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The Knight's Tale: The Story of Jason Walker

The Knight's Tale: The Story of Jason Walker


The prequel to the Knights of Armageddon story.

2,085 readers have visited The Knight's Tale: The Story of Jason Walker since Disarmhxc created it.


This story goes back before Jason Walker was officially involved with the Knights of Armageddon, back to his high-school days. The story will follow the relationships of him, Lolly, Jetta, Nicky, Merc, and Salem among others before they entered the outlaw bikers lifestyle. The story will look back on the history that led and eventually formed these young people to become the adults they went on to be and the decisions they made. Before Jason Walker became "Roach", he was simply just "Jay". This story will also outline how Jason Walker went from being the high school kid he was, to becoming one of the most feared names in the world of outlaw bikers.

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This is a private RP with myself and Maliceinwonderland. Anyone previously involved with the Knights of Armageddon who may wish to join, contact me and let me know.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Jason was standing down the hall, sitting and waiting wasn't his thing. Deacon walked down the hall to find Jason, "how you doing?" he asked. Jason just stood against the wall "none of this makes sense, there's no way that guy knows all that info on Lolly just by researching, hell I don't even know if her birth certificate actually has her middle name on it...and even if it did, Nicky said he pronounced it perfectly..." Jason's voice trailed off. Deke just stood there not saying anything when Jason looked up at him, "there's gotta be a traitor somewhere in the club, in the club back in Los Angeles" Jason said, Deke nodded "yeah it's looking like that" Deke said. Jason shook his head "Beau got Matthias...I get whoever this asshole turns out to be" Jason said, Deke smirked a little...there were three men in the club that nobody wanted to mess with, that would be Deacon, Crazy Jimmy and Beau...but Jason was going to probably end up surpassing all of them. Lolly was like a daughter to both Jimmy and Deacon, they weren't as enraged as Beau, but still this was family...Lolly WAS Beau's daughter, he had shot Jason when he thought he had hurt her, and then there was Jason...whoever this traitor was they just pissed off the 4 worst people in the club. "You going to come to the waiting room?" Deke asked, Jason didn't want to but figured Ria would need somebody with her. He followed Deke back to the waiting room, he sat down beside Ria, taking her hand.


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Finally the helicopter arrived.
The flight was probably the longest hours of Beau's life. He never thought he'd go through this a second time. Thankfully he was able to ride with her.

Lolly was rushed into the emergency room. It took quite a bit of time for the others to arrive but they made it with some connections the club had in the UK.

Ria sat with Jason as they arrived at The Royal London Hospital. It would have been cool if Lolly weren't fighting for her life. It was a medical school. Ria had thought once about becoming a doctor so this would have been a great experience.

For hours they waited until finally a blonde woman walked out. "Mr. Duncan?" She called. Her english accent heavy. Beau stood. "Yea. How is she?" He asked the doctor took a breath. "We've managed to stablizer her but we've come across a problem." She said. Beau frowned. "You see, Lola has the drug, Rohypnol, Roofie, injected directly into her blood stream. It's a muscle relaxant and it's going straight for her heart." She explained. Beau shifted uncomfortably. "Unfortunately, She..She has slipped into a coma." She said and Beau felt sick. The doctor looked at him. "We're working as fast as we can. Honestly Mr. Duncan. For what it's worth, Your daughter should have been dead, 4 hours ago. Most people would have been already. It was a heavy dosage." She said. "She's fighting. The coma is simply her body shutting down so that it can fight the drug with everything it's got. It's a good sign..." She said and Beau nodded and with a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, she walked off.

Beau walked back to the others. He told them the news and Ria burst into tears, not really meaning to. Jason looked sick. Beau decided he'd completely shut off his emotions then. He had to be strong. He kissed the top of Ria's head and sat down without a single expression on his face. Deacon recognized this from when Aira died. He was shutting down.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez Character Portrait: Beauregard 'Beau' Duncan Character Portrait: Jason Walker Character Portrait: Ria Murdock
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Jason sat there with his arm around Ria, he wanted more than anything to go back to Ireland, he wanted revive Matthias and make him really pay for what had happened. But he couldn't, so the only person left was whoever leaked him the information, whoever that person is...or was...they were going to pay, Jason could feel for Beau, but Lolly was close to him too, he could understand Beau wanting payback but if he wanted the traitor he was going to have to beat Jason to him...hell Beau had shot him with a shotgun at point blank, so he owed him one anyway.

