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Nineve: The Age of Men

Nineve: The Age of Men


Giants, the children of the gods and protectors of the lesser races have all but disappeared, leaving the races of Humans to fend for themselves. (REMAKE)

3,842 readers have visited Nineve: The Age of Men since Beach-Born-Boy created it.



Nineve - Land of Men, Giants, and Gods

Section: I - History
Section: II - Places of Importance
Section: III - Races of Giants and Men
Section: IV - Character Sheets and Other Info
Section: V - Rules

Section: I - History

The land of Nineve, an ancient world, almost as old as the beings that created it. A world rich in history and culture. A world being torn apart by oppression, anger and war. Decades ago, the sons of the gods, races of Giants that are as diverse as the animals of the world they guard, have disappeared.

Their rivals, the Dragons, who sat idly for ages in the void beyond Nineve's shores, have finally seen an opportunity, conquering the land they envied the Giants for.

For eons, the Giants were able to resist the influence of the Dragons, their bribes of power and wealth, their threats of violence of death, their ability to force their wills on others, all these attempts failed in the face of the Giants. However, where the Giants' souls stood firm against their attacker's efforts, the humans were not so strong.

The Brother who Felled a King

Bribes, threats, and even the mere presence of a Dragon's thoughts corrupted the humans, turning the ones they could to their cause. These agents, the Quokim now enforce the laws of the Dragons. Whether by choice or not, they now would turn on their species, their race, even their family, all to serve rulers from afar.

Now, the humans have finally become the wiser. They realize now that they need the Giants, they need the help they can get. The races of men, Balt, Dravasha, and Mayyssus, who for ages, even before the disappearance of their world's sentinels, were at each others' throats, formed uneasy alliances solely to liberate themselves from a suffocating grip.

A Meeting of Men

And so the men of Nineve banded together, their armies and kingdoms as one. Though their hearts and minds were many, the rage that fueled some and the passion that drove others, these things ceased to matter. Their cause was the same and as such, their armies stood tall.

United in Their Cause

However, as accusations begin to fly. Corruption and lies, weapons and secrets and even the possibility of Quokim in the midst of leaders of men began to weave their way into the alliance. Dissent has cracked the bonds that were weak to begin with. Now they threaten to shatter if the Dragons aren't defeated in time. As days draw ever closer to the inevitable war, a small band of adventurers from all races of men sets out, traversing countries, continents and in the end, perhaps even worlds to stop the collapse of their own.

An Adventure Begins


Section: II - Places of Importance

The Ruined Torun
The Ruined Torun, once a majestic castle, a hall where gods and Giants would walk with Men. However, that was millenia ago. Before the Gods forsook Mankind, before the Giants rebelled for their love and sense of responsibility toward these lesser beings. Now, The Ruined Torun is just that. Ruined. Desecrated. Its halls are over grown with plants, rubble lies in every path and point of access and the lower levels are utterly submerged in water. And yet, still the domed roofs stand tall, a beacon that shouts to the heavens that the Giants were not just warriors, but architects and artisans alike. The wealth in gold and treasure has long since abandoned this fortress, but its value in knowledge has only begun to be tapped.

The Forest of Warsom
Warsom, or as it's known to all but its residents, the Twilit Vale, is a deep forest, where trees will grow to be dozens of feet thick and hundreds tall. The trees are laden with thousands upon thousands of nearly translucent leaves colored gold and rose. When the sun shines through this canopy of leaves, it casts a golden-red light across the forest that mimics the light just before sundown. The canopy of leaves is strong enough for a grown man to walk on and almost covers the entirety of the forest except for over the city of Deepmere at its center.

Deepmere - The Forest City
A city in the midst of the vast Forest of Warsom, Deepmere is home to a race of people known as the Dravasha. Located at the base of the tree, Xonoel, Deepmere is the only city in Warsom. While the city itself is important, the Dravasha only settled there after being called through the forest to Xonoel, a site they now hold sacred and defend with their lives. The city is defended not only by the Dravasha, but the forest itself which will lead all but its children and the Forest Giants astray to rot and feed the trees.

