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Death's Game of Shadows

Death City


a part of Death's Game of Shadows, by pepperx3.

Death City, a city created by Lord Death himself. Full of weapons, and meisters who fight off evil that wonders around this world together.

pepperx3 holds sovereignty over Death City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,929 readers have been here.


Death City is a high tech city, full of crime and danger.
The DWMA is in Death City. The special Academy for Meisters and Weapons in training. Death city is a city full of people who work together to keep it peaceful.
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Death City

Death City, a city created by Lord Death himself. Full of weapons, and meisters who fight off evil that wonders around this world together.


Death City is a part of Death's Game of Shadows.

2 Places in Death City:

13 Characters Here

AsunaNagise [156] "you dumbass ill kill you"
Akira Kouki [155] "Fool! Just kidding; touch Asuna or May I won't be able to guarantee you will live much longer though."
Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer [47] "You needn't comment on my name. I've already contacted the Agency Against the Abuse of Acronyms. They've stopped taking my calls."
Muzai Rey [47] "wait..what...ZZZZ"
May Kouki [44] "Ah..I'm a bit lost here."
Blair Ellis (WIP) [43] "I'm going to turn you to paste now...." (FINISHED)
Gavin Free [35] "....."
Lord Death [11] Welcome to the DWMA!
Addeline Mercury [5] "Do it already!"

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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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Gavin, being as surprised as he was, took a step back. There were red square archways with what seemed to look like guillotine blades at the top, leading down a path, the room seemed endless, there were small cross-like things sticking out of the ground around the pathway. Gavin whispered into Belen's ear "I have the feeling that we shouldn't go inside" Gavin was extremely nervous, What if we aren't supposed to be in here? Gavin thought We could get in some serious trouble, if we're caught. Gavin took a slow step backwards.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"what the HEY" despite her protests Akira pulled her into view of the mirror for Lord Death and prove they were both fine, she smiled at Lord Death "yeah were both fine Lord Death, as you can see"

"Mind if Asuna takes the rest of the day off?

this ticked her off a little or maybe a lot as she got a little red and she punched Akira on the back of the head angrily "who the hell is staying home, like hell I will while your left alone doing both our work load I don't think so" glaring daggers at him, then taking a deep breath she turned back to Lord Death "well as you can see I think I can handle the rest of the day without having to go home, right Akira?" looking over her shoulder at her partner.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Lord Death nodded his head and made a humming noise, "I think you guys can take the day off, you must be a little worn out, I'm just glad you're okay. Make sure to come the nest day though, you missed the lesson!"
Lord Death waved his gloved hand and jollingly said, "Bye!!"
His image faded in the mirror as the call stopped.
Matthew stared at the two and sighed, "Well, looks like you two will be going home. See you later, then?"
Matthew extended his hand towards Akira, telling him to shake it.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well as you can see I think I can handle the rest of the day without having to go home, right Akira?"

As Asuna hit Akira he immediately turned around and glared at her. "OW! You didn't have to hit me Asuna, besides I just care for your health, that's all. I want to perform a checkup of your mental sanity when we get back. There is a rumor that I wan't to make sure didn't affect you, and no you won't have to remove your clothes, that is unless you want to." He quickly turned around, completely forgetting about Lord Death and simply smiled at him.

"I think you guys can take the day off, you must be a little worn out, I'm just glad you're okay. Make sure to come the nest day though, you missed the lesson!"


"Hmph, see that? We got the day off because of my great speech on how you were completely drained of energy. You should thank me for that."

"Well, looks like you two will be going home. See you later, then?"

As Matthew extended his hand for Akira to shake it Akira simply stared at it as if it was some foreign object he had never seen before. He then shook Matthew's hand and stared into his eyes. "You remind me of myself, except taller and most likely a year older sadly, I'm still better looking though. He shrugged and then slammed his hand on the button to send the elevator up.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"no im not glad because i dont want to go home at least not yet anyway but seeing as Lord Death said we get the day off theres no helping it geez and you would think like that"pouting a little before glaring at him for mentioning getting undressed in his presence. Akira pushed the button to go up and she let out a sigh as she leaned against one of the walls waiting for the elevator to reach Death City.


