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The Wicked Ones

The Wicked Ones


We are the ones who fight for those who wont. We battle in the shadows, where others are afraid to tred. We fight the foes governments can't. We are, the Wicked Ones.

3,139 readers have visited The Wicked Ones since Mathew Littlepaw created it.

Ever are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



... EVIL


All of these are names we are used to being called. Names created by those who can't, or won't, understand us. By those who are blinded by their fear of the unknown, afraid of difference... afraid of POWER. They couldn't understand our potential, and for that they shunned us from normal life. But soon, they won't be able to ignore us any longer. They would have you think that you were born with a deformity, but you were born with a gift. A power.

We were born with our Gift. Our own unique ability that could change the world. Be it super strength, the ability to speak to the dead, the ability to see the future. This was Nature's present to us, for us to change the world with. No one knows exactly how many of us are out there in the world, but we exist. World governments are, for the most part, unaware of our abilities. But over the past few years, they have been becoming more and more aware of our presence in the world. Some of us keep our gift to ourselves, secret from the rest of the world. Some become all to open with their abilities, and are captured by the government. But WE refuse to hide. We refuse to deny the fact that we exist...

We. are the Wicked Ones.

We've been labeled as a gang, and a group of ruffians who hang out in the slums of los Angeles, California. The perfect cover. The police just think of us as just a group of thugs, and just ignore us like every other gang in L.A. Little do they know, were the real protectors of the city. While we have other bases across the U.S, L.A. is our capital. From here, we help protect people from the Others.

Like I said earlier, everyone is born with a gift. Most of those gifts are powerful, and have great potential for great good... but also great evil. Some of us are born unable to control our power. We call them, the Others, or the Otherkind.

They're the ones that give us a bad name... You see, it isn't exactly their fault. They're born with a gift that is to powerful for them to control, and so it takes control of them. Most of them are mindless, slaves to a hunger for destruction, while others are simply evil. As if they were born with no soul. For the most part, they cant be saved. So they must be put down... This is our job. To help protect people who cant protect themselves from these monsters... And if it means being labeled as freaks, and monsters, then so be it.

Where you fit in

You, though you may not know it yet, are one of us. You were born with the potential to shape the world into something new... Something better. What ever your gift, what ever your mastery of it may be, you are a Wicked One. Born with a unique power, you have grown up all your life without knowing anything about what you are. Are there others out there like you? Are you the only one? You ask these questions to yourself daily, and just when you think the answer is no; you hear a rumor. A rumor that somewhere in the streets of L.A., there exists a whole other world. A world of freaks and monsters, a world of superheros and super villains. Pushed to investigate by a voice inside of you, you decide to search for us...

In the southern part of downtown L.A., a gathering of the Wicked Ones was taking place. Somewhere where those who wanted to speak to the Wicked Ones could come. And where those who wanted to join could test themselves. The group was led by none other than The Witch, the leader of the Wicked Ones and queen of their hierarchy. Also there to guard her were her two most loyal commanders, Grant; a master hunter and expert marksmen, and Mercy; a supernatural factory of toxic chemicals. Also watching their backs were the electro-charged ninja Leo, and the powerful pyromaniac Eureka. There, they met Luke; a rich kid who was a wiz with technology, in more than one way. And Anthony; a hobo with the ability to manipulate his body to do unbelievable things. But the party was crashed when a massive hulk Other destroyed half of the outlet mall that the group met at. With almost no way to stop it, suddenly a young physic girl Cylin was able to take control of the mind of the beast, giving The Witch a perfect shot at it. When the smoke settled, The Witch was rattled to her very bones by a frightening sight. A ghost of her past, someone who she had killed in her past life...


+Characters should be between the ages of 16-30
- Your character can be ANY age between that range. Message me if you want an age younger or older than this.
- Your character can be what ever gender, but when you MAKE your character; look at the already existing characters. Try to keep the genders balanced.
- Your character can have WHAT EVER POWER you want. But, again, check the already existing characters first. Make sure the power you want isn't already in use.
- You may use WHATEVER kind of picture you want for your character. Anime, real, I don't really care. Just make sure it isn't CHIBI.
- If you want, you can have your character be one of the Other. Just message me, and talk to me about your idea. I'm a real open minded person :D

+The Wicked Ones are a family. We are all important, and all have a job. No one is more important than anyone else. Rank is simply a sign to say "You should probably listen to this person"
- You can have your character be either joining the Wicked Ones, or be a member already. But if you want your character to have a high rank in the group, message me and talk to me about it.
- Sticking with the theme of being a family, try to get to know each other in the RP. Don't have your characters just be acquaintances. Be FRIENDS :D
- You can have deep relationships in this RP, I will allow kissing and snuggling n stuff :3 I love romance! Gay, straight, lesbian, whatever. I don't care. But, keep any naughty naughty things to each other in messages >^>.

+Like I said, your gifts are groundbreaking and powerful but not game-shattering. I don't wanna see anything like, immortal. Or something like that >_>.
- Make your powers creative, and smart!

Welcome, to the Wicked Ones.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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#, as written by Iezobel
Eureka Mino
Eureka growled as she stood shakily. The giant was on the ground. A girl had joined them. A Wicked One or an other? She licked the blood of her lip and spat it out. He looked over to a small group of people in a corner hiding. She walked over to them.
"Go," she said lazily and pointed to the fire exit. They sprinted past her to the door.
Eureka was stiff and sore all over. Probably broke her arm somewhere. She turned her left arm an winced. It had gone purple and was sitting at an odd angle. It had came out of place. Damn that meant she had to pop it back in. She leant it on the nearest table, clenched her teeth, so she didn't bite her tongue off and pushed it back in. She cried out then sighed. At least she wasn't a lefty.
She looked around. Who the hell put the sprinklers on? "The kid with the computers," she growled or maybe she only thought it. She walked over to him stormily. He's going to die. I just warned the newbies not to get in my way. What does he do? Gets in my way. What is wrong with newbies?
"What the hell was that!" she yelled at him," who do you think you are!
She flipped her sword and hit the butt of it of his head then pushed him back with a kick.
"You're gonna burn, run or stay still. Either way your toast."
She couldn't make a flame properly but she could still burn him. She clenched her fists to try and cool them down as they were burning hot. They weren't burning her but if anyone touched it them would get a hand shaped scar. She calmed herself down and shot the kid an angry look that said ' I'll kill you later '. She walked over to the girl with the blue flame.
"Who are you?" she asked trying to keep the anger out of her voice. She was still fuming that the kid had set the fire alarms on,"Other or recruit? If your an other sorry but I may have to kill you." She smiled then looked to the giant other," does anyone have any use for the troll or can I burn it. I do need to take my anger out on something other than the pretty boy over there." She decided that would be his nickname. It would probably annoy him. She hoped it would.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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Luke glanced up for a moment and found his fellow recruit watching him. The other guy smiled at him and Luke barely had time to smile back before he had to duck. As soon as he shut off the sprinklers, he looked up and saw the bull of a creature on the ground. He shoved his laptop back into his bag before climbing to his feet and was about to say something when two things distracted him. One was a woman with blue flame engulfing one eye. She gave him shivers down his spine to look at, but not the kind he felt when he'd first seen the Wicked Ones.

