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Forged Marriage



a part of Forged Marriage, by Brenflakes.


Brenflakes holds sovereignty over Anime, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Anime is a part of Forged Marriage.

17 Characters Here

Akiko Suzuki [26] "I promise to be a good girl."
Adam Leroux [25] "Get in my way, then you will pay"
Henrietta Claes [22] Oh that? That's the silence of damns given.
Benjamin Ephraim [19] "Lord, please guide my heart and mind as I meet this girl I am bound to marry..."
Scarlen Amiguard [18] This is going to mess with my fight plans
Eris Mooncraft [16] I am blind not helpless
Holli [12] "What!"
David Bailey [10] "Hey! your kind of cute you wanna go out for a burger or something"
Mimmi Ronchester [10] "How is this supposed to work really" -sighs-

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Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by Kaire23
"One thing you should know about me, is that I'm not afraid to speak my mind. You have a mouth, use it" he said, winking before continuing, "Now, what you said about those red roses Angel...what you think of red heads?" He finished as she smiled back to him.

"Red heads are striking... but charming. The color red itself is a beautiful and vivid color. It is rare to find a red head like yourself, but when you do, it makes the moment even more momentous." She finished while looking into his clear blue eyes, hers being innocent and pure.

"Also... I'm not used to speaking my mind... My parents liked it better when I was silent.... but if you want me too.... I'll try to speak my mind too.... If you want me to of course." She ended as she continued to look into her eyes. His eyes looked amazing. She was always fond of blue eyes, hers being the same color.

"By the way... Your eyes.... They're so... Blue... and splendid." She said while staring into them. It wasn't like her to get lost so easily in someones eyes, but here she was looking into those amazing eyes and unable to break eye contact.


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Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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The car rolled up to the park, and Walker stepped out, Sara in his arms, looking around for the girl he was going to be stuck with for the next however many years, at least until he could pay his family back for Sara's surgery.
<Is something wrong Daddy?> Sara signed. Walker smiled at how she always signed Daddy out in letters instead of just using the word for father, it made him feel like he was actually her father. Having adopted Sara two years ago, he had learned she was a mute right away, and immediately went and learned ASL so he could understand her. He had treated her like she was his own daughter, even when she had been confined to a wheelchair due to his idiocy when he had been chasing the bounty that was her father. He nuzzled her gently in response.
"You can always tell when I'm nervous, can't you?" He said, her giggling as he nuzzled her head. "Now, we have a Mommy to find!" And so he looked around for her, with Sara acting as a second pair of eyes.


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Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Mimmi blinked as he stepped out of the car holding a little girl in his arms, they way interacted with her was heart warming. She watched as the girl signed to him she concluded that she was either deaf or unable to speak. She smiled cause it appeared that this girl was his daughter, this was curious to Mimmi because he seemed almost too young to have a daughter. She shook her head and decided she should go and introduce herself, she walked up quietly and looked at the pair nervously "Umm... hello my name is Miriam Ronchester... but you can call me Mimmi" by the time the short sentence came out of her mouth Mimmi was blushing a bright crimson.


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Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Sara grabbed Walker's shoulder and signed to him, and Walker turned around just in time to hear her introduction.
"A pleasure to meet you, Mimmi, I am Walker Nuhoa McMullin, unfortunately, and the lovely lady I'm holding is my adoptive daughter Sara Eve McMullin, and I pardon if I end up talking without an audible response, I'm talking to Sara, she's mute and cute! Sara?" Sara immediately began signing with her hands.
<It's nice meeting you, miss!> Sara signed, with Walker translating for her. <I hope you make my Daddy really happy!> It was now Walker's turn to blush, although not to the state Mimmi was in.


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Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by S1mon
Adam Leroux

When he spoke with his mind, he said how he felt without fearing repercussions. Afterall, he knew how to handle himself, and fend for himself, and make sure he had the upper hand before he played his cards. He had said before, how he was also in the same position as her, how he aimed high, but ended up not being good enough, that there was more for him to do, so instead he took things in his own hands, went his own way, and no longer was the yes-man he was. Since then, his father recognised him taking independence, regarded him more highly and shown he could take initiative, giving him power in his company, enabling Adam to show him that he could handle the business. His position being more solid as a result, but now after all his building up, his solid ground was now shaky in regards to his future if this did not work well. Looking into her pearl-blue eyes, which looked ever so innocent, reflected in her character, for she was exactly that, innocent. Like him, she had been brought up in a wealthy family, having to do what her parents asked, tended to say yes and be submissive as he used to be. Now, here she was, a young bright innocent angel about to marry a devious cunning red demon. Well, he was probably over-exaggerating himself since he wasn't so bad, only to those that tended to annoy him, and so far, Akiko had not.

