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Holocaust of the World

Earth, 2020.


a part of Holocaust of the World, by HouseBunny:3.

The world is ruled by vampires. Technology is amazing and the one good thing is that the wildlife and forests are beautiful,but the cities are filthy places. Many vampires prefer to live out in the country.

HouseBunny:3 holds sovereignty over Earth, 2020., giving them the ability to make limited changes.

614 readers have been here.


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Earth, 2020.

The world is ruled by vampires. Technology is amazing and the one good thing is that the wildlife and forests are beautiful,but the cities are filthy places. Many vampires prefer to live out in the country.


Earth, 2020. is a part of Holocaust of the World.

12 Characters Here

Vincent Redwood [0] "They are just play things. I always end up breaking them. What a shame."
James Radshaw [0] "What makes you think for one second I'd want to make this easy for you?"
Chibi Lockheart [0] "3...2...1... ready or not here I come." *giggle*
Emily Rhinehart [0] "Getting me mad is NOT a good idea!"
Lucas Grayfold [0] "Why don't you come a little closer... I promise I will make your world a little darker in exchange..."
Danielle Leiber [0] Go ahead and say what you want, just don't be surprised when I say something back.
Izaya Oruhi. [0] I will force you to enjoy serving me.
Ren Willow. [0] All dreams must end.
Mail Gardner [0] "Pfft. As if some vampires can keep up with me! Just you watch, I'll be getting out of this place faster then you can count to three!"

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#, as written by Strange
Johnson watched the human girl eat and then when she was done, he took her food away and set it on the counter and walked back over to her and set down another glass of water in front of her. "I don't sleep often. But as for you; I'm sure you'll pass out within the hour. Master uses strong relaxants on humans who don't keep their mouth shut. He over dosed one a year ago, I believe. So watch yourself." Johnson as he stared at her. Then he glanced at the clock and he quickly picked up her glass of water and grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the kitchen.

Before they reached the living room, he stopped and looked at her. "Listen. If you don't want to end up with broken bones or a bloody corpse, I suggest you obey. Master Redwood is known for his violent temper and he is actually trying to be friendly to you because of my advice. So listen to him. Unless you want to end up severely hurt or dead." Johnson said and then opened the door, pushing her gently inside and holding the glass of water.

Vincent looked up, as he had been reading a large book and he tilted his head towards Ren seeing how drowsy she was. He got up. "I assume she's gotten her fill?" Johnson nodded shortly. "Mmm. Good." Vincent walked to Ren and took her wrist, pulling her out of the living room. She was too relaxed and drowsy to really fight his strength anyway. He made his way up the stairs with her as Johnson followed and then led her down the right hallway. He led her down to the end where another turn came, going left and right. Down the right hallway there were no doors; but at the end were two huge oak doors. The other way had a few rooms and a cage door at the beginning of the left hall. He looked to Johnson who took out a pair of keys and then unlocked the door as Vincent pulled Ren down it.

He led her to the fourth door on the right and opened it. It was a small room with a small bed, a closet, a dresser, a table with a chair, a desk with paper and a pen, and a very small and barred window leading to the dark forest where you could see the outskirts and the iron gate circling the entire mansion. "This is your room. Any more attitude and you'll be sleeping on the floor in the cellar." Vincent said, pushing her inside. Johnson walked in, setting the water on the table and giving Ren a glance before walking out. Vincent stared at Ren. "I do hope we get along better in the future, Ren. This is your home now. You might as well accept it." He said, leaning in the doorway as Johnson walked away.


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((Sorry, like I said, tired. xP I didn't see that post.))


Her eyes grew heavy as walked with the butler. He was starting to talk to her, but she wasn't really listening. The next thing she knew, she was being dragged by Vincent. I wonder if there is an escape... or something. Maybe through the vents. I wonder if he had any cake... or sweets. Random thoughts zoomed through her head as she walked into the beautiful room. She walked in, more like pushed, and sat on her bed. "I do hope we get along better in the future, Ren. This is your home now. You might as well accept it." She heard him spoke as she lifted herself up.