The second was a girl with red hair storming towards him. It took him a second to place her as the pyrokinetic. She didn't waste time. "What the hell was that? And who the hell do you think you are?" She's figured out the fact that I'm a telepath then. She drew a sword and he froze. This is America! How the hell did she get a sword? The butt of the sword collided with his temple, before a kick caused him to stumble back. He hit the ground hard, seeing stars before his vision. He even thought he was unconscious for a second or two, until the adrenaline brought him around again.

"You're gonna burn, run or stay still. Either way you're toast." Sure, join the Wicked Ones! It's not like you're going to get that badly hurt! He thought to himself, blinking and shaking his head slightly in the hope of clearing it. He definitely felt like he was concussed. She clenched her hands and he closed his eyes, waiting for the pain. He cracked an eye open to stare at her when the pain didn't come. She glared at him, anger on her face. Actually, it was more like a murderous glare.

He allowed his head to sink back onto the ground, his hand going to his temple. That had bloody hurt. His thinking was a little clouded, and the pain from his temple was swimming across his forehead. He swore to himself and climbed to his feet, stumbling slightly. The girl who had essentially threatened to burn him alive was over with the rest of the Wicked Ones. He stared at the girl with the blue flame. He'd had more than enough fire than he could handle for a while, and she hadn't even set him on fire yet. Instead he watched from a distance, starting to curse the day he'd ever decided to join the Wicked Ones.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

"Oh come now.." Antony said towards the fiery young woman. "Any more anger from you and I think you might just burst into flames on the spot... and despite being something to see I suggest you at least try and reign yourself in little miss." He turned his head down and tilted his attention towards the partially conscious man on the floor.

"Even though I do think this man will be lacking in the conversation department for some time. I do think it would be prudent to question him once he comes around.. or partially at least."
At that moment the fire alarms lights finally blinked on into life adding their strobe effect to the ambiance of the whole area. Antony paid no real attention as he nudged the hulk with the toe of his boot, this only brought a small grunt from his defeated form as he tried to roll the arm away.

He rolls his fingers together as he leans back in the seat.
Then something visibly starts to move under his coat, it bulges at the space above his shoulder blade and moves several inches upwards. The motion causes his outfit to shit and turn to allow the mass to move more easily as it makes this trip and while he shows no physical reaction to such an occurrence. Antony looks over his shoulder at the newest of the arrivals and gives her a pert smile. The small black dots floating within the emerald fluid of his eyes fixate on her for a moment as he begins to pull his eyes away and return them to the hulk on the ground.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
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Sam wasn't given much time to think. Eying the massive, growling slab of muscle running at her, she jumped out of the chair she was in and moved herself back away from it. She wasn't scared of it, no. She just didn't want to be in the path of the massive charging colossus. Sam looked around to see if there was something she could do. That's when she remembered the .45 that she carried in her hoody. Quickly grabbing the gun in her front pocket, she whipped it out and checked to see how many shots she had. Even though she wasn't the best shot in the world, Grant held that title, five shots would be enough for her to put it down.

Looking up to check on its location, she gasped and froze as she saw it only a few feet in front of her. "Die, bitch!" It screamed as it lifted up its massive arm to crush Sam into dust. Quickly regaining control of her body, she threw herself to the left out of the way of the mad beast's arm. CRACK, went the stone tile where Sam was just standing. Taking the liberty to move back a few more steps, Sam was making sure to get hell and gone from it. She hated this feeling. This helplessness. This inability to do anything to such a threat. But using her gift was out of the question... there were no circumstances that would ever make her use her gift again.

Turning to face it, she was surprised in how much the situation had changed. The once rampaging beast was now stalled, knees in the ground with its hands around its throat. What... Is going on? She asked herself as she raised the heavy magnum to eye level, the target: The beast's head. I don't know... I don't want to know... She said to convince herself to take the shot. But then... Everything in the world seemed to slow down as she noticed a girl next to the beast. Her hair long, and black, like staring directly through a window to the void.

Her heart started to quake inside of her own chest. What she was seeing... wasn't possible. Suddenly her mind started to fill with images, flashbacks, of cries and screams. Images of blood, pain, and darkness. And one word that echoes through her mind like a gunshot. Please... Don't! Slowly, she lowered the gun and reached up to her neck to grab the small, green, crystal amulet that hung around her neck. Suddenly taken with a massive surge of emotion, almost as if taken away to another world, Sam began to cry. What was happening, the girl that was standing around her, how the light seemed to bend around her body so not to hit her. The color of her hair, and her command over the beast... none of it was possible. The girl she saw before her was someone who was dead, someone Sam had layed to rest long ago. With a tear starting to run down her eye, Sam tried to shake herself awake from the nightmare. The only thought that got her to wake up was the idea of the danger everyone, including herself, was in.

While Sam had been lost in her own mind, Eureka had walked up to the pair with a fireball in hand. Snapping out of the daydream, Sam raised the gun up again and shouted to her friend. "Eureka! Get back! Don't get any closer!" She seemed to scream at the top of her lungs to reach her. "Eureka! RUN!" She screamed out as she pulled the trigger of the magnum tight, popping off shot after shot after shot, all aimed right for the dark figure.

