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A large and imposing structure, the Wing City Police Department is a building designed to resist what the city has to offer. Fitted with security systems designed to combat mages, psionics, teleporters and phasers alike, nobody could ever accuse the WCPD of being unprepared. Alongside the regular offices, training areas and public areas you would expect in a police station, Wing City's department is fitted with a large bunker and armoury.

Armed guards have a notable presence around the building, many of whom are more than human themselves, and all of whom are equipped with specialist weaponry and protection designed for the environment they work in.

The building itself is heavily reinforced. The brand new reinforced metal doors leading into the building can be locked down with heavy shielding and blast resistance. Turrets, deployable cover and multiple checkpoints with similar defenses internally are spread throughout the building.
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Wing City Police Department

The home of Wing City's finest, where the WCPD deal with their paperwork, training and other business beyond day-to-day patrols, and where their leaders can generally be found.


Wing City Police Department is a part of Eastern Wing City.

3 Places in Wing City Police Department:

27 Characters Here

Slim [89] "Violah! Get down on the ground, no moving!"
Sonya Ballifrey [78] ...
Janet Sou [64] At the age of thirty, she a miserable loner. She spends her nights as a mopey drunk, and her days as a mopey smoker.
Skylar Grey [62] Leader of the Mammon's Lost Gang.
Danielle Kalter [56] An metahuman agent with the WCPD, rather averse to her general role as 'cannon fodder'. "Just because it doesn't hurt when they shoot me doesn't mean I enjoy it!"
Keiko Yukiyama [44] ISSP Agent assigned to Imperial affairs.
No Face [32] Who are you without your Identity?
Caleb Jefferson [13] I don't give a damn
Harold Miller [10] Former WCPD Chief of Police and Detective 1st Class with the CPF
Ted Ellison [7] The mind of Mammon's perfect vessel now free.

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Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"That's what we're trying to find out." she explained, flipping open the file folder, but making sure she kept the details concealed. If anything, it was meant to keep the young man from becoming more upset.

"We have reason to believe that this isn't going to be the first time someone is sent for you." she said, taking a deep breath and sighing. Children were her soft point, and she felt for the young Jack Carver.

"Which is why we collected you, Jack. We want to protect you, and find out who is doing all of this."

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Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver listened, but words began twisting around in his head. "Why....why would someone do this..." this thought kept going through his head. He was seemingly getting a bit more aggressive, but that was understandable. He just lost his entire family.

"I don't suppose you know who they are, so that...." he began, but he restrained himself a bit, and said " can arrest them...". Something was off with him. And he could tell it as well.

Thats when he asked, wondering "What time is it exactly?". He had no clue what time it was, he just knew it was hungry. The sun was setting, but he could not know it.

He then added "What do you mean 'protect'?". He legitimately did not know how that might work. It made him curious.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"It's quarter to seven." Casey replied, her brow furrowing a bit more deeply as she observed the young man's behavior. Something seemed to be troubling him beyond the emotional connection with what had been going on. In a city like this, she had to be prepared for the unexpected.

She refocussed with his question, though. "We'd have someone assigned to be with you, especially because you're young. If we have you watched, whomever's responsible may be less inclined to try to attack again. That doesn't mean they absolutely won't try though, so we have to be prepared."

She hesitated. "Are you...feeling alright?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver watched Casey. " hungry....and dehydriated....and really, REALLY annoyed....". He had never seen the medical reports, and the news that he was a werewolf, that the animal bite he had gotten treatment for was a werewolf bite, and that he was about to go through his first transformation. Once he went through his first Full Moon Transformation, he could transform at will, excluding Full Moons, when he would be forced to still. The medical report was probably at the house somewhere, burried under a pile of magazines or in some closet, that his parents had planned to break to him as gently as possible.

Too bad they died before they could. Because now, he realized he wasn't only cryign from emotional was a bit of physical pain he felt.

From the Full Moon.

Poor Jack. It was not his week.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"Chief," A voice came over the intercom. Casey glanced back towards the mirrored wall.

"Come on out of there for a second, if you could. There's something we need to show you."

Casey turned apologetically back to Jack, her lips thinned. "We'll get you something to eat, okay? Just sit tight for me."

Rising, she turned to go to the door.

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Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver could not quite understand what was happening. But he felt pain. And rage. And hungry. Especially hunger. Because he was a "Sanguis Lupus" (Blood Wolf) version of the Werewolf strain. They better they are fed, the stronger they are. Of course, their meals do not need to consist of live meet either. They could eat hot dogs, other human food, and still be sustained. Meat works the best. Like steak.

He collapsed on the ground. If you saw him before, you would not guess he was a werewolf. He seemingly had no fat on him, and was possibly anorexic from how thin he was.

Of course, now, he was beginning to change into a werewolf. SO I guess looks can be deceptive. He barely managed to croak out " going hungry...".

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
Casey turned around abruptly, her eyes widening with surprise. She turned to the door.

"Can I get a medic?!" she called, loudly too. Hands reached for her, pulling her out of the room to safety. "Someone has to help him!" she insisted. Her experience with actively changing lupines was minimal, at best.

"They'll get bitten. We'll need to sedate him." One of the officers told her. "Can we pass that along to the medic when he comes?"

The message was relayed. It wouldn't be long before better help would arrive.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver was changing right in front of her. His body was growing to about twice its usual size. He became something much bigger, stronger, and faster. If Casey had a gun, it might be of use to her, though that would require hurting Jack.

