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Aura and Edge

Aura and Edge


They have come. New York is in shambles. The Eiffel Tower rests in the grass of the Champ de Mars and 1000 sq. acres of the Sahara Desert have been turned to glass and they're just getting started...

8,621 readers have visited Aura and Edge since daathkil created it.


When August Rayne Smith opened her front door, she felt a tinge of dread. She already knew that her voicemail was going to be filled to the brim with messages from Hunter Olofson. She never should have given him her number. She put down her books on the kitchen table and called, β€œCharlie-bear?”
Olivia came first, poking her head around the doorway. β€œMs. August, I didn’t know that you were home. I didn’t hear you come in…” Olivia was Charlie Smith’s caretaker and Charlie Smith was August’s brother. While August was at New York University, Charlie needed to be cared for, as he suffered from Asperger Syndrome. Charles’ suffering from an autism spectrum had made things difficult on August but their parents managed to leave them a substantial amount of money when they’d passed.
August and Charles’ parents died in 2008, while August was still attended Stuyvesant High School in New York. They’d been driving home from Albany with Charles when they were hit by a drunk driver in a pick-up truck. Both of them had been killed when their Chrysler was hurled into a pole. The car had impacted with so much force that the front of the automobile had been ripped off, her parents still inside. Charles had been fine….miraculously. They’d lived in Stuyvesant town then. August had never felt comfortable going much further so she and Charles moved not too far away on 110th Street, overlooking Central Park.
August smiled at Olivia. The Russian woman’s smile tore into August’s soul as it always had. She was such a wonderful old woman. She had been with them since before the tragedy. She loved August and Charles. She’d also made quite a bit of money for herself taking care of Charles while school was in session. Today was Friday though, and August would have her brother to herself.
August said, β€œI’ve picked up his prescription for his decongestant today. So you don’t have to worry about getting it and coming back. That way you’ll be off earlier…”
Olivia thanked August as she began to place things in a bag she had sitting on the kitchen table. August went to the refrigerator and grabbed a carton of Dole guava-flavored juice, opened it and began drinking from it. Olivia walked to the cabinets, withdrew a glass and walked over to August. When she took the carton, August said, β€œOlivia, come on man, I’m thirsty… Olivia…”
β€œUse a glass, please, Ms. August. Your brother is only sick now because you won’t stop drinking off of cartons and jugs.” Olivia poured juice into the glass and handed it to August. β€œTake it….”
β€œI don’t like glasses…”
β€œTake it, Ms. August…”
August reluctantly took the glass as Olivia placed the carton back into the fridge. August took a swig and Olivia said, β€œOkay, Ms. August, I will see you Monday morning…” Now, Olivia was rushing to gather her things. August turned down her brow questionably and giggled, β€œOlivia, what are you doing…?”
β€œOh, Ms. August, I don’t mean to rush off,” she said as she placed her car cars between her teeth and past them she muttered, β€œWell actually, I do. But I don’t mean to be rude…”
β€œWhat’s going on? Are you being deported…again?”
Olivia shot a harsh look at August who smiled guardedly. β€œThat was a misunderstanding, Ms. August. And you know that. But what is going on is the fact that I have a date tonight…”
β€œYou, Olivia?” August asked, impressed.
β€œYes, Ms. August, me. I have to get mine too, Ms. August…”
August laughed heartily and Olivia narrowed her eyes. β€œI don’t see you go on any dates, Ms. August,” she said as she made her way to the hall.
August followed Olivia as she headed for the door and August said, β€œI do have my dates. I spend my evenings with Charles. That is all I need.”
Olivia laughed sweetly and was out of the door, pulling it closed.
August turned away, releasing what Olivia had mentioned from her mind. She wanted to find Charles. He was probably in his play room. Indeed, he was. When August peeked into the room she smiled at Charles, who had his back to her. He was building another Lego structure. On some days it was all he would do; play with Legos and eat Bologna sandwiches. There was a plate next to him with crumbs on it. He had his sandwiches with no crust. β€œCharles,” August called, but he ignored her. He was building a Lego Eifel Tower. He had no plans, no Lego books and no magazines by National Geographic so she was never sure how he was able to build structures like this. He ignored her the next time she called his name. Instead of responding to what she was saying, he said, β€œFeel….Rainy…”
β€œIt doesn’t feel like rain, Charles…”
β€œNo, Rainy, feeeel…”
Then, there was a harsh bang at the door. Charles didn’t jump…but August had. She slowly made her way down the hall and turned, looking down toward the door. There was sharp, crude bang once again and she jumped, yelping a little. β€œHello…” she said as she walked down the hall. There was another bang and a man with a deep, gritty, phlegmy voice said, β€œOpen the door…”
August called out, β€œWho is it? Who are you…?”
β€œJust open the door…”
β€œNo,” August said and leaned in toward the door when she got there, looking through the peephole. She jumped back when the hooded man banged on the door again. She shivered and said, β€œDon’t bang on the door. I’m not letting you in. I’ll call the cops…”
β€œThey are of no-β€œ the man yelled and slammed into the door, β€œCONSEQUENCE! Let me in!” He hit the door again and it seemed to be knocked slight off of its hinges. He was breaking it. August backed away, reached around the kitchen doorway and grabbed the phone. Dialing quickly, she waited for someone to answer. She yelled into the phone that a man was breaking into the house and she jumped when the man slammed himself into the door again. She was hysterical and the woman on the phone with emergency services was giving her the run-around. β€œHe’d breaking in right now! He’s ramming the door right now!”
The woman talked more and August became frustrated and threw the phone down the hallway. She was going to have to fight. She knew how. She’d taken a myriad of martial arts sense she was six years old. She was a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do-but that was only in practice. She’d never used her skills before.
The man hit the door once more and cracked it. Then, he was in. He came straight at her, staring hatefully with eyes that appeared as black as night. There were no pupils, no iris, just swarming blackness. His face was scarred and wrinkled and when he grit his teeth, blackened, decayed teeth showed. He threw a furious punch at August’s head and she ducked beneath it, pressing both of her fists into the man’s belly with all her might. He was hurled away from her, back toward the door…but he only came forward once more. The hall was too small for his bulk. He tore into the wall to his right, August’s left, with a punch, and she was sprayed with debris but she leaned forward, under the blow, allowed his fist to slam into the wall to her right and she flipped her left leg up, slamming the bottom of her foot into the man’s face. She screamed, blood sprayed on the back of her head. She drew her leg back down, spread her arms for balance and used the momentum to swing her leg up, slamming her toes into the brute’s chin. He stepped back, blood spraying from his nose.
Then, the man tackled her. She’d not expected that. He was more powerful than she, bigger. He sat up, punched for her face but she moved her head and she felt his fist graze her ear, bruising cartilage. She screamed but Charles was saying, β€œRainy….?” The man looked up to see Charles and August craned her neck back. She yelled, β€œCharles, run!”
The man looked down at August and shoved another punch in toward her face. She was able to dodge again but he raised his other fist. August shoved her knee between the man’s legs, ramming his testicles. The man roared in pain and August yelled herself, drawing her hands from beneath the man as he shifted. She shoved her hands into the man as hard as she could and he was knocked back onto his toes and heels. She shot forward, slamming her hands into his chest to push him back. He allowed her next blow to graze off of his right forearm and he swung down with his left. His weight came down on her again and she was tossed to the floor but she moved her head and his fist cracked the floor. She didn’t understand how he’d done this but she grabbed him, flipped him above her head and held on as he slammed into the floor, widening the spectrum of cracks he’d put in the floor. A human could not crack the floor of an apartment like this. August kicked her legs up above her head, flipped herself onto the man’s chest and slammed her knees into his. The floor buckled beneath his weight and her strength and she yelped as the floor gave way.

They were in the barren apartment below, it was being renovated. It was all concrete, wood and sheetrock. August coughed through the dust and realized she was still on top of the man. He realized it to. He grabbed her and hurled her above his head. She slammed into a wall, back-first and fell from it, to the floor. She cried out when she landed but the man was up. August scrambled to right herself and to get to her feet. He was too fast; he was going to hit her. Reflexively, she put her hands up in front of her face but she watched as the man’s arm slammed into an invisible wall of energy and shattered, flesh tearing away from muscle, muscle shredding and bones erupting from within this mangled, ragged mess of flesh and blood. August screamed and the wall behind her buckled away from her, shattering. Dust and debris from behind her showered behind her and around her. The scream resonated away from her as a burst of energy unlike any she’d believed could exist. The man was thrown away from her. His body spiraled away, his arms limply flailing at his sides, blood exploding from his body. He hit the ceiling, bounced off of it and slammed into the floor, sliding with a trail of blood.
August raised her hands, stared at them, shaking her head. What was happened to her? How was she capable of this? The man was getting to his feet but August would not let him come near her again. She screamed at him, the floor beneath her cracking as the man’s left arm was literally blown off. It flipped away from him, crashed through a window and fell away from the building. The man paid no mind to this as he made his way toward August again. Her body reacted once more, sending out a shockwave of energy. The man was hit in the chest, his shirt exploded away from his back, blood sprayed on the wall and windows behind him. He yelled and August yelled back. A burst of energy slammed into the man, throwing him out of the window. There was a crash, followed by screams and the blaring of car alarms.
August was released from her trance. Her ear was still ringing from being hit. Then, she realized that it was not just her ear…it was the phone upstairs. She walked toward the hole in the ceiling of the room and when she looked up, Charles was on the phone. She smiled at him as he looked down at her and said, β€œIt is uncle Chip. Chip is on the phone, Rainy…”
Chip was a lieutenant with the police. At least someone would come. Be it the lack of adrenaline or simply because these innate abilities that lie dormant within August Rayne Smith understood that she was free of danger, but she took a deep breath and collapsed on the pile of rubble that had once been her hallway floor.

Toggle Rules

There are very few rules to consider beyond the obvious; ix nay God-Modding, Over Powered Characters (I'll take care of that), picking fights with people and sex in threads.
Let's keep it clean, tidy and let's have some fun.

Your characters will not only be going through the storyline but as the enemies appear you will be fighting them in various areas of the world. Come on, destroy something. if you're in Tokyo, bring down Tokyo tower. if you're in London, get rid of Big Ben. Enemies will be introduced to you as you travel with the main characters, attempting to uncover the fate that has befallen your world and you will use your powers to do away with them. As GM, if your posting is poor, unimaginative and illiterate, then I will override the action and the enemy will utterly massacre you.

You will be following a storyline from a book that I am writing. If you would like more leeway on where you can go and what you can do, then this is not the game for you. This is about exploring our abilities as writers and playing a part in a tale so that we can enjoy the story but not sit in our dingy rooms, reading by ourselves beneath lent-ridden sodium-vapor lighting from lamps covered with lamp shades in need of a good dusting.

Physics apply here, regardless of the powers therein because in the novel, all of the powers have scientific backing. I don't want to get into that for the role play. If you want to know the scientific specifics then PM me and I will be glad to spill the beans. All you need to know is that each character's mitochondrial DNA has evolved and changed and has absorbed varying characteristics that allow them to change the type of energy that they produce.
Back to physics. It works. This is not Dragon Ball Z or Bleach. If that is what you want, then go find one of the hundreds of RPs based on those stories.

