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The Wicked Ones

The Wicked Ones


We are the ones who fight for those who wont. We battle in the shadows, where others are afraid to tred. We fight the foes governments can't. We are, the Wicked Ones.

3,140 readers have visited The Wicked Ones since Mathew Littlepaw created it.

Ever are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



... EVIL


All of these are names we are used to being called. Names created by those who can't, or won't, understand us. By those who are blinded by their fear of the unknown, afraid of difference... afraid of POWER. They couldn't understand our potential, and for that they shunned us from normal life. But soon, they won't be able to ignore us any longer. They would have you think that you were born with a deformity, but you were born with a gift. A power.

We were born with our Gift. Our own unique ability that could change the world. Be it super strength, the ability to speak to the dead, the ability to see the future. This was Nature's present to us, for us to change the world with. No one knows exactly how many of us are out there in the world, but we exist. World governments are, for the most part, unaware of our abilities. But over the past few years, they have been becoming more and more aware of our presence in the world. Some of us keep our gift to ourselves, secret from the rest of the world. Some become all to open with their abilities, and are captured by the government. But WE refuse to hide. We refuse to deny the fact that we exist...

We. are the Wicked Ones.

We've been labeled as a gang, and a group of ruffians who hang out in the slums of los Angeles, California. The perfect cover. The police just think of us as just a group of thugs, and just ignore us like every other gang in L.A. Little do they know, were the real protectors of the city. While we have other bases across the U.S, L.A. is our capital. From here, we help protect people from the Others.

Like I said earlier, everyone is born with a gift. Most of those gifts are powerful, and have great potential for great good... but also great evil. Some of us are born unable to control our power. We call them, the Others, or the Otherkind.

They're the ones that give us a bad name... You see, it isn't exactly their fault. They're born with a gift that is to powerful for them to control, and so it takes control of them. Most of them are mindless, slaves to a hunger for destruction, while others are simply evil. As if they were born with no soul. For the most part, they cant be saved. So they must be put down... This is our job. To help protect people who cant protect themselves from these monsters... And if it means being labeled as freaks, and monsters, then so be it.

Where you fit in

You, though you may not know it yet, are one of us. You were born with the potential to shape the world into something new... Something better. What ever your gift, what ever your mastery of it may be, you are a Wicked One. Born with a unique power, you have grown up all your life without knowing anything about what you are. Are there others out there like you? Are you the only one? You ask these questions to yourself daily, and just when you think the answer is no; you hear a rumor. A rumor that somewhere in the streets of L.A., there exists a whole other world. A world of freaks and monsters, a world of superheros and super villains. Pushed to investigate by a voice inside of you, you decide to search for us...

In the southern part of downtown L.A., a gathering of the Wicked Ones was taking place. Somewhere where those who wanted to speak to the Wicked Ones could come. And where those who wanted to join could test themselves. The group was led by none other than The Witch, the leader of the Wicked Ones and queen of their hierarchy. Also there to guard her were her two most loyal commanders, Grant; a master hunter and expert marksmen, and Mercy; a supernatural factory of toxic chemicals. Also watching their backs were the electro-charged ninja Leo, and the powerful pyromaniac Eureka. There, they met Luke; a rich kid who was a wiz with technology, in more than one way. And Anthony; a hobo with the ability to manipulate his body to do unbelievable things. But the party was crashed when a massive hulk Other destroyed half of the outlet mall that the group met at. With almost no way to stop it, suddenly a young physic girl Cylin was able to take control of the mind of the beast, giving The Witch a perfect shot at it. When the smoke settled, The Witch was rattled to her very bones by a frightening sight. A ghost of her past, someone who she had killed in her past life...


+Characters should be between the ages of 16-30
- Your character can be ANY age between that range. Message me if you want an age younger or older than this.
- Your character can be what ever gender, but when you MAKE your character; look at the already existing characters. Try to keep the genders balanced.
- Your character can have WHAT EVER POWER you want. But, again, check the already existing characters first. Make sure the power you want isn't already in use.
- You may use WHATEVER kind of picture you want for your character. Anime, real, I don't really care. Just make sure it isn't CHIBI.
- If you want, you can have your character be one of the Other. Just message me, and talk to me about your idea. I'm a real open minded person :D

+The Wicked Ones are a family. We are all important, and all have a job. No one is more important than anyone else. Rank is simply a sign to say "You should probably listen to this person"
- You can have your character be either joining the Wicked Ones, or be a member already. But if you want your character to have a high rank in the group, message me and talk to me about it.
- Sticking with the theme of being a family, try to get to know each other in the RP. Don't have your characters just be acquaintances. Be FRIENDS :D
- You can have deep relationships in this RP, I will allow kissing and snuggling n stuff :3 I love romance! Gay, straight, lesbian, whatever. I don't care. But, keep any naughty naughty things to each other in messages >^>.

+Like I said, your gifts are groundbreaking and powerful but not game-shattering. I don't wanna see anything like, immortal. Or something like that >_>.
- Make your powers creative, and smart!

Welcome, to the Wicked Ones.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Character Portrait: The Witch
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Forty years ago, we didn't exist. By we, I mean the Gifted. A select group of people, born with powers that can either help shape, or destroy, life as we know it. No one knows why, or how, we started to develop these gifts, "Powers" as others came to know them as, but we know that we are out there. The first gifted reports were thought of as just accidents, mutations, or were simply dismissed. Children were born with the ability to the future, lift objects simply by looking at them, push the human body to limits that it was never meant to withstand. People simply thought of them as freaks, or fakes... and so they were forgotten. But I knew otherwise.

I knew we had a purpose in life. I knew we existed for a reason. We weren't just freaks, or accidents, or monsters. We were Gifted. Something, somehow, gave us these powers so that we could use them. To make the world a better place. To make humans a better people.

In order to understand this story, you must understand the four simple rules of the gifts. One: No two gifts are the same. Every gift is as diverse from the next, as the person who possesses it. Two: With age comes power, and with power comes corruption. From what we understand, children are born with pure mastery of their gifts. The older we get, the more powerful the gift becomes, and the more we lose control of our gift. Three:A gift is defined by the possessor. Most Gifted are born with ability to control their gift. Others, are not. Those who cannot control their gifts are a threat to society as we know it, and need to be put down. Four:A gift is permanent. There is no way to remove, suppress, dampen, or otherwise destroy, a gift.

Seven years ago, I created the Wicked ones: A like-minded group of Gifted with one goal. Prevent the Others from hurting anyone. Find theme, and kill them. This is our story. This is the story, of the Wicked Ones.

Chapter One:
The Freaks

It was a cold, wet, rainy California day as Samantha, The Witch, sat at the meeting spot. The rendezvous point was in the nicer part of Downtown L.A.. On the corner of 19th and Pace was where she would be meeting the new recruits. For anyone who wanted to join up with the Wicked Ones, all you had to do was find her; The Witch. This time, the meeting spot was in a small food court in an outlet mall.

Of course, the trail was never extremely hard to pick up on. She made it that way. It was more difficult to follow than a normal process to join a gang, but anyone who knew what the Wicked Ones were could find it. Anyone who got to the end of the trail, would find the Witch.

But, she wasn't stupid. She knew the Wicked Ones, and herself, had enemies. Enemies who would kill her rather than give her the time of day. But she was no weaking. She could handle herself in any fight, with anyone.

