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Death's Game of Shadows

Death City


a part of Death's Game of Shadows, by pepperx3.

Death City, a city created by Lord Death himself. Full of weapons, and meisters who fight off evil that wonders around this world together.

pepperx3 holds sovereignty over Death City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,930 readers have been here.


Death City is a high tech city, full of crime and danger.
The DWMA is in Death City. The special Academy for Meisters and Weapons in training. Death city is a city full of people who work together to keep it peaceful.
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Death City

Death City, a city created by Lord Death himself. Full of weapons, and meisters who fight off evil that wonders around this world together.


Death City is a part of Death's Game of Shadows.

2 Places in Death City:

13 Characters Here

AsunaNagise [156] "you dumbass ill kill you"
Akira Kouki [155] "Fool! Just kidding; touch Asuna or May I won't be able to guarantee you will live much longer though."
Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer [47] "You needn't comment on my name. I've already contacted the Agency Against the Abuse of Acronyms. They've stopped taking my calls."
Muzai Rey [47] "wait..what...ZZZZ"
May Kouki [44] "Ah..I'm a bit lost here."
Blair Ellis (WIP) [43] "I'm going to turn you to paste now...." (FINISHED)
Gavin Free [35] "....."
Lord Death [11] Welcome to the DWMA!
Addeline Mercury [5] "Do it already!"

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Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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"I'm exited for that too, also excited to make you a Death Scythe." She nodded while smiling.
May had the pondering look on her face, thinking about what she has talked about Blair to him.
"No, I never said anything about you to my brother actually. And if I did it wasn't anything negative that I can think of." she replied.
May wasn't the type of person to go around gossiping about people behind their backs, or make up random stuff. She tried to stay out of drama, but she obviously can't at the moment with the quarrel between the two groups.
She laid against the 5th row, relaxing her head on her arm. Looked like a pose, but wasn't trying.
"Well, I'm also excite to meet new people." She turned her head towards Blair.


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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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Belen followed Gavin. "Hell yeah we are! I have no idea how come I don't know my schedule yet! Yet again... why are you late? Except for the fight."


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Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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Blair sighed. "......If you want to call it a date then sure..." Blair then heard the comments about paying and working twice as hard and he let out a fake sigh. "I almost think you're not worth it. I've got to pay and we work twice as hard tomorrow AND I've got to deal with a very hostile Brother....If this isn't the best date I've ever been on then you're going to have one pissed off weapon." Blair laughed slightly as he turned away from May to look down to the rest of the class. The Professor still wasn't here? Damn. Blair then casually glanced back at May as if he hadn't just asked his Meister out on a date.


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Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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May shrugged her shoulder and gave out a quick wink.
"Well you are the one who insisted." She said with a grin.
Nodding her finger towards Blair she said "And don't doubt that it won't be fun, we'll have fun."
She turned her head and rested on the table waiting for the professor to arrive.
"He must be running late, rumors are that Lord Death will tutor the Moon Class."


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Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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Blair sighed again. "I didn't insist. I asked. There's a difference and you're the one who said yes. So that must be saying something, it's my body isn't it? You saw it while I was in the towel and now you want it to yourself. Not that I'm complaining." Blair's jaw dropped when she spoke next. "Lord Death? Like Lord Death himself? Oh lord. The Grim Reaper himself will be teaching me...This is going to be awesome..." Blair thought of the amazing opportunities being in Lord Death's class could bring.


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Character Portrait: Fuyu Kiyomizu Character Portrait: Daichi Ryuu
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#, as written by Capra
Ryuu went straight to his room all he really wanted to do was go to sleep and forget that this ever happened. Honestly he really didn't care if they didn't collect any souls last night. I mean, they did have the rest of the semester collect 99 souls and 1 witch soul, so it really didn't matter to him. He just went into his room and plopped himself onto his bed and went to sleep.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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May poked Blair's peck. "Hey stop being so cocky. I only said yes because I'm sure we both would have a good time."
She turned around facing forward to the board.
Ace couldn't help but eaves drop. "Excuse me but did you say Lord Death will be teaching this class?" She gulped.
Now there was more pressure in this classroom's atmosphere.
"Well it's suppose to be a rumor, so I cannot guarantee it." May insisted.
Ace gave Matthew a small push to wake up. "Lord Death is teaching this class sleepy head!"