Deacon walked over and sat down beside Beau, he could see Beau shutting down. "She's a fighter brother, just like her dad, if any kid could make it through this, it's gonna be her" Deacon said with arm around Beau's shoulder. It was a rare sight to see these guys showing emotion like this, but this was one of those rare occasions where the bond of the brotherhood really showed through. There were even members from KOA London at the hospital, they had no involvement or part of the incident, even though some of them probably had no clue who Lolly was...she was family.


Back in Los Angeles Jimmy had called an open church meeting, this meant even prospects and Mama's were allowed in, something that rarely ever happened. With Deacon gone, Jimmy was the acting one in charge.

"You've all heard about Lola, I know everyone here is feeling for her and Beau....well almost everyone" he said as a murmur went through the group. "The asshole who did this had info on Lolly, info there is no fucking way he could have gotten on his own, info that could only have come from this clubhouse" Jimmy said, he was far from the reserved one, and he was doing everything he could to hold his anger in right now. "Somebody in this room sold her out, sold out Beau's little girl...the only family he's got left", the room went silent as all eyes were on Jimmy. "To whoever it was...if you haven't figured it out're fucking dead" Jimmy said coldly. "But this club respects honor....whoever it up....admit it, own your actions.....and whatever your ending is, I promise you it'll be much easier than if we gotta find you ourselves....cause we will find you, I fucking promise you that" Jimmy said as he scanned the group. Members were looking around at each other, the un-asked question was who would have done it. "I understand admitting it right now would probably get you killed on the spot by everyone in this when we're done here, everyone go home...I'll be in my want to prove you still got balls, you'll know where I'll be..." Jimmy slammed the gavel down "We're dismissed"


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Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez Character Portrait: Beauregard 'Beau' Duncan Character Portrait: Jason Walker Character Portrait: Ria Murdock
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Beau looked at Deacon. He let out a shaky breath and stared off into oblivion. He wanted to scream. He wanted to break something, He wanted desperately to take her place but it would do no good. That's what was driving him insane. He had to sit there. Beau ws a man of action yet he had to sit and wait.

After a long while, Deacon got up after getting a phone call from Jimmy as one of the KOA London members. Danny Boy, approached Beau. He was in his late 20's, Deep black hair. He placed a hand on Beau shoulder. "Alright then, Mate?" He said softly. Beau looked up. "Hey." he said, his voice was low. DannyBoy and a few others met Lolly over the summer. Beau made it a point to show off his daughter's bike knowledge by having her take apart Danny Boy's bike and put it back together. It worked better then it did when he got it. They all loved, respected and slightly feared the kid after that. "Ya'know. She said if I messed up my bike again, she'd throttle me. Well bloodyhell, if I didn't wipe out the week after you left. I thought. That kid's gonna fuckin pop me off." He said and Beau looked up with a small hardly audible chuckle. Dannyboy was a jokester. He was always good for a laugh even at his own expense. "I guess I'd better git while the gettings good cause when she wakes up-"

It was then that the doctor came rushing out. Everyone was on egde. Beau shot up. She looked scared. "She had another seizure but she's stable now." She said quickly. " We hoped that if we kept her stable long enough, the drug would run it's course, so long as we treated the symptoms. However, we found that the drug administered twice. She had a much heavier dosage then we first though. One was in her stomach, Then other in her bloodstream." She said. "We've pumped her stomach but it's still heavy in ger blood so she will need a blood transfusion." She said and Beau nodded. "Alright. Then do it." He said but she looked down. "Lola has a rare blood type. B negative. It's rare here and in the US. We've checked with other hosptials and having some rushed in but the supply is limited. We aren't sure if it'll be enough." She said. "This is a shot in that dark, I know but do you know of anyone with that type. You maybe?" She asked. He shook his head. "A-" He said. "Her Mother? " That hit Beau like a bus. "Her mother is dead..." He said. The doctor bit her lip. She hadn't even had time to consider as there was no crying woman in the waiting room. Just alot of men and a boy and girl. "I'm so sorry. We'll do what we can. See if maybe we can check with other hospitals." She said and rushed off.