In the middle of the food court, she sat with her legs crossed over each other, with her feet resting on a chair next to her. She was dressed in a black, long sleeved hoody, a pair of slightly baggy blue jeans, and pair of simple beater sneakers. She looked like a normal thug: Which was completely the idea. Only those with a death wish, AKA recruits for the Wicked Ones, would want to approach her to talk. She had been sitting there for an hour, simply waiting for the first soul to come speak to her.

With a sigh, Samantha leaned back in the metal chair she was sitting in so her head hang over the back, letting the hood fall to reveal her long, flowing, golden hair. There, she waited.

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Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

The air was heavy at this time of the day, California was one of the dryer states in the US around this time of year. But for some reason it was like the heavens had opened up because it has been raining like this for the past couple days. Not heavy but enough to keep the mood dreary and dull as the light of the sun tried its best to push through each small sliver of water on its way to the earth and down to the ground below.

This was however fine for Antony, he never really liked the sun that much and hasn't grown very fond of it in the past few years. The last several months moving beneath the streets in the sewers have left his complexion salty white and with very little peach coloring to his cheeks. This was all the more evident as he moved a finger over his cheek to wipe some of the water away from his face. The overpass was doing what it could to keep him dry but the weather was intent on beating on him from each side if it could.

His eyes scanned the outlet mall across the road no more then a block away, several seconds he would look before bringing his eyes down to the small torn note in his right hand.
*Seek the Witch at the kings court beside the crossing of Ves and the low heart. -11:00daylight-*

He smirked a bit as the small tinged yellow piece of paper wavered in his hand against the wind, that damn man had been more cryptic then a life puzzle and was even more elusive for a straight answer. Antony had spent the last few weeks looking for this group he heard of off the mouth of an unfortunate meal before the season began. It was easy enough for him to follow though as he looked up, the corner sign of Dr Ves Rd and Heartlow Drive was only a few feet away. He adjusted his thick worn suit as he walked out from the cover of the overpass, his appearance was already getting the attention of a few onlookers and that prompted him to pull his hood from the inside of thick unbuttoned suit and cover himself. He was intent on actually meeting someone from these so called Wicked Ones.
His eyes winced from the overly bright overhead lights that he was passing under as he walked through the entrance going into the food court.

His look was getting a few more looks and it was dissuading some as well, he looked almost as if he was homeless. The suit was at some point a nice piece to wear but now the small stains that dotted the fabric was enough to say the phrase..(I am homeless)..out loud. He stopped several yards into the food court to look around and for the moment he was glad that he had freshly eaten before coming this way. He usually didn't do too well around mass amounts of people and even worse when there was other sources of food present. Antony tilted his head back slightly, letting a few glistening red strands of hair fall free from his bangs as he let the sweet smells of the crowd wash into him. I

It was at that moment he could smell a more relative flavor in the air, a being that had a certain spice to their blood was in the crowd. This had to be the one that he was looking for, or at least one of the others that he heard would possibly be here. The day was still young however and he could wait to find out for himself. He eyes cut a small arc as he scanned the crowed from one end to the other, waiting for someone to take a knowledgeable inspection of him.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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The old muscle car's engine roared as Grant pulled it into a parking spot. He had just gotten back from Reno, where he was visiting due to his father's hospitalization. His heart still felt heavy; his dad was the only real family he had, and the fact that he died from a second stroke, in the hospital no less, saddened him like nothing had ever saddened him before.

Grant glanced up at the mall. When he got back into town, he cycled through some 'trails' in his head, as he did fairly routinely; but something was off about the infamous Witch's; she was in a strange place. Being curious and impulsive, Grant couldn't help but check it out. Since his internal compass, so to speak, points straight to his target, it took him a bit to navigate the roads to what he would find eventually to be a mall.

"What the hell is Sam doing here anyway?" he thought to himself as he stepped outside into the rain, hurrying to get under shelter. The rain pattered on his leather jacket, and he shook his hair out a bit once he was out of it. He knew Samantha probably wasn't there for fun, and that she likely wasn't there for a mission or anything. Either way, showing his face would it least let her know that he was back in town, and provide some backup if that was the kind of situation she was in. Grant made his way to the mall's entrance and wandered for a short time before finding The Witch. He was approaching her from her back, and as he got close, he grabbed a chair, swinging it around to the other side of the table so he could face her.

"Any reason in particular you're hanging out in a shitty food court in an even shittier outlet mall?" He asked in a quiet voice. "Or is this what you do for kicks nowadays?" When he spoke, hints of an east coast accent could be heard, strange considering he was from Reno. The accent came from his dad, who had one as well, and HIS accent came from Grant's grandfather, who lived in New York after immigrating over from Ireland. This was pretty evident in his last name, 'McGrath'.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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"I had no problem getting into your system and accessing your files. It was only marginally more difficult to change them." Luke read the concern on the man's face in front of him. Inwardly, he smiled at the man's concern for his files. Oh, if Luke wanted to mess around with their system, altered files were the least of their worries. "Don't worry, I didn't change anything. I think it's necessary to point out that this was all from a remote laptop that was just connected to the WiFi service you offer. Because it's the same connection as the one you use for your own computers. I'd recommend setting up an open network for visitors and a password-protected network for employees. It will offer a little more in the way of protection." Luke took in the blank expression of the man who sat in front him and resisted the temptation to bang his head off the desk. He had asked to speak to someone in the IT department, but they'd insisted on him speaking to this moron who clearly had no idea what Luke was saying. And he was using basic terms. "Your anti-virus and firewall are good. I found it difficult to embed a virus into your files and when I did, the anti-virus flagged and isolated it immediately. I removed all traces of it, don't worry. However, you, ah, already had a virus in several parts of your network. I was unable to do anything about them, so I'd get them sorted as soon as you can." The temptation to bang his head off the table was growing stronger by the minute. "Have you any idea what I'm talking about?" He asked, running a hand down his face. The man in front of him only hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "Do you have someone in this company who would know what I'm talking about?" A slightly longer pause, before the man nodded. "Debra in IT-" Luke glanced at the clock above his head. "I haven't got time to meet with her now. If you could give me her email address, and I'll email a report to her." The man nodded, and scribbled the address on a slip of paper, before sliding it across the table to Luke, who slid it into his pocket. "Thank you very much, Mr Mann." He handed Luke a cheque, before shaking his hand. Luke avoided the temptation to recoil from the physical contact. "If you have any other requests, you've got my contact details." Luke said as he stood, sliding his laptop into his backpack and closing the bag.

He felt conspicuously out of place. He was wearing a black military style jacket, a white t-shirt and black jeans, and he knew he looked out of place in the office filled with shirts and ties and skirts and heels. He left the building as quickly as he could. As soon as he hit the street, he headed for the outlet mall where he'd been told to meet the Witch of the Wicked Ones. Well, he hadn't been told. He'd received a message to. As he trudged along in the rain, he deeply regretted not wearing a hoodie. The rain was falling pretty heavily, and it didn't take long for his hair to get soaked and hang in his face. He stopped only briefly to get a latte from a Starbucks he passed. He needed the warmth and the coffee in the office he'd been in had been thin and, frankly, awful. The rain had lightened by the time he emerged, sipping from the hot paper cup.

