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The Multiverse

Eastern Wing City

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

You have entered the easternmost portion of Wing City. Here stands most of the public services buildings, such as the police department, hospital and fire station, as well as a good-sized post office. Traffic here is more than a bit congested, and maverick pedestrians are a common occurrence in this part of town.

Remæus holds sovereignty over Eastern Wing City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

11,731 readers have been here.


Eastern Wing City, smog suburbopolis and home to the best and the worst this city had to offer. The grime was part of the charm, the honking horns really just brass in an orchestra of urban chaos. When you looked past the bustle and noise, there was a melting pot of cultures deeply satiated into the very weave of society.

The structures themselves reflected a long history of turmoil. In some places buildings were patched from explosions, in others just the foundation remain. Between the deli's sat bunkers, and even the yards of the residents boasted doors to underground escapes, their roofs holding turrets high. Either way, it was apparent by the architecture that Wing City would be standing for a while.

Like any suburbopolis, the traffic was horrible. The only real time to drive was at night, when the hover-bike gangs and hot-rodders took their wheels for a spin.
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Eastern Wing City

You have entered the easternmost portion of Wing City. Here stands most of the public services buildings, such as the police department, hospital and fire station, as well as a good-sized post office. Traffic here is more than a bit congested, and maverick pedestrians are a common occurrence in this part of town.


Eastern Wing City is a part of Wing City.

2 Places in Eastern Wing City:

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Akil Andire [414]
M (Beheeyem) [167]
Feria, The Forbidden Blade [48] An Immortal Sword that can shapeshift into a human-like form
Darkella [36] "It's sweet that my subjects treat me like a goddess, not like they have the choice."
Vanessa Le [29] A former intelligence agent for the Chinese special forces turned freelancer.
Isabella "Izzy" Clarton [24] An older sister without siblings who joined a Biker Gang to get away from the memories, the parents, and the depression.

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Teleport Scroll

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel shook her head slightly. "No I'm pretty sure A-1 is as high as it gets." She said as she tried to pluck snippets from the notes but that was to no avail. "The notes should at least be readable to the parties in this room." She said flatly. "Especially if the higher forms of government with the appropriate clearance want to view these documents." She then promptly cleared her throat, this still made hr very uncomfortable. And it showed in her face and in her bodily routines, slight fidgeting and subtle movements betrayed her comfortability.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby shrugged. "I always take notes in this manner," he said, resting his pen on the pad for the moment. "But if you prefer them to be written in plain, simple English, I can do that as well. After all, this particular session is rather unorthodox in the first place." Here, the behaviorist looked toward Claire, his expression unreadable in his eyes before he looked back at Marlene. "Can you tell me about school? What sorts of classes you took, what sorts of friends you made? Favorite teachers, academic subject areas, that sort of thing?"

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor returned Elaraby's gaze, her's equally strange and unreadable. There was something unusual about how she looked at people, piercing, cold, and calculating. Almost as if she saw through them."It would be prefered Mr. Elaraby." Claire remarked shifting in her seat. She wasn't nearly as nervous as Marlene, she'd after all gone through her own share of evaluations on the LDA's end; but those were different. Then there was the occasional evaluation on a even higher level, but that was something she didn't talk about.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel continued to sit there and think for a moment. She was thinking what she liked. "I had quite a few friends in school, I mostly hung out with the Pyramid team, I was a cheer-leader in high school, for the school team. The classes I enjoyed were history, sociology, and Physical Education... favorite teachers.. I never really had a favorite teacher, many of them were shriveled up hags... I tried to get onto the Pyramid team, but I couldn't get in." She said with a shrug, still acting somewhat nervous, and watching Claire a moment. "But all in all I hated school."

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
The correct form of address was Agent Elaraby, or Dr. Elaraby, though the behaviorist chose not to correct the Aschen Minister. His own gaze often took on a similar effect as Claire's, particularly when participating in an interrogation, which he was often called on to do; however, during evaluations and most other meetings, he chose to take on a more amiable manner of presenting himself.

