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Silent Moments

Silent Moments


Need motivated RPers... Must post daily. Need lots of characters.


2,095 readers have visited Silent Moments since KayEyeEmm created it.


Hell Hall. What used to be a high security prison is now a top secret facitlity that kidnaps teens and young children to genetically enigineer a super soilder. The experiments range from the addition of wings to rewiring of the brain. Some are lucky and survive, others die and haunt the halls of Hell Hall.


HeadS Of Facility(2):

Male: TAKEN - Colonel_Masters

Female: TAKEN - Moonbow


Male: TAKEN - ChaosxChild13
Male: OPEN

Female: TAKEN - hanybanany
Female: TAKEN - hanybanany


Male: TAKEN - Augustinsect
Male: OPEN

Female: TAKEN - KaGetsuVampire
Female: OPEN

Subjects(No Limit):

Male: TAKEN - Tonks
Male: TAKEN - ntlniko
Male: TAKEN - TheFlag
Male: TAKEN - Karazura

Female: TAKEN - KayEyeEmm
Female: TAKEN - KayEyeEmm
Female: TAKEN - trakira
Female: TAKEN - Made.of.Concrete
Female: RESERVED - lokisma
Female: TAKEN - xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
Female: TAKEN - Emily3456
Female: TAKEN - AvaLovelace
Female: TAKEN - Moonbow
Female: TAKEN - ChaosxChild13

Subjects are tossed into the basement for living arrangements. They all share 1 bathroom. The beds are small matresses lying on the floor. Stairs to main floor are passcode locked at all times.

Toggle Rules

No godmodding.
Characters will only be killed off with owners permission. If you wish to leave the roleplat, PM me and I will kill him/her/it off.
Hunters must capture you before your character is allowed to post.
Real pictures only for characters.
Use proper grammer. No minimum on post length, but make it move the plot along. Do not just put "She/He sat there staring." Make them interact.
No skelly but must have age, mutation, and general appearance description.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Thistle (Chemical) Willows Character Portrait: Becca
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((long posts are not needed))

This place is vacant. Only a few people here and we are all tortured. I have been here for 3 weeks with my sister, Chasity, Kidnapped from our house while our parents where out of town. By now, they have come home, freaked out, sent policemen and posters to every house in our hometown, and cried gallons of tears. My sister sleeps. I sit on the bed and watch, stroking her new wings. Yes. Wings. I'm practically see through, all that's left is an outline of my features. Poor Chasity, growing wings must be so painful. She cries herself to sleep every night. My transformation was slightly painful, but nothing unbearable. I look around at the people here with us. A boy about my age that has some electric charge. A girl Chasity's age that acts like a bat. Another girl, my age, who's practically a walking chemistry lab. Maybe one of them could end up as a friend. Maybe we can all escape, tell the world. Maybe.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Character Portrait: Doctor
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A haunting hum can be heard from the cell, scraping of bare fingers against the dusty concrete floor as the voice grows softer.

Softly the voice whispers, "Shh... They can hear you..."

Footsteps bound across, shadows forming past the small crack between the door and floor. Echo stares blankly at the crack, letting in poor florescent lighting from the outside hall. A sigh escapes her tiny body frame and her dark, milky white eyes look around, nails scraping against her arm where they had placed a chip inside

"Itchy..." She mutters, vigorously scratching at the long scar up the middle of her arm.

Muffled voices are heard from the outside and Echo resides in the corner as they stop in front of her cell and she pauses her scratching to stare down the crack as two different set of feet shuffle from the outside hall. Lips pull back into an inhumane growl as she listens closely, she lets out a short shriek and the people outside her door fall over.

A smirk cracks onto Echo's face as she waits for a response, and in no time, she received it. Echo's small hands grasp the teddy bear as she turns her head slowly to the left, then to the right. She lets out a sharp giggle and chews on her lower lip.


"Send him down." Doctor swiveled in his chair, hands clasped, thumbs twirling. A boy with bright red hair and aviators covering his face stumbles in, two guards holding him down.

"And what is he called?" Doctor asks, examining him, clearly displeased.

The red haired kid leans back in the chair and lights a cigarette, "Blaze." He says, taking in a long drag. Doctor stands up, and walks over, taking his index finger and his thumb, putting out the cigarette.

"I don't allow smoking in my office... Blaze..." He spat out the name, staring him down for a moment and then snaps his fingers, "Guards, take him into Room 301...."

