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Cursed Haven

Cursed Haven


Haven, a city being overrun by a demon's curse, can it be saved or is it doomed to fall into darkness? (looking for players)

4,402 readers have visited Cursed Haven since blankpage created it.


12 years ago the world changed when a demon lord tore a rift between worlds and launched an all out attack attacked on the city of Haven. Taken by surprise humanity was forced to acknowledge the existence of demons and the supernatural. Meanwhile the demon lord took control of a huge part of the city. The first battles of the war were easily won by the demons, but eventually the people of Haven started to push back.

In a final massive struggle humanity triumphed and killed the demon lord. However, as he died he cast a curse, corrupting the city with his power. The rift closed as thick red rain poured from the sky. The surviving demons fled to the darkest holes and corners of the city, but they remained.

Not long after the effects of the curse became evident. Animals and plant life became twisted and often dangerous. Some humans also began to develop paranormal abilities. These humans became feared for their frightening powers and their tendencies to lose control.

So that's when you come in. You are a citizen for modern day Haven. The city is still being rebuilt and paranoia is everywhere. Armed forces patrol the streets for demons and corrupted animals. The number of corrupted humans is on the rise, as is the number of them that lose control.

So what will you do? Will you join the police department or Haven Office of Demon Affairs and try to restore order? Will you make a profit off the chaos as a demon hunter?
Or perhaps you're a part of Haven's Curse, one of the poor souls corrupted by demonic power. What about you? Will you stand with humanity or take the city for your own kind?

Corrupted Humans
These people have developed supernatural abilities as a result of Haven's Curse. They are classified as stable and unstable. A stable person is usually in full control of his/her abilities but is far weaker than one who is unstable. Unstable people on the other hand frequently lose control of their abilities, their powers grow and continue to grow rapidly in strength, on top of this they are prone to going insane. A stable person can become unstable when put under extreme stress although some people are unstable from the moment their powers start to develop. They are referred to by many as "Freaks" and are meant to register with the Haven Office of Demon Affairs, although many prefer to hide their nature.

Demon Hunters
Many humans can’t wait for the H.O.D.A. to track down certain demons and will pay money to anyone that can. Demon hunting is illegal because it's so dangerous and because some hunt demons for demonic substances like demon blood. Some hunters will also target corrupted humans, for the right price.

The Haven Office of Demon Affairs is responsible for cleansing the city of Demons. They research demons, the corrupted and all things related to Haven's curse. They also monitor and regulate registered corrupted humans. Rumors claim that they preform illegal experiments on corrupted humans, but those are just rumors... right?

Demons are split into two classes, lesser and higher.
Lesser: These are mainly monstrous mixes of animals that can sometimes possess paranormal powers. They are very similar to corrupted animals, except they are usually more powerful and more intelligent.
Higher: These are very rare. They are at least as smart as humans and can have humanoid forms (although not always). They are capable of using powerful supernatural abilities and commanding lesser demons.

Character Template
Status: Stable or Unstable. If the character is human enter human or normal.
Ability: If normal/human ignore.
Description: Image and Text. Anime or Manga style preferred. If you can't find one pm me, I might be able to find something.
Personality: Likes, Dislikes, Habits, etc.

Other Characters
To get things started I decided to add a few characters. Fill free to use them along with your own characters. You can use one if you want but please PM me first.
  1. Sweeney McCarthy - the overweight, middle aged owner of McCarthy's pub
  2. Elizabeth Ross aka Liz - a young police officer at the Haven Police Department. She is corrupted but stable, with the ability to force anyone she touches to tell the truth.
  3. Jacob Flynn - A demon hunter in his early twenties. He is aggressive and holds a bitter resentment towards corrupted humans, due to an incident 2 years ago involving one of them and his girlfriend, Elaine Baker. Elaine is now in a coma at Haven General Hospital.
  4. Elaine Baker - A young women currently in a coma at Haven General Hospital. She is corrupted but stable and holds the ability to enter the dreams of others. Her abilities only manifested after she fell into the coma.
  5. Darren Erickson - The supposed leader of the H.O.D.A. He is however a mere figurehead nothing more.
    Keith Moore - Headmaster of Haven Public High school. He is currently involved in a deal with a demon called Lethe which is feeding off the memories of his students.
  6. Harper Lin - A quite, shy and somewhat fragile, high school student. Her powers have skyrocketed to the point were she can bring a person back from the brink of death. However, her powers now have a dangerous flip side, she can cause the internal organs of anyone within a 3 meter radius to fail instantly. She is currently locked away by the H.O.D.A.