Seeing that she too travelled a similar road as he had when he was younger, then the least he could do was put her on the right track, and since she was to be his wife, then he'd help her grow up as he had. The first bit of advice that he had given her, was to speak her mind. Everything had a purpose. There was a reason behind everything. Just like there was a reason behind this arranged marriage, there was a reason, a purpose, of each of the senses they had which they should use. There was a clear use, but then there was sometimes a covert reasoning, a reason that remains hidden, that may or may not be revealed. Adam was a smart young man since growing up, and the way he saw things was, you use what you have, push forwards and make sure you had the upper hand. Compared to how he acts in work and how he was acting now, clearly shown a difference in Adam, which maybe was a hidden reason for bringing the two of them together. Maybe the two of them could help each other out, he would help Akiko be more stronger and bolder, whereas she would help him to relax a little, chill a little and soften him up.

Letting his mind rest and let his superstitions settle, he decided to focus on her for now while he was here. He had warned her that he spoke his mind, just so any words he says, she wouldn't be offended, since he spoke his mind more when he spoke with the workers when they just mucked him about, and slowed not only the work, but also his schedule he had planned, and now he wasn't there working. It was nice to be complimented for a change than being wound up like at work, as Akiko responded to how she felt about red heads, "Red heads are striking...but charming", which he completely agreed with. Not only did it describe red heads in general, but also his personality, since he can be charming as he was now, and being "striking" described him when his startling side comes out, which from time to time results in him striking people down. He prized himself on his looks, and he adored his red hair. Others dyed it and changed to blonde or brown or even wild blue as if they were merfolk, but getting rid of it was something he could never do.

Then a response that he was expecting by how she said she would follow his orders was then heard, "Also... I'm not used to speaking my mind... My parents liked it better when I was silent.... but if you want me too.... I'll try to speak my mind too.... If you want me to of course.". Since he was still holding her hand with one of his hand, his free hand stretched his palm out before half of his hand went into a clockwise rotation in order to tell her to carry on, as a smile remained on his face as she was now opening up, before speaking about his eyes, which made him smirk, "and your voice is ever so sweet, yet your parents prefer you silent? They must be out of their mind, but what I shall tell you, is that sometimes your parents may act in a certain way, waiting for you to take the next step first. I used to do everything my father told me, but then I used my initiative and done things my own way, and they worked out".

He smirked again, "Not exactly rebellious against authority, more to stepping up to show you have authority. Can't have you saying yes all the time. You wouldn't jump into the fire if I told you, would you?", applying simple logic, " you have any siblings at all?", wondering if she was an heir, or if she had a pain in the rear younger sibling as he had.


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Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Mimmi smiled and was surprised that such a young man had taken on such a big responsibility of taking on the parenting of a child; let alone a child with special needs.

"I'm glad to meet you both... < "And I'll do my best to make your daddy happy Sara"> Mimmi signed it was slow and a little awkward but she did her best. She had studied ASL on her own. She never really had a reason to use it but it was one of those things that had interested her. That was something she did allot as a child always having a full access to just about any books her parents would let her have, pick something she didn't know and learn it.

"But I think I've met you before Walker when we mere much younger though so you may not remember. I didn't until my parents said something to me about it" she sighed. Mimmi was happy to see that he was a good person, she didn't think her parents would set up something like this with someone who was cruel.

"Well... this whole arranged marriage thing is a little confusing to me, but I hope I meet up to your expectations?" she said.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Adam Leroux Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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#, as written by Layla
"Oh, I'm sure," Benjamin said with - was that a smirk? Henrietta raised a brow, at least he was loosening up. Must be because I'm so damn awesome.

"Second," she said with a smile as she eavesdropped on the red haired boy and his little sis- Fiancee. It appeared he was quite annoyed with her first comment about the girl being his sister - Wonderful. That's my goal in life! Though he appeared to be happy with his compliment - Cocky, she thought with her eyebrow raised. They would've gotten along so perfectly if her father had decided to give her to him. Ah well, Benjamin's more fun to mess with. Cherry-head over there would just try to mess with her.

Not that he'd win.

"Why thank you. Your not so bad yourself. You both, look, stunning." Not that bad? Please, Henrietta was too perfect for her own good - clearly.

"One thing you should know about me, is that I'm not afraid to speak my mind. You have a mouth, use it," Cherry said. He must be my twin brother, she though with an accessing not-so-subtle stare at the red haired man. Mouths, mouths. They're incredibly useful for many things. Talking, kissing, other things... Turning back to Benjamin, she decided, "We should make out really loudly with very few articles of clothing right now," she tossed the surrounding couples a glance before her sapphire eyes returned to Ben, "They'd feel awkward and most importantly - you would."