Entering the outlet mall was like hitting a wall of heat. It wasn't unappreciated. His hair was nearly dry by the time he reached the food court. His jacket was still a little damp, but he left it on. The music was awful. Some rapper boasted about wearing your grandad's clothes and looking incredible. He rolled his eyes and pulled his headphones from his pocket, plugging them into his phones and sliding one bud into his ear. He pressed play and the intro of Have Faith in Me made him smile. He rested against a pillar, looking around the food court for the so-called Witch.

As he scanned, more than one person stood out to him, giving him chills down his spine. They were probably like him. Without warning, he whirled around, grabbing a guy who was trying to pick-pocket his bag by the wrist. "Don't even think about it. Now get out of here." He released the wrist and shoved him away, turning back to his search. His eyes landed on a blonde woman, lying with her feet up on a chair beside her and a brown haired guy sitting across from her. Both gave him chills like the rain was still running down his neck, and he knew that they could very well be what he was searching for.

He decided not to be the first to approach. While his instincts were telling him that there was something strange about them, he wasn't going to risk embarrassing himself.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

It took several minutes for Antony to budge himself from standing in that one same spot. He had noticed only several people that might actually be who he is looking for and the kids that stopped to stare at him were making it more difficult to just stay put. He did notice a woman near the center of the food court who had the most out of place look about her, seeing as she was just there waiting meant something else to him. But a man showed, he looked as though he had some serious thoughts about him as he approached and sat next to the woman in question.

Antony began to walk closer, keeping an intense focus on the two as he moved. The man obviously knew the woman as he started talking to her in a frank method and that only increased his idea of them both being known to one another. He walked till he was no more then ten feet away from them both, it was easy enough to guess that the man was aware of his presence but if he knew was it also right to guess the woman knew as well.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy
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#, as written by Byte

β€œCould you have picked a more obvious spot, Sam...” A green-haired woman spoke, her complaints slightly muffled by the large accessory, that was a gas-mask, covering the majority of her face.

β€œDon't blame her, B, nobody rubbed a gun against your temple and demanded you show yourself in public.” Mercy told herself, shaking her head in denial to the fact that it was her own damn self who choose to go and see what was up with the sudden leave of their precious Alpha Female.

She couldn't get why Sam had chosen such an open space for whatever the buggery Hell she decided to go about and do. Mercy's initial thoughts on the Wicks, as she called their merry little gang of misfits, was that they abhorred making themselves public.

Y'know, whatever happened to hide and stay hidden?

Dammit, Sam... Unless this is a game of who gets the most pair of eyes pointed at them...

Mercy, with all her courage, navigated her way to the always crappy-ass food court that, for whatever reason, Sam had chosen to 'present' herself.

That she was sitting there, either meant two things. Trying to be noticed, or trying to notice someone else. Neither one would surprise Mercy that much any more. Her time spend with the group, and particularly spend with 'The Witch', she could honestly say that her eyes had seen every possible scenario that could happen.

Inching closer, the woman noted someone approaching – Ah, how could she ever mistake that one sore-thumb-sticking apparel as if he just stepped out of a motorcycle drag-race?


She muttered, a hint of annoyance clearly present within her brief remark of the man's last name.

She and him never saw eye to eye, or at least Mercy didn't. Never really liked him much for reasons that tie with their difference in morals, or views or whatever. Her view clashed with his, what was black or white for McGravel, was a specific tint of grey for Mercy. What was just evil to him, was a certain level of bad karma to her.

Argh! See? Only a few minutes with him in the same square yard and already Mercy could shoot the bastard. Letting another sigh roll off her lips, the woman crawled back to the real world and continued her initial course of action.

β€œYo, Sam. 'Sup.” She waved, taking a seat beside the other two Wicks.

β€œOh, McGratch. I thought you left.” Mercy averted her eyes to the man, acting as if she just noticed him, nodding briefly before turning back to the Wicked leader.

β€œHuh... I thought you didn't like places this, Sam. What? Tired of the old murky, filthy alleyways?” She chuckled, crossing her arms and dropping them on the table to form a cushion for her head that rested on the pair of limbs.

β€œSo, what's the dealio?”

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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Grant glanced up at Mercy as she spoke. She never seemed to like him very much, but he never really had a problem with her. To him, it was more of an "agree to disagree" type of situation, and he figured he may as well get along with his "coworkers".

"Yeah, I left. Like more than a week ago. Glad to know that you missed me so dearly." He said, in a teasing manner.

Grant had been noting a pattern that had recently started; since he has the ability to tell when someone is looking at him, he had noticed when the two perhaps soon to be recruits had been eyeing the group. He didn't think much of it, people just looking around sets him off, but two people (three, once Mercy came into view) in particular kept looking over at them, and sometimes held their gaze for a while.

Without looking up at them or otherwise drawing attention, Grant commented, "Just so you guys know, that tall kid and that...hobo keep looking over at us."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

The word hobo crosses Antony's ears as the man speaks out for the other two to hear. Despite the arrival of another girl, who by the looks of her has something wrong or something to hide from her getup. Antony could relate to such a look because it wasn't long ago that he would not even step out into the sunlight in those hectic past days and his face took a slow somber look as he tilted his head in affirmation of her. But then again his mind shook with the knowledge of what the man had said.

"Hobo..? He questioned out loud against the mans words.
He looks down at his look and despite its rather worn appearance he nods slightly. "Alright I'll give you that, but at lest I'm not working the whole grease reject look." His graveled voice rolled out sounding more like a pair of granite slabs being rubbed together. He walked forward as he spoke but only doing so to stop nearly five feet short of the back of the blonde girls head as she was still leaning, reclined in her seat.

He lets his arms drop to his sides as he stands there and it is easy to make out small red blotches forming at the wrist of his jacket. Small little droplets of red were falling from his fingertips and making dotted specks on the floor near the toes of his rustic boots. He smiles for a moment as he leans his head in towards the other man, a small glimmer of his eyes could be seen as he speaks again. "Am I to take it, that you and your... cohort here are like me?"

"You smell like me.. or something close to me to say the least."

His eyes cut towards the other woman as well, only to spring back towards the leather clad man in the seat ahead.

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Cylin had finally arrived in California, LA to be exact. Her goal was simple: to blend into the crowd until she found her target. She searched minds and eventually found some with similar signals to her own chemical signature. Was this the fabled Wicked One? The Chinese woman was hesitant, standing off and listening to the mind's words. She brought down her parasol, entering the food court with caution. Cylin didn't want to take the chances of being killed just yet. She saw a small group of people, two other women and two men. Quietly, Cylin probed the mind of the golden haired woman, as it was said she was the leader. She had indeed found her group. But how to communicate...?

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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Leo Boston

Rain, sometimes, a symbol of sadness, sometimes, a storm that tells one that it will stop sooner or later, sometimes, a tragic incident somewhere in the world. [It was raining that day too... I wonder how I could have changed the past that had turned me into who I am now... Things will probably be better... Alice... She was a nice kid...] Leo walked under the sad, depressing rain. No sign of thunderstorm, but the dark clouds that flew on the sky had always reminded him of his powers. Lightning. An entity that appears during a storm. It's majestic appearance forces one to obey it's awesome strength. It's powers are unmatched. It will consume and destroy everything in it's path. Leo held that power. But then again, he wasn't as powerful and as graceful as how poetic writers describe them as. No, it was much more darker. Granted with a power that destroys literally everything, Leo considered it a curse.