Toggle Rules

  1. Your post can be as long as you want it.
  2. Use good grammar. I'm not going to be checking it or anything but I'd like if everyone could understand each other.
  3. Don't do something (like killing) to another person's character without their permission.
  4. Only more experienced writers can create demon characters.
  5. You can not create a demon as your first character

Browse All » 11 Settings to roleplay in

Haven General Hospital

Haven General Hospital by blankpage

Haven General Hospital

Haven Public High School

Haven Public High School by blankpage

The largest high school in Haven City, many parents send their children away to be educated rather than leave them here.

McCarthy’s Pub

McCarthy’s Pub by blankpage

This run down Irish bar has recently begun to function as a meeting place for demon hunters.

Haven City

Haven City by blankpage

A dark city plagued by paranormal monsters and events

Haven City University

Haven City University by blankpage

Haven City University. This college is the biggest and most successful in Haven. It has many courses on demon studies.

Student Dorms

Student Dorms by blankpage

Some reasonable student accommodation.

Train Station

Train Station by blankpage

A train station.

The Plaza

The Plaza by blankpage

I massive collection of stores and restaurants, there's something for everyone here.

The Subway

The Subway by blankpage

A fast and affordable way to travel throughout the city.

Hell's Road

Hell's Road by blankpage

A area in Haven that has fallen into disrepair. Demon attacks are frequent and shady characters sell demonic substances.

Hell’s Wasteland

Hell’s Wasteland by blankpage

This part of the city is still in ruins even twelve years after the war.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Cato Evans
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The final remnants of the countryside disappeared as the city crept up around the train. Cato Evans stared intently at the dark shape on the horizon, Haven City, the Cursed Haven, it had definitely been a while. The city had changed since he'd lived there too, if the rumors were to be believe his old home was now one of the most heavily demon infested areas in the world. He sighed, ever since he made the decision to return he'd been hoping to find some connection to the place but so far he felt nothing.

Time passed quickly and soon the train was swallowed by the city. Cato gazed up at the massive dark buildings around him feeling small. The tired voice of the driver informed the passengers they would soon be reaching their destination. Cato gathered his bags as the train came to a stop, he smiled unable to ignore the excitement he was feeling. The doors swung open and the passengers wearily, filed out onto the cold platform. Cato took a deep breath, this was it, this was the beginning.

The setting changes from Train Station to The Plaza


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Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Tapping away on her phone, Jane sat comfortably at a table on the outside porch of a cafe. She murmured quietly to herself, things she'd never say aloud or for others to hear. After clicking send after what seemed a thousand characters, she sighed and picked up the cup of tea. With a quiet sip, she watched many make their way through town. 'This is wonderful...' She thought in bliss, loving the crowd of people go through their own things. She always had a thing to watch people going off to their destinations, making such a wonder of where they'd be going, who they'd meet and what they'd do.

She let out a quiet chuckle, sipping her tea once more, strange people, strange world. Oh, how lucky they were to not be her... With this destructive power that seemed to burn whoever touched the light of her. Her thoughts were interrupted with the sudden string of a music box. Her phone, she sighed, sometimes she disliked distractions..


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Character Portrait: Cato Evans
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Cato slowly made his way through the plaza, trying to take it all in. He'd dropped his bags off at the HCU dorms about an hour ago and now he was wandering around like a tourist. They'd made him sign all sorts of forms which basically let them off the hook if he died a horrible death on campus. He sighed, what else should he have expected from the cursed city? And then they'd asked the question he'd been dreading, "has Haven's condition affected you in anyway?" "No". He probably shouldn't have done that, if anyone found out he would be kicked out of the university and dragged away by the H.O.D.A. Still, if he came clean he'd have to register with the H.O.D.A. and he didn't trust that organisation, too many horrible rumors were floating around. He sighed again, it didn't matter now there was no going back and for the moment he was getting away with it.

