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Children of the Beasts

The Facility


a part of Children of the Beasts, by ReaperGirl4.


ReaperGirl4 holds sovereignty over The Facility, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Facility is a part of Children of the Beasts.

12 Characters Here

Kathleen Baker [88] Assistan reaseacher to the Head of the Harpy project
Jared Trent [86] "If I have to, I will hurt you."
Skyler Carabalo [72] Well damn I'm all alone
Eden [61] Subject 1- Born and raised
Kylar Blint [47] Boom Your dead
Elesh [32] "Hand me the needle, that roll of duct tape and the thread. I can make something out of that."
Joanne Tristell [23] The cat that seemingly hasn't died from curiosity yet.
Pavel Abramov [18] "Sometimes I think they were... created to be killed, you know? All of them humans..."
Kamen Diamonte [6] "Life is short, and one must enjoy it's treasures to the fullest,"

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Character Portrait: Jared Trent
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Jared inhaled deeply as he slipped out of a dazed sort of consciousness and his mind started to make a slight bit more sense. Hazy pictures of what had happened to him after he had woken up in the forest solidified in meaning. He had been carried... There had been another human... and now he was in some hospital, on a bed. He stared up at the elderly man. "Doctor?" He asked uncertainly. The other man seemed like a doctor. But who knew? Deciding that it wouldn't hurt to ask, he continued, "Would you like my diagnosis of my current injuries?"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kathleen Baker Character Portrait: Aello Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Joanne Tristell Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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"Well," the old man said, "Usually I would have some of my assistants help me, but since this matter is quite secret would you like to help me? You look like you could easily pop them back in. Then once we get him stable, I'll get that bullet out for you." He smiled, it just looked like a really deep wrinkle amung the sea of smiling wrinkles.

Jared woke, and began to speak to him. The old man smiled and said, "Welcome back, try not to move, and yes that would be rather helpful."

Kathleen gave Skylar the anethesia, injecting him three small doses around each bullet wound. She looked over at the cat girl, who was smiling at her. It was a small smile, one that said to her "I'm trying to be strong..." She reached out and placed her hand on Joanne's and said, "He will only feel a little pressure and then it will all be over." She smiled at her warmly and then continued to her work. She placed the forcepts in each wound, trying not to dig around too much, and dropped each slug onto a metal pan on the table next to her.
It's amazing how they are controlling themselves so well, and forming relationships though we never imagined they would. All of them are trained killers...but they act like normal teenagers.
The last slug made a thunk on the pan, and she watched in amazement, now that the poisined rounds had been removed, Skylar actually began to slowly heal in front of her. "Thats nifty, how long will that take to finish?"


"You think their gunna be ok?"

She smiled at him in response, "Of course, Kathleen has always taken care of me. I know she feel the same about all of you guys too." She felt a strong sense of pride toawards the Kathleen. She was happy to know her, and love her. She looked over Shane, I'm happy I know you too...
A slight rose formed on her cheeks at the thought, she asked him, "So...what about your family? or is that too painful?" She hoped she wasn't crossing any lines, but she wanted to know more about him. She wanted to know anything about him, everything.


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent
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Jared's eyes slid over to Kylar and his offer of help in slight surprise. When the old man answered his question, he nodded in a small twitch of his head and looked back. He began listing off the wounds clinically, "Right. As you can see, my arms are dislocated and I believe I have a fracture as well on my right arm. My head aches slightly, but not enough to signal anything really important at the moment. I believe it's just sore from an 'old' fracture that has been healed. I don't believe I have any other wounds."


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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The old man nodded and began cutting away at Jared's top. "We will get you something else to wear," he chuckled, his old hands were surpisingly nimble. He looked over at Kylar, "Will you be helping this old man?"


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Kylar shrugged and said, "No" then he walked out of Jareds field of vision winked at the doctor the quickly shoved Jared's left shoulder into the proper place. Then he walked around to Jared's right side and more carefully poped the shoulder back into place. "That must have hurt, don't black out on us now" Kylar said with a concerned look on his face.
(sorry it's so short, I'm on an iPad and its hard to write long things on it.)