In power descriptions, there will be extraordinarily detailed listings of each powers attributes, weaknesses and growth patterns. As you play, you will learn that you abilities have their own niche and you will learn other effects of your powers. Don't deviate. If you want freedom with your powers then pick one that is listed as being widely expansive. Some of the powers are static as others grow to extreme levels of expansion.

-that doesn't mean slack in creativity. I still want to see some creativity because if you don't apply it you will die! You create crazy, fast-paced battles with these powers. Trust me, I'm writing the novel.

Don't be afraid to PM if you want some help with figuring out how to post creatively with your powers. Please don't be shy. I want everyone to have fun. Don't feel like asking for help means that you're not good at this. I'm always here to help.

Powers will be in a HUGE database in the OOC. When you go to create a character you will need to go to the OOC and choose your powers. Don't post there. PM me about the powers you want. I will add your name to the thread with those powers and that is that. One set of powers for one player. No doubles of powers. All of our DNA is different, our mitochondria is effected differently. Only twins can have closely related powers (as in one twin having fusion and one have fission) or something like that. This is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. If you get stuck with lacking powers or someone has what you have then I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do.

Don't skim over people's posts. Pay attention, read, enjoy. This is very important here. Enjoyment is always important but paying attention is important because there will be lots going on. Also, you will need to get out of the mindset of playing cliched anime characters or whatever you are accustomed to playing. Following a good writer's posts can aid you in understanding what's going on and how to use the powers you choose.

You are a human with extraordinary powers. How would you react to them as the person that you are now? How would you feel? Would you welcome these powers or would you hate them?

DO NOT CREATE A CHARACTER THAT FOUND OUT THEY HAD POWERS BECAUSE A BULLY PUNCHED THEM. I don't want to see powers that manifest because you hit puberty or your step dad hit you and tried to rape you or any of that shit! This is not a Marvel Comics RP and it sure as hell is not an anime RP. As I've said, there are plenty of them. If you create a character like that I WILL KNOW YOU OVERLOOKED THE RULES. These Aura and Edge powers do not work like that. After playing the RP, you will understand why they don't.

As you begin, you'll be given a setting and Partially Controllable Characters that you can use to form your initial story. If you want to start in a particular city or surrounding then let me know but I will attempt to place as many characters in the same places as I can in order to drive the story. I will be very active, playing in many cities as once. Everyone will meet up at some point and time. You may be advised to start in a certain place. Have fun but understand that your own tale will become that of the main character's at some time.
Remember that this is a skilled role play and that you will be quite active if you stick with this. You will be jumping from place to place as there are a lot of real world locations here. Some of the characters will be able to travel from New York to China just by thinking about it. If it is one of your abilities, then you will most likely use it. Think about that.

I have received a PM containing a very important and good question. A member of the site wanted to know how much character control there would be. I'm aiming for a lot of freedom. First off, I usually won't jump in with my two cents on a fight unless yours sucks. To be honest, if you are traveling, it's probably with an NPC and other characters from your city. All story lines will cross at some point but you can fight an enemy on your own, collaborate with other players for super bad-ass co-op attacks. But you must be fair. You must allow yourself to get hit in combat, shed some blood. If you need to, go read a good combat-based novel or two. This is more about the story unfolding and everyone being a part of it so your story matters. When you are introduced (which I will simply tell you where to start) you are to create character to surround yourself with. if you start in Prague, do some research, learn about the city. maybe you attended Charles University and you want to tell that story. Look at August Rayne Smith's opening story driven post. That is what they should look like. You can go to what school you want, have whatever job you want. honestly, you can create two characters, have them be lovers, both with powers with a child on the way. There are guidelines, that is true, but you are telling your tale. Now I don't expect or want to read a bunch of crappy emo stories about how your parents left you when you were six and you hate everyone...please create a real person. And not a bunch of angsty teenagers. Why the hell would they want to save the world. They wouldn't have the mindset to save the world. There are already children locked up that need our rescuing so no ten year olds shooting fire balls from their asses. There are the obvious rules but aside from those, all I ask is that you create a good, MATURE, enthralling tale that you would want to read in your spare time. The tale that the book is based on will be told in arcs as characters are drawn from their home towns and personal stories. As your powers manifest, Clairvoyants will sense your abilities awakening and come ofter you. Very few people know that they have these powers. Most of you that are starting out will be exploring, harnessing and learning to control your powers as your body changes, becomes more powerful, leaner, faster, naturally more muscular and energetic. Explore that as you post, creating a character before our eyes.
The most important rule is just be creative. Don't start this is you can't commit a human being as a character. There are enough twilight Rps, anime Rps and high school Rps for those of you that can't do this.

Anyway, hold on to the oh-shit bar, have some fun and take it slow as the world and the story develops.

Time to Create a Character: Copy the information below and when you open the character creation, paste it into the Description field. Create the information accordingly.

Power Lists
Next, find the Aura or Edge you desire. As long as there is no name on it then it is open. Copy the text, and paste it beneath the character traits. If you will use a picture as your description please use a real photograph. If you feel like an illustrated picture will better suit you then use one but I ask that you find a photo first. And avatars will be nice but not required. i don't care if you want to crop the head of a nude model, I'm an adult. Just take the boobs out because of the rules suggested on this site.

This is all based on reserving abilities and first come first serve so the order that characters are submitted in is the order that I will follow for allowing powers to be used. If someone grabbed one before you then I will NOT decline the character. I will ask you to edit it and change the Aura or Edge to another of your liking.

Nationality: Where were you born?
Race: Hispanic, Afro-Amer, Greek, Japanese, etc. (This has nothing to do with where you were born. You can be Japanese born in America or Greek born in France. This is the real world…)
Birth Date: Please be of a proper age where you would be mature enough to save the world. This is not an anime.
Career or Schooling: What job/what school do you attend?
Current Home City: Refer to the Places Tab. You will always have one, even if it is because you attend school in this city. This should be different from your vacation city.
Vacation City: Are you on vacation? In what city are you? Refer to the Places Tab. (This will change how you interact with the rest of the characters. If you aren’t on vacation then put none.)
Alignment: Would you use your powers for good, malice or are you neutral? (The course suggested by this answer may never be taken. You never know what will happen…)

*Somewhat out of my control, this RP is the most active on the weekends. There are a few players that post regularly during weekdays but the most activity takes place on the weekends. That is the going trend and I've gone through the posts in order to confirm the time between posts. On the weekends, posts may have less than ten minutes between them. Some of the weekday posts can have up to two days between them in certain places. Just forewarning. Remember, I will be able to reply to posts any day (I can check at work) and any time.*

Browse All » 21 Settings to roleplay in

New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


TriBeCa by RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Egpyt (Cairo) by RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert by RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China by RolePlayGateway

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


California by RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

San Diego, California

San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park, San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

"The Crossroads of the World"

"The Crossroads of the World" by RolePlayGateway

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

NYPD 25th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

Paris, France

Paris, France by RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Champ De Mars

Champ De Mars by RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey by RolePlayGateway

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.


France by RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

Marseille, France

Marseille, France by RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es by RolePlayGateway

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand by RolePlayGateway

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 14 authors


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Teal's kick connected with the Shade's head, nearly breaking its jaw. Teal landed on the ground before dodging a lazy swing of the Shade's sword. He jumped onto the sword,ran up the blade and was going to deliver another kick, but his leg was caught by the Shade. He was hurled to the ground, the impact knocking the air out of his lungs. The Shade tried to impale him with its sword, but Teal managed to roll over, causing the sword to be stabbed into the ground. Teal jumped up and onto the Shade's arm. Teal dodged the Shade's fist by dropping off the side of the Shade's arm,and grabbing the side. After the Shade's fist passed over him, he flipped back up and landed on the Shade's arms and broke both of them with a well aimed kick. The Shade roared in pain and screamed at him sending him and several trees flying backward. Teal hit a statue and passed out, slumped against the statue as if he were resting. Rollo, who was in a battle stance, heard the cracking of the Shade's arms as the bones realigned and healed. "Shit it can heal!" he said as the Shade's hand came down towards him. Rollo cut a slash in the air and stepped into it, effectively escaping the Shade's hand. Another slash and Rollo was falling towards the Shade from above. He stabbed his sword into its shoulder, and slid down. The Shade's arm was cut off, and it lay in the grass. The Shade roared at Rollo and swung a heavy swing of his sword. Rollo ducked under the swing and exploded towards the Shade, stabbing his sword below it's ribs. The Shade roared again and plucked Rollo off of it before flinging him fifty feet away. Teal...get up soon! Rollo thought exploding towards the Shade once more.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Prague, Czech Republic

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An easy target? James didn't like the sound of that.

His heart pulsed with great strength in his chest, and his instincts begged him not to trust this woman, this "Anezka" woman. But in his heart, he knew he had no other choice.
He was stuck here, in Prague, miles away from anyone he knew or could trust. And the world was turning to shit right before his eyes, what other choice did he have? This injured woman seemed sincere, and hell, she was the closest thing to a friend he had in Prague.

With a clearing of his throat, he gave the woman a firm nod.

"Alright then.." He said slowly, narrowing his eyes a touch, "So what now? We limp off into the sunset together?"
He parted his lips in a small smile, showing the tips of his, still sparkling, teeth. Hopefully the smile would show her that he wasn't trying to trick her, and genuinely wanted some sort of alliance here.

He took a quick glance down at the rock he had somehow managed to make levitate moments ago.

'Whatever these powers are, I've got a feeling it's going to be a long, confusing day,' He thought to himself, grimacing.

The setting changes from Prague, Czech Republic to Paris, France


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Sleggar was sitting in the back of the car with Alex. It was tight quarters as three of them were in the back seat and daniella was in the front. Edana was on the far end leaving Alex in the middle. "You could have been a good sport and let me at least sit with the ladies so they could give me some tender lovin' don't you even care about ol' Sleggar."
"Touch my sister and a shades gonna be the least of your problems." Alex threatened. Sleggar put his hand on Alex's leg. "You know I'd never cheat on you big guy." He joked, Alex punched him in retaliation. Delilah stopped them from fighting to tell them about the future that would have to be. Sleggar didn't like it but hell this woman obviously knew what she was talking about. The car skidded to a stop and the three of them stepped out. Sleggar sighed and watched as the fight was going down. The air was tense, he could tell they were dreading another fight. "Avengers assemble!" Sleggar shouted to break the silence. He summoned up his sword and got ready to charge forward. Daniella put a hand on his shoulder. "I think you've had enough for now your to injured to be running in blindly." She told him. He went to say something in his defense. "Put a sock in it for once and sit it out." Alex told him as the others went forward.