"My home isn't here... It will never be here. You might as well accet that." She said looking at him. "There is a possiability that I will listen to you, but there is two things that you need to understand. Number 1, is that my home will never be here, and number 2, That I will never, NEVER call you my master." She said half asleep. She looked at him before undoing her covers and snuggling into it. Facing the oppisite direction. "Close the door when you leave." She growled quietly before falling asleep. Because of the drug, she won't wake up for another 8 hours, not even if a brick hits her upside the head.

(Ok, night! :D)


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(She is going to be delivered to his home.)

Danielle was forced into a car. They kept the blindfold on.

"Why don't you take this off?" she asked.

The vampires ignored her and got into the car. She didn't know what was going on and why she was being driven somewhere. After a while of driving, the car came to a stop. A vampire opened her door and walked her up to another building. She still didn't know where she was or what was happening.

"Where are we?" she asked.

The vampire holding her arm tightened his grip.

"Be quiet." he said in a harsh voice.

Danielle turned to face him even though she couldn't see him.

"Would you stop squeezing my arm like that? It hurts."

The vampire squeezed her arm again.

"I told you to be quiet."

Danielle rolled her eyes behind her blindfold and turned back around to face the direction the vampire was facing.


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#, as written by Strange
Glaring at her, Vincent smirked then and he shut the door firmly, enough to make the walls shake slightly. Then he walked down the hallway towards Johnson. "Restrain is difficult. We need to break her. I will not deal with another brat again. Look into her files, see if you can find out anything. I'm going to feed and go out for a little... walk." he said with a smirk and he put a hand firmly on Johnson's shoulder and then turned the corner.

He made his way down the stairs as Johnson locked the cage door and took the keys with him. Vincent would walk down to the dining room and he adjusted his collar and his shirt as he saw a maid walking in, her head down. "Master Redwood, your dinner is here, waiting in the feeding room." she said. Vincent smiled and undid his shirt, taking it off and handing the nice suit to the maid as he walked down a dark hallway and then down some stairs and then down another hallway to a small door. The door gleamed crimson in some spots.

He slowly opened it and then shut it behind him.

Blood curdling screams and shuffles and the sounds of thuds hitting the walls sounded for a few minutes.

And then silence came after.


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She was fast asleep and dreaming of random dreams. It wasn't untill an hour or so later after Redwood had fed that she awoke. Her eyes peered open and arose. Her body felt stiff and her head felt as if it was being compressed. She looked around, almost forgetting about where she was. She got up and walked towards the door. She looked at it before opening it. "What the hell..." She said silently as she looked at the medal bars. She growled before slamming the door hard and stomping her way to bed, furious.


Izaya grew impatient as he continue to sit in that dark room with the huge fire. He was tired of waiting and wanted to entertain himself somehow, though, he knew he wouldn't beable to do this untill the human had arrived. He was thinking that maybe once she would have arrived, that he could play with her. He would have to play with her for just a few times a day, and that really didn't appeal to him much. "I should of ordered more humans." He snarled, staring into the fireplace.


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"Sold to the lady in the back" she heard the auctioneer announce as he jumped with excitement. Iris rolled her eyes. 50,000 was nothing to her. An extra blood supply? That meant everything..
She pulled her hood more over her head as she walked over gracefully to claim her latest purchase. She yawned waiting for the guard to fetch the human and raised an eyebrow seeing her purchase clothed in a red silk suit with a pony tail. The human bowed as the guard left to attend to other business. "I am at your service Mistress, I am Lucian, unless you wish to rename me" he said. Iris sighed. So much for trained.. "Firstly don't ever refer to me as Mistress..I don't like it" Iris ordered. "Always call me Ma'am or Madam.. nothing else unless I change my mind" She yawned again standing up more firmly. "Secondly, under my 'care'..." she cackled at the word 'care'. "-you will just be called servant no.1 unless I change my mind on that too.." She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear so her left eye was perfectly visible. A frightful red crimson eye intently staring at the human.. like food.