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#, as written by Ever


"Other or recruit? If your an other sorry but I may have to kill you." came the crude demand, it's owner being a girl whose actions and words matched that of her power; dangerously rash. Sending the approaching Wicked One a narrowed glare, Void's cerulean gaze seem drop in temperature as the orbs took on an icy tint. My.... this is.. going to be fun. resonated the Other's cruel thoughts, a sadistic spite quite prevalent. It was at that moment, as the fire-user willingly closed the distance, that the shadow-ess decided to raise that glowering stare to the blonde-haired leader, the one known as The Witch. A slight smirk etched it's way onto the demonic tyrant's fair features as horrorified recogintion dawned within Sam's eyes. Figures... she thought I was dead after all.. heh. echoed the bitter commentary.

Yanked from the trance, Sam suddenly was screaming orders for the hasty girl to retreat.. but Void was far quicker than The Witch's words. "Astaroth. Come" rang out those soft words, the words that instigated a sense of dread for what was to come. At the mention of it's master's summoning, a devilish figure sprung from the outstretched shadows, from nothingness. It almost looked like a wolf.. almost being the key term. Easily, this beast's shoulder blade rested at the height of Void's neck, one of it's paws the size of a normal human being's forearm. Though that wasn't what was so terrifying about this unholy being.. it was the physical appearance that warded many off. Astaroth's fur almost seem to be alive, pulsing and flickering, his eyes a red-hot glow, a piercing flame that one could never escape from. Then one got to it's claws.. on each paw, wickedly sharp curves protruded, each one the length of a steak knife. With a low growl emitting from his throat, Astaroth was, indeed, a hound from hell.

Before the bullets could even reach Void, Astaroth acted on per his master's orders. Snarling at the fire-user, outraged at the lack of respect this girl had shown it's creator, the beast raised it's front paw. In a blur, the hound from hell brought it's digit downwards and immediately, connected with Eureka's shoulder. The force put behind the swipe had caused the young Wicked One to collide with the ground, the momentum causing her to roll several feet away. Growling in satisfaction, the beast lowered it's bloodied paw before quickly turning it's head in alarm at the sound of a gun.

Void blankly stared at the Witch as she pulled the trigger and released a rain of ammo in the shadow controller's direction. A menacing glint returned to doll-esque girl's glare as the metal-encased shells phased through her body easily.. as if she wasn't human.. as if nothing was there. However, while Void had gotten unscathed, one Other was not so lucky. The sounds of a forceful foreign object hitting flesh filled the silence, each bullet sounding more sickeningly disturbing than the last. A moment of pause followed the end of the string before an outraged bellow pierced the bliss.. the hulking man was back up and ready to fight.
An impatient sigh was directed towards her minion as Void turned to him, threat looming in her voice. "Don't. mess. up. again. Got it?" came the hiss as the Shadowess banished her beloved summon, Astaroth, back into the realm of darkness. Eagerly wanting to prove himself, the super-powered man nodded hastily before charging at the group once more. Casting a glance over at the face down Eureka, content with the slashes that marred her flesh and blood pooling around the fire-user's form, Void turned once more to Sam. Giving the leader a glare through narrowed slits, the blue flame suddenly extinguished. Just as Void was sinking waist deep into a shadow, a twisted smirk appeared on those petal pink lips. "...Why do lovely flowers bloom from the cherry tree?" she questioned in an, eerily, singsongy voice. The words, once innocent, were now twisted. With that, the Leader of the Others disappeared fully through the shadow portal.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Cylin Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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As Cylin was trying to get over her shyness, she was jerked out of her mind as a few crashes and screams were filling the air. It took her a moment to register the enormous, heap of muscle that was before her. The creature was running towards the Wicked Ones, and they could do nothing but jump out of the way. At first, the girl was taken aback, trying to figure out what to do. There was a pale girl clad in black standing to her left. Her mind was giving off complete power and darkness. If Cylin had even tried to use her power against this enemy, she would surely be consumed in insanity. It was in her best interests to ignore the shadow.

It seemed that once the Wicked Ones had recovered, they managed to get this creature to the ground. The leader tried to shoot the shadow, but as Cylin expected, they did nothing. The bullets did penetrate the other person, and he rose at the shadow's command. This is when Cylin had an idea.

To The Witch, she said, "I'm going to give a helping hand. Stand by for a moment."

And then, her perspective suddenly switched to the creature's eyes. She was in his body. She could feel his physical prowess, but alas he had no mental control what so ever. As he tried to fight her, she said again to The Witch. "He is bound for the moment, but I do not know for how long. His mind is slightly deteriorating from my control. Take him out now." Cylin continued to fight the hulk's mind, but she was slowly losing. She must be weaker than she originally thought...."Please, hurry."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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#, as written by Iezobel
Eureka Mino
Eureka looked to the new Wicked one. Anthony he called himself.
"Well, I guess I could tell you my name. I'm Eureka Mino," she said just as Sam came over.
Eureka smiled Sam would know if this was a recruit or not. She turned back to the others and almost jumped out of her skin as Sam started to yell.
"Sam... What? I mean wh-," she trailed of as the Hell hound ripped her shoulder. She fell to the ground screaming in pain and anger. As soon as the the hell hound moved she pushed herself away and struggled to he feet.
That dog is mincemeat, she thought. She whipped her katana of her back. Still holding her shoulder that was bleeding quite badly.
"What the hell was that for!" she yelled at the girl and the dog.
She had a plan but first she needed to eliminate the hound from the picture. She grinned as a crazy plan formed in her mind. Just to kill the dog. If it worked it would cause her no injury but if it didn't well... It was the first part they was dangerous. She wod probably let anger get the better of her. She growled lowly but every second she just went into a deeper rage.
Who the hell does she think she is, how dare she, Eureka eventually burst out in flames. She didn't intend to do this it just happened. That's it. She did t care if he plan was dangerous. The dog was going down.
"Just wondering does you let have a wish to be a hot dog? I can do that," she smiled and winced slightly.
She forced her hands out and sent a stream of fire shooting at the dog. The ground under her had turned red with the heat. When she stopped the fire stream the hell hound was still standing. She bit her lip to make it look like this was a mistake. In truth this hopefully would work. The dog was angered so much it leaped out. Eureka slid underneath it and lunged her katana up into its underbelly. Missing its heart by inches. That was ok. She didn't intend to kill it yet. She left the sword in it and slid out. there was no time to het the sword. All of this happened in a few seconds.
The hell hound turned growling and Eureka smirked.
"Come have a go... if you think you're hard enough," she said grinning. The hell hound bounded forward. She jumped over it and onto its back. She wrapped her arms around its neck at it tried to throw her off. Se slid her hands to her sword and yanked it out. She jumped of the hell hound and raised her sword. The hell hound snarled and lunged. Just as it opened its mouth to bite Eureka thrust her katana up into the roof of its mouth and straight into its brain. It clawed at her back causing a few small gashes. It shook a few times and fell limp. She pulled her sword out.
"Sorry about your dog but it did half rip my fucking shoulder off," she growled.
She panted heavily then fell to her knees. She had lost too much blood. She lay back and cursed. That wasn't as good as she thought it would be. She gave a soft moan and closed her eyes. She was sweating hard and her breathing was ragged. She wondered how long she had to live. She lay face down and sighed.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

