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[quote] Delicious...[/quote] After a month and several weeks in the Underdark, the dark mistress of the bar returns with a new venom in her veins. Sanity is no longer a priority in her mind and power is absolute. Behold the Crimson Widow.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Hunter_Killer


Full name of Character: Brizriia Ousstyl
Meaning behind the name: Translates roughly to "Graceful-Tempest" "Heirs to the Void"
Other translations: "Graceful-Storm", "Graceful-Chaos"
Race: Drow
Occupation/class: Sorceress
Social class: Fourth Daughter to the Ousstyl house
Physical Appearance:

Age: 380
How old they appear: 26
Eye Color: Black with a tint of crimson to them
Hair color, length and style: White hair that is slowly turning copper, about shoulder length though it is usually tied up in a pony tail
Weight and height: 5'5" and 115lbs.
Type of body: Lithe, slim and graceful, other than her black skin she could be mistaken as a normal elf.
Skin tone and type: Black skin that is very easily burned or irritated by bright lights or that of the sun.
Shape of face: Narrow face with a small chin, small nose and almond shaped eyes.
Distinguishing marks: An ivory colored birthmark on the small of her back in the shape of an hourglass
Predominant feature: Long delicate fingers, pointed ears and almond shaped eyes.


Favorite color: Red
Expressions: there are few expressions though those that involve her displeasure or anger usually are a slight snarl along with the red in her eyes beginning to grow redder in color.
Expletives: Not many are known in the human dialect though many seem to be just a harsh string of dialect that berates or criticizes the offender. Though she does have a tendency to lean towards hexes and curses to fit the bill.
Mode of transport: None, though if it means traveling up to certain points her ability to use levitation comes in handy.
Hobbies: None, unless disrupting and degrading the minds and forms of males to her own pleasure counts as something she enjoys, though she usually does it out of boredom. Her true hobby is seducing males to be her mate and then killing them when she has had her fun with them.


Immediate: Unknown, but if one approaches too close they will not only discover it they might just be used to accomplish it
Long term: To become the Matron Mother of the Ousstyl house.
How do they plan to accomplish them: By any means necessary, even if assassination needs to be involved.
How will others be effected by this: It depends on what role she bends them to though the end result is never good for the "helpers"


How do they react in a crisis: She reacts with cold and deadly moves, often aiming to place her at a slightly higher advantage or in a position to dominate and eliminate the crisis or threat.
How do they face problems: Problems are merely complications, usual with her "pets" and "toys" and are easily fixed by either eliminating them or turning them into zombies so they are no longer in the way.
Kind of problems they usually run into: Most problems are defiant "pets" and "toys", disputes with her sisters or mother, or times when the House needs her to dissuade another House from rash actions
How they react to new problems: By analyzing the problem she quickly deals with it in a manner that leaves all her strings attached but without her being traced or detected.
How they react to change: Change will only be brought on when she wishes it to be brought on, any other attempt results in death or serious mortality.


Favorite clothing, why:
Least favorite, why:
Other accessories:
Where do they live:
Where do they want to live:
Spending habits, why:
What do they do too much of, why:
Most prized possession, why:
People they secretly admire, why:
Person they are most influenced by, why:
Most important person in their life before story starts, why:
How do they spend the week just before the story starts:



Habits: She has a nasty habit of seducing males of lesser races so they do her bidding, turning them into husks of their former selves or zombies when she is through with them. A lucky few are kept as her most intimate "playthings" hidden away in her own secret location. There are a select few females under her control, stripped of all self identity and nothing but mindless followers to do her bidding and do anything to please her. Some of these believe they are her friends though that is only a sad cover for what they really are now.

Greatest Strength: Being in the Underdark or on dark nights with little stars or a new moon, places in shadow to give her magic its former glory and power, though on the surface it is still limited. In abilities she is adept in magic as well as wielding a multi-headed whip, with each tip being replaced by a snakes head that will bite whatever it is directed towards, enough bites will paralyze or kill the target.
Greatest Weakness: Any time of day where the sun is high in the air or when there are little shadows, even bright lights are a severe handicap to her power and ability.
Soft spot: While it is only a faux soft spot she holds in public or around her family. In actuality her love for her three older sisters and her mother, the Matron Mother of the Ousstyl House, is nothing more than a lie kept about to help hold structure in the household. In reality she plots and plans to remove each of her sisters, and even her mother to take control of the Ousstyl house.

