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Holocaust of the World

Earth, 2020.


a part of Holocaust of the World, by HouseBunny:3.

The world is ruled by vampires. Technology is amazing and the one good thing is that the wildlife and forests are beautiful,but the cities are filthy places. Many vampires prefer to live out in the country.

HouseBunny:3 holds sovereignty over Earth, 2020., giving them the ability to make limited changes.

615 readers have been here.


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Earth, 2020.

The world is ruled by vampires. Technology is amazing and the one good thing is that the wildlife and forests are beautiful,but the cities are filthy places. Many vampires prefer to live out in the country.


Earth, 2020. is a part of Holocaust of the World.

12 Characters Here

Vincent Redwood [0] "They are just play things. I always end up breaking them. What a shame."
James Radshaw [0] "What makes you think for one second I'd want to make this easy for you?"
Chibi Lockheart [0] "3...2...1... ready or not here I come." *giggle*
Emily Rhinehart [0] "Getting me mad is NOT a good idea!"
Lucas Grayfold [0] "Why don't you come a little closer... I promise I will make your world a little darker in exchange..."
Danielle Leiber [0] Go ahead and say what you want, just don't be surprised when I say something back.
Izaya Oruhi. [0] I will force you to enjoy serving me.
Ren Willow. [0] All dreams must end.
Mail Gardner [0] "Pfft. As if some vampires can keep up with me! Just you watch, I'll be getting out of this place faster then you can count to three!"

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Danielle stood there as he put the band-aid on her neck.

"It was confusing." she admitted.

She didn't want to tell him exactly why though. When he askd her if she wanted her reward she bowed her head. Maybe it would be better to just do as he said. If things didn't start going in a better direction, then she would go back to being the girl who won't keep her mouth shut.


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"...99, 100." James opened his eyes, not surprised to find himself alone. "Ready or not, here I come," he murmured inenthusastically. Sighing heavily, the human stood up and headed out the door. The sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could get some sleep. Unfortunately, it didn't look like Chibi intended to make this easy for him. After the fifth empty room, he was tempted to just give up and start on the second half of his list. Pride was the only thing that kept him from doing so. There was no way in hell he was going to let a little girl beat him in a kid's game. Irrate but determined, he opened the next door... only to find someone behind it.

He jumped back with a yelp, heart pounding a mile a minute. The stranger did the same. Once he'd gotten ahold of himself, James recognized the other person's messy brown hair and steely blue eyes. Himself. Just a reflection. Annoyed though he was, curiosity won over as he stepped inside. Next to the mirror was another one, and another and another. An entire maze of reflective glass. "You've got to be kidding me." Still, he pressed on, knowing that if Chibi had to pick anywhere to hide, this would be the place. It was unnerving being around so many people, even if they were all just his own reflection.

After a short while, he was sufficiently lost and cursing himself for not leaving some kind of trail to follow back out. It was at that moment he spotted a flash of red hair and white lace against black out of the corner of his eye. With a smirk, James rushed towards it. "There you are you little-" WHAM! In the his eagerness to end this sadistic little game, he hadn't seen his own form in front of him until he'd run face first into yet another mirror. The teen fell to his knees, holding his likely-bleeding nose in pain. "Come on!!" His angry voice echoed off of the walls around him. "Where are you, you little freak!?"


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Izaya dug into his pocket and dropped a Kiss chocolate on her head. Chocolate was rare and only vampires where aloud to have it. Infact, chocolate where the only food that they could have, though, it made them week and feverish if they have them with-out blood. He walked back. He looked back at her. "We are going shopping. Get your jacket and such." He said with his usual cold voice. He walked towards the coat closet and grabbed a long black thick coat and his sunglasses. He put on his shoes and waited for her.


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Chibi gave a giggled running around through the mirrors "James don't be mean it's a tiny fun game of hide and go seek and catch." she appeared in the mirror behind him opening it gently and placing her hands over his shoulders then around clutching both her arms and breathed down his neck "Catch me if you can." then folded herself back into the mirror. "Hurry if you can." she said and ran off through the mirrors again.


