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United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

United We Stand, Assembled We Fight


With the Avengers gone and many of the world's heroes dead can those few remaining brave souls stand up and unite to fend off the return of the Reapers?

2,098 readers have visited United We Stand, Assembled We Fight since Bromander Shepard created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


There is no greater sacrifice that can be made and we all share in the loss of so many noble men and women. Brave and unique individuals who have dedicated their lives to fighting for justice and to protect the people of Earth. Saddly those lives were lost in a war against an unnatural foe. A race of massive, sentient machines that attacked our planet without provocation or clear cause. It was six years ago that the Reapers sought to enslave or kill us all and our chosen heroes rose up against them. For that was what they did. They fought the good fight. When others would cower or run in fear our champions would stand and fight in the face of oblivion. It is those heroes we honor today and we stand solemnly in remembrance of the sacrifice they made for each and everyone of us... My fellow Americans, it is with a heavy heart that I tell you on this dark day we find ourselves facing that same foe once again. We may not have those heroes from our Golden age now, but we are still blessed to have remarkable individuals among us willing to stand and willing to fight. Then as now we find ourselves on the eve of the greatest military campaign in human history and once again we are in need of a banner call. There is no one better suited for the task to assemble this worlds heroes then the man who was our First Avenger. This nations Fallen Son. The man. The legend. Captain America...

You sit forward and watch with rapt attention as the video plays on the tv screen. You see footage of Captain America from just over six years ago before his final mission. He is standing on the steps of the Lincoln Monument. Before him are assembled a massive force of the worlds heroes. Beyond that is a crowd of millions watching in awed silence as the man steps up to the podium.

"This war has threatened to take everything from us. Our homes, our families, our freedom, our planet. So we fight... Just like always. We've been through hell and worse but still we fight. We've fought demons, psychopaths, aliens, and everything in between including each other on more than one occasion. But still we fight. We've fought alone and we fought as one but always we fight. We are here to fight, born warriors we stand against all that's wicked and all that would do harm to those who cannot fight for themselves... This is why we're here people. The Reapers would have us believe that we have no hope. No chance of victory. But what they don't understand is that we have something they will never have. An immeasurable bond forged in the fires of combat that ties us together. We have proven time and time again that we CAN do the impossible, that we CAN ride into the jaws of death and ride out again! My friends... look around you and stand proud. You're not in this fight alone. United we stand against our enemies and together we will defeat them!

The legend paused as the crowds of heroes and civilians alike broke out into heartfelt cheers. When the crowd died down enough you watch as his eyes flick up past the heroes standing before him and fall onto the crowd amassed behind them.

"Son's and daughters of America... My country... Your loyalty and trust have been a great comfort for me over the years. They've given me the will to go on. They've given me the strength to fight on when my body wanted to quit. I want to thank each and every one of you for allowing me to call myself your Captain. As for our enemies... Let it be heard from the streets of this city, to the streets of our allies all over the world... We are a planet of the free, a people of freedom! And if you choose to stand in the way of that freedom, you will hear these words: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

For a second time the crowds raise up in cheers and you can almost feel the palpable and raw emotion from that eerie recording as the pride swells in your chest. The recordings ends on a still frame of the legend himself standing boldly with his head held high as jets flew over head.


The image fades out and a list begins to scroll across the screen of all the heroes who lost their lives in the first war with the Reapers.

Nathan Summers aka Cable
Robert Baldwin aka Penance
Peter Parker aka Spider Man
Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel
Johnathan Storm aka The Human Torch
Susan Storm aka The Invisible Woman
Thaddeus E. Ross aka Red Hulk
T'Challa aka Black Panther
Brian Falsworth aka Union Jack
Scott Summers aka Cyclops
Mathew Murdock aka Daredevil
Daniel Rand aka Iron Fist
Samantha Parrington aka Valkyrie
Samuel Wilson aka Falcon
Thor Odinson
Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin aka Colossus
Neena Thurman aka Domino
Henry Pym aka Ant Man
Anthony Stark aka Iron Man
James Rhodes aka War Machine
Bruce Banner aka The Hulk
Warren Worthington III aka Angel
Robert Drake aka Iceman
Elijah Bradley aka Patriot
Ororo Munroe aka Storm
Frank Castle aka The Punisher
Luke Cage
Jessica Drew aka Spider Woman
Anna Marie aka Rogue
Barbara Morse Barton aka Mockingbird
Steven Rogers aka Captain America

You take a minute to sit back in contemplation and review in your mind everything you know about the first war.