"Oh no, baby! Of course we can't make a baby right nowin a park surrounded by people. It's not like I have no shame or anything! HAHAHA," she said much too loudly.

Then, gripping her flat stomach before dramatically melting into the ground with one hand raised, she panted, "I'M PREGNANT!" Henrietta gripped Benjamin's arm tightly. "I think it's Mike's. Maybe Carl's," she said with exaggerated panic before gasping, "Don't tell me it's Damien's! It was a one time thing! We were intoxicated and-"

Jumping into a stand, she yelled loudly, "I GOT SOMEONE PREGNANT! Oh my god... I'm not pregnant - my 6th girlfriend, whom I have a homosexual relationship with is. Oh forgive me, woman-who's-name-I-do-not-remember."

Running her hands down her skirt - that was still surprisingly clean and white - and tucking her smooth, long hair behind one ear, Henrietta beamed, "Okay, now I'm good. Wait. Nope."

"Of course I didn't attend the funeral," she shouted at her imaginary friend next to her with a roll of her eyes, "But I sent a letter saying I approved of it."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Sara smiled at Mimmi's response in sign language, although Walker raised an eyebrow to her saying they had met.
"I don't think so," he said, frowning, "I abandoned the McMullin family when I was five. They didn't even know I was still alive until last year."
<Daddy only accepted this because they paid for a surgery I needed.> Sara signed out of Walker's line of sight so only Mimmi could see what she was saying. <Before Walker adopted me, my daddy was a big, mean, criminal. A bounty hunter came in to take him away, and my daddy used me as a shield to stop him from shooting. The man had already fired, however, and I was left in a wheelchair after the bullet pierced my spine. Walker took me in afterwards, and made sure we were okay by hunting down other bad guys.>


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Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Mimmi blinked curious as to why her parents had told her that, but she shook the thought off when Mimmi started to sign again. She watched carefully because Sara was quite fast and Mimmi was a little rusty. When the girl had finished Mimmi let a slight gasp of surprise, and then she felt a warmth in her chest this small girl had gone through so much and Walker being so noble had taken her as his own.

<"Well it's a good thing that he's your new daddy then. I'm glad he took care of you and maybe if your daddy doesn't mind having me around too much you might have me as a mommy."> Mimmi signed back and smiled at the girl.

She looked at Walker, "Listen I know this is all kind of crazy... but I understand if you're apprehensive about the marriage" she hung her head down at the ground. Walker had agreed to this for Sara it was all business for him, but if it helped this sweet child Mimmi was alright with it.

"I'm not expecting some whirlwind of romance, I'm smart enough to know better" she looked up at him "But if this is going to help Sara I'll work with you on anything you need for her... it sounds like she deserves to have a little happiness in her life" she said with a gentle smile.

Around this time her parents limo pulled up behind Walker's car her father exited not even waiting for the driver. Mimmi thought it odd as her father walked up tugging on the bottom of his suit jacket.

"Ah Mr. McMullin I see you found my daughter. I was afraid she might hide somewhere when I left her here... I assume everything is coming to order" Mimmi blinked at her father the thought of what Walker had said before came floating back into her head. And now here father was speaking with him as if he knew who he was.

"Daddy I don't understand... his family didn't even know that he was alive how could we have met before?" she asked him.

Mr Ronchester pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose "Well neither one of you were old enough to remember dear, he was around four or five and you were but a baby when the arrangement with his family was made. So you did meet in a matter of speaking that is, and I was aware of his departure from the McMullin's as well. It was not long after the deal was made that he left, we were afraid that other plans were going to have to be made... but Walker happened to turn up again so everything went according to plan in the end" he glanced at Sara questioningly.

"I suppose this is the young girl you adopted... interesting" Mimmi was surprised at how dry and uncaring her father seemed to be about all this. And hearing that this had been determined just shortly after her birth made her feel almost betrayed.


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Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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Benjamin raised an eyebrow as Henrietta said all she said. His mouth formed a frown at the random remarks. "You have a crude sense of humor, you know that?" At least she's not afraid to speak her mind, which is a good thing. Better to be honest than not.

((Sorry for the short post.))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by Kaire23
"and your voice is ever so sweet, yet your parents prefer you silent? They must be out of their mind, but what I shall tell you, is that sometimes your parents may act in a certain way, waiting for you to take the next step first. I used to do everything my father told me, but then I used my initiative and done things my own way, and they worked out".

