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Skin to Fur: A New World?



a part of Skin to Fur: A New World?, by KuruLesperance.


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Dark Kurushimi [2] "So... He messed up, eh? I guess I have to finish this myelf..." He muttered, looking at the black room before him. "Commander, you are needed for a mission." The woman's voice cam on. "Be right there.." He replied.
Ander Zecera [0] "Too many rumors about these animals actually disguised as humans. If theres no clear answer, I'll just have to find it myself..."
Daniel Leiber [0] "Discrimination doesn't hurt, nor does it make a difference."
Metaru Chosaku [0] "Commander..."
Almira Pansy [0] I woke up one mourning wondering how this human to animal thing was possible when I noticed some brown feathers poking out. "Well, would you look at that" I mumbled to myself "I'm growing feathers."
Peter Salt [0] "And just what're you lookin' at?"
Luuochijia Suketodo [0] "Sup."

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#, as written by Lambie
When the pain finally subsided Emma continued to work on her nachos. By the time Dark had came in she had finished her whole meal and half her water. Tensing up when Dark came in, Emma notice that he looked like he came back from war. To make matters worst he reeked of blood and dirt which made her clench her nose a bit. She watched as Metaru comfort him, but she kept very quiet and still much like a deer would be when it was caught by a predator.


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#, as written by Kouyou

By the time the doctor had gotten Carter to the Lieutenants office, he was already sitting in Metaru's chair, holding his head in his hands. He had shed his coat and shirt, being too torn to provide enough protection from the elements in the room. A small cloak had been draped around his shoulders and Metaru sat beside Emma, eating her food quietly. When the Doctor opened the door and let Carter inside then quietly left, Metaru looked back at her before furrowing her brow in worry before glancing at Dark. He glanced up, his eyes where tired and half-lidded, and his body and his movements where sluggish. "What do you want?" He asked simply, his voice sounded like that of a defeated man. It held raw emotion in it.


She glanced between Carter, Emma, and Dark all the while trying to decide what to do. She finished off her food really quickly before taking the now empty plate and setting it aside, off of her desk. Dark was speaking to the Leopard-Girl and Emma was being Emma. She couldn't decide on what to do.. Defuse the situation or let it continue. She still had not told Dark that his mother passed.


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Cqrter wqlked in on soft paws, despising the mere sight of the man who called himself Dark, but of course the dangerously aggressive leopard couldn't do anything about it. All she did was sit down and raised a large, yet small for her species, paw to her mouth and licked it a couple times befoe running it over her ears and muzzle. Her shoulder had been wrapped in a cottony bqndage and gauze, but bled lightly still. But not a lot like before. Carter just looked up with calm, yet enraged blue eyes, her long lethal claws sliding in and out in frustration. No matter how much she wanted to rup her claws through this guy, she wasn't able to do i because of the stupid shot! So instead she shot back the sassy remark of;

"I was going to ask you the same thing darlin'." she replied in a calm voice. Although she looked like a natural, typical, everyday feline, her actions were quite the opposite.


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Dani was so shocked to see her dogs that she forgot to move. She stared at their muzzled faces and then looked at the leashes they were attached to. Not to mention, all the guards that took thier position around them. It was sort of intimidating. Too many people. She looked from her dogs to Daniel. As she stood there, Dark came up behind her and whispered for her to stop standing there and go take what they were giving her. She nodded and walked in and immediately tackled her brother in a hug.

"Daniel! I missed you! We get the dogs too!" she said happily.

It didn't occur to her that she shouldn't have had to feel that way. They should have never been taken away from her and she shouldn't be in that place. She was too grateful to have them to really think of that, though. She stood up and turned toward the guards and waited for them to give her her dogs.


I was more than happy to see Dani, but I didn't want to see her get taken in. The guards came with the dogs. At least they would have their canine friends with them. He thought of the deals and wasn't easily put into the happy mood that Dani was in. As she hugged him tightly, he hugged her back.

"This is bullshit. You shouldn't have come." he whispered to Dani, hoping that no one else heard that.

He turned Dani around so she was facing the doorway and could take the dogs. They were hers after all. His was still at home. He wouldn't miss it as much. Daniel wasn't the type to think of pets first. It was always his sister. However, he was happy to see the two familiar canines. They were definitely big and intimidating. The only kind of dogs Dani liked. With that thought, he looked at Dani and smiled.