Although he was quite a long member of the Wicked Ones, he never tried to claim himself as the second or third or whatever number he came in by. All he knew is that he wasn't alone when he joined. There were others as well, but some of them are dead. Just as how Alice was killed by his powers, the ones that died by the hands of the Others were innocent and young. All they had was either their powers and their horrible past, or even worse, they were left with nothing but despair accompanied by guilt. Leo was one of the lucky ones, but he felt as if they died because Leo wasn't able to save them. Until now, he had tried to keep the blame to himself, but now wasn't the time to complain about this. Samantha, or rather, The Witch, had told him and some other members to gather at a certain restaurant. Leo decided to go there, even though he never liked crowds much.

Fortunately, during Leo's deep daydream, he was already standing right next to the entrance of the mall the restaurant was supposed to be at. He hesitated for a moment. He wasn't too sure where this 'restaurant' was, so he decided to search for the members invited to here; that is, if they were there. If they weren't, he'd wait here for one of them to arrive. Leo started concentrating on the electricity running in the mall. He can follow the flow and act as a security camera, but his body would then be vulnerable to assault, so Leo rarely used this power. He sat in one of the benches next to the entrance and started 'spying' for his friends. He followed the electricity current by a random choice, and by the time he reached the end, he realize he was going for a lamp's electric current. He was on top of a food court, where a lot of people were staring at something, or rather, someone.

Immediately, he can already recognize who it was. [Samantha, Mercy and... McGrath. Seems like they were the ones invited. Not that I didn't expect it.] Leo thought to himself while spying on the three. Grant was never on Mercy's good side, so they always had been fighting with each other through words. Fighting it out would only mean trouble for the Witch and probably some members of the Wicked Ones, so they didn't. It took Leo a while before he could get back to his own body current. The random directions he faced was too... random. Much like his powers. Once Leo got back to his own body, he quickly entered the mall and went to the food court, keeping his face hidden in his long hair.

Though he really hate to be in a crowded area with stares, he had to obey this order. Wait, since when was this an order? Wasn't this an invitation? Well whatever, Leo still had to come here. But still, a natural fear isn't something one can overcome easily. Leo had reached the entrance of the food court, but he still hesitates to sit with the three. They are hugely the odd ones out, and Leo doesn't want unneeded stares either. He was wearing an unbuttoned tuxedo with dark brown pants. His hair was a bit very long, but then again, nowadays, people even left their as long as a girl, so that part was more or less normal to some people. Right now, he looks like a guy in a suit. A perfectly normal guy with expressionless face. Leo wouldn't want to stand here for too long, so he quickly occupy the table behind the trio who was then approached by another odd-looking man. [Damn. Was today a recruiting day?] He quickly sat down and blended in with the crowd, then used the same ability he used at the entrance. he could view the entire food court here, and because his presence was already blended in with the crowd, he didn't have to worry that he would be stared at.

His position of staring into space might though.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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After sitting there for a few hours, Sam had finally to get bored. In the lightly populated food court, the sounds of chair scratching the stone floor as people came and left, men and woman laughing and enjoying themselves filled the air. Sam had started to drift off while hanging her head off the back of the chair. But from the light jumble of noises, Same could make out the strong footsteps of someone walking towards her.

"Grant..." She stated as she opened her eyes to see tall, and handsome (How could she deny he was?) Latino-looking man walking towards her. She lightly smiled as she sat up straight in her chair, turning herself around in her chair to face him.

"Any reason in particular you're hanging out in a shitty food court in an even shittier outlet mall?" He asked her "Or is this what you do for kicks nowadays?"

Smiling lightly to herself, Sam watched as Grant pulled up a chair next to her. In response, she rested her head into her hand and stated: "You, of all people McGarth, should know not to question my motives." She sighed as she resumed her first position, with her hair over the back of the chair. "We can't use are normal meeting spots because the parking lot outside of Dick's got busted by those thugs, the building behind Walmart got smashed by that Hulker. And now, were hear..." She stated with a stroke of distance in her voice. "Besides. If we try to meed someone reclusive, the cops will totally shake us down and catch us for being gangbangers... Its important that we just look like another group of kids hanging out at the mall... Blending in plain sight."

Grant had been someone that Sam had known for a long time, years in fact. While she was always very stern with him, there was no doubt in her mind that he was one of the hardest working ones in the group. He was also one of the nicest, and handsomest, men you could meet. What? There was no getting around it. Grand McGarth was a handsome man... A man whom Same had had a few "sweet dreams" about him... He had been his good friend, good coworker, and good man for as long as she had known him.

While she hung her head over the chair, she heard a very familiar voice to the side of her.

β€œMcGrath...” She could hear Mercy say. Good. She thought to herself. All 3 of us are here... Now we wait. She knew that, without a doubt, the new recruits would be coming in any second. Even in Los Angeles, the "Capital of Freaks" it was uncommon for someone to just walk around in a gasmask, with bright neon green hair.

Mercy. One of Sam's best friends. Typically, Sam never god close to any of her coworkers... but Mercy was different. Mercy was one of the first to join up with the Wicked Ones, and was the only one of the group to be older than Sam. Mercy had been Sam's good friend for years. In fact, she had been the only friend Sam couldn't remember meeting it was so long ago. But, something deeper had connected them. Mercy had been the only people to ever see Sam's gift, and live to talk about it. Chuckling a little, Sam sat back up in her chair and smiled at the familiar face, or mask, of her old friend.

"Mercy. She said with an open smile towards her fellow freak, "Its nice to see you out and about. Now, it was clear things were going to pick up. Her little two hour long nap was over, and it was time for her to get ready for business.

Finally feeling the need to, Sam stood up and looked around the court. While there were only a few, between 20-30, people in the place, anyone could be a recruit. After a quick 360 scan around the crowd, she spotted a few people that looked especially... interesting. Slowly raising her hand, Sam brought her hand to her mouth, putting both her first finger and thumb in her mouth. Taking in a deep breath, Sam bit into her fingers to let out a sharp, loud, and high-pitched whistle.

She knew that everyone in the court would hear it, but only a few would know what it meant...

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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Luke felt eyes on his, and lifted them from the ground. The guy in the leather coat had noticed him, and as he stared back at him, the man said something to the woman. A girl wearing what looked lie a gas mask approached the two, and a small smile lifted one corner of Luke's mouth. She was definitely one of them. The shivers running down his spine only confirmed that. He caught sight of a rough looking guy who gave him the same chills, and a guy with dark hair and a blank expression had the same effect.

He looked down at his phone momentarily to pause the music, before he rolled up the headphones and shoved the whole bundle into the pocket of his jeans. He watched as the blonde woman got to her feet and let out a sharp whistle. He had been right. She was the Witch.

He rolled his eyes, before straightening and walking towards her. He would have much preferred somebody else to start it, but it looked like she wanted all of their attention, and now.

He hated social interaction. He intended on minimizing the amount of talking he had to do, so he could get the whole ordeal over and done with as fast as he could. He didn't particularly care about eliminating all the evil in the world or whatever it was that they claimed to do. He just figured that there was strength in numbers and that they could offer him some protection from the police. He'd messed around with their website, and now they were after Y2K with a vengeance.

"Good morning, ladies, gentleman, I'm Luke Mann." He said with a smile. His manners had been drummed into him to the extent that people didn't get the impression that he hated speaking with them as soon as he opened his mouth. It took a few minutes of conversation for them to realize that.

