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a character in “Syzygy”, as played by The_Queen




❝A dream is a wish your heart makes. ❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| [url=SONGURL]songname || artist[/url] ||


Celeste Pandora Angeal

Celty || A term of endearment her older brothers dubbed her.
Princess || A respectful title used by the staff.
Lyra || In tune with the instrument, the lyre is a small sort of harpsichord that makes a lovely sound when plucked.

{☛ ⒶⒼⒺ ☚}


Alyss Baskerville || Pandora Hearts

❝People are not rain or snow or autumn leaves, they do not look beautiful when they fall.❞


{☛ ⒽⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}
The perfect height.

{☛ ⓌⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}
She could do to gain a pound or two.

Her hair is a technicolor mess of vibrant shades.

Her eyes are a beautiful rose red.

She has no piercings on her body, not even her ears. There are no visible scars on the Princess's body, she's been kept very sheltered.


Eyes the color of red roses, hair a starch, snowy white. It was the color that most angels were associated with and none had as pure a hair color as she. Celeste has been sheltered her entire life, allowed to only live within the confines of her home. After all, it was dangerous out there, in a place where demons could lurk around the corners, where hate was spewed and people chanted for both war and peace.
Her wings are large and feathery white, they reflect the colors of the world around them, vibrant and shimmering. Of course, Celeste has only used her wings once or twice. She has only used them in practice while her brothers taught her to fly. As the youngest, they are vastly overprotective of her. To them, their little sister is the end all be all, the perfect picture of innocence and purity, not bloodstained from the war, but the picture every angel aspires to be. Of course, not everyone is perfect, their younger sister that they thought to be so complete suffered a great deal at the hands of ignorance and not knowing the terrors of the world. She has no real world skills, no training in combat since they never expected her to fight; weak in every sense of the word.




❥ Sweets || There's nothing better than pretty little cakes with the perfect amount of icing.
❥ Flying || Even though Celeste has only gotten to do it once or twice, it's exhilarating!
❥ Painting || Celeste has always enjoyed watercolor painting. She likes to do it when she feels especially inspired.
❥ Gardens || The palace gardens are the only place that she could go into alone.



⌦ Balls || They're so long and tiresome, while Celeste does enjoy dancing, she doesn't like the politics involved.
⌦ Hate || An angel's true enemy.
⌦ Demons || They're responsible for this hate.

Twirl || When she's happy, Celeste will do pirouettes across the floor.
Nail bite || When concentrating very hard, Celeste will bite her thumb nail on her none dominant hand. A terrible habit that her parents have been trying to get her out of for years, but have never succeeded.
Singing || In the halls, in the bathroom, while painting, while working. She sings at every opportunity that comes her way. It's quite an annoying habit, but it's undoubtedly not the worst either.


Lies || Princess Celeste cannot tell a lie for the life of her.
Chocolate || Sweets in general really, she isn't allowed to eat much of them and so she covets each bite.
Warmth || The princess is prone to getting very cold and so you can normally see her wearing long sleeves.
Stuffed toys || A fan of all things cute, it's very typical for someone like her to become so easily distracted.

Memory || Celeste has quite the stellar memory, she can remember even the most obscure details.
Painting || She's quite the artist, she makes all of the paintings in her room by hand.
Resilience || When life knocks her down, Celeste will get right back up.
Ability ||All angels are blessed with a gift aside from the light they naturally bore in their bodies. While Celeste isn't particularly good, she does have it and it makes others think of her as strong.

Darkness || Not the darkness so much as those that douse themselves in it.
Loss || She fears losing her family for good.
Fire ||Especially that in great amounts.



Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!




Heaven's Capital City: Eden

{☛ ⒻⒶⓂⒾⓁⓎ ☚}
Queen Callisto Angeal || Mother || Alive
King Zadkiel Angeal || Father || Alive
Prince Micheal Angeal || Eldest brother || Alive
Prince Gabriel Angeal || Second eldest || Alive
Prince Raphael Angeal || Third eldest || Alive
Princess Mizuki Angeal || Eldest sister || Alive

Princess Celeste's birth was an occasion to celebrate, throughout the pregnancy, the Queen had faced difficulties, unknowing that she was bearing a child and fighting on the battle field. It was in the middle of a landmark victory that the Queen Callisto went into labor and had her infant daughter right there. Far too small with featherless wings that would soon come in the same glossy white as the rest of her family. It was in that moment that Callisto and Zadkiel decided their youngest daughter would never see the troubles of war. They bundled her in a blanket and shielded her in armor before taking the little princess to the newly restored palace in the Capital City of Heaven, Eden.

Her family received her warmly, her older brothers becoming fiercely protective and the once youngest sister ecstatic to have a sister instead of brutish brothers that didn't understand her. It was an instant bond and the two sisters became close. While their older brothers learned skills such as strategy and fencing, Mizuki took up archery and trained to shoot flaming arrows with her light gift. Celeste on other hand was no good with weapons and more likely to hurt herself than others, so she was not allowed to take up such dangerous things. Her light gift, shape shifting, was something that she practiced often, but again, Celeste did not come anywhere close to her older siblings. In the end, she stuck to more girlish activities like painting and dancing. The Princess's watercolors became a coveted gift in the noble households and getting one was the equivalent of earning a hand in the ring to contest for the Princess's love.

Not that Celeste thought about any of those things. The little Princess was spoiled rotten and her family had no qualms with treating her as a stuffed animal. For the most part, Celeste had a peaceful life. She used to be allowed to stroll through the streets of Eden until one night, she was taking a moonlit stroll to pick up more paints when she was attacked by a demon. He tried to steal the Princess away, to take her to their realm where he could sell her for a pretty penny. They had only gotten to the border when her brothers and sister came charging after him, having been alerted by their sister's disappearance. Since then, Celeste has not been allowed to leave the castle. She spends her days, sitting and painting in the garden, or taking lessons in the ballroom, but longs to see the outside. She had no idea that her wish would come true in the most unusual way.

{☛ ⓄⓉⒽⒺⓇ ☚}


So begins...

Celeste's Story


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Today is the day, the day the portal is closed, tonight at midnight, so this is their last chance. However, Callisto wasn't fully healed yet, she was still weak, she still needed more time, time that they didn't have. So the Council was hard at work, because they had a plan. "If this powerful healing magic exists, we need it." Morgana said to everyone in Eden as they prepared to head into the Flowersea. "To survive against the demons, against Satan, to protect ourselves, this healing magic is essential. So we have to take it for ourselves and control it, and for that, we need a source." King Gabriel stepped up to the podium them, trying to be as resolute as possible in his determination. "The demons stole the blood sample, so Lilim has no choice but to stay on the Altar." He announced and Morgana shook her head as if it was a horrible tragedy. "Her sacrifice will be recorded, as the one that suffers eternally to fuel the magic that will save us."

The plan was to study the Altar and find a way to move it, to bring it through the tunnel at the same time as they brought over as many samples of the dirt and the flowers as they could, to bring the magic of the Flowersea over. Last night they had worked very hard to study and experiment on the Altar, and after a while the demon's screams were too loud so they cast a charm to silence her, threatening Prince Raphael with sealing his powers if he tried to disrupt their work. "We're trying to save Queen Callisto so that King Gabriel won't be an orphan." Morgana explained sadly. "We only want to save people, so please understand." The council got to work as the lust demon thrashed and cried against the cursed chains, against Liandry's Torment, the chain was used to torture one of the first Angel Queens, Liandry, until she went insane and killed herself.