Biggest Vulnerability: Sunlight


Drives and motives:Her greatest drive is her hatred of her sisters and their impressions of how she is weak in Drow Magic, supposedly. Her main motives are simple, eliminate any of her sisters who get in her way and take over as Matron Mother of the Ousstyl House... by any means necessary.
Talents: Many of her talents are involved with enslaving males and females, most of them humans or surface elves, though her abilities in sorcery are among the greater talents.
Extremely skilled at: Drow Sorcery
Extremely unskilled at:Priestess of Lolth magic
Good characteristics: She'll trust her alliances and "friends" as far as the leash she holds them with.
Character flaws:To the surface races her whole mentality is a flaw but in Drow culture she is the perfect gem of a Drow.
Mannerisms: When seducing or corrupting a target her body language becomes very suggestive and almost beckoning for the fool to draw closer. When she is angry, other than the glow of red in her eyes, she has a habit of trying to adjust her pony tail, though it is already perfectly made. When she is amused it is almost similar to when she is seducing though she draws enough away to hold intrigue and give the other some room before she snatches it away.
Peculiarities: Other than having dark skin, black eyes with a red tint, pointed ears, long delicate fingers and almond shaped eyes, she looks like any other surface elf.
Biggest regret: Not removing her third sister when her guard was down as a child.
Minor regrets: Nothing really makes her pause to mourn or make an itch in her mind, other than irritations.
Biggest accomplishment: Turning the Lord of a human city into one of her intimate playthings.
Minor accomplishments: Passing through the magic house of the Drow academy and becoming a master of sorcery, Convincing her sisters it is better to leave her alive.
Darkest secret: To become Matron Mother and put her older sisters in their place for misjudging her.


One word they would use to describe themselves: Lethal.
One paragraph of how they would describe themselves: A dangerous mixture of Sorcery and female lethality combined into one to give a dark form capable of great things. Placed in the perfect position where all, save the Matron Mother, can see what she is destined to do. A natural seducer and a cruel mistress she is capable of twisting almost any mind to fit her desire and no remorse to dispose of the useless ones after her fun is over.
What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: Her eyes. They really seem to cover over her thoughts and hide them from view, and many say they look like spider eyes.
How they think others preserve them: To her great fortune they seem to believe she is only a minor threat and of no great worry yet.
What four things would they most like to change about themselves: There is nothing she would change

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others: Brizriia sees others as far as they can be used, whether the goal or plan is short or long term. Though males end up being discarded, females will be noted and collected for any other use or personal gain she sees fit.
How are they perceived by strangers: Many who first run into her may expect some shimmer of good nature, as Drow on the surface are uncommon, but that is sadly not the case. Any that know her might want to keep their distance, least they be used.
Friends: None, though the term Alliance comes up often enough even that is a bitter mask for the truth: puppets.
Wife/husband/lover: No one is in her life currently and even if they were they wouldn't last long.

What do people like most about this char: Other Drow respect her ruthless and lethal mentality, though that view isn't shared by many surface dwellers
What do they dislike most about them: Most likely she is as cruel of the word Drow as they can think of.


While Drow are known to hold a magical device or two on them, Brizriia seems to hold almost none save for her Nine headed snake whip and a strange dagger of some kind. Other than actual weapons her knowledge if spells is interesting and innovative, to say the least. Since she could not become a priestess, Briz has had to make do with regular spells and has come across her own dark brand of magic dealing with barriers.

Nine-Headed Snake Whip - A common tool used among the high and noble daughters of a Drow household. Each head is enchanted to 'seek out' its target and bit a vital area on the body to inject a magical toxin that invokes paralysis and death in huge doses. Usually these whips on have seven heads but Brizriia's was a gift from a the Matron mother with an additional two head to, aid her on the surface. (NOTE: Realistically these heads strikes faster than most elves and Drow can even react to them, but for fair purposes they have been slowed to give the opponent a one post chance to dodge.

Magical Dagger - A dagger that holds dark magic. Currently unknown at this time as Brizriia has not been forced into using its power. A magical blade that never dulls and always remains in perfect condition. Relatively sharp and well balanced. Can only be activated by Drow magic.

