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Pantheon: Whims of the Gods

Pantheon: Whims of the Gods


Join forces with the gods and heroes of Etheria to defend the fragile world from evil or thrust it into darkness. How will you reign over your people?

8,339 readers have visited Pantheon: Whims of the Gods since Lord Valerian created it.


The First Age:
In the beginning there was nothing save for Darkness and Aether. The universe was vast yet had no purpose. The Darkness and the Aether decided that something must be done about it and created Valar, the titaness of Creation. As they created Valar, Aeon the titan of time came to be as well. Valar had five children with the Darkness and Aether: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Light. The nine primordial gods were happy with their company and spent many happy centuries together. Together the Nine Primordial gods created what was to be known as the Astral Sea. They reveled in their omnipotence and each others company. One day all of this changed when they decided to create their masterpiece, Etheria. They planned to place this gem in the center of their realm and surround it by nine moons, one for each of them. It was to have a core of fire surrounded by a hard shell of earth. Water would cover its surface save for the spots she would choose for land to permeate the oceans' surface. These oceans and continents were to be then covered by a protective atmosphere of Air and shielded from the Darkness half of the day by Light. Valar was then to blow her powers of creation upon the land and fill it with beauty. The Nine had made many things before such as the Astral Sea and the stars that filled it; however, they had never tried a feat such as this. The effort was too much and the strain from creating Etheria was enough to kill Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Aether, and cause the birth of Death.

Valar was distraught from her loss and decided to create something of unrivaled beauty, life. She breathed life into the creation that cost her her children and father. As her breath touched the planets surface plants began to rise from the earth, fish filled the oceans, fowl filled the sky, and the bestial gods came to be. She looked upon her wondrous creation and saw that it was good. She spent several years with Darkness, Light, Aeon, and Death mourning the lost members of their family and marveling at the new gods that had been born into their world. One day Valar decided that she must move on and left Eitheria and the Astral Sea never to be heard from again. She appointed Light and Darkness to watch over the world they had made and let the titans rest for half the day while the other kept watch. Aeon and Death were also to help manage this miraculous world. As she prepared to leave forever Valar cut her thumb on a thorn while she was examining a rose. From her cut flowed golden Ichor which fell to the ground giving birth to the immortal race of elves.

The Second Age:
The gods that were created when Valar breathed life into the earth were a barbaric and bestial people. They lived solely for enjoying the pleasures of the land and were in constant conflict with the race of elves. Unlike the shapeless primordial gods they had physical bodies that could be hurt though it was extremely difficult to injure one. They could take many forms but they preferred to take the form of hideous beasts that were a cross between animals and elves. The world and all things that lived upon it existed for their entertainment. They were cruel to the beasts that inhabited Etheria and nothing could fill their insatiable appetites.

One day Baal the Ape faced King of the gods decided that he wished to have servants similar to the proud elves yet animal and therefore mortal and more easy to control. He gathered with his sons and brother and made multiple attempts the first few of which ended in failure. After several trials Baal and several of his sons and daughters created the race of man. Man was a funny thing. It looked like an elf but less perfect. It also had a mind like the elves and the gods but it wasn't as intelligent. Baal enslaved these humans and for many centuries the bestial gods were happy with their creation and their reign.

Of all Baal's sons none were as interested in the race of man as much as his son Lycaon. Lycaon was perhaps the cruelest of the bestial god and revealed in chaos and destruction. All this changed however when Lycaon went hunting for several of his human slaves who had escaped. He had roamed the forest for a surprising amount of time when he had caught site of his quarry. The massive wolf-god chased after his pray but suddenly stopped when he felt a sharp painful sensation in his leg. He turned to see where it had come from and saw a human had thrust a spear into his leg. He turned to face his attacker but was enthralled when he saw what the man was holding. He pulled it out to examine it. The man had attached a sharpened rock to a long stick creating a crude spear. The elves had vast armories of mithril weapons and even a few adamant ones, but he had never seen a human create a weapon before. He asked the man about it and was enthralled by how a human being, an animal, was able to manipulate nature to suit his needs. Lycaon spared the man and create silver from where his ichor had touched the bare earth. Lycaon was so enthralled by the idea of mastering nature and creating order that he ceased to be a god of chaos and became the god of order. He reshaped his wolfish form to resemble that of a handsome winged man. He went to the other bestial gods and told them of what he had learned and how they could learn to become masters of nature alongside the humans. He asked that man be freed and allowed to thrive. He was laughed at by most of the gods and praised by a few. Lycaon gathered his small supporters among the gods and rallied the humans to fight for his cause. He also managed to forge an alliance with the High King of the Elves.