It was through all of this that Antony was able to sit and enjoy a rather interesting show.
However that was until Eureka decided to blast a firestorm across half of the food court, Antony's filled with the reflective cascade of the flames shine and he leaped from his chair clearing the flames. Loosing sight of the hulking man as his angle of vision became inverted as he latched onto a low hanging light fixture. Looking down he could feel the intense heat searing his face lightly, several of his hairs were beginning to singe as well.

After the flames had settled and the smoke cleared from his view he finally noticed the young woman still standing once more. But he also noticed the brute as well, closing in on her as he was drudging through demolished sets of chairs and tables. Antony released his grip and fell back to the ground breaching the gap between the man and Eureka. The monster did not stop however and pull his massive arm back in preparation to strike but Antony remained. With a thunderous grunt he sent his fist forward and with Antony still holding his ground, the two made impact.
It was a strangely sickening thud that rang out as he struck Antony, pushing him back from where he stood. But with that Antony's feet dug into the cheap tile and gave him more resistance as his travel slowed to a pause not more then a foot from Eureka. The man looked over his knuckles at Antony and saw that he caught the strike with his own hand, despite jutting pieces of bone protruding from his forearm nothing seemed to be wrong. For Antony it was fictitious as the sharp protrusions pulled back through the openings in his sleeve and the sound of the bone snapping together could be heard.

The two of them locked eyes for a moment before the brute attempted to withdraw his hand and to his surprise he could not. Antony had a rather heavy grip and the man gave another tug that barely budged the other and it was then that Antony spoke.

"Listen Tiny.. I don't know, I don't like.. But as of this moment, I'm all over you.."

The mans eyes widened as soon as he felt a piercing pain that almost brought him to his knee. He could feel something its way up inside his arm and he frantically started trashing in a very powerful pull to move Antony. In a moment he jerked Antony from his spot to throw him, but the attempt was in vein. As he was pulled from the spot it was revealed that there were several objects rooting him to the ground. They protruded through the bottom of his boots and anchored him to the spot and held tight.

These were literal roots made of bone that he was using to maintain his ground and it was easy to see that from the visible object working through the hulking mans skin that the same was happening to him. In a bid to gain the upper hand the crazed thug threw a heavy punch with his free hand and it collided with Antony's face, the resulting rip that sounded was proof of his aim as Antony's head was cleaved right off his shoulders. He bellowed with a heavy laugh as he tried to withdrawn, but to his displeasure the headless body remained well entrenched. What came next he did not for expect as Anotny's body drew its right arm up and a long thin blade slide out from under the wrist. Using this blade with a quick and clean motion brutish monstrosities right arm was severed below the shoulder and he fell back with a pained cry as his own struggles threw him and he crashed through a store front.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Cylin Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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What Sam had just seen was... not possible. The events that had just unfolded in front of her, the summoning of the dog, its biting of Eureka, the bullets passing through the body of the girl, the question she asked Sam. Taken back from the whole world, Sam was unable to hear the words of the girl next to her. All the sounds in the world seemed to blend together; the sounds of screaming masses seemed like a song through broken speakers to her. It had taken her a long moment before she finally regained consciousness of the world.

"... From my control. Take him out now!" she was able to hear as she snapped out of her own little world. Quickly she reached up and grabbed the small, green, crystal necklace that hung around her. Taking a deep breath she tried to put what was behind her, behind her. Gripping the .45 once again, she reached into her pocket and grabbed three more bullets she brought with her. Quickly she snapped out the old revolver rounds, and put in the three new ones. Her and the girl were quite a ways away from the beast, but he seemed to be distracted by the, now headless, Anthony. This had not really consumed her much, compared to what she had just witnessed.

"You... Bastards!" The man screamed at the top of his lungs as he fell to his knees resting his body weight on one arm to support his body. The other arm was now heavily bleeding after being completely severed by Anthony. While the girl dug her fingers into his mind like the talons of a bird, Sam gripped the gun with both hands and lined up the shot. While she was unable to get a shoot wile he was on the ground like that, she found an opportunity when he reared his head up to scream into the air, his other hand grabbing his head tightly. "GET OUT!"

Now was her chance, taking a deep breath, she squeezed the trigger tight, yet lightly. The first shot fired from the gun, leaving with a loud crack and another cracking sound as the bullet found its home in the shoulder of the beast, completely shattering the joint and socket. Screaming in pain, the monster turned its gaze towards Sam.

Smiling to herself, Sam pulled the trigger twice more, the first shot blasting the hulk's collar bone in half with a loud crack, burying itself in his throat. Suddenly, the beast stopped moving, letting out a bloody groan as it fell over, the center of its forehead starting to bleed. The third shot had landed exactly where Sam wanted it to, right between the eyes.

Dropping the gun to her side, Sam let out a sigh of relief seeing it dead. Turning to the girl next to her she smiled, and offered her a hand up. "Sam..." she said extending her hand to the girl. After getting the girl on her feet again, Sam turned around to see everyone looking at her...

Why are they looking at me... she thought to herself... then she remembered. She was crying. Something none of them had ever seen before. Quickly she raised her hand and whipped off her eyes. Taking a slow, deep breath, Sam stood up right and spoke out so everyone could hear.