He smirked again, "Not exactly rebellious against authority, more to stepping up to show you have authority. Can't have you saying yes all the time. You wouldn't jump into the fire if I told you, would you? you have any siblings at all?" He questioned as she found it easier to break eye contact now and stare at the rose.

"I don't know... They think children should be obedient and only talk when spoken to... I-... I've actually tried speaking out before... I was grounded for 2 months...." She said as she tried to smile but just found herself feeling sad again.

Quickly shaking off the feeling again, she looked up at him and shook her head no to the fire question and sibling question.
"I'm the only one..." She stated as she started to remember how lonely she was when she was younger.
"Actually... I usually only spoke to my maid, Tsuki... She would always listen to me and taught me what my parents didn't..." She said without thinking and then her head shot up quickly.
"N-Not that my parents didn't teach me all I needed to know!" She quickly forced out as she felt she was being disrespectful of them. It was true that they didn't teach her some things, but her maid tried to fill in those gaps in her life that her parents abandoned.


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Character Portrait: Mark Linchester Character Portrait: Yuria Hearst
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#, as written by Ginkox
"Hmm.? Who am I Waiting for? My so-called future 'husband'." Yuria Let out a Sigh, Being Disappointed about her 'Future' Husband, Little did she know that the 'Future' is standing infront of her. A Couple of Minutes Later, Yuria's Butler arrived.
"My Lady, Let me Introduce to you, Your Future Husband. Mr. Linchester." The Butler smirked, Yuria was Shocked when she knew that the Man Standing infront of her is her Future Husband."W-what?!" Surprised, she turned her back for her Rudeness earlier.

"What should I Do... He May Slap me or Punch me..." Yuria was blushing, at the same time, Doesn't have the Courage to Face Mark.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by S1mon
Adam Leroux

Adam was simply giving a little bit of encouragement. She already felt down by the age difference, and since she was to be his wife, then the least he could do was make her be a happy one that didn't look down at herself all the time. She needed to be stronger, and he would help her with that, while just simply being round her softened him a bit, though that was partly due to the scenery, since he is less likely to bump into those he knows in the park. Giving her his experience, he hoped that it would help her out, before it seemed she done it before, "I don't know...They think children should be obedient and only talk when spoken to...I...I've actually tried speaking out before...I was grounded for 2 months...". It seemed that despite the similarities in trying to do what their parents want, even if Adam had some selfish reasoning to keep going, it seemed that if they had swapped places, then he would have a hard time, unless it was due to the fact she was female, since parents were more protective of them.

Observing her as she spoke while looking at the rose now, he noticed he touched quite a topic, but unless he got to know about her, her parents, her family, then he would be clueless when they all meet at the ceremony. Her parents think "children should be obedient"? Yes she was 15, but they can't exactly treat her as a child as she was going into adulthood and becoming his wife of all people. It still felt a little strange thinking about it, but she did act older than she was and she had promised to be a good wife, so least they hadn't partnered him with someone that would annoy him constantly like those at work, so wasn't too bad, and since she was to be with him, she'd learn to look the age she was acting as, as he was. At first, it felt a little strange, but he got used to it, and now strolled about his business like a boss, as he was.

Akiko then told him that she was "the only one", meaning she wouldn't of had an annoying brother as he had, so he didn't have to worry about anything like that from her side, meaning it was just his brother he had to put with, and he had no allies which was good. He never had a sister, and now he found himself in the position of having a wife. Quite the step up, and though she was the only one, she was not alone now. In a sense, he too was alone since his brother was always the tease and then competing with him all the time to annoy him, so they had each other now.

"Actually...I usually only spoke to my maid, Tsuki...She would always listen to me and taught me what my parents didn't...N-Not that my parents didn't teach me all I needed to know!". Adam couldn't resist smirking then, "Well, you have me now, and I am all you need to worry about. Not that I am worth worrying about. Speak to anyone back home and they'd all tell you that I tend to do things myself, whether it's the hard way or the easy way. Sometimes we just need to stick our head out the sand, and if we make mistakes, we learn from them", before he heard the blonde girl from before yelling about a baby, "How about we take a stroll?", he asked, getting away from Little Miss Drama Queen, and before she starts yelling again. Maybe the guy with her should invest for some earmuffs when she starts yelling about things important. Afterall, it was the males that wore the trousers. As he stood, he offered his hand as he begun to walk about the park, before he asked, [b]"Am I anything like what you imagined? I admit when I came, I didn't know who to expect. I've met quite a few females in my time, not in a relationship at all but just know, and some I just can't stand, but you, well you're quite the angel aren't you? and sure we will get along fine"[/b[, giving a warm smile, before giving her the window to reply, and ask anything on her mind. Adam sometimes spoke too much, and always liked to keep moving about, something she may already tell by the fact he had wished to move away from the bench.