The elves, humans, and gods on Lycaon sides waged war against the bestial gods and after seven centuries of warfare were victorious. They bound Baal and his supporters in adamant chains in the bowels of the earth. The gods who had emerged victorious became known simply as the gods and crowned Lycaon as their new king. They were soon joined by many new gods who came into existence as man flourished or who rose to godhood from the ranks of man by means of Apotheosis.

The Third Age:
The third age has been upon man for several thousand years and continues to this day. The gods numbers continue to grow and so to does their power. Despite their victory over the bestial gods the future of man is far from secured. Monsters still roam the lands, the imperfections of the gods themselves continues to brew turmoil, and man continues to wages war upon one another. Will you be the one to lift mankind forever from slavery and the darkness of ignorance, will you only plunge them into further suffering, or even be the one to destroy them?

The role play is finally in full-swing but we could always use more characters. You can create an original god of anything you want (within reason). I've posted a few suggestions of desirable characters to further the story but you don't have to fell limited to them.
Desirable character roles:
God of war-
God of crafting-
We could use a few more mortal heroes.

Character Outline for a God/Goddess
God of:
Elemental affinity: fire, earth, water, air, or aether
Alignment: Chaotic evil, Lawful good, neutral neutral, ex
Pictures (If applicable):
Physical description of preferred forms:
Preferred Gender (If applicable):
Means of godhood: child of two gods, former bestial god, human who became a god via apotheosis, or simply came into existence on its own
Worshiped by:
Divine weapon:
Preferred blessing:
Preferred curse:
Holy City State:
Most notable creation (if applicable):
Preferred form of worship:

Players can also choose to make heroes who will last a significantly less time then a god but could be used to do a gods bidding or do epic quests. They are usually sired by a god and a mortal but can be a regular human or even elf. Other players gods can kill them if the have a reason and upon death the hero will reside in the underworlds unless a god of death lets them go.
Character Outline for heroes (mostly demigods)
Picture (If applicable):
Physical description:
Divine parent (If demigod):
Notable feats:

Toggle Rules

Procedural rules
1. Be respectful of other players and their opinions
2. Although procreation between gods and gods or gods and mortals is expected please keep it PG-13 and don't go into any detail. Just imply what happened.
3. Although you are playing as gods please don't god mod. This means that you can't control other players characters, smite their non-immortal characters dead, have powers that you shouldn't have, etcetera. 90% of the time if your god modding you know what your doing. Use your best judgement.
4. This role play revolves around fictional mythological gods. Please don't bring issues regarding real world religion into the game.
5. I'm fairly experienced but am picking up Role Playing again after a long hiatus. Please be kind to players whose game is a little off or are new to RPing.
6. I understand that we're all busy but if you create a character (especially if there important) please don't be absent for over a week without an excuse. Gods can go dormant or appoint a mortal to rule in their absence if they are to leave or be gone for a while.
7. Please use proper grammar and full paragraphs to the best of your abilities.
8. Overlap between gods is okay as long as it isn't direct. An example of this is you can have a goddess of war and a god of military strategy.
9. If you want to be a primordial god please ask first. I'd prefer the story focus around the reign of the current gods but if you have a good character pitch it could work.
10. Please use common sense when acting and don't try to ruin other peoples fun.
11. Have fun :)