She adjusted her sleeves before slightly bending down towards the male human's level. Her visible eye creeping into the depth of the human's soul. She tapped his chin with the palm of her hand analysing. Hmm maybe good enough for vampire gambling.. She turned his head side to side forcefully. "I wonder what kind of a fighter you are.." she said her thought out loud not expecting a response. Her plain expression twitched into a smirk before she jabbed her index finger's nail into the side of his neck. Blood freely flowing out slowly. She lifted her finger up to her lips and licked a drop. Hmm that'll do.. She dusted her hands off on her cloak as if she had been dealing with filth. Disgusting flesh.. "Let me tell you this.." she said as she turned away, looking over her shoulder slightly. Her hood fell upon her shoulders due to the passing breeze, her face became viewable "I live to kill.. you should be honoured serving me"


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James blinked, making sure he hadn't misunderstood. This was his new owner? This little girl? She barely looked older than twelve! The human growled inwardly. 'Fantastic. I didn't realize babysitting was part of the job description.' These thoughts never left his lips, of course. He had to bear in mind that this girl wasn't human. She was a vampire. A bloodsucker. A murderer, most likely. She could probably kill or have him killed without a second thought.

He could tell if that fact was terrifying or just degrading, knowing a child could literally be the death of him.

Snapping out of his musings, the human glanced at the maid. Maria, was it? She wore the same blank, emotionless expression as the driver. Completely brainwashed into being the perfect slave. James scowled. That wasn't going to happen to him. Still, getting some decent clothes would be nice, especially since he'd pretty much lost all feeling in his fingers and toes by this point. At least the cuffs had been removed, along with some of the skin it had frozen to. Meanwhile, he only half-listened to his new master--no, she'd asked himto call her Chibi--as she read off the ground rules, all the while resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Punishments? Please. Nothing she had to dish out could be worse than what he'd already been through. He had the scars to vouch for that.

One word really caused is blood to boil. Family. This little leech had the guts to talk to him about family. That was where his suicidal tendencies had kicked it.Walking up to the front door, he shot her a defiant glare. "With all due respect, I haven't had a family since your kind slaughtered it. And I doubt I'll find a new one here."

((... Yeah, I think James has a death wish.))


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Chibi smiled "Watch you tongue in this house because your begging for the worst, we don't intend to kill you or let you kill yourself. This house has its own mind the walls listen so keep that in your tiny brain." she skipped gracefully into the back room were servants usually entered she reached for the pile of clothes sitting on the counter and handed it to him. "just to let you know Maria got her tongue cut out so she cant speak so be nice to her. Lets say her past experiences working for others cause that when they lost their temper. So I am glad to be the bad guy if you ever, ever disobey me." she said smiling then reached for two pairs of shoes and a towel placing it on the top of the pile of clothes he held. "you wash your clothes in here and hang them up outside to dry, this pair of shoes you wear inside and the other outside." she said pointing to the softer sole shoes then the hard sole shoes. "you should leave your outside shoes in here I don't want you tracking mud onto the new carpets." her new carpets ordered from a sale in Transylvania along with a few antiques and paintings. "Now if you would like to see your prepared "room" I suggest you follow me." she said sweetly then remembered something "Maria take him to his "room" for me."
Chibi said then ran off to her room slamming the door shut and pulling on her nice gown and stared at her locket in the mirror her past obviously wasn't one any child would want to remember. Chibi grabbed her index and ran to the cell more then a room, at least it looked okay for a servant. it looked as if they had not arrived the door sealed tight the lock was on it, she scrambled in her hidden pocket for it pulling a rusty old thing out and opening the door. beyond it was a small patch of hay with one dull sheet to go under and another on top, to the right was another door, the bathroom most likely and a small desk for clothes. she sat out front reading and waiting.


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Mail hissed as he heard the shouts of dollars, the auctioneer practically screaming in his ear. Honestly, he almost had the nerve to swing around and knee this guy in the crotch. Just another let down of being tied...

