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The Multiverse

Eastern Wing City

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

You have entered the easternmost portion of Wing City. Here stands most of the public services buildings, such as the police department, hospital and fire station, as well as a good-sized post office. Traffic here is more than a bit congested, and maverick pedestrians are a common occurrence in this part of town.

Remæus holds sovereignty over Eastern Wing City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

11,733 readers have been here.


Eastern Wing City, smog suburbopolis and home to the best and the worst this city had to offer. The grime was part of the charm, the honking horns really just brass in an orchestra of urban chaos. When you looked past the bustle and noise, there was a melting pot of cultures deeply satiated into the very weave of society.

The structures themselves reflected a long history of turmoil. In some places buildings were patched from explosions, in others just the foundation remain. Between the deli's sat bunkers, and even the yards of the residents boasted doors to underground escapes, their roofs holding turrets high. Either way, it was apparent by the architecture that Wing City would be standing for a while.

Like any suburbopolis, the traffic was horrible. The only real time to drive was at night, when the hover-bike gangs and hot-rodders took their wheels for a spin.
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Eastern Wing City

You have entered the easternmost portion of Wing City. Here stands most of the public services buildings, such as the police department, hospital and fire station, as well as a good-sized post office. Traffic here is more than a bit congested, and maverick pedestrians are a common occurrence in this part of town.


Eastern Wing City is a part of Wing City.

2 Places in Eastern Wing City:

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Akil Andire [414]
M (Beheeyem) [167]
Feria, The Forbidden Blade [48] An Immortal Sword that can shapeshift into a human-like form
Darkella [36] "It's sweet that my subjects treat me like a goddess, not like they have the choice."
Vanessa Le [29] A former intelligence agent for the Chinese special forces turned freelancer.
Isabella "Izzy" Clarton [24] An older sister without siblings who joined a Biker Gang to get away from the memories, the parents, and the depression.

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Teleport Scroll

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel had pulled up to the front of the FBI offices that day, a lull in the fighting going on in orbit allowed the Aschen to slip past several vessels through the Coalition defense perimeter. And so, Marlene was here and likely with Claire, of course the woman would be grumbling as she made her way through the offices. "I'm here for my damn psychological evaluation for my promotion." She said as she waited to be shown through. She would shake her head and then turn to Claire. "Why is the LDA Making me do this?" She asked.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby was not normally at Headquarters, but had been called here for the day, at a request sent to the Bureau through the Department of State on behalf of the LDA. It seemed the Americans weren't the only ones who delegated tasks to their allies. Elaraby was dressed today in a dark gray pantsuit, pressed white shirt, and dark cinder tie, a conservative, formal look in order to make himself presentable for their guests, as well as direct attention to his words rather than his appearance.

He had been sitting in a temporarily unoccupied office when he heard the very non-American voice in the hall, rising from his seat as he moved into the hallway, greeting the two women with a formal nod in each of their directions. "Good afternoon," he said, his English impeccable despite his rather non-stereotypically American appearance. Extending his hand, he introduced himself. "Dr. Zakariyyah Elaraby, Behavioral Analysis."

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor shrugged as she flipped through a sheaf of papers in her hand, her dark plum colored manicure contrasting sharply against the white of the paper. "It's routine, so shut up and put up." She stated bluntly. Claire hadn't had to undergo any evaluations in years, and it was probably a good thing that she hadn't; she would more than likely fail them. "Claire Angelique, Minister of Defense." She stated in crisp, unusually accented English, taking Elaraby's hand as she tucked the papers under her arm. Grasping his hand firmly, there was much more strength in the grip than what appeared at first glance. Having chosen a black silk and wool blend suit, with a pale blue blouse, she had at least tried to seem professional despite her dislike or rather inability to understand how to dress outside of a uniform. This was always belied in how Claire carried herself in a suit, seeming rather uncomfortable in her clothing. This in of itself was due to years in uniform, finding that much easier to deal with than some of the trappings of her current position.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel shook her head. "Yeah yeah, let's get this shit squared away so I can get my Level 4 promotion." She said as she moved to sit down. Making her way to the empty office she would move to sit down and bear somewhat a frown on her face as she looked in the mirror, and patted her hair. "Okay let's get this done and over with." She said with a nod. Once she made herself comfortable, she would wait for everyone else to sit down, thinking inwardly this would be interesting. "Let the games begin." She said.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby took Claire's hand, his own handshake firm but polite, lasting a bit longer than most people might consider typical, though nothing utterly abnormal. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Minister," the behaviorist said in a pleasant tone, his attentive gaze noting the Minister's manner - she seemed somewhat uncomfortable, ill at ease, where she was, perhaps due to the location, or to her dress. The clothes did not seem to be particularly well worn, and the strength of her handshake in concert with her tone of voice suggested a woman capable of carrying her own and handling herself.