The Plains of Nineve
Dotted with mountains and scarred by years of war, the Plains of Nineve are almost entirely inhospitable. Once a lush landscape with all that any would need, it became the battlefield of great powers during the first War of Nineve, when the Giants forced the Dragons from their land. Only recently have areas of the land begun to repair themselves and at a slow rate, with the only safe place for Men being their grand palace, The Acropolis.

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis
Acrop Citadel, or The Acropolis, is the center of the world of Man. Placed equidistant from each of the three lands that are inhabited by men, this castle is the only haven for Men on the Plains of Nineve. Ringed by mountains and once protected by the grace of Sky Giants, The Acropolis is home to the greatest kings of Men and the site of the Meeting of Men, where the world first banded together.

Icemoor - The Polar Abode
Icemoor, a land known for snow, ice and raw earth, is home to one of the toughest race of Men, the Balt. Located high in the mountains, above the Plains and the Forest, Icemoor is called home by the Balt race and the Stone Giants. While the earth here is bare year round, the land is not without its advantages. The entirety of Icemoor is built into a single, massive pillar of ice that is said to have formed when one of the great Sky Giants landed in a sea in the mountains. His heart so frigid and without the love of Men, froze the splashing water into a pillar of ice and his mere touch granted the land a magical affinity to protect those who live on it.

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town
Lorcliff is home to the mages and arcane artists of the Mayyssus race of Men. Carved from a seaside cliff by old magic and the help of the Fire Giants, Lorcliff is a city of both knowledge and industry. The city itself has several mines, each worked by slaves and prisoners of war from the other races and as such, is a city of vast wealth, both monetarily and mentally. The Mayyssus spared no expense in finding their loft and creating it, as hundreds of tunnels run into the earth of a sheer cliff face. Branching off from each tunnel lie homes to the mages, their walls laden with mithral, gold and fine cut gems that they pull from their mines daily.

Gigantes Helum Torun - The Tor
Gigantes Helum Torun, (literally translated: Giant's Hold Fortress) or "The Tor" as it's more commonly know, was the last great fortress ever built by Giant hands. Its walls stood fast and its defenses were great during the first War of Nineve. However, with no more Giants to provide maintenance to this vast structure, its defenses soon crumbled, allowing the Quokim to infiltrate it and use it as a base of operations on Nineve. For our band of adventurers, retaking The Tor, could mean an end to the second War of Nineve.


Section: III - Races of Giants and Men



Balts are the race from the snow-capped, polar mountains to the North of the Plains. A hunting based society has made them strong, able to survive in almost any situation. While not as much a warrior or mage society like the Dravasha and Mayyssus respectively, they do have the ability to perform some basic magic and are fairly handy with their weapons of choice, spears and halberds. All Balts have a runic Tattoo on their bodies somewhere that helps protect them from many dangers.


Dravasha are a race of men from deep in the Forest of Warsom and it's only residents, with a permanent settlement at Deepmere. An extremely conflict centered society, the Dravasha settle everything with combat, usually of the martial type. Their aggression makes them superb soldiers but while they fight for almost any reason, they are also extremely loyal to their friends and kinsmen. The Dravasha are the only race who can avoid becoming infinitely lost in the Forest of Warsom and almost never lead outlanders (other races) through it. The Dravasha also have a superhuman tolerance to injury.


The Mayyssus are Nineve's greatest mages. Gifted at birth with a natural arcane ability, the Mayyssus can cast spells that can fell even the greatest of beasts from a young age. Their knowledge and magical abilities are unmatched, but come with a hefty price. From birth, a Mayyssus harbors two souls within himself, one of angelic upbringing and another of demonic. These souls are always at war with each other and can manifest themselves in many different ways, from different eye colors, translucent masks or even entirely different beings that alternate places in Nineve's plane. While both good and evil are apparent in a Mayyssus, their love of knowledge and magic is present in both forms. Their selfishness of knowledge is also present at both times and will keep them from sharing what they know unless it is absolutely vital.


Stone Giant:

Stone Giants are the youngest race of Giant. Born only a century or so before the race's sudden absence, Stone Giants were an attempt by the Sky Giants to make a race more like the Men so that they would fear them less than they would admire them. More like golems, the Stone Giants do whatever is asked of them by their brothers and would appear mostly in the mountainous region near the Balts. However they had been seen venturing out into the plains and onto the shores closer to their disappearance.