"now i know why i like you so much Arthur you can make anyone feel better right that must be why your so pink" a kind smile on her face "ph and dont get fraked out when i have moments because sometimes i remeber things and i kinda shut down so if that does happen nothing bad is going on okay so there would be no reason to worry" ruffling his hair a little, facing gorwards again she watched Lord Death do his thing as aas rather facinated by what he was doing.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"no im not glad because i dont want to go home at least not yet anyway but seeing as Lord Death said we get the day off theres no helping it geez and you would think like that"

"Aw, you didn't want to go home immediately? That's a shame, what you want to get something to eat or what? Regardless I'll follow you, after all my hastiness is what got us in this situation. Oh, and I may be your boyfriend but I'm a guy first, I can't resist those urges." He shrugged and waited for the elevator to finally reach the top. When the elevator finally did reach the top it jerked heavily and caused Akira to slam to the other side of the elevator. "Ouch! Gah, my stomach..." He lifted his shirt up a little bit to reveal a large purple and red bruise that was at least the size of a grapefruit. He tried to remember what had happened then he recalled Asuna landing on his stomach, he chuckled lightly and quickly pulled his shirt down to avoid anyone else, especially Asuna from seeing the bruise. He walked outside the elevator and looked at the sun.

"Oh how beautiful it is! The air up here is great compared to down there! Asuna let us go wherever you wish! Except the DWMA."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"Oh how beautiful it is! The air up here is great compared to down there! Asuna let us go wherever you wish! Except the DWMA."

"well we already did what I wanted yesterday beside I owe you one don't I for landing on your stomach and all" smiling then it hit her "Oh, and I may be your boyfriend but I'm a guy first, I can't resist those urges." her face turned a light shade of red when she realized what Akira had said earlier 'that's right were engaged and I guess I did tell him this morning huh',\.

'dammit why the hell does love have to be so damn complicated' mentally having a temper tantrum, turning back to Akira "well since I'm letting you decide what we do for the rest of the day, what do you want to do today Akira, I honestly don't care what it is" smiling.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well we already did what I wanted yesterday beside I owe you one don't I for landing on your stomach and all"

"Aww, but I just oh so love shopping with you, I mean yes it's dreadfully boring but when I get to look at you in a bikini it's worth it isn't it? Well, it is for me and all the other guys you just happen to let stare at you" He grabbed his bruised stomach and clenched his teeth.

"well since I'm letting you decide what we do for the rest of the day, what do you want to do today Akira, I honestly don't care what it is."

"When you put it that way...I wouldn't mind going to the beach, not today however, my stomach is killing me, currently the main thing I want to do is go to the Zoo, or the flower garden. I need to keep my hobby of photography up, besides it will be fun to go see the chimpanzee I like to call May at the zoo, remember the one that seems to boss it's twin around? Hm then perhaps after that we can get some ice cream, I really don't know there are so many choices."


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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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Before they could go away, the room soaked Gavin and Belen like a vacuum and the door got closed with a loud slam. They ended up flying into the endlessness on the room. Belen's heart was pounding, her mind rushed and ended up thoughtless. Her scream was almost as loud as the vacuum. The two went deeper and deeper until...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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she laughed at his comparison of a chimpanze and his sister smiling "well the zoo it is then we can get some ice cream after or would you just perfer to watch a movie after the zoo? because i would very much like to go the zoo just not quite sure what it is we can do after." thinking about what else they could do for the rest of the day. she looked back at him noticing his pained expression while holding his stomach "hey i didnt hurt you did i when i fell on you?"her voice laced with guilt a frown showing on her face as she began to worry about what else might be hurting Akira.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well the zoo it is then we can get some ice cream after or would you just perfer to watch a movie after the zoo? because i would very much like to go the zoo just not quite sure what it is we can do after."

"Hm when you put it that way now I really don't know..."

"hey i didnt hurt you did i when i fell on you?"

"Huh? Psh are you kidding me? Do you know how light you are? There is no way you could have bruised me from that!" He joked, trying to not make Asuna feel bad. "Maybe if you gained an extra hundred pounds then yes but when you landed on me it seemed you actually lost weight."

"Well, you see I'm not being honest...when you were passed out I ran and attacked the kishin recklessly and it got a good hit on me. But I'm fine, don't worry about it." He grabbed Asuna's hand and held it firmly. "Oh! We have to stop by the house so I can get my camera! I completely forgot! Well that and I want to change out of these clothes, they smell of lower city."


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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she stared at him for a moment 'well that was strange' but decided to leave sleeping dogs lie, though she was bit irked that he mentioned her weight but let that go too since he was hurt.