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((We're a mile underground xD))


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent
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Jared gave a strangled gasp. "A little warning next time please," he wheezed. His breathing started to calm down after a moment and he let out a sigh of relief as the pain dulled down to a low throb. He was slightly surprised that Kylar had decided to help, but he turned to Kylar and responded good-naturedly. "I'll try not to faint," he said half-jokingly. "And thanks."


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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The old man then proceded to examine Jareds arm. He carefully set it, causing Jared almost no pain in the process.The old man semmed 50 years younger as he worked, his hands never once shaking. He splinted the arm in no time, cleaned his cuts, and wrapped his head in no time. "I am going to get you some medication, I will be back." He turned to Kylar once more, "If you change your mind about that bullet, a souvenir like that looks a whole lot better on a chain..." He smiled and turned towards a door on the other side of the room. His age catches up again as he grabs his cane and starts creeps across the room.


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent
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Jared nodded in acknowledgement of the old man's words. Feeling slightly lethargic, he settled back and turned his eyes to examining his surroundings and Kylar. He saw the wounded knee and heard the old man's words about it and felt slightly worried. Right, that was when I shot him... I hope he's all right... He gave a soft sigh and decided to look around. There was nothing that could be helped by worrying and there was a doctor there anyways.

[I'm going to go now. Good night. :D And I'm feeling a bit sick so if I'm gone for a few days... yeah. Hopefully it'll be fixed by sleeping but if not, just to let you guys know.]


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((We will just have Kylar beat you up again :P jkjk maybe some meds))


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kathleen Baker Character Portrait: Aello Character Portrait: Eden Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Elesh Character Portrait: Krein Sylvers Character Portrait: Pavel Abramov Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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((OOC: I'm going to disappear now, and I'll be gone after this. If you want to know why I'm gone, go to the OOC page and go to page 7. See you in the summer!))

Joanne dropped her satchel on the floor as she sensed something. She picked up a word. A word spoken from a far away voice.


At that moment, Joanne's eyes went from a dark brown to a very dull black. She had no full control of her body. Her curiosity increased tenfold. Every new thing in her eyesight piled questions in her brain, but since she saw the room before, there was no effect. Then she twirled around and saw the elevator. She had never seen the door. She groggily walked towards it, and entered the small box. She pressed every button on the panel, and got out as soon as the doors opened, which was the ground floor. She walked through corridors before exiting the front entrance. Since her ears and tail were hidden, people around simply thought she was drunk. As she reached the middle of the square, adjacent the hospital, Joanne picked the word up again.


Her eyes returned to their dark brown and her head cleared. She looked around. How did I get outside?
Then someone grabbed her from behind. She struggled to break free, only to be apprehended by more men. Several men were now trying to pin her down. She managed to look behind her. Guards! Sh*t! She looked further past the men and into the dark. A middle-aged researcher with dark brown hair mixed with white stood a small distance away, holding a wrench. The feline recognizes his face. Oh no.... At least I know who said that word! But.... Anyone but him! Finally, she was on the ground, and the scientist walked right up to her.

"Joanne. My little doll. Why did you run away? You're going to need to be punished, my dear. And no, we aren't going back to the Facility." The researcher signaled the guards to let her go, but as soon as they did, he grabbed her shirt.
"Now go find the others. They're definitely here." The men then spread around the area. Slowly getting closer to the hospital.

No! They might find them! No, no, no!! I have to warn them! Joanne, still being manhandled by the wretched man, could only do one thing. She charged up every ounce of energy she had left, and pushed it all out in one big scream.


The researcher took no chance. "Stupid girl! You really think they can escape without us finding them?" The man took his wrench and smashed it on Joanne's head. I'm sorry Skyler....The chat is going to have to wait. In one blow, the girl fell to the ground, out cold. The man simply chuckled and still holding Joanne by the collar, dragged her into the dark.