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Danielle looked at the chocolate kiss he dropped on her head. She couldnt help but smile.

"Thanks." She said.

It had been a long time simce she has had any chocolate of any kind. The word shopping caused her to grin at him.

"Shopping!" She said excitedly.

She grabbed her coat and put it on. After that she waited for further instruction. She was so excited to finally go somewhere.

"What kind of shopping?" she asked.

(Sorry that it came out a bit odd before. I was using my mom's phone to post.)


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With a jolt, James whipped around, only to find the space behind him empty. The human growled, wiping the blood from his face. She was toying with him, messing with his head. Well, it wasn't going to work. He was going to beat her at her own game, even if it killed him! Determination restored, he hurried through the maze, running toward any trace of movement that didn't match his own. More often than not, though, he ended up chasing after a reflection, and all the while Chibi's sadistic giggling echoed throughout the maze, driving him insane. After a while, James wasn't sure whether he was trying to find Chibi or get away from her laughter. He was just running.

And eventually all that running took him straight into another mirror. In the split second between his realization that he was about to hit and the actual impact, James braced himself for pain. But instead of painfully bringing him to a halt, the glass moved with him, sending the human stumbling to the ground. After a dazed moment, he sat up, realizing what had happened. It was a door. There must have been others scattered thoughout the entire maze. And of course, Chibi probably knew about all of them. James scowled. "Why, that cheating-"

The rest of the insult caught in his throat as the human heard footsteps approaching. A metaphorical lightbulb went off in his head, and he smirked. Time to beat his mistress at her own game. As quickly and quietly as possible, James, slipped back through the door and pulled it back into place, listening carefully. The footsteps grew steadily louder, accented by Chibi's laughter. Utilizing all self control, he held himself back until the very last moment. Easy... just a bit closer.

As soon as the vampire was in range, James burst from his hiding place and threw himself at her, close to tears of joy when he was able to grab onto something tangible. "Ha! Gotchya, you little monster!"


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Chibi giggled and her shoe fell off "not quite yet james I'm not done with this yet. care to follow." she smiled pushing her other shoe off and running into a little room like at a circus were you could see everything. she stood in the middle were everything reflected she turned around "james oh james which one of us is the real one?" she gave a giggle that echoed and all the copies repeated "this is the last challenge." she gave a slight grin.


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Izaya walked towards her and slapped her lightly on the back of the head. "Get in the car Swine." He growled. The man appeared with a small limo and he got in. He waited for her to get in and checked his watch.

(Gya... sorry for the short-ness... im brain dead.. xP )


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Danielle nodded and got in the limo that pulled up. She was more excited than she had been since before she ended up here. It was also the first time she had ever ridden in a limo. Her excitement bubbled to the surface of her face. After a few seconds of sitting there grinning like an idiot she looked out the window and then turned her head to look at Izaya.

"This is so cool. Ive never ridden in a limo before. What are we shopping for? Are there any malls around here?" She asked excitedly.


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((Ugh. Sorry I'm late; things have been crazy lately))

James glared at the shoe that had come off in his had before throwing it against the nearest mirror. "That's it!" Scrambling to his feet, he raced after the vampire with renewed vigor, determined to end this thing one was or another. Unfortunately, it looked like Chibi had one more trick up her sleeve. The human skidded to a halt as he entered a room, once again walled in by mirrors. And every one of those mirrors displayed Chibi's mocking grin while her laughter echoed off the glass. It was like something out of a nightmare.

Practically snarling, the slave bolted from one mirror to the next, attacking one reflection after the other. Unfortunately, it seemed like this method of attack was getting him nowhere. After God only knew, he slumped against the last mirror he'd taken a blow at, utterly exhausted. "Alright, fine, you win!" It killed James inside to admit he was beat, but he was done trying to protect his pride. He just wanted this to end.