Even if it wasn't for the Council's meddling, Lilim was already weakening fast. Her spirit was strong for the first few days but after the pain she had with the extra people during the Zodiac Meeting, it only worsened from there. She couldn't really joke much, she didn't have the strength to do anything but suffer and shake and stare at Raphael. But still she held on, only because she knew there would be an end, soon she would be free. Until, of course, the Council started making their visits. "You have a grand purpose." Morgana said, looking deeply into her pained, agonized eyes that were hazy at the edges. "You'll get to cure all the angels of the Light Disease, it'll all be thanks to you." But Gabriel, he would come, he would put a stop to this, right? "We're acting on the new King's orders." Morgana said with a regretful smile, and Lilim snapped, she knew that she wouldn't ever be freed from the Altar, she wasn't able to pretend to be strong anymore, so she broke down, the light in her eyes fading as she spiraled into despair and hopelessness.

As all this was going on, morning broke in Hell, and Kitra, thinking Gabriel had everything under control, was doing her best not to worry. She was too far away to help, and she wasn't going to, either, because she had Celeste to take care of. Breakfast was prepared, the chefs made a crude sort of tofu because they weren't sure how to make it just yet, but they tried their best. Beside the breakfast was a light pill. Kitra, of course, had her mothwing sandwich to enjoy. "Good morning." Kitra almost sand it, looking at her Celty with love in her eyes. "Let's try to get you walking today, you can lean on me, I'll support you." Walking would help with the healing process, according to Ryker.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

If anything went against the plan to release Lilim, then Finn would step in. While Celeste used to be ignorant of the people of her country, she wasn't stupid by any means of the imagination. Ever since she had returned from the Flower Sea, she had a niggling feeling that the council would try to do something rash. That was where Finn came in, he had stolen the real sample of Maya's blood and once the coast was clear, he would spill it onto the seal that would release Lilim. The opportunity came almost too soon. Pretending to assist in the moving of the altar, Finn released the blood on the seal, the vial breaking open. He stumbled backwards and escaped quickly, so as not to look guilty by pretending he had been called over to assist in something else, the moving of Queen Callisto. With Lilim freed, hopefully she would make her escape with Raphael and the two would move into hiding or come to Hell to assist in taking down Satan.

Celeste, in the meantime, had just woken up to the terrible pain in her side. "Morning," she yawned as a kiss was placed on her cheek. Breakfast smelled, strange. Her stomach squelched at the thought of eating what looked like a dead bug smothered in some sort of sauce with eggs. She feigned a smile and took a bite, trying to politely get it down, but the texture was so slimy that it made Celeste vomit. Thank goodness there had been a bucket beside the bed. "Sorry, I guess I'm still too weak to eat," she said instead, because the chef was still standing there, watching them. Celeste gave him an apologetic smile and he took the tray, leaving her with tea. "Walking sounds like a good idea," Celeste nodded and tried to stand, gasping in pain as her knees wobbled. Thank goodness Kitra was there to assist her, otherwise she would have fallen over completely.

Celeste leaned on her, groaning as she limped a lap around the room. "I think it's getting better," Celeste said bravely, feeling the pain in her chest that meant she may have told a lie. "Ah, it hurts," Celeste took in a breath, her wings fluttering. She changed them out quickly to get rid of the extra weight, her tail curled painfully around her leg. "N-need to sit," Celeste panted, she couldn't stand on her feet any longer, the pain in her side was too great. Celeste took a few sips of tea, "I wonder how it went," she mused, unknowing of the corruption that was happening in Heaven at the moment. It was a good thing that Celeste had left, had she stayed, the council would surely have tried to use her as a puppet as well, working her rebirth into their plan. Gabriel was planning to keep Celeste secret from them, he didn't need them to have one more thing to hold against him.

"I'm sorry, I'm holding us back." Celeste said as she knit at the stitch in her side with her fist, trying to make it lessen without the use of pain medicine. Who knows what she had said so far on that stuff and Celeste didn't want any more incidents, she would only take it if she needed to.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

While Kitra didn't really mind meals made from the little people could scrounge up in Hell, and while Cambion's decision on having Hell rely on itself wasn't in itself horrible... weren't there smarter ways to go about things? "Why did Cambion ever stop the thievery project anyway?" Kitra asked the chef, who just shrugged. "He didn't approve of stealing." Even though Obsidian always had an excess of food, it was such a joke. "Don't worry, the shipment should arrive today." Shipment? Of what, exactly? The chef smiled at her then, not minding that Celeste had gotten sick, even apologizing for it. "Sir Gremory has a lighthouse in Hell, he'll be transporting as many vegetables as he can here. That's how we've survived the past four months, it was his help, from his garden." Imported Heaven plants modified and charmed to survive in Hell's conditions... "I'll make a salad befitting of angels for you by then, Princess."

With that settled, Kitra finished her mothwing sandwich, it was considered a delicacy only the richest of demons could afford. "Bugs aren't for everyone I guess." She shrugged. It was probably her inner spider that made her savor the little juicy things so much. Celty seemed to agree that walking was the best idea, and so the plan was to make it around the room for today. "If you do good, I'll carry you to the Dragon's nest. I even have the bag of treats, and Sunny's going to need a light pill, too." Recovery was going to be a slow process, but if all things went well, Celty would be up and at them soon. All because of those stupid Fallen getting in the way. Oh how Kitra wished she was with Minerva on the front lines right now.

Even with her support it seemed Celty wasn't able to walk very far, so the angel was allowed to lay back down. "Easy does it, a little progress at a time, you did well." The spider leaned in above Celeste and planted a soft gentle kiss right on those little pink lips, nothing but affection in her ambery eyes. "They'll be fine, Gabriel's smart, he knows what he's doing." She had no idea how badly Gabriel had lost control, but luckily Finn and Ami and Celeste's behest were on the case, not letting Lilim suffer any more than she already had. "You don't have to apologize, you did well, I couldn't help at all because we were in the sky." Spiders were best on the ground rather than at the mercy of the air. "I'm sorry for not protecting you from the hit, Celeste."

They rested enough, they had business now with two scaly friends, one of which kept thumping his still short tail against the bars of the window, poking his head in every few minutes eagerly, wanting attention. "We'll be right there, Sunny, just be gentle with her, okay?" They could also see Skyla's green eye staring lazily through the window before closing again. With Celty suspended in tentacles, Kitra took the both of them to the Dragon's Nest to go see their adorable pets. "Sunny, don't, I said be careful!" Kitra warned as the baby tried to tackle into Celeste with enthusiasm. At this very moment, Raphael had grabbed a limp and trembling Lilim, flying quickly through the portal, with a certain fiery destination in place for the both of them to hide, now that he was most likely considered an exile, an outlaw, for helping a demon, even if Lilim was really more of a half breed than anything.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

"Even though we had the food, I don't think the farmers much appreciated all of the thievery." Celeste scratched at the back of her head, wondering if Kitra understood what she was getting at. "Growing plants is how they make their money to survive, so when people steal the plants that they need to sell to other places in Heaven, how is a farmer supposed to make their money?" Did Kitra see the point in why it was important to stop the stealing of goods? Sure, Heaven had more than enough food to go around, but they were very much willing to share and all the demons had to do was ask. Instead they crossed the border of their own accord and took what they wanted. She wondered how those children were doing, how they were adapting to darkness pills and the no meat diet. Kitra must have liked being back so that she could eat as much meat as she pleased, even though to Celeste it was repulsive. The thought of putting animal flesh in her mouth made her want to throw up more and she sipped more tea to keep her light pill down.