The red head kid was dragged out and Doctor goes to his coat rack, putting on his white lab coat and grabbing his clipboard and a set of keys . With much haste Doctor begins to walk towards 301.

Room 301 is much like an interrogation room with a separate room with one way glass. Doctor watches Blaze for a moment as he sits in the white padded room.

"Remove your glasses, son." Doctor presses down on the intercom button, his voice bounces off the white pads of the walls and Blaze looks around for a moment.


"Remove." Doctors voice pounds into the intercom and a chuckle is heard throughout the room and Blaze, with much discomfort takes off the glasses, revealing bright, electric eyes.

"Clear..." The Doctor turns off the lights, and presses another button, gasses begin to fill the room and Blaze suddenly whips around, red lazers shoot out of his eyes, but bounce off the white pad walls and go right back towards Blaze, a scream is heard, then silence.

"Music to my ears." Doctor chuckles and jingles his keys, "My work here is done, boys."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Thistle (Chemical) Willows Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Fluke's eyes wearily opened, he must have dozed off: he usually couldn't sleep because of this place and he was thankful for the brief sleep. His body automatically shifted into a more comfortable position against the wall he was leaning against, his lower body had gone numb. Fluke's eyes looked down, he noticed he was emitting a low charge of electricity which lit up his corner of the dark room. Fluke rolled his eyes, his body had kept doing this for a while, and he didn't know how to stop it. He had tried many times with mental commands, but it just didn't respond he figured if he kept practising he might gain some degree of control. He recalled a early memory of putting his hand next to an electrical appliance, he automatically sucked it dry of the electricity it was a nice feeling like being energized. After a few more seconds the electricity around him dwindled, and faded his corner of the room was once again dark.

Fluke's eyes turned upwards, he had to squint to get a decent view as he examined the people who he was sharing the room with. There was quite a few, but he remembered seeing more when he first arrived, he paused that memory was fairly fuzzy, and it hurt when he tried to remember it in depth. 'There was probably more cells to hold others' he thought as he subconsciously put both his hands together, they both jolted as electricity flowed between them, his eyes went wide he had some degree of control over this, he tore his hands apart and the electricity dispersed immanently he let out a small sigh as he tried again and nothing happened. He twitched nervously as he adjusted his position once more, his eyes looked at the other inhabitants as he wondered what type of mutation they had; he could see a small girl with wings, one who appeared like a phantom the two appeared close, and girl who looked rather haunting and somewhat feral, he shook his head lazily and let his eyes drift to the ground not wanting to make direct contact... yet anyway.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fluke
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#, as written by Moonbow
I'm oblivious to all, or so I seem. I don't want to get to know anybody. Everybody here dies, everyone. Well even if we live we're really dead. We've been dead since the first injections.
Some people, yes, I will always refer to us as people because we are and at least we know that. We know that., have already marked me as unreachable. i could care less about what anybody else thought about me. I lost myself, I was a beautiful model but now I'm just haunting. Just a ghost.
Others try and talk, why would anybody want to do that?
Over to my left there is a boy in the other corner with electricity buzzing off him. I find it interesting and watch it for a moment, making sure I don't look at his face too let him know I'm only interested in his power; accompanied by a sort of glare.

Soon the room starts to get cold and I hear several teeth chattering, I'm fine, my hair catches on fire again. Along my back I get several tiny burns but I don't care. It's not important. The electric boy struggles to try and make an electrical fire.
"Spark a piece of cloth."
I snap, tired of hearing his crackles and groans.
Very soon the temperature goes back to warm and I turn my hair off. With my back tingling I drift off into a light sleep.

I'm not in the awful place anymore, I'm with my best friend Alexander at a photo shoot.
"Thistle, pose for the camera!" He gives me one of his winning smiles as the camera flashes. His icy blue eyes spark with happiness. "What if I want to pose for something else?" We both laugh as I give him a hug and kick a leg up innocently.
We've always been doing photo shoots together because we're just...we fit in looks and know how to 'go along' with each other.
They tell us we can go and Alexander winks at me.
"See-ya tonight."

A loud crash wakes me up with a start. Realizing it was nothing, I groan.
I cold never have met Alexander that night because I was kidnapped, and everyone knows it. Imagining his soft blond hair and his icy blue eyes puts me at ease, I even absentmindedly sing quietly.
"There's no time for tears,
I'm just sitting here planning my revenge
There's nothing stopping me,"
I have a pretty voice, it soothes me. Alexander loved this song, in fact, he had a little crush on Taylor Swift.
Everyone looks at me and I resume my bored, stoic expression.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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(Come people)

The young girl awoke from her disturbed sleep to find her sister sitting by her side. She hugged up to her as her wings flapped behind her. A staff member opened the door. "Chasity. Time to try those wings out. Come on sweetie." She held out a hand and Chasity looked at Becca with fear.

