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a character in “Syzygy”, as played by The_Queen




❝A dream is a wish your heart makes. ❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| [url=SONGURL]songname || artist[/url] ||


Celeste Pandora Angeal

Celty || A term of endearment her older brothers dubbed her.
Princess || A respectful title used by the staff.
Lyra || In tune with the instrument, the lyre is a small sort of harpsichord that makes a lovely sound when plucked.

{☛ ⒶⒼⒺ ☚}


Alyss Baskerville || Pandora Hearts

❝People are not rain or snow or autumn leaves, they do not look beautiful when they fall.❞


{☛ ⒽⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}
The perfect height.

{☛ ⓌⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}
She could do to gain a pound or two.

Her hair is a technicolor mess of vibrant shades.

Her eyes are a beautiful rose red.

She has no piercings on her body, not even her ears. There are no visible scars on the Princess's body, she's been kept very sheltered.


Eyes the color of red roses, hair a starch, snowy white. It was the color that most angels were associated with and none had as pure a hair color as she. Celeste has been sheltered her entire life, allowed to only live within the confines of her home. After all, it was dangerous out there, in a place where demons could lurk around the corners, where hate was spewed and people chanted for both war and peace.
Her wings are large and feathery white, they reflect the colors of the world around them, vibrant and shimmering. Of course, Celeste has only used her wings once or twice. She has only used them in practice while her brothers taught her to fly. As the youngest, they are vastly overprotective of her. To them, their little sister is the end all be all, the perfect picture of innocence and purity, not bloodstained from the war, but the picture every angel aspires to be. Of course, not everyone is perfect, their younger sister that they thought to be so complete suffered a great deal at the hands of ignorance and not knowing the terrors of the world. She has no real world skills, no training in combat since they never expected her to fight; weak in every sense of the word.




❥ Sweets || There's nothing better than pretty little cakes with the perfect amount of icing.
❥ Flying || Even though Celeste has only gotten to do it once or twice, it's exhilarating!
❥ Painting || Celeste has always enjoyed watercolor painting. She likes to do it when she feels especially inspired.
❥ Gardens || The palace gardens are the only place that she could go into alone.



⌦ Balls || They're so long and tiresome, while Celeste does enjoy dancing, she doesn't like the politics involved.
⌦ Hate || An angel's true enemy.
⌦ Demons || They're responsible for this hate.

Twirl || When she's happy, Celeste will do pirouettes across the floor.
Nail bite || When concentrating very hard, Celeste will bite her thumb nail on her none dominant hand. A terrible habit that her parents have been trying to get her out of for years, but have never succeeded.
Singing || In the halls, in the bathroom, while painting, while working. She sings at every opportunity that comes her way. It's quite an annoying habit, but it's undoubtedly not the worst either.


Lies || Princess Celeste cannot tell a lie for the life of her.
Chocolate || Sweets in general really, she isn't allowed to eat much of them and so she covets each bite.
Warmth || The princess is prone to getting very cold and so you can normally see her wearing long sleeves.
Stuffed toys || A fan of all things cute, it's very typical for someone like her to become so easily distracted.

Memory || Celeste has quite the stellar memory, she can remember even the most obscure details.
Painting || She's quite the artist, she makes all of the paintings in her room by hand.
Resilience || When life knocks her down, Celeste will get right back up.
Ability ||All angels are blessed with a gift aside from the light they naturally bore in their bodies. While Celeste isn't particularly good, she does have it and it makes others think of her as strong.

Darkness || Not the darkness so much as those that douse themselves in it.
Loss || She fears losing her family for good.
Fire ||Especially that in great amounts.



Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!




Heaven's Capital City: Eden

{☛ ⒻⒶⓂⒾⓁⓎ ☚}
Queen Callisto Angeal || Mother || Alive
King Zadkiel Angeal || Father || Alive
Prince Micheal Angeal || Eldest brother || Alive
Prince Gabriel Angeal || Second eldest || Alive
Prince Raphael Angeal || Third eldest || Alive
Princess Mizuki Angeal || Eldest sister || Alive

Princess Celeste's birth was an occasion to celebrate, throughout the pregnancy, the Queen had faced difficulties, unknowing that she was bearing a child and fighting on the battle field. It was in the middle of a landmark victory that the Queen Callisto went into labor and had her infant daughter right there. Far too small with featherless wings that would soon come in the same glossy white as the rest of her family. It was in that moment that Callisto and Zadkiel decided their youngest daughter would never see the troubles of war. They bundled her in a blanket and shielded her in armor before taking the little princess to the newly restored palace in the Capital City of Heaven, Eden.

Her family received her warmly, her older brothers becoming fiercely protective and the once youngest sister ecstatic to have a sister instead of brutish brothers that didn't understand her. It was an instant bond and the two sisters became close. While their older brothers learned skills such as strategy and fencing, Mizuki took up archery and trained to shoot flaming arrows with her light gift. Celeste on other hand was no good with weapons and more likely to hurt herself than others, so she was not allowed to take up such dangerous things. Her light gift, shape shifting, was something that she practiced often, but again, Celeste did not come anywhere close to her older siblings. In the end, she stuck to more girlish activities like painting and dancing. The Princess's watercolors became a coveted gift in the noble households and getting one was the equivalent of earning a hand in the ring to contest for the Princess's love.

Not that Celeste thought about any of those things. The little Princess was spoiled rotten and her family had no qualms with treating her as a stuffed animal. For the most part, Celeste had a peaceful life. She used to be allowed to stroll through the streets of Eden until one night, she was taking a moonlit stroll to pick up more paints when she was attacked by a demon. He tried to steal the Princess away, to take her to their realm where he could sell her for a pretty penny. They had only gotten to the border when her brothers and sister came charging after him, having been alerted by their sister's disappearance. Since then, Celeste has not been allowed to leave the castle. She spends her days, sitting and painting in the garden, or taking lessons in the ballroom, but longs to see the outside. She had no idea that her wish would come true in the most unusual way.

{☛ ⓄⓉⒽⒺⓇ ☚}


So begins...

Celeste's Story


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Glad that the current matter was over with, with all the rumors of cheating decided as a group to be fake, it didn't matter anymore. As long as Celeste believed in her and had faith, everything would be okay. Kitra too, in turn, would happily believe whatever her luminescent angel had to say. So Lilim continued to check herself over, looked into her eyes, checked her pulse, and sighed. "Sometimes my body forgets that I'm free and hurts." She admitted, making Raphael look sad and hug her with worry and care. "How bad is it?" He asked and the succubus shrugged. "Not as bad as the real thing. It'll stop happening soon, I bet!" Kitra eyed her concernedly but Raphael had things covered on hugs and snuggles so she turned her attention to Celeste, who seemed to have difficulty downing her breakfast. "Gremory's coming today to drop plants off, we can take as much as we need from him for you and Raphael." It was upsetting that they couldn't really eat here, Hell wasn't a very friendly place for those with strict diets. You ate what you could get in order to survive.

Luckily Celty was doing better today, that meant she might do even better the next day! Anything was possible, and the sooner the better. "Get well fast enough and then we can help on the frontlines." Kitra was almost excited to go into battle with Celty at her side, with her Dragon Knights, with Minerva and Murmur too. It would be so nice to fight for Hell, to protect everyone. But Raphael cleared his throat, suddenly interrupting them. "I know things are bad here, but Heaven needs help too." He said sternly, looking hard at Celeste. "We can't just leave Gabriel to rot. Finn, he contacted me while I was asleep." And apparently, whatever news he had, Raphael didn't like one bit.