Walking was agonizing, they took it slowly, one step at a time, but even so Celeste was having trouble. She felt weak and useless, she wanted to do something to help but like this all Celeste could do was wait to heal. How impatient she was for the wound in her side to fix itself so that she might have the chance to help defend her brother and what the council was trying to steal, as well as protect Hell with Kitra, to keep it out of Satan's reach. Kitra was saying that she did well, that Gabriel would keep things under control but Kitra didn't know the council the way that Celeste did, how tricky they could be when it came to laws and equal power. Why, if she were Queen, the first thing she would abolish was the council that manipulated the king from the shadows, making him dance to the strings they tugged.

"I'm sure Sunny is anxious to get out," after Kitra helped Celeste into her jacket, the two of them made their way to the dragon nest, Kitra carrying Celeste really as the angel couldn't move too much, lest she wanted to open her stitches. "Thanks for carrying me," Celeste murmured as she was settled on the nest floor. Sunny came bounding over almost instantly and thankfully Kitra intercepted his trying to jump straight onto her bad side.
"Hey Sunny,"
Celeste said to the over excited dragon and gave him a light pill mixed with a treat. He gobbled it right up, not seeming to notice the taste of it. "Good boy, now, who's ready for some training?" Celeste wasn't sure if she could get much training done, they could at least work on sit and stay.

"Ah, I'm going to need a lot more help today," she said sheepishly up to Kitra and scratched at the back o her head, wondering if she could truly train a dragon while sitting down. Especially one like Sunny that seemed to need an active partner. It was only until she was healed, then the two of them could run and jump and play to their heart's content.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

This was one of the reasons why angels and demons didn't get along, the food problem. Demons saw how much food the angels had and were upset, and thus stole when they were starving so that they had food to eat, and to live. Angel farmers, instead of understanding the desperation of the demons, instead decided to see them as violent and thieving, hating them for what they stole. It was like a cycle and hopefully this new generation would be the one to end all the hate, once and for all. "The demons would rather inconvenience angel farmers rather than watch their loves ones die due to a lack of food." Kitra said quietly, frowning. "It's not the best decision, but if we hunt too much meat, they'll go extinct, so we often are forced to rely on insects for sustenance." Sure, it was partially the demons fault for relying on magic circle technology so much, but that still didn't make it fair.

Sunny was a very bouncy, energetic dragon, and that was a bad mix with an owner with a very bad injury that would take days to heal. He wanted to go to Celeste, he didn't understand he was hurt, so Kitra had to get in the way, only to receive a snap and Kitra stared as her arm was now decorated with little indents where Sunny tried to bite. Skyla saw and let out a warning snort, a small puff of smoke coming from her nose, and Sunny recoiled in shame. "It's fine, it doesn't hurt, Skyla. Sunny just wanted to be with his mommy." So Skyla made another noise, as if communicating to Sunny that Celeste was injured and to be gentle with the tiny mother."Just focus on the easier tricks for now, you don't need me to tell you." Safe things like sit, stay, and maybe roll if Sunny could do it carefully.

Meanwhile, Kitra and Skyla had their own thing that they were going to do. Specifically, it was maintenance and upkeep on Skyla, making sure she was in optimal condition, as well as doing the measurements so that she could have her own set of armor for the war up ahead. Sure, Skyla might have her own old armor, but there was definitely an opportunity for an upgrade. Before the measurements was the grooming, though. "I know, Sky, you hate it, but don't you want to be cleaned? Sit still and don't - don't be sassy, don't make that face at me." In the end Skyla just shut both her eyes and let Kitra use her spear as a brush, to scrape off any excess dirt, to help make those scales shiny and beautiful once more, a black sheen as dark as the night.

She also had to clip the nails, smooth the ears, rub the area right above the eyes, tend to the tongue, there was a lot of little things to do. She even tested the hardness of various parts of Skyla's body, particularly where Selene had injured her during the fire of Eden. "Nice and harder than before, your new scales are growing even better." There was a huffing growl from the Twilit Dragon, as if she was offended at all the praise, because of course hew new scales were coming in stronger than before. "Be lucky Sunny's so small, he won't be any trouble to clean for you yet, Celty." Kitra grumbled.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Celeste didn't want to talk about the food problem any longer, she knew that it would be an unending circle of blames and pointed fingers and at the moment she just wasn't in the mood. Instead, Celeste allowed Kitra to lower her to the ground, Sunny bounding over instantly. "No Sunny, don't bite Kitra!" Celeste scolded and looked at the wound. "Is it alright?" She turned Kitra's arm gently to look at it. "You're bleeding," Skyla said something to Sunny that made the little dragon recoil in shame. "Let me wrap it," Celeste gently wrapped the wound in some cloth, hoping that for now it would do. Kitra wanted to take this opportunity to clean Skyla and Celeste wondered if she should do the same for Sunny, who was chasing his tail and trying to set it on fire. "Sunny, come here," as per usual, the dragon didn't listen. The angel sighed, her bone structure changing slightly and horns sprouting from her head. When she opened her eyes once more, they glowed with rings of gold.

"Sunny, come here." The dragon obeyed his surrogate mother, bounding back over and forgetting about his tail an fire. "Sunny, stay." He froze in his tracks, Celeste held out a treat and he came to lick it out of her palm. "Good boy," sitting in the snow was making her butt all wet, but it was fine, she had to train Sunny, she couldn't just take off because she had been stabbed. "You're such a good boy, you're doing so well," if dragons could smile, Sunny surely would be. He licked her face and his tail waggled excitedly. "Let's try a new one, okay?" The dragon yipped in response, he was ready to move on, to keep learning, to be a good boy. "Roll over," his expression was suddenly blank, then overcome with confusion. How did Celeste teach him this one if she couldn't demonstrate?

"Come on Sunny, be a good boy and roll over." Sunny sat down instead, scratching behind his ear. "Alright, I guess this one will take some time." She tried doing a demo with a stick and Sunny got about half way there before he went growling and pawing at a spot in the ground that had some shiny pieces of snow. Once that was thoroughly trampled, the dragon returned, as did Kitra who had finished doing her maintenance on Skyla. "Do you have to give dragons baths?" Celeste inquired aloud. Would Sunny need to be bathed? Did dragons have a certain smell? Celeste wasn't sure, her nose was also too stuffed to be able to smell if Sunny was still scented with embryonic fluid.

Her last result to get Sunny to do the trick was to physically roll the dragon in the snow, but this seemed to be a very bad idea as her side began to hurt and she moaned in pain. Sunny instantly stood up and went to investigate, nudging his head against her arm. "It's okay, I'm fine," she soothed him, but the dragon cooed, making an unconvinced sound. Skyla huffed, it seemed that the two dragons were conversing. "Do you think that's enough for today?" Celeste asked, her eyes turning back to their normal crimson. "Sunny seems to be picking up sit, stay, and come, but I can't really show him what roll over looks like so it sort of just confuses him." The poor boy had seemed dazed trying to figure out what roll over meant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

The bite didn't really hurt that much, Kitra had felt much worse before, on many occasions. Compared to what she was used to, the little puncture holes weren't really anything to worry about. Just a little antiseptic and she'd be perfectly fine. "I'm okay, really, you're the one that's worse off here." Kitra gestured at the spear wound but allowed Celeste to wrap up the bite if it made her happy. "Thanks, Celty, you really take care of me." It'd be nice if by some chance, Kitra could be useful for Celeste too. There was a way, and that was in dragon training! Kitra was the best of it, ever since Furfur died, Kitra took care of them, and now all the dragons loved her. While she cleaned Skyla she watched Celeste try to teach Sunny tricks, specifically having trouble with roll over.