"Rottweiler and German Shepherd. They are probably wondering why a girl like you wouldn't want a chihuahua." he said, teasing her.

Daniel recieved an elbow to the ribs for that joke. He just laughed, knowing that Dani hated chihuahuas as much as he did.


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"Well, I'm off. I'll be back soon, thank you for the dinner." She said, and quietly slipped out the front door. Her tail retreated into her jeans, and she walked to a hair salon to find any gel.

"If I get gel and flatten my ears," she said to herself. "And dye them, then maybe I'll seem like a human male. That's a good idea." Luuochijia chuckled to herself, and opened the door. The "girl" walked over to a large, book shelf-type item that had plenty of bottles of gel. Some from Japanese companies, some from American. She picked a gel, and lime green hair dye. Luuochijia checked out, and asked if she could go to the back to do her hair. Since she looked like a male, she charmed the giddy female at the front checkout. The female allowed her, and the Lolita-type boy skipped down the hair salon and into a bathroom. She squirted a glob of gel onto her hand and flattened her ears against her head as hard as she could, then added the gel to stick to her hair.

"There we go," she grinned, and dyed her ears green. And, it would look odd if her tail was not the same colour as everything else, so her tail emerged from the back of her jeans and dyed it green. Luuochijia sat in the bathroom for awhile to let the dye dry, then she threw the empty dye box into a wastebin. She exited the bathroom, and exited the store. Maybe, just maybe, she would enter high school. After all, today was actually her birthday. She turned 16 today. Anyhow, the "girl" walked down the sidewalk, hands casually in pockets.

"Let's see," she murmured. She cleared her throat and manipulated her voice to sound like a feminine young boy. "Maybe I'll pay the Group a visit. I actually kind of miss Dark," she admitted to herself. Casually, she walked down the sidewalk and started at the building. Her build was slim, and she didn't have that curve like most girls do, thank the gods. Nor did she have a very large chest, so she actually did look like a boy. Luuochijia cleared her throat again, and she started towards the guards at the building.
"May I enter? I wish to speak to...umm...I think his name was Commander Dark." 'He' asked, his gaze looking up at the tall men.


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#, as written by Kouyou
The Soldiers at the front gate stared down at the person before them before looking at each other, shrugging, and nodding. Stepping aside they let the person through, not knowing it was Luuo. One, putting his hand on Luuo's shoulder to stop her for a second to tell her where the commander was, gave her a small smile before taking his position back at the gate. Dark could handle anything that came his way, or so they thought. What was some little boy, or girl, they couldn't decide, do to their Commander who could take down the Oni robots alone?


He stared up at the Leopard before him for a few moments before glancing at Metaru and the things around the room. He knew of the shot and he also knew that it was an untested drug in humans or deforms so it could wear off quicker than anticipated. Turning his gaze back to her, after having ignored her question for a good moment he sighed once more, leaning back in the chair and letting the cloak fall off of his chest revealing pale, scared skin. Every inch of his chest, sides, stomach and arms below his neck seemed to have crisscrossing scars on them. The only unblemished spot on his chest was above his right heart where an ornate tribal tattoo of a fox sleeping with its tail wrapped around the world sat. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, finally.

"I want many things, Carter..." He started, tilting his head and speaking to her in a normal, relaxing and dismissive tone of voice. He wasn't that worried about Carter lunging at him. He had Metaru with him this time and even if Emma decided to join in on the onslaught, guards where right outside the door. "But the thing I want most is to cure my mother of her disease... The thi..." He blinked and stopped, looking at Metaru who had winced so hard that she accidentally knocked her soda over.

"Metaru..." His voice filling with dread and his motions become stiff. "What happened." He said. It wasn't a question it was a command to tell him.


Metaru was torn. Dark had already had a bad day, more news would probably destroy him. She glanced between the floor and Dark before trying to occupy herself by cleaning up the mess she had made, but it was of no use. Dark reached over and grabbed her wrists roughly enough to make her stop trying to clean up and look up at him. His eyes, filled with worry made her heart clench within her chest and she did everything in her power to stop herself from crying, but it was all for naught. Her silent tears made Dark's eyes grow wider in realization. She had only winced when he had mentioned his mother and now, she wouldn't tell him and was crying. He assumed the worst, she was sure. And he was right.

