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Forged Marriage



a part of Forged Marriage, by Brenflakes.


Brenflakes holds sovereignty over Anime, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Anime is a part of Forged Marriage.

17 Characters Here

Akiko Suzuki [26] "I promise to be a good girl."
Adam Leroux [25] "Get in my way, then you will pay"
Henrietta Claes [22] Oh that? That's the silence of damns given.
Benjamin Ephraim [19] "Lord, please guide my heart and mind as I meet this girl I am bound to marry..."
Scarlen Amiguard [18] This is going to mess with my fight plans
Eris Mooncraft [16] I am blind not helpless
Holli [12] "What!"
David Bailey [10] "Hey! your kind of cute you wanna go out for a burger or something"
Mimmi Ronchester [10] "How is this supposed to work really" -sighs-

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Character Portrait: David Bailey Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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David rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously at the parents comment about not being apprehensive about the arranged marriage. Anyone would be, but some just react differently to some things then others. David was just a laid back kind of guy that just went with the flow of things, he thought of himself as generally a likable guy so in his mind who wouldn't want to be married to him. But on the other hand the thought of a committed relationship was a bit scary to him, especially with his nature for getting on someones nerves.

"Yeah I'm here for the marriage thing" he gave a confused look at the girl and her parents. "Well I guess I just think of it like this.... there are worse things that could happen to me in this world and It might turn out that we were meant to be together or something. It's all good to me but..." he looked at the pairs daughter who finally stepped out of the car. She seemed to very attached to her brother who was still quite young.

"Dont bother I am out happy? Want to tell the rest of the world about this stupid marriage arrangement?"

She was a very pretty girl who had a quick wit and fiery personality... it reminded him allot of his mother. His curiosity peaked that maybe this girl was the one his parents had paired him with.

"I don't have any siblings or anything, but I've always wanted a kid brother" he said with a friendly smile at the daughter. "So I can understand that it might be hard to leave someone you love allot behind for something you had no choice in. Maybe... you could let her take things a little slow and she can warm up to whomever the guy is she supposed to marry" he looked at the letter with the symbol in his hand.

"Listen I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk... I tend to say stupid stuff sometimes that gets me in trouble, but do our symbols match? Cause my mom would be furious with me if I didn't check" he blushed slightly and handed his paper to the girl. But with the mood she was in he expected her to rip the paper up and throw it in his face. Not that he blamed her he could be a total idiot sometimes and he thought that right now was one of those times, but then maybe he wasn't he was never really sure which was common for him.


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"mmm I like being able to take care of my self. I enjoy trying new things be it food or drink. If it drives my mother up the wall all the better. The more spice to the food the better. If i can feel tears rolling down my cheeks than i am happy. I dont need fancy things to be happy i like simple and i want to finish college." She thought a little more. "one thing you need to under stand that when I lost my sight I was treated like something that was helpless, I have not been swimming seance then along with other things." She frowned some placing her hands in her laps.


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Character Portrait: Scarlen Amiguard Character Portrait: Eris Mooncraft
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#, as written by Lambie
Scarlen chuckled a bit. "Well I know what we're going to do for our first a outing." He says with a smile. "We are taking you swimming. I give you a major props on wanting to finish college." Scarlen then looked at Eris gently. "From what I can tell you don't need any or much help. I like an independent woman."


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She smirked " Watch me float like a rock. " She was unsure if she could swim. "I want to go in to law and that takes work not sure how well people will take to a blind protector of law" She sighed a little looking up. "My mother thinks i need a babysitter any time I am out and about....only reason that I got of that today is my brother dropped me off." She grinned some " Thats a good thing for i am going to where the paints in the house hold" She gave him a very playful nudge.


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Character Portrait: Scarlen Amiguard Character Portrait: Eris Mooncraft
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#, as written by Lambie
Scarlen chuckled a bit. "If you can lay on your back you can float." He says reassuringly. "Parents are always over protective. When I told them that I wanted to do MMA they had a heart attack." Saying in an amused voice. "But its not about them anymore. Its about what you wanna do and I am sure you'll do fine despite the problem with your sight."


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Character Portrait: David Bailey Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain Character Portrait: Holli
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Scarny looked up at the guy handing her the paper. She looked at it then looked at her own. She gulped then nodded. "I-I think so." She gave his back and held hers out too not looking up in fear he would see that she was crying. Afraid of what might happen to her. "You can check I might be wrong." She though about his comment while she waited. His mom would be mad if he didn't check to see if he was her match. She wondered why. She dismissed it and tried to hide that she was trying to get rid of the tears. When she thought they were gone she looked back up at him.