"A-Alright." She stated in a shaky tone, trying to keep herself together. "Lets get back... Grant, Mercy. Get these guys out of her. We need to get back before the cops get here."
Quickly, she turned around and walked for the exit of the food court, placing the gun back in her pocket as the rain started to fall again. During the struggle the rain had stopped, but now it was back and getting heavier by the minute. Slowly, Sam raised her hood and walked out of the mall.

Once outside the food court and in the crowded parking lot people were still in somewhat of a panic. The police, luckily, hadn't shown up yet. In the hustle, no one had noticed her as she found her way to her motorcycle. Her Dukati X-1 had gotten her out of tons of situations... and this was about to be the next. Grabbing her helmet from the back, she placed it on her head and tightened the strap below her chin (Safety first kids!). Throwing herself over into the seat of the bike, she revved up the engine and slowly found her way to the exit of the parking lot. Once out, she peeled down the street to head back to their HQ, right as the police could be heard in the distance.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Cylin Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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#, as written by Byte

While everyone else of the, soon-to-be, Wicked Ones was out having a punch up with mister muscle-shirt, Mercy had just... stayed on the side-lines, standing, watching. She wasn't frozen from fright of the giant monstrosity that had presented itself before them, she wasn't scared of the arrival and spectacle that came with this, presumably, Other chick.

No, Mercy had been observing with great interest as to what was happening. She wasn't in immediate danger, nor was she particularly equipped to deal with these situational situations. Not that the woman didn't want to join the fray for who could bury mister tank first, but fate will inevitably degree that her bones aren't exactly break-proof if she did.

Red eyes kept a close gaze on the apparent new enemy, a smug, self-centred person at first glance. Mercy could feel a shiver crawling up her spine just by looking at a face so full of expression, yet so very, very cold.

β€œ...Why do lovely flowers bloom from the cherry tree?”

Mercy raised a single eyebrow, watching the unknown adversary leave when her business was concluded.

Interesting choice of words. Whatever that may mean.

She didn't have much time to muse on said words, as the fight ensued and was swiftly brought to an end by, obviously, The Witch and, not so obvious, the hobo guy – Who Mercy had to compliment on surviving a beheading.

Awesome! Was the one word that Mercy could think of to describe said spectacle.

β€œA-Alright. lets get back... Grant, Mercy. Get these guys out of her. We need to get back before the cops get here.”

Sam commanded, but not as harsh as it usually sounded. Mercy turned to her leader, watching her dart out of the food court without a single glance back to her flock.

β€œMcGrath, time to leg it. Take Eureka, I'll guide the rest to our merry little dump.” Mercy said in her usual calm, unfazed tone, signalling for those who weren't beaten, broken, bruised, or any other variation of injured to follow her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Cylin
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Cylin was still struggling with the beast as she felt the bullets go into her host body. It was painful, like a shot of lightning had struck. But, the gun had done it's job, and as the last bit of life went out, Cylin was back in her own body. She awoke to The Witch, who had introduced herself as Sam. The woman helped her up. "I am Cylin." The girl was still slightly in shock as she turned around and saw the other Wicked Ones gathered. The encounter wasn't long, as Sam quickly switched the objective. Evacuate and fast. She had to read minds to figure out which people to follow, but once she had the information, she was set. It was time to leave again. Police did not matter to her, but she would follow orders for now.

She would follow like the darkest shadow.

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Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

As of the end of the battle Antony was still having a slightly out of body experience, his head lay several feet away from himself and the view was not that good seeing as it consisted of mostly the souls of Eureka's feet. But he was still able to maintain awareness though the contact of his own body with what remained of the giant. He stepped back and readied himself as he felt the floor shake due to the mans steps and pulled up his right hand. With his palm open a singular slit spread on it allowing for an eye to press out and get him a better view. This allowed him the full view of each bullet ripping through the beastly man and his inevitable fall to the ground. A shift of his wrist allowed Antony to bring the Witch into view and he could see that she was distraught about something. But her action to cover all of that up was quick and she gave her orders for the others to leave as well before the boys in blue arrived.

He gripped the severed limb in both hands and held tight, only for his process of devouring to begin. The limb was pierced from each palm and all that was inside was being drained out to help sustain Antony. The loss of his head was not much and in normal conditions he would not need so much food, but such an opertunity to feed could not be passed up as he needed. As his arms drew in more they began to distend slightly and the bulges worked their way up into his chest were the half of his neck that remain started to strain. An obstruction forced its way clear of the wound and shot from between his shoulders, it bore the resemblance of a human skull lightly covered in flesh. Some bits and sections were still bare with white bone showing but they quickly got covered and skin was fast to form as well. It only took a fraction of a minute for Antony's whole head to be completely formed and back to normal, or as normal as his head could be in most cases.

He drops the dried husk within his grasp and turns to see the Witch leaving the food court and he would have eagerly followed had he not seen Eureka laying there beside him. He knelt beside her and placed a hand on her back.."Alive still.. Good." He said as she was found to be still breathing, if only lightly so.
"Lets get you out of here.. little miss." Antony reached down and cupped his hands under Eureka's arms pulling her up off the floor, allowing her to try and support herself.

"Are you able to make it miss Eureka?" He looked at the young woman through his new eyes as he started to move with her in arm across the ruined food court.

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Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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Grant was thoroughly surprised when the behemoth brushed off the shots he had fired. That probably wasn't going to be too effective, so he decided to change his strategy. Brandishing his taser, he ran up to the man, planning to shock him, which would surely bring him to the ground.

Even though the giant wasn't facing him when he charged up, he quickly whipped around. Grant's chest was met with the man's forearm. The momentum from the spin combined with the pure muscle sent Grant flying back, into the wall. He hit his head, and was knocked out.

When he came to, he was greeted with the sight of Eureka being bitten into by a dog. He stumbled to his feet, ears ringing, and started making his way over, only to be told to get out of there. He heard Mercy telling him to get Eureka out of there. "C'mon!" He said to Eureka, untying the bandanna on his head and pressing it against her shoulder, leading her outside, along with one of the guys that showed up to the meeting.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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#, as written by Iezobel
Eureka Mino
Eureka let out a small moan and tried to lift her head to see what was happening. All the voices seemed far away. She forced her eyes open. Her vision was blurred. She tried to get up but her arms couldn't hold her up. She fell back down and closed her eyes where she drifted in and out of consciousness.