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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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Gavin whispered to Belen "other that the fight, I am late because I was lost trying to find the apartment my parents got for me" Gavin laughed and started walking towards the DWMA.

OOC: Sorry its short, I had to type on my phone


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"so what if he does show up and were not there do you think us going to lower city be good enough for him?"

"May will probably blabber the truth considering your with me...But I have a plan, I could say you got captured by a kishin and I had to save you. Nope, that won't work as I know you wouldn't go for it. Whatever though we don't need an excuse, lets just tell him the truth. Besides some say he can track students using some mysterious power.

"im mean you obviously dont want him to reaper chop you so were going to have to come up with a really good reason"

"Hm...Don't bring up the reaper chop; your going to kill my morale."

The two walked for about fifteen minutes until they arrived at a dark side of Death City, cockroaches could be seen crossing the street in the sunlight and mice could be seen peering out from under the trash bags. "Hm, sorry I have to drag you to this type of neighborhood Asuna, it doesn't suit you; it fits Blair though." As they continued to walk Akira eventually stopped at a yellow house and knocked on the door. It opened slightly and words were exchanged between Akira and whoever was beyond the door. Akira handed the man some money and the man quickly handed Akira something in his cupped hands. Akira slid the item in his pants pocket and walked back over to a seemingly bewildered Asuna.

"Alright, it's only about a three minute walk to the elevator." Akira's words once again veered off course as he was nervous about going down into Lower City as he had been there once before when he was little; he hardly remembered it but it was a frightening enough experience to still stick in his head. As they walked the two arrived at the elevator and stopped in their tracks.

"Last chance Asuna; once we go down there is no stopping, you know that right? If your scared we can still make it back to the DWMA, even if I have to carry you."


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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walking to the dark side of Death City she didnt quite expect to be coming here "no, no its fine just as long as you get whatever it is you need and we go" Asuna watched the whole transaction between Akira and the man who gave Akira something. 'i wonder what it is' she thought to herself.

finally arriving at the elevator Akira stopped and she did as well.

"Last chance Asuna; once we go down there is no stopping, you know that right? If your scared we can still make it back to the DWMA, even if I have to carry you."

for a moment Asuna really did reconsider following through with this bit she swallowed her pride and renewed her resolve.

"no im good lets just get this over with" her tone serious as she pressd the button down for the elevator and stepped inside, the doors closeing behind them making any chance to go back impossible until they got to the Lower City.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"no im good lets just get this over with"

"Good, I was thinking the same thing."

As Asuna pressed the button on the elevator and it slowly descended, every second the tension building up.

"I hate elevators; everytime I go on one I think it's going to drop and I'll die. Then again, dying like this wouldn't be that bad." He leaned against the elevator and grabbed his stomach and acted like he was sick. "This place...can't you feel the madness resonating around it? Ugghhh makes me sick to my stomach."

Eventually the elevator landed with a large thump and Asuna was about to exit but Akira put his arm in front of the doorway, thus blocking anyway to exit. "No; I want to say something before I forget." He stepped closer to Asuna and held her hands down by her side. "Hm, I'm starting to regret this now that I'm holding your warm hands; I don't know if it's the madness in this place or just the old memories of Lower City that are making me regret this but..." He looked away from Asuna and swallowed.

"You know, I find it funny when I think back on it but when I chose you to be my meister I chose you as sister repellent, but after the years it changed into more than just that, it changed from sister repellent to 'Oh, I like this girl, shes pretty cool' to 'This girl is amazing, shes the only one in the world that I can fully relate to and enjoy being around' to finally 'I'll risk my life for her'. Then again, I thought about that last one, I considered everything about it and realized something. "I'm not going to risk my life for her, it's not worth it." The reason wasn't because I figured my life was worth more than yours; it wasn't worth it because I could imagine the anger and sadness you would feel after I had risked my life for you, You would hate yourself for not being strong enough to defend yourself and I couldn't have you go through that as it would drive you insane. That and well...I want you for myself and couldn't see you with any other weapon." As he concluded he gently kissed Asuna on the lips and let go of her hands. "If you don't understand what I'm trying to say I'll just summarize it to this; I love you." He smiled and his eyes were starting to get a bit watery. He wiped his eyes with his hoodie sleeve and turned around. "Alright let's go, oh and stay close to me."