Cato yawned, if he was going to keep exploring he'd need some help. He ducked out of the crowds and into a nearby cafe. "Coffee" he mumbled to the cashier as he pulled out a handful of change.

The setting changes from The Plaza to Hell's Road


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Character Portrait: William Hawkeye
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William walks the streets reading an entry in his notes."Now where can he be?" looking intensely through his book. His newest mark was sighted in this area five times in the last two days. "Somebody, HELP!!!" screamed a voice from the ally ahead. Will rushes over to find nothing. "Damn, he got away." he said as he began to turn back towards the street, when a claw ripped through his jacket. "Got ya" William said with a smirk as he sent a hellish punch back at his attacker. The creatures body rolling on the ground before hitting the wall."Another easy payday" He grabs his sword and finishes the target with an explosive slash. With the job done he heads to the plaza for some coffee and collect his pay.

The setting changes from Hell's Road to The Plaza


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Cato looked around the cafe drinking the coffee. A girl about his age was answering her phone and a middle aged man was falling asleep on one of the tables, much to the dismay of the waitress. A shady looking guy dressed in black had just walked in, he looked dangerous, not that Cato could talk, his own clothes were pretty dark and his shadow could probably suffocate half the cafe. Still, Cato resolved to keep an eye on him, just in case he tried any funny business.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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"Coffee, black" Will said to the waitress as he sat next to the guy in black. "Are you the one who ordered this?" dropping a claw from the creature he killed. "Now lets talk about my pay. id say 200 for the job, another 100 for for the claw 50 for my coat and 20 for my coffee. lets just make it an even 500 shall we."Will puts his feet up and waits for his coffee.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Jane hit the send button, relaxing back in her seat. "Wonder how class will be later on.." She murmured, picking up her beverage and sipping more. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, looking around when new customers had came in. She observed them, humming when she watched the man in black and the man who had dropped the claw. She raised an eyebrow, was that linked with some of the demons...? She could simply shrug and looked to another newcomer. This one look like a student, maybe she's seem around the university. There was rumors of a new student coming in as well. She ripped her eyes away from the citizens, taking another drink of her tea. She tilted the cup to see how much she had left, biting her lip when her favorite drink was close to finish. She'd probably order another to go..

The setting changes from The Plaza to Hell's Road


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Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
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Arron was pulled from his dreaming by a strong vibration that shook his whole apartment. The room seemed to lurch to one side and Arron was relucantly pulled from his bed sheets and thrown to the floor. Before he had a chance to get up from the rotting wooden floor and to his feet he found himself bombarded by cigarette packets and various books of medicine, all falling from the shelf above his bed which he had told himself a countless number of times to remove or at least secure. Under the pile of paper the man groaned, letting out a heavy sigh before emerging from the heap. It seemed that one morning too many started off like this and such chaotic happenings were becoming more frequent around the old secondhand apartment he called home.

As Arron got to his feet he looked towards the window, expecting to see something that might indicate what time it was. Unfortunatley the window had been borded up so tightly not even a single ray of light crept through. Next he would normally check his mobile but he knew that it had ran out of charge after it had cut out halfway through a call between his boss and himself last night. With nothing else to do he pulled on some clean clothes and his lab coat then stumbled through the apartments to emerge in a long narrow alley. As he made his way through these slums he glanced upwards only to realise that the area he was in was sheltered, metal sheets bridging across the gaps and boarding out sunlight like it were an enemy. Arron himself didn't understand why he had decided to take up residence in such a dark place where the only illumination was from the occasional open window or lantern. As the tired and depressed man made his way down the street he couldn't help but swear, it had become routine that he scold him self for being so stupid and buying an apartment he cause it was cheap.