Just over six years ago the Reapers [Yes the reapers form mass effect] attacked Earth. From what scientists have guessed it was a small exploratory force merely designed to get a foothold in the galaxy. Their plan was simple. The bulk of the force was to head to the planet to keep the Earths defenses busy long enough for the two or three other Reapers to erect a mass relay inside of our solar system allowing them to bring in their entire invasion force in one swoop. Initially the Reapers wiped out any resistance they came across killing tens of thousands including countless members of the hero population who tried valiantly to fend them off. It wasn't until the Avengers, led by Captain America, marshaled the heroes and organized them to fight as one single super army that they began truly fighting back. The Reapers began to fall to the heroes until victory was near. The Reapers realized the strength of Earth wasn't in the many but in the few. The unique individuals who showed extraordinary powers or skill. They devised a tactic to eradicate the Earths last true defense in one shot. By feeding the Earthlings false information in the form of a beacon from an alien race "previously wiped out" by the Reapers telling them that if they destroyed the relay being created they could stop the Reapers for good. The Reapers knew that the humans were intelligent enough that a blatant lie would not suffice and some measure of truth would be needed. The truth was that while destroying the relay would indeed hamper the Reapers it would not stop their arrival indefinably. The humans took the bait. A small group led by Captain America went up to the relay in a shuttle to destroy it. Under the command of Captain America was Iron Man, Hawkeye, Wolverine, Ms. Marvel, Lady Sif, Cable, and Susan Storm. Once the trap was sprung the team got hit hard and it is thought Cable died in these moments. Susan died shortly afterwards while trying to hold off the advancing Reaper forces allowing the others to make their escape into the facility. Ms. Marvel fell during the fighting as the team pushed deeper in the facility. Just before they reached the core Tony Stark was killed as he fought beside Captain America in the escape shuttle bay. His old friend and teammate dragged him into the one of the nearby shuttles and they sealed off the doors where Iron Man spent his final moments with Captain America. His final words were of apologizing for the civil war and of giving him the detonation codes for the bomb he'd created to destroy the relay. Captain America exited the shuttle with fists clenched and tears flowing freely down his face. He ordered everyone into the shuttles telling them that they were going to abort the mission. That the codes for the bomb died with Iron Man. The heroes all crammed into the shuttles when suddenly Cap sealed them inside and launched them back to Earth. Alone on the station Captain America fought his way through the last few meters and set the bomb before making his final stand and holding off the Reaper forces until the bomb detonated and the relay was destroyed. Captain America's final act was of saving the world from total annihilation. It was only a year later that humanity discovered the truth of what had happened and began preparing for the Reapers return.

The rest, is up to you...

Ok so this rp is basically a Reaper invasion on Marvel earth rp. The twist is that the majority y of the big name canon heroes are dead. You may be wondering, "The fucks the point then?..." Well I'll tell you Miss Nancy. The point is that now you get to create your own heroes within the marvel universe. Be that characters with no affiliation to any other canon character or the offspring of known heroes. The way I'll be handling this is that the reapers arent here yet but will be within a few weeks time. Now ever since learning of the Reapers possible return humanity has been attempting to prepare for the invasion but now that they've picked up evidence from deep space probes showing evidence that they are in our system the world is scrambling to get ready. With many of the worlds well known heroes dead they worry that they have no chance but it's time for those remaining few to rise up and step up to the plate to save Earth.

We will be changing up the canons history a bit to make it possible for people who want to be heroes offspring and not be crayon eating toddlers since this is only set six years after the first war. We'll say that any and all offspring will be in their mid to late teens and didn't participate in the first war. However now with their super parent or parents dead they are no longer willing to sit on the sidelines and play it safe.

For your character app if you're picking a canon character feel free to just post a link to your chosen characters wiki page for their powers if you don't feel like all the lengthy typing of shit we all already know. That's up to you though of course. As for those same canons bio, don't give me an entire history on that character because again we all know them pretty well. Just give me a war journal. A quick overview of what your character was up to during the last war six years ago. One final thing about the canon characters. If you want to pick one of the canons from the KIA list that's fine. I was simply going for dramatic effect here and wanted a big list of well known and loved heroes that are dead. If that was a list of nobody heroes people have never heard of it would hold the same weight. That being said there are a few characters that are listed that must remain dead like Cap and Iron man for example. If you want to pick one of those characters just ask me when you reserve them and I'll let you know if you should bother making an app for it.