The numbers rose and rose, rising past what the other's had paid. Despite the fact he was probably being sold to his death, this only seemed to raise Mail's confidence. Damn, he must have been pretty nice then! A small smirk pulled up the ends of his lips as his chin lifted somewhat like a hunting dog having just brought in their first duck. Wait... Did he just hear the auctioneer correctly? $150,000? ... Well, of course he would sell for this! It was him!

Next thing he knew, blinded by his pride, was being unchained and jerked forward, past the woman and his back to the auctioneer. Only one servant? Hey! Escaping was easy! The red head attempted to yank himself free, grunting in frustration and kicking his legs as he found himself thrown into the carriage, doors slammed behind him. Okay, so, maybe escaping was pretty difficult. Sitting back up, Mail pulled off his blindfold and dropped it on the floor as he tried to open the door of the carriage. It wouldn't budge. After trying the other side, he found it was just as stuck as the last, but as if that would make him stop.


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Lucian nodded at her instructions. He would respond quietly to her with a simple “Yes, Madam” Servant no.1 well that meant either he was the only servant which he doubted, or he was taking the place of a recently… retired servant, well wasn’t that nice. To the knowledge he was to be renamed he merely accepted it “As you wish, Madam” he had been renamed before some were strange, but this seemed more practical. He had served vampires enough to know that look, the look of desiring food. He was relieved; as if she desired only food that meant as long as he kept in line he would survive. No fighting, Not having to touch her revolting body, nothing. The red eye; however, was strange and added a more predatorily side to her than his previous owners, he would have to watch her carefully; he had no desire to die after coming so far.

He remained bowed but was surprised when she bowed down with him. Normally he would tower over her, but for now it seemed this would be one of the few times and he dearly hoped the closest he would ever have to bear being close to this monster. He made his neck limp at the sign of her wrist twitching; he would not fight her, it would be a waste of effort and life. The fighter comment froze his blood; he had no intention of ever returning to the gambling pit. He had barely made it out with his life last time and that was more luck than anything, he doubted he could kill a vampire in combat again.

The sharp pain of his blood being drawn caused him to wince but he returned to his stoic accepting expression. Since she did not respond he assumed she thought his blood was adequate, that was good. He felt a drop of blood slide from his neck, and it took everything he had to not reach up and wipe it off. When she released him and stood up, he too stood up and gently rubbed the blood away, it should clog soon enough it was a small cut. “Let me tell you this… I live to kill.. you should be honored serving me” to this comment he nodded and spoke softly “From this moment on madam you ARE my purpose.”


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James' eyes widened slightly as he swallowed, his throat suddenly going dry. He'd give her this: the girl could definitely be intimidating. In spite of the situation, he couldn't help but feel a beit humiliated. What kind of teenager was afraid of a little girl, even a vampiric one? He shot a glance a Maria, trying to picture what it would feel like to have your tongue cut out. He shuddered. If that was what vampires did to their own kind, he had to wonder what Chibi might have in store for a lowly human.

Keeping his lips pressed together in a tight line so no more dangerous comments could slip out, he silently took the clothes, towel, and "indoor" shoes, leaving the other pair for when he needed them. After walking around barefoot in the freezing cold, it was a blessing to have something on his feet. By the time James had slipped them on and looked back up, Chibi had already vanished, leaving him with the mute head maid. Maria simply nodded toward the end of the hall before walking in the same direction, an obvious sign to follow. Exhaling through his nose, he did as he was told, grateful at least that he'd finally get to change into some warmer clothes.

The walk to his room wasn't a short one, but it did give him a chance to look around the mansion a little bit. It really was huge, and everything inside it looked to be at least fifty years old and worth more than a car. Apparently his new owner had some very expensive tastes. In the back of his mind, James wondered how she'd react to him "accidentally" knocking over on of the more expensive-looking statues. A smirk flashed across his face for a second, then disappeared almost immediately. Purposely angering the girl would be a bad idea; it promised only pain, no escape from this ordeal. Chibi had said so herself that she didn't intend to kill him. In fact, it seemed like she planned to have him around for as long as possible. A shudder ran up his spine. James wasn't sure he'd be able to stand that.