Trying to find her voice she looked straight at him, pulling her hands from his and gripping his again in a more comfortable way. "D-Dark..." She stuttered, ignoring the other two in the room. "She passed away while you where dealing with the Twins..." She finished, waiting for him to break down or blow up. But it shocked her when he did neither.


Receiving the news of his mother finally, everything came crashing down on him. His eyes where as wide as they could go, his mind going a million miles per hour. He winced a bit when they screeched to a halt, stopping on the face of his mother. Slowly he leaned back in the chair, sliding down into it a bit and covering his eyes with his hand, his voice was even but his breath was irregular as he spoke to them. "Let all the deforms go and prepare all the Oni Robots."


Her eyes widened. Dark hadn't just broken down or blown up... He had snapped. They had ten Oni robots left in the storage, and he knew his limit was four. The command to release the Deforms hadn't surprised her. Now that his mother was gone, he had no need for them. The First Wing tried to stay out of Cragsworth business as much as possible and this wasn't any different. The only reason why Dark had taken Command of the First Wing was to search for a cure for his mother, and every knew that, but no one questioned him. They knew him well enough that his emotions, despite who they where toward, wouldn't stop him from completing a mission or making the best choice possible.

"Dark... You can't! Its suicide!" She begged, standing up her tears now ones of fear as Dark stood up as well, grabbing his ruined coat and putting it on as he walked out of the office.

"I know." Was all he said before he disappeared down the hall, towards the training facility of the HQ.

Metaru slowly lost her strength. Falling to her knees she stared weakly after him.


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Luuochijia opened the door loudly into the room where Metaru lay. "Hello, my name is Kenochoji Suketodo, Luuochijia's twin brother. Do you know where Commander..." 'his' voice trailed off when she noticed the girl lying on her knees.

"What happened?" He asked, rather concerned as he kneeled down to gently poke Metaru. "Did something happen? Why are you on your knees?" Luuochijia's thoughts rummaged through her head, her eyes wide and slightly tilted. Seriously..what did happen?


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#, as written by Lambie
Emma looked as Metaru broke the some news to dark. She watched as he seem to break down and finally he said something that she almost choked on her water. "Let all the deforms go and prepare all the Oni Robots." Putting down glass to catch her breathe. "We're free?!" That's when Luuochijia came in. What happened?" He asked, rather concerned as he kneeled down to gently poke Metaru. "Did something happen? Why are you on your knees?" Luuochijia's thoughts rummaged through her head, her eyes wide and slightly tilted. Emma got up from her seat and gently pull Luuochijia away. "I think we need to leave Luuo."


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"Kenochoji," 'he' corrected her. "Luuochijia is hanging out with some wolf guy. And okay. I'm just concerned on where Luuochijia's friend is," he said, scratching his elbow as he rose. "I hope all goes well," he said to Metaru, and he looked at Emma to follow her.


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#, as written by Kouyou

She looked down at the ground sadly, slowly standing from her position on the ground as she replied to their retreating forms, talking to the 'male' most of all. "Luuo's friend... Is going to commit suicide." She said simply and sadly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stood up fully and walked around her office, gathering her weapons and putting on her trench coat that matched her uniform. The trench coat was much like Dark's. It would stop a lot of things should it need to.

"And if he's doing that... I might as well go down with him." She said with a hollow chuckle. "I always thought we'd go out in a blaze of glory, but never willingly." She continued to speak, ranting to herself about her times with Dark and the memories they had. It wasn't important to anyone listening unless they wanted to know more about the two. It was about three minutes later that she finally stopped ranting, having geared up and walked to the her door. Stopping, she looked back into her now empty, and straightened office, looking at the one picture she had on her desk of her and Dark posing together when she came to the HQ. She smiled once more, sadly, and turned off the lights, letting the door shut behind her.