"Well, what did he say?" Kitra asked tersely and even Lilim averted her eyes, not wanting to believe what was about to come. Things in Heaven had gotten much worse hadn't they? "Gabriel's going around and arresting anyone he can get his hands on that has even the smallest connection to demons." Raphael explained with a bitter scowl on his mien. "Scylla was arrested, the people at Hotel Loupelle, he almost caught Gremory too. Don't forget all the demon orphans in Valhalla, Gabriel's becoming a monster, and I bet he's crying for help on the inside right now." That really was horrible, and Kitra felt as if she were punched in the gut.

But she wasn't sure if leaving for Heaven was the right idea either. "But if we went, then Hell will fall to Satan, he'll take the Onyx Citadel for himself." Kitra was miserable since they were stuck between two impossible choices. Sacrifice one to save the other. Lilim then broke up the sadness with a happy expression on her playful face. "Well for now let's just have fun! Kitra, nab up Celty, let's go to the dragon nest, Raph and I still never got to meet Sunny yet! We want to see your son, Celty, please?" She made her honey eyes go as big and as pouty as they could, not wanting Kitra and Raphael to get into a fight.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Just as Celeste had expected, it was only a rumor. "The people are getting restless," Celeste said, adjusting her dress. She had been wearing the same dress for three days, her bag had fallen off of Skyla when they were escaping, either that or Sunny digging through everything made it fall off. So Celeste had been wearing the same dress since she had arrived, but she didn't mind. It had been cleaned yesterday after her accident and now she was wearing the light pink cotton gown, her bare feet cold on the tiled floor. "That'll be good, I don't really think I can stomach another of your chef's attempts at fake meat, no offense." Celeste tried to laugh it off, but it sounded unexpectedly cruel. Even she winced at that, hoping she didn't seem like a jerk. "It's a good attempt though, I appreciate the effort." A for effort, as her brother sometimes joked as her parents did not give good jobs for efforts that were fruitless.

"I'm doing my best," Celeste said, holding Kitra's hand. "I think I am well enough for a certain something though," she blushed, knowing that Kitra wanted it too. "Hopefully tomorrow I'll be well enough to travel once more." Celeste rubbed her hands together and sniffled, hopefully she wasn't getting an infection from her wound having been open for so long. It was more than likely just the wind coming out of the window though. Raphael went to close it and subtly nudged the blanket as he walked by. Celeste wrapped it around her shoulders, thankful for the warmth that Kitra's body gave off. "We need to somehow help both sides," Celeste mused, wondering how they could be in two places at once. Obviously the best method would be for them to split up, Celeste would return home with Raphael and the two of them would take care of Gabriel while Lilim and Kitra took care of Maya and Satan.

The idea of splitting up was physically painful, Celeste didn't want to be away from Kitra anymore than she had to and she was certain that the girl she loved felt the same way. "If we send any demons over, it'd be a death sentence." Raphael mused, leaning against the wall beside where Lilim was examining herself. Celeste gasped at the news that Gabriel had gone and arrested all of those innocent people. "He wouldn't have! Not the Gabriel I know!" Celeste shook her head in protest, obviously there was something terribly wrong, her big brother wasn't the type to do things irrationally, especially not Gabriel, he was the one with the most sensible head on his shoulders. Unfortunately, his training for King had been cut short, especially since he was never expected to bare the burden in the first place.

"I hate the sound of it, but it seems like we might have to split down the middle." Celeste's uncertainty was clear. Lilim and Raphael seemed to want a distraction, they wanted to meet Sunny, who Celeste was more than happy to take them to. "Sure! Sunny would love some new friends!" She said brightly and attempted to stand on her own two feet once more. "He's been snappish lately, just a warning, I think he might be teething."


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

When Celeste said she was well enough for a certain something, Kitra felt the familiar heat rising up again, the heat that had gone ignored last night, ignored and sadly unfulfilled. It was overwhelming just how strong this desire was, just how much she wanted to do it then and there. It Kitra feel for Lilim - was this what her little sister had to deal with all the time, this itch to always do the deed with someone? "You have no idea what you just said." Kitra's voice came out as a low sort of purr, both threatening and wanting at the same time. "For making me wait, you're going to have a great punishment indeed, Celeste." Raphael's face went bright red and he coughed loudly. "That's my sister!" He stammered and Lilim just laughed with good cheer. "It's normal, they've done it plenty of times!" She said casually but Raphael's protective brother instincts were still kicking in - at least until Lilim shoved her hand into his pants.

When in need of a distraction, putting your hand into someone's pants always seemed to do the trick - if you were Lilim, anyways.

Kitra was very vehemently against the idea of them splitting up. Not only because of how horrible and painful it'd be to have to be apart from Celeste, but because of the danger it held. "Did you forget Maya's power, Celeste?" Kitra snapped, but instantly felt bad for snapping because it might have startled her lover. "The second you're out of my sight she'll make a portal and drag you to Satan for him to torture you, we don't have the option to separate." Raphael seemed almost insulted then so Kitra had to say it outright before he made a fuss. "You're weaker than Maya, Raphael, you won't be able to protect her." Raphael opened his mouth to keep fighting but Lilim shut everyone up.

It was dragon time, it was time for relaxation and slow, clever planning for how they would balance the two enemies threatening to ruin everything, both Council Head Morgana and Satan needed to die, the sooner the better. If Celeste was feeling better tomorrow, this was the day where they had to decide on a plan. Celeste made her warning, that Sunny might be teething and Kitra decided to show off her scars from the baby dragon. Lilim oohed and aahed and Raphael shook his head. "The kiddo's already got sharp ones, that's not a bad bite." Yeah, Sunny was going to be a good fighter when he grew up, he was going to be strong in order to protect his master, wasn't he?

And so here they were, one tentacle-suspension-ride later for Celeste, while Lilim rode on Raphael's back like a child. "Good morning, Skyla, you're a good girl." She handed Skyla a fish for breakfast, and she gobbled it up happily. Lilim looked curiously at the light pill that was for Sunny. "Wait, aren't dragons Helly? Why do they need a light pill?" Raphael was curious too, but Kitra shrugged, Celeste knew that much, she would get to sound like the expert now. And almost instantly Sunny dashed over, trying to bowl Celeste over. A tentacle blocked him but then Sunny just bit hard into it and used his paws to trap it in place to continue gnawing and chewing. "Okay, ouch, ouch, that hurts." Kitra winced, feeling the teeth gash their way in.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Celeste blushed heavily, her lips inches away from Kitra. "I'm ready to accept my punishment Master, mew," she was still kitten Celeste after all, even if all of the staff could see through it. Raphael of course, blushed and protested, he didn't want his little sister to be subjected to whatever perverted punishment Kitra had come up with. Lilim quickly shut him up though by sticking her hand into his pants and making him jump, then moan, which made Celeste blush. "N-not here you two!" Raphael quickly recovered and withdrew Lilim's hand from his trousers, giving her a dose of hand cleaner. "Later," he winked to Lilim, as though he suddenly understand the need that Kitra and Celeste had to be together. Celeste was blushing heavily now, seeing her brother like that, it was a completely different side of him. It seemed that just like Kitra, Lilim was the dominant one in bed, although this came as no surprise to the angel, it was just funny to think that her normally outspoken big brother was putty in Lilim's hands.