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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before she knew it Akira had already turned around walking out of the elevator and she followed Akira her face still red from when he had kissed her a few moments ago. the words "i love you" echoed in her head as she thought of everything that would change with this new declaration of love. Asuna knew she should be happy but she couldnt celebrate not just yet. 'ill tell him no i will tell him' she thought to herself.

taking a deep breath she reached out for his sleeve tugging it gently so Akira would turn around and face her. she gave him a nervous smile before she leaned in close and she too gave him her answer but this time it wasnt a light kiss but deeper. "i told you i would get back at you now lets go get you some souls" smiling at him before taking his hand in hers as they walked in search of a kishin egg to hunt.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Akira, not really expecting much from Asuna except for maybe a girly shriek or something as it was probably an emotional overload for her continued to walk out of the elevator until he felt a tugging force as his sleeve. He turned around and Asuna was just there smiling. He was oing to say something until she made a move a kissed him back; it really wasn't like the peck on the cheek before, that had a hint of love in it. This kiss, it meant something, not only to Akira but to Asuna as well. As their lips broke apart Akira was speechless, not really sure if that had just happened. He blinked and before he could react Asuna was already dragging him along as usual.

"i told you i would get back at you now lets go get you some souls"

"Hm, I think we got back at each other." Akira mumbled under his breath, still a bit in shock. "Asuna, stop for a second." He pulled Asuna towards him and changed into weapon form. "Now we can go, this way we can cut down on the seconds it takes in-case we get ambushed.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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stopping Akira tranfored into his weapon form Asuna holding two tonfas in her hands. "ah much better " smiling. and she did feel better Asuna felt safer knowing he was in her hands.

"so where to first left or right" as they reached a kind of crossroads on the empty street. after taking a minute to think Asuna chose left and she continud walking for a while the pull of madness getting stronger and stronger as they went deeper inside the lower city.

the place was eerily quiet which unerved her and when she heard something skitter across the alle he grip tighten a bit. taking a deep breath to calm her beating heart Asuna continued walking down the alley. the shadows dancing as if invisble figures were moving about.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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The sick feeling of madness in his stomach went away as Asuna grabbed hold of him, he felt relieved in a way that Asuna was there. He felt an ominous presence all around them. He thought about if madness could have an actual shape but quickly denied it as he would go on thinking about it forever. He set his sights on better things like his own future, and most importantly Asuna.

They arrived at a crossroad and at in each end was nothing but almost complete darkness. As they walked the madness kept trying to attack Akira's mind, drive him insane. He rejected the tempting words and continued to push on, extremely regretting his decision to go in the Lower City.

They arrived at a dark alley and something skittering across the ground could be heard. Asuna tightened her grip and Akira wanted to yell out. "Asuna, calm down..." Was all he mustered out. They continued to walk into the infinite shadows hoping to find a worthy opponent.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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oh well um how an i able to tranform into a weapon remeber i have short term memorey so your going to have to refresh me on these things" This stopped Arthur in his tracks. "I have no idea. I think it has something to do with souls and magic and the like, but in all honesty it kind of flies in the face of logic. We're going to have to ask a teacher about that one, because we can't be the first people to have noticed this." Hearing her other question e replied, "I'm not really sure if we have assigned classrooms or what we're supposed to do. I was just following everyone else and assuming that if we're going the wrong way that someone would tell us eventually."


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Character Portrait: Fuyu Kiyomizu Character Portrait: Daichi Ryuu
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#, as written by Kuroe
Fuyu sulked on the couch. She had expected the idiot to at least apologize or something… She glanced up at the large, ticking clock above the black marble mantle of the fireplace. Then it hit her. The academy. Today had been the first day. And they had missed it.

She groaned and flopped down to lie on her side. With Ryuu asleep once again, she doubted they would be going any time soon. So instead she stood up and trudged over to the kitchen, plucking a pad of paper and a pen up from the little collection of such things set aside for writing notes and reminders.

