sharply.
"Go to the car," Rollo said.
"But I-"
"Now, Chip." Rollo said, "Please, just go."
Chip smiled and said, "I didn't know you cared," before running off to the Renault parked along Rue Guynemer to the west of the park.
The park's silence was shattered by the screams of a woman. "Shit," Rollo cursed. "It's killing people."

*Rollo and Teal will now begin engaging the Shade. It is already released.*


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*Thank you for the pictures. It really helps me understand where we're fighting and how things will play out.*

Such a wide-open park gave Rollo enough room to see and understand his surroundings. When the woman came into view she was on her knees, the claws of a full-blown Shade shoved into the back of her head. Her face was gray now, drained of fluids. So much space. Jam formed his blade and even as he ran he slashed the weapon ahead of himself and disappeared with a shivering black void. The tear appeared high above the left shoulder of the Shade and Rollo exploded forth, his blade high above his head. His swing was countered, the Shade quickly turning about, a blade of its own shimmering into view, clashing with that of Rollo. The man dropped to his feet, his blade against that of the shade but the monster was fast, powerful, and it dropped back, allowing Rollo to step forward, extending his guard too far and a swift sword strike came in toward his neck. Rollo was a little more versatile than that and he managed to bring his blade up, defending his throat. Turning away from the parried strike, Rollo slashed his blade out behind himself and he stepped back as he once again faced the Shade. Then, he was gone, waving at the Shade. He appeared twenty feet behind it and found himself staring at the palm of the Shade's hand. The creature opened fire, releasing a burst of oily black energy. This was what Rollo wanted. A slash ahead of him consumed the blast and Rollo was able to follow unscathed. Two tears opened this time; the blast emitted from one and Rollo produced from another. The Shade's own energy appeared from in front of it and it was simply able to raise its hands, causing the energy to dissipate against its field of energy but Rollo had the drop on the monster and broke a way a chunk of its crackled blood-for-flesh from its rib cage. Rollo smiled but that was ruined when a gnarly elbow slammed into his nose, breaking it, and thrusting him onto his buttocks. "Shit," he mumbled as he scurried backward but as he raised his blade the Shade was blindsided by Teal.

*Alright, kid, don't mess this up bro!*


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The engine of the Bentley Continental GT was roaring when the old woman shoved her foot against the petal and that to the metal. She braked quickly and yanked the powerful saloon car around a corner and she said, "If you would have ran to the park and your comrades would have died. I have come to get you to save lives."
Sleggar said, "You know all of us so you're psychic?"
'I am a Clairvoyant. I can see the future in glimpses and see your powers manifest in great and vivid detail. I know most of you and at times I tend to know all that I need to know of a person. I do not intervene in the course of the future. If there is something that I do not like then I do not meddle to change it. I try to lead people along to accomplish what I see, even if that may lead them to death. The course and the flow of time are more important than my wishes."
"So why did you come for us if not to allow us to save Rollo and Teal..." Daniella asked "They must be the comrades that you speak of?"
"That is true. But the one names Rollo...he is important. His power will be used to save one who will see the end of the world." Delilah said. "We need him."
"You have seen this?" Edana asked as the woman brought the car around another corner and she apologized to a phantom drive who blew their horn in response to her wild driving.
"Yes," Delilah said, pulling the car over and to a stop behind a very familiar Renault. "I have seen this. I have seen many things. The one image that I have been seeing for nearly thirty years now is of August Rayne Smith bringing down the Eiffel Tower. But this must happen. Without Rollo, Mr. Red will die. He must be there, he has to see the end with Charles. If not, I can not tell you how time will change..."
"Where is August...?" Alasdair asked.
"I cannot see her at all when she moves herself. She passes out of this dimension, just the same as Rollo Jameson does. i cannot speculate where they go." Delilah said and pressed the button to power-down the automobile. "Now go. If you can live through this one then we will all obtain the rest we so desire."

*Edana, Alasdair and Sleggar will move into the garden to help Rollo and Teal.*

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


TriBeCa by RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Egpyt (Cairo) by RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert by RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China by RolePlayGateway

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


California by RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

San Diego, California

San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park, San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

"The Crossroads of the World"

"The Crossroads of the World" by RolePlayGateway

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

NYPD 25th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

Paris, France

Paris, France by RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Champ De Mars

Champ De Mars by RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey by RolePlayGateway

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.


France by RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

Marseille, France

Marseille, France by RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es by RolePlayGateway

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand by RolePlayGateway

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Character Portrait: Alasdair (Alex) McCarthy
0 sightings Alasdair (Alex) McCarthy played by guru101
Character Portrait: Xaviar Bolt
0 sightings Xaviar Bolt played by NewKidOnTheBlock
He's just an American teacher, trying to get by...until he found he had a great power. Then, he was REALLY trying to get by, with the government on him and all.
Character Portrait: Teal Victon
1 sightings Teal Victon played by DarknessofaMind

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Aura and Edge. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 22 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: August Rayne Smith
Character Portrait: Gallardo Lucerne Guidry
Character Portrait: Liliam Graham
Character Portrait: Edana McCarthy
Character Portrait: Samuel Chambers
Character Portrait: Alexis Black
Character Portrait: Sleggar Frost
Character Portrait: Cameron Wilkerson
Character Portrait: Chika Nakano
Character Portrait: Daniella Ipatova
Character Portrait: Rollo D. Jameson
Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Character Portrait: Yuko Suzuhara
Character Portrait: James L. Whitefield
Character Portrait: Tobias Nyqvist
Character Portrait: Anezka Djokovic
Character Portrait: Monika Jung
Character Portrait: Olivia Orihime Ryuko


Character Portrait: James L. Whitefield
James L. Whitefield

A successful stockbroker, raised in the heart of London.

Character Portrait: Yuko Suzuhara
Yuko Suzuhara

Yuko - Don't push yourself to hard. I'll protect you.

Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde

Adrian- Even in theory I never dreamed this could happen.


Character Portrait: James L. Whitefield
James L. Whitefield

A successful stockbroker, raised in the heart of London.

Character Portrait: Alexis Black
Alexis Black

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I fly."

Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde

Adrian- Even in theory I never dreamed this could happen.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alexis Black
Alexis Black

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I fly."

Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde

Adrian- Even in theory I never dreamed this could happen.

View All » Places

New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


TriBeCa by RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Egpyt (Cairo) by RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert by RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China by RolePlayGateway

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


California by RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

San Diego, California

San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park, San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

"The Crossroads of the World"

"The Crossroads of the World" by RolePlayGateway

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

NYPD 25th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

Paris, France

Paris, France by RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Champ De Mars

Champ De Mars by RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey by RolePlayGateway

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.


France by RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

Marseille, France

Marseille, France by RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es by RolePlayGateway

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand by RolePlayGateway

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

Paris, France

France Paris, France Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Tower Owner: RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Prague, Czech Republic

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Marseille, France

France Marseille, France Owner: RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

Tokyo, Japan

Earth, 2012 A.D. Tokyo, Japan Owner: RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Sahara Desert Egpyt (Cairo) Owner: RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.

New York

Earth, 2012 A.D. New York Owner: RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


New York TriBeCa Owner: RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

Sahara Desert

Earth, 2012 A.D. Sahara Desert Owner: RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

"The Crossroads of the World"

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

New York NYPD 25th Precinct Owner: RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

San Diego, California

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


Earth, 2012 A.D. California Owner: RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

Champ De Mars

Paris, France Champ De Mars Owner: RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...


Earth, 2012 A.D. France Owner: RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

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