She jumped when someone touched her back. She could hear a voice closer this time. Someone picked her up.
"I'm fine," she whispered barley able to talk," for a start don't call me little miss, and I'll be fine.
It was the newbie, Antony or something. He pulled her up and another took her other side. This time a familiar voice spoke now. Grant, ugh, he wouldn't shut up after this. She had to man up and stand herself. She tried to stand but just fell back into their arms.
"I'm ok," Eureka growled through gritted teeth. She felt him put something made of fabric to her shoulder and she cried out in pain. She noticed she was getting warmer an warmer. This usually happened. Instead of getting colder she got warmer. She hoped that this didn't annoy the others. She couldn't hold her head up. It was to much effort. She let it drop so now she was looking at the floor. She let them carry her, her feet dragged along the ground. She took in fast shallow breaths. Again drifting asleep then waking up no and then. She wondered if she would fall asleep one time and never wake up. She wished she could just die she just wanted this pain to end.
"Just leave me," she muttered before drifting of again.
Her eyes opens and her neck hurt. She winced slightly but she still couldn't hold it up for long. She rested her head on someone's shoulder. She couldn't see who was on which side. So she didn't know who's shoulder she was using as ahead rest. She closed her eyes and did her best to stay awake.
Her eyes snapped open as she realised she forgot her katana. She was about to stop to get it when she felt it in her hand. She was gripping so tight her knuckles had gone white. She smiled to herself. What an idiot, she thought.

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Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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Luke had hit the floor again shortly after the wolfish demon had appeared. Smacking his head off the floor had caused him to pass out again and had probably worsened his concussion. When he came around again, everything had passed. I'm definitely more relieved than disappointed. He thought, his hand still grasping his backpack tightly. He managed to get to his feet again, blinking rapidly in the hope of clearing his vision. He was barely upright before the nausea kicked in and he barely made it to a trash can. Great. My day's off to an excellent start. He thought dryly, wiping his mouth and looking around.

Everywhere was chaos. In his confused, concussed state, he could barely make out what was happening. All he was really aware of was the fact that everyone else seemed to be getting out of there, and fast. He was far from steady. He saw the other recruit, the freaky looking one, carrying out the girl who had threatened to set him on fire with the assistance of the leather clad guy. As guilty as he felt for it, he felt relieved. She wouldn't be burning him alive any time soon. Not with that mess of a shoulder.

He swallowed as he followed them out, his head pounding. He wondered what he'd missed, but wasn't sure if he wanted to know. He swung his bag onto his back, not trusting his grip. Perhaps if he had felt in better shape, he would have made a run for it and returned to his normal life, hacking for money and hacking to annoy the police, because he could. But not while he was concussed. Especially because there was a chance that the Others were still around and would target him, because they thought he was one of The Wicked Ones. No, he'd hit the high road as soon as his concussion had cleared and things had died down a little.

So far, he'd only really made things worse. Perhaps if the other girl's mind hadn't been clouded by her anger at him, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. And his setting off of the fire alarm had just accelerated everything. They'd be better off without him.

And he'd be better off without them. An Other had never come near him before. His only concern had been the police, and they were like puppies when compared to the Otherkind.

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-End of Chapter One-

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Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Cylin Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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-Chapter Two-

The road, itself, wasn't to long to get to the base. But to Sam, it felt a lot longer. It was a ten mile stretch of road, through the outskirts of downtown LA, from the outlet mall to HQ. Even with the rain pelting her as she rode down the street, and the visibility in front of her almost zero, she could find her way there without a problem. She wouldn't have to worry about Grant and Mercy finding their way there, because they were just like her. This was a drive they made all the time.

Sam had her entire body devoted to navigating her way home, but her mind was thousands of miles away as she navigated through the walls of buildings to get home. She knew exactly what happened. But what she didn't know, what puzzled her mind to no end, was how... The shadow was dead, killed years ago, when Sam was still young. She was so sure that the beast that took the only thing she cared about in her life, was dead. If there was ever anything Sam could be more sure of, it was that. The image of its death was burned into Sam's eyes for an eternity. How on earth could she be so wrong? Was it possible? There was only one way to find out... but it would have to wait.

The rain was now starting to get heavier, and it was time for Sam to focus on getting home safely. Pushing the thoughts far from her mind, for now, she finally saw the familiar sign that meant she was home. Literally. Ontop of a very large building on the west side of L.A., there hung a gigantic billboard case with no sign in it. Mind you, the HQ wasn't exactly in the ghetto part of the city. There was just a "problem" with the billboard that made no one want to post in it. For some reason, when ever someone new posted in the billboard, it would suddenly be gone the next day... Strange.

The building the billboard stood on was actually the HQ itself. "Underground" was the word used for the Wicked Ones, but not for the HQ. It was, in fact, a run down ten story apartment complex. Well, not "run down". Just unowned. The owner company left years ago, and the Sam "bought" it from them. The building was in disarray, and was used as a stomping ground for a group of meth-heads. And it was easy to get rid of them.

Riding to the north side of the building, Sam found the opening to the underground garage. Putting her bike in front of the large metal gate lowered to prevent unwanted from coming in, she revved her engine four times, signaling to open the gate. Once the gate was slowly lifted open, she was greeted by a massive bald black man. Standing at least 6’7 in the doorway, the towering goliath moved forward into the rain to look down at Sam.

With a smile on his face he reached his hand out to Sam, which she took at shoot tightly in hers. To this, he spoke: β€œNice to see you back in one piece, ma’am. What happened at the mall is all over the news.”

Pressing a button on the side of her helmet, Sam stared at the man with a worried look on her face. β€œWhat do they know, Doorjam?” She asked sitting upright in her bite seat in the rain.

β€œThey think it was just some tweaker who flipped out on some gang members.” Doorjam said with a laugh, moving out of the way of Sam’s bike to let her in.

β€œMeth tweakers don’t put holes in solid stone by punching it.” She stated as she drove forward, Doorjam agreeing with her. Once inside she was greeted by a few armed men standing at the door, watching the opening of the HQ.