He nodded once to Claire, taking his pen up in his hand again as he held it over the page, this time taking notes in plain English, his handwriting neat, the letters evenly spaced, with utilitarian characters lacking embellishments. Elaraby listened without comment, waiting til after Marlene had spoken before speaking. "Was there any particular reason you hated school?" he asked, the question candid, neither accusatory nor pointed, and yet still startlingly routine-seming.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor was beginning to wonder why Marlene was trying to cue off her and sent her a look as if to say, 'Why're you looking to me? I can't get you out of this.'. She'd made a few notes of her own about the proceedings of the evaluation and they were mostly in elegant Canasian script. Her handwriting within the Main or English language wasn't the best, and at times unreadable. There were days when it was wondered how she'd gotten to where she was currently.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel shrugged. "I dislike school for many reasons." She said with a shrug as she stared at the man plainly, she stopped cueing off of Claire and would keep her gaze to Elaraby. "I hate school because I could be doing better things at the time, I could probably enjoy school if my teachers weren't such pricks." On the flip side I enjoyed school because I could get away from home." She explained, shifting in her seat, and reaching to grasp the flask nestled in her jacket.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby nodded. "Outside of school, and now, outside of your work, what sorts of activities do you do?" Elaraby asked, having written down clearly in list format the things Marlene had said, visible to both women. The screen on the computer changed with a click of the mouse, showing a chart with some cryptic numbers - in normal, perfectly legible numerals - in some of the spaces. The behaviorist watched Marlene closely, though it was not the sort of intimidation tactic he used during interrogations; moreso, it was his observation, an essential part of the evaluation.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel shrugged somewhat. "Uhm... my activies.. I like to enjoy myself.. I hang out with friends, sometimes I go to parties. I like to enjoy myself cause you know.. life is short." She said with a shrug as she pulled the metallic flask from her jacket, she then promptly brought the mouth of the bottle to her lips, taking a sip, followed by another sip she smiled. "Mm.. I was thirtsty." A strong licorice smell emanating from the bottle, and now her breath.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby blinked a few times at the appearance of the alcohol. "Agent Angel, are you sure you want to be drinking during this interview? I can get a glass of water, a soda, coffee or tea, if you like." Elaraby gestured to the hallway, where, down the hall, was a small break room. He looked at Claire as if to ask her whether she would permit her agent - and sister - to imbibe alcohol during an important evaluation.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor frowned at Elaraby and Marlene. "Agent Angel, if you continue to drink there will be a formal reprimand on my part and the LDA's." She remarked motioning for Marlene to relinquish the flask of Ambrosia. Claire really tried not to pull rank too often, but now seemed to be a case where it was needed. "If you need a drink, that is other than alcohol Doctor Elaraby offered to get you one." She added glaring at Marlene. Her look said it all, 'If you fuck this up, I won't help you.'.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel pursed her lips for a moment and then she pulled the flask away. "And how do you know it's alcoholic? Hmm?" She asked defiantly, it laced her voice and her gaze. "Gods I need to get laid." She said before she sent off another brief text message. "Next question." She said flatly, shifting her weight and sitting in the chair in an awkward position. "I want to get this over with, I got a date with Helo." She said flatly, watching Elaraby.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby leaned back in his seat, watching Marlene through the lens of his glasses for several moments. "Do you date often? Are you in a serious relationship?" he asked, his pen resting over the notepad while the fingers of his other hand rested over the keys of the laptop. He wondered whether Marlene was more devoted, promiscuous, or abstinent, and of course, the line of questioning was quite important.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor continued to glare at Marlene. "Agent Angel, please hand over your phone and your flask, if you do no I will make you. We will also have a very long talk with George and Paul about insubordination when we return." She replied flatly. Marlene never did take orders well, and she tried to find every way around them possible. Claire would have hated to pull any sort of trump card on her sister, and it seemed that most of Marlene's behavior was all an act around Elaraby. "Doctor Elaraby, Agent Angel despite being a married woman, swings. Which is to say that she is more interested in a uncommitted relationship." She answered before Marlene had a chance. That was one thing in which the two differed, Claire would have preferred a committed lasting relationship, where as Marlene wanted anything without strings.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel frowned. "Lies..." She then brought her gaze to Elaraby. "When you're husband's cock looks like it's about to fall off... you wouldn't want that.. I want a man who has rippling pectorals.. who's fit.. strong and virile." She said with a grin, a flush in her face and almost a shudder down her spine. "Mollem is a shriveled up old has been... but I bore two lovely kids from him... both of them frakups." She added before sighing, setting the flask and the phone on the table. "Fine..." She added before she shifted in her seat. "I can commit... really!"