The setting changes from Hell's Road to The Plaza


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Surprise turned to panic as Cato realized what he was talking to. It wasn't even his first day in the city and he was already being targeted by one of those psychos, this was bad. A bead of sweat trickled down Cato's forehead, he'd heard about demon hunters hunting down freaks like him. He forced himself to stay calm, as far as he knew there wasn't anyone who wanted him dead, even if this hunter had tracked him down there was a good chance he was just trying to intimidate him. Cato noticed he'd been silent for too long, he'd have to play along for now.

"I think" said Cato, his voice shaking, "that you've made a mistake." Cato's shadow started to slowly move and began to cover the hunter. Cato started to regain his confidence if it came to that he didn't plan on going down without a fight.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Kat had been in town for a day or so and she yet again was alone like every other time " Where is that cafe ? " She once again was lost in the Plaza, Kat tryed to get someone to help but no one would even stop to help her out " This is like all the other place I have been " she muttered to her self " someone help " when she said that someone bumbed into her and knocked her down, then someone steped on her hand " Shit!!!" she screamed the sound wave blow people over and broke some near by window. " sorry.. sorry she said over and over as she stood up and ran off " Crap crap " Kat ended up at the cafe

The setting changes from The Plaza to Haven City


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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"Oh is that so..." taking another look at the kid in black, "Well shit guy must have skipped town. No more under the table deals for me I'm gonna collect first kill later." From in his jacket William pulls out a card and hands it to the kid. "Names William, but you can call me will," he says with a smile, "I haven't seen you around much so i figured you were my employer sorry about that." Will quickly hid the claw in his jacket moments before the waitress handed him his coffee.

OOC:Supposed to be in plaza sorry guys.

The setting changes from Haven City to The Plaza


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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"Okay" Cato said, slowly studying the hunter as he took the card. Haven was a pretty chaotic place maybe it wasn't that unlikely that he'd run into one of them. He faked a smile "Name's Cato Evans, I just got here this morning", just play nice he told himself, "so you're a demon hunter, huh? I heard you guys were just a myth".
A sudden sharp incredibly loud sound broke the tension, a window cracked and a strange girl threw herself into the cafe. Cato glanced at the hunter, he seemed surprised, this wasn't a trap... well at least not his trap. A siren blared outside as people rushed around, just what the hell had happened? He momentarily ignored the hunter and turned to the new girl, "are you alright" he asked as he stood up and began to approach her, "what happened?" Cato couldn't deny the excitement he was feeling, something messed up and possibly supernatural just happened outside, this was his reason for coming!


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Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
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After making his way out of his area of residence or "Hells Road" as many called it he set off towards the city plaza. He had managed to figure out the time and had worked out that he was fortunate enough to still have a few hours before his shift started. He'd use this time and the money which he had to go and buy himself a packet or two of cigarettes, a box of breath mints and possibly a coffee nd sandwich. Arron had almost everything planned out, from the route he would take to how much money he would hand the staff working at the counters.

By cutting through several shortcuts and hitching a ride on the back of a supply truck passing by he managed to reach the plaza in just under a few minutes. As he made his way through the crowds towards the small store where he bought cigarettes he heard many things in the background that all blended to create a constant mumbling sound in the background. The sound of a siren pierced through this collage of background noise and Arron immediately turned his head to investigate, he couldn't see a thing though, the crowds blocked his vision so the only things he could see were billboards and advertisements plastered across the walls of buildings. From this spot he could also see his destination, a sign with neon red letter which said "Open". This was just the place that Arron had been looking for and he swiftly made his way through the crowds towards this destination.

The setting changes from The Plaza to Haven City


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jadae Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shaodow
" Stop you damned thief! You're under arrest! " shouted one of the two members of the local law enforcement as they pursued Jade relentlessly, and fruitlessly.

They were the ones called to deal with petty crimes, the kind not worth the time of those charged to deal with the unstables and many demons that still lurked in the city. They were made out to be every bit as important as members of the H.O.D.A but it was clear to everyone that that was not the case, it was easy to see by their enthusiasm or lack there of that they were underpaid, and under-appreciated. Most things like petty thievery they tended to look the other way if it seemed like too much effort to capture the offender but not for Jadae, he'd been a thorn in their sides for years, a thorn they tried desperately to pluck but they could never seem to catch him for he was always on his toes.