She looked to the woman. "Can I come and watch her?" she asked the woman, who nodded and smiled. Becca and Chasity stood and followed the woman, hand in hand.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Valentine Character Portrait: Echo Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Skye Pierce Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Thistle (Chemical) Willows Character Portrait: Alexander "The Shield" Saraci Character Portrait: Doctor
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Doctor strolled down the dimly lit hallway and spotted two scientists who had fallen over, ears bleeding, blank expressions.

His eyes flicker up towards the barred door and opens the door.

"You..." He says, Echo's blank eyes stare straight ahead and a smirk cracks on her face.

"Me..." She says, Doctor takes a step back, mouth agape.

She had never spoken to anyone before. She sat there, crossing her legs and putting the teddy bear in her lap, staring in his general direction.

"Listen, I will not have you make a fool of me like you have. I brought you in, you should respect me."

Echo snorts a bit and then was violently grabbed by the arm, she opens her mouth to scream but Doctor slapped a rag around her mouth, tying it and injecting her with a needle and Echo suddenly went limp in his arms.

"Let's just see how tough you are, missy." He says and drags her down the hall.

Echo struggled against the drug, her eyes were fluttering open but Doctor was in a fit of rage and didn't notice. Echo grabbed his wrist with her other hand and her grip became fierce, almost a dead mans grip and Doctor let out a yelp as she pulled his hand back, hearing a snap in his wrist. She breaks away from Doctor and stumbles down the hallway, feeling her way through and opens a door.

She suddenly feels the presence of many other mutants, like herself and freezes up.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Thistle (Chemical) Willows Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Fluke sighed wearily, and thought deeply his powers were primitive, they reacted to instinct. They shrouded him in heat when he was cold, he was sure he could turn it into a weapon of some sort. Fluke stretched his hand, and began imaging various scenarios which involved adrenaline. He felt a small discharge of electricity escape from his fingertip he smiled wearily he'd taken the first step in controlling his power. His head twisted and he noticed he had drawn the attention of the girl, he had seen before she wasn't looking at him directly just his power which she seemed interested in, after a second she seemed to glare at Fluke, which made him stare strangely at the girl. Another second passed awkwardly and he tries to ignite a proper fire it was getting rather cold, "Spark a piece of cloth." the girl seems to snap, probably tired of hearing the electric buzzing.

Fluke looks around for a cloth, but much to his avail he couldn't find one. Fluke shifted against the wall, before tearing off the arm to his shirt, folding it several times he settled it among the ground before twitching his hands forward, a discharge of electricity leaps out sparking the cloth alight. Fluke nods to the girl who gave the suggestion, thankful for her help. Fluke noticed light emanate from someone, he looks up and notices the door to their cell has been opened. A staff member peeps through before announcing to the girl "Chasity. Time to try those wings out. Come on sweetie" her sister? seems to have a problem with this, and asks to join her to which the staff member agrees with to make it go more smoothly Fluke supposed. He noticed the two walk out hand-in-hand followed by the door closing behind him. Fluke lowers his head, before pushing himself up against the wall, trying to uncramp himself.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amberly Mizuki
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0.00 INK

Cold, green eyes stared straight forward at the family home only lit by the dim street lights. Amberly casually leaned back against the pole as she slowly observed her surroundings. A small frown appeared upon her before she looked back over the information. She was definitely in the right, though it struck her as odd. The neighborhood seemed well kept and, overall, too high risk for such a mission. But who was she to question such things?

Quickly, she folded the paperwork and placed it back in her back pocket. Her black boots clacked quietly against the concrete as she walked toward her destination. Here goes nothing, she thought to herself as she quietly, but firmly, rapped upon the door she now stood in front of.