After what felt like an hour, they finally arrived at his room, scenically located in what could easily be described as a dungeon. He and Maria weren't the first ones there, though; his boss had beaten them to it. The girl sat ever so casually by the door, reading a very large book and not seeming to have a care in the world. "How did you...?" James began, but didn't finish his question. After all, it wasn't as if he was likely to get an answer. Instead, he stepped through the open door into what he assumed to be his room. More like a cell. He'd seen animal stables that were more comfortable than this. "Well, this seems cozy," he muttered to himself before turning to his owner. "What should I do once I'm dressed?"


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#, as written by Strange
[House @-@ Um... there is a cage door at the hallway where the human/servants sleep... xD I must not have made that clear enough.]


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((oops, sorry. xP. I edit the post. :)) ))


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#, as written by jjia101
Lucifer saw him take off the blindfold that veiled his eyes. She stomped with her heels loudly, almost making the carriage break in half but she just sat there hearing no noise. "When have I commanded you to, take off that blindfold? It must be that you wanted to see my beautiful face, right?" She had an arrogant face, once again, giggling softly though it was soft the laugh was filled with evil.

The green haired girl stared at his movements. He tried to budge the first door. Then, the next one. She laughed now, loudly one leg on top of the other. "These doors, wouldn't budge at your useless power. Just because of the small amount of money I brought you with, you still aren't worth a cow. No, rat." She kicked his head in swift moments, annoyed by the looks of his face. Lucifer didn't feel comfortable with him. It had to be the rip clothing of his that he had on, in the moment.

"Kneel down, fly." She said with eyes glaring at his face. "Don't even think of escaping. This must seems that there is one servant but there is another carriage of them behind, carrying it." The lady glanced back, seeing her man riding horses. She also knew the carriage was just stuffed with other bloodstock she brought. Though, she felt he was going to escape. She kept him here with her. "And refer to me as, Beautiful Lady Arcana." She said looking at the window, gazing out with evil eyes. "Say every word like you mean it or things wouldn't get too pretty." Lucifer, looked back down at him, "Put those things on, now! And kneel! Don't think of escaping. It is just a waste of time!" She said not, stomping much harder.


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#, as written by Strange
A few hours had passed. Vincent lay on the couch, his shirt in his hand as he had wiped some more blood from his lips. He watched the corpse of the young girl he had drained be dragged down the hallway and he heard the wolves howling off in the distance. He then rose, stretching his strong limbs and he undid his hair, shaking it out.

"Johnson!" Vincent called. Johnson came in, tilting his head towards his master. "Johnson, go get those clothes I organized for the human in the guest closet, would you? I'm going to go fetch our young guest now." Vincent said with a bit of an evil grin. Johnson seemed uneasy but nodded and left the room quickly.

Vincent made his way up the stairs with a grin. He pranced down the hallway and undid the caged door, closing it behind him and creepy silently to the girl's door. He then stood in the doorway as the door had opened without a sound or a creak.

"I trust you slept well?" he asked with a soft but cold tone.


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((Heads up, I wont be on much on sunday, and maybe tomorrow. :D ))


She looked at him, starting out with a glare but it faded quickly. "Im not an animal." She growled, crossing her arms as she sat almost off the edge of the bed. She turned away, not facing him anymore as she stared out the small window. She started to think how would her life be if she and her family had went to equator where the small fleet of humans had escape. She soon remebered that not one of thoos humans returned alived.

She started to think what she would be in her next life. Of coarse, Ren believed in a God and a Devil, but no heaven or hell. She believed in reancarnation, so death didn't really bother her much, though, she had to admit that she didn't like the idea, but all living things must die. She looked at him, glaring. "Why did you come in here anyways?" Her tone was cold as always.