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Here they stood again, staring into the face of yet another battle. They were all tired and hurt to some degree so another fight with one of these monsters was the last thing anyone wanted. At least it was the last thing she wanted! There was practically no time to think over their seemingly newest member, this clairvoyant who could sense bits of the future like Charles. At least she proved herself somewhat trustworthy by bringing them here to help the others, speaking of which it seemed they now had a new mission to protect Rollo who was currently under attack by the creature. Heaving a sigh and then taking in a deep breath to steady herself, Edana strode forward cutting her eyes at Sleggar as she past. β€œYea don’t worry, the big dogs got this handled sugar.” Tossing in a grin for good measure so he’d realize she was only ribbing him, she then turned her head towards the shade as it focused on attempting to cut down Rollo. Damn, they were across the garden; she worried about hitting the right target at that distance. Last thing they needed was for her to fry the person they were supposed to save. That’s when she caught sight of the scattered metal chairs, the benches and trash cans everywhere. Ok, theoretically this should work right? Guess I’ll find out.

Her eyes focused on a particular line of objects and then with a toss of her hand, the bolt she sent forward skipped with a crack from one conductor to the next all but destroying or melting each one. From a metal bench, to a chair, to a trash can, another chair and then its final destination centered right in the middle of the shade’s back. β€œHa! That’s right look this way handsome!” The creature’s back sizzled; glops of its disgusting skin fell off from the scorched area with a disgusting plop. Turning slowly to look at its new attacker, it growled low before breaking forward at an unbelievable speed towards her.

Ok, ok you can do this, just calm down. She chanted in her head as the energy that popped around her trembling fists grew brighter. The shade reached her and swung its blade with the intent to cleave her right in two but she all but dropped to the ground to avoid the attack and then jumped up, shoving her now opened hands into the monster’s stomach. Once her palms made contact, the familiar crack sounded and the shade was sent recoiling back, sliding a good distance on the ground before it came to a stop. Well, what do ya know I have defibrillator hands. She thought to herself, amused by the attack but realizing how worn out she felt now. She’d have to watch herself with upping the charge when fighting these things. Edie shifted from foot to foot as she waited for the thing to rise again although it laid still, foul smelling smoke rising from its newest injuries and she cocked her head. β€œIs it dead?” She asked, flicking her eyes to her brother but the moment she looked back it was more than halfway to her as it had taken the moment to bound towards her. Edana only managed to gasp as the creature shoved its own palms into her stomach and sent her flying back with a concussive blast. Once she rolled to a stop thanks to a trash can slowing her, she gasped a few times to regain her breath before spluttering out. β€œThat damn thing…played…opossum!” Ok, make note that these things are a little bit smarter than she previously thought. As it stalked closer to her, she looked towards the others for help as she attempted to collect herself from being hurled.


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Sleggar wanted so badly to jump in and send that shade packing. He clutched his ripped and bloody shirt, the wounds were healed already, he didn't understand how that could have been but it wasn't the strangest thing that had happened. He got ready to step in to the fight. "You'd be wise not to do anything rash boy." Delilah told him. She was sitting in the drivers seat of her car watching the fight ensue like it was the news. "What are you talking about granny? I could kick that thing's ass easily, they need me."
"Your rush to act will be the end of you if you do not get it under control." She said very simply. Sleggar turned around to face her, she looked at him sympathetically. Sleggar felt like he was being violated. She just looked at him like he was a abandoned kitten. "Quit looking at me like that ya crazy bitch." Sleggar was getting mad now and he couldn't understand why. "You act as if nothing bothers you because your afraid, you let yourself run off at the mouth because you are afraid you'll be forgotten if you don't. You've never had a single person in your life you can honestly say has ever truly cared what you did or did not do. Your nothing but a man who fills his days with empty meaning." She told him getting out of her seat she grabbed Sleggar's badge from his neck. "This means nothing to anyone your just worried that you can't impress anyone so you act big and drown yourself in indulgence of women, drinking, and your pathetic bravado act you love so much. Your parents must not have..." Before she could finish Sleggar punched her in the face sending her to the ground. He grit his teeth. "Fuck you!" He shouted as he went for another attack. Before he could Daniella grabbed his hand. He stopped mostly for the sake of wanting to keep his self control in check. "That's enough Sleggar she's on our side." Daniella told him. Sleggar ignored her and looked at the old woman. She reached up her hand as if to be helped up. Sleggar snatched his badge and left her sitting on the ground. "Lets get one thing straight this badge means I protect and serve, the shield is shielding you bitch, not me. It means I've devoted my life to making the world a place where people can sleep at night without worrying someone is gonna come hurt the life they worked for." Sleggar told her slipping the badge in his pocket. "The way I live is a result of the things I see everyday. When I gotta go to work and see an innocent girl raped and then murdered by her father how do you think it makes me feel to see that man walk free because he knows how to cheat the system. I have to get up the next morning and look in the mirror an ask myself. 'how could you let him get away with it Sleggar?' You wouldn't know what that's like would you? I have to cope somehow and sadly that's my out I don't have the luxury of simply shaking it off." He told her as he picked her up off the ground and set her on her feet. "The next time you bring my parents into this I'll show you what police brutality is actually like." He said as he walked away. He made his way to the back of the car and leaned against the bumper and lit a smoke. His anger made his injuries hurt again. He'd sit this one out for the sake of resting.


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#, as written by guru101
Alasdair cursed as he watched his sister get thrown back from the monster. The shade slowly stalked closer to her and raised it sword to strike. Alasdair looked around frantically trying to find some water to manipulate but the only thing he could see was a water fountain a good distance away, he didn’t know if he could bring the water from that far away but he would have to. Edie rolled out of the way as the shade swung its sword causing an explosion that sent her tumbling a great distance. β€œGet away from her!” Alasdair shouted as the monster took off after Edana with its sword raised. Alex threw his hands forward forcing all of his will upon the water in the fountain across the way. The fountain head cracked and burst away as water came shooting up from rushing straight for the shade.

The water split flowing around Edana then rushed back together hitting the monster in full force.
The shade dug its feet into the ground and met rush of water head on. With a mighty swing of its sword the shade blew the water away in every direction. Alex ran forward as the water that had gotten thrown into the air from the explosion started raining down around them. He focused will on the water raining down on the shade causing the droplets to change into sharp needles of ice that rained down on his enemy. Alex continued to run full force at the creature as it flailed around trying to get away from the tiny little shards of pain that were falling from the sky. When he was within range Alex jumped and threw a giant right straight with all of his weight behind it. He landed the hit snapping the monsters head back with a satisfying crunch. Alasdair was only able to enjoy his victory for a second before the shade punched him in the stomach with Its offhand making him double over. The creature grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him it the air readying its sword to impale him. β€œShit” Alasdair choked out as he started slamming the monster in the face with punch after punch coating his hands with a thick layer of ice to add to the effect with good results busting away hunks of the monsters gory flesh; but the creature did not relent and only squeezed Alex’s throat harder. The situation looked quite grim.


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*I'm writing Teal Victon played by DarknessofaMind out of the role play. This is going to be a long post. I apologize. I'll make it worth it.*

August Rayne Smith

August tore into the hotel room she'd remembered and didn't realize that she was going to create a vast amount of pressure as she entered the room. The walls buckled before the window and light bulbs exploded and then the furniture was yanked in toward her. She released a sphere of energy around herself that guarded her from harm. The furniture falling away, August ran out of the room, turned into the hallway and opened a few doors until the found Connie and Charles in the fourth one they'd been put in. She and Charles were actually leaving and Charles was pulling on Connie's arm. She was trying to calm Charles down but he was pulling hard saying, "Lila, Lila. We have to get to Lila. Lila knows what Mr. Red will do."
August ran to Charles and knelt in front of him. "Charles, Charles, Charlie-bear!" The boy looked toward her with inquisitive eyes and quieted as August said, "Okay, listen. I need you to be good for Connie. What is Lila...?"
"Lila is not what. Lila is a who and Lila knows about the end..."
"Okay, Charles. What does Mr. Red do?"
"Mr. Red knows..." Charles said, looking past August.
August grabbed Charles' chin, forced him to meet her eyes with his own. Through gritted teeth the woman said, ""
"He makes you better... Every last one of you will be better..."
"Will he train us?"
"Amplify-fy-fy-fy..." Charles nearly sang.
"Mr. Red will amplify our abilities? He will make us more powerful?"
"Yep. Better is as better does he will say."
"Better for what, Charles?" August asked.
"I don't know why. Just better..."
"Fuck," August barked as she got to her feet. She rubbed her itchy wrist, as it was healing already, and she looked toward Connie. "Are they still at Jardin du Luxembourg?"
"I believe so. Chip, Rollo and Teal went some time ago."
"I don't have time to wait for a text message from Chip to go there..." August rambled as she turned away. "I'm taking the truck," she said and Connie fished for the keys before slapping them into August's outstretched hand. "I'm going to the garden. Charles, you stop driving Connie crazy. I will take you to Lila when I'm done there." Charles nodded and with that August turned, ran toward the door and when she entered the hallway she was simply gone-heading for the parking garage.