Whew ok now this is my first rp ever posted on this forum so I hope it goes well. Other than that we should be good, templates below and have fun!

Character Template
(Pics plox)
Alias:(hero name if applicable)
Current Location:
Occupation: (primarily for alter egos if applicable)
Abilities and Skills: (just post a link if canon and you don't want tell us that Spiderpman can do whatever a spider can)
History/Background: (gimme at least a paragraph and if it's canon just give me their war journal)
Notable family members: (again if applicable. This will mostly be used by offspring of canon heroes. Feel free to skip this if your not someones kid)
Other Information:

Toggle Rules

If choosing a canon character please know your character well
Romance is allowed but keep it PG, this isn't pronz
As GM of this rp I maintain the right to make any and all changes I see fit within the story line at any time
Standard RoleplayGateway rules apply

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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For a moment she felt a surge of triumph as the man reeled backwards, his chest bleeding profusely. Her face turned to one of shock as she saw the wound healing, the man starting to breathe easier. What? Just who...


As the adamantium claws came out, she knew she was in deep deep trouble now. The only thing she had that would be able to stand those claws was....

The other gauntlet ejected it's hidden blade in a hiss of metal, as she barely dodged the swipes he made, damaging the frills of her uniform in the process. In a straight up fight, she will definitely lose, even with the visor's readings and the gauntlets.

"I never knew I'd someday be fighting with the infamous Wolverine himself...." Her smile was considerable more strained now, trying to think of a way to escape him. She took an aggressive stance, and gave a fast jab to his face with her right blade, fully intending to follow up with a slash to his throat with the left.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolverine growled and pressed the attack. His first swing did little more then tear her suit and he was looking for blood. The merc threw a quick jab to his face. Logan side stepped it but still got a nice long gash along his cheek. Wolverine snarled in pain but accepted the wound as an opportunity to close the distance and get in close.

"Yer gunna have to do better than that babe."

He said with his gash already beginning to heal as he grabbed her extended right right forearm with his left hand and threw his right elbow into her face. Time seemed to slow before the blow connected. Holding her arm she wasn't going anywhere and at this distance she didn't have much chance to dodge it. While the blow wouldn't do any lasting damage it may set up chance for him to get in a killing blow.


The man in the unmarked black van watched with interest at the bout unfolding in the alley between the mutant and the mercenary. It had been a while since anyone had seen Wolverine do what he did best so this was a rare treat. Beyond that he finally had an opportunity to evaluate Wraith first hand. As he observed the fight his loyal, second hand woman walked up on his right and leaned in to speak quietly into his ear.

"Aren't your worried he'll kill her Director Fury?"

Black Widow asked as her eyes locked on Wolverine. Fury smirked and sat back.

"I'm worried he'll kill everyone Natasha. How are we coming with our super cop?"

"We have already located him and Shocker is being transported to the immediate area as we speak. His vibro-shock units will be returned to him once he's on the scene."

"And our grab team?"

Fury asked, never taking his eyes off the fight raging on in the alley.

"Already in position in case he's too much for Hazmat to handle but we're not worried."

Natasha said calmly. Fury just chuckled and turned to her for the first time in their conversation.

"If he gets dropped by Shocker then he wasn't our guy anyway. Give the team the green light."

"Yes sir."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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She took the hit squarely in the face, her visor cracking under the severe blow. But, her free hand was already on its way to his ribs, as she used the pull to leverage more power behind that stab. be found out like this...

She does have a last resort. Like one of her gauntlet held a small missile. If she can detonate it while Wolverine was off guard, she might be able to escape in the resulting debris and dust.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolverine coughed in pain with blood spurted from his mouth as her blade sunk deep between his ribs. His eyes narrowed on hers as he gritted his teeth in agony, blood dripping around his sharp canines. Wolverine roared and pulled his fist back ready to surge forward and skewer her on his claws when two Suv's pulled up on either side of the alley and armed S.H.I.E.L.D agents poured out surrounding them. Logan looked up to see a second team posistion on the roofs of the buildings above them, sniper rifles trained on both himself and the mercenary. Wolverine sighed and his claws retraced as he looked around to see Fury step up to the pair of them.