Rules and limitation of gods:
1. All gods are eternal and therefore cannot be killed except for very exceptional circumstances. Don't try to kill each other's characters.
2. The gods are not omnipotent and can be injured, defeated, and even imprisoned.
3. The gods are also not omniscient, can be tricked, and don't know everything.
4. Each god has their own set of powers and domain. Gods cannot control other god's powers and dominion unless there is overlap. An example of this would be a god of War can't make a hurricane, but both a god of the sky and a god of the oceans could.
5. Gods cannot destroy or break adamant. It is a rare greenish metal found in Etheria and cannot be broken by anything.
6. Gods cannot undue curses placed by another god unless doing so is related to their domain. An example of this would be a god of death could give someone a debilitating disease and a god of love couldn't heal it, however a god of healing/medicine might be able to.
7. Only the primordial gods can create another planet or universe. They will mostly be absent from the story because most of them have either died or left Etheria and the Astral Sea to make more lands elsewhere.
8. Making large amounts of matter and creating life out of nothing take a lot out of a god and can leave them weakened or even debilitated for a long while.
9. Gods cannot control people's free will; however, they can control people's emotions.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

Etheria and the Astral Sea

Etheria and the Astral Sea by Lord Valerian

Don't use this one. Use Etheria or Astral Sea place links


Etheria by Lord Valerian

Welcome to Etheria

Wylde Forest

Wylde Forest by Lord Valerian

Forest covering much of Etheria


Arcadia by Lord Valerian

This metropolis is the Holy City of Lycaon, King of the gods

Astral Sea

Astral Sea by Lord Valerian

The land of the immortals


Arkngthan by Lord Valerian

The City of the Gods

Ulmish Mountains

Ulmish Mountains by Lord Valerian

The Land of the giants.

Temple of the Mind's Eye

Temple of the Mind's Eye by Lord Valerian

The Holy Land of the god Kurn.

The Corruption

The Corruption by Lord Valerian

The dreaded domain of the god Vescteseg. Travelers enter at your own peril.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Aeristhatia Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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Aeristhatia crossed her arms in front of her from the back of the room, unseen by the other gods. (goddesses, for those who care about that sort of thing.) She heard the conversations being held between Lycaon and Klethi. Although she was anxious to try the food, she remained silent. (an incredibly hard feat for one who laughs like a child on steroids.) Time passed as the contention grew stronger between Klethi and Lycaon. It was painfully obvious who would win the argument.

Mercutio found himself quite pleased as he stuffed his face with perishables from the saddlebag. He heard something that made him burst from the pouch. What he saw before him was the biggest creature he had ever seen. Food dropped from his open mouth as he gazed in awe and wonder. Several monstrous men stood before them, one bigger than the rest. All that could be heard from Merc was a tiny squeak as he dove back into the depths of the pack. Listening through the thick material, he could not make sense of what Fenris was saying. He slowly stuffed a pastry into his mouth as he tried to make sense of the mumbled words. Who or whatever these things were, they looked hungry for platy-potpie. He slowly reached a webbed hand out from the opening in the bag, and felt the top of the animal's back. Where was Fenris? All he felt was the course fur of the warg...

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Aeristhatia Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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0.00 INK

Kurn, God of Enlightenment

The Odd God paced around the upper floor and watched the large mirror currently showing the quest. He was calm as he moved from one end of the balcony to the other but there was obviously something troubling him. He could feel his future self becoming stressed over something and instinctively looked down at the mortals viewing the quest with the gods. One of the men below caught Kurn's eye, and realized he was about to smash the mirror by running into it. Kurn sighed and knew he should have never let the mortals have alcohol in his temple.

With a flash Kurn appeared in front of the drunken man and made a display of him. Kurn's form became a bright golden man with angel's wings made of light but was shrouded by black ash clouds. Kurn engulfed the man in his light and vanished from existence. He dropped the man in Azal where he would fit in just fine with the other alcoholics and then reappeared in his temple. His form was now the short white haired youth he was at Lycaon's meeting as he watched the mortals below him become confused as to what just happened.

Without warning Kurn's loud voice echoed from every corner of the hall down at the mortal group. "Respect is to be had while you all are here. Remember this is my gift to you, treat it as one." With that Kurn turned back to the other gods and smiled. "Sorry about that, resume your past activities."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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0.00 INK

Fenris wasn't far ahead. The warg, who was far more hesitant about approaching the giants, caught up to him, and he ventured a comforting hand into the saddlebag. "I shall not let anything happen to you, Mercutio."