Fire Giant:

Fire Giants are the most aggressive race of Giant on Nineve. While sworn to protect the humans, their ways were extremely barbaric in contrast to their human residents, the Mayyssus. The Fire Giants would often demand sacrifices of the rams with the thickest wool, bulls with the most meat and sometimes even the purest of Mayyssus to gain favor, each of which they would char to ash then absorb. Fire Giants can materialize from any flame, even a candle, and force it to grow or shrink to a certain degree.

Forest Giant:

Forest Giants are the most peaceful race of giants, who live in the Forest of Warsom alongside the Dravasha. While they protect the humans, they will avoid any unnecessary interaction with the Dravasha if they can. The only race of Giant to be quadrupedal, the Forest Giants chose to resemble the beasts of the forest rather than the Men, for fear of association with a more war-oriented race. Forest Giants can camouflage themselves into any living plant or animal in their realm and often will to avoid Men.

Sky Giant:

Sky Giants are the kings of their species. While not only the rarest Giant, with only four known members of their race, they are also the largest. Standing well above any other Giant, Man or structure, these beings were said to be able to cross the entirety of Nineve in just under a week just by walking. As well as being the largest and rarest Giant race, they are also the wisest, able to foretell almost any event. They tend to stay away from most contact with Men unless they are royalty or very high clergy so as to pass on the messages of their fathers, the Gods.

Section: IV: - Character Sheets and Other Info

Character Sheets

Code: Select all
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] (First and last please)


[b][u]Race:[/u][/b] (List Below)


[b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] (Some races can do things others can't)


[b][u]Oddities:[/u][/b] (Scars, quirks, Tattoos(Balts will all have Runic Tattoos))

[b][u]Relationships:[/u][/b] (Family, friends, enemies, significant people, just looking for a list)

[b][u]Alliance:[/u][/b] (Nineve or Quokim)

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Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

Icemoor - The Polar Abode

Icemoor - The Polar Abode by Beach-Born-Boy

The village of the Sky Giant's landing

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town by Beach-Born-Boy

A town built by the minds of some and the labor of more

Deepmere - The Forest City

Deepmere - The Forest City by Beach-Born-Boy

The origin of the Dravasha race of Men

The Forest of Warsom

The Forest of Warsom by Beach-Born-Boy

The origin of the Dravasha race of Men

Plains of Nineve

Plains of Nineve by Beach-Born-Boy

The Plains of Nineve

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis by Beach-Born-Boy

The center of the world of Men

The Ruined Torun

The Ruined Torun by Beach-Born-Boy

An ancient, Giant fortress


Nineve by Beach-Born-Boy

Nineve, a land of Men, Giants and Gods

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Character Portrait: Alusan Ilossa
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Two weeks, four days, thirteen hours and twenty three minutes. The ticking clock on the wall reminded Alusan of each moment he spent in this living hell, a world at it's own throat. But for him, it didn't matter. For him, all that mattered was out. Twenty four minutes. His axe, quite possibly the only weapon of his race that bore no name, hung just past his cell's bars, in the low torchlight. The air was dank, never fresh unless someone stepped into the room. The heavy, wooden door locked out the fresh air, the sounds of the beaches seated just beyond the wall, even the light of day with a harsh oppression. Twenty five minutes.

It didn't matter though. None of it mattered. All that mattered was that solid oak stave, the crescent of steel that sat upon it, humming, beating in time with Alusan's own heart as is pulsated with energy from before even the thought of the Balt was in the minds of the Gods. It reverberated with the power of Karas, the first Sky Giant to fall in the war. His blood had blessed the weapon, even thousands of years beyond his death. And these Mayyssus jailer pigs had not but an inkling of what power it held. Twenty six minutes.

So Alusan waited. Waited for his moment. Waited for one of them to come and stand from their chair, come to take him away for another day of what they thought was torture. He waited for one of them to get - "Giant-Son. Feh. You look like a sorry bastard to me Giant-Son." The jailer picked the axe up off the hook on the wall and smacked the blade of it against the iron bars. Once. "Get up Balt." Twice. "I don't have all day." Thrice and the sound was muted as Alusan sprang to his feet, quicker than the dumbfounded guard could comprehend. Twenty eight minutes.