As she awaited an answer, she began to reflect back on her present situation. Amberly had found herself unemployed and debt quickly wracking up. With the threat of becoming homeless hanging over her head, she miraculously stumbled upon a job that even she thought to be odd. But in her current situation, she saw no other option and was quickly employed. Her job was simple. All she had to do was capture a few kids for her employers. Was it an ideal job? Not entirely. But it did pay her bills and for that, she was most grateful. However, her current mission was most bizarre. Though she was not given much detail, she knew the target's name was Skye Pierce and that her parents had willingly handed her over. But she saw no reason to question or argue it, for it only made job easier.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amberly Mizuki
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A few moments later, the door eased open as a woman peeked out, her eyes took in the girl before them. Besides her warn and withered figure, her gaze was cold and suspicious as she stood in the gap between the door and the frame. "Are you..Kimberly..?" She mused for a moment on the females name before shaking her head, knocking a few dark strands of hair loose from the serve bun she had as she opened the door, letting the woman in. The tiny female turned, her arms wrapped around her as she walked deeper inside the house with hopes that the girl would take hints to follow her.

"She's asleep right now." She said simply, turning to face the woman behind her as she leaned against the wall frame of an open door leading into a room, upon first glance you could see it was a teens room but it was very small with a few posters and such here and there. Not to far into the room, a man sat nearby the bed where her subjects laid unconscious, her body laid flat and withered, aged at such a young age. "She's been asleep for awhile. The brat keeps getting worse." She muttered with a scowl ruining her pretty face, only glancing in the room as the male gave a slight glance back at the two before sighing as he stood, turning to face them.

He looked as worn out as his wife did, silvering streaking his dark locks as he addressed them in a gruff voice, mainly Amberly. "You can call me Mr. Pierce. You're the one being sent to pick up my daughter right? I hope so, we can't take care of her much longer. She just refuses to get better it seems.." He said, his voice heavy with disappointment as he approached them, lifting an arm to wrap around his wife as he glanced at the woman. "Kimberly is it? You can go ahead and take her now. I'd rather she'd die making herself useful then just withering away like nothing." His wife winced at his side while Mr. Pierce stayed tall and still. The two were well aware of what went on, it wasn't called Hell Hall for no reason. There was a moment of silence before it was broken by Skye's wheezing coughs and breaths as she began to stir herself away. The two turned and began to walk away before Mr. Pierce called back, not even stopping to address her properly.

"Whenever you're ready. She's yours. We don't want her."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker
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Julie sat in her car and just breathed. It was only her 3rd day at the job her boyfriend had gotten for her and she felt like she was out of place. Everyone always seemed so focused. At the moment they had her doing coffee runs, photo copying paper and answering phones. She was only allowed on the first and second floor. Today she felt adventurous, she was curious. She always saw men and women in black or white lab coats going down the elevator. So as she got out of her car she went to the trunk. She opened it with the key and grabbed the briefcase. She walked through the doors, said her hello's, even though she never had a reply, and went to the ladies room.

In the ladies room she went to the furthest stall from the door. She opened the briefcase and there was the lab coat, one she always saw the others wearing. She also had an access key for the elevator. She changed herself into her costume, I have been to medical school so it isn't that big of a lie she thought. As she walked out of the stall and into the main hallway she put her hair up into a pony tail. She walked into the elevator and used the key, she was in.

As the doors opened she saw test tubes, scientists and computers. She glanced at the research on the screens as she walked by. Then she saw her boyfriend, she made a quick u-turn and headed back for the elevator, This was a mistake! This was a mistake! What am I doing!?!?! I'm lying and I'm gonna get caught! Those thoughts raced through her mind as she pressed the button for the elevator to return to her floor. "Julie!?" She heard behind her, she hoped it was another Julie. "Julie!" the voice said as it got closer. She turned around and looked up. He was tall, dark and handsome as she remembered him this morning. "Oh hey..." She mumbled. He looked at her, waiting for an explanation but ended up asking himself, "Did you get a promotion?....Wait... Is that my lab coat?" She looked at her feet, What have I done... "Ya... Sorry when I got the promotion I didn't have a lab coat... I'll get one soon...." Julie replied. "I have to get back to my studies but my buddy Jack can help you out, JACK!" He yelled as a shorter blonde fellow walked over. "Hello, I'm Julie" The man sized her up. "Well it's pretty obvious I'm Jack, here I'll show you around." He said as they started to walk away. But before Jack took a step, Julie's beloved whispered something in Jack's ear. "Shall we?" Jack asked as they started to walk.