He stood, solemnly looking out at the training grounds. About twenty acres was set aside for battle exercises. The acreage was covered in trees, clearings, and in the middle, a rather decent sized lake that was fairly deep. As the wind blew, it ruffled his hair, disheveling it even more but doing so in a way that it actually straightened his hair a bit. He glanced behind him when a soldier came up to him silently, holding out a clipboard. Turning and taking the clipboard he studied what was on it. A disclaimer form. Anyone fighting the Oni Robots had to sign it. He scoffed a bit to himself, but the soldier heard it and winced slightly. He, the soldier, glanced back at the balcony where most everyone from the base was gathered. Word spread fast in the tight-nit family of The First Wing. Though they wanted him to stop, they knew nothing would get in his way of accomplishing something. They all knew that Dark was the type of man that if his legs where to be cut off, he'd pull his way to you with his hands. If his arms where cut off, he would crawl to you using his chin and shoulders. If his head was separated from his body, his blood would still be on you. Thus, he would win.

Signing the form quickly and handing the clipboard back to the soldier, keeping the pen. He turned around, studying the rather plane pen before flicking it onto the training ground. As soon as the pen touched the training ground, a loud boom echoed throughout the night as an Oni Robot shot it from about twenty feet away with its large cannon like arm. The arm shot massive rounds or missiles but it seemed that the engineers had loaded them with the rounds this time. He returned to staring out at the field as he waited, the soldier slowly walking away.


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The guards had put the dogs in the room, meaning that she and Daniel had the canines back. As soon as the doors were shut, she pulled Maddy into her lap and wrapped her arm around Nitro's head.

"Hey guys!" she said as she played with their ears and pet them.

They were still the same goofy dogs she had always had. She nudged Daniel and pushed Nitro onto him.

"Go get him, Nitro. Get Daniel." she said, trying to get Nitro to lick Daniel and grinned when Daniel's face recieved a saliva-filled lick.

"Good boy, Nitro." she said and ruffled his fur.

Dani didn't care where she was as long as she had Daniel and her dogs. Even if Daniel was in a bad mood, the dogs would keep her happy. Daniel would have to get over it. Giving blood wasn't that bad. It wouldn't be until life got overly boring there that she would start causing trouble.


Daniel patted Maddy's head as she laid in Dani's lap and sighed. He wasn't nearly as happy as Dani was. She could enjoy herself by just being with someone. Didn't matter what the situation was, as long as she was with someone she cared about, she was happy. Daniel envied her for that. He hated it there. Even though he was glad to have Dani and the dogs there, he wanted his freedom. He wanted to be able to get out and breath the outside air again.

"Stop it, Dani." he said after she got Nitro to lick his face.

Daniel wiped the saliva from his face with annoyance and put his face in his hands. After a few minutes of sitting there, he laid down to rest while Dani played with the dogs. However, instead of staying up and playing with the dogs, he noticed that she had laid her head down on Nitro as a pillow and relaxed with Maddy in her lap. That girl and her damn dogs.


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#, as written by Kouyou

He sighed heavily. The Commander finally went off the deep end. Shaking his head a bit he continued to push the cart of medical supplies to the twins' cell. They had not been moved yet as all the guards had left to watch their Commander. Shaking his head a bit, he figured that with everyone gone they could easily break out, not that they knew they where gone. And even then, they were not gone, just watching their commander commit suicide via Oni Robots. Shaking his head, yet again, he opened the door to the twins' cell and gave them a small smile, hesitating a bit at the sight of the dogs. Smiling a bit more, and putting confidence in his words and posture, he spoke to them, while keeping an eye on the dogs. The strong voice and posture would make the dogs second guess attacking him without their master's orders.

"Evening you two... The Commander has gone off the deep end, so we're following his last commands before he commits suicide by the Oni Robots!" The Doctor said in false cheerfulness. Sighing he motioned towards the cart just outside the door before pulling it in and shutting said door. "I need a good bit of your blood..." He paused and pulled out a container about double the size of a average male's fist. "From both of you..." He continued before pausing again and pulling out yet another container and the needles. "Before I can let you go..." He looked between the two and the dogs, wherry of them.