"It'll be easier once you're healed up then." Kitra said. Skyla just wanted sleep now, and Sunny looked almost sad that he couldn't do the trick, as well as the fact that Celeste was injured and he didn't know what to do about it to make it better. "It's okay, Sunny, you'll get it eventually." The dragon tamer reassured the little pup and then lifted Celeste up with her tentacles. "Let's go back in, you're in pain." So they waved goodbye to the dragons and - wait, what was that she saw, way up in the distance? Those angel wings, even from super far away, were definitely someone she recognized. "Raphael." Kitra breathed a sigh of relief. "So they're on their way here now, him and Lilim. Gabriel's plan must have worked." But it was really Celeste's plan, not Gabriel's at all.

So they waited to greet their two siblings, but when Raphael finally made it, it was obvious things weren't as well as they seemed. "King Cambion, Kitra, someone, I need help." Raphael cried, he was stressed, he was afraid, Lilim was shaking and whimpering as if she was still suffering, as if she was still in pain. Raphael had already dispelled the muting charm, but Lilim was still hurting and he didn't know why. "Prepare a room in the medical ward." Cambion said and so they did, even though there wasn't a doctor here, not since Ryker left. Minerva and Murmur were both fighting against Satan's forced in the Ephidel Pass, and they were uncomfortably close to the Sloth Tribe.

"Lil, talk to me." Her little sister pushed her away, thrashing, clawing at anything she could. "Please help her." Raphael pleaded helplessly but Kitra had no idea what was happening, had no idea how to fix it. "You're not on the Altar anymore, you're safe, it's okay. You won't be hurt anymore, you did well." But the succubus was still struggling, crying, they had to strap her down before she took out an eye. What was happening was that Lilim's brain still thought she was still restrained by Liandry's Torment, because she went into plenty of hallucinations that turned out to be fake, the girl wasn't willing to be tricked again, only to get her hopes up and still be suffering on the Altar. "Out." She panted, a strangled squeak. "Let... out! Don't... want..." Raphael was crying, trying to hold her, but it wasn't helping. As this was going on, one servant of Hell looked at the scene and then nudged his servant friend. "Queen Kitra, who would have thought she would be with an angel." The other servant chuckled, trying to not be disturbed by Princess Lilim's outbursts. "I totally expected Queen Kitra and General Minerva to end up together."


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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Celeste could sense the light before her brother had gotten into view. She watched the sky, being held gently in Kitra's embrace while she searched and saw it, the glimpse of a feather. Her brother was coming in to a fast landing, cradling a thrashing form against him. "Is that them?" Celeste asked, wondering if it was too good to be true. When Raphael landed, it was evident that something was very, very wrong. Together the four of them rushed off to the med ward, where Lilim was promptly strapped down. What could be done for her? The half angel half demon was so busy thrashing and screaming she didn't seem to notice that she was no longer on the altar, either that or he was too far gone to notice the difference. Celeste's heart sunk, had she been too late? Had the altar already broken Lilim, making the half breed think that she would never be coming back?

Celeste sunk into a chair, she couldn't depend on Kitra's tentacles to hold her up all day and night. They spoke in hushed voices, except for Raphael who was desperately trying to make Lilim see sense, to see the fact that she was no longer on the altar. "Finn," Celeste spoke up. She swallowed hard, "When I went catatonic, Finn had Kitra go into my head. Maybe he can do the same for Lilim?" The only problem was that Finn was back in Heaven, pretending to be on the side of the council. "Gabriel's doing bad things Celeste," Raphael shook as he stood upright, it clearly pained him to realize he could do nothing for Lilim at the moment. "He was going to let the council use Lilim as a sacrifice to cure all of the angels with light disease." Celeste's eyes widened, as someone who had been cured of the light illness, she knew that it was by pure miracle it had happened at all. For the council to force that onto Lilim wasn't right.

"Why wasn't Gabriel letting her out?" Celeste urged and Raphael shook his head. "Morgana's got her hooks locked into him already, I think they tried to threaten Mother." The angel gasped, Cambion wanted a word with Raphel. If the council truly was trying to manipulate Gabriel, they could target Hell. Or worse, work together with Satan to bring down everything Hell was working so hard to rebuild. Celeste sat quietly, at least until she heard whispers behind her. So the people thought that Kitra would have gotten together with Minerva? Her tail flicked introspectively, she was still using them to keep the weight of her wings and the urge to fly off of her shoulders. Was Celeste's theory true by way in which Kitra had, had... operations with Minerva? The thought made her squirm, it wasn't as though Kitra had ever lied and said she had never done it. It made sense, actually, as to why Kitra knew how to... to make Celeste blush just thinking about it.

Celeste reached out to touch Lilim's palm. "It'll be okay," she said quietly, "everything will be alright. You're safe here Lilim, even if you don't think it, you're safe." The council couldn't sink their teeth into Lilim, they couldn't use her as a sacrifice. Little did they know, Gabriel had dragged Oz out of prison. The scum of Thanos had used up his time and usefulness, it was time for him to be put to work and the council agreed. In a way, he was glad that Oz would get what he deserved and was relieved that Lilim had gotten away. This corrupted soul wasn't so fortunate.


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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Three tentacles, two for Lilim's too-thin wrists, one for each of her legs, keeping her down so she couldn't hurt anyone, couldn't hurt herself in her desperate attempts to make the pain stop. Words weren't reaching her, nothing was really working, and Ktira was tempted to just knock her out to end it already but then she'd have to stay here and wait for Lilim to wake up in order to keep her retrained again, not to mention she could accidentally do bad damage, considering the force of the half breed's struggles. "She isn't listening." Kitra hissed, staring down at her broken sister. "I don't - I don't think she can hear us anymore." Raphael was crestfallen, he didn't know what to do anymore, he was wringing his hands, and Celeste didn't look all that happy either. Cambion tapped the angel's shoulder, looking him in the eye. "We need to know what's happening in Heaven, and if there's anything we can do to help." Even with all this craziness, Cambion owed a lot to the Angeals, and he was going to pay them back in full.

Celeste had a possible suggestion to the predicament, Finn could help, if he put Lilim to sleep and then put Raphael into her head to try and make her see sense, perhaps that would work. Kitra knew first hand how effective Finn's powers could be, back when Celty was still recovering from Valafar, Kitra was forced to go in and save her, to bring her back to the world of sense. "If we could get Finn here, somehow..." Raphael told them about what Gabriel's been doing and that made the spider's head itch. No, something was very very wrong here. "It's not Gabriel, he wouldn't do this." She gestured angrily at Lilim, there was no way Gabriel would let this happen without good reason. If Callisto was being threatened... that would explain it.

Too focused on Lilim, Kitra didn't hear the rumors - but they didn't really count as rumors because in a way, they were real. Back when Kitra and Minerva were a well known - well, they were never a couple, it was always casual - but back then, lots of people just assumed Minerva would get Kitra pregnant one day by accident and they'd be forced to marry as a result, as per the law, if a consensual pair makes a child, they're obliged to marry so the child has two parents. "We can't spare soldiers." Cambion muttered unhappily. "Not with Satan trying to break through our defenses. However..."