Kitra seemed almost angry at the suggestion that they should split up. "Just because she can doesn't mean she will," Celeste protested. "Plus, I'm stronger now!" Dare she say it was the one good thing Thanos had done for her, he had taught Celeste the full extent of her powers. "I can fight her if she tries!" Maya also knew the risks of dragging Celeste through those portals, especially since she had just begun recovering from the light disease, being risked to such high amounts of darkness at a time was a big risk. It was a little bit upsetting that Kitra didn't trust Celeste, that she thought she was still too weak to fight. Raphael seemed to want to protest too, but Kitra shut him up as well. "We could fight her," he grunted, clearly upset by Kitra's insult.

"And what makes you oh so high and mighty when you couldn't even prevent Celeste from getting stabbed?" Both Raphael and Kitra were elementals, as far as fighting went, Raphael had the upper hand since his water bending ability didn't disable him every time he used it. It seemed that no one was in the mood to continue arguing though, they all wanted to meet Sunny, who Celeste was sure was eager to make new friends. "He'll be a great flyer one day, just like Skyla," Celeste said fondly as Kitra helped her, er, mostly carried her, to the dragon nest. Bundled up in winter clothes the four of them made their way outside to where Sunny was waiting for them. Almost instantly he came over and bit into Kitra's tentacles, thinking that Celeste was being attacked.

"Sunny, no!" Celeste scolded, falling to her knees as Kitra's tentacle dropped her. Almost instantly Sunny stopped and came over, bowling into her. Celeste whimpered in pain, his head had rammed right into the stitches. It was alright though, she would be fine. "Sunny, Kitra is your other Mommy, so you can't keep hurting her!" Sunny whimpered, looking pathetic at the fact that he had been scolded. Skyla made some grunting sounds and Sunny seemed to understand, sitting on his hind quarters. "Raphael, Lilim, this is Sunny, my dragon." She beamed, lifting the dragon up. He was already getting heavy, almost too big for Celeste to lift up anymore. Raphael looked at the dragon curiously, asking about the light pills that he was being fed. "Well, he does better on light pills since he's a Heavenly type dragon."


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Celeste really was perfect, wasn't she? Kitra almost wanted to violate Celeste here and now, especially with the kitty cat girl helpless in the hold of her tentacles. If she did, Celeste wouldn't be able to do anything, and there was something about that that was deeply satisfying in a way that might have been scary if they didn't know just how much of a softie Kitra really was. They were ahead of Raphael and Lilim now, ahead enough to be able to be more secretive, to talk privately without being overheard. "It's not that I think you're weak." Kitra murmured, frowning to herself. "I'm the problem. If we're apart, I'll be too busy worrying and fretting about you, I won't be able to focus on the fight and I'll let my guard down." Not only that, but she just didn't want to be separated from Celty, it was hard enough last time.

There was, unfortunately, a lot of sense about Celeste's strategy of splitting the four of them up, though. Angels going to Heaven, Demons remaining in Hell. If you thought of it like a puzzle where two and two had to work in order to save both Heaven and Hell, then that was the only solution because Kitra and Lilim simply couldn't go to Heaven, it was far too dangerous since they were obviously demons. Sure, they had until tomorrow to decide on a plan... but the day was going by quicker than Kitra would have liked. And Raphael's words rung deeper than she would ever admit. Kitra did fail that day, horribly, if her electricity was stronger, if she continued with her training, she could have prevented it. Needless to say, no matter how much Kitra practiced with curse magic and her spider limbs, she'd never reach her height without her electricity.

"Infernal Drakes have four wings." Kitra explained. Sunny currently had two, but over the years the second pair would grow, but for now they were just tiny little stubs. "It makes them slower than some dragons, but much more agile, they can control themselves easier in the air since they can do fine turns while some others have to work harder to adjust midflight." Lilim giggled then as Sunny was chewing on her tentacle. "Shouldn't you get him off before talking about things no one cares about?" The half breed sounded almost mocking if not for her naturally good nature. So Sunny and Skyla worked in conjunction to make the biting stop while Raphael just laughed and congratulated the little guy.

Kitra held the bad tentacle tenderly, looking at the new wounds. "That hurt, you know, these are sensitive." Celeste could attest to their sensitivity, especially when Kitra was in a certain mood like she was right now. Sunny then rammed into Celeste and Lilim was quick to absorb the pain and then she started rubbing and floofing Sunny, who was all the more excited at the new strangers he hadn't met before, yipping and jumping around, trying to play with them. "Heaven dragons... oh, he's the egg, from the farm that one time!" Lilim suddenly remembered and Raphael stared at her wondering why it took her so long to realize. "Ahaha, wow, that completely slipped my mind." Lilim then looked at Gabriel. "Dadd- ... Lucifer never gave me a dragon because I was a half breed." The girl shuffled on her step. "Raph, buy me a dragon from the barn, please? I want one, gimme gimme!" As they were distracted, Kitra slipped her tentacle over to Celty. "You should lick the wound better, as your punishment." The spider said with a smirk as the heat blossomed between her legs.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

"Raph," Celeste bristled, "It's not Kitra's fault, I was the one that insisted on fighting. If anyone's to blame though, it's Selene." Who would have thought that the angel general would get in their way? Celeste hadn't expected Selene to be so passionate about trying to keep Celeste in Heaven, she didn't even think Selene liked her all that much after the way she had treated her when the girl was delusional and unable to do much on her own for everyone feared she would go out and hurt herself or get taken by Thanos. Now that Thanos was no longer a problem, it almost seemed as though Selene respected her for being able to take care of the man that had terrorized their family for so long. "You trust me, don't you?" Celeste asked, her eyes searching Kitra's for hope that her partner trusted that she could stay safe and make her own decisions. Going back to Heaven, as much as it pained her, was something that Celeste had to do if she wanted to save what remained of her family.

A thought suddenly struck her and Celeste felt stupid, why hadn't she thought about this before? "Come with me," Celeste said, suddenly grasping Kitra's hands in her own. "Come with me to Heaven," she wasn't talking about that kind either, as much as it burned between her legs. "We'll come up with a plan, we can use a charm to disguise you as an angel. Maya would never expect Lilim and Raphael to be here," it was true, wasn't it? A surprise attack that Maya and Satan wouldn't expect. "Maya can't just appear in Heaven either, not with the way demon's are being treated there right now," there was pain in Celeste's eyes at the mention of it, it was despicable how they were treating demons in Heaven as of right now, Celeste felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it. They would save her home, her family, her people, if it was one of the last things Celeste did.

"His wings will come in soon," Celeste said hopefully, "Then Skyla and I can teach him to fly!" Skyla huffed, as though offended to be included in these plans. Celeste knew that Winona's sister had a soft spot for the infernal drake, she seemed to have taken quite a liking to Sunny. "He'll have four magnificent wings, just like his mommy." No, not Mommy Celeste, mommy infernal drake, who had died so gracefully trying to protect her young. "I wish I could have saved more eggs," Celeste's eyes were full of regret. "Then maybe we could have a whole fleet of dragons." Dragons could easily gobble up council members, after all. Sunny was now prancing by Lilim and Raphael's side, the two of which seemed to be just as excited to meet the newest member of the family.