Twisting the key on the side of the bike to turn the engine off. Dismounting the bike, she took off her helmet to shake out her, mostly, dry blonde hair. Behind her, Doorjam closed the gate back down again.

β€œI got two more cars coming behind.” She stated to answer Doorjam’s question in his mind. β€œMercy and Grant both have some recruits with them... and I have to admit the crop looks good.”

β€œWhat are we lookin’ at, ma’am?” Doorjam asked her,

β€œWell, we have some tech wizard, a hobo who can take a hit, and a mind controller.” She stated in response.

β€œLike, a physic?” Doorjam asked with a question on his face. β€œWell. At least you didn’t pick up any more strongmen to replace me.” He said with a laugh, walking towards Sam from behind, a smile on his face as he rubbed Sam’s shoulders, trying to releave the obvious tension she was under.

β€œYou know you’re the only β€˜strongman’ in my life, Doorjam.” She said with a flirty smile as she turned to him and teasingly kicked him away. β€œBut today, I’m not in the mood.”

β€œYes ma’am.” he stated with a smile as he let her grab her gear and walk into the HQ. From behind him, he could hear the honk of two car horns. Turning to open the door once again, Doorjam saw the familiar look of Grant's old white & black muscle car drenched in the rain.

β€œAlright kids! Engine off, and recruits out of the car. You know the drill!” Doorjam stated standing in front of the door. both fists clench gripped to stop any trouble that may come up. It wouldn't be the first time someone had tried to infiltrate the Wicked Ones, and it was Doorjam's job to weed them out...

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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Grant spaced off a bit as he drove down the rainy road. What a week. First, all his business back home, and now all this crap. Sure, dealing with 'freaks' was part of the daily grind, but the Others back there were a whole new caliber of freaky. He glanced over to Eureka in the passenger seat, still clutching her shoulder. Looking in the rearview mirror, he took another look at the new recruit he had previously described as a homeless. Adjusting the mirror so he could see out the back window, he noted the only car behind him was Mercy's, carrying the other recruits. Thank God, no police; that made things significantly easier.

"You gonna pull through there?" He asked Eureka. He knew that she would manage. Sure, she'd be sore for a while, but she'd pull through. He waited for a response before addressing the new recruit.

"So how 'bout the fray back there? You think you're ready for that?" He was wondering if the new guy was truly prepared for stuff like that on a regular basis. Sure, usually things went better than they did today, but there was no harm in scaring the newbies a bit. "By the way, I don't think I caught your name. I'm Grant." He chuckled a little. "But you, my friend, can call me Grant."

Soon enough, they approached the slightly decrepid apartment complex. Rolling up to the garage entrance, Grant honked twice to grab Doorjam's attention, who was turned the other way, likely talking with Sam. After getting the clear, Grant rolled into his section of the garage. To him, the space of a complex's garage was a blessing, considering he enjoyed collecting and fixing cars and bikes. It was his pastime; besides it meant there were always extra vehicles for the group (a lame excuse, but when he used often), and he could often sell them for extra cash. There were a few he refused to sell and often 'babied' by keeping under tarps and nearly never driving.

He quickly stopped and parked the old Buick, helping the passengers out.

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Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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As soon as the others left the scene, Leo thought it was time for him to take his leave too. Finishing the cup of coffee he ordered after he came to the food court, he took a completely different way than the others. Most of the time, whenever they went out, he would use a different route to avoid stares from people. Even though this time was a bit different from how things usually went in a recruiting day, he would still take that route. After all, nothing beats taking a walk back home while alone.

Today wasn't as rough as he thought it would be. Probably since because they managed to solve the problem of the Other Ones, but then again, if Sam weren't here, things would have probably turned out a whole lot worse. "Well, no use thinking about it now." Leo thought to himself. The path he always took walking back home was the secret back entrance that not much Wicked Ones used ever since it was built. The tunnel wasn't so safe as it seems because in this exact make-shift tunnel, a lot of accident and deaths happened apparently and since the power of Gifts was real, they even thought that ghosts lingered around this area. "Really, they're worrying too much."

However, there were still some of them who dared to live in this shady tunnel. These are the ones who decided that their powers were too dangerous and that they wouldn't be able to control it. Should any incident involving their powers happened back at the HQ, things wouldn't end up pretty. Sure, the others can handle it perfectly, but they still worry a bunch. Lately, ever since Leo started taking this route, they had became friends with this loner. Their powers all have the same in common, and that is emotion-controlled powers. Even if their powers were as frightening as they thought it would be, they were still a happy bunch.

"Oh hey! It's Leo!" One of the older man shouted among the group. All of them turned their heads and greeted Leo, who then nodded back in return. "So, how did the recruitment go? Any interesting fresh meats?" The old man voiced his opinion. Leo sighed as he leaned against the wall. "I'm not sure, actually. One of them were like Grant; a gigantic muscle head, but I'll have to see. Didn't really checked the young ones yet. What about you, Dan? Any news?" Dan, like Leo himself, controls the power of lightning. However, his powers differs by a mile. While Leo manipulates lightning, he cancels them out. It's a miracle to see the two being together as friends. One would think that they will hate each other's guts.

"Nah. Nothing really happened while the four of you were gone. Though the news about the mall spread like a wildfire! You should see the looks on those passerby! They looked as if they pissed their pants! Bwahahaha!" Dan laughed. His optimisms was something Leo envied. Even though Dan's power was nothing to be scared of, Dan joined this ragtag group of rampant power idiots as their leader because he wanted to take care of them. Similar to how Dan invited Leo when he was young, many of those with horrible pasts caused by their powers were saved by this optimistic old man.

Suddenly, Leo turned gloomy. He had remembered something a few days back. He stared at his cup of coffee given to him by one of the group as he asked, "So... I heard your son had gone ahead first, eh?" Dan's smile quickly died. They both stared at the floor, thinking about how they would keep up the conversation. Then, Dan sprung back to his usually cheery smile. "Don't worry. I'm sure he's okay over there with the old hag. She loves her own so much that she wanted to keep him to herself." Leo tilted his head back up. Dan's wife died not long ago too, and after his son's death, Leo thought he would be plunged into a state of despair. On Leo's face obviously showed a question mark, and Dan knew Leo wanted to know why.