Jardin du Luxembourg

The Shade held fast to Alasdair's neck but a quick bolt erupted from his sister and snapped horrid flash from the monster's leg but it did not relent. It was simply reveling in its kill but it took a little too long as a rip opened next to it and Rollo appeared, slashing the monster's arm free of its shoulder. The arm and Alasdair fell away but Rollo grabbed Alex and slashed his weapon as he passed the Shade and they were gone. Teal exploded toward the Shade and a swift flurry of punches caused the Shade to swipe wildly, its blade just barely missing Teal's oblique and the man propelled himself into a side aerial-type flip, a no-handed cartwheel to the left side. Upon landing her yanked his left foot away from the earth with such force that he connected with the Shade's chin as it turned and he performed a backward flip. Landing in a crouch, Teal shoved a powerful punch into the Shade's stomach and gripped its left leg with an empty hand. As the Shade attacked with its blade Teal yanked himself into a slide, passing between the Shade's legs. A flick of his free and and he vertical, his head facing the ground as she rocketed upward, his feet hurtling toward the sky as he gripped the Shade's head, kicked his legs down and yanked the Shade toward the ground, burying it in the grass. He bounded away from the grounded target but he was just a little too slow. It was unfair to say that his efforts were for naught but the Shade allowed its sword to pass away into an oily film and the Shade slammed its hand into the dirt and propelled itself toward Teal, spraying dirt along behind it as it moved.
A burst of lightning from Edana was dissipated by the Shade's reforming blade and the same movement was used to run the blade through Teal's abdomen. The blade protruded from his back, covered in blood. Teal yelled, "Fuck you," brought a left cross around to its jaw, extended his arm across and slammed his left elbow into the Shade's cheek, snapping its head to the side. The Shade withdrew its blade but Teal didn't go down. He took a quick step back, bloos spurting from the wound and a rip appeared between the two. Rollo exploded toward the Shade and the monster met Rollo's blade. A quick exchange of swift sword techniques ended with a concussive blast from the deepest woes of the slight-of-hand landing against Rollo's left shoulder and ripping the man from his feet and tossing him away but Teal, with a vengeance, ducked beneath the flying man as he slashed a rip open and passed through it in a twist. Teal hurled three punches into the Shade's chest and a sword strike was avoided with a roll and countered by Teal lunging from the ground and landing a knee on the Shade's side but the monster turned at the waist and sliced into Teal's arm. As the man reeled back, a torrent of water washed in, sweeping around Teal and freezing around the Shade's feet. A rip opened ahead of the Shade and Rollo twisted out of it in a seemingly cockamamie manner but his spin was controlled and with a purpose and Rollo clashed with the frozen in place Shade upside down. Their blades slid upon each others before Rollo twisted slashed his blade above his head and dropped away from the Shade, disappearing. As the Shade's blade was raised, still in place from parrying Rollo's blade, he was unable to stop Rollo from appearing from a rip opened in front of the Shade, facing the ground. Rollo appeared upright and slammed his blade into the chest of the Shade but it roared, a powerful burst of energy exploding forth, tearing Rollo and Teal away and shattering the flooring of ice. Free, the Shade turned and tore up a smoldering mass of earth and grass, the true target; Teal.
The man's body was racked with pressure and sent into a spin but the Shade released its wings, bent at the knees and tore into the sky before anyone could move to help. The Shade dropped quickly next to Teal and slid its blade into the man's chest, pinning him to the ground. The Shade roared before it shoved a flurry of punches into Teals face. Bolts of lighting were seemingly sensed before they could reach and an open palm met them, tearing them away. The same fate met ice shards and a quickly appearing Rollo who was grabbed swiftly by the wrist and pummeled in the chest by a pressurized blast. The Shade stomped on Teal's head. Blood showered from a cracked skull and busted nose before Edana screamed for someone to help. No one could come. Nearly powerless, weakened attacks shot out one after the other; even a blast of electrically charged water was rendered useless.
The Shade grabbed the blade and dug it into Teal's chest, his foot holding the body steady as he literally sliced the life out of the screaming, pleading man. The blade was freed and slammed into the man's neck as the roar of an engine sounded in the background. The blade gone again, the Shade lifted the limp body by the neck and stared at it, growling. A horrid squish emitted from the two as the Shade pierced the man's neck and he was drained of what blood remained, causing the Shade's wounds to heal. The man had died whilst facing great fear and the Shade roared toward the sky, reveling before the ground it stood upon was illuminated. It tossed the body to the side before turning, growling as it was met by the grill of a Renault SUV. It was tackled by the revving automobile and slammed into a tree a few feet behind it. There was no one in the SUV but August appeared between Alasdair and Edana, ready.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Prague, Czech Republic

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A soft giggle was all that Anezka offered. At least this Aura was charming. She limped away and said, "Come on, let's go. Sunset awaits." hen the man met her side she said, "We're going to have to find a place where I can first of all; make a phone call, and secondly; rest soundly, knowing that a Shade won't charge through a wall and kill me. By the way; Shade is a colloquial term for our enemies. Those like us that I have met have all seemed to call them that because they present a shadowy, murky oil like substance with their weapons and attacks. They use human as hosts, turn their blood into a glass-like substance which resembles scabs and then they turn the body inside out in a sense, discarding the flesh and sing the coagulated blood as flesh atop muscles. They stretch the bones to a height between 8 and 11 feet tall. We don't know why they do this. Comfort perhaps. Maybe it resembles their appearance-the way they look at home."
"Home, where is that? They sound like demons..."
"If only. I'd have a cross and a Super Soaker with holy water in it. No, they come from...somewhere else..."
"Like aliens. Like E.T.?"
"These are extra-dimensional beings. That is what all of the Clairvoyants call them..."
"Who the hell are they?" James asked.
"Lots of questions. Questions will let you live. Good for you Englishman. Clairvoyants are like us but they can't fight. They can see the future, lead us to where we need to be. It's how we kept this under wraps for so long. The Clairvoyants would tell one or two of us, 'hey, go to Taipei, japan and stop a Shade before it can kill ten people', so we go and we stop them in sewers and other places that won't catch attention. As of late, there have been too many Shades and they have been killing Clairvoyants. There powers won't show them their own deaths..."
"What a rip off...."
"That's what I said. Anyway, the Clairvoyant I was allied with was killed two days ago and a Shade went crazy along the Vltava. An image of its was shown on the news. It was proclaimed to be a hoax until news began to circulate about attacks in the US, Paris, Tokyo. Now, we can't cover it up. Shades feed on fear, use human blood to replenish their health. If more people know of them, more of them will come-more will die. We have to stop it. I don't know why we have our powers but with their nature-ya know, not shooting holy arrows and having angel wings and all, I suspect our powers are of an alien nature as well. I don't think we're aliens, but our powers may very well be the result of alien technology. Hell, I've looked twenty-five since 1983-had to leave a daughter and a husband because I wouldn't age. I know that her father put her up for adoption but there are those of us who have had our powers for this long whose kids have powers. I think it becomes genetic so I don't know what powers my daughter may have." Anezka said and turned a corner. "There is a man that lives here-his is a Masker."
"Let me guess-he disrupts powers..." James said sarcastically.
"Yes, Mr. Cynical. Actually, Brian does disrupt powers so that we can hide peacefully. I was on my way here when I felt your release..."
Anezka knocked on the door at the back of a store it seemed and James asked, "He lives in a store?"
"He's lived her for ten years. His basement is doubles as a safe house for us with ten very luxurious bedrooms and a kitchen with a bathroom."
"There's an Underground Railroad of Aura and Edges?!"
"How is it funded?"
"We steal from banks and things..."
"But that's wrong..."
"We're stealing from banks and whatnot to fund saving the world. I said we were Auras and Edges not Goddamned Superman and fucking Wondergirl..."
"It's Wonderwoman..." James corrected.
"Doesn't reall-" Anezka started to say but the door opened and a young, attractive African man opened the door.
His large brown eyes lit up and he said, "Anezka, dear, you've got company with you," in a heavy accent.
"Yes, and I'm a little banged up, Ato."
"Oh, Gods, well get in here, come on, come on. Clean clothes and some soup for the both of you." Ato said, ushering the two inside.
"I'm James..."
"I already know that, James Whitefield, you come on inside and rest. There is lots for you to know."

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Molly pulled her legs up and released a burst of concussive energy that slightly pushed the hood away. This gave her enough room to place her feet against the hood and shove Cameron away. He let the hood go and landed hard but Gallardo was there. He grabbed Molly from behind as she got to her feet but he was still four feet away from her and she couldn't reach him. What was he to do-hold on forever?

You can't use me anymore. I won't hurt them.
"Why don't you stop your yammering and get your God forsaken son off of us."
I will not let you touch my son. You stay away from him.
You will stay away from him!
"I said...NO!"

Molly's wings spread with such force that Gallardo's invisible grip was torn away from the woman. She turned, quickly, and lunged for his throat but she stopped just inches from it, groping, as the rest of the body would not move.

"The legs. You think you have control with just the legs. I can still tear this city to pieces."
You will do nothing of the sort. You will give me back my body.
The Shade whined mockingly, "But it is much too fun, Molly-kins."
Fuck you. I'm taking my body-BACK!

Molly stepped away from Gallardo with a sharp, loud scream. She reached her hand above her left shoulder, grabbed the wing, set her feet and she began to yell as she pulled at the wing, tearing it away. Blood sprayed from her flesh as she began to cry loudly, tears flowing down her face as she cried out, "Gallardo, please, help me."
The boy just stood there as his mother dropped to her knees, yanking at the wind. The earth beneath her was torn into a spiderweb-like pattern as she released the wing and slapped her hands to the ground. How had she released such power with such a simple act? She cried out, arching her back as she screamed toward the sky and reached her bloody hands back up and grabbed the wing. She tore at it as Maya called to Isis, "We need a way out. Can you take all of us? The police must be waiting right down the street."
"I can do it. But it will be all I can do for a few days." Isis replied and she grabbed Nate's arm and began to pull him away, back toward the building. "Come, on, everyone come this way." She said in regard to Alexis and Sam, "Come on guys." She looked toward Cameron and yelled, "Hey, kid, if you don't wanna get picked up by the cops and have to explain this then grab the girl on the ground and come with us."
As the kid did so and Maya began to step away from Molly and Gallardo, the woman yelled, "You can't have control of me!" and she finally ripped the wing away. Finally, Gallardo moved and ran to his mother. It was much easier for the two of them to rip the wing away. Weak, bloody, the once-dead woman turned to hug her son but when Maya called she said, "We'll have time for this later. Come on." She and Gallardo followed the others as they moved into the darkness of the store. Molly softly said, "Let's go to Marsielle, Isis. Can you take us that far? We need to be with Jean so that we may be masked."
"Will do," Isis said and they were gone.

*Continues in Marsielle with a one day time skip to catch up with the rest of the game. The characters should be resting and asking questions of Molly, Maya and Isis. I'll get the information in for Jean in a little while. He is a Masker, an Aura that can Mask users.*


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Jam just couldn't believe what he was seeing. He probably should have been able to after the things that he'd seen but he was having a hard time with this one. This was a man that had seen other men have their eyeballs destroyed with blowtorches. He'd seen men have their brains blown clear out with shotgun blasts and he's seen SUVs shot up with machine gun fire until blood literally poured out when the doors were opened. Those things, though horrible, paled in comparison to these events. It was true that in time you simply turn your head, understanding that the carnage and violence is part of "the business". You simply become desensitized and you keep on moving. To dwell on these things would create the inability to harm those that cross you, that step too heavily on your turf, that simply don't understand what's "real". A few dead bodies in a ditch and women missing their fingernails and eyelids dropped off on some thug's front porch can make all misunderstandings fade into the ether.
This was much more potent than any of those things. There was a man dead now-not just any man-but one like them. One who hadn't blown himself up in order to save others, one who hadn't gone out in a blaze of glory. This was a man that had been slaughtered in the most gruesome of ways and then drained of his blood just the same as any other that who fall to a Shade. This made Jam feel as if they were no more protected than the people out there, terrified, living amidst chaos.
An SUV had been rammed down the Shade's throat; and that was a good thing. It appeared that the mystery driver was August. She was no longer in the SUV and this made things a little more interesting. Her progression was impressive; as somehow, she'd learned to teleport in the last few hours or so. She was going to be very difficult to get rid of. He couldn't lock her in the fifth dimension because she would be more powerful there. Whenever he returned, even for that short time that it took to move through, she could attack and kill him. He would have to kill the woman or wait for Shades to kill her. August and Charles were going to be his problems. And though Daniella was a pansy, that wolf wasn't going to let him kill her. He'd be damned to trap the wolf in the fifth-dimension. That was probably where it went to rest when it had been hurt badly. He needed a quick way to become more powerful, to kill them all.
He still needed to be Johnny-good-doer for now. It was a pain in his brain.
So when Daniella ran by him, yelling for Teal, he grabbed her and found that she'd moved quite fast and the two spun to the ground.
August needed to make sure that the thing was dead once and for all. It didn't seem like an SUV would kill it and the other weren't doing any kind of fighting for some time.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Marseille, France

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*Synopsis-After Molly's encounter with the Shade Ji'Ghar Isis was able to use her remaining power to teleport the group to her room in a mansion in Marseille, France. This is the home of Jean, a Masker whose only goal is to give Auras and Edges a place to escape to when they need not be found by Shades looking for pressure signatures. This is a little bit like a hotel for the characters while they rest up. More will be explained in bits as the events move on. This first conversation between Molly and Gallardo will explain a lot about the story at hand. Thank you.