Kitra's tentacle waved in front of her face. At first she frowned, uncertain what Kitra was getting at. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to teach him not to bite, but I think he's teething." His teeth were coming in, which meant that Sunny needed to bite things in order to make the pain stop. Kitra's tentacle was not a good option, she wished that the baby dragon had chosen something like an old boot instead. By now Lilim was tugging on Raphael's sleeve, asking him for a dragon of their own. Kitra's tentacle was back in front of her face and it was a bit more obvious as to what she wanted. Celeste blushed and nodded, "nya, y-yes Master," she gently took the tentacle and began to lick it clean, the salty taste of blood on her tongue.


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Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Once the day was done, Kitra felt as if she was going insane. Nothing made sense, nothing at all made the least bit lick of sense, she was so maddened by the heat that wouldn't stop swirling inside of her. Throughout the day, even with Raphael and Lilim around, Kitra's heat only got worse and worse, and so they were flirting and teasing and making the heat grow and grow, unable to quench it, to relieve the agony. But that night, once they were finally alone and together, Kitra clung to Celeste, and every intent was most definitely clear in her eyes. "You're mine." She hissed and pounced onto her prey, hands and tentacles grabbing whatever bits of Celeste they could. "Sorry, but I can't hold back anymore. It's too much." There wasn't even room for shame or fear, just the urge that wouldn't quit. Needless to say, the lovers went to sleep satisfied and smiling once all was said and done.

The next morning, the plan was announced and even the tired and sleepy Cambion seemed almost excited. "Wow, Cambino didn't even yawn once." Lilim mocked their big brother with a silly way to say his name, what she always used to call him when she was a child. And Raphael seemed to have a bit of an eager grin on his face as he finally got to try out these charms he studied so hard last night at Celeste's behest. "You're going to regret not being nicer to me, Kitra." Raphael taunted and sneered as the spider demon almost shivered with anticipation on her seat. "Now I can decide what you look like and there's nothing you can do to stop me." And so Raphael got to work, didn't he?

The entire time Kitra kept on shivering under the chair. She had to be naked for this, unfortunately, and everyone was far too interested in watching to really turn their heads away. Oh, how humiliating it was to be bared to the public like this, but she had to bear it if she wanted the plan to work. "J-just hurry up, my people's respect for me is already disappearing." Raphael kept ice trickling down her skin, for the charm to work he had to rub the ice all over her body while activating the charm repeatedly, using it almost as a pointer to decide where to change an how to change it. Her breasts grew larger, her eyes grew redder, her tentacles and scissor blades turned into feathery wings with full bright plumage, her hair became long, fluffy, a sky blue, her legs a little wider, her scars disappearing, her jaw roundening, her butt becoming a tiny bit bigger.

"And now you're an angel." Raphael was chuckling to himself and Kitra expected to be an obese short little fat ugly idiot. Instead she saw an angel that looked older than she was, an angel that looked powerful and strong. "Your power will be chain light." Raphael told her with a secretive grin. "Basically just use your electricity, but only ever as chain lightning bolts. It'll be close enough so no one'll know the difference." The angel's sadistic side was coming out, wasn't it, and Kitra was still freezing on the chair, Raphael didn't even bother clothing her. "That's right, you're not allowed your spear or your monster side, only your powers. Now you have the same handicap all angels have."

In a way, it did level the playing field. On a one to one basis, demons were stronger than angels because they had more options, and they were built tougher than the dainty angels. Demons had monster forms, they had powers too, but angels only had powers and to make matters worse, their bones were hollow to enable flight. "Your bones are hollow now too, so that should be exciting for you." Kitra went even redder if possible, she was going to be so weak if she was limited like this! "But - um, my, um, my moon cycle... two weeks..." Raphael grimaced then. "That's the time limit, because the charm wears off when your body prepares for... the... the cycle."

Suffice to say, seeing their fear-inspiring Queen Kitra naked and then transformed into an angel was most definitely entertaining enough to bring smiles and laughs back to the Onyx Citadel that was once surrounded by gloom and doom thanks to Satan's encroaching threat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Bye the time the doors to the room had closed, Celeste was already half naked. Kitra's tentacles grabbed wildly at every bit of her, pushing her back onto the bed, the heat at a point that it was nearly overwhelming. The two girls spent most of the night moaning, dinner going largely ignored, their hearts in sync as their bodies pulsed. By the time it was over, both were exhausted, but smiling and Celeste curled up beside Kitra, able to think clearly now that there was no longer any heat clouding her thoughts. "Goodnight," Celeste whispered, placing a kiss on Kitra's jaw line. Just like before, she had, had a wonderful time and greatly enjoyed getting to be with Kitra, just the two of them with no baby dragon or siblings to get between their fun. As Celeste slept beside her, her tail had curled up peacefully around her leg, as it normally did, ears twitching ever so slightly. Tomorrow would be a very strange day indeed and Celeste would need all of her energy in order to keep up with it.

When morning broke, Celeste discovered that the single dress she had brought had been torn to bits by Kitra's tentacles in their rush to um, achieve Heaven. As such, Celeste wore some of Kitra's old clothes, a soft pale gray dress that tied at the middle and had a belt for weapons. Celeste didn't have a staff like Kitra though and she wore her key normally. Today she attempted to eat the food the chef had prepared, using ingredients from Gremory's garden. It was much better than the previous two attempts and she took a few more bites before downing her tea, it was just about time for the two of them to go, for something incredible to happen. "Ready?" Celeste asked, walking downstairs with Kitra where Raphael would be waiting. Raphael had spent all night studying charms for this, only taking breaks to have fun with Lilim, who was back and ready for action.

Celeste had a dress ready for Kitra, who was now naked and sitting in a chair in the center of the room. What appeared to be charms had been drawn on the floor in green, all surrounding the chair. These were different from runes, being that each charm represented something in nature and so there was water, earth, fire, and the main element of angels, air. Added to that were droplets of Kitra's blood that had been pricked from her finger and used to make the final charm, which was mixed with ice and dripped down her body. "Don't hurt her!" Celeste protested to Raphael, who was clearly enjoying himself. Not by taking in Kitra's nude body, which Celeste wished that others couldn't see, but just by the fact that he was the one that got to decide what sort of angel she would be. He would choose the details of her wings, her hair, her features, and Celeste was anxious to see what her brother might do.

The staff had gathered to watch, they too, were curious as to how charms worked. Slowly the transformation began and Celeste found that she ws watching through her fingertips. Raphael took his time deciding on Kitra's features, her raven black hair becoming a soft and fluffy blue, similar to the texture of how Celeste's hair was, almost feather like. Her eyes were red, her breasts growing bigger, similar to the size Lilim used to have, her hips turning and curving and becoming slender and feminine, the scars of the past disappearing. It seemed that they had nothing to worry about, Raphael had done a great job. When it was done, Celeste bound over, nearly stepping into the circle. "Patience little sister," he chided, dispelling it so that the charm couldn't suddenly go horribly wrong.