Jadae ran full sprint down the long street while dodging bits of glass and hurdling over or sliding under any and every obstacle along the way with the biggest smile and no signs of fatigue, which is much more that can be said for his pursuers who were drenched, heaving with ever step and falling further and further behind. To Jadae the pursuit was nothing more than a simple routine exercise because no matter how fast they came after him he could always run faster and further without tiring himself out, he had the stamina of race hoarse and it was impossible for him to ever run out of breath, in truth the cops never had a fair chance. Had he been born in a different time he would have been a natural born athlete even without the curse.

After about fifteen minutes the cops were long gone, either he left them behind or they did the smart thing and gave up hope
" They gunna need a miracle to catch me at this rate " he said as he slowed down to a casual jog.

Jadae passed up a depressed looking older man in a lab coat and he couldn't help but think of how fortunate he was, though he had no job or warm beds to sleep in at night he was happy, much happier than most of the gloomy citizens who did. He ducked into a empty, damp ally and plopped down on a large piece of cardboard laying on the ground and rested his back against the walls of the dumpy apartment buildings to count his spoils. 3 silver rings, one with a decent size red gem in the center and a gold watch, he made a good run and got himself enough to eat for more than a few days this time.

" You'd think they would see me coming with hair like this" he said to himself as he held up each ring, admiring his handy work. He knew one of these days they would wise up and start setting traps for him, of course he'd be to clever to fall for them but it was inevitable they would find some way to catch him eventually but that didn't stop him. With a life style like this he knew he'd have to pay the piper sooner or later and he would milk it for all it's worth as long as he was still physically able.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans
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Kat lookedat this man in front of her and smiled as she scratched her head " I got knocked down and steped on when I tried to find my way in... I got a bit mad.... thats all, didn't mean to break the window or anything" she laughed a bit and walked over to the waitress " could I have a iced tea.. when you get a moment " she then turned around back to the man that broke her dull day " would you like to she with me ?" she asked " My name is Kat Ravencroft and it is very nice to meet you " Kat sat down very so lady like and waited of her new friend to sit down with her.

(( ... ment to by in the plaza.. wow I fell smart ))

The setting changes from Haven City to The Plaza


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Cato sat down beside the strange girl. He couldn't believe it, she'd just admitted to causing the commotion outside. Was she corrupted? It seemed likely. "So what exactly did you just do?" he said in a hushed voice, "and don't you think you should be a little quieter when talking about stuff like that?" The hunter was still there they were both in danger. He tried to block her from his view.


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sorry mistake please ignore

The setting changes from The Plaza to Haven City


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(Ignore please)

The setting changes from Haven City to The Plaza


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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"She just told you what she did boy can't you hear?" Will says with a laugh as he pulls a chair up to sit with the two,"and he is right miss there are big bad hunters out there that would have a field day with someone like you. Luckily no one was killed so you wont have to worry about me, but there is a possibility that someone will be after you now. Here is my card first job is free next one cost double and feel free to call when your in trouble which by the commotion outside may be very soon." With a quick laugh, a bow, and an invisible hat tip William walks out the door. "I've got to keep an eye on that boy if i were any other hunter one wrong move and i would have been done."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans Character Portrait: Jane Adams
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Her ears seemed to hurt now. That strange sound was audible around here, yet it wasn't strong enough to break the glass or her ears. They rang for a moment, flinching quietly before noticing a frantic woman walk in. She watched as the previous customer came and helped her, smiling lightly. Haven City still had it's kind citizens... She watched as the dark man walked out of the cafe, reminding her of her own curfew. She was never legally bound to sleep at a certain time or anything, she just didn't want to be out too late. She still had studies and such.