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Chibi walked to James staring down at him "James, James, James." she sighed. "You want to know how I am by myself in this home? I chased each family member to the border of insanity." she sat down beside him. "Though it wasn't all my fault. they chose to be in a life of depression and illness. my sister chased away at dreams and suffered of illness my mother the same. my own brother was tossed into a river by my sister, but it was my fault. because I told my sister to do that my mother became depressed and refused to eat and drew cold and ill and died. while my sister was over powered she thought she was queen and killed herself basically because she denied the fact that her illness was getting worse. and my own father wanted nothing to do with me and left all the money... and everything to me, just a little girl at the time who didn't know the difference from a dime to a penny. He died later that year, in less then three months I had done so much damage to myself." she stared into the mirror "I preoccupied myself with index's and instruments and high attitude to show other vampires I was smart. I could have entered college and gotten a masters degree when I was twelve. I denied to myself that I was the cause of being by myself... forever." she thought of the past. "You see if I could have turned back time to redo all that I had done I would... for being one of the most intelligent children no the most intelligent child in the world I reached my mature stage and became board of it losing interest in being the most smart." she shrugged. "I had nothing I was just a empty girl with the mind of a child-like Einstein. for god's sake! I memorized every living humans biography... I read about you by looking at you James, you're a easy book for me, I flip through your mind like you are nothing, but a book." she sighed. "that's all I have ever done, read a book and toss it like it's nothing. I wish the Apocalypse had never happened to be honest, being a vampire is the opposite of fun especially if you have no family. While growing up I was invited to grown-up parties looked down on as a rodent to everyone, I was just there a daughter of a famous inventor who made world history. I wanted to impress everyone by my mind I lost sight of what my personality was, I was a stuck up girl who cared about what people said of her gossiped about her, me... I had no mind of my own I was a puppet I worked for some top companies to earn money to be approved by grown-ups. I made newspaper covers, magazine covers I got invitations from all over the world yet i was not satisfied of myself, I knew I never would be." she folded her arms and sighed looking if she was about to cry.


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He smirked as he watched her. "We are shopping for some supplies." He said looking at her. "The malls are near... but there is no way that they will allow you in without eating you. So we are going to a small market out ways." He said grabbing her wrist. "Funny, Im not hungrey, but I still crave your blood." He said with a chuckle, realeasing her arm. He flicked his hand back in forth as if he was fanning. "But I wouldn't waste your blood now, why should I brake my toy when she is still new." He snickered. "Isn't that right... Swine?"


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He smirked as he watched her. "We are shopping for some supplies." He said looking at her. "The malls are near... but there is no way that they will allow you in without eating you. So we are going to a small market out ways." He said grabbing her wrist. "Funny, Im not hungrey, but I still crave your blood." He said with a chuckle, realeasing her arm. He flicked his hand back in forth as if he was fanning. "But I wouldn't waste your blood now, why should I brake my toy when she is still new." He snickered. "Isn't that right... Swine?"


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Danielle frowned when she heard that they couldn't go to the mall without her being eaten. She listened further and shrugged.

"At least I get to go somewhere instead of staying at the house." she said just before he had grabbed her wrist.

She didn't flonch or try to pull away. He had done things like that enough for her to be used to it already. What she wasn't used to was the small shock his touch sent through her. It wasn't a painful shock, but a cold and at the same time warm feeling that spread through her.

"I'm glad to know that you won't be killing me any time soon." she replied with a teasing smile.

He seemed more pleasant to be around. She actually found herself enjoying his presence.

"I guess so." she replied to the last thing he said ignoring the fact that he still called her Swine.