((OOC: Amentes is 'Mindless' in Latin))


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Even in a deep slumber Skyler felt the bullets as they were pulled out of his body, he counted six as the metal slugs hit the pan. "Those damned scientists" Skyler thought to himself, "Not only did they use silver bullets they coated them with another poison". One of Skylers main weakness and the most dangerous, silver packs a huge punch on his body the element decreases his natural healing but is not enough to stop it, the other poison stopped his healing. Grunting as he slowly awoke from his slumber, yawning and running his hands over where is wound used to be just to ensure that it was healed. Lifting his head slightly Skyler scans the room looking for Joanne, the beautiful feline was no where to be found. Skyler forces himself to sit up quickly overcoming the affects of the anesthesia pushing off of the operating table slamming against the floor. Laughing he called out weakly "I'm alright", Struggling to stand up looking for Kathleen.

"Has anyone seen Joanne?" Skyler asked confused and still dizzy, he wondered where his little companion has gone. Still overcoming the affects of the anesthesia Skyler's sense of smell was dull and weakened walking over toward Kathleen with a worried look


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Kylar's ears perked up, and he looked toward the elevator, he thought he heard someone yell "Run" it was muffled but there. Kylar spoke up, "We have to go now, you too old man they will probably kill you." Kylar picked up Jared then he went over to the elevator. Before anyone else could come over Kylar whispered to Jared, "I'm going to drop you off out side, you okay with that?". The guards had found them and they had to leave. Kylar thought for a moment then said, "Actually do you have a back door they are probably watching the front."


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent
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"I think you can put me down now. I can move on my own," Jared replied. "My arms don't hurt as much as before and I run on my legs." He hesitated. "Listen, I can go and distract the guards if you want while you guys escape. There has to be a back exit somewhere and the guards won't suspect me of anything. Hopefully." He frowned in thought. "We'll have to get the others first. Are they all spread out?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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Shane's mind screamed at him warning him of the impeding danger. The others were already up, not in a panic but obviously on edge and desperate for a plan. Jared offered to act as a distraction while the others escape. Noble but no very effective. Shane ran over to Kylar and Jared his mind already formulating the intricate web of a plan.

"One man isn't much of a distraction force let alone a wounded member of their team. These wont be regular guards like the ones from the facility. These are going to have to be a grab team, shock troopers. They'll be heavily armed and ready to riddle us all full of holes before letting us escape, you included."

The spider hybrid said, his eyes narrowing on Jared.

"We'll all have to work together to hold them off while the others escape before we can make a run for it. Holding this postion for a slug fest won't do anything but get us all caught or worse."

Shane turned his head for a minute to glance at the others. Shane and Kylar were the most proven and effective fighters out of the group. Eden, while Shane had yet to see her in action had no doubt she was a hellcat in a fight. Skylar was no doubt vicous as well but wounded he woudn't be as effective. As for the rest of the group Shane was worried how they'd react in a fire fight. Shane took a step in closer to the two young men speaking in more of a severe tone.

"Kylar and I will do most of the heavy lifting. I'll need Eden too, and to be safe I'd want Skylar close by in reserve if we need him. I know he's hurt but we don't have much of a choice here."

Shane turned to Jared and locked his gaze with his.

"You wanna help? Prove it."

Shane drew one of his pistols and handed it to the human.

"Don't make me regret giving you this."


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kathleen Baker Character Portrait: Aello Character Portrait: Eden Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Elesh Character Portrait: Pavel Abramov Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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The old man chuckled and said, "Don't worry about me, they don't even know who I am. I have a saferoom." he flips a switch on his remote and a door slides open that was hidden before. This tunnel will spit you old south toward the city. There are supplies in a storeroom in teh tunnel, it's my emerceny exit. I do some pretty...interesting work myself. Don't worry I'll seal the entrance after you are allt through. By the time they get down here, it should look like an empty basment lab. But you don't have much time, Go!"

Kathleen grabbed a med kit and ushered the kids toward the exit. "Be safe Father!"


Aello rushed over to Shane, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, caressing his face as she whispered in his ear, "Come back to me Shane..." she turned swifty and joined the others through the doorway, taking one last glance at Shane before she passed through.


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Kylar pulled around his assault rifle he had picked up earlier, it should have something like 20 bullets left Kylar thought. "Yea were gunna have to bluff it, or make something go bang, Doc do you have any alcohol in glass bottles and a lighter? We could make some bang with that." Kylar started to rip up some sheets to use as the ignition to the Molotov Cocktails.