And then he made a bit of a smile then. "If I make Kitra Queen again, she could go to Heaven with her old authority, and she has to know more about politics than I do." While Kitra thirsted for the title of Queen once again, she wasn't sure if that strategy would work. "I'm not bringing Celeste to Heaven, and I'm not going there without her." And then suddenly, she had an idea, while Celeste kept on comforting Lilim, who was whimpering and pleading to be set free, to not be sacrificed. "You could go Cambion, if you teamed up with Ami, since you and Finn both have sleep powers, you might be able to solve things." The tired and lazy demon then looked at Raphael, as if worried that he wouldn't be enough for the task, but he wasn't a fighter, he wasn't of much use in Hell, but if he could play the politics game, perhaps Cambion could help find out what's happening with Gabriel.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Celeste hummed softly, trying to sing Lilim a comforting song while the others spoke. The angel knew nothing of politics, she never learned how to deal with this sort of situation and so she decided it would be best if she stayed out of it. Celeste had already done her part in getting Lilim out. It was now up to them, the Queen, the current King, and Raphael, who was technically second in line should anything happen to Gabriel. He even had the ring to prove it, although hopefully he would never have to use it. In the meantime, Celeste was just trying to work on Lilim, to bring her back to them. It may seem hopeless, but there was no point in giving up if you never even tried. "Hush now, my baby," Celeste wasn't sure why she thought of that song, but she thought it to be calming, something her mother had sung to her while she was little and afraid of the dark. The angel was still afraid of the dark, but she just needed to think of the song her mother had sang to her and it would be alright.

"Be still now don't cry, sleep as you're rocked by the stream." Celeste brushed a strand of Lilim's hair out of her face. Raphael was staring at the two, at Lilim's pinned down limbs and he bit his lip, probably wondering if doing something lewd would bring Lilim back to them, since that's what kept her lucid on the altar. "Sleep and remember, my last lullaby." Celeste squeezed Lilim's hand comfortingly. "That song," Raphael had gone quiet, Kitra and Cambion were discussing their being King and Queen. "Mother used to sing that to us," Celeste smile gently with a nod. "Mama would sing it to me all the time, that one and the one about being brave." Almost instantly the siblings together went into their Mother's rendition of an Obsidian song. "I whistle a happy tune and every single time, the happiness in the tune, convinces me that I'm not afraid!"

Were they getting through to Lilim? Celeste could only hope so. She couldn't tell if Lilim was struggling as hard since Kitra's tentacles were holding her down tightly, hopefully her grip was strong enough to keep Lilim from hurting herself. Celeste just wanted Lilim to be alright, she wanted her Mother to be okay, she wanted Gabriel to be fine. "We've already suffered enough tragedy, we don't need to lose you too, come back to us Lilim." Did her words reach her? Probably not. They would most likely need Finn if they ever wanted to lay their eyes on the true Lilim, the one that wasn't broken and cried out over the smallest of things. A gentle touch, whispered words of love, Raphael was now the one singing softly to Lilim.

"Gabriel probably needs us," Celeste hugged herself, leaning back in her seat. "He probably feels like we all abandoned him, considering we did just up and go." Well, he had ordered Celeste and Kitra to leave out of their own safety. Lilim and Raphael had only fled because the council wanted to use Lilim for the Flowersea. By now they were probably rounding up the sick and dying and were shoving them through whatever portal remained to heal them all.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Which side needed the help more? Hell was having trouble, Satan was slowly making progress, pushing hard and strong towards the Onyx Citadel. If he got to their capital, it was game over, they couldn't let that happen, they had to stop him at the Sloth Village before it was too late. However, there wasn't even a hint of order in Heaven anymore, Gabriel was completely under Morgana's control. While for now Morgana was probably reorganizing things to fit her, if they took too long Gabriel might give up hope, he might lose any modicum of control. "Things are going to get worse fast, without us there to protect the people from her." Raphael was very unhappy. "Morgana and the rest of the Council..." He slammed his hand at the wall, grimacing. "Dammit, this is terrible, everything's gone wrong ever since -" But then he looked at Celeste and realized. "...No, we had to go to the Flowersea, in the end, it'll all be worth it, right?"

But Hell was in need as well, Hell wasn't winning the war by any means. "Satan's armies are really hard to fight against." Cambion admitted, trying not to yawn because he didn't get his daily nap in like he wanted. "Especially that Maya, her powers means no matter where our army goes, she can always make their army come and hit our weak point, no matter what Minerva and Murmur try." He struggled for a moment then looked at Raphael, since there were too many people that needed help at once. "We can't be in two places at once." Kitra muttered, holding Celeste close while Lilim whimpered on her bed. Celeste was singing and they could hardly hear it over the tension in the room. "We need you here, sister." Cambion admitted, looking down. "But Heaven needs you too."

Well, for now, there was no point trying to come to a decision. They had to tasks to do at the moment, two very important jobs that they had to do. First of all, they needed Celeste to heal and be better. Second, they needed Lilim back in working order, so that she could be pain free once again, so she could be her old blunt silly self again. Before either of these happened, they wouldn't be able to help face off against Satan or Morgana. Late at night, Finn managed to give Kitra a message, and Kitra informed him of everything, so Finn had an idea. And so here they were. Kitra couldn't go into the dream because she was on holding-Lilim-down-duty, and Finn had a bad idea that Raphael wouldn't be able to handle Lilim's dream without crying and hating himself, so Celeste was the best option on fixing the half breed. "Here, the pain medicine, the drowsy version." Kitra murmured, handing one to Celeste who was lying on the bed in the med ward. "You know what to do once you're in, right?"

Lilim was in pain, and it wasn't stopping. No one was going to help her, in this room filled with black, there was nothing, just darkness because her brain gave up trying to understand the things her eyes were ending it, her ears, she couldn't hear, she couldn't move, nothing made sense because her brain was literally incapable of taking anything in, of understanding the signals her senses were sending. No, her brain was flooded with pain signals, so strong that it drowned everything out, her brain was falling behind just trying to process it, so she couldn't see the party happening around her, she couldn't hear the happy music playing. They couldn't sense her either, because Lilim felt as if her entire body, every square inch, was stabbed through and run through by chains that kept on grinding against one another and pulling and pulling inside of her, stretching until she couldn't be stretched more, and then stretching more anyways. Of course, since this was a dream, those chains actually were grinding and grinding at each other as they crisscrossed inside every part of her body.

Somewhere unfathomable, a hole opened in the dream to let someone in.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

It was decided that Celeste would be the one to go into the dream, that she would retrieve Lilim so that Kitra's little sister would know that she wasn't dreaming, that this was real. Raphael was needed with Cambion, Kitra was holding Lilim down, Celeste was the best available candidate, unable to do much physically thanks to her wound which was a giant pain in her side. Kitra carried her tenderly to the bed beside Lilim and lay her down. Celeste tried not to wriggle as Kitra injected the pain medicine into her, the drowsy kind. "Good luck," Celeste whispered, stealing a kiss from the girl she loved. Was it strange that one could be so enraptured by their partner? Celeste hoped not, because otherwise she might be going crazy. She fiddled with the bracelet along her wrist while waiting for the medicine to kick in. "Sort of, I've never done it before but Finn has explained the process." She just had to do for Lilim what Kitra had done for her. Easy... right?