"You look so different," Celeste marveled, holding out the dress. She turned in a circle around Kitra, hardly recognizing the girl she loved. "How does it feel?" Celeste wanted to know, having been born an angel she had no idea if there was a difference. "Ah, it's a good different though! Not that I didn't like the way you were before, it's just, it's strange seeing you as an angel!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

As the charms were made and drawn, Lilim's eyes widened as she seemed to recognize some things, certain patterns and shapes. Perhaps if someone studied both charms and runes, they would realize, but as of now there was no that could be considered an expert of both. Runology and Herbology both came from the same magic, once upon a time. But demons took it one way and angels took it the other, demons bent the laws of nature and took power with force, while the angels respected natures boundaries and didn't step over any lines. As such, runes were stronger, but also innately destructive, while charms were weaker and had drawbacks, but were healthy for the life energy of the land. Perhaps the future child of Lilim and Raphael, if they inherited Lilim's runology and Raphael's herbology, perhaps that child could discover a part of history long since forgotten.

There were many reasons to shiver and be cold. One such valid reason was being in winter, with snow covering the outside world. Another reason was being naked, simple and easy. Third, you had ice sprinkling down every inch of your body. Kitra, such a lucky soul, had all three of these things happening to her at the same time. Perhaps even worse was the fact that she was in an angel's body now, which was built thinner and more delicate, making her feel the cold even more strongly. "Your wings, sis." Lilim advised wisely. "Wings are very useful for many things." Ah, that's right, and so Kitra draped her wings around her to shield herself from the cold and leering eyes. "Th-th-this charm s-sucks." Kitra hissed at Raphael through chittering teeth, who looked very pleased with his work.

Celeste ran down then, almost running into the charm circle and causing an unfixable accident, offering a dress so that Kitra could retain dignity and modesty once again. She scrambled to wear it, only for her wings to get stuck inside the dress. Lilim slipped down and sliced little holes in the back for the wings and Raphael let out a bit of a frown. "Angels don't usually have six wings." He said, then went behind Kitra to play with the feathers and floofiness. He did the best he could, Kitra had six wings because she had six extra appendages. "Thanks for the dress." Kitra mumbled, trying to seem happy and eager about everything, but this all just self so incredibly weird, it didn't feel like her at all.

"These big jugs are just gonna get in the way of Reginleif." Kitra growled and Raphael cheerfully handed her a chain that could hide in the puffy sleeves of the blue dress. "That's your weapon, an electrified chain." He explained as he made the feathers look as if the six wings were just two wings, as they were meant to be. "And your wings are all good too. Celty, you should take her flying, teach her how to, since she's gonna need every advantage she can get." Kitra couldn't tell if she felt lighter or heavier. Her bones were hollow now but she had these wings weighing her down, and then her boobs were big and fat now. "A-alright, let's go pract-" Kitra tried to stand and then fell backwards onto her wings, looking like an idiot and feeling like one too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

It was clear that Celeste was very eager to see Kitra as an angel. Kitra had seen Celeste as a demon after all, with horns and wings and a tail and ears. Celeste, however, had never seen Kitra as anything but herself and well, her monster form. "You look wonderful," Celeste said, taking Kitra's hands in her own now that the charm circle was cleared. Kitra seemed to be struggling to put her clothes on and Celeste did her best to assist Kitra into the dress, Lilim remembering to make slices in the back for the wings. Now that Kitra was an angel, she would have to get used to having slits in her clothing. Most angel clothes were built around the wings, but demon clothes were not as most demon didn't have anything so protruding from their back. Sure they had other things like claws and extra ligaments, but they retained mostly human forms.

"Oops, be careful!" Celeste too, shifted back into her angel form. Her hair returned to its fluffy short length, her wings stretching out behind her. "I'll teach you how to fly, come on!" She helped Kitra into a jacket and boots, remembering slits for the coat so that Kitra didn't become entangled in cloth. "I've never taught anyone to fly before, this will be fun!" Celeste took Kitra's hand, leading her away from the circle of demons that was no dispersing, having already watched enough. "The first thing we're gonna learn, is falling! Just like Michael taught me!" Falling was an important lesson, because if you fell wrong you could twist something and severely injure yourself. "Don't discount this lesson, it's important for the future," Celeste stretched her wings wide, trying to think.

"When you fall, always land on your butt!" She said, suddenly opening her eyes. Her red orbs stared intently into Kitra's. "If you land on your feet too hard, you can sprain your ankle and if you land on your back, you can hurt it badly!" Celeste demonstrated by holding her arms out at each side and gently falling back onto her butt. "Like that, see!" She rubbed her sore tush, snow clinging to her dress. "Now, you try." Celeste gave Kitra one more demonstration to show how you fell on the butt, not the tail bone. Then she helped Kitra do it, once Kitra seemed efficient in knowing how to fall, Celeste decided that it was time to move on to the next step. Sunny had bound out, he seemed to want to help too and was rolling around in the snow, mimicking them.

"Hmm, are there any cliffs?" Celeste looked around the Onyx Citadel, but it was all flat land. "Maybe we should go up a story or two," she shielded her eyes from the sun to look at the top. "The best way to learn is instinct," the problem was, Kitra wasn't really an angel, what if she was missing the essential instinct? Celeste had learned to fly by being pushed out of a building, but she didn't think it would work the same way for Kitra. "I guess it'd be better to start on the ground," Celeste scratched at her head. "Now, unfurl your wings to their full length," she demonstrated this, her wings extending fully. Like this they were quite large, almost twelve feet across.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Of course Celeste was so clumsy, it all made sense now, didn't it? With these huge heavy wings on their backs, it was a wonder that not every angel was just a clumsy wreck waiting to crash and burn. Kitra couldn't get up on her own and her wings were in pain from having landed directly on them but it wasn't anything serious, nothing broke. "You have six wings, not two, so it's probably heavier for you." Raphael shrugged, because there wasn't a way to work around the six spider limbs. And if Kitra hadn't had them painted with the ice, they'd still be able to burst out and spoil everything. Lilim waved as if this problem had nothing to do with her. "Good luck, you two!" she sing songed and then left with Raphael to go do who knows what, probably some coupley succubus stuff because half of Lilim's brain was always focused on that stuff.

With help from Celeste Kitra managed to get outside into the snow where they would have to practice and that was when the spider - well, former spider really - realized another change. "My voice." It was self evident. Instead of the usual sharpness, with a slight raspy quality to it, her voice was now clear and higher, almost like a song with every word. It was very disconcerting. "Did Raphael have to do this too?" And then her head felt all heavy and gross. "Hair too long, it's so heavy, argh." She'd love to chop it up but that'd mean having horrible choppy short hair after the two weeks were up.

Her eyes went very wide at the first lesson, the falling lesson. Falling on your butt? "Is that why Raphael made my butt bigger?" The demon asked and so she tried to make herself fall on purpose to get the hang of it, only to be too scared to fall, which then lead to her feet slipping on the slippery rock and then she fell, not landing on her butt, but once again on her back, on her wings. To make matters worse Kitra tried to shoot her tentacles out to make them pull her back to her feet before impact but, well, the tentacles weren't tentacles anymore, they were just wings now. "How do you angels do it?" None of this made any remote sense at all.