Elaraby adjusted his glasses a moment, his attention turning to Marlene, the subject of the evaluation. He had done a few evaluations over the past couple of weeks, of agents who had been referred to Behavioral Analysis. She, on the other hand, seemed impatient, not particularly thrilled about her presence in his temporary office, which was furnishd with an empty filing cabinet along one wall, a desk, and three chairs. Elaraby chose to sit not across from her on the other side of the desk, but next to her. He motioned for Claire to take the seat behind the desk.

Shuffling a few papers, and opening a program on his laptop, Elaraby looked at Marlene. "Good afternoon, Agent Angel. Please state your full name for the record."

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel frowned somewhat, and then cleared her throat. "00 Agent Marlene Erin Angel-McGregor, Level 5 Operative, Overt Intelligence Agency." She said plainly and somewhat boredly. Shifting in her seat a moment she crossed one leg over the other. "Let's start with the funny questions." She then shot Claire a look. "And remember what they said... respect Aschen cultural differences.. right, Minister?" She said, nodding before placing her hands in her lap, and making herself comfortable, while allowing her eyes to drift over to the screen of the laptop.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor nodded in reply to Marlene's remark. "Well yes, things you Americans might think the norm are perfectly permissible by the Aschen Government and it's society." She said as she took a seat. This would prove interesting, she'd never been privy exactly to a evaluation such as this.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby glanced over at Claire. "I understand," he said pleasantly, "and I will try my best not to offend; however, given my profession..." He smiled knowingly, though his attention remained almost completely on Marlene. It was unusual for anyone to be present during an evaluation other than the subject and the examiner, almost unheard of, though in this case, Elaraby had willingly gone along with the exception to this rule.

Watching Marlene closely, but not in such a manner as to seem threatening or overbearing - as he often did intentionally, during interrogations - he rested his pen on the paper, asking, "Agent Angel, do you know why you are here today?" blinking curiously at the LDA agent as he spoke.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel paused and then let her finger touch the bottom of her chin, taking a breath and then she spoke up. "I'm present at this evaluation as per protocol with the top secret agency in which I am preparing to enroll, it's being conducted here due to discrepancies with the OIA Psych offices, and the Aschen's limited research into psychology due to the ability to simply.. cure.." She said with a shrug and then she shifted in her seat, watching the man as intently as he was watching her. Her eyes would meet his and narrow slightly. "Carry on."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby remained mostly emotionless, maintaining a pleasant, but official expression, and tone of voice. It was important during the interview phase of an evaluation to remain both professional and approachable, and Elaraby was an expert. "Tell me about your current position, Agent Marlene," he said, neither looking away nor blinking when she met his eyes. This too was expected, and normal. After all he was here to record her behavior.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel let a trace of a smile curl the edges of her lips. "Classified, A-1." She said flatly, the smile quickly disappearing. "My current occupation is classified under the status of A-1, under the Aschen's national integrity act." She said before nodding once more. She was under the microscope, but she couldn't not make it difficult. There would be a subtle shift from one side of her seat to the other, her legs crossing over. "All I can tell you is I am an Agent in OIA."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
"I am here at the request of your government; this interview is entirely confidential within the parameters of that agreement," Elaraby said, making a small note at the top of the legal notepad in his lap. He glanced over at Claire. "Minister, have I received interim clearance to hear A-1 information?"

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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0.00 INK

Claire Angelique-McGregor shifted in her seat for a moment looking through her notes before answering. "Yes, clearance is allowed. If the information leaves this office you will be silenced." She said. Marlene was making things difficult for the man, and in a way she didn't blame her. Evaluations always took time that could be used for other tasks and appointments. "Agent Angel I suggest you cooperate with him now."

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel frowned for a moment, and then she stared him in the eyes. "Silenced.. meaning you will disappear, never to be heard from again." She said with a somewhat satisfied smile, and then she straightened up and then sat straight. "So commence the frakking shrinking." She said, her voice tone was smooth yet firm. Irritation lacing every facet of her voice. And maybe even a hint of nervousness.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby nodded. He did not visibly respond to the not so subtle threat, though internally, he mulled it over. Here, he dealt with all manner of sensitive information, and was privy to certain bits of information that even folks as powerful and well connected as the Director himself would not want anyone to know. And yet this foreigner had the audacity to make such a threat. His attention returned to Marlene.