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After quite a while of watching him smugly, she felt kind of... bad. Carters parants died when she was only six, so she remembered it, but knew what he was probably feeling. She watched sympathetically and decided to do something to help. Although ahe still hated him and decided to try and kill hik herself not even a day ago, she had shared that same feeling of d evastation and despair. Silently as always ahe saw so calle Metaru was distracted so she turned around makon this single move as silent as ever, she reared back and used sheathed paws to slam the guards in the heads, just hard enough to knock them out. Then she switched human and grabbed the key from them and unlocked the door, slidong out, and shutting it, the only sound she made was the click of the door shutting.

Carter had kept the key with her and foind a closet , so she changed into the out fit most people were wearing. She tucked her blond hair up into a cap and kept her hair down as she feverishly walked through crowds of people. Her enhanced sense of smell allowed her to folow Dark's scent. The shot had worn off but left a tingling sensation behind and the urge to attack. To kill.

When she finally reached the clearing where Dark faced the robots, he switched back to the leopard form, and raced fast to the clearing. Sh growled and launched herself at the robot that had positioned itself to shoot, clawing it harshly and stopped when sparks began to fly. She looked over her shoulder at Dark.

"We need to talk." she growled and jumped off the downed robot. Her feline eyes were alert for the other robots because she knew when there was one there was at least five.


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Luuochijia stopped in her tracks, mid-step. She slowly put her foot down.
" committing suicide..?" He asked rather slowly, his head turning towards Metaru ominously. "Why?"
And then it hit him. When he entered the building, he eavesdropped on the conversation and forgot that his mother has died. "So that's why he needed our blood.." he murmured, then he nudged Emma out of the way and began running down the hallway, yelling.
"Commander Dark! Commander Dark! Don't do it!" Luuochijia ran to the clearing, to see Dark. He growled and grabbed Dark by the shoulder, yanking him back to face him.

"You didn't want me to kill myself before, when I was saying all those things about wanting to murder myself. Why'd you go against that, now? I finally understand why you needed my blood, for your mother!" 'He' yelled. "I get it, because I know how the hell you feel! Get it together, Dark!" Luuochijia screamed, her eyes wide.

"I've always had a soft spot for you, even when I changed into the asshole I was! That's one of the reasons why I went to you first when I got blown up! It's because I love you! As a friend!" He added, as he began shaking. He fell to his knees. "I am Luuochijia, by the way. I've changed my appearence because I want to go to high school, but forget that for now. Just don't kill yourself...please.." she begged.


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Dani looked up when the doctor came in. Both the dogs growled at him immediately and she grabbed their collars to make them stay. A smile crept onto her face as the doctor nervous looked at them.

"Keep your distance and they won't bite. These are smart dogs who know their owner well, but sometimes I don't need to give them a command before they attack. It's pure protection." she said, hoping it kept the doctor away from her with those needles.

Dani hated to let others have their way, especially when they forced her to do something. In this case, she was determined not to lert him take her blood. That was her own precious blood that she wasn't comfortable with letting anyone else have.

Before saying anything else, she thought about everything elser he said. Sometrhing about the commander committing suicide and needing blood from them before they left. She glanced up at him with hope all over her face.

"Wait. All I need to do is give you my blood and you will let us go?" she asked, wondering why this seemed too good to be true.

Unless it was too good to be true. She had been lied to enough that she should have known better than to believe him right away, but at that point, Dani would take all that she could get.


Daniel woke up as the doctor entered and glanced at the two growling dogs. He finally came to the conclusion that it was so much better having them around than not having them. As the doctor started explaining, Daniel listened to every word, like he had with Dark. He didn't want to miss any part that he should have thought about. What caught his attention most out of everything he said was that Dark was going to commit suicide and that the doctor needed to get blood from them. He glanced at Dani as she seemed excited that he brought up the opportunity to escape. Daniel shook his head.

"No. Answer my questions first. I don't trust you. Not at all. If Dark is going to kill himself, why do you need our blood? Could have anything to do with the fact that you are part of the group that wants to capture us and you have these stupid little transmitters and if you have our blood it's easier to track us? You can keep those needles away from me and my sister or you are going to lose both your hands, and I'm not going to say how." he threatened.