Jack showed her the labs, the computer lab and some of the research they were working on. Then they passed a grey metal door, "What's in there" She said as she put her hand on the handle. "No!" Jack exclaimed putting himself in her way, "That room is off limits for newbies" Well something really important must be in there.. She imagined. Then the two headed back to the computer labs, "Here you can work at my cubicle, I am working on a new formula...One which might assume someone with electrical powers can convert their energy to shock someone... Like to give someone a heart attack or to turn a light bulb on with one touch... Here's the schematic of the human" He reached onto the mouse and clicked open a file "Alright I'll let you get started... Although I don't expect much I still would like to see any research you may find.." He said as he walked off. Mrs.Decker sat herself down in the uncomfortable red seat. She looked at the desk, at the pictures and the trinkets on the desk. She then looked back at the screen. "Intriguing..." She said as she started to jot down notes onto a purple notebook from her briefcase.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

Katrina had been working here for several years now. She remembers when they caught their first subject, it gave her much pleasure to see so much progress. She was about to test out one of their youngest subjects who called herself 'Chasity', the girl with wings. As she walked down the empty hall, her heels made noises with every step until she reached the door. She opened the big metal door and some of the kids shuttered at the light. "Chasity. Time to try those wings out. Come on sweetie." She said. She hardly cared for those brats but she did care for the beautiful creations they had become. As she held her hand out the sister, the kid she hated the most, spoke up. Becca asked to come. Come? No. You can't come. She thought but instead decided it would be better if she brought the sister so that Chasity wouldn't be as resistant. The girls, well all the kids, knew who she was. Mrs. Shanks was usually stuck with transporting the kids to and from the lab. Not that she minded that much but it wasn't her favorite thing to do.

As she walked up to the white door, Katrina put her V.I.P Access card to the scanner then did the retinal scan. The door slid open with a slight creaking noise. "You know the drill, Becca you have to wait behind the glass with us." As for Becca was partly invisible she got her own 'special' room. "Inside" she pointed as Becca walked in. Chasity was still standing in the open part, which had a 40 foot high ceiling. Katrina closed and locked the door as she went back to the main room. There were about 4 other scientists there and the main project manager. "Ready?" She asked, glancing at the manager. She turned on the intercom so that Chasity could hear her. "Chasity, today and everyday from now on you will have flight training. We'll bring you here everyday before your tests. Now what I want you to do is try to fly or at least flap your wings." She paused then pressed the mic again "Oh and remember your sister is watching... Don't let her down" She turned off the intercom and she sat down in one of the blue seats. Another scientist came in and she watched, waiting for the girl to take flight.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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Becca hated not being able to communicate with her poor little sister. She hated the people in charge. She hated Mrs. Shanks most of all. The woman was so stuck up and bossy. Ugh! She made her so mad.

Chasity was nervous, of course, and the evil woman watching didn't make it any easier. "I- I don't know how. All I can do is flap them." She struggled to flap her wings, which were in pain, as proof of her statement. "And they hurt really really bad."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Chasity
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Katrina sighed as she looked back at the manager. She turned on the intercom "I need you to flap harder. We need to start seeing results or else this won't get any better for you." She snapped. She knew that the director was starting to get tired of all this nonsense. She crossed her fingers, hoping the girl would fly. The director had been sketchy about transforming the girl to have wings but after a lot of begging from Mrs.Shanks he let her do it. She looked through the glass at Chasity "If you can get off the ground today then...... I'll let you have some medication for the pain" Bribery always works with kids.. She thought.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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The girl flapped as hard as she could with the pain in her wings. She closed her eyes tight and thought happy thoughts like her sis had taught her. "Happy thoughts." she whispered. She thought and thought and when she opened her eyes, she looked at Becca, who was smiling.

She did it! Her little sister was a foot off the ground! She was flying, well hovering, but she was in the air and that was enough to get her some pain pills. "Way to go Chas!"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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All the scientists had a quick clap then started writing like the wind. Katrina turned on the intercom "Good job, we will give you some medication after your tests. Very good job. We are going to keep you in here for another 20 minutes. We'd like you to keep hovering and try to go higher." She looked at the scientists, "I told you this was a good one" She laughed. The manager gave her a slight pat on the back as he walked out of the room and into the hall. She had a sigh of relief, the little booger really did do it. Mrs. Shanks went to the door where Becca was and opened it. "I guess your little sister is pretty talented." She said as she grabbed Becca's arm. They walked back to the room and she released her into her 'room'. She slammed the door shut and locked it behind her. As she walked back to the room in which Chasity was her heels clicked all the way until the sound faded.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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Becca fought the woman the whole way. "You said I could watch!" When she threw her in and slammed the door, Becca ran to the door and beat on it with her fists, flashing between transparent and invisible.