If only they hadn't had to go to the Flower Sea, then none of this would have happened. If they hadn't though, both Celeste and Kitra would have died. She clutched the Libra marking on her hand. "It should be any second now," her words slurred, Celeste could feel it overtaking her. At first it was little nibbles at the edges of her mind that she could ignore, but then in one fell swoop it overcame her, making her head feel drowsy, like she was being pulled underneath the water. "Night.... night." Her red eyes disappeared behind porcelain lashes, her hair puffed ever so slightly from the way she was laying on her pillow. Celeste looked almost ethereal in sleep, even more so than when she was awake. At least asleep she couldn't start mischief.

It was like falling into a great big well, her body was out of her control, Celeste couldn't move as she soared through the darkness, falling deeper and deeper. So this was Lilim's mind? When she finally hit the bottom, Celeste cried out and rolled, unable to see three feet in front of her. Maybe she could shift? Her body changed slowly, limbs elongating, hair sprouting on her arms and her teeth becoming sharper. Like this Celeste could see in the dark, she could navigate the dark hallways that Lilim's brain had become. "I'm coming for you Lilim," she grunted in an animal language and set off towards finding her lover's little sister. "Lilim!" Celeste would call out every few feet, even if she knew that it wouldn't do much. Still, maybe if Lilim heard her she would realize and snap out of it. "Lilim!" The stench of flesh made her wrinkle her nose, Celeste bumped into something, an invisible wall.

She morphed back into a humanoid form, stepping through and reaching a bed. Even in the darkness, Celeste could see her outline. "Lilim," Celeste tried to coax gently. "Lilim, it's me, it's Celeste." She reached out for Lilim's hand, being ever so gently. "You're not on the altar anymore, you've been freed, come back to us. Raphael needs you, Kitra needs you." Well, mostly Raph since Lilim was basically the love of his life and the girl of his dreams.


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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

As the chains tore her body apart from the inside, she really couldn't do anything at all. Satan managed to last ten years on the Altar and he retained his mind, Liandry went insane and eventually was put down after three months on the altar, and Lilim, so weak, so pitiful, only lasted a week before her mind decided to stop making sense in a desperate attempt of self preservation. She didn't notice someone enter, someone navigating the pitch black darkness of the dreamy labyrinth, it was as if this person, whoever it was, was meant to be here, blending in with the rest of this seemingly endless nightmare. Still, just being in the dream let Celeste go through the brain's attempt of shutting everything out, since Finn placed Celty's mind on the subconscious level, a level that the brain couldn't fully block out. And so, that familiar, warm, nostalgic voice echoed in through the haze of misery.

Lilim was confused. For the first while there had been someone, a male, someone she loved and who loved her but at some point his touching, his words, they stopped coming through, she was abandoned. Why was there someone here, in this place where no one else existed? The voice seemed to wobble for a moment and then it was clear who it was, Celeste had come to visit. "How?" Lilim mumbled to herself as the chains ground against her bones. "Th-the... the portal's..." She glanced around, and it turned out there was no portal, none at all. This just didn't make sense, Celty couldn't have come from Hell somehow. And where was Raphael? In the end, one thing was clear. "This isn't real..." And the moment she realized that this wasn't real the girl waved her hand and rearranged the dream so that she could sit with Celty in a pink fluffy room, full of clouds and candy.

"Seeing as how I've gone insane on the Altar, at least I finally am free from the pain." She giggled to herself, but it was a haunted sort of giggle, almost a begging giggle. "This isn't just some dream? I'm actually insane? Because if it's a dream, please don't make me wake up and go back, okay, Fake Celeste?" Usually in dreams when someone was there it was a representation of some part of the dreamer's mind, she read it in a book about sleep-based-runology a while ago. "My body is on the altar, but my mind is free to do as she wishes!" And so she summoned tea out of nowhere and offered it to the fake Celeste. "I miss you, real Celeste. You too, Kitty. I hope you two are doing okay in Hell, even though I can never go back." It was okay to cry in front of hallucinations because in the end, hallucinations were just a part of you, after all.

At the Hotel Loupelle, there was a strange incident no one could really expect. Yet here it was, the new King of Heaven, standing in front of Pellais, in front of Renais, with a grave look on his face, surrounded by his guards, Selene among them looking very confused, since she thought Heaven was on good terms with the hotel. "You're all under arrest, effective immediately." Gabriel said, the puppet dancing to Morgana's tune. "For harboring demons in what is technically Heaven's territory, and I'll have you know, that this can be punishable by death." His tone went quiet. "Because this can be seen as treason." Every word hurt to say yet he had to, if he wanted to save his father. "Please surrender peacefully."


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Celeste's eyes widened as they adjusted, looking at the scene. Lilim was covered in blood, chains winding their way most every direction through the half blood's body. "Lilim!" Celeste turned her hands into claws, trying to break Lilim free. "Lilim, listen to me, this isn't real." Celeste spoke, getting right down to business. "You're dreaming, you're free, please Lilim, please wake up." Celeste's hands trembled as she tugged and pulled at the endless metal, her hands covered in grime and Lilim's plasma. What sort of self preservation was this? Some part in the back of Celeste's mind was reminded of her own catatonic state, when she had been chained and bound in her mind and had her wings torn off again and again, but it wasn't real and in the end it was Kitra who had brought her out of it. Albeit that was before the two girls were in love and Kitra had hardly been gentle.

Celeste was much softer, she could not afford to be unkind because she didn't know if that would make Lilim withdraw further. "Lilim, we're all waiting for you." Celeste said, her voice hardly loud enough to be heard over the din of rattling chains. Lilim's mind seemed to amble forward, realizing that Celeste was there and for a moment Celeste had hope that Lilim realized that she was real and not a fictional character, at least until the giggling began. An empty, haunted sort of giggle that contained no excitement nor real laughter. "Lil?" Celeste questioned as she was lifted from the ground, the dark chamber turning into something pink and frilly. No, things were going in the wrong direction, if anything Lilim was falling deeper into her own pit of insanity, she was digging her hole deeper than both of them.

"Lilim, this room isn't real, but I am." Celeste placed a hand on her chest, "I was sent here by the others to bring you back." Lilim didn't seem to be listening though, she was too busy building them a room of fluffy clouds and candy. Almost instantly Celeste was pushed into a pink pile of fairy floss, the pain in her side throbbing, even within the dream. That's right, maybe she could show it to Lilim and make her realize that this was real, not some fake Celeste who had come to comfort her. "Lilim, you're no longer on the altar, you've been freed. Raphael, he freed you using Maya's blood." It was Finn really, but Celeste would allow Raphael to be Lilim's knight in shining armor as he had been the one to stay with her this entire time.

Celeste stood and slowly walked over. She wrapped her arms around Lilm, pressing the two of them close. "Please Lilim, please, come back home." A terrible thought struck through her mind, Celeste was vulnerable in this state. Like this, Lilim could do whatever she pleased to the angel without having to worry about consequences. "Lilim, I'm real, I'm here to bring you home. So please, wake up." She squeezed harder, closing the space between them so that Lilim had no way out.


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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

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|| Manic || Plumb ||

Yes, Lilim decided, she liked the pink room so much more than the darkness and the chains. It was good to be in a dream when reality was hard, that was the whole point. So Lilim smiled at Celeste, offering her tea because in a dream, you could do whatever you wanted, and one thing she wanted was to make food for Celeste and see that adorable little thing smile - disregarding that Celeste was, in fact, older, of course. "I know I'm dreaming, that's why I'm happy." Lilim smiled. It was probably pointless to explain it to a figment of her imagination, but why not? "The chain stops you from being able to sleep, it forces you to stay awake so that you can keep feeling the pain." The half breed explained without being mean about it. "But it doesn't stop insanity, it happened to the ancient Queen Liandry, didn't it?" So this was insanity, where she was free and happy.