Gone out. When you wake up, try and think of an excuse for why we missed the first day of the academy today.

It was a simple note, but it would serve its purpose. Fuyu just needed to get out for a little while… turning and crossing the room to the door, she paused with her hand on the doorknob. Maybe she should tell Ryuu anyways… The idiot would probably miss the note anyways. She sighed and turned around, walking instead to Ryuu’s door and poking her head in.

“I’m going out. I left a note on the counter when you wake up,” she said flatly, not really wanting to spend more time here than she had to.


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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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"I've been looking for mine too. Since we're partners, aren't we supposed to be roommates?" Belen asked him. "AAAAWWWW, A KITTEN!" Belen snuggled the little animal and continued walking next to Gavin.


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Gavin whispered back to Belen "I don't know if we are roommates, since we only just became partners, so I'm not quite sure, but I guess that would make sense if we did share a room" Gavin pets the cat in Belen's arms. He looks towards the DWMA "We're almost there" Gavin whispers to Belen.


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Slowing down Asuna stood stock still in a battle stance and took a deep breath, closing her eyes while doing so. Using soul perception she concentrated on finding a kishin egg that was near them, but found nothing until finally she got it. it was faint but it was there just outside of her range "there we got it" smiling as she broke off into a light jog making sure keep track of the kishin egg.

After a few turns and detours Asuna finally caught up to it. Making sure to stay hidden she watched the kishin egg as it stood over something making strange noises. Asuna craned her neck to try and see what it was doing and the moment Asuna did she regretted wanting to know. The kishin egg turned around looking over its shoulder, letting Asuna have a glimpse of a dead body, blood all over it face. Asuna put a hand to her mouth to keep from making a sound 'ugh that’s disgusting' her eyes tearing up a bit. Asuna was used to dead bodies but not the kind she saw before her. Hell she didn’t even think she could call it a body. it looked nothing like the human it once was its entrails swinging from the kishins mouth.

Taking a deep breath Asuna calmed herself trying to even out her breathing to something better and stepped forwards to confront the kishin.

"Hey ugly I think its dead enough” defiance in her voice as Asuna took a defensive stance.

The kishin whipped its head around and jumped at her. Asuna slid under its body narrowly avoiding its claws. "Damn I didn’t think it would be this fast or aggressive" hissing at no one in particular. it turned around again for another charge this time it ran at her full speed before launching its ugly body into the air to try and tackle her. She dropped forwards onto her hands, kicking the kishin in the face causing it to land sideways. Shaking its head to regain its senses it roared at Asuna and let forth the foulest breath causing her to gag in response.

Letting her guard down just for a moment the kishin took this moment to strike a blow of its own. Asuna managed to dodge its next attack but then something slammed into her from the side, knocking the breath out of her when her body hit the wall making it cracking under her weight. Asuna coughed up a little blood and got to her feet shakily.
" damn what the hell just hit me" wiping the blood from her mouth she then saw a long muscular tail that had been kept hidden for the beginning of their fight. "Shit this is becoming a whole lot harder than i thought it would huh" wincing a bit as she stood up a small smile on her face.

Asuna took a defensive stance again sliding her feet forwards to lessen the chance of the kishin unbalancing her with its tail. the two circled each other for a moment daring each other to make the first move , the kishin getting tired made the first move as it lashed out at her with its clawed hand. Asuna ducked but in that moment she forgot about its tail that snaked out to trip her causing her to fall backwards on her back.

The kishin raised its hand bringing it down to slash at her face and Asuna raised her legs and caught its wrist. twisting on her hands she kept a lock hold in its wrist, twisting her body and its arm with it making it howl in pain as it backed up a little but it was enough for Asuna to stand on her hands and kick it again this time harder than before making it lose balance and fall, which seemed to only anger the thing further. Asuna then somersaulted to her feet making sure there was some distance between her and the kishin which was foaming at the mouth.