Innate Abilities - Abilities or spells that all Drow can use. These include Fae Fire, a purple flame that creates no heat but can be used to catch a target off guard or at least slow them down. Darkness, the ability to blanket an area into a section without any light being able to enter, not even sunlight. This also cancels all vision even the Drow Infra-vision and forces everyone in it to fight blind. Levitation, the ability to lift and moves one's self or another to a given height or area.

Webs of Lolth - A dark spell gifted to Brizriia after many years of service. These webs vary in thickness per the caster's decisions and hold a strange magical adhesive that can bind or tie down any opponent. When they decay they give a strange magical "marker" or "indicator" the caster can magically locate, even while the darkness spell is in effect of the Drow is momentarily blinded by a sharp light. When the webs come in contact with fire, magical or natural, they instantly burst in to poison green flames that slowly burn away the web, however useful this may seem, the magical adhesive doesn't fail. This means if one was bound by the webs and was then exposed for flame. Their only hope to escape would be a rapid decay from time expiration.

Barrier Magic - Brizriia's own special brand on magic purposes. Besides the innate abilities and the dark spider webs, almost all of Brizriia's spells are barrier based and have different uses and purposes. She uses them all sparingly so she doesn't give away all her secrets. The following have been used when she had to force her hand for them.

Barrier/ Personal Barrier - A formation of magic woven in a way that it forms a spherical barrier around the intended location, usually with Brizriia at the center. The only difference between a personal barrier and a regular barrier is a personal barrier hugs closer to the Drow and is magically "thicker" and is able to stand more abuse that the standard barrier.

Darkness Barrier - A combination of the standard barrier and the innate ability of darkness. It does not shield from physical blows, yet it cuts off all light around Brizriia to protect her in unfavorable conditions. It is also slightly safer than the darkness spell as it gives her a "pocket" to use her infra-vision to see.

Mental Barrier - A special barrier purposed for the shielding of minds and, if needed, the isolation of memories to induce permanent amnesia of given pieces of data. A help ful tool t protect her mind from telepathics or to seal a telepathic in their own mind. Also works well with sealing up memories to make them forget. A kind of "unlearning" in a way. These barriers are very small and almost impossible to detect by all but the creator of the barrier and a well trained sorcerer.

Intangible Barrier - Created during the decay or a personal or standard barrier. Small pieces of magic lace wit the barrier that is "fading" away to relocate it around the Drow or the intended party. It can be purposed to cut off speech or any sounds, smells, auras or anything else that might be a hindrance or flaw during a fight.

Shield - A flat barrier. It does not circle around the target but is much like a wall. It is slightly thinner than a barrier but makes up for it as shields can be "stacked" together to increase strength to something greater than a personal barrier. Very practical for gun fire and incoming charges that do not threaten the surrounding area.

Kinetic Barrier - An offensive barrier. More like a shield, the Kinetic barrier is condensed magical energies sealed off in a given space and "released". Their speed and velocity takes them in a strait path with an exponential gain in momentum until the desired length is reached. During this time, the "unstable" energies held in the barrier become erratic and can rend living and nonliving objects into a form of pulp upon contact.

Mana Conditions

Black Widow Pre-Insanity mana conditions, signified by the concentrated mana of a dark sapphire hue circling and spiraling her left forearm, allowing for a vast collection of magics to pool from it but never dip into her reserves. All spells listed above are Black Widow spells.

Crimson Widow Post-Insanity mana conditions. A dangerous increase in mana condition and concentration that has turned the mana stream from a dark sapphire to a sull crimson red. The mana now covers the left forearm completely as two streams pass through her heart, around her back and spiral down her right arm. Sapphire mana, on contact with sin melts and decays it rapidly, crimson mana is even more so, yet strangely Brizriia seems unaffected by this, believed to be because of the condition of her mind. In the Crimson Widow state she can use a more dangerous armament of spells. Beware. New Spells include, but are not limited to:

Capture Shields - A small orb of mana that expands, encloses and catches incoming projectiles and mana in its sphere. The Capture shield can then rapid decay the item to be used as additional mana or it can convert it into unstable energy to turn the spheres into miniature Kinetic bombs.