His hands clasped the handle that seemed so far away for so long, and twisted rapidly. The poor Mayyssus slave had no time to react as the axe twisted and with it, his arm until it snapped like a twig underfoot. Writhing in pain as he stepped away from the cage, the jailer screamed in a mixture of surprise and agony. However, Alusan could only smile. His weapon was his once again, and with it, he needn't worry about getting out of this Gods-forsaken city. Twenty nine minutes.

A quick thrust of the oak rod through the bars of his cell was all Alusan needed for this man. The blood of Karas surged through the Blueshine steel of the axe as it connected with the jailer's chest sending him reeling backwards and into the wall. The force was powerful enough, that when the man hit, he left a crater in the wall. No doubt the impact had killed him, and this was only confirmed as he slumped forward, landing face first on the floor.Thirty minutes.

Alusan turned, his eyes on the blank wall at the back of his cell , the wall that separated him from the outside world. The sound of the clock striking the hour on the wall behind him was drowned as he swung his axe, the steel striking stone and the following crack and explosion as the wall crumbled away. The chimes of the clock , twelve noon, was the last of this hell that Alusan would ever see or hear of, if he could help it. The salty sea air billowed through the opening in the wall, and sunlight poured like nectar into the chamber. "A hundred feet to the water, easily." Alusan muttered to himself. As the clock reached the final bell, he dove, out of an adventure and into a war.

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Character Portrait: Aerithra N'vael
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Noon came in bright that day. The weather was one of rarities, for no clouds hung in the sky like bad news--none but the usual walls surrounding Icemoor in the sky, clouds that indicated snow fell rapidly during the night and so there was no escape, not that Aerithral minded by any means.
She was quite fond of the cold, in fact she found it rather suffocating when the cabins were too warm from roaring fires, but the sunlight was a welcome guest, especially since the recent events that had happened, events that had been shadowing the mood of Icemoor in a colder, more barren way than the area it was placed upon.

But there she sat, stuck indoors since the cursed injury that had since plagued her mind with remorse. In fact, sometimes she hardly felt the pain in her side at all, it was only the regret of carelessness on the battlefield that wounded her; pride, to be precise.
Chaeth had asked her what had happened a few days after Aerithra had been admitted to the emergency ward, but she could give no proper answer, for she had none. All that she could remember was that she was fighting a young, struggling Mayyssus who seemed to be far too inexperienced to be on the battlefield, and so she took her eyes off him for a moment, confident that he could not hit her by any means. She would've liked to have said she was distracted by seeing the king struggling greatly, but it was only when the Mayyssus boy had struck her in the side of her waist when she saw the king in his struggle. And that was it, she was out.
Of course, the kind cousin of Aerith's had consoled her: 'It was not your fault' and 'It was your first true battle'. But Aerithral know that she was far to cocky for her own good at times, especially with the ability to wield The Spear of Konan.

The injury had not seriously harmed her, but it did keep her in bed for quite some time and she was growing tired, the only saving grace being Chaeth's daily visits. She would of liked to have said her mothers, Esriline's, visits too, but they were filled with worry and coddling in which only made Aerithral grow more restless.

Chaeth told her not only moments ago that the defenses of Icemoor were planning a state of search and attack for the king, something in which the two girls saw as foolish. Spies had attempted to have been sent into Lorcliff, but the Mayyssus guards were on edge, so it made things incredibly difficult. Then, what was the only option? A plan of attack?
Honestly, she thought, there had to be a better and smarter way. Balt's were a strong, hearty race, but sometimes they made brash decisions. It only made sense, though, why Aerith was sometimes brash herself.

"Do you think," Chaeth began, shaking Aerithral out of her thoughts, "That maybe this was their plan all along? I mean, maybe they're ready to strike when our defenses are low."
Aerith considered, it was a possibility, "I don't think they want to cause that much grief. Aren't we supposed to be banding together against Quokim? Unless the foolishness of men has dramatically increased while Ive been stuck indoors."
The cousin laughed, and muttered out loud, "The foolishness of mankind has never changed."