The winding streets of France seemed to be the perfect place for Molly to drive because she loved it so much. This, along with many other things, was something that Gallardo was just learning about his mother. She looked to be nearly the same age as him in fact and he was shocked to learn that she damn near was. There were so many questions and they came in torrents-he never could remember all of them. He'd attempted to write them all down after things calmed down but each time he grabbed a pencil or pen he'd found that he was at a loss for words. He did like riding with his mother, the two relaxing in a convertible Porsche 911, the wind in their hair. when he asked her of their time away she said, "I thought that would have been simple for you to figure out. I didn't want to alarm you or your sisters with my agelessness."
"Where are they?"
"I called them. They understand as much as they can and as soon as Isis is better she will go for them."
"Why don't we just go get them?"
"Because the backseats of a Porsche are useless-" Molly said and thought silently before saying, "But we can switch to the Renault Clio..." She pulled her cellphone from her picket awkwardly and then pressed and held three. She placed the phone to her ear and when the person receiving the call answered Molly said, "Isis, don't worry about the girls. Gallardo and I will drive to Paris to get them. Yes, yes, I know. We'll get the Clio Sport. It will be fine. Okay. No, it won't take very long. Alright, see you later. Bye."
When Molly hung up the phone Gallardo asked, "So what are we?"
"I don't know." Molly said with a sickened chuckle. I get sick every time someone asks me that because I fear that I will never know the answer. We've been at this for thirty years now and I don't know what to tell you. One day things were normal; your father and I had just married and we were happy. It was hard, but we were very happy with one another. All we talked of was growing old together and watching our grandchildren while our kids would sneak off to have dates and whatnot. It was a wonderful thought. But that all changed when I was attacked by a Shade in Nantucket. It was a terrifying experience but my body went nuts and I was saved. i didn't know what was happening-I was terrified. Being terrified, though it can make us stronger, pales in comparison to control. Shades want you when you're scared, when you're dying, but not when you're in control. They are just as scared of us when we have control and we are well trained."
"Your father thought it best to move along with our lives, to tell no one-lest think we were crazy and lock us both up. Then, the Shades were always sealed in human hosts and they became easier and easier to dispatch. I could sense them when they first entered our world and I could go after them before they became to powerful for me to handle. They came one by one. What we believe is that they need to gather mass amounts of energy to tear into our dimension, in order to absorb our fears. For each on that we don't destroy-two return. They're cautious, though the Shades that we take on are stupid. We believe that they are commanded by intelligent leaders. Caution suggests intelligent control. I met Delilah in New Brunswick. She was nearly eighty then and she still seems so. She is a Clairvoyant and she can see Shades before I can feel them so I can be there, so that I can wait. Over time, as she would see the releases of other Auras and Edges she would ask me to go for them, to protect them and to help them understand."
"To understand what you could hardly understand?" Gallardo asked.
"A little understanding is better than none..." Molly said, shifted into a lower gear and accelerated.

The setting changes from Marseille, France to Paris, France


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A span of destruction unlike any she'd ever seen, Daniella was unable to take in all around her, unable to comprehend with the power of this one Shade. None had been this powerful so far and it took the lot of them to score meaningful blows. An impressive flurry of attacks from Teal was abruptly ceased when the Shade showed its true strength. With a sword driven into the man's side the Shade became insurmountably more powerful and has his way with the young man as if he was a rag doll. days of fighting with little rest left the group unable to defend the onslaught. With body thrown against the grass, a blade was ran through the man, his body pinned and the blade dug into his flesh. His screaming stopped when the blade entered his neck. Daniella screamed for the man. She hardly knew him but he was a human, he was one of them. Choked, drained of blood, siphoned for fear, Teal was only a husk of his former self.
An August's entrance had come just a little too late. Daniella screamed and ran for the man, though she understood that he was dead. What was she going to do for him? She couldn't even summon the arc wolf and the creature was saying little, understanding that his words would not stop her. Rollo did though. Even though she'd have believed that he was a bad man, one who would turn his back on them, her idea of him changed when he intercepted her with a powerful arm. She almost charged right past him but he took her to the ground and said, "Daniella, Danny, stop. You're crazy right now. I know it hurts but there is nothing that you can do. Stop this."
Daniella screamed, "No, let me go!"
"I will not," Rollo yelled, holding fast to her. "Let August deal with this now. We have no other choice."
Daniella, finally calming, still in Rollo's arms, looked toward August as she walked away from them, nearing the SUV.


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#, as written by guru101
Alasdair watched in horror as Teal was beaten to a bloody pulp. Alex didn't know the man very well but he didn't deserve this, no man that wanted to be a hero deserved this. He tried desperately to throw the monster off with water or damage it enough to make it stop but to no avail, he was getting weaker with every attack he attempted. Finally the monster finished off Teal with a finishing thrust that seemed to drain the man of all vitality and life transferring it over to the shade, healing it. "When did they learn to do that?"Alasdair ask despairingly to no one in particular. This wasn't good at all, everyone was tired from two consecutive fights and the monster was now completely fresh and ready to go again.

Out of no where like a two tone wrecking ball sent from heaven a suv slammed into the shade knocking it into a tree and away from what remained of Teal. August appeared out of thin air beside him and Edana a split second later. Alasdair looked at her in confusion before regaining his composure."I thought you didn't care what happened to us?" he asked her with a sad smile on his face as she slowly approached the Suv. She was their only hope now; he could maybe put out a few more attacks to help her but he was at his limit.


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August looked back toward Alasdair and smiled as she said, "I had a change of heart. I can't just leave you guys to your own faculties. We're friends now."
She looked back toward the SUV as the entire vehicle shifted. Glass fell away and metal cringed as the wheels buckled and the SUV was simply pushed away by the Shade. It even had a new arm. August asked, "What the fuck?" as the Shade roared, the side of the SUV next to it buckling inward. "You can't do this on your," Edana mumbled.
"Sure I can..." August said.
"The last one beat the fuck out of you... Alasdair said.
"I know that..."
"And that thing just killed Teal," Rollo said from where he held Daniella down.
"I know that..."
"And if we fight then we will see even more die today," Edana finished.
"I fucking know that..." August said quietly. The Shade was preparing itself now, cracking bones back into place, standing in the moonlight as the flesh it lost filled in the gaps. How was August going to destroy this thing if the others endured such hardship. They'd lost one, the others were beat to hell and Daniella couldn't summon the arc wolf. August obtained a burst of calm from her journey to New Zealand but the idea of having replenished such strength to defeat this Shade was beyond her. It was true; she was terrified. The Shade opened its arms, spread them wide, appeared to take in deep breaths. The oily black mist that the Shades were named after began to writhe upon the creature and snake-like apparitions began to tear away from the creature, snapping at the air. The Shade's straight mouth curled into a smile.
August took a step back and said, "What the hell is he doing...?"
From behind the group the elderly woman yelled, "He's eating your fear. If you fear him he will be more powerful. You must do away with your fear."
"Who's the bag?" Rollo asked after looking back like the others.
"The woman that brought us to save you..." Slegger yelled from next to her.
"I guess she's not such an old bag then," Rollo said.
"I'm going," August said. As the others called to her to stop she took a quick step forward and disappeared. She appeared in front of the Shade and shoved both of her hands against its stomach. She was blown away just as the Shade was and it crashed into the tree behind it. August came to a smooth stop in the grass. The Shade seemed to be confused as it tore itself away from the tree bark and stared at August. It created its sword and exploded away from the tree, its strength cracking the Oak. it met August head-on and the woman stood her ground, intercepting the blade with the palm of her left hand. "I'm not afraid of you," she barked before slamming her fist into the Shade's chin. The monster stumbled back and August released another blast with both of her hands without touching the monster. The Shade slammed into the tree again and with this crack the tree splintered and began to come down toward August. A blast of energy tore away from her hands as she raised them and was hurled backward, out of the path of the falling tree. The Shade opened its mouth and released a writhing black beam of energy and it slammed into August's waiting hands. The Shade raised its head and the beam craved into the tree and it exploded. The tree simply turned into wooden debris and the Shade exploded from it but before it could even reach August it simply stopped charging. It came to a sliding stop, looked about as if it were being talked to. It made a quiet noise of understanding and turned, slashing a rip open with its blade and stepping through. August screamed and fired a wave of energy but the rip sealed and the energy traveled beyond before exploding against a tree, destroying it.
"No!" August yelled. "No," she screamed against and fell to her knees, "No, fuck you! I could have killed you!"
Chip ran past the others and went to August, taking a knee next to her. "Hush, baby girl, hush. Calm down."
"We've got to go," Delilah called. "The police will be here in no time. We've made too much noise. If we don't go now then you'll have to fight your way out against men. Let's go."
"It's not fair!" August yelled.
As the others turned away Alasdair yelled, "Come on August, let's go!"
Delilah watched as Rollo and Daniella ran past her and the sirens in the background became louder. "We've got to go, now!"
"Goddamn it, August," Chip said but the woman broke away from his grasp and stepped away from him. "Don't," he said quietly. She smiled but her eyes wept and she was simply gone again. "Fuck," he said as Edana called for him. He reluctantly turned away and followed after the others as Delilah looked back at the garden once more and ran after them. As they all filed into the SUV and the Bentley the woman called to Chip, "Just follow me."
"We have to get Connie and Charles."
"We can take another car from my home to go get them but as of now we have to get out of here..."
"Fine," Chip said, got in the SUV and started the vehicle. He slammed his hand against the steering wheel and followed the old woman. "What now," he asked angrily.

The setting changes from Paris, France to Tokyo Tower


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#, as written by Vain
They saw the cries before they saw the flood of people running from Shiba park. Adrian could only decipher bits and pieces of the screams and warning and apparently there was some kind of creature made of shadows attacking someone in the park. It was just a hunch, but Adrian had a feeling that it had something to do with the strange man that Yuko fought in the Harajuku station. By the fact that Yuko was already running ahead of Adrian and materializing her sword, Adrian new that she had drawn the same connection. He tried to call for her, but she was already moving much faster than he could keep up.