But Celeste was still talking, saying things that didn't make sense and Lilim tilted her head, suddenly confused. "No, what? I like it here, please don't try and wake me up. I'm safe here, in this pink room." Lilim gestured at all the frills and stuffed animals, at all the happiness she could have here. Something didn't make sense here, it didn't make sense at all, something was wrong, and it probably had everything to do with her imagination spawning a Celty to talk to. Lil loved Celty, she did, but wouldn't Raphael make more sense for her imagination to create? "Someone stole it, Gabriel said so." The girl shook her head pointedly. "It was lost, I think the Council's up to something." She frowned a little but then shrugged. "But the sick kids will get to live, and I'm insane here, so everything's a-okay!"

Okay, so it was time then for the ultimate test because Celty still kept trying to wake her up, to bring her back to the real world. Also, the succubus couldn't think of what Celty was supposed to represent. What part of her mind wanted to wake up and go on suffering, it made no sense. "If you're my imagination, you'll jump right now." But instead of a jump, what happened was a hug, and that was when it all made sense. Celeste wasn't a fake, she was real, Finn had sent her in. "Am I really free?" She asked in a scared little voice. "Is it over? Do you promise?" She hugged Celeste back then. "I'm sorry for - for calling you fake, that was mean of me. Th-thank... you for coming. But where did Raphael find the blood?" So many questions... but almost as soon as Lilim realized she was free-

Clear honey colored eyes stared up, narrowing and tearing up expecting to feel pain, but then the realization hit her. Celeste was there, sleeping next to her, tentacles were holding her down, so Lilim decided to crack a smile. "Whoa, sis..." Her voice was painful and raw from screaming. "S-save the kinky tentacles for Celty there, hmm?" Kitra's amber eyes went wide and then she almost tackled Lilim in the bed. "You're safe, see, I told you, I told you, welcome back, Lilim, I'm sorry for not being able to rescue you sooner!" Raphael split off from his strategy talk with Cambion and the things he said to Lilim were so romantic that they're best kept private for the two of them to share. Kitra released Lilim then and planted a kiss right on Celeste's lips. "Thank you, Celeste."


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Celeste awoke similar to how one falls asleep, slowly at first, then all at once. She looked groggily around the room, her eyes taking in every detail before she realized that someone was awake on the bed beside her, that Lilim was up and looking more aware than she had in a very long time. "Good morning," Celeste smiled and was pounced on instantly. She received the kiss readily, tasting Kitra's lips far from the first time. Every time their lips met, it was as though fireworks went off in her head, doing a happy little dance that blinded her for mere seconds at a time. "Good morning to you too," she giggled as Kitra thanked her for bringing Lilim back. "Welcome home Lilim," Celeste sat up, the pain in her side wasn't as bad as normal and Celeste wondered if this too, was a sign of healing. Her smile was vivid as she tried to sit up, realizing that it was still far too quickly to do so.

"Thank you," Raphael pounced on Celeste, holding her tightly. "Thank you for saving her," he went back to Lilim, whispering sweet nothing's in her ear. "It was nothing," Celeste smiled, "I just had to convince her of what was already true." She winked, propped herself up on her elbows, and tried not to throw up from how much her head was spinning. The pain medicine was still in her system after all, it had only been an hour. "My lips feel like stars," she giggled, allowing the pain medicine to take over. Her hand hung limply over the bed as a fit of what felt like bubbles started up in her stomach, taking away the pain. Her eyes glittered, it was clear that Celeste was only slightly more present than Lilim had been an hour ago.

"I love sparkles," Celeste declared as she giggled like a madman. "Mhm, yum." Her stomach growled, all she had eaten today was a cup of tea after all. "I've heard Gremory is resupplying the green house today?" Raphael inquired, "perhaps it would be in our best interest to go and stock up on some plants of our own?" The two angels would need it as they wouldn't eat meat. Well, Celeste had before when she had been corrupted but she would never put another piece of animal in her mouth as long as she lived. Unless, of course, such animal was Kitra and the thought made her blush. "What's wrong?" Raphael asked, interrupting the redness for something having gone wrong. Celeste shook her head, suddenly feeling as though she was about to cry.

"Lavenders green dilly dilly," Celeste said instead, remembering one of the songs that their mother had taught them. "Lavenders blue," Raphael finished, singing the song to Lilim as he held her tenderly in his arms. "If you love me dilly, dilly, I will love you." His lips tickled her skin, his words hovering over her, meant just for the girl he loved.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Everyone was awake now, and things were finally starting to look up. Lilim looked exhausted though, it was clear she was going to need a long rest despite it all. "Awake for seven days, I need my beauty sleep!" The half breed cracked, already starting to slowly rebuild her old spirits, her love for making jokes at the worst times. Kitra, however, had a new problem, a very difficult problem indeed. A problem she couldn't deal with right now, with Celeste injured, far too injured for frisky things like achieving Heaven together. Watching Raphael whisper things to Lilim who whispered things back made Kitra realize how long it had been since she and Celeste really did anything at all. And that only made her even more sensitive down there, the heat was turning on, the spider squirmed, trying to make it go away, trying to be normal but - it was too late, her overly-perceptive lust demon of a sister realized and winked.

Celeste then talked about her lips feeling like stars, the pain medicine was making her loopy and Kitra's cheeks only got warmer and warmer. "Wait, what happened?" Raphael asked suddenly, as if he just realized it. "You were injured, Leste?" Lilim too was surprised, she didn't realize and looked almost guilty for needing a hurt girl to save her. "Y-yeah, Fallen tried to stop us, they hurt her. Raph, I'm sorry." Raphael shook his head, not blaming the greed demon in the least. "I know you, you did the best you could." He went over to Celeste's side then and Lilim frowned, twisting on her bed. "Sorry, Celty." She mumbled. "If it's old, I can't help, I can only heal recent wounds." She was a trauma doctor, not a after-two-days doctor!

A song was being sung then and Kitra's heat was only getting worse. She wasn't going to be able to take care of Celeste very well like this at all, she needed to tend to this problem before it got worse. "Just go, you're so useless, big sis." Lilim mocked and Raphael was confused until the lust demon pointed it out and then he just facepalmed, almost disappointed in the demon that only wanted to take care of silly little Celeste. "I - I'll be back, okay?" She was blushing furiously. "You'll pay for this later, Celty." Because this was all her fault, if she wasn't injured, they could be achieving great Heaven together right now already.