"I still need to take care of these assholes. They need someone to lead them, and if I were to go into sad and stupid now, how would you think they would become? A bunch of sad motherfuckers who lost their sight on life again." This sense of responsibility that Dan has was something Leo again envied. "Well, I'll head back to HQ. Take care of those 'assholes', Dan. Don't forget your job as their leader." Leo gave his parting words before proceeding back to HQ. Dan nodded and went back to the group. "Heh. He was never the type of guy to be sad. Guess I worried for nothing, eh?" He asked no one in particular.

Not long later, he had reached the end. A metallic door, said to be built to be bulletproof, stood there. A man in uniform was sitting next to it and after saluting Leo, he opened the door. "Welcome back, Leo." Leo gave a slight nod before heading inside. Things weren't grand here, but still, it provided a slight nostalgic feeling of home inside the HQ. Even though the HQ was but a rundown apartment. [Now that I'm back here, I guess I should go take a small nap. I have nothing else to do.] He thought to himself, as he ignores the crowd and heads for his room.

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Forget about this!

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~Antony Tangent~

With helping Eureka into the car and hopping in himself, Antony did what he could to keep from leaking on the leather.

He kept an arm on the young girl as she sat there next to him, she had such beautiful red hair. But for the worst part he could barely contain the urge to sniff her like she was a meal and her bleeding wasn't making it any easier. It was then that he noticed she was still rather hurt, the wound localized on her shoulder was more of a gash then a slight flesh wound and seeing that she was doing her best to stay conscious through it told him that it was painful.

Looking up in the front seat he could see the man named Grant eying the road ahead, that was until he looked in the rear view mirror and noticed him. His chive at conversation wasn't bad, he was a lightly talkative man for the moment but he seemed as if he was just prodding at Antony for the moment. "Antony.." He answered calmly as he was putting his arm around Eureka, placing his palm on her wound. His grip was enough to keep it from flowing freely and if he had the opportunity he would help her fix the problem. But looking at the back of Grant's head he got the inclination that the man would not be so happy to see Antony doing anything to her. So he waited for a more opportune time...

It didn't take long till they arrived at the garage in a strangely derelict looking building, one that he had passed several times in the past. It was strange that he always liked this part of tow, maybe for the lack of police control or the fact that it was easy for some unwary meal to get lost.
As the car pulled in and they were told to get out, Antony got to his feet. He had been wondering what it would be like to meet with others like himself, even if he was a unique being it would be nice to find those that were not already going to try and kill him.

He stood there for a moment, with a wet drip coming from his right palm and it only took a moment before he started to absentmindedly lick at his hand. Only it was with this that he had several eyes already fixated on him from the start.

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Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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#, as written by Iezobel

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Eureka Mino
Eureka winced as she was seated into the car. The man, Antony, sat in beside her. She didn't feel comfortable with his hand on her. She started drifting in and out of consciousness.
Then she heard Grant ask her a question. It took her a moment for her to realise what he had asked her.
"I'll be fine," she managed.
Then Antony put his arm on her wound. She winced slightly but she didn't want to waste her strength. She looked out of the window, not really taking in her surroundings. Then she recognised a few things. Buildings, signs, etc. Eureka sighed as Antony let go of her and stepped out. She looked at Grant then watched in horror Antony licked her blood of his hand. She immediately slid further away from where he had been sitting. She looked pleadingly at Grant.
"Don't let him touch me, Grant," she growled.
It was like a horror movie. She couldn't look away no matter how much she wanted to. She pushed the door open and moved to the edge of the seat. She closed her eyes. Who was Antony? Was he like a vampire? If he even came within ten feet of her her would burn before he could even say fire.
"If you come any closer you weirdo," she hissed," you fry. Got it?"
(OOC: sorry for the short post but I don't have much time at the minuet.)

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~Antony Tangent~

It was only after Eureka managed to speak up that Antony found out what he was doing, his tongue was running circles around his palm as he looked over towards the young woman. The slightly horrified look across her face was enough to tell him to stop as he knew that was the cause of her distress. However he gave one more toke pass with his tongue and set his hand down after.. "Apologies.. it seemed like such a sad waste for me not to.."

His eyes fluttered a bit as he smiled back, lightly rubbing his palms on together as he did.

The rain outside could still be heard as it was beginning to pour harder, but the lack of wing allowed for drumming of the water to pan out on the inside of the buildings.

"But then again you shouldn't be that taken back by just a little red should you?
He stood there swaying his hips back and forth like a seven year old waiting in line for the cafeteria, he did not really worry for the little girl. She was just being irrational and being a fact that she was wounded meant she wasn't really in her right mind with the loss of blood. But then again she just did see him treating her blood like a squirt of gogurt, that made sense about her reaction as well.

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Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home

Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home by Mathew Littlepaw

The group returns back to the HQ, and learned about the rest of their new lives.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
37 sightings Grant McGrath played by Mr. Fahrenheit

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in The Wicked Ones. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Witch
Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Character Portrait: Faith
Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Leo Boston

"I won't let my emotions run rampant ever again. It's my biggest mistake that time, but I will not let it happen again."

Character Portrait: Faith

With secrets grows pride...

Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Eureka Mino

"Lear me alone. I will burn you."

Character Portrait: The Witch
The Witch

The secretive, powerful, wise, and beautiful leader of the Wicked Ones.


Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Leo Boston

"I won't let my emotions run rampant ever again. It's my biggest mistake that time, but I will not let it happen again."

Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Eureka Mino

"Lear me alone. I will burn you."

Character Portrait: Faith

With secrets grows pride...

Character Portrait: The Witch
The Witch

The secretive, powerful, wise, and beautiful leader of the Wicked Ones.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Faith

With secrets grows pride...

Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: The Witch
The Witch

The secretive, powerful, wise, and beautiful leader of the Wicked Ones.

Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Leo Boston

"I won't let my emotions run rampant ever again. It's my biggest mistake that time, but I will not let it happen again."

Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Eureka Mino

"Lear me alone. I will burn you."

View All » Places

Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home

Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home by Mathew Littlepaw

The group returns back to the HQ, and learned about the rest of their new lives.

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