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“From this moment on madam you ARE my purpose” Iris cackled at this comment of his. "Your purpose?" she asked before starting to walk away. "You're the best suck up human I ever met" she taunted before continuing to walk away. The taunt however was true. This human wasn't putting up a fight at all. Not like her other servants. In a way this was good news, it meant less time wasted. On the other hand that was bad news, meant the human's hatred of vampires was bottled up deep down somewhere and could emerge later. Iris rolled her eyes. Why do I bother thinking about such things.. It'll always be my way. It's not like the human stands a chance.

She could always catch a ride home but she wanted to test out how much the human could withstand..
She kept walking, her footsteps leaving a trail in the snow. Vampires were fine with the cold weather..they actually loved the weather. The humans not so much... she smirked secretly. It would be a while before they reached her mansion. Lets see you freeze shall we?


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Lucian trudged behind the madam in the snow; he would not be baited by her taunt. She would never understand but his statement was not a compliment merely truth. Glancing at the blinding expanse of white snow he shivered although truly he liked the cold better than the heat, but it didn’t make him anymore immune to it than any other humans. His clothes that were given to him by his last master were not suited for this kind of expedition.

1 hour later

Lucians hands were turning blue, and his breaths were shallow but he would not stop now, if he stopped he wasn’t sure he could keep going. He refused to give up… he would always keep within five feet of the madam even if he had to use what little life he had to sprint to gain back the yards he lost. He had let down his hair long ago, letting the long length of black hair act as a hat almost, but it only helped so much.

Stumbling he hit the ground, snow covering his body, but he pushed himself off the cold flaky ground, not yet, he wondered how many times he had said those two words over the past 8 years. Gritting his teeth he ran to catch back up and try to warm up his body a little. He would walk until his legs gave out, than he would drag himself all the way to their destination. He would not die here.


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Mail growled as she kicked him, grabbing his head and putting his back to the corner. "Oh yeah, why would I ever try to escape, Beautiful Lady?" He hissed, leaning back on the seat as he attempted to kick out on of the windows, the kicks separating his speech. "Why-should-I-kneel-to a-thing-as-ugly as- you?!"

Soon, he gave up on kicking, settling himself in the corner of the carriage, one foot on the bench, his arms crossed tightly. "I'll do whatever the hell I want when I want to! You bought me for some reason more important then then others! I was the most expensive there!" He paused, a slim smile appearing on his lips as he shrugged slightly. "But, of course, I am worth it. Just look at me. Pure perfection." Mail laughed slightly, flipping the bangs out of his eyes as he continued t pump his arrogance.


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#, as written by jjia101
Lucifer gritted her teeth. "Oh yeah, why would I ever try to escape, Beautiful Lady?" She knew he was a human of no good. The green haired girl felt like ripping the man. No, doing so meting crueler. She felt like feeding him to her tigers in the garden. She made her arm into a fit. This was not an place to resort violence. She stepped on his hand that was against the wall, harder than usual with her heels.

"I brought others, too." Lucifer pointed to the carriage from the window near him. "You are just life stock that will die, soon enough. No, humans are my blood bank. Fated to die." She laughed at his actions, muttering, "Stupid Humanoid." She looked at him now glaring, "Actually, if I would say you were the most expensive because I was tired of the slow prices. So I called out a common price. " She stared at his clothing, coughing a fake cough. "Perfection, pure. Don't kid with me." She began to touch her skin, feeling the paleness, "I am beautiful. I am perfection. Pure, is not a word though." She now kicked him in the stomach, "Kneel. Put on the blind fold. Or I will make you sleep in the farm with the horses. Even worse, I will feed you to my pets."


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Iris whistled as she walked through the snow carelessly. Not turning around even once to check on the human. Let me guess.. frostbite perhaps..trouble breathing maybe? She laughed to herself. Torturing humans always put her in a good mood. This situation even more so since she didn't have to waste any effort on it. Torture had been accomplished all on its own..thanks to winter.