"Fenris really ought to be more concerned about himself." Klethi had ignored the business with the apple and the man being turned into an angel or whatever Hazarmaveth did with the dead; she had little interest in mortals once they were sent to realms she had a harder time influencing. "The platypus would have no trouble outmaneuvering such creatures. Not that Fenris would have much difficulty, either; he doesn't stumble over his feet as often as he does his words." She sat, arms crossed. "Lycaon, I was hoping by now your daughter would have killed something already. The're ten minutes into their adventure and I have seen nothing die. Does she disappoint often? Other than with her alcoholism and poor attitude."

The setting changes from Etheria and the Astral Sea to Ulmish Mountains

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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0.00 INK

He looks at the murals and artwork along the way, interested particularly in ones regarding the origin of the giants.

"You must be proud." Borne says to the giants. "Such history n' all, and always in the presence of the hands that crafted you."

While he was being genuine, there was an ulterior motive for his behavior and one unrelated to the adamant, though he still intended to seize it, and he did not want his comrades to be put in danger. Though somewhat deranged from his isolation, he is at the very least not given to being a backstabber.

"I wonder what it was like," he comments quietly. "Creatin' life."

The setting changes from Ulmish Mountains to Etheria and the Astral Sea

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvernia, Goddess of Love
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0.00 INK

(this may be a long-overdue and desperate attempt to resurrect this dead RP, but I'll try my best.)
Elvernia opened her eyes. The sky before her reached endlessly until even the faintest lights were still visible. She always loved the Etherial sky, the way it never stayed the way it was a moment before. She watched as hints of red came creeping around its edges, restlessly making their way to the center. Elvernia was unaware of the time that was passing, and couldn't care less. With tones of purple, the red began to make its way to the center of the sky, enveloping her senses with a deep sense of awakening and renewal. The twinkling stars began to give off a faint orange light. Soon, she could see spots of gold and yellow gently lining the horizon. It was sunrise. As the lights began to fade, a silence fell, almost as if the sky were hushed, waiting. The sun was soon to come. As if in an instant, a bright blue light, shot across the sky, wisping its way around the celestia. Soon, the whole sky was enveloped in a shade of brilliant blue, and as if on command, the sun rose in full splendor over the horizon. Golden beams reached across the sky, delicately stroking the newly formed clouds. The sun was hardly halfway risen; yet its majesty was incomparable to anything else in the sky. Elvernia sighed. It was beautiful. How she wished she could reach up and touch that majestic orb of light and feel the warmth and love it possessed. She closed her eyes again, letting the rays of morning sun dance across her face. After standing in the same position for quite some time, she opened her eyes and gazed around the scenery. "Good morning, Etheria. I'm glad you are awake."

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Etheria and the Astral Sea

Etheria and the Astral Sea by Lord Valerian

Don't use this one. Use Etheria or Astral Sea place links


Etheria by Lord Valerian

Welcome to Etheria

Wylde Forest

Wylde Forest by Lord Valerian

Forest covering much of Etheria


Arcadia by Lord Valerian

This metropolis is the Holy City of Lycaon, King of the gods

Astral Sea

Astral Sea by Lord Valerian

The land of the immortals


Arkngthan by Lord Valerian

The City of the Gods

Ulmish Mountains

Ulmish Mountains by Lord Valerian

The Land of the giants.

Temple of the Mind's Eye

Temple of the Mind's Eye by Lord Valerian

The Holy Land of the god Kurn.

The Corruption

The Corruption by Lord Valerian

The dreaded domain of the god Vescteseg. Travelers enter at your own peril.

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Character Portrait: Aeristhatia
22 sightings Aeristhatia played by funsunfish
"I find that laughter is very effective at killing pain, especially when its at the expense of others."
Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment
36 sightings Kurn, God of Enlightenment played by Leocedus
"Why don't you try thinking about it first?" (wip)
Character Portrait: Klethi
60 sightings Klethi played by MayContainPlagiarism
"The show must go on!"
Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
26 sightings Mercutio the Platypus played by funsunfish
Companion to Fenris the Playwright
Character Portrait: Fenris
25 sightings Fenris played by MayContainPlagiarism
"I'm more of a background character."

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lycaon
Character Portrait: Karvana
Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted
Character Portrait: Ulm
Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth
Character Portrait: Nymeria
Character Portrait: Selyse
Character Portrait: Winston Borne
Character Portrait: Orest


Character Portrait: Orest

"To every being i create i part some of my magnificence, so that they may stand before their enemies not as brutes, but as divine warriors." -Ulm

Character Portrait: Winston Borne
Winston Borne

Champion to himself, hero to none, Hazarmaveth's chosen mortal for reasons unclear (wip?)