Jack had no control now. Or at least, minimal control, at best. It was looking at her, the beast. And, as Jack said before, it was hungry.

Very. Hungry.

However, on a side note, at least Jack had technically warned her to some extent.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
The door was slammed shut and locked as the wolf took his full form. Casey watched with a nearly exasperated expression on her face, her eyes rolling slightly as she looked to her deputies.

"So, who wants to dog-sit for the evening until Jack manages to calm down?"

The squad looked from one to the other, uncertain.

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Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver thrashed all night. It sounded as if someoen had put a bunch of feral dogs in there, forgot to feed them, and now they were tearing everything apart for food. The door got a few dents, but by morning, everything had calmed down, as if someone took a warhammer to it.

Thats when a voice could be heard from inside. "Uhh......what happened......and...DON'T COME IN!". He said, with shock, fear, and embarrassment rolled into one.

He was not ready for his first transformation. Or its...results.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
In spite of another man being put in charge of making sure Jack didn't kill himself, Casey had stayed up all night in her office, doing as much research as she could on the young man and his plight. By morning, she had a significantly better understanding of what Jack was, but that didn't make her job any easier as far as dealing with him, his curse, and with whomever was killing off his kind.

She heaved a sigh, and made her way towards the interrogation room, where a few of the officers stood around with morning coffee.

"Morning, Chief." the majority of them greeted. She half smiled, then looked to the observation window.


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Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver looked around, and was behind the overturned table. "He...hello? What happened?"

The room was completely decimated, and nothing was really in tact, except the metal table, which had been overturned, and Jack was using to stay out of view. A random generic officer entered the room the Chief was in, and went towards her. "Uh, ma'am. Well, I sort of figured, since he is a werewolf and all...well, he might need these...". He held up a clean set of clothes. "I just thought someone should handle that...".

Jack then also asked "Ummm....I have a anyone there?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"Good point." Casey said, taking the clothes and walking to the door. Stepping just inside, she tossed them in, behind the table.

"Let me know when you're ready!" she called to the young man in question. Her lips were downturned in thought.

"This is nuts." she said plainly, making sure Jack couldn't hear.

"That is going to take ages to clean up."

"Are we funded for this sort of thing?" someone asked.

"I don't know that there's such a thing as werewolve's insurance." Replied another.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver quickly got dressed, and knocked on the door afterwards. "Ummm...could someone explain what just happened, because I think I I a werewolf or something?"

And then he asked "And....does anyone have any food? I am REALLY hungry...."

One of the officers outside added "I wouldn't be surprised if there was Werewolf Insurance..."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"For this city, there has to be." Casey muttered before opening the door and looking down at Jack.

"Still feeling like you're going to tear the rest of my department apart?" she asked, her eyes sympathetic.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver looked at the ground, embarrassed. However, he also added "Only if it is edible. I feel starving...I really need something to eat...".

He looked at her, and then mentioned "Also, did I hear something about insurance? Sorry, my ears feel strange...a lot of me feels strange.....I feel".

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"We'll talk about that." Casey said, reaching for his hand.

"I know this great diner that serves all you can eat breakfast specials." she told him, ignoring the surprised noises that came from behind the door.

"What say I treat you, okay? And we can talk a little bit. Get to know each other."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver looked around and then said "All right...lets go.....I am getting really hungry".

He was not mentioning the fact he felt like eating the nearest person. That conversation, he felt, would be better to never come up. Ever. Also, he would prefer not to kill anyone.

"Anyways, I don't think I got your name?" he asked, curious now.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"Casey." she told him, gesturing for him to follow her. They would take her car to the diner in question.

"So," she began, guiding him along. "What brought you to the hospital the other night? I took a glance through your records and saw it was some kind of animal bite."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver followed her. As he was walking out of the room, his nose practically was 1000% better. However, something else happened now. His vision went blackish, except everything living was red. And he had the outlines of everything, so he could see where he is going. He shook himself out of it though, and it returned to normal.

"Yeah, a few nights ago, I was walking home, when this crazy hungry dog came out of nowhere and bit me. At least, I thought it was a dog. I suppose that was wrong, wasn't it?"

He then said "Casey is a nice name". He was trying to make smalltalk. He found the whole situation quite embarrassing.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
Casey half-smiled, before handing over a file that had Jack's name written on the cover. Inside, he'd find test results, notably a positive for one 'Lupine virus' that was highlighted in red.

"I don't think it was a normal dog either, Jack." she said.

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Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver took the file and read it. He was slightly shocked. And confused. "There are different types of werewolves?" he said, shocked.

He then added " this this why they came after me?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
Casey took a moment to think about her answer.

"It's possible." she said carefully. "But, there could be other reasons too. The only thing we can find in common with your case and the others is the hospital."

She sighed, climbing into the car with him and pulling away from the curb.

"Unfortunately, I don't know enough about werewolves to get you...educated, but I can try to find someone who might be able to answer your questions." she added.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Carver
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Jack Carver noted that his hunger was increasing. But, to keep his mind off his hunger, he then asked " I going to have to deal with that every full moon?"

He then also asked "I don't suppose you know anything about my attackers, do you? From those two that....that died trying to take me....".

He then added "Well, I hope it was just them..." That was about the last thing he actually believed. And he doubted the police thought so either.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy
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#, as written by FizzGig
"We don't. Not yet." Casey replied, leaning her head back. "But listen, we're going to find someone who will be able to watch out for you for the time being. Is there anyone you can call? Any family you might have you can stay with ?"