"So, you requested my presence here?" He spoke brightly, his mind hoping that they'd watch his back and that the little sneak of a pickpocket wouldn't-

"Excuse me." He spun around to face the kid. It was a different one this time, who stared at Luke with terror. He'd probably been dared, but Luke didn't really care. "Don't you dare. Tell your friends that it's harder than they think. Now beat it!" He snapped, and the kid ran away.

He'd had enough experience of dealing with pickpockets when he'd been on the streets. And his backpack with his laptop was his most prized possession, so there was no way in hell he was letting anything happen to it.

"I do apologize. Unfortunately, trainee pickpockets seem drawn to my backpack and laptop." He said as he turned around, swinging it down from his shoulder and sitting it on his table beside him, keeping his hand on it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Antony Tangent
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~Antony Tangent~

As the blonde stood, the woman that Antony had come to hear is named Sam. She turned to look around were she was and Antony gave her a passing glance as she scanned passed him with her own eyes. Apparently she was not too worried about him or what he was standing so close to her for no reason what so ever. But her whistle made it clear that she was calling out for any other person that came to meet up with her and the gathering was now going to commence.

He is automatically drawn by his attention towards the young man that approaches and introduces himself within a few moments of the signal. His cleanliness was irking at Antony somehow, it may be just what kind of person that he is but it still sits at an awkward stance with him for now. Sam stood there with the rest of her fellow Wicked Ones in accountancy with Antony nearly burning a hole in her left cheek with his stare.

"I guess I can wait to introduce myself.. all in do time as always."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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#, as written by Iezobel
Eureka Mino
Eureka walked through the mall. Dressed all tight in black clothes, red hair and bright blue eyes, she was certainly a head turner. Her tight leather jacket kept her warm but not roasting. She could take higher temperatures than most people. Her leather leggings rubbed agents her legs. It didn't hurt but it was slightly agitating. As she walked the faint clip clop of her long black boots could be heard. Oh, and her katana may have made her stand out as well. She wondered where the security was. You normally don't let an armed girl wearing all black walk through the mall. A few people seemed to start to try and stop her but then they must have thought better as they stopped about three metered before they reached her. She knew people were watching but she kept her head held high like she owned the world as she strolled to the food court.

As she entered the food court she spotted two security guards who seemed to be interested in something other than her. First she wanted a cup of tea. She had lives in England for a few years of her life. Maybe the first eight or nine. For as long as he could remember she had loved tea. Tea in America wasn't as good as shops old cup of British tea. She walked over to a coffee stand and asked for a half full cup and what looked like German biscuits. The girl at the counter handed her the biscuit nervously as another older woman made the tea. The one making the tea kept looking over her shoulder at Eureka. As Eureka waited she picked the cherry of the top of her biscuit and put it in her mouth. The woman handed her tea and Eureka gave the money.
"Keep the change," she said not looking up from her tea.
She stepped to the side and poured the milk in so it was about a centimetre from the top. She opens four sugar packets and poured them all in, grabbed one of them stirring things, stirred it and walked of sipping her tea, and every now and then nibbling her biscuit.
Eureka looked around and spotted green hair. She immediately knew who that was. Eureka shoved the rest of the biscuit in her mouth and walked over. When she reached the table there she set her cup down and pulled up a chair. She recognised a few of them but some she had forgotten. She nodded to Mercy, Sam and Grant. The other two she didn't know. She took a sip of her tea again and glanced back at the guards who were eyeing her nervously.
"We had better make this quick, I don't think I'll be here any longer," she murmured," so what's up with the freak show?"
That was the first thing that had popped into her head. Why was she here.
She didn't mean to put it in a insulting way. Then again everyone here was in fact a freak. She took another sip of her sugar filled tea.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ever


A hooded figure leaned back in the latticed chair, the thin strips of metal giving off a cooling sensation that even seeped through the backing of the cloak. There, tucked far into the shadowy corner of the food court, the mysterious figure awaited for something or someone. In an attempt to drown out the white noise that almost always was prevalent at the mall, the young woman turned to the entertainment of the mind. He’s...late resonated the monotonic voice within Void’s mind, an underlying sense of annoyance almost tangible. Peering slightly upwards from brim of the hood, the Other kept her cerulean-hued gaze trained on group of The Wicked Ones....particularly on the one pinpointed as the Leader. Whereas most who have looked upon the super-powered beings held wariness reflected in their orbs, Void’s held a disarray of emotions.. hate, disgust, curiosity and so many more.

It was at this time that a lumbering man had yanked the embodiment of mystery from her thoughts. ”Sup, Boss.. I’m here.”. Judging by his appearance, this Other was far into his mid 20s.. it was quite evident on what his power was as the brute came waltzing up to the hooded girl. Glancing over at the new arrival, the first thing Void had noticed about him was not the bulging muscles that decorated his uppermans.. no no, it was the two platinum haired bimbos that his arms were hooked around at the waist. Crossing her clothed arms over and under her bust, the leader of the Others spoke out, the tone icily clipped. ”You’re late.”. Choosing to ignore the underling’s hasty explanation on his tardiness, Void merely said ”You know what to do.”, before retraining her intense gaze onto the huddled group.

”You got it, Boss. I’ll have them wiped out in an instance!” rang out his cocky voice, confidence seeping in every syllable. Suddenly, the mountain of a man picked up the nearest table before letting out a small shout of power. As if it held the weight of a pencil, the Other thrusted the plastic-encased metal into a nearby wall. Void, not even having to glance over, knew that the poor object had lodged itself deep into the next room and judging by the screams, almost killed someone. Hm.. at least they weren’t lying about his strength mused the appraising thoughts as the super-powered human rushed forward, barrelling through the tables with ease. ”But he won’t last long.” came her whisper, a malicious tone quite apparent. Those incredibly blue orbs took on a hard glint seeing her minion finally reach the Wicked Ones, fists out and ready to fight.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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A month. A whole month of planing. A whole month of planing, placing hints throughout the streets of downtown L.A., making a maze for those with the skill to solve it could do so... for two people. Well, there could have been no one... Sam thought to herself as she tilted her head to the two boys in front of her: A small queer looking boy about the age of 15, and what looked like a homeless junky...

But, much to her surprise, Eureka had shown up. Recruiting had never really been her thing... since she had a very nasty habit of setting people on fire. While Sam didn't exactly know Eureka that well, she knew that she was a very bright girl... but again, had a bad habit of setting things ablaze for looking at her wrong.

"Luke... Mann?" Sam asked in curiosity of the name. She couldn't help but chuckle a little as she sat back down in her chair across from the boy, looking over his small little frame. "So far, the only thing 'freaky' about you, kid, is the fact your running around in downtown L.A. with a 900-dollar laptop, and a 600-dollar tablet..." Again she couldn't help but laugh at the fact the kid was walking around on pavement worth less than what he was carrying. "You're lucky you haven't been rapped by a band of thugs yet, such a cute boy like you."