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#, as written by Kouyou
The Doctor

He nodded towards Dani's question before turning to Daniel and nodding as well. "I'll do my best to answer your questions." He said before sitting in the chair that Dark and once sat in while he was talking to Daniel. "I need your blood for medicinal purposes. You saw what it did when Dark ingested it... Actually you didn't... Uhm." He paused and tapped his chin trying to figure out a cool way to put the transformations the Dark had underwent. Shaking his head when he came to the conclusion of not playing up the story, he shrugged and continued talking. "When Dark ingested the blood while he was fighting Carter, the Leopard girl, he was healed. He had broken bones, probably a few punctured organs... And he just downed, each of the blood vials we had collected up to that point and... Healed. The Deform's blood have some massive healing properties it seems and that was what Dark was after in the first place." He paused and shifted in his chair, looking up at the ceiling a bit.

"His mother has... or had now in this case, Multiple Sclerosis and Degenerative Disk Disease. MS is where the immune system attacks the mylen in the brain and spine, causing lesions. The mylen, or mylon, however you pronounce it, is what covers the nerves. If the mylon is gone, the nerve can be damaged. Eventually MS will put a person in a bed, locked up, unable to speak, or move anything but their head... Similar to "Locked-In Syndrom" but one still has a bit of movement. D3, as I like to call it, does something similar. Instead of the nerves, it attacks the bones in her spine. Her back, was litteraly broken in at least two places. Dark's Mother didn't give up though. Her MS wasn't that far progressed and she only needed a cane for short, five minute walks, and beyond that, a motorized chair... She was in constant pain though, no matter what." He said with a shake of his head and looking back down to her. "Dark has MS as well, but his is well controlled thanks to advancements in medicines. When he commits suicide, I want to use his body as research, but I still need some Deform blood to run tests on." He explained, motioning towards the cart that had the needles, containers, and a clipboard on it before he turned back to the twins and spoke again.

"The Transmitters we have on you can't do that much really." The Doctor explained, grunting a bit as he shifted, reached under the covered part of the cart and pulled out a device and a small package. A New transmitter. Opening the package he held the Transmitter out to them to study. "It only has enough power to track a person or one good tazer shock. Sure, it can blow up as well, but its similar to a small firework exploding. It'd sting, maybe take a little bit of skin and clothing with it, but it wouldn't kill unless it was inside a person." He nodded and motioned towards the needles. "Are you willing to cooperate now? If you do, without anymore hassle I will allow you to take two full provision packs from the armory.


His gaze was torn from the sky from the sound of metal being scraped apart. Looking at Carter as his ears twitched hearing Luuo behind him, he let himself be twisted around forcefully. If he hadn't he doubted Luuo could do much against him. The height and weight difference between the two where astounding. Looking down at Luuo, his emotionless mask fell, and he put on a sad smile, kneeling and pulling her back to her feet. "Luuo, I know it was you." He tapped his nose. "I am a Deform as well, don't'cha know?" He said with a slight chuckle before frowning his voice was even, but it was strained.

"Luuo, my mother is dead now. I couldn't save her. Why should I go on? Since I was about fifteen finding a cure for her became my life..." He explained and turned back around, facing Carter. He glanced at her and then at the Oni Robot. "You know that you didn't need to kill the Robot just yet... They don't have orders to start... Now that you've attacked we got about two minutes before they start though." He sighed and shook his head before looking out at the field, talking to them both. "What you both don't understand is I would've used you. A vial of blood drawn every day, maybe a bit more depending. True you'd be pampered princesses, with access to anything you wanted, but when we where done I would've had to either kill you or fake your death. Most likely the later but never the less... You would know too much about the First Wing to let you go unchecked." He shook his head and motioned towards the Soldiers overlooking the field.

"And even if I did fake your death, I would have to step down for letting you escape once hte higher-ups found out, and they would find out, and then I wouldn't be able to protect you. Its better I let you go now while everyone is here and you make your escape while I am fighting the Robots. It can't be pinned on me, and the higher-ups, while having more knowledge about the deforms and immediate warning that you've escaped, would be too busy cleaning up my mess to do anything but try to get trackers on you for more than two months. I plan on doing some damage." He explained and motioned towards the nine still, and now powering up, robots.