The two smiled and sat in silence, surrounded by their thoughts while the bright sun crept in, until once again Chaeth spoke with another quizzical look about her.
"What if it's true what the Balt men are going on about? About there being followers of the Dragon within higher ranks, even leaders?" she spoke of this quietly, it was almost voodoo to speak of this, but Aerithral wondered it herself.
"Who knows," pausing, Aerithral wanted to escape the topic. It was too much to think about, "As long as I get better soon I don't really care."

They laughed, but curtly stopped when one of the medical staff approached them.
"You may just get that wish, Ms. N'vael. The doctor said you are allowed to go outside today, but only very quickly and to take it slow." the woman gave them a stern look and walked hurriedly to another patient.
"Quickly but slowly?" Chaeth giggled.

Aerith's spirits rose almost a mile. Turning to Chaeth and giving her the most positive look she had been able to muster since the incident, she stated happily:
"Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it."

The setting changes from Icemoor - The Polar Abode to Plains of Nineve

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Blackblood King
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Two weeks after the battle against the Balts is when Roland started started his expedition for Torun which lays in ruins as he walks. He couldn't help but to smile thinking of his families sword hidden somewhere within those ruins among with other forgotten treasures. The blade he was looking for has sat in Torun for so long its name has been forgotten by man and only his family texts gave prove of the swords location as well as his claim in searching for it. The confirmation wasn't hard to get it was making his opponent back down in also searching The Ruined Torun. Roland remembered the event's as if they happened yesterday but in fact the dual took place the day after the battle against the Balts.

Roland walked into the mans loft Victor was his name much older than Roland which made Victor dangerous among his own people. In the other races the older the weaker you become however among the Mayyssus the older a man becomes the more knowledge he contains and among his people knowledge was or leads to power. Roland knew this was foolish challenging an elder not only was it was against he peoples beliefs but a young man has never challenged an elder and live. Roland was still going to challenge him though Roland was the grand son of The Dragonslayer as his grandfather was so claimed to be but all that was found was a dead dragon and no sign of his grandfather. His grandfather was seen around the dragon but when he was searched for he was not found.

Victor was sitting there reading a book and when Roland walked to him he saw Victors eyes flash black "What do you want boy? I told I will not deal with you I am going to Torun and I will not share my glory with a pup." Roland stood tall his own eyes turn red and his face seemed to become darker as if a hood covered his face "We challenge Victor our souls are within agreement." Roland's eyes then turned sky-blue "May our knowledge guild us." Victor looked at the young boy and his eyes flashed two colors and he said in a voice that sounded like many "We accept."

Victor led Roland down the tunnels and deep into the cliff side and into a large arena that was underground like the lofts the arena was decorated with the rare minerals found within the mines. The arena however was the grandest of all. No loft as yet been created to be as wonderful as the arena. In the seats was the witnesses Gortun and some man Victor decided to watch the dual to confirm death and to see that the dual would be fair as in there is only one person dueling than the other. Victor and Roland knew the terms of the dual and what happens when one dies. Everything of the deceased would belong to the living. The family of the dead become slaves to the living such has been the way of the dual since the Arena was created. The bell above the arena ground rung the dual as begun.

Victor summoned lightning to his hands and in a powerful bolt hurled it towards Roland who put his hand out grabbed the magical energy and with enormous effort threw the lightning aside. His eyes turned blue unlike his opponent whose eyes were now pure black. Roland summoned fire to his hand and then by putting more energy into the fire it grew until the flame had to be held with two hands meanwhile Victor was casting a summoning spell to summon a spectral defender that would harm Roland as well as defend its summoner. Roland released his giant flame and a massive pillar of flame came at Victor the spectral defender charged at Roland and Victor attempted to block the full force of the flame pillar but then the magical shield Victor summoned broke and he was only able to keep half of the flame from harming him. The spectral defender rammed Roland to a wall mean while Victor was trying to put out the flame. Roland was still pinned to the wall when Victor recovered with a shout of a command Victors summoned creature took its hand and drove it into Roland. At the moment Roland felt his blood spill he felt his soul change his eyes turned red and grabbing the spectral being he removed the hand from his body and pushed the being away. Blow his feet Roland's blood moved it was not noticeable but has Roland stood there his was really moving his blood towards Victor the sudden pause from Roland confused Victor long enough for the blood to reach its goal then in a sudden hand movement up his blood sent solid spikes upward impaling Victor. When the spikes retreated Victors body laid over and using a healing spell Roland healed himself.