"Wh-where did you take Becca? Why can't she stay?" Chasity statred to lower to the ground, and soon was sitting. "You said she could stay."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Chasity
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Mrs. Shanks re-entered the room as Chasity started talking to her. "Well Chasity here is another 'deal' for you. As long as you hover above the ground everyday your sister can watch for a bit. Everyday after we take her away you have to be able to hover and that means she'll return with you the next day, got it?" Pretty clever system she thought as she walked back into the room with the glass windows. She pressed the intercoms "Chasity, just hover like you were before dear. We need to get statistics, or at least try to flap your wings" Then she turned the mics off. Katrina went to the mini fridge in the corner and grabbed herself a diet mountain dew. She sipped it slowly as all the other researchers watched the little girls every move.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

Julie had been working on the equations and formula's for about 2 hours now. "I got it!" She yelled. She could feel all the eyes turn to her, she saw a girl with a coffee & doughnut tray. "Hey can you get Jack? I don't know his last name but please get him. Tell him I found the formula to 185004 C #12." She ordered as she grabbed a blueberry powdered doughnut. Taking a big bite and wiping her mouth she felt like she had done something good for the world. She sat in the chair and kept pacing waiting for Jack to arrive. After around 10 minutes she saw him turn the corner into her cubicle. "You got it? How'd you... But I've been..." He murmured the ends of his sentences. "Oh well I found the Efficiency and then transformed the neutrons into letters instead of numbers. It was easy once I got to there." She smiled. As Jack took over the computer he started printing up the files. Julie stood there and watched as the 1rst of 205 papers came out of the printer. "I'm going to go stretch my legs and get some water" She said. "Go ahead. You earned it." He said as he had his eyes glued to the screen.

Mrs. Denver walked around and grabbed a glass of water from the water cooler. She stood there for a bit but decided it was time to explore. She had seen all of the basement.... except.. No.... It's strictly off limits she thought. But the more and more she thought about it the more tempting it became. She walked over and watched the door from the other end of the hall. She saw 2 people go in and 1 come out. She saw you needed an access card to get in, good thing she had stolen one. She walked up to the door and put her card to the scanner. The little light turned green and she heard the locks opening. As she walked in she saw grey hallways, they were sombre and dark. She could hear people... They didn't sound like they were happy, or researching... More like they were in pain. She walked slowly until she saw someone coming. She hid behind the corner and watched as the women put a teen girl into a room and slam the door. Julie almost gasped but kept her mouth shut. Mrs. Decker decided to see if the girl was alright, so she walked up to the door. The door had a small window with bars going through it. She looked in and saw the girl. The girl wasn't normal though, she was flashing. Flashing between here and transparent.

Julie blinked. She could hardly believe her eyes. Then she noticed the girl looking up at her. She backed away from the door for a minute then walked back up to it. "Hello" She said shyly. She looked into the deep eyes of the girl, "Who are you?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

"I'm Becca." She looked at the woman, trying her hardest to stay visible. The woman was obviously freaked. "Are- Are you new?"

"Can I...Can I have the medicine now? So I can do better. I promise I will do better. They just hurt really bad miss." Chasity winced as she flapped her wings.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

Mrs. Decker looked at the poor girl, "Yes I'm new... What are they doing here..? What happened to you...? How are you.." She was saying until she heard footsteps coming from down the hall. "I'll be back." She said as she ran around the corner, bumping into someone. "I'm so sorry" she said as she helped pick up the papers. She looked up and saw Jack. Jack looked shocked as he stared at her, "I said this area was off limits!" He yelled. Julie looked frightened as she looked to the floor. "Well I guess you know now anyways... and it doesn't bother you?" He asked as he fixed his papers. "Well then let's show your research to Mrs. Shanks. They both got up and walked down to the white door. Passing the kids, Julie tried to focus on the hall but looked back at the girl through the bars. She mouthed 'I'll be ok' to Becca as she walked past.