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((Back :3 ))

Izaya smirked. "I would like to be pronouced yes sir, no sir. Stuff like that." He snickered. The car came to a stop. "We are here..." He said, grabbing her hand jerking her out instantly. "You should stay close. Vampires here will do anything to get there hands on a human." It was hard to tell whether he was serious, or he just wanted to stay close towards her. He literatlly dragged her behind him, into a small grocery store and jerked her infront of himself, holding her hands behind her back with his one big hand. "Pick what you want, though..." He smirked, leaning close towards her ear. "You can not leave this posistion, or I will not save you when you are attack." He said with a snicker and a chuckle, moving ahead of her almost instantly after he said that.


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((I'm baaaaaaack!))

James pressed his cheek against the cool glass of the mirror, not daring to look up at his mistress. It felt as though his pride had been completely shattered, knowing that he hadn't been able to beat a little girl in a warped game of hide and seek. More to the point, failure usually lead to punishement. He just hoped Chibi would get it over with quickly so he could be left to his misery in relative peace.

The pain he was expecting never came, though. Instead, the girl basically started telling him her life's story, how her family had been driven to insanity and ultimately death. Not unlike what was happening to him, really. The human tried to ignore her, not wanting to waste even an ounce of his pity on her, but as she progressed into her story, he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of sympathy for her. Sure, she was a sadistic little demon, but that wasnt' entirely her own fault. To some extent, Chibi was really just a victim of circumstance. That didn't justify the way she treated him like an animal, but what more could he expect from a vampire? That kind of cruelty was just in their nature. At least, on some small level, this girl seemed to have retained some tiny spark of humanity.

"We all... have things about our lives that we don't like," he finally said, continuing to stare blankly at the floor. "I mean, just look at me. My last memories of my parents are a pair of blood-soaked corpses. I've spent half of my life being treated like a slave, and not once did I ever have the guts to stand up or fight back, or even to run away." Just thinking about his old household- his current life- made James bitter. "I was too scared to accept a quick death all those years ago, and now I'm paying for it." He sighed, fighting the wave of depression that threatened to consume him as he finally raised his head. "Look, I'm not going to try and pretend that I understand what you've been through. But... it seems to me that your biggest problem is that... you're all alone here." Genius vampire or not, no matter how mature she acted, Chibi was still a kid. If nothing else, he supposed she at least needed a friend.


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Chibi still stared into the mirror, but didn't dare to let a tear fly down her cheek. "James, I have been alone for-forever even when I had a family I was nothing being the middle child who didn't dare step out of line or do anything. I wasn't noticed for my high academic mind or for my great skills at cooking, and sewing... I was never daddy's little girl he didn't even acknowledge the fact I was born. He wanted a son thats all. my mother didn't even look at me or my sister she thought of us as failures, I followed in my fathers footsteps to get closer to him. though since he was a inventor, doctor, business man of big companies he just wanted a son. no not a daughter or two just one... he didn't like my sister for her selfish acts and didn't like me because my life had no purpose to him. He wanted a boy to take his company and big mind to the next generation..." she only thought of her father now then got up and went to the entrance. "James you can have the rest of the day off... I don't care... just be sure to eat dinner soon it's almost five o'clock." she left the room and went downstairs to were the entrance of the fourth floor should be. she put her ear up against the wall and knocked on it... hollow... she grabbed the knife out of her boot and slid it down the wallpaper then grabbed the wallpaper and ripped it off the wall "Bingo." she muttered and saw before her eyes was a door with no doorknob but a key hole. "there must be a key somewhere around here." she glided her hand around the wall feeling a lump in the wall that looked like a key. Chibi took her knife and cut a square were the lump was and ripped the square off the wall. She saw a key, but a string attached to the wall. Chibi quickly untied the knot and slid it into the keyhole and went inside.


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Danielle grimaced, but it didn't last long. They arrived at the grocery store. She stayed close to Izaya. His words put fear into her. He walked up farther ahead. She raed to catch up to him and tried not tremble at the sight of other vampires.

"Wait, I'm trying to stay close but you are moving too fast for my human legs." she called to him in a scared tone.

She ran and moved right in front of him. Right then it was the safest place. For the first time she felt safe around him and didn't want to get too far from him.

(Sorry for the short post.)