Sighing to herself, The Witch leaned back in her chair, looking over to the very tall homeless-looking man a few feet back. From what she could see, he looked like someone that was interesting to her. Hey... Big tall and handsome. she said taking her sunglasses off of her head, putting them on the table next to her so she could get a better look at him. Don't be shy. Come on up, I don't bite..." For some reason or another, Sam was feeling especially witty today. "Well, I wont bite you. But Eureka here could set you on fire, or our Mercy here... she said pointing back to the gasmasked girl behind her "... Could cough on you and give you stage-four lung cancer." Again, she pointed behind herself to the tall Latino man behind her. "Or Grant here could beat you down in under a minute. But I won't bite. Promise." She said with a little laugh to herself.

"Pull up a slice of chair." She said reaching around behind her, grabbing the chair nearest to her, and putting it in front of her to give the man somewhere to sit. "Were going to talk about you. Why you're here, what you want, and what you can do." Though no one around her would believe it right now, Sam was typically a polite and genuine person who took great interest in peoples gifts. But when recruiting, it was her job -and the job of everyone else with her- to be a hard-ass. Her job was to get inside the mind of the recruit, and find their weaknesses.

"So, out with it. Give me a story-" With a loud crash from behind the group, much like a car running into a chain-linked fence, Sam was cut off from finishing. Twisting herself around she was met with the image of a massive, slab of meat and muscle booking it towards them at top speed. Crashing through table after table, throwing people out of the way left and right, a massive hulking thug. A massive ball of pure muscle, stacked atop more and more muscle...


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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0.00 INK

Things were going well. Sam had already started testing the recruitment members. Though it was quite weird to do it here, Leo never really questioned it. She had a lot of ways to testing someone. Doing it here just means that she wanted a new scene, or that the previous meeting spots were all somehow occupied, forcing her to move to here. That would explain why she had everyone gather here. [Not that I don't mind...] Leo thought to himself as he kept observing from above. He was also tested when he joined, although he brought to a nearby camp when he was found unconscious. Really, The Witch is nothing but a dictator. Even though she knew that Leo was mentally scarred, she still went and dug up his past. [Sam really did me that time... I don't want to go through that again... Let's see how the newcomers react.]


An object flew past. A table, to be exact. And it didn't end well. The table flew all the way to the other side of the food court, crashing onto the wall. Luckily, no one was hurt or injured, but the shock was quite intensifying. Customers started rushing out the court in a panic, some pushing others just so they can escape first, while the security officers were trying their best to calm the riot. Leo as still observing on top with his body still sitting there, staring at the table lifelessly. The thrower, a huge bulky man with nothing but more muscles stacked onto each other, charged at the group. Leo quickly rushed his way back to his body, fearing every moment that his friends might be attacked by this huge monster and end up having severe injuries. Mercy can't really handle attacks that much, but on the other hand, Grant was strong too. He could have just dodged right into her and bring them both out of the way, and Sam can just use whatever her gift is to escape, or probably some other way. The problem now is that how will the newcomers react to this. Surely they had never saw, let alone encounter an Other. [Dammit, quickly! I've gotta get back to my body!]

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch
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1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch
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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann
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#, as written by Byte

β€œYeah, I left. Like more than a week ago.”

Mercy rolled her eyes, trying hard not to follow through with the urge that told her to remark on the exaggeration in those words. McGrath could never be too long gone for her, it'd take a miracle – No, the proper alignment of planets that cast some kind of mystical space radiation bollocks on her to miss him.

β€œGlad to know that you missed me so dearly.”

A single raised eyebrow projected itself at the man. β€œI missed you, all right.” Crossed arms pressed against Mercy's chest, a smirk creeping up behind her trademark gasmask.

β€œAs much as I miss my pet gopher who thought the television cable was an unusually thick wisp of spaghetti.”

Whether it was a simple remark, or an honest attempt to infuriate her – Mercy gave McGrath the evil eye just the same. How dare he assume she missed him?

– Ass.

Letting out an annoyance-filled groan, the young woman averted her eyes from the one person who always managed downgrade her mood to amazingly not good, and instead turned to the figure – Or figures, approaching the group of freaks.

While Sam took it upon herself to talk – more like aggravate, Mercy kept it to a simple β€œYo.” As said figures had joined them, observing closely as she remained silent.

The young one, the one with the gadget-fetish, he didn't really appear a mutant at first glance – But from the way he casually approached the group and didn't start shouting, it certainly was obvious. Mercy envied that at times, to know that, despite having some form of power, they could still walk around in public without being stapled an abomination. Unlike the other arrival.

Turning to the monstrously tall, lanky man – Wait, was that even a person? Okay, she had to give one to McGrath for actually naming something correctly. He – It definitely looked like a hobo who crawled out from some dark alleyway.

Mercy blinked, mentally scowling at herself for judging the man so harshly. Who was she to judge from first glance?

What really bugs me, is why be that obvious?

Mercy could get all the staring she wanted with her garment, but this man would beat her at that game without a single drop of sweat.

Again, the woman nodded. This man had peaked her interest. Whether or not they'd be part of the same group, Mercy definitely had a few questions about him that she wanted answered.

β€œ...Or our Mercy here could cough on you and give you stage-four lung cancer.”

Seemed The Witch was on a roll with revealing everyone's abilities. β€œSammy, dear.” Mercy leaned back on her chair, whipping her head at the proud Wicked Ones leader and giving a single, annoyed look. β€œDon't scare the newbies with that talk, please? You want them to join, not regret ever meeting us.”

The woman let out a muffled chuckle from underneath her mask, despite her actual thoughts on Sam and her 'sudden' outbursts to reveal every single detail about everyone ever. Not that she was bitter about it, she just never thought it did well to talk openly about a power that, to be entirely honest, put Mercy closer to those the Wicks hunted for – Than placing her with, well, the group she had ended up joining.

Finally after much bantering, Sam began the official 'talk' – Which meant that those who wre here to join had to tell their little tale of epics and... not epics.

Mercy didn't get a chance, nor did anyone, to hear such tales, though. Their meeting was rudely interrupted when someone thought it necessary to crash a table into the nearest wall, then stampede over everything like a bull who had just seen a red-coloured flag.

Mercy glanced at Sam, noting that their leader had noticed the steroid-filled muscle-mass rushing for them.

β€œOh boy... Here we go again.” The woman muttered, leaping away from the inevitable crash that was about to happen.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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0.00 INK

Grant leaned back in his chair as The Witch talked to the people that had gathered. Were they meant to meet there? He hadn't gotten the memo. Then again, he had been a state over. He sort of spaced off for a moment, before snapping back to reality when he heard his name.

Or Grant here could beat you down in under a minute. But I won't bite. Promise." He smirked a bit as Sam hyped the group up. Actually, in truth, what she was saying was true. Eureka could set them on fire if she so felt, and no one would be happy if Mercy took her mask off. And himself, not having a power he could use offensively, had trained in Krav Maga for years, so he probably wouldn't having trouble beating down one of the new guys. Additionally, as far as he knew, Sam didn't tend to bite people.

Grant began to listen intently to hear of these new people and what kind of abilities they possessed. Unfortunately, he never got the chance to hear about these people and their stories, since a muscle-bound madman shot a table their direction, which slammed loudly into a wall.

Standing up and turning around, his eyes met with those of a hulking man (who he assumed could only be an Otherkind) rushing towards them at top speed. Acting a bit impulsively, Grant took a few strides off to the side, drawing his pistol. He couldn't get a clear shot, but fired one off anyhow, hitting the man in the side.

"Hey, Gulliver!" He screamed at him, hoping to distract him away from the main group.