As she walked through the white door she saw a girl with wings. She didn't look too old, but she definitely looked like she was in pain. Julie kept her mouth shut as she walked past and into the research room behind glass. She looked as she saw lots of researchers watching, and a woman by a microphone. Jack walked right up to the woman and handed her the papers. She checked over them then returned them to Jack. She said something to him but she couldn't hear. "You stay here, the boy will be here soon." Jack said as he left the room, handing Julie the papers as he walked off.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity
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0.00 INK

Mrs. Shanks slammed her hand on the intercom button, "No. It will affect your flying and your tests. Ugh... I see you are too tired to finish today.. Time for your tests." Just when she finished she saw Jack and an unknown to her walk in. Jack handed her some research, "Excellent! We'll bring him in now" She said as she watched Chasity being taken by one of the researchers. As Jack left she waited for Fluke to show up. She walked over to the new girl, "So who might you be? Little bo peep?" She laughed. It had been the only thing that made her laugh all week. "I'll be back I'm going to get our next subject." She said walking out of the room smiling. She walked down the hall and to the room, "Oh Fluke, Duke want some Puke?" She laughed again. That was always a little joke she played on Fluke, I mean common, what are you gonna do when someone's name rhymes with puke?! She opened the door and there he was, in the corner. She closed the door behind her and went up to Fluke. "Get up you mutt!" She yelled as she grabbed his arm. Fun over.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

Trying to keep up with the questions, Becca talked fast when she heard footsteps. "They put stuff in us. Chemicals. I don't know what kind. None of us are human anymore." When the footsteps got close, Becca vanished. The woman ran to the corner. A man took the woman away. Once he turned to walk away, Becca turned visible again. Becca saw the woman say "It'll be ok." as she turned around the corner. Becca got away from the door. She sat curled in the corner waiting for Chasity to come back.

"Tests? Do I have to fly again?" Chasity asked the other people in the room, then Mrs. Shanks returned with the lightning guy. He kinda scared Chasity. He looked like he could explode at any time.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Fluke's eyes began to flutter shut as he began thinking of an escape, his abilities weren't a threat yet but they were beginning to advance and he was gaining control over his new found assets, perhaps he could; fry the electric lock on the door, plot an ambush a variety of ideas popped into Fluke's mind but in reality he knew it'd take ages to build the resources and the courage to act on his plan but it did give a small flicker of hope, and that's what kept him going truthfully, instead of collapsing into a mess and drifting off into insanity.

Fluke's eyes settled on the door re-opening and shoving the girl from earlier back inside, the door quickly closed behind her and she ran up too the door and began beating it with her fists, she was flashing between visible and invisible, disorientating Fluke slightly. After a few seconds had passed, Fluke noticed she had not sat down she seemed to be talking to someone. Fluke thought about asking who, but it was probably her protesting to Mrs. Shanks she was usually the one who escorted the others and him to the test chamber, so Fluke remained silent.

After a few more minutes down the girl walked back into a corner getting back into a sitting position, Fluke began to ponder why they brought her back early probably to bribe her friend, relative Fluke wasn't really sure. He noticed the door open and Mrs. Shanks stepped inside, "Speak of the Devil..." Fluke muttered to himself quietly. She scanned the room before her eyes settled onto him "Oh Fluke, Duke want some Puke?" she laughed, Fluke rolled his eyes before spitefully speaking "Your sense of humour hasn't changed I see." Fluke didn't find the joke funny the first time, or the several other times.

Fluke remained in a sitting position, not knowing her intent he hoped she'd leave him be and take another person: luck wasn't on Fluke's side and she walked up to him before yelling "Get up you mutt!" grabbing his arm pulling him up, Fluke expected this but flinched slightly regardless "You could of asked politely." Fluke quipped dryly. Mrs. Shanks marched him into the test chamber, which his eyes settling onto the little girl from earlier: he felt a pang of sympathy for her, she looked in pain and afraid.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity Character Portrait: Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon) Character Portrait: Becca
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Moonbow
I looked up to see Dr. Dragon staring maliciously at me. "Time for your...ah...checkup." She pulled out a sleek, black pistol, opened the ammo, and dropped a piece of green liquid on the gleaming, golden bullet. "This will only stun you, and your real things will happen while you're out." And with that, the president shot me in the shoulder.