She gathered her things, checking her signature bag to make sure everything was still in tact. She threw away her empty drink, walking up to the cashier and awaiting for service. She tapped the counter quietly, watching as she let the small green glow on her fingertips fade in and out repeatedly. When she heard footsteps, she ceased playing around, simply smiling at the man that came to help her. "Hello, I'd like to just order an iced strawberry tea and I'll be on my way." She slipped out the money from her purse, placing down a five dollar bill.

With a couple buzzes and clicks, the man returned her change and gave her her receipt. She stepped to the side, letting other customers go and waiting in the corner patiently. Checking her watch, Jane rocked on her heel a couple times, taking one last look to observe the other people.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: William Hawkeye Character Portrait: Cato Evans
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Kat smiled some more " Its called Echokinesis.. well you could just call me A siren I Gess I dont mind.... " she looked into her cup as the waitress set it on the table " It would not be the worst thing I have been called " Her mood changed a bit " So.. whats .. your abiltiy... I mean if you have one that is " she asked putting on a fake smile for her new friend " also Do you know where I might find a job.... I really need I job, all most out of money "


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft Character Portrait: Cato Evans
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Cato bit his lip, he'd really intended on hiding his abilities for as long possible, he wasn't registered with the H.O.D.A. and he planned on keeping it that way. Still, this was the first time meeting one of his own kind and he hadn't had the chance to show off before. He scanned the cafe, the hunter really had gone. Cato grinned as the shadow cast by his arm darkened and stretched out, the shadow moved and wrapped itself around a cup and dragged it across the table into he open hand.
"You were lucky this time" he said turning serious "that hunter was an anomaly, I just got here this morning and even I've heard enough stories about those bloodthirsty nutcases." He took a gulp a cold coffee, "I know I really shouldn't be giving advice about this sort of thing, but I've done my research. Powers like that are worse than taboo, hunters, the H.O.D.A. and even ordinary people will hold them against you". Cato sighed, "If you're looking for a job, I guess you could try campus security at HCU, I heard them talking about a few openings. It shouldn't be to hard to get hired, barley anyone applies anymore... after all those guys got eaten..."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
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Arron tried to be quick as possible when shopping, It wasn't something he enjoyed and there had occasions before where a petty thief had stolen his wallet, often leading to an angry outburst. He didn't like to think about these outbursts though, he would come to it when it was an immediate issue but for now all he was concerned about was getting a smoke. After rummaging through the small carrier bag containing some strong mints and cigarettes He managed to get a grip on one of the cigarette packets and swiftly but subtly ripped through the seal as he pulled it out the bag. To light the cigarette he would need some sparks, he moved the carrier bag up his wrist and took a moment to look around. No one was looking straight at him, He thought he might be able to get away with a little spark at least. He held his fingers to the end of a cigarette he had taken from the packet before putting it away and rubbed them again each other, using the friction to make a small spark and light the cigarette. Arron sighed, glad that all he had made was a small spark, trying to creating anything bigger purposefully with often end up causing an explosion of some sort. With this cigarette and his other purchases he wandered across the plaza towards the cafe he usually ate at.

The setting changes from The Plaza to Student Dorms


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Hawkeye
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With his jacket fixed Will decided to return home.He opens the door to his dorm, boxes and bags were on the floor."Damn i forgot i was getting a roommate today. What was his name again? Oh well time to do some detective work. He kicks a box over to reveal the name on the bottom."Evans? Now where have i heard that name before?" Will lays on his bed waits for the new guy.

The setting changes from Student Dorms to Haven City


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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 11 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Haven General Hospital

Haven General Hospital by blankpage

Haven General Hospital

Haven Public High School

Haven Public High School by blankpage

The largest high school in Haven City, many parents send their children away to be educated rather than leave them here.

McCarthy’s Pub

McCarthy’s Pub by blankpage

This run down Irish bar has recently begun to function as a meeting place for demon hunters.

Haven City

Haven City by blankpage

A dark city plagued by paranormal monsters and events

Haven City University

Haven City University by blankpage

Haven City University. This college is the biggest and most successful in Haven. It has many courses on demon studies.

Student Dorms

Student Dorms by blankpage

Some reasonable student accommodation.