Lodan smiled at her and tried to ignore that her father was very unhappy. He chuckled lightly to himself when he thought that the mom was probably in charge in that house. He held out his arm for her told take a hold of. "Shall we go looking then?" He asked her motioning to his car waiting just a few feat away. "Or would you rather ride with your parents?" He asked looking at her mom and not her dad.


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She took his arm politely listening to her mother ell her father in a loud whisper that she had made the right choice. "Ill go with you and.we can get to know eachother." She said with a beautiful smile her father smiled at him and said. "Nice to meet you Sir.".Her father left as soom as he had finshed pronuncing the 'r'. Her mother followed with a kind smile which Holli knew to be rare.


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She nodded "I think i can do lest your male its not as bad as when girls want to do it." this did not seem so bad bu she still did wounder was he really ok with the fact of haveing to marry some girl who could not see. "Do you think we could walk around i can feel my legs falling a sleep" She hoped that would be an ok plan. She knew she could put a fight up but planed on keeping that on the down low.


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Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain Character Portrait: Holli
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Lodan walked to the car and opened the door for her. When she got in he walked over to the other side and pulled out following his parents in the car they had left at the park yesterday. He started driving and didn't say anything till they reached the highway. "Your not to happy about this." He noted not really saying it as a question but as a statement seeing how she acted before he had gotten there. He glanced over at her real quick then quickly looked back at the road.


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Character Portrait: Scarlen Amiguard Character Portrait: Eris Mooncraft
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#, as written by Lambie
Scarlen nodded. "That sound good." He says gently. "My legs are just as bad." Hopping up to his feet. "Lead the way."


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She put her caine back together and slowly got up. "that's a funny though the blind leading the seeing" The caine moved side to side feeling out the path that path in front of her. "so what are we going to do with the rest of our lives at this point?" she was nut sure of it and that did show but she would make things work they had to.


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Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki
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#, as written by Kaire23
Akiko looked around and tried to find some type of familiar face among the crowd. After awhile, a frown grew on her face when she figured out there was no one she would know. She walked over to a park bench and sat down. She was a bit too shy for this. Akiko pulled out her letter again and looked at her symbol.
'How could I ever find the one that my parents picked?' She thought as her thumb traced over it gently.


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Character Portrait: Scarlen Amiguard Character Portrait: Eris Mooncraft
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#, as written by Lambie
"Sometimes blind sees more than the living." Scarlen mumbles a bit. "Really anything. Tell you the truth I am not going to tie you down on not doing anything. I feel that you should be free to make your own decision." He says fullheartedly.


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Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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"I mean no offense, Dad, but..." Benjamin just received his brown tuxedo as he spoke with a nervous tone. "What if we don't like each other?"

His father smiled at him. "Then at least I have tried. Although, seeing that Henrietta enjoys music, I'm certain I did a somewhat successful job with the chemistry part."

"Why did you arrange this, anyway?"

"Because I know how much of a hard time you have had when it came to relationships and finding the right young lady. Perhaps with this marriage, you can forget about those break-ups. Just remember to be loyal and loving, as detailed in the Bible."

The young man nodded. "I'll do that, surely, though I am not positve on whether that will make a difference with her."

"Again..." The middle aged man placed a hand on his shoulder. "I did my best." The alarm clock on Ben's father's cell phone sounded off briefly. "It's time. You have your driving license?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright. You know where to meet her."

Benjamin did not have any sort of fancy vehicle, just a truck he uses as part of his job for a landscape company. His family was not rich, yet they were not poor, either. Ben's father did not even realize how greedy Henrietta's father was when the two men arranged the marriage. Thus, Benjamin did not yet know how much drama could occur.

When he got close enough to the trail leading to the fountain, he parked his Ford vehicle and walked the rest of the way. Once at the fountain, he noticed the girl and recognized her as Henrietta. Well, she's not exactly enthusiastic about this, either. He rolled his eyes. What a surprise... With an expressionless face, he walked towards her. Once he got close enough, his eyes looked to his left side, he honestly did not know what to expect.

"Henrietta, right?" His hands stayed in his pockets. "Look, I don't like this arrangement, either. I didn't even have a say in it. So, if you were planning on chewing me out over that, I'd appreciate it if you didn't."


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Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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#, as written by Layla
"Henrietta, right?" Siren's intense blue eyes bore into those of light brown. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, the only indication she could be bothered to give the young man.

"Look, I don't like this arrangement, either. I didn't even have a say in it. So, if you were planning on chewing me out over that, I'd appreciate it if you didn't."

Henrietta tucked her skateboard under a tree and stood in front of the light haired boy, hands on her small waist. "You must be my mysterious fiancé. Wonderful. Let us make 6 cute babies and die together on our front porch when we're 92," she commented sarcastically. For such a sweet looking girl with a voice of pure honey, Henrietta's personality was clearly far from sugared. Looking up at the boy who was almost a head taller than her, Henrietta curled a lock of his light brown hair around her slim fingers. "And what's your name, my one true love?"