Lolth's Whip - A deadly improvement of the Webs of Lolth as one long strand is used as a whip to strike at unprotected, or exposed areas of the enemy. Thanks to the magical adhesive that binds to any surface or item the whip can catch and hold its target and, when the whip is snapped back, the energy becomes erratic and will strip flesh or the first layer of the material away from said person or object.

Crimson Barrier - Perfected kinetic barriers that glow crimson instead of black. Posses all the abilities of regular Kinetic barriers although they are several times stronger and, when it comes in contact with blood, it absorbs and will "suck" the blood out of its source to fuel it. On contact with a blood source the barrier would home in on it until its energy dissolves it or the blood source is used up.

Perfected Shields, Barriers, Personal Barriers and Inverted Barriers

Widow's Revenge - Perfected intangible barriers that also negates sight to create an imperfect form stealth.

Spider Bite - Miniature Kinetic barriers launched as lethal projectiles in perfect darkness. After burrowing a few centimeters, or inches based off the mana concentration, the projectiles then explode inside the target.



Hometown: The main Drow city of the Underdark
Type of childhood: Brizriia had the typical Drow childhood for a female. At an early age she was taken and tested to see how her prowess as a Priestess would be, though those abilities proved to be lacking she seemed to have a masterful hand at sorcery, though her older sisters see her lack of being a priestess as being a handicap and make her weaker than they, when that is a sad mistake on several levels.
First Memory: Her first memory was around the end of her second decade when she watched the Matron Mother whip her current Patron to death and choose another on the spot. Brizriia may comment on how enjoyable that was to watch.
Most important child hood event that still effects her: When it was discovered her arts were in sorcery and not as a priestess of Lolth with would inevitably fuel her desire to show her worth and her place and design Lolth has chosen for her.
Education: Her education covers a wide range of materials, from choosing mates, to performing mind altering and corrupted spells to the social habits and actions of the house to the hunting and punishment of males and slaves.
Religion: She is a firm follower and believer in the Spider Queen, Lolth
Finances: Behind her name are the riches of the Ousstyl House though limited slightly to her being only a fourth daughter.
Family: While she does not know the patron who would be her father she has her Matron Mother and Three Elder Daughters, and then a elder- and secondboy for brothers.

Mother: LiNeeerolin Ousstyl, "Legendary-lust", Matron Mother to the house of Ousstyl and Brizriia's mother and secret and greatest challenge.
Relationship with her: Her relationship with her mother is slightly better than her second and third sisters as she shares the same personality and mentality as she and her first sister, though it is said she may be even more of a Black Widow than her mother, who is known for having a different patron for every child she had borne. It was from LiNeerolin's personal teachings that helped develop her twisted scheme for males and slaves, though her corruption of females was her own design. The Matron Mother is known to privately tease and taunt her about taking her place as the head of Ousstyl, though such thoughts and actions were a great risk while the house is in favor with Lolth.
Father: unknown
Relationship with him: couldn't care less.
Siblings, How many, relationship with each:Three sisters, two brothers. The feelings between her eldest sister and her is slightly mutual, as they are every bit like a black widow as their mother though similarities almost cut off there. Other than that she hates her eldest sister as much as her second and third sister as they see her as limited and weak since she is a sorceress and not a Priestess of Lolth. Her brothers are of no concern to her though she believes they could make "darling" little pets later on in her life.

So begins...

Brizriia's Story


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Brizriia 's eyes shut and hands drew up, sending the Drow staggering and blind into the shadows. Concentration lost because of the surprise attack. As the barrier drew closer it seemed to dissolve slowly. By the time it hit Jak it would be a normal barrier but the impact might still break or injure his leg very badly.


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Brizriia was still covering her eyes, her innate ability of darkness leaping up to coat the entire area of shadows with the pitch black. Leaving the Drow to stumble around as she tried to recover her eye sight. Eyes blinking open yet a bright red film flickered across her vision, her infra vision scarred and most likely unusable for a long period of time a growl forming in her throat as the roars of anger boomed from the darkness. "YOU BASTARD! YOU EVEN BASTARD! I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!" Blindly she began to send out small, palm sized, kinteic barriers in random directions. A few tearing loose of the black to go off at random vectors, some vanishing mid flight as they reached their intended length. A few were crude paths towards the elf but a good many of them were now ripping holes in the side of the bar.