The battle over at Ephidel Pass was over, Satan had won, the army was pushed back, forced to defend Sloth Village, the last fort left before Satan's armies slammed into the Onyx Citadel. Minerva was taking a well needed break in her home and Kitra walked by with a very familiar look on her face. So, naturally, the butterfly followed her, catching up. "Kitra, you're in that mood again, aren't you?" Kitra grudgingly nodded, flustered. "I could use the relief too, we had a hard loss just now. Some nice-" But then her eyes widened and she shook her head. "No, you have Celeste, we shouldn't relieve ourselves." But Kitra was a demon, she was almost a slave to the desires of her monster side, and they wanted Minerva because Celeste was too sick to service her. "Let's do it." She said but then slapped herself, hard. "No, bad! Bad, we can't, I won't, I love her." Minnie had a teasing little grin on her face then. "You better not cheat, or I'll lose all respect for you, Queen Kitra."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

"S'okay," Celeste slurred, giggling. "Celty loves Kitty," even if it meant that the two couldn't achieve Heaven together for now, they could always fool around later. "Kitty looooves Celty too," Raphael's cheeks had gone red now. "Maybe it's best if someone moved Celeste upstairs?" Celeste giggled, she was already falling back asleep, the drowsiness taking over. "Celty and Kitty," she murmured, an arm draped over the side of the bed, the other over her eyes to block out the light so that she could sleep. Raphael closed the curtain, just in case. "Why don't I take you to your room?" He grinned, glad that his Lilim was back. His happiness was very much evident, it was clear that Raphael couldn't wait until she was back to herself. He didn't just love her for her... succubus side, Raphael loved every part of Lilim from her humor to the way she smiled.

Celeste was still giggling, half asleep. She had rolled onto her stomach, her tail swishing ever so slightly. "Sparkles," the angel murmured, curling up into a ball underneath the blanket. The wound wasn't as bad as before, it was healing quickly now. The pain had begun to ebb away and perhaps Celeste would be able to walk on her own in a day or two. "Kitty sparkles," Celeste pulled the blanket over her head, the curtain wafting slowly from the draft in the med ward. By now Celeste was fast asleep, her body aching and burning in a way that could only be relieved by the girl she loved. Thanks to Kitra's hints before, it was now stuck in her mind and Celeste fell into a very interesting sleep indeed, one that made her burn.

"Someone's been a bad girl," Celeste was dressed in nothing but an apron, cat tail flickering back and forth. "You'll need to be punished my cute little kitten," Kitra said, tightening the leash with a yank. Celeste's cheeks flushed pink. "Nya, if that's what Master wants," she was hauled onto the bed, Kitra's tentacles wrapping around her. Things after that were hazy, with Celeste begging Kitra for release. "Please Master," she mewled. "Celty's been a good girl," but Kitra continued to torture and tease, staying away from what the apron was covering. Her head spun as her breathing grew more rapid until finally it came and Celeste curled up against Kitra. It was her turn now, wasn't it?

When it was over, Celeste was curled up in Kitra's side, sticky, but happy. "Tomorrow I'll have to punish you more," Kitra sounded out of breath, but happy. Celeste was blushing, "but for now, you can rest." Kitra took the leash and used it to tie Celeste's wrists behind her. "Just in case," she winked, licking Celeste's chest. Celeste moaned, Kitra was already starting up their teasing game.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

When Kitra woke up in her room the next morning, she had a strange feeling. This feeling was only proven true when she heard the whisperings that stopped whenever she was around, from the servants, of course. "Did you see? Kitra cheated on Celeste with Minerva, it's such a scandal!" One servant whispered excitedly, as if they really were in need of excitement with Satan's armies pressing closer and closer to the Onyx Citadel each passing day. "I thought Kitra was more loyal, but now I just feel bad for Celeste, such a sweet girl." The worst was that the servants were all buying it, and the spider queen most definitely did not appreciate it. Last night, she and Minerva went to her room to talk strategy about the upcoming battle of Sloth Village, nothing kinky whatsoever happened! She wouldn't ever cheat on Celeste, Kitra would rather die first!

But as it was, Cambion was always popular with the servants and domestic demons because she preferred stability and peace over war. Kitra, on the other hand, had the favor of the military and the fighters, the people that went to war for the glory and excitement, for revenge and for honor. It wasn't a surprise that the servant class wasn't afraid to spread rumors. "Today's going to be a headache." Minerva admitted when she met Kitra about to enter the medical ward where Celeste had slept. "We don't really have time for silly rumors when a war is brewing on the horizon." But maybe that was exactly why they were gossiping. Too stressed about the unbeatable army growing ever closer, they wanted to distract themselves, and here it was, something fresh and exciting to talk about instead of the doomy gloomy silence of the dark stone halls.

Minerva went to prepare her army then and Kitra went to the medical ward. Lilim was already there, giving herself a check up with the few medical tools Ryker left behind for them to use. "Say aah." Lilim said with a playful smirk, then put a stick on her tongue and stared into the mirror. "Okay, this isn't working, but I'm probably okay." She still had dark circles under her eyes and was far too thin, her chest she was so proud of had shrunken by no small amount. "Good morning sis." Lilim said, almost coldly. "You know cheating's bad, right? A servant came in and exclaimed it all to us about an hour ago, shouldn't our servants be better behaved?" Raphael was almost incredulous as he shook his head. "You wouldn't, right?"

That was more than a little offensive. "Hell no, I'd never. I love Celty more than anything, she's mine." The half breed sighed as if Kitra was being a dense oblivious loserdunce. "Then don't go into other girl's rooms, moron, especially late at night." Was that the problem? What was so bad about that? "We were figuring out a strategy for the war, we always do it." But Lilim just walked over - limped really, on weak, unsteady legs - and poked her big shorter sister's nose. "You also used to go into her room to rub dirties together, how is anyone supposed to know the difference?" Both Raphael and Kitra blushed heavily at that and so the spider scowled and decided to just sit next to Celeste, next to the only one she loved.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

When Celeste awoke, there was nothing warm about the room she was in. She shivered underneath the blankets, discovering that the draft coming in from the winter air was frigid. She huddled underneath the blanket, the warm feeling from last night completely gone. Celeste sat up slowly, the pain in her side more of an ache today, which was better than what it had been before. She froze when she heard the whispers, servants stopping in the doorway to stare at her through the open curtain partition. "Did you hear? Minerva and Kitra were in the bedroom together last night?" Celeste felt a suspicion creeping down her spine, one that was neither good nor bad. It was the sneaking kind, the one that encompassed you whole and made your insides shake with fear and doubt. Kitra and Minerva? No, they weren't anything, that couldn't be true.

"Poor girl, another reason why angels and demons don't get along." Celeste shook her head, she wouldn't allow herself to be put off by this rumor, she would find out the truth from the girl she loved. Kitra herself had said that she and Minerva were nothing in the past, that they didn't like each other. Still, Celeste's heart hammered in her chest and she tried to stand. The angel cried out in pain, falling back onto the bed. "Princess!" A servant rushed to her side, it was surprising that they all knew it was her, her Lacie disguise didn't seem to faze them in the least bit. Perhaps because they knew that there really was no servant named Lacie?She shook her head, that wasn't important, not with this set of information that had been put before her. The chef from the day before came, carting a tray with tea and what looked to be a second attempt at breakfast.

"Thank you," she smiled kindly and forced herself to eat a few bites, feeling as though she was going to throw up. "It's delicious," it would have been if it didn't turn to ash in her mouth. She took a few sips of tea, Lilim and Raphael came in. "Morning," he nodded and Celeste tried to return it with a smile. "I don't think it's true," Raphael said almost instantly. "Kitra's crazy about you, she'd be more stupid than I thought to cheat on you with that demon." The door opened, speak of the devil, Kitra had arrived. "Morning," Celeste tried to be casual, she tried to remain herself as Kitra stepped in and Raphael almost immediately accused her.

"I knew you wouldn't," still though, Celeste had been worried. "You told me before that you and Minerva weren't anything, I believe you." Celeste tried to stand, but she was wobbly and fell back on her butt on the mattress. "Anyways, I think I'm doing a lot better than yesterday." Celeste wanted to get up and do something, she was tired of sitting around and it wasn't like she could paint without her painting supplies.