Roland looked at the vast plains seeing the parts that recovered and in the distance the part of the Plains that still remained hostile to men. Roland remember he didn't have any trouble with the second witnesses to the dual with a bribe of the deceased wife in exchange for silence. Later before Roland left the witness died poisoned from deceased wife and returning to Roland who out of kindness bought all of the belongings and assets of the witness and gave the mans family the loft as well as two mines. The murdering widow of Victor was put to death besides Roland's efforts to stop it. Now all he had to do was enter Torun and find the sword everything else didn't matter to him. Everything else would have to wait.

The setting changes from Plains of Nineve to Nineve


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Character Portrait: She'oth Möl
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"Gods, I have stood here on this pedestal and watched as we have torn at one another's throats! Senseless bloodletting, infighting and childish bickering! Would you rather kneel and take your sword into your own chest, or stand and force it through the darkened heart that poisons our veins? This filth is running through our souls and killing us from within- a cancer! A malignancy! And we could very well remove it on our own, of our own damned accord! Oh, but if only we possessed the sense to do just that rather than bow our heads in everlasting stupidity!"

The corridors were quiet at first. Not a sound reached through the expansive halls of the Mayyssus' loft. The world holding its breath in a momentary repose. This silent eternity was just that: a scant second or two of time building up to a release. It unleashed ferociously, screaming with a suddenness- fire tongues rippling up from air, torrents of water, forked spears of lightning, and a confusing array of non-elemental magical eruptions all swirling together as the battle began. The fighting was to be a distraction, to keep She'oth's enemies from looking where they should not. Had the Balt attacked, then Alusan's cell would have been bolstered with excess guards and reinforcements to ensure none of the invaders reached their captive king. A war from within, however? An internal matter, She'oth hoped, would not merit such a reaction.

"I have seen an image before me! In my dreams, in my waking hours- it never ceases to be as clear as the sun hanging over our city on a cloudless day. Three towers. Three glorious constructs of mortal make, fashioned together through blood and sweat and time. The products of untold stretches of history compiling together, building firmer foundations and thicker walls the higher and higher they reach. Propelled up into the very heavens to challenge the bastard gods who forsook us all! Standing fast against assaults of rain, wind and, yes, even against Time: the greatest killer of them all! And! They! Stand!"

A heavy steel portcullis barred the entryway to the prison loft. It had been inscribed with protective charms and wards; even the steel of the grating had been forged with defensive magics in the metal to protect from mystical and physical blows. She'oth reached a hand around and brought out Mölaba from its sheathing, the crystal of the bow whispering with energy- waking at his touch. Static charges filled the air, sending tingling ripples of power up his fingertips and through his arms- his souls were charged by the well within. Haunting blue eyes observed the runic markings, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of these wards. They were extensive, the sorcerers had been thorough when they built this barrier. His lips began to move, muttering softly while raising up his weapon, fingers clasping around an arrow that was not there. Faintly, a form of golden light began to take shape, growing brighter and fuller as he drew back his arm. The air was abuzz with magic, resonating through from the bolt and seeping into the bodies of his followers- even into the walls around them. His voice grew louder and louder, his incantations evolving into bellowed proclamations; echoing from the stone, the bolt of white fire burning hotter and brighter, humming violently. Some of the She'oth-ana were forced to shield their eyes and clench their teeth. The final word crossed his tongue, and he let the bolt fly.

"Before my eyes, I see a dying planet. Captured souls, enslaved under blackened skies and breathing smoke-choked air. And these three towers, which had once been the bastions of civilization, and the hopes of all who had dwelt within and raised them up, have fallen. But not from forces without, but from within! I see them collapsing against one another in a hideous display, their ire alive as they smash together. Three forms, now one, but cascading down into rubble! Dashed apart by hubris, as they fall so does the future they had once held aloft. Now they die! Now we will die! A second road, here, is ahead! Take this path and we will come out stronger, these towers raised higher! If we stand apart then all of us- every last member of the races of Men will perish in flames!"