Taking both his hands from his pockets, Henrietta wrapped them around her her curved hips and tucked hands right over her butt. She beamed and tilted her head to the side, exposing her pale neck and causing strands of her apricot hair to fall over her eyes. The mischievous girl hooked her arms around the back of the boy's neck. Her lips of rose tilted upwards in a cheeky smile, causing the dimple on the left side of her cheek to sink in. In a sultry, breathless voice, she whispered, "Let's look like we're having the time of our lives and piss these newbie couple off, shall we?"

Nibbling on his earlobe, Henrietta moaned loudly. "Oh, baby, I love you, too!" Snuggling her head in the crook of her fiancé's neck to disguise her laughter, Henrietta pressed her body tighter against his.

If life throws you lemons, make apricot milkshake and leave the world wondering how you did it. I'm going to have the time of my life, you dumb lemons.


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Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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Benjamin looked in Henrietta's direction when she made a sarcastic remark. "Were you even listening to a word I...?" Before he could complete his query, the girl already curled a lock of his hair. Is she trying to get on my nerves or something? He was not dumb, he could guess at what was going on. When asked for his name, he replied with, "Benjamin."

He did not put up any resistance when Henrietta pulled his hands out of his pockets. What is she doing? His face turned red when his hands were placed on the girl's butt. What the heck? This is... errotic... The young man immediately placed his hands on her back, right before he heard her speak as if she was consumed by lust but in reality suggested angering the other couples by putting up a show.

Benjamin did not do a thing except let out a soft "Ow..." the moment his ear was nibbled. He did not know what to make of the whole situation. He even went so far as to roll his eyes and saracastly think in his head, You really did your best, huh, Dad?


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Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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#, as written by Layla
Resting her fingers on the three piercings on her earlobe and the two on her cartilage, she laughed. "Bet I'm the baddest badass bride within 50 miles." Kissing his neck, she whispered, "Relax, Ben. You're acting like I'm a troll trying to sit on your eggs."

Pulling back, she gave him her most flirtatious smile, knowing her dimple would sink in in the most adorable way. Siren wasn't a girly girl in the least. Hell, she skateboarded to her own wedding - but she definitely knew how to use her female parts to get what she wanted. Taking his hand in hers, she walked backwards to the fountain. Henrietta suddenly flipped him around and straddled him as he sat on the edge of the flowing water. It definitely wasn't the most lady-like thing to do in a wedding gown but what did she care.

Her goal was to make everyone feel as uncomfortable as possible.

She gave the nearest man - other than Benjamin - a wink. Henrietta considered giving his cute little fiancee one, too, but decided girls could have a classy slap on the ass. Chuckling at her own humour, she turned back to Benjamin, tucking her soft blonde hair behind her ear. "So, what do you like to do? Your daddy made you marry a nice young woman to keep you in line?" she asked, flashing him two rows of pearly white teeth. "To be completely honest, love, I don't think I was the best choice."

"Oh stop it, sweetheart! I know I'm the greatest woman to walk the Earth but you didn't have to flatter me. Ben, you naughty boy. Of course I'm wearing amazingly uncomfortable lingerie that I would love for someone to take off. Hahaha!"

So maybe subtlety wasn't her greatest strength.


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She nodded a she walked her caine moving side to side in controlled moments. being able to walk around made her less tense about this. She had a grace about her when she walked as if she did dancing or taken a few boxing lessons. each step made with a smooth movement. She still carried her self as if she could see.


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"It's nothing against you I just don't like not being allowed to make my own decision. Hey I guess as you want to be a footballer you like sport?" She replied she looked at him driving for.a mall moment then out the front window. She looked at all the different cars quitely as they drove past them. She smiled she didn't explain why but now her mother wasnt hanging over here neck she could be herself.


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Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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Benjamin stood confused about Henrietta's intentions as she made her flirtatious moves, startled when she flipped him into the fountain with her. "What was that for?" He noticed her winking at another man, which inwardly ticked him off, though he did not show it. I knew she wouldn't be happy about the marriage, either, but this is ridiculous!

"So, what do you like to do?"

"I like music, reading, and writing, most of the time."

"Your daddy made you marry a nice young woman to keep you in line?" she asked, flashing him two rows of pearly white teeth. "To be completely honest, love, I don't think I was the best choice."

Benjamin did not answer that question. He did not want to repeat what his father said about unsuccessful relationships. Right after Henrietta said she was not the best choice, the young man asked with a sarcastic tone, "Oh, and why wouldn't you be?" At least she was being a little honest, that time...