Hell was a lot of flat arid dry ground, it wasn't the most interesting of places. "Well, there is a cliff at Ephidel's pass to the west of here, but Satan's armies, probably not a good idea." It still felt like an alien was talking, it didn't feel natural whatsoever. And hell no was Kitra leaping off a building. Celty extended her wings out, looking majestic and Heavenly, looking larger than life yet tiny and frail all at once. Kitra extended her wings out too, stretching them as far as they could go, looking like an archangel from all the old mythology books. "And to think we're supposed to fly to Heaven in a few hours, why does anyone think I can do this?" Why not just fly on a dragon or something, this was going to be impossible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

"No, more like this," Celeste shook her head, demonstrating falling again. "Raphael wasn't being cruel, it was strategy to make your butt bigger!" Or at least, that was Celeste vouching for him and believing it wasn't just because of his taste in woman. Look at Lilim, who was curvy in all of the right places, Kitra's body almost seemed to mock that. It was definitely different and Celeste found herself attracted to the girl she loved in a new way. "Your voice sounds like a song," Celeste smiled, she was still holding both of Kitra's hands. "Angel voices are different, they're more melodic than demon ones." There was no gruffness to Kitra's voice now, it was almost as though it had been buffed out with sandpaper, leaving a smooth impression in her vocals. It was nice, almost like the sound of a bird singing. "I liked it before, it's different now, but still good because it's still yours." Yes, different, but still Kitra's.

"We can cut your hair when we get there?" Celeste suggested, running a hand through her own short hair, her's was still growing in, it still just barely touched the bottom of her chin, not that Celeste minded. It was different having short hair, her head felt lighter and it was almost easier to fly without all of the extra weight. Kitra wasn't as fortunate though, her hair was at the length Celeste's used to be at. "Now come on, there's still plenty that we need to practice, we can't get distracted if we want to be there in a few hours." Celeste licked her lips, this was going to be a challenge, she had never taught anyone anything before, being the youngest, Celeste had always been the one to receive help from her big siblings. Michael taught her to fly, Gabriel taught her how to fall, Mizuki taught her how to maneuver safely through high winds.

"Well, it's not easy, but we follow the birds." Celeste tried to think of a way to properly describe it. "What I mean is, it's in our DNA. We're all avian, so we follow the same patterns. Have you ever read any books on birds? Maybe use those for reference?" Celeste spread her wings out to their full extent, the dusty white feathers blustering in the snow. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, "The next few steps are the hardest ones, learning to fly from the ground is the most complicated way to do it because you have to make your own momentum," Celeste opened her eyes once more, staring intently at Kitra. "You need to jump as high as you can and push off with your wings as hard as you can." Celeste took a few steps back, her dress in her hands. "Sometimes you need a good.... running.... leap!"

She ran and jumped, pushing so hard with her wings that the snow blew up underneath her in a spiral. Celeste took to the skies, soaring in circles before diving back down. She landed gently behind Kitra and tapped her back, right between her wings. "Now it's your turn," She stood across from Kitra now, her smile bright. "Come on, you can do it, I believe in you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

No matter how hard Kitra tried, she was having way too much trouble with this. Celeste made it look so easy to just jump into the sky and soar but Kitra was having all the difficulties. Spinning around in circles like this over and over again and then jumping and then making her wings try to make sense of things only to fall and not even manage to land no her butt, usually going flat on her belly, making her chest feel less like funbags and more like airbags. "Why won't it work?" Kitra whimpered after failing a fifth time. "Why am I a failure? I can't do anything right, I couldn't even protect you when it mattered most." When Thanos violated Celeste over and over and over again and then Kitra tried to violate her too and it was just a nightmare for everyone. Tears spilled from the demon that looked like an angel. "It's just like Raph said, I never manage to protect you, I talk big but in the end you always get hurt."

Kitra, for all her greed and protectiveness, in the end she couldn't accomplish much at all. She couldn't save her parents from the Angeal's trap, she couldn't save Ronove from Zepar's assassination for peace, she couldn't prevent Zepar, Buer, and Furfur all dying on that suicidal attack on Heaven's Gate, she couldn't protect Celeste on so many occasions that it was impossible to count, she couldn't save Lilim from the Altar, she couldn't save Cambion from Satan's attack, Kitra was reputed as powerful, she was even Scorpio, and yet she couldn't do anything at all. Why did Celeste even like her, was that question ever answered? Or was it just because Kitra showed love and Celeste simply returned it for love's sake?

But then all of a sudden all of that faded away in a single moment, all of those doubts disappeared and were replaced by a single, one singular thing. A sudden laugh, a giggle, as the natural wind of Hell blew under her, and Kitra felt herself rising as air pushed up, as her wings flapped nearly on instinct. She wasn't graceful, or pretty, she looked like a drunk bird with half a brain, but she was flying, she was in the air and suddenly Kitra was crying with happiness that finally she managed to achieve it, finally she wasn't just a big disappointment. Kitra flew over to Celeste... and then she fell and landed on her butt and she let out a squeak of pain and giggled and clutched Celeste close like a stuffed animal. "Thank you, thank you, that was so fun, that was so cool!"

Raphael and Lilim walked out then, with a certain dragon at their side, small and adorable, Sunny was there, looking sad, looking like he wanted to cry. "I think he's scared you'll leave without him." Lilim had a playful smirk and Sunny let out a huff and tried to run at Celeste again. Raphael kept looking between Celeste and Kitra and he chuckled. "You're not a kid anymore." He said as if he just realized it. "Leste, you're growing up, you can fend for yourself. I think seeing you train Kitra, it helped me realize how strong you really were all along." Lilim stared and then giggled. "Raph, stop being so dumb, just wish them a good trip and we'll all make a Heavenly Vow to meet up again, alive and well!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

It seemed that the slight push was all Kitra needed and soon her lover was taking to the skies, soaring in wide arcs with a goofy grin on her lips. Celeste smiled and waved up at her, giggling with glee. "You're doing it!" She called, uncaring as to whether or not Kitra could hear her over the wind. Celeste was doing a happy dance on the ground, her footprints leaving marks in the snow. "You did it, you did it!" She clapped and giggled like a toddler. "I knew you could, oh I'm so proud!" Almost as soon as Kitra landed, Celeste jumped on top of her, the two girls rolling around together in the snow. Celeste kissed Kitra's lips as a reward, her mouth turned upwards into a smile. "Now you know how to fly," good thing too as it was just about time to get ready to go. Celeste helped Kitra up to her feet in case she was still imbalanced, they would be making a grand entrance into Heaven soon, they needed to be their best.

Lilim, Raphael, and Sunny all came towards them at once. Sunny bound around the two, clearly upset at being left out. "Hey Sunny," Celeste knelt down and he jumped readily into her arms, licking her face almost desperately. "You're gonna stay here with Uncle Raphael and Aunt Lilim, okay?" It pained her to leave Sunny behind, but they couldn't bring the dragon into Heaven, not with the current state of things. Who knows what the council would do if they found out that there was a heavenly breed of dragons? They could abuse them, use them for work or forge their scales for elixirs and other magical, illegal things. "It'll be alright, I'll be back and in the meantime they'll take good care of you." Sunny whimpered and rubbed his head against her, not wanting her to go; it really did break her heart, especially since Celeste was such a big animal lover.

Raphael looked at Celeste as though seeing her for the first time in a long time. "I'm grown up," Celeste smiled in confirmation. "I'm not just a brat who likes painting anymore," not just a brat who wanted to escape the confines of the castle walls and see what Heaven had to offer. Now that she knew, she would never take it back, even if it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows like she had originally thought it would be. Lilim slapped Raphael's shoulder, telling him to stop being so gushy. "We'll be back alright, if not for you, then for Sunny." Raphael made a sound of mock offense and rolled his eyes, taking Sunny from Celeste. "Come back safely," he said, touching his index finger against her forehead. Celeste rubbed the spot, grinning, "You bet!" It was time for them to go now, they had already wasted enough time.