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The "Witch" seemed completely unimpressed by Luke. Sure, he wasn't exactly the most striking figure, but he hated being underestimated. "So far, the only thing 'freaky' about you, kid, is the fact you're running around in downtown L.A. with a 900-dollar laptop, and a 600-dollar tablet..." Luke raised an eyebrow, folding his arms. Underestimating a hacker could be dangerous, especially if they managed to find out which bank had your account details. She wasn't done. "You're lucky you haven't been rapped by a band of thugs yet, such a cute boy like you." If anyone else would have dared say that to him, they'd be on the floor, hopefully with blood spurting from their nose. Or broken noses were good too. He'd had to fight in that year on the streets. A seventeen year old boy who looked as though he had as much physical strength as the rake he so closely resembled... Of course he was a target for people like that. He restrained from punching her, and was soon glad that he did.

"Well, I wont bite you. But Eureka here could set you on fire, or our Mercy here could cough on you and give you stage-four lung cancer. Or Grant here could beat you down in under a minute. But I won't bite. Promise." Luke gritted his teeth at how disadvantaged he was. He could just about beat up an attacker. He was nothing compared to them. So why did they want him? Why had he been approached in the first place? Or was he just going to be the stress reliever, the one to laugh at. The weakling. He was on the verge of walking out. People like them couldn't offer Y2K much protection from the police, anyway. But something made him stay.

"Pull up a slice of chair. We're going to talk about you. Why you're here, what you want, and what you can do." She swung around a chair, but it almost looked like it was intended for the other guy, the one that dwarfed even Luke. Luke had never felt so small, not even after he'd taken a beating when he'd been on the streets. He wasn't like them.

However, he quickly forgot himself when a humanoid creature that somehow reminded Luke of a bull charged for them, throwing tables and such. He was suddenly aware of how small he was. The Wicked Ones were going to put him in danger, not keep him out of it. He could just walk out now. He was really considering it. Until another table sailed over his head and he ducked. Nope. This guy would destroy anyone. And besides, he'd been seen with them anyway. He knew that Luke was one of them, and would probably take him out just for that.

The leather jacket guy drew a gun and started firing off shots. Luke felt his power kick in and was suddenly aware of every technological device in a rough five metre radius. His laptop was obviously the most familiar, but that couldn't do much. Luke found himself scanning for something with a self-defense mechanism, something that could cause a little destruction. Nothing. Of course. This was a shopping mall, not an army base. He jumped as another object narrowly missed him. Something in his power reacted, and the fire alarms started wailing, the sprinklers activating. Wow. Technopathy can be a reflex.

The fire alarm gave him an idea. They were a little out of his range, so he sprinted towards the quickly emptying restaurants, keeping his power active until he felt the ovens in his range. He ordered their temperature to go to max, hoping that might set something on fire and... Well, causing a distraction at least. If not, it would either do nothing or cause a lot of harm, and if that was the case, he was hoping it was the former. He slid to the ground, baseball style, and pulled his laptop from the bag. It activated at his touch, and he set it searching for some system that could be of some use as he shut off the sprinklers with his mind, suddenly remembering something about a pyrokinetic. Water was a bad thing, in that case. Best eliminate it from the situation.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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#, as written by Iezobel
Eureka Mino
Eureka took a sip of her tea. She listened to the others talk and allowed herself a small smile. She looked at the newbies. They looked so innocent and confused. She clicked her fingers and a spark appeared, she caught it and made it grow bigger to a fireball. She stood, to make herself look more intimidating. She turned to the newbies.
"Just to make this clear, unless you have a wish to be fried, you will not talk to me, look at me, annoy me or get in my way. Got it?" she smiled sweetly the picked up her tea. She was about to sit down again then she heard a crash. She whirled to see a giant of a man. Se looked to Sam.
"Attack it?" She asked but before Sam had a chance to answer Eureka was already sprinting towards the Other. She still was holding the fireball. When she was close enough she pushed her hand out. Not necessarily throwing it but just pushing it away. It soared through the air but before it reached the Other the sprinklers came on. No one she knew had the power to do that. Except maybe Sam, she didn't know what power she had. She assumed it was one of the newbies because Sam would know that this wouldn't help her.
She let out an angry yell.
"Whoever did that will burn when I'm finished!" She yelled in fury.
I'm going to murder whoever did that, she thought as she grabbed her katana of her back. She swung it twice and walked towards the Other. She made the blade of the sword heat until it was a pale red. Her katana was made of a certain metal that could take extreme heat. She walked slowly towards the Other.
"Hey! Big, Fat and ugly!" Eureka called,"Sorry I can't burn you, but will you settle for me slicing you to pieces."
She smiled. Eureka always thought if she could kill all the others it would make up for her uncles death.
She swung her katana at the Other. It sliced his right arm deep but not enough to seriously injure it. She made a jab towards its stomach and smiled as it stopped. She tried to pull it back but couldn't. She looked up and saw that the Other had caught it. He seemed to be taking the heat of her katana but he looked like he was in pain. She growled then yelped as he threw a punch at her. She dropped low still holding her katana and pulled herself under the punch. In return she got a kick that sent her flying.
She fell flat on her face busting her lip. She heard heavy footsteps coming towards her. She waited until she could see him out of the corner of her eye. He raised her katana and brought it down. Eureka quickly rolled to the side as the sword hit the ground where she would have been. She grabbed her katana and made it incredibly hot. The Other bellowed in pain and let go.
"Turn off the fucking sprinklers!" Eureka yelled in fury as she jumped back her white hot katana in her hand and waited for its next attack. Suddenly the sprinklers stopped Eureka grinned.
"'Mon big guy, lets see you burn," she laughed and began hurdling fireballs. She couldn't see the Other because of the smoke but she knew that her little game wouldn't be easy to live through. Grinning she put her katana back in its sheath. She turned just as the smoke cleared. She was about to say something but a fist emerged and sent her straight into the wall.
For Gods sake. What is up with this guy? she thought.
Groaning, Eureka rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She wiped the blood from her bust lip and scrambles to her feet still clutching her katana tightly.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ever


The hooded figure merely gazed on from the shadows, a twisted glee reflecting within those cerulean gradient orbs. ”Hmph... he’s doing better than I thought..” mused the shadow-ess, the quiet murmur holding an appraisingly malicious quality to it. As Void’s nonchalant gaze tracked the movement of the ongoing struggle, a soft sigh escaped it’s confines, portraying the lost of interest. This..has gotten boring.. resonated the listless thoughts as the hulking man threw, yet again, another table. Uncrossing her alabaster-tinted legs, the young leader of the Others shifted in the latticed chair as the feeling of uncomfort began to make itself known. After a few seconds of shuffling, Void finally found a position that was deemed to be satisfactory; leaning into the chair’s backing, her knee-high clad boots resting on the food court tabletop.

However, only a few seconds had passed before that temporary happiness was shattered. The scrawny new-comer, the technopath, had apparently set off the sprinkler system.. drenching Void. It had taken a few moments for the shadow controller to fully register what had happened... and being pissed off was describing her emotions in a very, very light manner. Suddenly, the hooded figure’s head snapped up in an inhuman reaction, fury clearly shining in those chilling eyes. However... the left eye of the mesmerizing pair was covered in a shockingly brilliant blue β€œflame”. Abruptly, Void’s gloved hand shot out to hover above the tabletop, it’s palm facing downwards. Gradually, the shadow manipulator brought her clothed fingers into a fist, not a single shred of mercy present in her being. ”You idiot.” came her hissing words, hateful spite dripping from every syllable.