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Character Portrait: Brizriia Brizriia says,


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Brizriia The Darkness was fueled by Brizriia's rage. And it was now a blackness no hope could over come. The first bullet passed by Briz's shoulder though the second added more insult than injury as it punched through the exact same spot on Brizriia's left hand as the fist bullet had in their previous fight. The screams turned to shrieks and howls as a long chant of some demonic language filtered from the void. The very shadows seemed to twists and squirm before a thousand red eyes seemed to open up and hundreds of black hands shot from the void reaching for the Elf. Their very edges seemed to crawl and writhe. Behind this vile curtain the shrieks became muffled and dull and all but vanished.


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Brizriia the bullets would enter the void but no confirmation of screaming could be heard. Just as this happened the fist of the hands seized at the Elf's arms and legs. It became apparent that not all the hands were real. Unfortunately, that didn't cover for all of them. A firm grip would take his feet and attempt to yank them out from under him as the creature from the shadows emerged. The darkness sliding away to reveal a pool of blood with a portal sealing shut and a miniature form of a Beholder attached to some of those arms and only a few of those eyes. The rest was indeed an illusion. The foul creature seemed to laugh as a massive mouth split across the bottom of its head/body as it dragged the other for the orifice.


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Brizriia The Beholder laughed. Its main eyes focused on its pray. While it made a beautiful light show the anti-magic cone that extended from the eye made sure it was nothing more. Looking upon this lesser creature it laughed and drew the elf up to his mouth ready to take a bite when the magic began to fade and the energies were consumed, for the one who summoned him only needed a distraction so she could retreat to lick her wounds.


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Character Portrait: Brizriia Brizriia says,
 There , I gave you this one cause Im tired of the debate =/


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Character Portrait: Brizriia Brizriia says,
 such as {url=}Beholder{/url}


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Brizriia implodes*


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Brizriia In the shaded corner of the bar, where the lights seemed to be broken a portal began to tear its existence into the world. A subtle scream in the air, silent, yet the only warning given that this act was committed. The portal rotating into existence as one figure emerged from it before the hole would soon decay into nothing.


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Brizriia A dark figure stood back. Hidden by shadows until a deep sapphire light seemed to swarm and swirl around a narrow indication. As strange as it was it seemed to pass and cross through a single point. Slowly, the light seemed to slither and pulse as a dull maroon, two dull maroon orbs began to glow from the black, slowly changing to the color of blood before a brighter crimson. For now, that being remain unmoved. The one know identified as Brizriia didn't even turn or acknowledge the fool who burst in through the door. Her own eyes were scanning. "Who is it.... Slowly the sound of foot steps could be heard until the ebony skinned woman stepped into the dim light, eyes blink slowly before glaring once more, a mixture of black and red, "Who is the one trying to take my pet!"


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Brizriia chuckled, lifting her left hand up into the light to observe it. In the center of her palm, the dead center, was a circular hole, strange for its perfection though not a surprise... more of an irritation. A parting gift from an elf that couldn't fight it out with magic and resorted to cowardice. He looked at the hand and back at Alexander, a smile across her lips. Her eyes flickered as her right hand slowly drew a whip, letting it Drow down so he could see the nine snake heads, the greatest gift from the Goddess Lolth. Her left hand was dropped down in front of her eyes again as she looked to it, turning her hand one way and then another. "Tell me... Do you think revenge will make you any less like me..." Her eyes darted back, brows furrowed, "Like a Drow?" She laughed and took a few steps to her right, placing her left hand on the back of a chair as the wood creaked in her grip, long cracks radiating from her touch.


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Brizriia Her head swiveled to Kisa, the one who pleaded with this male to stop such foolishness and her tongue slipped out between those ivory teeth, the muscle passing over the rows of white once and twice before slithering back into its home. There was another loud crack and her eyes looked down, the back of the chair crushed in her grip so she released it with distaste before looking back up at Alexander. Her hand gliding to touch the table as she traced around the outside, walking purposefully until her hand would rest on the counter top, the whip still trailing on the ground behind her. Eyes never leaving the male. The smile fell away to a slight frown the crimson glow fading to a dull blood color. "Well then Big boy," the words slipped from her in a soft whisper, "Come and get me..." And with that, her left hand lifted up with a turn so she could crook one, seducing finger at the other, her shoulders wide as it seemed her body was offered towards the man. "...I am waiting."