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Character Portrait: Scarlen Amiguard Character Portrait: Eris Mooncraft
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#, as written by Lambie
"Well that's okay." Scarlen says reassuringly. "Remember what I said if you can lay on your back then you can swim." He says as he begins to walk again this time heading to the changing rooms. "Besides putting on a swim suit is like putting on clothes. No difference really." Sermon goes after them handing Scarlen and then Scarlen hands Eris a clean towel and a blue two piece swim suit. "This direction is to the women's locker room just change out and put in a locker with a key inside. No one will touch it." He smiles at Eris.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by Kaire23
"Well, you have me now, and I am all you need to worry about. Not that I am worth worrying about. Speak to anyone back home and they'd all tell you that I tend to do things myself, whether it's the hard way or the easy way. Sometimes we just need to stick our head out the sand, and if we make mistakes, we learn from the. How about we take a stroll?" She nodded and took his hand as he helped her up and she walked with him away from the noisy girl.

"Am I anything like what you imagined? I admit when I came, I didn't know who to expect. I've met quite a few females in my time, not in a relationship at all but just know, and some I just can't stand, but you, well you're quite the angel aren't you? and sure we will get along fine." He asked as she smiled slightly.

"You're better than I imagined. Truthfully, I thought I was gonna get stuck with someone obnoxious or some jerk... but.... I have to say, I'm quite lucky. I'm happy to be with someone like you. You're strong, you know what you want and your nicer than any man I've ever met. All my father's friends are annoying politicians who just stab each other in the back when they get the chance... You're... Amazing... You're nice... and considerate of my feelings..." She smiled as she answered.

"If I may ask... What do you like to do? Any hobbies? Brothers or sisters?" She questioned, hoping she was going out of bounds.


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Character Portrait: David Bailey Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny disregarded the comment about her being beautiful. She had been told to many times she wasn't for one person to say she was and it affect her. She looked over at her parents who nodded to him then gav a thumbs up when he looked at her. She nodded. "Sure I dont mind." Then she turned to the dog. "Come, Mr.Teabottom." She commanded and started to walk slowly waiting for him to catch up with her. She folded ehr hands and imagined she was a girl on the prairie being given away my her family to a stranger so they could have money to get a bigger house. She imagined all the things around her were on the praire.


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"Yes actually I can." Sje said a little shy. It vanished quickly though. She wanyed to ask Lodan if he had any pets her mother haf no idea of her meeping Ash necause Ash was kept hidden in her room nwcIsr jer mum hated animls unfortinately for her mother she loved animals espically cafs and dogs. Holli smiledit suddenly hit her now she was mobing Ash would finally be alloadf oht her room. "Oud lucky day Ash." She fhought.She looked around hsrzslf ag the beajtidul houzr her smike only got biffsr nkt everything was bad yhen. Shw remibded hwrself.


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"Yes actually I can." Sje said a little shy. It vanished quickly though. She wanyed to ask Lodan if he had any pets her mother haf no idea of her meeping Ash necause Ash was kept hidden in her room nwcIsr jer mum hated animls unfortinately for her mother she loved animals espically cafs and dogs. Holli smiledit suddenly hit her now she was mobing Ash would finally be alloadf oht her room. "Oud lucky day Ash." She fhought.She looked around hsrzslf ag the beajtidul houzr her smike only got biffsr nkt everything was bad yhen. Shw remibded hwrself.


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Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by S1mon
Adam Leroux

He wasn't lying at all when he told her how he done things himself, even if he went the hard approach which he had. Some view him as a control freak which may only be partly correct since he did take pride in his work and wished to make sure it was right, so he was sort of a perfectionist and if it weren't good enough, then he'd have a go. Afterall, if they failed, the business failed, he failed, then father wouldn't be happy, he'd get the blame. Growing up as fast as he had, had led him to the way he acts which quite a few dislike. However, the way he operated was simply to reward what was given, so if a bad job then rewarded with grief, if a good job then a more kind reward would be given. Adam wasn't an easy man to please, unless of course he was coerced in having to do something, or actually did something good, both categories which Akiko fell into.

Adam didn't really care what people thought of him, as long as something was achieved at the end of the day. Infact, he never really saw himself with a girl, yet Akiko seemed patient enough, willing enough, though perhaps her tune would change when he put his managers' hat on, metaphorically speaking. The question was if her angel wings can take away his demon horns, though he's had no need to use them so far, which he would of if the girl he had was one of the rebellious type. The only downside was her age compared to him, but with a few adjustments, she'd look perfect. The blonde girl had noticed it, so others will also unless he changed that, either by changing her or installing fear and respect. Whichever way came out he supposed.