Asuna than initiated an attack of her own but this time she would keep one eye on its tail. she got incredibly close to its body so it had little room to really attack her, pulling her fist back Asuna punched the kishin right in its gut her fist digging in deep causing its body to feel wave after wave of concussive force. And it was flung backwards into the wall which then caved in under its massive weight. Standing up right she walked carefully towards where it should be only to find it wasn’t there anymore. Upon realizing that Asuna spun around searching for any sign of its where abouts until it was a bit too late.

seemingly coming out of nowhere the kishins slammed into Asuna who managed to put up her arms at the last moment to try and stop its body weight from really knocking her off her feet. "Dammit" she said through clenched teeth as she used her own strength to oppose that of the kishin who was slowly pushing her back then Asuna dived low between its legs and because it was using its own force to push her back the kishin stumbled forwards but its tail snaked out to grab Asuna. But she already guessed it would try that so turning on her knees Asuna slammed the tonfa down hard crushing its tail causing the kishin to squeal in obvious pain as its tail hung rather useless behind it.

"Payback is so sweet" grinning. While it had been trying to tend to its Asuna charged at it once more it stepped back trying to hit her but it missed when she dodged it followed by her swinging her tonfa as the front hit the kishin in the head. Stunning it for a moment Asuna then kicked it in the side making it fall to the ground her leg slamming it into the ground. She then brought her fist up the in one sweep she punched it in its chest with the same concussive blast as before making a small crater underneath the kishin as it bounced back up a little only to lie still. "is it dead?" doubt in her voice Asuna edged a bit closer keeping on eye on its limbs and tail in case it could still move and she kicked it. The kishin simply lied there before its body dissolved leaving only a floating red soul in its place.

Breathing a sigh of relief Asuna lowered her stance looking around it make sure there were no more by using soul perception. "well doesn't look like there's any kishin eggs around us so i guess we have one down 2 more to go if you still want to continue Akira?" letting go of the tonfas so he could transform back into his human form to eat the kishin’s soul.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well doesn't look like there's any kishin eggs around us so i guess we have one down 2 more to go if you still want to continue Akira?"

"Only if you think you can keep going, I only want to go as far as your limits are."

Akira then immediately turned into his human self and picked up the soul and waved it in the air. "This one seems...bitter; extremely bitter." He took a small bite of it then made a face that could only mean it tasted terrible. "Not even going to eat this thing...I'll just swallow it whole." He dropped the soul in his mouth and swallowed it whole as if it was no problem. He then turned to Asuna and gave her a thumbs up. "You know Asuna, watching you fight from a first person view was amazing, the fact that you have so much stamina along with your speed is what makes her an amazing partner, well that and your an amazing kisser."


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"You know Asuna, watching you fight from a first person view was amazing, the fact that you have so much stamina along with your speed is what makes her an amazing partner, well that and your an amazing kisser."

she immediately blushed at his comment tucking a stray hair behind her ear looking away from Akira "well you are too I guess" she said quietly hoping he wouldn't hear her but knowing his acute hearing especially when it came to him, he probably heard her.

"well I can still keep going, so shall we get going then, or do you want to explore a little bit more before our next fight?" looking back at him.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well you are too I guess"

"Hm, seriously?" Akira didn't want to admit it but that was his first serious kiss as his sister usually scared away any girls that came close to him; especially in Middle School.

"well I can still keep going, so shall we get going then, or do you want to explore a little bit more before our next fight?"

Akira grinned and thought about this question; exploring was a death wish, but if they explored they might find kishins anyway. "Let's explore; if we explore we might find something...I'll tell you if we are getting too deep...the madness grows stronger the farther we go in; you've must have noticed by now."

"Let's go."

He jumped and did a back flip towards Asuna but at the last second changed into his weapon form.


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"yeah I've noticed" catching Akira in his weapon form with ease. she began to walk around stopping every now and then to use soul perception to find any kishin eggs that were around but found none.

"I wonder where they all went is it because its still daytime?" questioning whether or not it was a good idea to have gone in the day despite her fear of the dark. "well I think this is a far as we can go" wincing a little as the pull of madness got stronger with each step.

turning back Asuna walked around some rubble only to have it cave in under her, letting out a yelp as she fell into the dark. "what the Hell!" rubbing her head, dazed for a moment. when she heard a groan behind she turned to find she had landed on Akira who must have transformed when she fell. "ahh sorry Akira your not hurt are you?" standing up holding her hand out to him, the both of them completely unaware that they were not alone.