The giant of a man suddenly collapsed to his knees, his splayed hand wrapping around the tree trunk of a neck. Almost as if he was being controlled (more like his shadow was), the Other began to squeeze ever so slightly. As every second ticked away, the man was being forced to tighten his very own digits around the most vulnerable part of one’s body; the throat. Already, signs of blue were creeping their way towards the upper portion of his nape, those chocolate brown eyes watering at the lack of oxygen. Finally, he managed to choke out, despite the insufficient amount of the precious element. ”’...i’m..s-..sor..sorry!”. Suddenly, his traitorous hand was released in sync as Void unclenched her own fist. There, on all fours, the Other remained, gasping as he greedily swallowed the air.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Witch Character Portrait: Void Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Mercy Character Portrait: Eureka Mino Character Portrait: Antony Tangent Character Portrait: Luke Mann Character Portrait: Leo Boston
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0.00 INK

~Antony Tangent~

Antony was beginning to understand something about this group that he had come in search of for the past fer weeks. It was one thing to be sure of yourself, but it was a totally different thing to know of you group and not be surprised of strange new faces.

The Witch who was more commonly known by the others as Sam was more of an outspoken leader and that was what Antony picked up on the moment he saw her. Her manner of speaking to others and openly speaking of the other members was what she was all too willing to do it seemed and she was confident in their abilities.He took one look at the man that called him a hobo and knew where the man was coming from, but the man didn't seem like much to the naked eye. He possessed more of a streetwise smart ass look then anything else and it was obvious that he was basing this analogy off his own idea of judgement.
His eyes almost instantly took to the attention of the neon green haired girl sitting near Sam, Mercy being her name. She was looking at him for more then a few moments and it was easy to tell that she was trying to understand why he was looking like the way he was. The girl had a damn gas mask on and she was surprised to see the way he looked. Though he could understand, not many could look past the way he appeared and it was not a simple answer to say why he did appear as such. It just felt like the way he should appear, because it always felt right and this is the form he took when his gift manifested.

The moment barely passed for him to stare at the young girl Mercy, before the other louder one stood and told the others to not even speak to her or she would fry them. Antony didn't pay her much mind, fire was not a real worry for him when it came down to it anyway. He gave Mercy one final look before giving her a slight wink as a slow moment began to pass.
Then as the moment was over a large section of thick plastic table was parading through his vision as if to shout for his attention.

It bowled over and passed in between him and the back of Sam's seat, it cascaded over several other sets of tables before splintering against the distant wall. He looked back at the excessively large man just as he was throwing several tables with one swing of his muscled arm. Antony could count the seconds in slow motion before one collided with his face and promptly burst into several smaller shards. He pulled back on his arm, feeling the tension gather in his own sinew before a gunshot echoed out scattering the few civilians that hadn't started fleeing from what was already transpiring. Antony continued his slow tread of speed as the man turned towards the leather clad man named Grant.
This was followed shortly by more crashing as the large man moved about like a crazed juggernaut, with no direction or real focus to his rage. This as well preceded the triggering of the fire alarm, which in turn opened the sprinkler system on the whole food court. Antony looked down on the floor only a few yards from him was the thin man with his laptop, for a moment they caught each others eyes and Antony grinned back with his sharp fangs in protrusion. At least he could see now why the young man carried all that stuff with him. After braking the glance he continued to advance on the hulking goliath who even now was still smashing and throwing everything he could get his meaty hands on. Which meant every so often something would come Antony's way, but this time he would simply bat the object away with almost as little effort the one doing the tossing.

The fiery young girl Eureka tried her hand as well, attacking the man to take him down, but her attacks were like his. Unfocused and out of place. His strength and resolve proved to overpower her swordplay either way as he forced her off and back from his position. The came a saving grace for the young woman, Seeing as Luke managed to turn off the water she was more then happy to throw a blaze of fireballs at his person. Only several salvos were fired before she pulled away from her attack and opted to bask in what she thought she had accomplished. He soon made her regret dropping her guard, leaving her to prepare for another strike.

It was then that another player, not yet seen appeared.
This one was strange to Antony because she had a strong distinct smell about her that reminded him of cobblestone and mortar. She had a look on her face that was not all too happy with the way things had escalated, her hair and clothes still dripped with the moisture of the pipes and there was even a small glint of water on the tip of her nose. Which at the moment was creased up into a point do to her angered facial expression. Antony was still slowly approaching as she did her thing on the man, it seemed as though she possessed a gift on a level of the metaphysical. She was forcing his body to act under the control of a almost non understandable presence. Antony's eyes could barely pick up the faint almost sapphire glow that lined his joints as he moved against his own will and the his throat was slowly constricted.

Antony reached the base of his heels as the man released his own words, a rather weak and pathetic apology for one so strong. Antony looked up at the woman who showed at the last moment and spoke.."Interesting.." He said as he began to walk around the scorched and tattered hulk of a man, kicking aside small shreds of the mans slightly intact leggings.

"I would not have imagined to see such splendid things on my first day."
He gave the mans forearm a swift kick and only got a small response from him, proving that his body may have been strong or his constitution was deep. But not much can conquer the need to breath as it were put straight here today.
Antony looked around at their surroundings, several holes and torn sections of building were still slowly crumbling after the rampage, but what remained of the water was being removed through the drains located along the floor.

He pulled up a chair that managed to get toppled during the exchange and set himself down with his feet at pointed towards the brute. "I can see that coming here was not a waste of my time.." He looked up at Sam and the others as they were already regaining their composure. "Oh.. yes.. Where are my manners?"
"My name is Antony.. Antony Tangent.. and it is a pleasure to meet you all."
Though his voice was deep and strangely textured it was obvious there was a mind behind it as he spoke cleanly and calmly for all of them to hear.

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Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home

Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home by Mathew Littlepaw

The group returns back to the HQ, and learned about the rest of their new lives.

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Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
37 sightings Grant McGrath played by Mr. Fahrenheit

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Witch
Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Character Portrait: Faith
Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Leo Boston

"I won't let my emotions run rampant ever again. It's my biggest mistake that time, but I will not let it happen again."

Character Portrait: Faith

With secrets grows pride...

Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Eureka Mino

"Lear me alone. I will burn you."

Character Portrait: The Witch
The Witch

The secretive, powerful, wise, and beautiful leader of the Wicked Ones.


Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: The Witch
The Witch

The secretive, powerful, wise, and beautiful leader of the Wicked Ones.

Character Portrait: Faith

With secrets grows pride...

Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Eureka Mino

"Lear me alone. I will burn you."

Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Leo Boston

"I won't let my emotions run rampant ever again. It's my biggest mistake that time, but I will not let it happen again."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The Witch
The Witch

The secretive, powerful, wise, and beautiful leader of the Wicked Ones.

Character Portrait: Eureka Mino
Eureka Mino

"Lear me alone. I will burn you."

Character Portrait: Cylin


Character Portrait: Faith

With secrets grows pride...

Character Portrait: Leo Boston
Leo Boston

"I won't let my emotions run rampant ever again. It's my biggest mistake that time, but I will not let it happen again."

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Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home

Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home by Mathew Littlepaw

The group returns back to the HQ, and learned about the rest of their new lives.

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