When I wake up my head is pounding like a drum as if someone was hitting it repeatedly. My brain was now working twice as fast and I knew the answer to almost every question I had, but each thought made the pounding worst. Plan B, don't think, should be easy.
Trying to distract myself I took a stick that was by me and set the tip on fire, then I twirled it around to spell things and draw. I bet I looked pretty crazy.
Ok, side effects included: Migraines, heartbeat in my head, blue eyes, twirling a flaming stick like a child, and glaring at people. So in other words, not a great success for the scientist.
Deciding not to pity myself I look around to see the other mutations. Once again the boy with the electricity catches my attention, I guess I like electricity. Sighing i shift my look of interest into a look of boredom and watch some other people. There is a small girl with delicate white wings huddled against a girl around my age that was barely visible, just a silver outline. I feel sorry for them, but then again I feel sorry for everyone. Especially the scientist, it can't be easy being horrible people, I mean how do they even get up in the morning knowing what they will do? Actually I hate them, I'm just sitting here planing my revenge, there's no time for tears.
There is a loud pop in the room that makes me jump, realizing it's just the electric boy I feel like throwing my stick at him. Or Dr. Dragon, I'll settle for either one.
He's really annoying but I suppose he reminds me that I'm not the only person capable of breaking out, he might be good for an alliance. Also the two girls.
Yes, it is all coming together very nicely.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker Character Portrait: Fluke Character Portrait: Chasity
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0.00 INK

Mrs. Decker watched as the boy was walked into the room. She saw Mrs.Shanks take the little girl away. Mrs. Decker went up to the intercom, deciding to tell him about her research. "Hello, I don't know your name... but... uh... I found out how to help you control your... er... abilities..." She said kind of stuttering. She saw Mrs. Shanks return and she ran back to where she had been sitting before. When Mrs. Shanks walked up to her she handed her the info. Julie was nervous, she didn't really know what was happening here but she intended to find out.

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Character Portrait: Alexis Valentine
4 sightings Alexis Valentine played by trakira

Character Portrait: Roland Steel
1 sightings Roland Steel played by Colonel_Masters
Children should be seen and not heard.

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View All » Add Character » 23 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Chasity
Character Portrait: Becca
Character Portrait: Tommo
Character Portrait: Skye Hunter -UNFINISHED
Character Portrait: Thistle (Chemical) Willows
Character Portrait: Fluke
Character Portrait: Skye Pierce
Character Portrait: Jason Reins
Character Portrait: Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)
Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker
Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks
Character Portrait: Echo
Character Portrait: Alexander "The Shield" Saraci
Character Portrait: Jason Cusack
Character Portrait: Amberly Mizuki
Character Portrait: Georgina Yates
Character Portrait: Siren 'Sy' Greene
Character Portrait: James


Character Portrait: James

Try me. I dare you.

Character Portrait: Siren 'Sy' Greene
Siren 'Sy' Greene

" My hair color has nothing to do with my psychological problems!"

Character Portrait: Georgina Yates
Georgina Yates

"It's all in the name of science."

Character Portrait: Jason Cusack
Jason Cusack

"As long as it pays well, I'm up for it."

Character Portrait: Alexander "The Shield" Saraci
Alexander "The Shield" Saraci

He doesn't want anyone near him.

Character Portrait: Echo

Shh... They can hear you...

Character Portrait: (Katrina) Mrs. Shanks
(Katrina) Mrs. Shanks

I'm here for research, not friends.

Character Portrait: Mrs. Decker
Mrs. Decker

I'm just trying to help...

Character Portrait: Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)
Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)

"Feelings? I believe we fried those right out of these kids."


Character Portrait: Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)
Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)

"Feelings? I believe we fried those right out of these kids."

Character Portrait: Alexander "The Shield" Saraci
Alexander "The Shield" Saraci

He doesn't want anyone near him.

Character Portrait: Georgina Yates
Georgina Yates

"It's all in the name of science."

Character Portrait: Jason Cusack
Jason Cusack

"As long as it pays well, I'm up for it."

Character Portrait: Thistle (Chemical) Willows
Thistle (Chemical) Willows

"The real damage is what you can't see from me, so go ahead, kill me. I'm already dead."

Character Portrait: Becca

I will protect my sister at all costs.

Character Portrait: Chasity

Sissy. I'm scared.

Character Portrait: Skye Pierce
Skye Pierce

I liked it better when I was sick.

Character Portrait: Fluke

"Fluke by nature, fluke by name"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Skye Hunter -UNFINISHED

A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be.

Character Portrait: Jason Cusack
Jason Cusack

"As long as it pays well, I'm up for it."

Character Portrait: Jason Reins
Jason Reins

"I see clearly what you mean."

Character Portrait: Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)
Coraline Snapdragon (Dr. Dragon)

"Feelings? I believe we fried those right out of these kids."

Character Portrait: Fluke

"Fluke by nature, fluke by name"

Character Portrait: James

Try me. I dare you.

Character Portrait: Chasity

Sissy. I'm scared.

Character Portrait: Alexander "The Shield" Saraci
Alexander "The Shield" Saraci

He doesn't want anyone near him.

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