It was then after walking a little and after asking about what she was expected, that she then revealed her thoughts, "You're better than I imagined. Truthfully, I thought I was gonna get stuck with someone obnoxious or some jerk...". Well, he has been referred to as a jerk before, though again, it all depends on how they acted, and how they acted towards him, if they wanted to annoy him, then he will be just as annoying back. "I'm happy to be with someone like you. You're strong, you know what you want and your nicer than any man I've ever met". Well, if he was the nicest man she has met and she was one of the nicest gals he's met, then the world truly lacked truely nice people. Ah well, no one was perfect, were they? as she described how amazing and nice he was, seeing that he was in his friendly mood.

There is the saying that love conquers all, that love is all anyone needs. He wondered for some time what all that meant, why it was needed, and now it was beginning to fall into place, before her sweet voice was heard again, "If I may ask...What do you like to do? Any hobbies? Brothers or sisters?". Adam smiled, "I have no sisters, except for a pain in the neck brother, Brent, and as for what I like to do...", not wishing to dwell too much on talking about his brother. Brent was alot more of a charmer than him for one, and constantly competing with him, and it's due to this that Adam must keep on working on order to keep him away from his prize. Afterall, he was the eldest, but the way he's always round father and then bragging out being a success once he comes out of college, he need to show that ht was work material and that was why he was harsh sometimes, as he hated losing.

"....not alot really, I must confess. When I can, I enjoy going out when I can, and love playing games, though tends to bore me sometimes when I'm too good. Was thinking about playing sports, but then again, I have my part in my fathers' business to continue...though I'm quite open to trying out new things....", before he then asked, "What do you like doing?". Maybe father saw how much of an outcast he was being by just constantly working, and now he had an excuse to get out more. Afterall, he was going to be a husband soon...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by Kaire23
"I have no sisters, except for a pain in the neck brother, Brent, and as for what I like to do..." He said as she nodded back. She thought he was lucky to have a sibling, but maybe she was wrong.

"....not a lot really, I must confess. When I can, I enjoy going out when I can, and love playing games, though tends to bore me sometimes when I'm too good. Was thinking about playing sports, but then again, I have my part in my fathers' business to continue...though I'm quite open to trying out new things....", he answered to her question.

"O-oh, I see." She said with a smile back.

"What do you like doing?". He questioned as she looked up at the sky, thinking.

"W-well... I like cooking and drawing." She said with a smile. They were fun. "I also like to play the piano."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by Kaire23
"Piano sounds good. Is it easy? I've always enjoyed watching the mad pianist with his fingers pressing hard on the keys as if there was a monster behind you, though he looked more like a monster with his teeth clenched and then his mad scientist look with his hair!" He exclaimed and then they both laughed together.

"It was hard in the beginning, but once you learn it, it's a lot easier to do and a lot more fun." She said with a smile.

"Is there anything you've fancied doing, but you couldn't do it before?"

Akiko blushed but quickly shook her head no. It was childish, but a thing she really wanted was a marriage of love and a kiss from that love but there was no way of that coming out of her so she kept it hidden inside.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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#, as written by Layla
"You have a crude sense of humor, you know that?" Benjamin asked rhetorically.

"Oh, yeah?" she returned with a smile, "I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it, Ben. You're going to have to live with a lot more of it. A lot more of me," she whispered the last line against his ear. Then, in a breathless voice she teased, "I can get a lot more down and dirty... If that's what you're into."

Placing a soft kiss on his cheek, Henrietta pulled back and glanced briefly at a clock tower near by before looking at Benjamin, "Looks like it's Cinderella time to prepare for the formal baby-making. The pastor's probably waiting for us at the church right now," then, she jokingly asked, "Why'd you pick the church, anyway? You one of those pastor-wannabes? Because I, for one, am very much an Atheist. I've always wanted to walk down an aisle, though!"

Strolling towards her red skateboard, she flipped it over and stepped a stiletto clad foot on it. She waved Benjamin over, "I hope you bought a ring, sweetheart. I expect something lovely to match my amazing fingers," she grinned, wiggling her ring finger at him.

Pulling her hair back into a pony tail, she wrapped a strand of pearls from her dress around her apricot hair to hold it up. Henrietta's soft strawberry waves were much more beautiful when it was left down to fall over her soft shoulders but she wasn't sure what Benjamin preferred - certainly not me. Why did she care what he wanted anyway?