"Ready?" Celeste took Kitra's hand, the two of them getting a running start into the sky. "Here!" Celeste called over the wind, taking out a pair of goggles she had nabbed from the dragon nest. "Your eyes aren't used to the wind!" Eye protection was important, especially when flying in snow. Celeste pulled her hood on over her ears and drew her goggles up to her red orbs, protected from the elements. The angels could not fly as fast as Skyla, but they would have to make due. Hopefully they would arrive in Eden, Heaven's Capital City, before sundown.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Filled with elation at having managed to fly, Kitra couldn't stop her giddiness, couldn't stop how happy and excited she felt. She did it once, she could keep on doing it, even for the long journey to the east, where Heaven's Gate lay waiting. "It's all thanks to you, Celty, if it wasn't for you, I'd have given up, and but I kept trying, because I wanted to make you proud." And proud she was, and it made all the effort and tears of desperately scrambling and falling over worth it. And in that time Kitra slowly grew accustomed to the different size and gait of this body, no longer angular and thin, but curvy and pretty. Raphael and Lilim were here, since most everyone else were busy preparing for the battle of Sloth Village, it would be disaster if it fell, so Raphael and Lilim too, had no time to waste. Yet they couldn't go fight without wishing their beloved siblings farewell.

The farewell had many emotions mixed into it, because as far as they knew, this could very well be the end, the last time either group saw the other. This situation might possibly be one of the more dangerous ones, but they were going to go for it head first, to save the day and bring peace to the realm once and for all. Sunny was here too, he was crying, he didn't want his mother to leave him behind, he wanted to come too. "Raphael and I call Skyla for the war, by the way." Lilim said with a teasing wink that Kitra couldn't tell if it was serious or a jest. "You better have trained her well, dummy." Meanwhile Raphael and Celeste had their own tender moment together. Four Heavenly Vows later, and Celeste and Kitra set off, dashing to catch the wind and fly up as high as fate would take them.

It really was cold here, but for some reason, this cold didn't really bother Celeste. Maybe it was because she as in an angel body now, full of plumage and feathers, or perhaps it was because they survived (barely) the eternal blizzard to the far north, so something like this was nothing in comparison. Then Kitra shut her eyes to prevent hail stabbing right into it. "Thanks, I needed that!" She took the goggles and strapped them on, covering her head in that familiar floofy hat from so long ago. It wasn't quite a storm, but the wind was certainly stronger than the norm, making the falling snow whip around in dangerous circles. "My six wings, someone will notice, won't that be a problem?" Did six winged angels even really exist anyways?

That was when they saw it, below them, only for a second but the two girls both saw it, a large group of Fallen were traveling under the cover of the wind and snow to sneak up on Hell's army, to attack them from behind as they tried to get to the Sloth Village on time. A trap was definitely about to be laid that could make things very bad indeed. "Celty, it's a surprise attack, I don't know if Minerva - this might be trouble for those staying to fight." All the Fallen moving out, each with their own powers, headed by half of Gemini, Iaoth. "We're maybe two fifhts of the way there, we don't have time to go back and warn everyone, do we?" Unless Celty could manage a signal of some sorts, they had no choice but to trust that Minerva and Raphael could lead everyone to victory despite this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

Trouble was coming in the form of the Fallen army. Celeste struggled to see them through the haze of wind and snow, even with her goggles. "I've got an idea," She tugged off a bright red ribbon from her jacket and it into a bow with the knot facing the direction the army was coming in. Judging by the direction of the wind, Celeste had to throw it a certain way. When she let the ribbon go, she could only hope that it would be enough to warn them. "We don't have time to stop," the angel shook her head, knowing that it probably pained Kitra to do this. Like Kitra always said, sometimes there were necessary sacrifices in war. "I trust them, Raphael, Lilim, and Minerva won't be outdone by one Zodiac." Two Zodiacs and a candidate versus one fallen and an army, it would be a battle for the ages that they couldn't afford to stay and watch. They had to keep moving, especially because of the cold that would eventually chill them to their very core.

By the time Heaven was in sight, Celeste could no longer feel her wings. They were numb from the cold, her ears were howling from the window, nonetheless the storm was dying down, revealing the Gates they would be landing at, at any second. Knowing Gabriel he would be there, doing what she wasn't sure, but Celeste had hope. Just as she predicted, they landed at sunset, their two forms walking slowly up to the gate, wing spread. "Don't worry about it, there's been events where angels are born with more than two wings." Celeste had a bottle from Raphael in her pocket, just in case they needed more of the charm after Kitra's lunar flow came. Celeste hoped that this mission wouldn't take longer than two weeks, but you couldn't fix an entire kingdom in a day or two, no, it would take much longer.

"Who goes there?" A voice called, the snow still in the air. Celeste walked forward, pulling off her goggles and up her hood. "It is I!" She called, "Princess Celeste Pandora Angeal of Eden!" The caravan was coming into view, the entire council was there with Gabriel, schematics held in his hand for what appeared to be reinforcements to the gate, they were going to make it demon-proof. "I have returned," gasps were audible, one council member fainted. "You-but-but you were dead!" Celeste shook her head, trying to appear wise beyond her years. "I am many things, but dead is not one of them." Gabriel tried not to rush forward, he drew his sword, slowly, hesitantly, raising it to her level. "What proof have you that you are my sister?" He inquired, going along with it, his eyes searching, desperate for their help.

What proof did Celeste have? None. Well, she did have one thing. "This!" Celeste pulled off her glove to show them the marking of Libra. "I was granted life by the One God," Celeste said, being careful to speak nothing but the truth. "After being corrupted I was slated for death, I made a journey across the realms, where I came upon the One God who gave me this." She was careful not to say that he healed her, because that wasn't true. "It took months of healing, but I'm finally strong enough to return," Gabriel lowered his sword, it seemed that they had provided a satisfactory performance. "Come into my carriage, you must be cold." He bustled the two girls into one of the wooden chariots, Celeste was thankful. She shivered once inside, drawing a blanket around her.

"Are you mad! What are you doing back here!" Gabriel seemed to explode in a hushed rage, they couldn't let the council hear them. "We came back for you Gabe, you weren't doing too well. Morgana has you like putty in her hands," his shoulders tensed, he knew it to be true. "I couldn't come alone, so I brought Kitra." Gabriel's eyes widened when he realized who it was beside her. "We used a charm, Raphael and Lilim made it safely over the border." Guilt filled his eyes, he knew what he had done. "So Lilim is alright?" Celeste nodded slowly, "yes, Raphael brought her to us."

"I suppose now that you're here, I can't just tell you to go, not since you've made a grand entrance in front of the entire council." Celeste grinned, flashing a two fingered peace sign. "We're here to help whether you like it or not!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

In terms of a signal, Celeste's ribbon was going to have to be enough because now they were at Heaven's Gate, the cold and arduous flight was finally over. It was a strange pleasant feeling, to fly, Kitra couldn't explain it even if she wanted to, it was something you just had to experience on your own, it was different from flying a dragon, but in what way it was difficult to put into words. "We got this, Celty." Kitra whispered words of encouragement to her lover, her six wings beating steadily as the large golden landmark, Heaven's Gate, appeared in front of them, as Gabriel called out to them, questioning who they were and what they were doing here. The Angel King was meant to be a position of power and might but Gabriel, like this, he looked nothing like Zadkiel, he looked like a sad lifeless little doll with no will of his own.