"If you two are done we have real work to do."

He said flatly. Logan growled and stepped toward him.

"I was doin real work Fury. Little miss robo ninja here stole some tech from Richards. I was getting it back."

"We're well aware Logan. We can handle it from here. Beside, we don't want you kill one of your future teammembers."

Logan's jaw almost dropped.

"The hell you talkin about Fury?"

Nick just smikred and looked at Wraith.

"You heard me Logan. Ms. Faefield and I need to have a conversation if you two are done."

Wolverine glared at the head of S.H.I.L.E.D and took a step towards him.

"I ain't goin nowhere till I get what I came for."

Nick just crossed his arms over his chest impassively.

"Relax Wolverine. I know better than most what's at stake here."

Wolverine growled but stepped aside letting Nick walk up to Wraith.

"Francesca right? I'm Nick Fury... Director of S.H.I.L.E.D."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolverine was already moving to skewer her, judging from his raised hand, as she raised HER arm ready to fire her own missile in his face. All of a sudden two SUV's appeared, releasing a torrent of men who surrounded them. Men with guns, a lot of guns. Not her type.

The other gauntlet fired up with a loud whirr, as she raised both her arms to either side, ready to blast the first one to move.

"If you two are done we have real work to do."

A rather intimidating black man step forth, without the slightest bit of fear of Wolverine, or the fact she had trained one of the loudly whirring gauntlets at him. After some conversation with Wolverine, the black man walked to her, looking rather strange and fragmented as she was seeing both through the damaged visor and her own eyes where the visor's glass was broken.

"Francesca right? I'm Nick Fury... Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

That smile still on her face, she tilted her head slightly. "Oh? And what does the director of S.H.I.E.L.D wants with me?"

The radio is still on, she thought. Black should be able to hear everything since the fight with Wolverine. No doubt, Black was muffling any sound on his end, listening intently.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Nick Fury's eyes were carefully inspecting the womans equipment. A half smirk etched it's way onto his face.

"Looks like Stark tech. I'd be interested on how you got your hands on it.. Luckily for you I'm not here to bust you for unregistered weapons technology."

He said causally as he slid his hands into his long coat pockets.

"Francesca Faefield, 22. Freelance mercenary with a mind for weapons tech. That's a hell of a resume. Too bad you're under selling yourself..."

Logan listened intently to Fury as he spoke. He couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. He may not like the guy but damn if he wasn't convincing. He'd gotten Wolverine to agree to more than a few shady missions over the years with little more than a few words.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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If the visor was not over her face, he might have been able to see her frown a bit at the man. She lowered her weapons a little, but not bothering to power them down, just in case she needs them immediately. How was he able to obtain her records anyways? She was sure that no one knew who she really was.

"You still haven't answered my last question."

There was something else that this man wanted? Important enough to ignore that she had gotten her hands on Stark tech?

"Reapers, Wraith...Remember what I told you..." Black's voice suddenly whispered through the still open connection.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Fury chuckled and pulled his hands out from his pockets and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You want to know what I want from you?... I want you to help us save the world."

Logan pushed himself up from the side of the van he'd been leaning on. Now he wasn interesetd.

"Last time the Reapers hit Earth we barely survived and it was only thanks to the Avengers and Captain America that we did. We're hoping that this time we fair a little better and with your help, we might just be able to pull it off."

Fury paused and let his words sink in before he continued speaking.

"You've been selling yourself out as some gun for hire Ms. Faefield but I think you can be so much more. Give us the opportunity to prove it to you and in the process you just might get to help save a lot of lives."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Save the world....Huh...Kinda like Black said..

After a few moments of silence, she sighed and powered down her weapons completely.

"Fine... Now can we have all those guns put away?"

Francesca lifted her visor, revealing her face once again. She shot a glance at Wolverine who seemed to be bored with everything by now. Well, seems he's with Nick and the armed guys. And you just don't refuse when people are pointing guns at you, especially when they got a rabid mutant on their side.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Logan watched as the two talked. End result being that Wraith agreed to work with S.H.I.E.L.D in this new team they're putting together in order to stop the Reapers. Logan just eyed the girl from his position off to the side. She knew what she was doing in a fight but his experience with mercenaries wasn't the best and he'd have a hard time trusting her. Her loyalty didn't seem to bother Fury in the least as he ordered his men to lower their weapons and he casually put his hand on her shoulder.