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby wrote a few notes down, from both Claire and Marlene's statement, mostly words and phrases, although he made a mental note concerning the flask and phone, and the interaction between the sisters concerning them. "Tell me about your husband," the behaviorist said, leaning forward on one of his elbows as he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor shook her head as she took up the phone and flask. The phone was quickly turned off with its battery and other accessories removed and pocketed by Claire. The flask on the other hand was left on the table. "Commitment is a death sentence to you, but continue please Doctor." She remarked falling silent once more. She did not want to sabotage the evaluation.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel shrugged some and then she cleared her throat. "Just get on your laptop and google Sire McGregor.. it'll tell you all you want to know... unbiased... cause in my mind he's a shriveled up has been." She said with a shrug before leaning back. "I want a real man, and when i'm done with him..." She then stopped. "I just want someone who will take care of me when I grow old.." She then shook her head. Withdrawing a small compact mirror she stared at her face. "Hmm... I need another anti-aging treatment."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby 's brow furrowed for a moment as he regarded Marlene, tilting his head to the side. "And your two children? Tell me about them," the behaviorist said, noting her vanity - and wondering whether it was more a personality thing, or more a cultural thing. Could be either, both, or neither, though of course, only time would tell with any degree of certainty. His own phone beeped once, but he ignored it, not even removing the device from his pocket.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor continued to shake her head and uttered something under her breath about promiscuous behavior in Canasian. Marlene was doing poorly on the evaluation, or at least that was Claire's opinion. In a way she wondered if this was all an act on Marlene's part still. "Anti-aging is a monetary waste." She muttered to herself. She'd only undergone one treatment, and after that one single 'reset' things seemed halted. But, Claire still thought that the exorbitant sum had been a waste. Looking at her bracelet to check the time, she noted that Elaraby's phone beeped and raised a eyebrow at the doctor. "Do you need to answer that?"

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel paused a moment, contemplating her next response as she stared at the man. "One of my sons is dead, but the other one made a name for himself. He was a fleet admiral in the Command, racked up an impressive service record." She said with a smile. "He was a skilled tactician." She added and then she heaved a heavy sigh. "But he's on Hadante now..." She said as she watched him. "The other... he didn't live long.. he too was making a name for himself until he was killed in an explosion." She added.

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Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby tilted his head to the side, watching Marlene curiously. "I'm sorry for your loss," he said quietly, and then after an appropriate moment, glanced over at Claire. "It's alll right. f it's really urgent, the Director will send someone down here." He looked back to Marlene. "Did either of those two, ah, incidents impact your work at all?" Elaraby asked, tapping his pen against his chin for a moment.

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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor
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Claire Angelique-McGregor nodded at Elaraby's response. That was usually how things worked for her. She had a tendency to turn her phone off and 'disappear'. It annoyed her office staff immensely, but it allowed her a moment or two to catch her breath and think. Most of the questions that he had asked Marlene seemed fairly routine, and fairly normal. There were a few bumpy patches, but it seemed that Marlene was less than willing to divulge.

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Character Portrait: Marlene Angel
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Marlene Angel shook her head for a moment. "No. As an agent within the LDA I have an obligation to uphold my standards and not allow the emotions of family events confuse or impede my duties." She said flatly, she was still very uncomfortable in all this but she tried not to let it show. She tried not to let it bother her. "Raphael McGregor, my son was accused of murder, when he was serving his nation.. serving his Confederation... we could use his skill right now.. with this war... Corman is an incompetent half wit."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zakariyyah Elaraby
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#, as written by Ylanne
Zakariyyah Elaraby raised an eyebrow at this remark. "Why do you say that?" he asked, his tone suggesting nothing other than mild curiosity, as was his custom when conducting such evaluations. His phone beeped again, and this time, he slid it out, silencing it without glancing at the device, before slipping it back into his pocket. If he was needd elsewhere, someone would come down to the temporary office.