"Their inhibitors have been turned off so they can actually use their full potential which also means that all their weapons are available to them, even the self-destruction bombs they have in them. They will fight to their last breath... or cycle..." He paused and shook his head, his thoughts slipping into the computer knowledge that was needed to make these robots. "And then activate their SD sequence. I plan on using those bombs to destroy a good bit of the First Wing. It is why I had them let you all go. No one has reported to the higher-ups yet as their all busy watching me, and if I can destroy the first wing's mainframe without making it look like I was aiming for that, the mess I make will be huge."

He explained and looked over at the doors to the HQ as they burst open and Metaru came running out, several large assault rifles, magazines and grenades in her arms. She looked like a big ball of metal at the moment. Chuckling a bit, it turned to a full blown laugh when Metaru slipped and fell on a mag that fell from the pile. He stopped moments later, giving Metaru a quick glanced to make sure she was okay before continuing to talk to the two. "I don't plan on committing suicide, in truth, you two... Just I know the consequences if I don't defeat them all."


She had managed to get the gist of the conversation, after she picked up all the guns, mags, and other ordinance. Her eyes wide and hopeful, she asked the question on her mind. "So that means your not gonna commit suicide?"

She dropped the ordinance on to the ground and pounced on Dark, hugging him tight enough to cause him to groan and let out a whisp of his breath, when he shook his head. "I am glad." Standing quickly she recomposed herself when she realized what she was doing. She blushed when she heard Dark laugh a bit. Straightening her trench coat she noticed the dead robot that Carter was ontop of before turning to Dark and sighing, humor filling her voice but an emotionless mask on. "How long till they activate?"

Dark glanced over at Metaru and chuckled once again. "About another minute if I don't press the extension button."

Metaru nodded, picking up the biggest gun there which was about twice her size and letting the barrel slowly star spinning. It was a handheld machine gun type thing. It had three barrels and was pretty compact, but it fired bullets at about 4 per second. "Lets Rock?" She said/asked.


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"Let me help," she said. "I'm not experienced in guns, but it is worth a shot." 'He' said, and grabbed a large gun and stood next to Metaru. "This should be interesting."


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#, as written by Kouyou

He glanced to Luuo and raised a brow. "Nice pun..." He said simply before shaking his head and walking over to the pile. Stocking up on magazines and grenades, he looked more in uniform, despite his coat being ripped, his hair disheveled and having no shirt on. "If this is to work though, Luuo... You can't help. The only people that can help is Metaru and the soldiers. It has to be the First Wing who fights these things..."


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Luuochijia stared at him, and nodded. "I understand. But I'm staying in here. I'm going to watch." The 'girl' said, dropping the gun quietly before sulkily walking towards the wall to where you enter the clearing.


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Dani listened to Daniel's concerned questioning and immediately understood. She didn't want to give them her blood just to have them use it to track her. As she thought about this, she listened to everything the doctor had to say. He went on about this disease that he should have known she wouldn't care about. She tightened her grip on the dog's collars as they continued to growl at him. Daniel seemed to know more than she did since he has been there longer and she didn't want to agree to anything until she knew as much as he did.


Daniel listened as the doctor explained that he needed their blood for medicinal purposes because it had special healing abilities. That was all he needed to hear before his final decision was made. No way in Hell was anyone going to ever get a drop of his blood. It seemed too special now. With its ability to heal, he couldn't stand to give that away so that humans, who descriminated against him for so long, could use it to their advantage and continue to treat them like crap. Did the doctor really expect Daniel to let him treat him like that?

"I'm not your blood bank. Last I checked, there were others to get blood from. I will never let you take my blood. It's worth too much." he said.

As soon as he said this, he stood up and smiled as the dogs stood up too. They took defensive positions, though. If this guy took one step toward him or Dani, the dogs would attack. The transmitters didn't matter anymore. He could take a sting and some skin removal in order to keep from having to give blood. He knew that Dani could too. When he glanced at Dani, she stood up too and rrefused. He knew she would ask questions later.

"Now move out of the way before the dogs do it for you." he threatened.

With this threat, he glanced down at the two growling dogs. Big, muscular dogs. Dani sure did keep them healthy.