Beau walked back in the waiting room. "She needs a blood transfusion but her blood type is rare for the UK. For the U.S too apparently..." He said and that was it. He couldn't state the obvious. Everyone in the room knew what was happening. Without the transfusion. Lolly would die.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez Character Portrait: Beauregard 'Beau' Duncan Character Portrait: Jason Walker Character Portrait: Ria Murdock
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Beau sat back against the seat. His hand covering his face, trying to think. His mind went to some strange places as he wondered who he could bleed. He wondered darkly if Mathias was a B-. He hadn't been dead that long.

Suddenly, Ria's voice broke him from his thoughts. "Um. What's her blood type?" She asked with a sniff. Her eyes were puffy and red. "B-" Beau said softly. Ria looked around to the group. The members looked at one another. "I don't even know mine..." Dannyboy said softly. Beau though he was hurting, he felt grateful as everyone asked about their blood types. They all were willing to give up their blood to save his daughter.

It was then Deacon walked in finished with his phone call and asked about the progress. Ria spoke before Beau did. "Lolly has a rare blood type. None of us have it." She said softly.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez Character Portrait: Beauregard 'Beau' Duncan Character Portrait: Jason Walker Character Portrait: Nick "Nicky" Rhodes Character Portrait: Ria Murdock
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After a long wait, the doctor came out, her face was grim. Beau looked up. "There was a hospital that had B- but it'll take a day or so to arrive." She said and it was then Deacon spoke up saying something about his blood type being B-. The doctor looked hopeful. Beau looked up almost as if he was gonna say no. Deacon shoot him a look saying something about sitting down and shutting up. He wasn't doing it for him he was doing it for the kid.

Deacon went with the doctor- Dr. Douglas and then it was more waiting.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Dr. Douglas returned. "The transfusion was a success." She said and Beau sighed and started for the room. Dr. Douglas raised her hands. "She's still in a coma." She said and Beau looked confused. "How?"
"We-we never really sure when a person comes out of it. It could take days...weeks...years even. It's up to her." She said grimly. Beau sighed. "When can I see my daughter?" He asked, trying to keep the frustration from his voice. "Soon." Dr. Douglas assured him.

Days had gone by and Lolly still hadn't woken up. After a while, Everyone was able to come visit her. Ria walked in as Beau sat beside Lolly in a chair beside her bed. Ria looked at Lolly's face. It was strange to see Lolly so still. Lolly could never sit still, she hated it. She moved more in her sleep. As Ria drew closer, she noticed how pretty Lolly was. It was an odd thought but she looked so peaceful, where ever she was, Ria hoped it was as peaceful as she looked. She looked at Beau. "I'd been talking to Dr. Douglas." She said softly. "She said that, it sometimes, it helps to talk..." She said. Ria had been learning all she could from the doctor about coma care. She wanted desperately to wake Lolly up. "She told me." Beau said softly, Ria noticed, Beau's hand on Lolly's. Her heart broke for him. Ria took a seat on the other side of Lolly, looking at her. She hated that she'd had to be hooked up to all of those tubes and monitors. Thankfully, She'd been breathing on her own and her heart was at it's normal pace. Now she just had the IV hooked to her arm. She smiled some. Lolly would tease her now. Ria hated needles, she'd pick on her about it when they were younger. "You know. She'd pick on me right now." She said and Beau looked up. "I hate needles. Lolly, who fears nothing, would pick on me any chance she got." Ria said with a light laugh. Beau gave a small grin. "Like the one time, we were watching Nightmare of Elm Street: Dream Warriors. I screamed when Freddy had the needles for fingers. She laughed at me so hard." Ria said and laughed at the memory. "I remember. I came home about that time." He said recalling hearing Ria scream. If it weren't for Lolly's boisterous laugh, he'da thought something was wrong. He'd give anything to hear that laugh about now.
"I'll be taking her home soon." he said and Ria looked up then nodded. Lolly would need a nurse and Ria was more than willing to do it. She wasn't certified but there was a midwifery program at her school in Ireland that was acing. She figured she could apply those skills to helping Lolly. She was going to back to LA.
It was funny, It was Lolly that made her want to leave and it was Lolly that made her want to come back.