"Oh! We have to stop by the house so I can get my camera! I completely forgot! Well that and I want to change out of these clothes, they smell of lower city."

"well alright but we should hurry before it gets too crowded at the zoo, and these clothes do smell" making Akira hurry up the pace "well actually I think I need a shower too" walking a bit faster she never did let go of his hand until they got home.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well alright but we should hurry before it gets too crowded at the zoo, and these clothes do smell"

"well actually I think I need a shower too."

"I may take a shower as well, I'll let you go first but don't use all the hot water!"

The two eventually reached the apartment complex, As Akira unlocked the door he began to felt a little light headed. He put his hand on his forehead and shook his head, ignoring the feeling. He pushed the door open and walked inside and immediately headed into his room. He took his hoodie off along with his shirt and looked in the mirror that was on his closet. The bruise immediately caught his attention, he hadn't noticed it before but it was bigger than before. He shrugged it off, assuming it must have grown bigger from when he was thrown on the elevator.

He put on a white T-Shirt and changed his jeans to some beige cargo shorts and left his room and wandered into the living room where laid down on the couch and relaxed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Akira was having a dream, an amazing dream at that. Akira and Asuna were fighting a witch, an extremely strong one at that, it was the witch soul that was needed to become a Death Scythe. Tensions were at the max and both Asuna and Akira were drained of energy. They stared down the witch who's animal was seemingly based off a chameleon, not only that but said witch had a weapon. Akira and Asuna used the last of their energy to form an amazing Soul Resonance that they knew would kill the witch. Just as Akira and Asuna tried to make the hit connect he woke up.

"AAAAH!" He shrieked.

He looked to see Asuna's hand on his shoulder. "Oh, it's just you...shame I was having an amazing dream." He said lazily as Asuna sat next to him.

“well the showers free so go ahead and take a shower since you smell, and don’t worry I didn’t take up all the hot water.”

"Took you long enough, and I don't smell! Well, maybe just a little...but that isn't my fault it's just the stench of Lower City." He got up of the couch and headed into his room to get some supplies. He picked out a black short sleeve shirt with a Shinigami Skull on the back to wear with his cargo shorts and headed into the bathroom with a towel. He got undressed and placed his clothes on the towel rack along with his towel and turned on the shower. Luckily there was still hot water left over from Asuna's shower and it didn't take long for it to warm up again. Akira jumped in and just stood in there for ten minutes with the hot water running off his body before he actually began to wash himself off. About ten minutes later the warm water began to run out at a rapid pace and Akira immediately turned off the water and dried off. He for once ignored his hair gel and decided to go all natural, he put on sunscreen then put on his clothes and proceeded to leave the bathroom.

Akira headed into the kitchen and grabbed the camera that was on the counter and sneakily came behind Asuna who was on the coach watching TV. He gently wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her on the cheek. "Let's get going before it's too late. Oh, and don't forget to put on sunscreen, that is unless you plan on getting a tan."


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"...I give you a kiss and you return it by slamming me on the ground...Well I realized two things just right now. One never surprise you from behind with a kiss and two you have suppressed strength I never knew about."

"well what do you think I've been doing just lazing about on my ass", Akira continued to stared at her making her shift from foot to foot, then he grinned before sitting up and kissing her on the forehead. which caused her to blush and pout a little since she was a bit disappointed that it was her forehead and not somewhere else but quickly shook the thought away.

"Luckily I sustained little to no injury surprisingly, I believe just in shock more than can we get going or are you going to throw me like a rag doll some more?"

"no im not going to throw you, so lets go" standing up straight as she walked out their apartment, and down the stairs.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"well what do you think I've been doing just lazing about on my ass"

Akira ignored her comment and continued to walk, still a bit upset at what had just happened. He did however wait for Asuna to catch up to him so they could hold hands. When Asuna finally caught up Akira held her hand and they began to walk.

"Asuna, if you want we can stop by your house on the way to the zoo and I'm being serious at the moment too. May as well tell them that we are going out, unless you want me to do it and then get chased outside the house or have it be a secret forever and then when they see us holding hands or just happen to see us kissing they will kill me right then and there."


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"Asuna, if you want we can stop by your house on the way to the zoo and I'm being serious at the moment too. May as well tell them that we are going out, unless you want me to do it and then get chased outside the house or have it be a secret forever and then when they see us holding hands or just happen to see us kissing they will kill me right then and there."