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#, as written by Kouyou
The Doctor

Frowning he sat still in his chair, studying the two and the dogs before sighing. He stood up and pulled the sheet off of the table, reveal a device with nearing fifty hole in a semi circle while at the same time sending the collection materials to the floor. "I was afraid it would come to this..." He stood, walking slowly behind the cart, moving it in front of him a bit more and laying his hands on it, leaning over a bit. "This device that I had hidden from you is a new type of machine gun we've been working on. The larger version is for taking down battleships. This version however... Is perfect for infantry." He explained. "A small microchip is placed in a pill and the user, or users, swallow it. The microchip then works it way to the brain where it scans the brainwaves for the command to fire..."

He tapped the cart gently. "Its filled with special bullets that explode into dust on impact. They will surely kill a man if they where to hit him, as the bullet would enter the body and then explode into dust, but they won't ricochet of the concrete walls..." He motioned to said walls before continuing to speak, staring emotionlessly, much like Dark had.

"There are 250 bullets in this gun currently. All I have to do is think of the sequence and you all will be torn to shreds by the ordinance." He explained to the twins. "So stay where you are." He started moving slowly backwards, towards the door. "If I fire, then I have all the blood I need, but I would prefer to let you live." He explained, continuing to move backwards, opening the door remotely.


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Carter stretched like it was no big deal and sat down, tail wrapped neatly around her paws. "I'm staying. Gonna help. But you owe me." she growled. The leopard ran her paw over her ears and let her claws lside out and she felxed them. "Let's get this thing over with. I'll probably be more useful like this. no guns on my half." she told them and yawned once more.

Carter looked over at them and walked to the line of people. Well, almost people. Two deforms ut whatever. the big cat looked up at Dark. "Oh by the way, I'm still not giving you any blood darlin'." she chuckled. She liked her blood, and was keeping it. "After this is done, I'll be going."s eh added and then scratcehd her ear. She was just all laid back, collected. Chill.

(Sorry for bad and rather short post... I didn't exactly get what was going on xD)


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#, as written by Kouyou
(( I don't either much anymore. Its all so confusing sometimes X_X. This will be my last post for a few days or so maybe because I have to take care of registering for college and the such.))

He chuckled a bit and glanced over to Luuo. "I guess since she's helping, you can too..." He said before glancing at the balcony and then back down to the robots, giving them a slight grin. "Lets Rock." As soon as he spoke, a buzzer went off and the remaining nine robots came to life, shuddering and spinning up their massive machine gun arms.


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Carter grinned and snaped her poerful jaws in agreement before dashing forward full speed, leaping at one, bowling the heavy robot ovdr, clawing the metal frame. What she did notice, was the Oni robots weak spot. There was a thin spot right betweenthe head and neck where a bunch of wires wrre and her claws were just able to smoothly slide through, breaking the wires. But when the robots were boosted up, they gave quite a fight.

Carter tried to dodge swinging arms but managed to get hit in the shoulder by one right as she destroyed the robot. She hissed and bared her lethal fangs. Then she dashed back to the others, a slight limp in her step. "Ther eis a flaw right by their neck, just if you didnt know." she explained and whirled back around and faced the remaining eight robots.

"Come and get me you crappy peices of scrap metal!" she roared, ears perked and fur bristling, her pretty dappled coat having slight streaks of blood in it from her reopened shoulder wound. But, she didnt really notice it, adrenaline rushing through her. When the arm hit her shoulder; it must have scraped the bullet wound a bit.


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(I may not be posting as much either since I'm back in school. I will post for sure, but not as often.)


Daniel stared at the gun and cursed under his breath. He glanced at Dani and motioned that they were going to give in.

"Damn it! Fine. Do whatever the hell you want. You guys never seem to run out of way of forcing us to do anything, do?" he snapped.

Daniel was back to being pissed off again. It was increasingly frustrating thinking he had a way out and then a gun gets shoved in his face, making him stay. He glared at the doctor and held out his arm, waiting for the doctor to draw the blood.

"After you draw the blood, I want you to get this tracker out of me." he demanded.

If the doctor was going to allow him and his sister the chance to escape, he wanted a real chance.


Dani stared in horror at the monster of a gun in front of her. As the doctor explained all that it did, she couldn't bring herself to resist giving in anymore. In fact, a huge flood of relief washed over her when Daniel looked at her and motioned that they were going to give in. They didn't even have a choice. That was the part that pissed her off. She hissed at the doctor before holding out one of her own arms for him to draw her blood from.