Train Station

Train Station by blankpage

A train station.

The Plaza

The Plaza by blankpage

I massive collection of stores and restaurants, there's something for everyone here.

The Subway

The Subway by blankpage

A fast and affordable way to travel throughout the city.

Hell's Road

Hell's Road by blankpage

A area in Haven that has fallen into disrepair. Demon attacks are frequent and shady characters sell demonic substances.

Hell’s Wasteland

Hell’s Wasteland by blankpage

This part of the city is still in ruins even twelve years after the war.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Cursed Haven. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cato Evans
Character Portrait: Jane Adams
Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
Character Portrait: Jadae
Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft
Character Portrait: Larken Sanders


Character Portrait: Larken Sanders
Larken Sanders

We will retake this city, and then, the world

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft
Kat Ravencroft

the new girl in town

Character Portrait: Jadae

I'm not homeless my freind, the streets, she be my home and I'll love her till the day I die.

Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
Arron Morgan

Part-time Employee at Haven General Hospital

Character Portrait: Jane Adams
Jane Adams

Another Demonology Student at HCU

Character Portrait: Cato Evans
Cato Evans

A Demonology Student at HCU


Character Portrait: Jane Adams
Jane Adams

Another Demonology Student at HCU

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft
Kat Ravencroft

the new girl in town

Character Portrait: Larken Sanders
Larken Sanders

We will retake this city, and then, the world

Character Portrait: Cato Evans
Cato Evans

A Demonology Student at HCU

Character Portrait: Jadae

I'm not homeless my freind, the streets, she be my home and I'll love her till the day I die.

Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
Arron Morgan

Part-time Employee at Haven General Hospital

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Larken Sanders
Larken Sanders

We will retake this city, and then, the world

Character Portrait: Kat Ravencroft
Kat Ravencroft

the new girl in town

Character Portrait: Jadae

I'm not homeless my freind, the streets, she be my home and I'll love her till the day I die.

Character Portrait: Jane Adams
Jane Adams

Another Demonology Student at HCU

Character Portrait: Cato Evans
Cato Evans

A Demonology Student at HCU

Character Portrait: Arron Morgan
Arron Morgan

Part-time Employee at Haven General Hospital

View All » Places

Haven General Hospital

Haven General Hospital by blankpage

Haven General Hospital

Haven Public High School

Haven Public High School by blankpage

The largest high school in Haven City, many parents send their children away to be educated rather than leave them here.

McCarthy’s Pub

McCarthy’s Pub by blankpage

This run down Irish bar has recently begun to function as a meeting place for demon hunters.

Haven City

Haven City by blankpage

A dark city plagued by paranormal monsters and events

Haven City University

Haven City University by blankpage

Haven City University. This college is the biggest and most successful in Haven. It has many courses on demon studies.

Student Dorms

Student Dorms by blankpage

Some reasonable student accommodation.

Train Station

Train Station by blankpage

A train station.

The Plaza

The Plaza by blankpage

I massive collection of stores and restaurants, there's something for everyone here.

The Subway

The Subway by blankpage

A fast and affordable way to travel throughout the city.

Hell's Road

Hell's Road by blankpage

A area in Haven that has fallen into disrepair. Demon attacks are frequent and shady characters sell demonic substances.

Hell’s Wasteland

Hell’s Wasteland by blankpage

This part of the city is still in ruins even twelve years after the war.

Haven City

A dark city plagued by paranormal monsters and events

Haven City University

Haven City University. This college is the biggest and most successful in Haven. It has many courses on demon studies.

The Plaza

I massive collection of stores and restaurants, there's something for everyone here.

McCarthy’s Pub

This run down Irish bar has recently begun to function as a meeting place for demon hunters.

Hell's Road

A area in Haven that has fallen into disrepair. Demon attacks are frequent and shady characters sell demonic substances.

Haven Public High School

The largest high school in Haven City, many parents send their children away to be educated rather than leave them here.

The Subway

A fast and affordable way to travel throughout the city.

Hell’s Wasteland

This part of the city is still in ruins even twelve years after the war.

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