A Month had gone by and Lolly hadn't changed. Beau had her brought back to LA. Deacon had made it his main focus to find whoever this rat was -As did Jason but that was a given-

Everyone had came to see Lolly. Talk to her, bringing her gifts and what not while Ria gave them instructions on it. Ria kept at Lolly's side, she was her nurse of sorts. She would call Dr. Douglas every so often for guidance.

Ria sat with Lolly, having just finished checking her vitals and what not when she noticed some. Everyone had come to visit Lolly, Nickie, Beau -of course-, Nicky, Merc, her friends from her gymnastics team, Hell even Jimmy and Deacon. They were talk to her though Jimmy didn't talk long. They weren't particularly close, neither was her and Deacon but it seemed that after the transfusion. Deacon seemed to have a bit of a bond with Lolly. Even if she weren't conscious to feel it. The strange thing was, everyone but Jason had come to visit. Which Ria thought was odd. Lolly and Jason where like Batman and Robin. Well more like Bonnie and Clyde, they were inseparable -literally- in some cases as she found out last summer. So why hadn't he come to see her?

One day. Ria approached him about it. "You know. She'd been ticked if you didn't come to see her?" Ria said to him. He said something about being busy and that he hadn't found the time as he was looking for the rat. Had that been Lolly she would have seen right through that lie and bitch slapped the mess out of him. Ria nodded. "Okay." She said and was about to go back to Lolly's house. She'd been practically staying there since Lolly's been out He went on about not wanting to see Lolly like that, venting a bit. Ria nodded."I get it but maybe it'll help."

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jason Walker
Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez
Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker
Character Portrait: Nicole "Nickie" Walker
Character Portrait: Merc
Character Portrait: Nick "Nicky" Rhodes
Character Portrait: "Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes


Character Portrait: "Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes
"Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes

"See the difference is...I actually do the shit you all think about doing"

Character Portrait: Nick "Nicky" Rhodes
Nick "Nicky" Rhodes

"Today you must really be wanting to get your ass kicked, well allow me!"

Character Portrait: Merc

"Hey, what's the worst that could happen?"

Character Portrait: Nicole "Nickie" Walker
Nicole "Nickie" Walker

Whether they're right or wrong, nobody messes with my boys!

Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker
Deacon "Deke" Walker

I taught my son everything I know so he'll one day become better than I am

Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez
Lola 'Lolly' Martinez

"Mess with me, I'll fuck you up. Don't worry, I've got friends too."


Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez
Lola 'Lolly' Martinez

"Mess with me, I'll fuck you up. Don't worry, I've got friends too."

Character Portrait: Nick "Nicky" Rhodes
Nick "Nicky" Rhodes

"Today you must really be wanting to get your ass kicked, well allow me!"

Character Portrait: Merc

"Hey, what's the worst that could happen?"

Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker
Deacon "Deke" Walker

I taught my son everything I know so he'll one day become better than I am

Character Portrait: Nicole "Nickie" Walker
Nicole "Nickie" Walker

Whether they're right or wrong, nobody messes with my boys!

Character Portrait: "Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes
"Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes

"See the difference is...I actually do the shit you all think about doing"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Nick "Nicky" Rhodes
Nick "Nicky" Rhodes

"Today you must really be wanting to get your ass kicked, well allow me!"

Character Portrait: Deacon "Deke" Walker
Deacon "Deke" Walker

I taught my son everything I know so he'll one day become better than I am

Character Portrait: "Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes
"Crazy" Jimmy Rhodes

"See the difference is...I actually do the shit you all think about doing"

Character Portrait: Merc

"Hey, what's the worst that could happen?"

Character Portrait: Lola 'Lolly' Martinez
Lola 'Lolly' Martinez

"Mess with me, I'll fuck you up. Don't worry, I've got friends too."

Character Portrait: Nicole "Nickie" Walker
Nicole "Nickie" Walker

Whether they're right or wrong, nobody messes with my boys!

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