Yuko ran as fast as her sore feet would carry her. She couldn't let what happened in the subway station happen at Tokyo Tower. What she saw at Shiba park though was a nightmare on a whole other level than what she'd faced only hours before. It stood a broken remnant of a man. Its body was stretched out like that guy from the Fantastic Four comics. As it sensed Yuko near it removed its blackened and bloodied claws from the girl that had been its first victim. He paled corpse flopped to the ground and her eyes stared blankly into the afternoon sky; the light stolen from them and sucked into the lifeless orbs of this Thing. Yes, thing, that was the only way Yuko could think to describe it. Not waiting for it to move, Yuko launched into her attack, lunging forward and swinging her sword down from over her head, but this creature was astonishingly fast and it leaped backwards as her blade smashed into the concrete where the creature once stood. It's mouth curled in a twist smile as if mocking her; challenging her, daring her to face it. Somehow she seemed to see its abyssal eyes dance with laughter. Suddenly it released a blood curdling screech that made the hair stand up on the back of her neck and without warning Yuko was blown from her feet as an unseen blast of energy hurled her backward across shiba park. Unfortuantely, Yuko's flight was broken by a wooden park bench as she crashed into. Wood went flying in all directions and the bench moaned and cracked under her weight and that of the feather-like zweihander as it gave way and she fell on top of its ruins.

He body felt sore all over and she seemed to take the impact harder than she had in the station. She was still weakened from her earlier fight and hadn't had enough time to recover. Before Yuko could pull herself together the creature was on her, materializing a large black blade of its own. It struck down at her and she didn't have the strength to raise her sword in time. Then suddenly Adrian was there in front of her, arms out in a defensive manner.

"Back off!" he shouted at the creature and Yuko was astonished at why he would even think that would work. What happened next came as a surprise to both of them. His voice shot through octaves as if run through the worlds largest amplifier. The ground began to shake around them and suddenly the concrete in front of them ripped apart as the sound waves traveled away from them. Then as if by moved by a giant the creature was stopped mid strike and tossed into the air like a rag-doll; tumbling head over heel and slamming into the base of Tokyo Tower in the center of Shiba park. "Sugoi (wow)," was all Yuko could say.

The setting changes from Tokyo Tower to Paris, France


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*I'm posting the next section of story. daathkil has to work a double at work today. Rollo, Daniella, and Sleggar are in the car with Delilah. Alasdair and Edana are in the car with Chip.*

The woman was driving fast and Chip was keeping up well. The quick escape from Jardin du Luxembourg was an effortless venture compared to the events of the last few hours.
The sirens were slowly bleeding into the distance when Daniella leaned forward from the backseat and asked, "Okay, what the hell was that all about? Where the hell did the Shade go and why is August teleporting now?"
Delilah smirked and said, "All that I can say of August is that her abilities are expansive beyond any I have seen. The best way to explain it is to say that if you punched her in the stomach today you would never land the same blow...ever. One day...with enough experience, she will be invincible."
"Figuratively, right?" Rollo asked, sitting next to Delilah.
"No. Literally. If that woman is aloud to progress unchecked she will literally be untouchable. I felt her pressure above all of yours in the first conflict. I felt her in New York. And she is four times as powerful now."
"Jesus," Rollo whispered.
"She's only had three fights..." Sleggar said, awestricken. "But what of the Shades.
Delilah, though occupied with driving said, "The Shade always do that when they've absorbed enough energy. I can't explain it to you scientifically because it is probably not possible. What I can say is; they transfer fear into a useful form of energy. The same as our bodies convert nutrients into that which we need to be sustained, they can transfer fear as such. They absorb it with their bodies and they take it back to wherever they come from. The black tendrils and mist are a representation of the fear they're consuming."
"For each that escapes with enough fear, two more return in time. At first we would encounter one or two Shades over three years or so. For each that we would let get away two more would come. We believed that the one we'd encountered was simply bringing a partner-until we noticed their eyes..."
"What about their eyes," Rollo asked.
Delilah shook her head and said, "Their eyes are always different and that is how we can differentiate one from another. We still haven't seen some of the first Shades we ever encountered that got away. With the amount of fluctuations I've felt and with the visions that I've seen I can gather that twelve of them will be present during the next wave."
"So with the escape of the one we just battled there are six that have gotten away in this wave?"
"No," Delilah said solemnly.
"But you just said that two return for each one that escapes." Sleggar commented.
"Very true," Delilah said, "I did say that. But I also said that we haven't seen any of the original Shades that escaped."
"What does that mean," Daniella asked.
"Fuck-" was all that Rollo said before he slapped his hand to his forehead.
"What," Sleggar asked.
"That means that ten Shades will be coming to take over bodies like we've seen so far," Rollo said exasperatedly.
"That's very true," Delilah said.
"What of the other two," Daniella asked. "What a minute-you're not saying that the other two will just be Shades?"
"That's exactly what she's saying," Sleggar said and slammed his fist against his knee. "Will they be more powerful?"
"Not only that," Delilah said, "but they will have stronger constitution and be leagues more intelligent. Not only will they be more powerful but they will utilize that strength more efficiently. They will be more devious as well and they will calculate more proficiently and understand your abilities all the better."
"How," Daniella asked.
"They are ingesting knowledge from each trip and evolving. That is what lads me to believe that they had a hard time getting here in the first place," Delilah said.
"With their ability to open tears in the fabric of space just the same as my blade does, it would seem to take great masses of strength." Rollo added.
"Yes," Delilah said, "but they are not naturally suited to do it. It is something that they have learned over time. Thus, evolution. Each time they do it they expend so much force that they may become inactive, which is why we never see the Shades that escape. Every time I have read the energy of a Shade that has opened a tear I only gather minute traces of their former strength."
"Logically," she said, rolling her eyes, "if we were seeing yearly gaps between Shades appearing on earth then that would suggest that it takes a lot of time to build the strength needed for Shades to tear open these fissures. Only certain Shades can do it. They open the fissures but have not the strength to pass through and fight. They'd die without taking back any energy to feed to the other Shades. They can only send a certain number that have learned to open fissures. Without any of them to stay behind to open the tears; there would be no telling how long it could take for one to learn how to do it again. We have seen three of them escape through one fissure after congregation. They are unstoppable in these configurations but only one opens the fissure. We've killed one of these Shades during a congregation and the other Shades present simply fight to the death with no way of escaping."
"That means some big bad ass Shades-perhaps the first two to ever escape-have been munching on all of the fear energy that the peons are taking back with them," Rollo said with a heavy sigh. "And they're coming for us now..."
For clarification, Daniella said, "What we're proposing is that one big guy opens a tear from their dimension and lets a couple through. One of those Shades makes it back and feeds two more for the next trip. The rest of the sustenance he has he drops off with the Shade that let him through in the first place. The new group of two comes, they inhabit bodies, kill them off, collect fear and take it back. Now they get to rest from the journey and they both feed two of their own, dropping off their reserves to the big daddy that opened the first tear in the first place."
"Yes," Delilah answered, "though it is all conjecture and the best scenarios based on a logical explanation. I can't be sure of any of this. I may be wrong..."
"If you have felt their energy to aid in corroborating your hypothesis then we can't go against it..." Sleggar said with a sigh. "I feel like I'm in a Star Trek convention with you guys..."
"Shit up," Daniella said to Sleggar and then, as Delilah turned into a drive way she asked, "Where are we going?"
"My home. There is a man here who can mask your energy. He's my best friend-name's Harrison." Delilah said as she drove down a long driveway.
When a mansion came into view Rollo said, "We're staying here..."
"There are four of these houses in the world. There is one here, one in Marseille, one in Germany and the last in Peru. We move to them as we need to and each one has a Masker like Harrison. The Marseille facility and the funds providing it will be relocated to Nevada next year and the Auras and Edges living their will become the United States group."
"So now we're the fucking X-men," Sleggar barked.
"Shut up," Daniella said.
Delilah brought the car to a stop and said, "I must speak with Chip. All of you go pick a room in the manor... We will all need to talk later."
"Alright Charles..." Sleggar said as he got out of the Bentley.
"Shut up!" Daniella barked.
As Delilah walked away to speak with Chip Daniella called to her and asked, "How will August find us?"
Without turning around Delilah said, "I don't know, child. I have no idea..."


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Jam was sitting on the edge of the bed in the room that he'd chosen for his own. He needed a shower very badly but he had no clothes. He wondered how an operation this large was being paid for without the governments of the world becoming privy to its existence. Their must have been some officials that either had powers or were the parents of people with powers. With the breadth of powers it was not unlikely that mind control or memory manipulation was being used. Hell; a simple Jedi mind trick could be forced upon someone who would cough up a million bucks for their efforts. They were fighting against the Shades but no one said they were all pinnacles of morality. One of them very well could be supplying the operation with money by stealing it. How did you furnish a manor like this without anyone noticing? When someone like Rollo needed clothing did a butler go and fetch his groovy threads. Oh no, it would be like high school again. He would have an allowance.
This was the end of his normal life. He may very well have put the others in danger if he did something as stupid as call his father. He could always just go see him. He still had his bedroom to return to at any time. That was exactly what he did. He stood up, formed his blade and before he knew it, he was away from France and all of the way back in Miami. His room was just as he'd left it; pristine, sparsely furnished, calm. He fetched clothing and quickly went for a shower. He couldn't stand the smell, the blood, the dirt. The warm water stung his cuts and scrapes and he was happy that there was always so much commotion at his home and that his room was so far away from all of the others because no one would even know that he was there.
the shower was refreshing but not as much as he'd wished. His head was still spinning, coping, attempting to process so much. Extra-Dimensional beings that could eat fear for food? Beings that could stab you with their claws and their swords and heal themselves from your very own blood? And that damned August! Infinitely expansive? The only way that he could do away with August was to make himself more powerful. He couldn't just train himself again another swordsman. That would never work. She would train herself as well. She battled one Shade, disappeared for nearly an hour and returned from God knows where with reserves of power that made his entirety of strength appear miniscule, frail, worthless. If he couldn't do away with August then he would be doomed to being one of the "good guys" and that wasn't going to work for him. If he was going to have powers then he was going to have everything he ever wanted and more.
He looked down at his feet to watch a swirl of red water pouring into the drain. There would be a lot more blood in his future. He just had to wait.


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Sleggar stood in the shower while the water ran, it felt nice to finally relax. He couldn't help but feel he was just a burden as he looked at his stomach. The scars from the claws had already formed. Those things were natural killers, they fed on fear. Sleggar was a cop that like Doritos and Xbox. He doubled over and hurled. "aw fuck." He grumbled wiping his mouth. It was a combination of guilt and stress that made him ill. Maybe it had to do with his lack of sleep as well.Β 
He had dressed himself and gone outside. He marveled at the nice yard the old bitch had. He pulled out his last cigarette and lit it. He looked at it before he did anything. He felt sick again but fuck it he could die tomorrow if those things came after him. He took a drag of it and exhaled. His head got light and he felt dizzy. "Get out of my head Charles!" He shouted. He dropped to his knees and hurled again. He wiped his mouth and looked at the cigarette again. "Sometimes I really think your trying to kill me."
"I would never do that Sleggar." He pretended the cigarette told him by waving it back and forth and faking a cartoon accent. "I trust you buddy, hell sometimes I think your the only one I can." he confided in the thing.Β 
Sleggar sat down Indian style on the ground and took another drag of the cigarette finishing his share of it. He threw it down and put it out with his hand pretending that it screamed. He chuckled to himself. His arm had been burning ever since they had arrived here. He gripped it. "Yeah I get it but what can I do?" he said remembering that Teal kid. He got massacred, it was his own fault and to Sleggar it just felt like another case. The only difference was how much longer would it be before he was on the receiving end of that. He whistled the X-men cartoon theme, sitting in the grass lost in thought.Β 


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It was all so much, Teal was ripped apart horrendously and the monster just continuously pushed away their attacks as if they were nothing. In the end she could only clap her hands over her mouth and watch with wide, watery eyes as he was bled like a pig. True she didn’t know this man, none of them really did but that didn’t change the fact he was still a human being. She’d seen the two people destroyed when the shades were released from them but this was different. It seemed they’d lost the fight when August suddenly came roaring in with a damn vehicle to slam into the monster. Edie could only stare at her stunned, she’d came back but at the same time if she would have been there in the first place then this probably wouldn’t have happened.