Character Portrait: Selyse

"The other gods can muddle about with their vaunted strength, I however shall stick to magic"

Character Portrait: Nymeria

"The will of the gods control many things. The wind. The sea. Etheria itself. But they can't control me."

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth

"How soon cut this transcient life is, at least they shall find solace in the afterlife."

Character Portrait: Ulm

"To create is divine. To sever connection with your true nature is the mark of a pretender." -Verse 332 of Ulm

Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted
Karvana's Champions/Exalted

"For the Glory of the Mother."

Character Portrait: Karvana

"Nothing is as soothing as a Mother's Embrace... don't you agree?"

Character Portrait: Lycaon

"What fools these mortals be. Where would they be without their gods? And where would the gods themselves be without order to guide their action?


Character Portrait: Winston Borne
Winston Borne

Champion to himself, hero to none, Hazarmaveth's chosen mortal for reasons unclear (wip?)

Character Portrait: Karvana

"Nothing is as soothing as a Mother's Embrace... don't you agree?"

Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted
Karvana's Champions/Exalted

"For the Glory of the Mother."

Character Portrait: Lycaon

"What fools these mortals be. Where would they be without their gods? And where would the gods themselves be without order to guide their action?

Character Portrait: Nymeria

"The will of the gods control many things. The wind. The sea. Etheria itself. But they can't control me."

Character Portrait: Ulm

"To create is divine. To sever connection with your true nature is the mark of a pretender." -Verse 332 of Ulm

Character Portrait: Orest

"To every being i create i part some of my magnificence, so that they may stand before their enemies not as brutes, but as divine warriors." -Ulm

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth

"How soon cut this transcient life is, at least they shall find solace in the afterlife."

Character Portrait: Selyse

"The other gods can muddle about with their vaunted strength, I however shall stick to magic"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted
Karvana's Champions/Exalted

"For the Glory of the Mother."

Character Portrait: Selyse

"The other gods can muddle about with their vaunted strength, I however shall stick to magic"

Character Portrait: Ulm

"To create is divine. To sever connection with your true nature is the mark of a pretender." -Verse 332 of Ulm

Character Portrait: Winston Borne
Winston Borne

Champion to himself, hero to none, Hazarmaveth's chosen mortal for reasons unclear (wip?)

Character Portrait: Nymeria

"The will of the gods control many things. The wind. The sea. Etheria itself. But they can't control me."

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth

"How soon cut this transcient life is, at least they shall find solace in the afterlife."

Character Portrait: Orest

"To every being i create i part some of my magnificence, so that they may stand before their enemies not as brutes, but as divine warriors." -Ulm

Character Portrait: Lycaon

"What fools these mortals be. Where would they be without their gods? And where would the gods themselves be without order to guide their action?

Character Portrait: Karvana

"Nothing is as soothing as a Mother's Embrace... don't you agree?"

View All » Places

Etheria and the Astral Sea

Etheria and the Astral Sea by Lord Valerian

Don't use this one. Use Etheria or Astral Sea place links


Etheria by Lord Valerian

Welcome to Etheria

Wylde Forest

Wylde Forest by Lord Valerian

Forest covering much of Etheria


Arcadia by Lord Valerian

This metropolis is the Holy City of Lycaon, King of the gods

Astral Sea

Astral Sea by Lord Valerian

The land of the immortals


Arkngthan by Lord Valerian

The City of the Gods

Ulmish Mountains

Ulmish Mountains by Lord Valerian

The Land of the giants.

Temple of the Mind's Eye

Temple of the Mind's Eye by Lord Valerian

The Holy Land of the god Kurn.

The Corruption

The Corruption by Lord Valerian

The dreaded domain of the god Vescteseg. Travelers enter at your own peril.

Etheria and the Astral Sea

Don't use this one. Use Etheria or Astral Sea place links

The Corruption

The dreaded domain of the god Vescteseg. Travelers enter at your own peril.


This metropolis is the Holy City of Lycaon, King of the gods

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