“well I’m pretty sure I want you alive and in one piece so i guess that means we tell papa about it” smiling as she lead the way to her home, which surprisingly want that far from where their apartment complex was.

They arrived in front of a nice looking house, Asuna then stopped at the door key in hand as she looked around suspiciously making sure her father was planning a surprise attack. The coast was clear so Asuna inserted her key and was about to turn the knob when suddenly the door burst open along with a large body.

Stepping out of the way the figure which turned out to be her father missed but instead landed on Akira hugging him like crazy, rubbing his head into Akira’s chest “oh Asuna I’m so glad your back, did that perverted street rat do something bad, no wait I take that back he did do something didn’t he, I knew it I’ll go punish him immediately”. Father then began to frown as he continued to rub his head a bit more roughly “hmm that’s strange Asuna your chest isn’t as plump as it should be what happened to my beautiful daughters breast!”

Asuna stood behind him an angry aura radiating from her which brought fear into both their hearts “papa that’s because your hugging Akira and what the hell do you know about my breasts you perverted old man” at this father looked up opening his eyes for once a sick look on his face when he realized the truth. He scrambled backwards as if he was touching the devil or something grabbing onto Asuna’s leg crying “ahh Asuna my beloved daughter how could you bring him here, please forgive me” this only irritated Asuna further “shut up and let go of me dammit” kicking him with the other leg to try and make him let go of her.

That’s when someone grabbed Asuna from behind lifting her up into the air; a baffled look crossed her face until she faced whoever picked her up. Asuan’s face light up with joy as she stretched out hugging her eldest brother Nate. “Nate your home!” as he put her down towering over all of them, standing at 6’4 Nate was a pretty tall guy not only that but he was a chick magnet and was a pretty nice guy, once you got passed the tough brother love of being the oldest of six.

Smiling down at them he patted Asuna on the head “it’s good to see your still the same Asuna and I see you brought Akira” holding his hand out to help him up, when he helped him up Nate bent down a little whispering into Akira’s ear a smile still on his face “I hope you’ve been taking care of my sister, boy, you know what’ll happen if I found out she got hurt because of you” stepping back up he ruffled Akira’s hair before turning back to the door looking back at them “well are you coming inside or not?”. Out of all of Asuna’s brothers Nate was by far the most tolerant about the relationship between Asuna and Akira but sometimes he could be a bit scary.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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After Akira was tackled by Asuna's father he almost felt sorry for Asuna after seeing what she had to go through everytime she came home. after the whole ordeal with her father her oldest brother Nate came in to help Akira up.

“I hope you’ve been taking care of my sister, boy, you know what’ll happen if I found out she got hurt because of you”

Those words made Akira's spine crawl, not that Akira was scared but because she nearly did get hurt because of him.

He glared at Nate and nodded. "You already know the answer to that question, so why ask?" He mumbled under his breath.

He brushed himself off then brushed his messed up hair with his hand and followed Asuna inside the house.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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she followed Nate happily making sure to check on Akira "hey you okay my dad didnt hurt you anymore than you already are did he"asking politely. they entered the living room which was nicely furnished and Asuna sat down in one the sofas which just so happened to be a love seat Akira sitting next to her. at that moment her father was on edge as he noticed this watching the two suspiciously. "so what are you doing here Asuna normally you try to avoid haveing to come visit dad is something the matter?" Nate asked leaning against the couch their dad sat in his hands folded in his lap thinking. "well um we actually have a lot to tell you about but first the big news" Asuna paused for a moment looking over at Akira before turning back to her father and brother. "me and Akira have decided that were going to start going out as of today" hearing this her father spit out the coffee he had been drinking the both of them stared at her in shock. "Excuse me!"her dad yelled jumping the distance to crouch in a begging position, crying "no my beloved daughter dont leave me your suposed to be my little girl why" becoming over dramatic while Nate recovered himself and smiled "well i was wondering when this would happen im surprised you actually had the guts to come here dating my sister Akira, just to let you know dont go breaking her heart okay otherwise you wont just have me to deal with" joking a little.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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When they entered the living room Akira was a little surprised, it was almost he same as the last time he came here, the furniture, the placement of certain items and everything was almost precisely the same. Akira sat down next to Asuna on a loveseat, Akira thought nothing of it at first but he then realized that she did this on purpose to give them a hint.