August and the shade fought with one another until it fled and they were soon ushered once again into cars. Chip was frustrated, as all of them were and posed the question what now, but she had no answer and no sarcastic come back this time. Merely watching the view outside the window, she kept silent until they pulled up to a huge mansion and soon shuffled tiredly inside. Edie kept close to her brother, holding onto his arm the entire time, only parting from him when she left to go shower and clean her wounds.

Standing in the hot, steaming water blankly for just a few minutes, she then inhaled deeply to keep herself from crying. The image of that poor man being ripped to shreds would never leave her and be damned if that would happen to anyone else. It scared her, yes it terrified her but it also braced her with a rock hard determination that no one else would come to a fate like that. If August couldn’t deal with it, if she had to keep running away and leaving them to flounder with their apparently inept abilities compared to hers then Edana would do her damn best to keep everyone else safe. Sighing deeply, she cleaned off the muck of battle and made sure the cuts and scrapes on her body were disinfected before she got out and put the extra clothes provided for her on and waited for her brother in a sitting room downstairs.


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#, as written by guru101
Alasdair sat on his bed wrapped only in a towel. He had taken a long hot shower to try and rid himself of the stench of blood, dirt, and sweat that had plagued him for the past hours. He walked into his bathroom and examined his face. The cut he had received from the first shade was already a bright red scar of puckered flesh that ran down his cheek from his temple across the right side of his jaw line. It wasn't pretty but he would live. He laid back down on his bed and closed his eyes to think about everything that had been going on. Everyone thought they had a little piece of the puzzle figured out, and not but a few hours later some woman comes barging in telling them all kinds of facts about shades and dimensional rips. Despite being bombarded with tones of information and being dragged around like he was a puppet Alasdair was still a bit relieved that they knew more about their enemy. They had even found someone that seemed to know what they were doing which was a god send to say the least.

Alasdair's relief lasted only a few moments before it was wiped away by the memory of Teal. The poor son of a bitch didn't deserve that, no one did. It tortured Alex that he couldn't save the kid. Alasdair knew that it was impossible to save everyone but it still hurt him because he knew that if he had been stronger then Teal wouldn't have died. Alasdair sat up in his bed and took a deep breath holding it in until he couldn't stand it any longer then releasing it in a great gust calming himself down. Alex knew what he needed to do, he needed to train. He couldn't gain miraculous control over his powers in a few hours like August could and he would sure as hell not let anyone around him die like that again... not on his watch. So the solution was to train and train hard to master these powers that had been given to him.

Alex put on the clothes that had been given to him and left his room heading for outside. He stopped when he noticed Edana in the sitting room waiting. "Hey sis want to train?" he asked with what smile he could manage. She smiled at him in response " Why the hell not." she said somberly. They walked outside Alasdair stretching his limbs trying to absorb the rays of the sun. Perfect weather to practice in, now he just had to find water hose.


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Chip was walking behind Delilah as she led him along the grounds of her manor. Her arms were crossed behind her back as she walked slowly, Chip trailing along behind her, unable to find a place to put his hands. Delilah cleared her throat and said, "You know, I've been doing this for a long time and I'm tired. I wish I could just...die. I've watched my friends and family die. I already had grandchildren when I obtained my powers and now my grandchildren have children. Hell, some of the have grandchildren. You don't see when you're eighty that another thirty years will allow you to see the death of you children and theirs. I have not only seen the wars of my youth but I have seen that of yours and I will see beyond. i am just tired. i do not have it in me to throw myself to the Shades to be devoured. But I just want reprieve..."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you're about to watch the world change, Chip. Because you are not like the others and you need to know what you're getting in to." Delilah said and stopped walking.
They were both silent for some time until Chip said, "You're asking me to go back to the United States and get along with my life."
"I am," Delilah said, "Because this is a long train ride you're about to get on and there is no getting off in Bangkok."
"I don't want to get off. I want to be here for August. August doesn't really have much aside from myself and Charles and she needs all of the help that she can get. She is distraught and she will be lonely and some familiarity will do her some good. I don't even know where my niece is right now and that frightens me. This is a whole mess this entire world is in and even though I don't have powers I don't exactly feel comfortable just running off and hiding."
"Your guns will do nothing, Delilah said.
"I'll manage. I have gotten this far. And I think Connie will feel the same way. Charles has taken a liking to her and he is not the easiest to care for; powers or not."
"Good," Delilah said and walked off past Chip.
Chip, infuriated, turned and yelled, "So what the hell was that all about if you were just going to say 'good'?"
"I just wanted to make sure that August had all that she needed from her family. She is not like the others, you know? She is going to have a hard time with her life ahead."
"Yeah, I know," Chip said as Delilah walked away.

*This is the mansion face for reference. Training can be done in the courtyard out back. I know it's a tad bit cliche but it's an inescapable portion of our character's lives now.*


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On her hands and knees, Daniella was pounding against the dirt. Tears were running down her face, as she didn't understand why she couldn't get the arc wolf to release from her.
Wolfy, why won't you come?
You are not in danger. You have no use for me.
But how will I become more powerful if you will not come?
Why do you need power? What is it that you worry for?
I worry for my friends and for this world. I need your help, Wolfy.
How do you intend to become more powerful? What is it that you would have of me?
Daniella screamed before beating her fists against the grass. i just want you to come. Come now!
The wolf did not respond. Daniella fell against the earth, her tear-sodden face in the dirt. "Why won't you just help me? I can't do this... I just can't fight if you don't help me. I don't want to be protected. I want to destroy our enemies. But I can't do this by myself."
Daniella lifted her face from the dirt, clearing her tears from her face. She took a deep, saddened breath and shook her head solemnly. "What am I to do when all I can be is protected? How am I supposed to do what is right when I can't even defend the people I am growing to care about?"
Her tear shedding complete, Daniella slowly got to her feet. Rolling sorrowfully in the dirt squandered her fresh shower and clean clothes. Of course, her clothes hadn't fit all that well in the first place. Daniella was surprised to find just how much stuff Delilah kept about. It seemed that it was important to keep assorted clothing around in all shapes, encompassing a myriad sizes and styles but Daniella was slender in the waist, large in the the hips and though she was not as busty as she'd wished to be, her bosom was sufficient enough. Shirts were easy but finding pants that fit well had always been a challenge. At least puffy sweat pants would be comfortable until she had other ensemble choices. She turned and looked up toward the manor. This would be her home for a while and she'd better grow accustom to it.
Looking toward the house she said, "The power to protect-"
You can be just as powerful as any other when you fight for something, in the name of someone...
But I want to be like August...
August is all rage and confusion, little one. You will not be like her. Your strength comes from finding that line between chaos and control; and harnessing that perfection...
Perfection, hunh, Wolfy? I think I can do that. But I need you to help me.
I will do what I can little one. But you must learn to do what is needed.
"If only I knew what that was," Daniella said before returning to her room.


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Daniella was once again on her hands and knees. This time she was posted on carpet at least-but her bottom was tooted up in the air. On the occasion she was shift her hips, looking beneath a chair in Delilah's personal library. This was where they were all to meet but Harrison Chambers, the resident physician and Masker had lost his contact. Daniella, with respect for her elders, dropped quickly to search for it. But Harrison had a great view of the woman looking for his contacts because both of them were in his eyes.
When Delilah walked into the study, Edana and Alasdair in her company, she stopped, shook her head and said, "Harrison, why?"
Daniella raised up so fast she bumped her head on the edge of the chair in front of her. As she rubbed her bruise, Harrison, looking abash, said, "I didn't think she would actually look for it. You know, Molly fell for the same trick years ago..."
"Trick?" Daniella said, still confused.
"You're very smart, dear, but common sense is not your strong suit," Delilah said before making hand motions for Daniella to remove herself from the floor. "He has not lost a contact. He was simply taking a peek at your round little bottom..."
"It's not little," Alasdair mumbled, causing Edana to shove an elbow against his arm.
Daniella got up, her hands covering her buttocks as she sat in the chair across from Harrison. "It was all good fun, my love."
"Wait," Edana said, "Contacts? Why does he wear contacts. I though we were supposed to be perfect?"
"We are," Delilah said, "but his eyes were bad before he obtained his powers..."
"That clears a lot up," Rollo said as he excused himself past the jam-up at the door. He went straight to the bookcases and began prying around.
Delilah sarcastically said, "Go on, feel free to get all of your hands all over my first editions..."
"I washed them," Rollo said without looking away. "If I pull the wrong one will the case revolve around to show me a medieval torture chamber?"
"No," Harrison said, "but the empty scotch glass with the fake ice in it over there on the bar can be slid forward and show girls pop out of the walls..."
"Really," Daniella asked, looking toward the bar.
"No," Delilah said, "you should have stayed on the floor. Anyway, everyone take a seat or stand...whatever you want to do so that we can get this over with."
Edana moved to take a seat as Chip and Sleggar walked in side-by-side. Alasdair stood by the door as Chip and Sleggar found places to sit; Sleggar on the floor Indian-style and Chip on the arm of the chair Daniella sat in. Delilah moved to the bar, poured herself 100 year old scotch and took a swig before she turned toward the others and rested her buttocks against the edge of the red wood bar. "First of all, this is our home. Harrison and I have had a long working relationship and we have had this manor here to harbor and care for Auras and Edges for some years now. I tell you all when the next wave or attack will be and Harrison shields your powers from the view of the Shades while you strive to make yourselves more powerful. A name you will hear around here a lot is Molly Guidry. She is the most powerful Edge that has ever lived here. She is no longer with us because Harrison cannot mask her pressure."
"If he can't mask her pressure then how is August going to be able to live here?' Edana asked.
Harrison laughed before saying, "August may be impressive but she has a way to go before I am no longer able to mask her. Sometimes, pressure emitted can be controlled and that allows me to mask the rest. You will not only train yourselves to become better suited to your capabilities but you will also learn to mas your pressure so that your enemies cannot grasp the extent of your powers when they initially encounter you. You can in fact mask your own powers and still use them to their full extent. That takes years of training. Molly's problem is that she becomes more and more powerful, almost as if she has no limit, but she has never learned to mask her abilities. If this is an issue with August then I will not be able to keep her here. She will have to leave us..."
"If she ever comes in the first place... She gets to run off when she doesn't like the situation."
"It's not like that-" Delilah said but he was cut off.
"Sure it is! If she had been there in the first place, if she's supposed to be so powerful-then Teal would still be alive." Edana yelled.
"We die," Delilah said, sternly. "We die all of the time. No one but us will know. It happens and you have to deal with it, mourn, and move on because there is no time to harbor those feelings. We die for something much more important than the individual. We fight for something greater. And al that we can do is attempt to prevail. August did nothing wrong. She needed time, just the same as you all do."
"So, Professor X, who pays for this shit..."
"We do..." Delilah said, "in particular, those that can teleport."
"What do you mean?" Edana said, though she seemed to know the answer.
"We steal it," Rollo said.
"What?!" Daniella yelled.
"We steal the money..." Harrison said. "This takes a lot of money to fund-to ensure that none of you must venture back into everyday lives, taking away from your goals as Auras and Edges."
"So we really are the X-Men..." Sleggar whispered. He spoke up when he asked, "Is there a danger room? Where is Cerebro?"
"What?" Delilah asked.
Sleggar waved the woman off as Harrison said, "It is not the lawful thing to do-"
Chip, of all people, added, "-but it has to be done. Steal from the rich, fund the saving of the the world. I can't see any other way for it to be done..."
"Right," Delilah said and then, "The house is your, no violent powers in the house, train outside, front or back, don't kill each other. There are walk-in closets all over the house with garments for you all to pick through. If you need something...or want something more specific then let me know. Now, I'll retire. I haven't had an adventure in some years..."