Tugging on his crisp shirt, she leaned forward and said seriously, "I apologise for not being the woman you wanted. I know I'm... Difficult. But I really will try. Please be patient with me, love?"

Henrietta pulled back from Benjamin and shook her head - that was incredibly uncharacteristic of her. I must be going mad. "Are you driving to the church?" she asked, looking over her naked shoulder at Ben. "Would you like it if I came with you? I can zig-zag across the roads in my skateboard and arrive without a sweat on my pretty little head, don't you worry. Your bride won't look like she ran a marathon," she said with a laugh.

Her fiancé with his light hair was attractive - somehow she only just noticed that. He was quite tall, handsome and, well, kind-looking. His face with its chiseled jaw and intense gaze was one she wouldn't mind looking at for the rest of her life. Not to mention, he was incredibly patient and caring. Henrietta looked sadly away, a heaviness sitting in the pit of her stomach. She actually felt sorry for the poor boy. What was his father thinking? Pairing him up with someone like her?

He's too good for me.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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Benjamin did not know what to make of the kiss he received on the cheek, yet he only showed a calm demeanor. Well, it looks like some color has been added to our lives. We're clearly opposites. Quite frankly, I don' know if it's good or bad.

"Looks like it's Cinderella time to prepare for the formal baby-making. The pastor's probably waiting for us at the church right now," then, she jokingly asked, "Why'd you pick the church, anyway? You one of those pastor-wannabes? Because I, for one, am very much an Atheist. I've always wanted to walk down an aisle, though!"

He just shrugged. I don't know. Maybe it's more meaningful that way? Could be a number of reasons.

"I apologise for not being the woman you wanted. I know I'm... Difficult. But I really will try. Please be patient with me, love?"

Benjamin nodded. She didn't really have to apologize, but whatever.

When asked about whether he will drive, he said to Henrietta, "Yes, I have a truck."

While driving to church, the brown-haired young man could not help but wonder if there was something intimate forming. What reason would there be for him to respond to some of what his bride said or did towards the end of the conversation? Benjamin shook his questions off, deciding to focus on the road before he ends up in a car crash. I seriously doubt we'd want to spend the first days of marriage in the hospital.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiko Suzuki Character Portrait: Adam Leroux
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#, as written by S1mon
Adam Leroux

The mental image of the mad pianist still in his head. It seemed to make her laugh also which was nice, she had such a sweet laugh. "It was hard in the beginning, but once you learn it, it's a lot easier to do and a lot more fun", she replied with a smile. Well, he certainly looked the part of a pianist with his wavy hair and his silvery-white suit, and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. It was something that he could possibly try out.

When he asked if they was anything she had wanted to do, but not had the chance too, he turned to her and saw her shake her head almost instantly but didn't say a word. Adam smirked, as it remained silent, until he broke the silence between them, "You gone quiet on me", merely stating the fact. Usually when he went quiet, it was usually because he simply wished to rebel and not talk to that certain person, or he wished to not say what was on his mind. Using his own experience, he saw it as possible the latter rather than the former, after all she had said about him, she didn't seem like she didn't want to talk to him.

She truly was angelic. With that in mind, he then spoke up again, "It's okay", as his free hand then touched her forehead and then her cheek, and that's when he smiled, as he felt the heat from her cheeks rising. Ever since being told about this whole marriage ordeal, he wondered to himself who he'd get, and here he was with her, so innocent, so kind, his opposite, though seemed to be doing well so far.

Then that's when he got an inkling of a plan, as he let out a sigh, "Seems you are way too good for me", as he continued their walk, but moving away from the pad and instead onto the green. Afterall, it was him who told her earlier to speak her mind, and right now he was following his own advice, to stick his head out the sand, see what happens. "In my line of work, we learn to pounce on every opportunity. When opportunity knocks, we must be the first to pounce and take it, before it is lost. Like I said before, ask anyone that knows me, and they'd tell you how I do things myself, and it's mostly the hard way, but I get by and get, what I want".

He then let go of her hand as he walked forward a little more, then turned round to face her, "What is it what you want, Akiko?", pausing for a brief moment, stressing on the "you" part, "Tell me, and I'll see about making it happen", stretching his arms out, before adding with a smile, "Besides, no secrets between a man and his future wife, eh?", as he awaited her response. Yes he was here to do his fathers' bidding, and it was odd to pair him up with someone 4 years younger, though she did seem sweet enough, the only problem being too innocent.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Ephraim Character Portrait: Henrietta Claes
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#, as written by Layla
The church stood imposingly, its majestic structure reaching towards the sky as the sun set behind it, casting a heavy shadow over Benjamin and Henrietta. The sky was painted a red the colour of blood, blending into the deep orange of warmth, to the colour of Henrietta's hair and finally, a burning yellow fury. She had to admit, Benjamin or his father - perhaps both - had chosen an utterly breathtaking wedding place. She wasn't quite sure where all the other couples would wed but all she knew was that at that moment, she didn't mind marrying an almost stranger if it meant she would be wedded in as breath taking of a place as this.