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Character Portrait: Jared Trent
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Jared tilted his head in acknowledgement of the reason behind Shane's words. One wounded soldier, no matter how smooth talking, wouldn't be able to distract an entire group while wounded. Either he was more injured than he thought, it was the medication, or he had a hidden superiority complex he didn't know about. Why had he thought he could smooth-talk and distract the soldiers again? "I won't be at my best accuracy, but I think I can at least make a few hits," he warned as he accepted the gun with his one free arm. He hoped it wouldn't start hurting too much. When Aello came up and, with obvious care and gentleness, kissed the other, Jared blinked and looked away, deciding to go help Kylar.

[Will be gone for a bit.]


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Character Portrait: Kathleen Baker Character Portrait: Aello Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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Seeing half of the group rushing down into the escape tunnel, Skyler rose from off the floor "Well hot damn, I get up and people are already starting to fight" He said. Watching Aello kiss Shane softly on the cheek then retreating to the others, Skyler felt a little envy he had no one that cared and the only person that he thought did was no where to be found. Observing the room backing up a little, and with a cold grin looking towards Shane "I'll rip as many of them as I can apart". He Roared and quickly transformed, increasing his height, strength and power his long sliver hair still flowed down his back while they sprouted all over his body resembling a incomplete transformation of a werewolf that you would see in movies. Growling and snarling as the transformation came to an end, "Shoot and distract... I'll kill" In this state Skyler was barely able to speak well. He looked and felt like an uncaged beast ready to kill everything around him, dashing to the wall perpendicular to the elevator he readied himself on all fours ready to attack.


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Elesh's wings snapped and froze in place as the feeling of impending doom came over her. The instinct of danger was kicking in and the energy in the air had confirmed it for her. She stood on all fours and her back arched, fur standing on end and her tail whipping back and forth like that of an angry cat. Her wings were out like a shield, her fingers spread out and twitching. She knew that coming to this place was a bad idea and now was paying the price. Her eyes jerked around looking for a way out as she paced around. Some where heading toward the back door, but Elesh feel the Call in her mind.

The Call that only she could hear. Like the horns and drums of war giving the her the edge, ordering her to fight for her life and her land. She still had rational though, but she couldn't ignore the Call. She paced to find Krein, to find him and tell him to go with the others. But all she could do to grab him and lick his cheek, some way to remember her if she didn't survive the onslaught of whatever was coming.
By now, all the fur on her body started to take on a pitch black color and her eye reflecting whatever light there was and made it look like they were glowing. She finally came up behind Shane and Jared and stood, head down and a slight growl sound coming from her with every breath. "I want in." she said to them, her head still down, the drumming of war still in her head, and wouldn't stop until the call for blood was sated.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Elesh Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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Shane turned to Elesh with an arched eyebrow. The girl's entire body was practically vibrating with wild fury. Her fur covered tail flicked about hungirly as her claws ripped at the ground beneath her with each step. SHe had a need to kill and Shane could see it. He had been worried about her predatory nature coming into town but now it seemed he's be relying on just that very quality to survive this.

"When they come, kill anything that moves."

Shane said giving her a firm nod. Shane turned back just the elevator hit the bottome floor.

"This is it! Get ready!" Shane leapt to the ceiling and drew his other pistol. CLinging to the ceiling he had aerial advantage over the squad in the elevator, not to mention they wound't be expecting rounds to be coming from there. Just before the doors opened Shane tunred back to where Aello had left from. HIs world slowed as his mind drifted to her. He'd wished he'd said something to her. He'd wished he'd kissed her again. He wished he'd done anything more than just letting her leave. He'd make up for that. Shane turned back to the elevator before calling out to his friends.

"We've got one shot here! They get through us the others suffer! Don't give an inch!"

As soon as the last word left Shane's mouth the elevator doors opened and rounds began pouring out of the elevator filling the room with chaos.