It exploded against the heavy grating, punching a ragged hole into the bars and scattering shrapnel back along the corridor. Bits of metal buried themselves into cracked and depressed formations forced into the stone. The She'oth-ana rushed ahead, their leader keeping to the center of the group as they made their way within the prison. The guards were not enough to slow them down. What few stood against She'oth and his men were quickly smote, offering no challenge or trial. Coming upon Alusan's cell, She'oth moved to the head of the pack. His image switched in an instant- blinking from one soul to another. His now golden eyes washed over the dead slave, and the impact crater in the wall. Smiling to himself, he blasted open the door and calmly approached the hole leading outside. He peered out at the sea below, chuckling softly, "I'm not sure if he's complicated matters, or made them easier. I'll be damned if this doesn't make our ordeal more interesting, nonetheless." He waved back to his men, "Send out an alert: Alusan's escaped. If he's seen, make no attempt to approach or aid him directly. Help him from afar, but do not let him be recaptured!" His order snapped into a bark as his darker aspect took hold again, blue eyes burning in their sockets- wisps of light trailing as he turned his head.

"I will not stand to see these towers come crashing down. By whatever means necessary, I will ensure their continued existence. The survival of the Mayyssus, the Balt and the Dravasha hinges on this! Stand with me or against me, I do not care either way. At my side, you will rise with the rest of us. Before me.. make no mistake, I will bury you- because I refuse to be buried, myself! And I have a feeling that there are still those elsewhere in this world who share my sentiment."

"We need Alusan Ilossa alive if there is to be any hope of defeating our adversary." His men saluted quickly and took their leave. She'oth Möl turned for one last look out into the water below, "By the wretched gods I hope you survived that jump, you son of a bitch," he murmured.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Icemoor - The Polar Abode

Icemoor - The Polar Abode by Beach-Born-Boy

The village of the Sky Giant's landing

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town by Beach-Born-Boy

A town built by the minds of some and the labor of more

Deepmere - The Forest City

Deepmere - The Forest City by Beach-Born-Boy

The origin of the Dravasha race of Men

The Forest of Warsom

The Forest of Warsom by Beach-Born-Boy

The origin of the Dravasha race of Men

Plains of Nineve

Plains of Nineve by Beach-Born-Boy

The Plains of Nineve

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis by Beach-Born-Boy

The center of the world of Men

The Ruined Torun

The Ruined Torun by Beach-Born-Boy

An ancient, Giant fortress


Nineve by Beach-Born-Boy

Nineve, a land of Men, Giants and Gods

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Character Portrait: Sheeza Ne'eroon
0 sightings Sheeza Ne'eroon played by The Adversary
"The first blow of this battle was not mine, and thus is my failing. The felling strike, however, will be a different matter entirely."

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alusan Ilossa
Character Portrait: Aerithra N'vael
Character Portrait: She'oth Möl
Character Portrait: Shael Hartell
Character Portrait: Balmir An'nuveen


Character Portrait: Balmir An'nuveen
Balmir An'nuveen

Old, possibly crazy but not to be underestimated.

Character Portrait: Shael Hartell
Shael Hartell

I am a hunter by trade. I'll hunt down anything from boar to bear to enemy encampments.

Character Portrait: She'oth Möl
She'oth Möl

"I know from personal experience that division is a killer. True, unfettered power comes with unity! Together we stand, apart we fall!"

Character Portrait: Alusan Ilossa
Alusan Ilossa

"Giant-son. That's what they used to call me. But that was before the desecration of The Tor."


Character Portrait: Shael Hartell
Shael Hartell

I am a hunter by trade. I'll hunt down anything from boar to bear to enemy encampments.

Character Portrait: Balmir An'nuveen
Balmir An'nuveen

Old, possibly crazy but not to be underestimated.

Character Portrait: Alusan Ilossa
Alusan Ilossa

"Giant-son. That's what they used to call me. But that was before the desecration of The Tor."