It was time for them to come, to try and break the strings and free Gabriel from whatever hold Morgana and the Council had against her. As for Kitra, she had a plan, she remembered something important indeed. No one alive remembered what Princess Orana from many generations ago looked like, so Kitra could simply claim to be her, to be King Ezreal's only daughter, the one that had gone missing with Princess Azphille of Hell, to never be seen again by anyone. "And when she was traveling the world, she found me, and my dear friend." Kitra said with grandiose purpose, her six wings spreading out to give her a majestic look. "I am Princess Orana of Heaven, daughter of King Ezreal, and I have come with my good friend Celeste, to see what Eden has become."

Gabriel eventually managed to stuff them into a carriage where the council couldn't hear and the veils came off. Gabriel seemed almost a little disappointed that a figure from fairy tales hadn't arrived, that it was just Kitra, charmed to look like an angel. More than that, though, he definitely was going to need help, and this was the best way to do it. "We won't let you suffer anymore." Gabriel nodded and then put his hands on Celeste's shoulders, looking at her with sad, sad eyes that held as much pain as the sun. "Leste, I have to tell you something, so please stay quiet and don't alert anyone when I tell you." He was technically not allowed to tell anyone. "I'm only speaking to myself, and this is just you overhearing." Just in case the Council asked if he told anyone.

"Father is alive." And so with shaking eyes Gabriel explained how Father was alive but kept prisoner, how he was being tortured in his imprisonment and kept as a hostage. Not only him, but Callisto too. When Callisto came back Gabriel was ordered to force his own mother into a delusional angel's home, where she would have no power or authority, where everyone would doubt her mind and consider her insane. "Well, we're here now to put a stop to that however we can." Kitra muttered, getting angrier at Morgana and Onoel and all the council for doing these horrible things. "I don't know what you can do." Gabriel admitted and he lowered his head. "But please help me, I can't do it alone."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя: #F6A8B6 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #BDA0CB

|| Broken Crown || Mumford and Sons ||

"Father is alive?" Celeste asked in a gasp, her hands covering her mouth. "But that means, that means the council lied!" That meant that Morgana was on the path towards becoming a fallen. Gabriel nodded, this information had occurred to him too. "I can't just out them, not without the others accusing me of being a liar and trying to overthrow me." What minimal power Gabriel still had was important for the balance of Heaven. "Papa, Mama," the thought of her Mother suffering in such a place was near unbearable. If she was committed to a place like that, the people would lose their trust in her. "We have to get her out," but how? Celeste didn't know, she didn't know but she knew that they needed to try, not for themselves, but for the sake of their mother. "Please," Gabriel knelt on the floor of the carriage, crown dipping off of his head. "Please help me."

"We'll do it," Celeste took both of her brother's hands in her own. "We'll do whatever we can." Gabriel leaned forward, trembling as he embraced her. "Don't let them control you," he warned before letting go and stepping outside of the carriage. "The rumors are correct, it is in fact Celeste and the Princess Orana, they have returned home at last."[/color] There was a smattering of applause, mostly from the military, the council seemed more than a bit perturbed at the sudden convenient appearance of the two. They retreated back into the carriage, the doors closing and the wheels beginning to move. "The prisons are full," Gabriel said to them. "The FlowerSea is overwhelmed by the sick and dying, they're using Oz as the sacrifice now, claiming that it's the punishment for his crimes." Celeste winced at the name, no one deserved to be punished like that, not even Oz.

Gabriel was lost, broken, sad. It was clear that he had been lonely, they had made the right decision to come. "They're not going to trust us," Celeste said with certainty. "They'll be wary these next few days," Gabriel warned. "Stay out of trouble, stay away from the lower floors, act ignorant if you must, but don't lie." Celeste nodded, "I can't lie, remember?" He looked pointedly at Kitra, "yes, but she can." He suddenly clasped both of Kitra's hands in his own. "Please protect Celeste, lie only if you must." They were growing closer to Eden, which was decked out for the holidays. Lights had been strung around every building, the smell of roasted nuts was in the air. "Mm, it's so nostalgic!" Gabriel smiled, "I'm making them go all out this year, the people could use a happy festival." It was almost time for the annual Gathering of the New Moon, which would mark the beginning of the new year.

"I can't wait, this will be Kitra's first New Moon Festival!" Even if they were here on business, there was no harm in taking a well deserved break. "Unless you guys celebrate the New Moon in Hell?" Celeste hadn't seen any celebrations whenever she had been there, in fact most of the time the space just appeared bleak and glum. Perhaps they didn't have the resources for a festival? The thought of such saddened her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitra Vacivus Character Portrait: Celeste
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❝Truth and lies and everything is reborn.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8f8c89 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя :#7D65B3

|| Manic || Plumb ||

Even though they were here, Kitra had to admit, there was just so much corruption and ruin going on that it was hard to try and think of what they could do. It wasn't like they could just go in and kill off the council with their might, that would just turn the people against them, it would just make the citizens hate the Angeal family, to see them as tyrants that slaughter anyone in their way. That wasn't going to work. Could they stage a break out for Callisto to be free from the insane house? No, that wouldn't work either, no doubt the Council had set up some sort of trap in case they wanted to try that path. What if they tried to find where the Council hid Zadkiel, tried to find him and free him? No doubt Zadkiel was kept even more guarded than Callisto was, that wasn't even almost an option.

Still, Kitra was going to do whatever it took if it meant saving Heaven, saving Celeste's family. If things went well they'd be able to go back to Hell and help out with all the power of the armies of Heaven helping, so by being here, Kitra was helping secure allies for the war against Satan, to finally turn the tide. "Gabriel, once this is done, we're going to need everything you've got against Satan." Kitra shuffled, looking down. "Things are pretty bad, our armies can't hold against his advances." Gabriel nodded, it seemed maybe there was a tiny bit of hope lighting in his eyes once again. "That'll be the least I do, Kitra. If you can help here, I'll never be able to repay the debt." So that was settled then, by rescuing Heaven, Kitra was indirectly raising an army to help fight Satan.

Festival? Kitra didn't even know what the word was until Gabriel explained it to her, a gathering, almost like a public party to celebrate or commemorate some sort of special event, in this case, the New Moon. "Hell doesn't really have festivals." The demon muttered under her breath so n one could really overhear. "It was hard just having enough food to survive most of the time, so if we wasted it on celebrations, it would be really stupid." They hardly even celebrated birthdays in Hell, they couldn't afford the luxury. "Once the war's over we need to focus on fixing the land, to make Hell beautiful again."

In the town square it seemed there was a commotion. A woman, looking very familiar was scowling as two angel knights were trying to accost her, grabbing at her arms. "You are Fiona Anwhistle, correct?" The angel almost demanded and Fiona grit her teeth, glaring at the enforcer. "You were once a maid at the now demolished Hotel Loupelle, are you not? Not to mention, we have reports that in Valhalla, you are taking care of demon children. For treason against the Crown, you are to be arrested, and all those demon children are to be brought in for intense questioning." And then the plot twist, Fiona pulled out what looked like a rapier out of nowhere, and a very familiar sign glowed on her, it was a Taurus outline. Since when was Fiona a contender for Taurus? If Lilim wanted to be a Zodiac, this was who she had to fight. "I won't let you lay a hand on my kids." The fencer maid thrust the rapier at the enforcer, the tip right at his neck.