"Tell me about your current duties," Elaraby said, in the same pleasant tone, seemingly unfazed by Marlene's continual escalation of hostility and generally unpleasant demeanor. He poised his pen over his paper, having carefully written in illegible markings that may or may not have even been English during the two women's threats.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel shook her head for a moment. Then she rested her eyes on Elraby. Piercing, almost intense blue eyes staring at him. She was fidgeting and then finally she brought her gaze over to Claire. "Seriously? Couldn't have I been taken to.. an Aschen doctor?" She asked as she tilted her head, and then she turned back to Elraby.

"My duties consist of spy and disrupt, gathering intelligence, conducting guerilla warfare, and assassination." She said flatly as she watched the man and the scribblings on the paper. "Remember.. Aschen cultural differences." She said before she withdrew her phone, and was texting a rather attractive looking man named 'Lt. Karl Agathon'

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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0.00 INK

Claire Angelique-McGregor shook her head in response to Marlene's question. "You know that most Aschen Physicians aren't versed in the psychological fields, also please put your phone away Ms. Angel. This is not the time to be sending messages back and forth with Lt. Agathon." Claire reminded. Marlene could complain all she wanted, but Claire was only there to remind both parties of their responsibilities and what was or wasn't allowed on their parts. She didn't need to be psychic to gather what exactly Marlene was doing, but it did help when figuring out whom she was messaging.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby tilted his head slightly, watching Marlene as she texted. Raising one eyebrow for a moment, he watched in silence, waiting for Claire's order to have some kind of an effect on Marlene before speaking again. "When did you first become an agent in the LDA?" Elaraby asked, after making another few notes on his pad. The two women clearly had a complex relationship with each other, and the behaviorist made a mental note to inquire about it later.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel Paused a moment, pink lips pursed together for a few moments before a breath was taken to speak up. "Upon my graduation from academy. I joined the LDA Shortly after I married." She said before she paused. "To try and impress my step-father." She explained nodding before turning to Claire, then back to Elaraby. "But he wasn't impressed but Darian is a whole matter entirely in itself.. one that does not pertain to this evaluation." She said harshly, carrying authority in her voice. "I joined the Langaran-Defense Agency as a Shore Patrol officer at twenty three, the rest is history."

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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0.00 INK

Claire Angelique-McGregor just shook her head and continued to leaf through her paperwork, mostly listening to the conversation. Occasionally she would intervene and say something, but right at that moment she had no need. But she did have to agree, that Darian McGregor had been a hard man to impress; even recently within the past ten years it had been so. When their mother, Madeline Angelique had divorced their father Joseph, and remarried to Darian, it had been a blow to the whole family on both ends. Never had there been such discord and attempts to save face in public.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Blatantly ignoring her remark, Elaraby pressed the point anyway, though he did so in a gentler tone. "Tell me about Darian," he said. Everything was relevant, especially her personal history and relationships with others. If she did not know, she would figure it out soon. The behaviorist's job was to analyze all facets of the interview - both the content of her responses and the manner in which she made them.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel frowned darkly, her expression subtly changing but changing rapidly. She then darkened her expression and spoke in a forceful tone. "No, I will not speak of him, end of conversation." She then promptly stood up. "You know what frak this, I quit." She said as she started to make her way out of the office, something had deeply disturbed the woman and it showed. "Gods damn three ring circus." She added before slamming the door behind her.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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0.00 INK

Claire Angelique-McGregor folded her papers up neatly and rose from her seat behind the desk. "Mr. Elaraby, you have stepped out of bounds. If you had read the dosier for Agent Angel you would know that some things are not to be spoken of in our culture, that was one of them." She said slowly. Her own expression was dark and almost disapproving in a way. Marlene had not had the recent battles with Darian that Claire'd had, but she had suffered greatly at his hands as a girl.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby stood with Claire, after Marlene had stormed out. "I apologize," he offered, inclining his head. There was more going on here than either woman was telling him, but he would not press the matter further, at least not here. If he were in private practice, he would bring it up at a later session, but as this was an evaluation, her reticence to speak on the matter would be noted. "Asking about such things is routine in psychological evaluations."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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0.00 INK

Marlene Angel stood outside, trying to hold back tears for a moment, then she tore her pins off from her collar and stormed down the hall, they would clunk against the floor as she hit her head against the wall. "Gods damnit!" She screamed then punched a hole in the wall, blood streaming down from her knuckles as she stood, a healthy hole in the wall as mental blocks were torn asunder. But she stood there quietly, and just quietly sobbed as she stood there, not letting it too loud and not trying to show anything. Other then blood spatters on the wall.