"Oh stop it, sweetheart! I know I'm the greatest woman to walk the Earth, but you didn't have to flatter me."

"I wasn't..."

"Ben, you naughty boy. Of course I'm wearing amazingly uncomfortable lingerie that I would love for someone to take off. Hahaha!"

Stay calm... stay calm.. stay calm... "Hernietta..." His blush was still visible on his cheeks. "Why don't we wait until after the wedding to do that, when nobody will be watching?" Benjamin did not exactly look forward to taking off the lingerie, but he seriously wanted to try and avoid as much awkwardness as possible until the two of them were alone.


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#, as written by Kaire23
"I thought a park is supposed to be a happy place, but you look ever so glum" the man commented as she looked up, startled. A guy sat by her as she looked at him. "I know I'm a complete stranger and all, but maybe I could help you. I dunno, and if you wish to be alone, then fine. Tell me, and I'll leave you to the duckies over there"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She said as she flashed him a smile. "I just..." She started before looking back down at her letter. "I can't find someone... They were supposed to be here by now..." She said quietly as she let out a slight sigh.

Shaking her head and perking up, she extended her hand.
"I'm Akiko by the way. Akiko Suzuki." She said with another smile. She may not find this guy, but at least she's be able to find a friend.


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He smiled but wasn't sure if he should hide it or show it. He decided she should see his true colors and just let his smile show. He didn't know what to say to her until she asked about sports. "I never used to like them because my dad forced me into them. I always rebelled and played bad. Then he told him he was done and that made me want to see my true potential. I tried out for every sport and I found I am best in football and baseball. My dad hates football though so that made me love it even more. Now I love it completely." He stopped and didn't say anything else. He realized that she might find this disrespectful of him and become angry with him.


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Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Walker walked out of the police station with a $10,000 check for the bounty he had brought in.
{Well, this should cover my expenses for the next month... Add in food, and I'm left with... Needing another $2,000...} He hung his head as his stomach growled. {Ah well, something will turn up!} As he walked down the street, he was met by one of his family's servants.
"Sir, you are to come with me to meet the girl you are to marry today." the man said as he kept pace with an ever faster Walker. "And have you been eating properly? If you are in need of money, your family is sure to-" and was immediately shushed by Walker as he turned to face the man, his eyes golden instead of their normal blue in his anger.
"As far as I'm concerned, Sven," Walker said, his hand on his gun, "my gun and Sara are the only family I have. I wish to have as little of a connection to that damned family as possible, understand? The only reason I'm jumping through their little hoops is because they are paying for Sara's health and well-being. Anything less, and I would have turned their offer down faster than you can think. Now, where am I meeting her?"
Sven nodded, and spoke.
"Come with me, I'll take you to there." He then led Walker to a car, and they drove off to meet her.


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#, as written by Lambie
Scarlen followed Eris along the path. He had to admit it was hard to believe that she was blind after all. She walked gracefully, but still with the tactical procession of a fighter. Shaking his head a bit for he may have been staring a little bit which was a bit rude of him. After all he had barely met Eris and he was already gawking at her. "Calm down." Scarlen thought to himself as he was starting to go as he would call it 'love crazed.' He had to put himself back in his place. "Though I wouldn't mind if Eris put me in my place." Thinking to himself as a dirty thought tried to creep its way into his mind. "Damn it Scarlen stop it!" He screamed in his head as his face turned bright red. "So how about we go some place fun?" Scarlen asked his mind very much flustered.


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Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: David Bailey Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Tears were gripping down onto the paper in her hands and she hadn't even bothered to wipe them away. Mimmi reached into her pocket and pulled out an old pocket watch that her grandfather had given her before he passed away.

"I've been here almost two hours and still I'm still alone... dang it I left my cell phone in the limo" she said with slight frustration. That meant she could call her parents and let them no that her arranged husband never showed. But maybe... she was jumping to conclusions to fast. Perhaps something happen'ed and he was just late... really late she decided to just suck it up and take a walk around the park.


David gave and awkward look, surprised that she wasn't upset by his request. When he looked at the symbols next to each other indeed they did match. He looked back at the girl who seemed so sad and looked as though she might cry. If there was one thing he hated was to see was a girl cry.

He handed the paper back to her "Yes, I'm afraid they do" his voice was solemn trying to respect the feelings that she was having at the moment. He sighed "My name is David Bailey... if it's not too much trouble could you tell me your name?" he asked looking down at the ground.

He felt so badly for her, he turned and looked at her parents and wondered why the had done this to her knowing that it would upset her. He liked to think that if he had been a parent he would have thought differently and not put his child into this situation. He wasn't necessarily upset with his parents for doing this but, he would have at least liked some say in the matter of the person who he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with.