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Kylar had found one bottle of vodka, it wasn't much, but it would have to do, he set the ripped up sheet on fire using a Bunsen Burner than threw it straight into the elevator, the group of guards came running out, but only one of them was actually on fire. Kylar took careful aim than fired five shots center chest on one of the guards, it knocked him over, but he must have had bullet resistant armor on because he got back up. Kylar quickly got behind cover as the guards started to fire at him. On the down side he was the only one getting shot at, that was also the up side. Kylar yelled out, "They have bullet resistant armor go for the limbs and head!" Kylar blind fired and managed to get one in the foot, but these guys were good they kept firing anyways. Kylar thought twelve bullets left this should be great.


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The minute the elevator opened, the guards hadn't even gotten a shot off before Elesh was on the first like a rabid animal. Her wings ripped open and engulfed the man, muffled scream and a snap was heard before she ripped a hole into another next to her. Some made the immidiate mistake of trying to grab her, only to have their hand and face ripped clean off or throats torn asunder. At least six men were killed within the span of 4 seconds and with the clock ticking, there was plenty of bloodshed to go around.

There was nothing there but the beast she was created to be. The sounds of bones cracking, blood and gore hitting the ground all in her right for the freedom she so longed all of her life. The fact that these men, piles of meat at her clawed feet would made their deaths so satisfying in the end.

However, there was one irritating issue. The armor. Thick, cumbersome, keeping her from her record in the area of bloodshed. "Already on it!" she yelled out, stomping in the head of a downed guard before grabbing another with her by the neck and crushing it. Dispite the killer that was effectively killing a chunk by her own claw, this was a rarity. Most times, if there was a small group of gaurds; she would have tricked them into thinking that she was somewhere else and when on her marry way. This was a different case, a need and fear feeding each other. Not to mention small spaces of hostiles, where not good for the hostiles.



5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Elesh Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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"LETS GO!" Skyler screamed in his deeper wolf like voice, springing from the cover he had taken pouncing on the first two assulters that took cover near the far wall. Slamming the second one into the wall snapping his neck on impact, pivoting ripping his claws into the stomach of the guard cleaving out his intestine. Howling as two bullets pierce his left shoulder Skyler turned leaping across the room onto another guard throwing him into the squad. He was surprised that through the hail of bullets he only was hit twice, glad but still enraged jumping back picking off guards that wondered away from the main squad. Sliding behind cover again after taking 7 more bullets " many... Alive" He said with grunts and grown's. Skyler was embarrassed by his speech, he knew he sounded like a deranged monster with the blood of his enemies satisfying the thirst. Never has Skyler felt this way, so animal like, so primal and viscous.

Roaring again as he leaped beside Elesh covering her side cutting down more guards with killer intent, laughing like a madman sticking close to her as he killed several more guards.


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Character Portrait: Shane Lawson Character Portrait: Skyler Carabalo Character Portrait: Jared Trent Character Portrait: Elesh Character Portrait: Kylar Blint
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"They have bullet resistant armor go for the limbs and head!"

Kylar shouted as Elesh savagely tore a handful of men to shreds in seconds. Shane put the info to good use and fired off six rounds. Each hitting one of the men in the knee cap. The bone's shattered under the penetrating impact and they fell to the ground clutching their knees leaving them vulnerable to Elesh. Rounds began raining down on Shane's position so he had to be quick to avoid getting ventilated. He dove out of the way and swung to the opposing wall before firing again. This time going for kill shots. One hit a trooper in the throat before his comrade beside him took a round to the skull, leaving his brain splattered on the man behind him. The troopers began charging out of the elevator to close the distance. Shane cut off their advance by swinging down infront of the front line and opening fire while he was still in the air. The rounds caught several in the face and neck slowing their advance before the spider hybrid switched tactis. Out of rounds he holstered his gun began swinging down and picking troopers off. One by one the shadow would swing down from the shadows and take a man away from their comrades and steal his life in seconds. Shane began firing web lines and yanking shock troopers into the darkness in order to slit their throats or stab them savagely. After the eighth man taken Shane grabbed his ninth and took him off into the darkness. He pinned hm to the wall by the throat and put his knife to his throat.

"Is this it?... Is the the best you can do?... "

With that Shane carved through his neck and spinie and severed his head before he tossed the head into the crowd of troopers