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Brizriia yawned, drawing her left hand to her mouth as she leaned against the counter, her eyes glowing brilliantly as she suddenly thrust the hand out, palm open, the blue magic flowed to it, gathering in front and spreading to finger tips. If one could slow down time, to where the blink of an eye could take minutes, they would see the square formation rotating as energies poured into it, from a fluid state to a quickly solidifying one as it expanded rapidly, filling this "current time and space" in little more than a few seconds, and almost a millimeter thick. Back in reality, her hand was already pulling back, creating one after another of these shields, stacked up against each other in a solid wall. about as thick as her forearm, so maybe a good foot or more. They were tall as well, just a little under Alexander's height and twice as long. But it didn't end there. Oh no, not yet.


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Brizriia As the final shield was formed her hand began to close in a fist, the sapphire blue turning black, as if tainted with raw energy as he hand pushed back against the shields before her, flooding them with this energy that began to swarm and fill this clear vessel with dark energy. Brizriia's own feet slid back a little from the shear surge of magic energy being pushed back into this massive wall before it took most of her strength to pull her fist away. Her arm shaking and straining as she pulled it away, trying to to lose all her magic in this one move. Then, without a warning. She punched the massive shield, sending it spinning and speeding, almost as fast as her charging opponent, back at him, the massive wall turning into one massive Kinetic shield, it plowing through tables and chairs and rending them to splinters and dust as it was on a collision course with the man.


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Brizriia laughed harder, throwing her head back into a cackle as her entire section of the bar was plunged into a darkness no creature, beast, spirit, or demon could see into. Not even her infra vision could work in here. Moving quickly and silently a shield formed where the attack would hid but she pulled back, speeding up the decay as her left hand seemed to be picking at something, lacing and twirling new magic with old for a new barrier, one covering her body, an intangible barrier, sealing off all possible giveaways, even sound and scent, from the outside world. Making her defenses build she continued to weave, lacing more barrier magic in with the darkness, so it would not fall back as the fire pushed against it, but would have be "consumed" in black. By this time, the Drow was far away from her current position, under the cover of darkness, and moving to a new one.


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Brizriia Drow, even the most foolish of them, scanned everything everywhere... Taking in all of their surroundings for potential advantages or hidden traps or persons. Even blind she knew all the locations of tables and chairs as she guided her for to a new spot pausing with a spin and listening for the screams and crashing as that over charged fool wiped out and killed every staff and personnel behind the main counter and worked away in those kitchens. She held a laugh within herself. The moron was taken by range and letting it cloud his judgment.... When she was done with him, Alexander will have killed almost every patron in this bar... And it would all be on his head!


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Brizriia kept moving, two more feet and she would reach the war buried deep within the shadows before she set forwards, right hand trailing the wood until it hit the corner. With that she stopped, her ears listening closely, though those damn beasts made a mess of things. This wasn't going to work. No it wouldn't work at all. Snapping the whip back her hand caught it as it coiled itself up. The losses of the beings in the bar filled her with content but death was not on her agenda for a long time. Her left hand clenched tight, skin going taught over her knuckles as she sped up the formation of a portal and backed up to her edge. Unable to see she cursed and dropped the darkness, Her eyes picking up the other easily as she smiled and stepped through, waving to the male as she tugged a single thread of the portal and it began to decay away. The intangible barrier slipped and her laughter echoed out of the portal as it began to close.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dark Woods


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Brizriia [color=blue]a dark portal opened somewhere deep within the dark woods. The formation spinning open as the air seemed to scream in protest as the tear opened up into it, circling and spreading wider. From the portal there was only black, a darkness greater than even the dark woods as an ebony skinned figure slowly emerged. Black eyes with a faint glow of crimson cut through the black as easily as anyone else could during a clear summer day in the open. A left hand rested calmly on a tree, deep sapphire energy entwined around the arm as it crackled to the contest, the tree itself graoning as the bark began to split apart. Head almost an a swivel the other looked around till it picked up something far off to the right. A slow smile, rows of ivory splitting where the mouth once was as copper hair swung while the figure threw back its head and let out a cackle of laughter...

Brizriia collected herself and began to stalk deeper into the forest, towards the others, the air screaming once more as the portal shut behind he


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Character Portrait: Brizriia
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Character Portrait: Brizriia Brizriia says,
 her -c- *