Character Portrait: She'oth Möl
She'oth Möl

"I know from personal experience that division is a killer. True, unfettered power comes with unity! Together we stand, apart we fall!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alusan Ilossa
Alusan Ilossa

"Giant-son. That's what they used to call me. But that was before the desecration of The Tor."

Character Portrait: Balmir An'nuveen
Balmir An'nuveen

Old, possibly crazy but not to be underestimated.

Character Portrait: Shael Hartell
Shael Hartell

I am a hunter by trade. I'll hunt down anything from boar to bear to enemy encampments.

Character Portrait: She'oth Möl
She'oth Möl

"I know from personal experience that division is a killer. True, unfettered power comes with unity! Together we stand, apart we fall!"

View All » Places

Icemoor - The Polar Abode

Icemoor - The Polar Abode by Beach-Born-Boy

The village of the Sky Giant's landing

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town by Beach-Born-Boy

A town built by the minds of some and the labor of more

Deepmere - The Forest City

Deepmere - The Forest City by Beach-Born-Boy

The origin of the Dravasha race of Men

The Forest of Warsom

The Forest of Warsom by Beach-Born-Boy

The origin of the Dravasha race of Men

Plains of Nineve

Plains of Nineve by Beach-Born-Boy

The Plains of Nineve

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis

Acrop Citadel - The Acropolis by Beach-Born-Boy

The center of the world of Men

The Ruined Torun

The Ruined Torun by Beach-Born-Boy

An ancient, Giant fortress


Nineve by Beach-Born-Boy

Nineve, a land of Men, Giants and Gods


Nineve, a land of Men, Giants and Gods

Lorcliff - The Stone Walled Town

A town built by the minds of some and the labor of more

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Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Sorry guys been super busy. Basic's coming up in two weeks so been getting ready. Hopefully we can pick this up and run with it far enough that I can either kill off or pass on Alusan before I'm gone for two months. So all pending characters have been approved, feel free to post!

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Aha.. whoops, I forgot to change the location of my post before submitting it.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

I must apologies in saying that I cannot join your RP at the moment.
I was hoping to make it the final game that I could join without over taxing myself, but now it seems that I have very little time on my hands to do even the bare minimum and I am sorry for not getting back to you sooner on this.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

That was longer than expected

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

It's all good. Just giving everyone a heads up. I'm off to bed though so expect review/accept in the morning.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

I should actually have my character in very shortly. Sorry it's taken so long, I've just been a little distracted and had to add to it a little at a time.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

And away we go! Be sure to get your characters in soon people, we've officially started and with a bang!

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Hit it man three has always been a sacred number for adventures

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

So I think we're just about ready to start unless anyone has any objections.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

This looks absolutely amazing and I will definitely keep my eye on it. If I can come up with any worthwhile ideas I'll definitely submit a profile.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

I'd rather avoid doubling up if it can be helped just because things get confusing later on but if you can do it well and you want to, then okay go for it.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Thank you!

Also, if we ever need more characters I'm happy to oblige and make another or so. I'm excited to start this. :)

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

They're pretty barbaric :P At least typically they are

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Beach-Born-Boy wrote:Go right ahead I'm happy to see it taking off!

So, are the Dravasha that kind of culture where they all look sort of.. I don't want to say barbaric, but not exactly civilized as warriors?

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Go right ahead I'm happy to see it taking off!

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Wow.. this is pretty impressive. I'm sorely tempted to draw up a character for this roleplay! Possibly a Dravasha.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Kiyo, just yes. Your character is perfect for a Balt!

And Xunn, no it's not, It's just the product of boredom on a winter's day. I remade it because the last one, everyone disappeared on

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

This looks incredible, I'd love to join! I should have my character submitted soon.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Wow, this artwork is positively stunning! Love the story as well. Is this a video game of some kind?

Regardless, I'd love to participate in this world (as a male Mayyssus, probably on the side of the Quokim), if you'll have me ^^

Character sheet coming soon.

Re: Nineve: A Land of Behemoths

Yeah no worries, take your time. All I ask is that if you do join, that you try to be as active as possible. Last one died cause like half the players just *poof* gone.