Her stiletto heels tapped gently on the clean pavement as Henrietta and her husband-to-be walked towards the double doors, a woman dressed in bright yellow, her hair pulled into a severe bun had a single sunflower embedded into the side. The young lady ran towards Henrietta, wrapping her in a tight hug - who the hell is she?

"Henrietta, you're finally here!" she gushed as if she were the bride's best friend, "I'm Preeya, one of your bridesmaids. Hey, Ben!" she said with way too much enthusiasm, staring at my husband over Henrietta's shoulder. Without giving Henrietta a second glance she said, "Ben and I are good friends. We got to the same church. I know him very well," she said, as if to prove to Henrietta she was better fit to be his wife. "How long have we been together, Ben? 6 years now? My father's the pastor."

Narrowing her pure blue eyes with its thick and long lashes, Henrietta gave Preeya look a warning glance. Preeya had a perfectly straight, short brunette bob with bleached highlights. She was on the thin side, with dark, nearly black eyes and really long, tanned legs. Henrietta pressed her ruby lips together, unsure of what the stabbing pain in her heart was. Whatever the clenching feeling was, it most certainly was not jealousy. The strawberry blonde bride ran her fingers through her soft, wavy, light hair - suddenly conscious of how she hadn't styled or dyed it. Get a hold of yourself, girly. You're turning into a vain bimbo.

Forcing her hands to drop to her side, she said firmly before taking Ben's hand in hers and pulling him to her side, "We are delighted to have you at our wedding. My fiancé and I would like to go in now. It's nice to meet you, Preeya. Any friend of my Ben's is a friend of mine." Striding past Preeya, she suddenly found herself being pulled away from Ben and ushered to a room filled with girls dressed in the yellow dress of the bridesmaids'.

"Oh, isn't she a beauty?"
"It's nice to finally meet you, Henrietta."
"You have the most beautiful colouring!"
"I see you're wearing the dress Mr. Ephraim chose."
"Ben must be a really lucky guy!"

Henrietta forced a strained smile - at least they're nice. The women ushered her to sit on a stool in front of a floor length mirror as a woman began brushing out Henrietta's hip-length apricot hair. Two others dabbed makeup to her face, curling her already thick eyelashes with mascara and coating her soft lips in a layer of dark red as they powdered her cheeks with blush. Finally, they wrapped a strand of pearls around her head so a dipping pearl hung itself on the very centre of her forehead. When Henrietta saw their finished product, she couldn't help but drop her jaw a little.

When did I grow up?

The bride in the mirror was beautiful, her skin a smooth ivory with bow-shaped lips like blood. Intense eyes of sapphire oceans stared back at her as she noticed her slim, upturned nose. Her long, wavy hair cascaded down her back, framing her oval-shaped face. To put it simply, Henrietta looked like a Fairy Queen or a Goddess.

In a state of shock, she barely registered the bouquet of white roses a bridesmaid placed in her hands. She stood behind two large mahogany doors, clutching the beautiful flowers in her hands, her head covered in a translucent white veil. Suddenly, the large doors opened to the sound of the string orchestra playing a familiar wedding song. Everyone in the crowd stared at Henrietta and yet she didn't quite register any of them. Her eyes stopped at Ben's, unable to move anywhere else.

Pushing her eyes away from Ben's strangely warm eyes, she searched for her father but found him nowhere.

"Psst," whispered the bridesmaid behind her as a flower boy and girl sprinkled white roses on the red carpet ahead of her. "Walk."

The bride with her cascading strawberry blonde hair did as she was told, her waves fluttering as her body, clad in white, drifted over the red carpets. Henrietta couldn't even feel her feet touching the floor. Everything seemed to pass by in a blur until she found herself standing next to the light brown hair of the man she would very soon belong to.

The pastor coughed, giving Henrietta a soft smile - she pulled her attention away from Ben to the older man on the stage. Admittedly, it was her first time in a church in nearly 10 years. "Benjamin Ephraim and Henrietta Claes, no other human ties are more tender, no other vows are more sacred than these you are about to assume. You are entering into that holy estate which is the deepest mystery of experience, and which is the very sacrament of divine love." Turning towards Benjamin, he read their vows.

"Benjamin Ephraim, will you have Henrietta Claes, to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her so long as you both shall live?"