Her mansion was now in view after two long hours. Still a fair distance away and the layer of snow covering the grounds seemed to get thicker. "You have precisely.." she looked down at the watch on her wrist. "1 minute to reach my mansion over there.. if you don't make it within that time? Don't bother coming in and feel free to freeze out here" she warned still not looking back at the human. She gave out a sharp loud whistle and a limousine had arrived shortly after. The human servant driving the vehicle stepped out opening the passenger door for her.
She stepped in gracefully. "Hm..i'm forgetting something" she said inside the vehicle. Her window went down as she reminded the new servant "By the way, your minute has already begun". The window rolled back up and the driver stepped on the gas leaving Lucian in the dust


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The vampire reached over Danielle and took her blindfold off. In front of them was a door. They were at someone's house.

"Where are we?" she asked.

The vampire looked down at her and shook his head.

"This is the home of your master." he responded.

Danielle thought about it for a minute.

"Master?" she asked.

The vampire ignored like he had done before. Danielle stood there and the vampire knocked on the door. She was nervous to see what she had to live with and apparently serve.

"Do I actually have to serve one of them?" she thought to herself.

The vampire's cold hand loosened on her arm. She yanked her arm out of his hand and looked up at him.

"I'm not going to run away in a vampire infested world, trust me." she said bitterly.

He rolled his eyes.

"Watch your attitude. You smell very appetizing." he warned.

She laughed bitterly and rolled her eyes.

"I'm a teenager. Attitude should be expected. I wonder what my 'master' would think if you bit me."

He glared down at her.

"That should be an easy habit to break. I'm not going to bite you. That's your master's job. Wait until you get a hint of reality. We'll see exactly how quickly you lose your attitude problem you stupid stuck up human."

They both stood there quietly and waited for the door to be answered.


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Chibi got up and pulled out a list "all the errands you need to do are on this list like watering the garden and cleaning the house." she placed that on the the desk "lunch is at one fifty after my lunch." she stood at the door "Try to hurry up theres a lot on that list." she left the area and went up to the attic and her secret library hidden in the original library. in the back of the library there was a strange small abnormal door hidden by a table, if you open it you can find the secret staircase up there is a room. it would be unusual to find the door unless you dropped something underneath the table. most unlikely though, it's not impossible to find it kind of obvious if you have a good eye. Chibi came across it as a child losing her Dollie underneath the table and found the door. she even found secret passages inside the walls too. Chibi sat at the table in the secret room playing her violin. she kept all her instruments up there, but the piano was originally up there. she sat in the candle light for a while playing her instruments and reading books.


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He heard the door knock. He got up and walked towards the door as he did so, he turned on the lights through out the mansion. Lights didn't hurt them sincce they don't have the UVA in them. (If that is wrong, correct me. lol) He opened the door and looked at her before the man. "Thank you for my delivery." He said, coldly grabbing her arm and jerking away from the vampire.

He walked silently through the dark halls as he literatlly dragged her across the floor. He was perfectly silent. The halls where lighten up to a dim. He walked to the huge room with the big fire place and turned on the light. There, it displayed a plasma screen TV above the fireplace, a bearskin rug below, a gigantic leather couch, another door and a bookshelf. The room was elegant itself.

He opened the other door which had another hall way that lead to a beautiful dining room and a kitchen and realeased her arm. "I want you to clean up this entire room, kitchen and dining before morning. If you don't, then I will enjoy the bedtime snack." He smirked. "Your knew name will be Swine. You don't like it, then I will have you dead by morning. My name for you will be Master. You don't like that, you will be dead by morning. You don't speak without my permission. You don't touch anything including me without my permission."

He said with a very cold tone that would send shivers down anyone's back. He smirked an evil smirk. "If you diobey any of theese orders..." He said walking near her. "Not only will you be sucked dry, but I will make sure I put you through some good use for me before I kill you. I will suck the vital veins." He said grabbing her hands. He touched her wrist veins before dropping them.