"well um we actually have a lot to tell you about but first the big news" Akira immediately looked at him and he nodded, confirming she should say it.

"me and Akira have decided that were going to start going out as of today" As soon as she said it here were different reactions from both Nate and Asuna's father.
"well i was wondering when this would happen im surprised you actually had the guts to come here dating my sister Akira, just to let you know dont go breaking her heart okay otherwise you wont just have me to deal with"

"Nate, I hope you do know I have more guts than you realize...disregard Asuna sat on half of them, literally. Anyway I'm the one who said we should stop here. Anyway I won't break her heart, she might kill me before I would even get the chance, especially considering what happened earlier today." Akira said, referring to the fact that Asuna completely flipped Akira over.

"But regardless of how many times she flips me over the coach I'll still love her."


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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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Gavin waved his hand in front of Belen, she seemed to be daydreaming. "Hey, snap out of it" Gavin whispered to Belen "we have to go find a teacher" Gavin started walking, he turned and saw that Belen was still out of it, Gavin sighed and started pulling her along by her hand.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"Nate, I hope you do know I have more guts than you realize...disregard Asuna sat on half of them, literally. Anyway I'm the one who said we should stop here. Anyway I won't break her heart, she might kill me before I would even get the chance, especially considering what happened earlier today." Akira said, referring to what had happened earlier.

"But regardless of how many times she flips me over the coach I'll still love her."

She blush a little but got annoyed when her dad gave her the thumbs up at the mention of her flipping Akira over the couch. “well that’s nice Akira, wait so then I did hurt you didn’t I” worry written all over her face.

Her dad became serious as did Nate who stood up in from his position but both backed off when Asuna glared at the two Nate raised his hands to say he was peaceful her dad, well he just glared at Akira like any father would when he finds out his daughter is dating someone.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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“well that’s nice Akira, wait so then I did hurt you didn’t I”

He quickly looked at Asuna who obviously seemed to be worried about what he had just said. He sighed and shook his head no. "Nope, I'm perfectly fine, I just know not to surprise you from behind like that anymore, perhaps something like this will do?" Akira quickly gave Asuna a peck on the cheek before sneakily wrapping his arm around her waist. He wanted to chucklel at the reactions from Nate and Asuna's father, he could tell he was getting on there nerves; not that he hadn't before. He couldn't help but continue to piss them off as it was within his nature.

"You know, within six to eight years and after become I Death-Scythe you may be a grandfather." Akira said, using his free arm to point to Asuna's dad. "Just kidding, besides I don't know if I'm up for the responsibility of being a father...then again I'm eighteen what do I know! I wouldn't be able to handle my daughter going out with some guy that I hate." Akira said teasing her father.

"You know, it would be even worse if they moved in together...who knows what they might be doing." Akira then removed his hand from around Asuna's waist and used both of his arms to grab his body and squirmed around acting as if he was disgusted. "Just teasin', Im not the person you think I am! Besides I treasure Asuna more than anything else in the whole wide universe rest assured I will take great care of your daughter." Akira gently tugged at Asuna's sleeve, signalling it was time to go before things got heated.


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Character Portrait: Gavin Free Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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The pain in Belen's head stabbed her in the front part of her brain. She moaned quietly and put her hand on her forehead. "How are we supposed to find him? Do you even know how does he looks like?" she asked Gavin.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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She looked between Akira and her father who little by little began to lose himself to his emotions, while Nate simply nodded his head an understanding smile on his face. The only thing keeping her father back was Nate’s hand that held his shoulder in an iron grip Asuna knew all too well.

Looking down as Akira tugged her sleeve, signaling that it was time to go, Asuna turned back to her family an embarrassed smile on her face, “well I think its best that we go now Papa,s o I guess we’ll see you later, make sure to tell the others about all this Nate” she smiled at the two as she started for the door before stopping.

“Oh, I almost forgot I need something from my room Akira come with me” she turned back to the hallway grabbing Akira’s hand as she dragged him upstairs to her old room.

The moment she closed the door she let out a sigh “whew well we should hurry before papa gets suspicious.” As she went to her draws looking through them and everything else. Pretty much everything was still in place, from 4 years ago when she moved in with Akira in their apartment.

Asuna began to frown a little as she continued her rather frantic search for whatever it was she was looking for after a few moments she plopped down on her old bed, her head in her hands “dammit where did I put it” holding one hand to her temple deep in thought.