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The old woman was tired, Daniella looked tired, Chip appeared as if he would fall off of the arm of the chair he'd sat on and all of the others looked equally as tired. It was true: Rollo felt as if his head would explode and he would sleep for days without stirring. The trip to Miami should have waited but he needed a sense of familiarity to help acclimate to his new situation. He had been sick of playing the caring, responsible role when they'd boarded the chopper in New Jersey but he had no idea he would still be traipsing around with these self-righteous bozos. A few of them-well, no-most of them were actually okay. Edana was fiery and Rollo liked that. Daniella was gorgeous but she had some screws missing. Be it that she seemed very intelligent, she had a hard time picking up on sarcasm and jokes. That suggested that she may have been a little too book smart for her own good. Alasdair was a good guy in his book and even Chip was rubbing off on him. The last thing that he needed was to build lasting relationships with these people. They stood in his way. He would not let emotions get in his way. He would not let any of them get in his way.
"What?" he said, looking up into Daniella's gorgeous eyes. "You're just sitting there and everyone else is about to head off to their rooms. Are you alright...?"
"Yeah..." Rollo said, looking around. Daniella was the last one left. So he shrugged and went for it; saying, "You wanna sleep with me? Just once. With these powers and all I figure we can probably go all night without getting tired. Our stamina has got to be off the charts..."


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Daniella was getting to the point where the unexpected was what she expected. It wasn't easy to take in all of this information but at least an aura of calm had befallen the group. The plethora of information gathered would help them all and it was much more desirable than knowing very little. They didn't need to rely on Chip's contacts either. There was only so far that Chip's called-in favors could go. Having a safe place to live and prepare for the events of the future would be favorable but Daniella was wary of the idea of sitting around a huge mansion with little to do aside from train with the others. She supposed she would need to simply grow accustom to this new life. As she got up from the chair after Chip, she noticed that Rollo was staring into space. He probably had a mind full of muddle just the same as all of them did but there was a strange look in his eyes that she didn't favor. "Rollo, what are you doing?" she asked but he said nothing.
She moved closer to him before saying, "Rollo..."
"What?" Rollo asked as he looked into Daniella's eyes. She smiled and said, "You're just sitting there and everyone else is about to head off to their rooms. Are you alright...?"
"Yeah..." Rollo said, looking around. Daniella was the last one left. So he shrugged and went for it; saying, "You wanna sleep with me? Just once. With these powers and all I figure we can probably go all night without getting tired. Our stamina has got to be off the charts..."
"Wow...I've heard almost every line in the book, Rollo. I've even been asked if my feet were tired from running through people's minds all day. I've been instructed to go up one's left leg, take a right turn and have a ball. But....the idea of enormous amounts of stamina being a good reason to have sex with a person I hardly know-wow, that's a new one all together." She began laughing as she walked away and said, "That's funny, Rollo. That's a good one. I'll be sleeping in a room by myself. But I'll leave Wolfy at the door for you if you're feeling froggy. And don't try to swallow him into one of your little rips in the fabric of time and space and what not. He's from the same place..." With that, Daniella left Rollo in the library. It was time for some well deserved rest.

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Add Setting » 21 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


TriBeCa by RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Egpyt (Cairo) by RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert by RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China by RolePlayGateway

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


California by RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

San Diego, California

San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park, San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

"The Crossroads of the World"

"The Crossroads of the World" by RolePlayGateway

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

NYPD 25th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

Paris, France

Paris, France by RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Champ De Mars

Champ De Mars by RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey by RolePlayGateway

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.


France by RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

Marseille, France

Marseille, France by RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es by RolePlayGateway

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand by RolePlayGateway

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Character Portrait: Alasdair (Alex) McCarthy
0 sightings Alasdair (Alex) McCarthy played by guru101
Character Portrait: Xaviar Bolt
0 sightings Xaviar Bolt played by NewKidOnTheBlock
He's just an American teacher, trying to get by...until he found he had a great power. Then, he was REALLY trying to get by, with the government on him and all.
Character Portrait: Teal Victon
1 sightings Teal Victon played by DarknessofaMind

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Aura and Edge. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 22 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: August Rayne Smith
Character Portrait: Gallardo Lucerne Guidry
Character Portrait: Liliam Graham
Character Portrait: Edana McCarthy
Character Portrait: Samuel Chambers
Character Portrait: Alexis Black
Character Portrait: Sleggar Frost
Character Portrait: Cameron Wilkerson
Character Portrait: Chika Nakano
Character Portrait: Daniella Ipatova
Character Portrait: Rollo D. Jameson
Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Character Portrait: Yuko Suzuhara
Character Portrait: James L. Whitefield
Character Portrait: Tobias Nyqvist
Character Portrait: Anezka Djokovic
Character Portrait: Monika Jung
Character Portrait: Olivia Orihime Ryuko


Character Portrait: James L. Whitefield
James L. Whitefield

A successful stockbroker, raised in the heart of London.

Character Portrait: Yuko Suzuhara
Yuko Suzuhara

Yuko - Don't push yourself to hard. I'll protect you.

Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde

Adrian- Even in theory I never dreamed this could happen.


Character Portrait: Alexis Black
Alexis Black

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I fly."

Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde

Adrian- Even in theory I never dreamed this could happen.

Character Portrait: Cameron Wilkerson
Cameron Wilkerson

My fists break stuff, so back off!

Character Portrait: Yuko Suzuhara
Yuko Suzuhara

Yuko - Don't push yourself to hard. I'll protect you.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Yuko Suzuhara
Yuko Suzuhara

Yuko - Don't push yourself to hard. I'll protect you.

Character Portrait: Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde
Adrian Nicholas Darkchylde

Adrian- Even in theory I never dreamed this could happen.

Character Portrait: James L. Whitefield
James L. Whitefield

A successful stockbroker, raised in the heart of London.

View All » Places

New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


TriBeCa by RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Egpyt (Cairo) by RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert by RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China by RolePlayGateway

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


California by RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

San Diego, California

San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park, San Diego, California by RolePlayGateway

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

"The Crossroads of the World"

"The Crossroads of the World" by RolePlayGateway

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

NYPD 25th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

Paris, France

Paris, France by RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Champ De Mars

Champ De Mars by RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey by RolePlayGateway

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.


France by RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

Marseille, France

Marseille, France by RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es by RolePlayGateway

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand by RolePlayGateway

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

Paris, France

France Paris, France Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Eiffel Tower has come down, war has been waged upon the Champ de Mars. It seems that is befitting of such a place...

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Tower Owner: RolePlayGateway

Tokyo Tower-Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo: When it comes down, it comes down hard.

Prague, Czech Republic

This is the home of Charles University. The city is situated on the River Vltava, centered in the Bohemian Basin-but not for long...

Marseille, France

France Marseille, France Owner: RolePlayGateway

Massive earthquakes have shaken this once beautiful city to pieces.

The Avenue des Champs-??lys??es

The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is a prestigious avenue in Paris, France. "The most beautiful Avenue in the world."

Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand

Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 meters (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

Tokyo, Japan

Earth, 2012 A.D. Tokyo, Japan Owner: RolePlayGateway

Tokyo, Japan. Two men were seen fighting with unexplainable powers beneath Tokyo Tower. Things get a little heated when they bring the tower down upon Shiba Park, Minato.

Egpyt (Cairo)

Sahara Desert Egpyt (Cairo) Owner: RolePlayGateway

Cairo, Egpyt. Outside, the desert has been scorched. Some say a simple man landed in the sand and the resulting catastrophe was a result.

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoboken, New Jersey. A Haven for a short time.

New York

Earth, 2012 A.D. New York Owner: RolePlayGateway

New York City, New York. Manhattan to be exact. The city is in an uproar...and it is almost New Years.


New York TriBeCa Owner: RolePlayGateway

TriBeca: Manhattan, New York... Initial reports were of a small girl, perhaps seven years old, being seen hurling a taxi cab into a diner. It didn't make sense....but then, nothing did.

Balboa Park, San Diego, California

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre (490 ha) urban cultural park in San Diego, California. The Park is named after the Spanish maritime explorer Vasco Neunez de Balboa.

Sahara Desert

Earth, 2012 A.D. Sahara Desert Owner: RolePlayGateway

Only miles from Egypt, it is said that a man fell out of the sky ablaze. After his impact, the sand was turned to glass by an eruption of flames.

"The Crossroads of the World"

Times Square... This is where the end of the world begins....

NYPD 25th Precinct

New York NYPD 25th Precinct Owner: RolePlayGateway

August Rayne Smith's home is close by. Her uncle, Chip Smith, is stationed here as a lieutenant. He pulls some strings and as New York goes under, all suspicious parties are brought to him.

San Diego, California

San Diego... How much can be said? This is actually a place that you can save. There are very few times when you have a choice in the matter...

Qinhuangdao-Hebei Province, China

Shanhaiguan is a major cultural site in China. It is one of the major passes of the Great Wall of China.


Earth, 2012 A.D. California Owner: RolePlayGateway

Come on, it's Cali for crying out loud....

Champ De Mars

Paris, France Champ De Mars Owner: RolePlayGateway

War has been waged upon the Champ de Mars... That is fitting for the Field of the God of War...


Earth, 2012 A.D. France Owner: RolePlayGateway

Paris is torn to shreds and Marseille has been ravaged by unexplainable earthquakes. France is a proverbial Warzone...

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