"You made the right decision Francesca. Now, I have a little job I think you and your new friend here would be perfect for."

He said as he led her over to Logan. Wolverine just stared daggers at him never moving from his spot.

"Last time the Reapers were here we had problem with people going crazy and trying to help them. Reed Richards believes that these things can exhibit some form of mind control. We haven't been able to verify that yet but we might have a shot now. There's a facility on staten island that was once a meat packing facility and is now being used by a group of Reaper sympathizers."

"Sympathizers? Ya mean zombies. I seen em do their thing last time round Fury. Puttin people up on spikes. Turnin em into mindless grey husks."

Wolverine growled. Fury nodded before Black Widow walked over and handed Nick an unmarked case. Her eyes caught Logans and the two gave each other a respectful nod. Last time he'd fought beside Widow was with Captain America leading them. The memory was painful, for both of them. Natasha walked away as Fury continued.

"Reed thinks this is something different. Not as drastic as impaling someone and mutating them like before. This time it's more subtle. You might not be even able to tell someones being controlled until it's too late. Well most people might not be able to tell."

"Hells that supposed to mean Fury?"

Logan growled.

"Means you should be able to sniff them out Rover and Wraith should pick up some kind of readings with her tech. That's why I'm sending you two."

Fury replied unfazed before handing Logan the case.

"What's this?"

Logan asked as he inspecting the case and looked for the clasps to pop it open.

"Two things. A TACCOM so you have a direct link to me and Reed Richards and a little welcome back gift."


Logan asked as he found the clasps and pushed the release.

"He's gunna be telling you more about the Reaper's mind control and its effects during the mission as well as lend a hand if you run into anything strange. As of right now he's our foremost authority on the Reapers."

Logan opened the case to see a familiar yellow and black costume. He looked up with an arched eyebrow and a wide grin, flashing his sharp canines.

"Aww shucks Fury, you really know how to make a girl blush."

Nick just chuckled and gave him a nod.

"You're out of retirement now Wolverine, figured it was about time you looked the part."

Logan shook Fury's hand before Nick turned to walk off towards one of the vans pausing only once to call over his shoulder to Faefield.

"Oh and Wraith, I'd like the Catalyst sent to the Baxter building ASAP. We're going to need it if we're going to win this war".

With that Fury got in his van and his people moved out in seconds leaving Wraith and Wolverine alone in the alley once again. Logan turned to her with an arched eyebrow half expecting her to attack him again now that Fury was gone. He half wanted to do the same.

"Be back..."

Logan said before walking off. He was back within a few minutes looking and feeling a bit more like his old self.

"Before we do this you wanna grab some gear or you good to go as is?"

Wolverine asked with a grunt.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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She watched Nick return to the mutant, talking about some Reaper sympathizers on some sort of meat packing facility on an obscure island somewhere. That was new. People supporting the actions of the Reapers? Must be some crazed doped up people looking too deep into their cocaine induced hallucinations or something.

"Oh and Wraith, I'd like the Catalyst sent to the Baxter building ASAP. We're going to need it if we're going to win this war".

"Do what he says... We need the Crucible project finished if my plans are to come to fruition."
Her radio went out, as Black whispered his order.

She sighed. What sort of mess did she get herself in to? Did Black anticipate this? As Nick left with his posse of gunmen, Francesca eye'd the mutant, half expecting him to attack.

After some time of waiting for him to change, he returned, wearing his old costume.

"Before we do this you wanna grab some gear or you good to go as is?"

She smiled, "If you don't mind, I'm going to get my other gears. Fighting in a this outfit " she gave a sort of a twirl, emphasizing the short skirt of the uniform "isn't very comfortable if you know what I mean."

She strode off, leaving Wolverine behind. "I'll meet you there in one hour."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolveirne watched her walk out of the alley still unsure of what to make of her. Once she was gone he tunred and headed to his mototrcycle that was parked down the street. Logan got on his bike and turned the key in the ignition, enjoying the roar of the engine as it turned over and sparked to life. Once the bike was rumbling and warm Logan started his journey through New York city to Staten Island.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazmat
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#, as written by Sonata
Pongsri Thai Restaurant, on Baxter & St. Mulberry 12:00PM

The two officers were sitting in a booth along the restaurant walls. Matt was facing the café windows; the light of the noon sun pouring in to highlight the lush-green, vegetation décor, burnished wooden interior, and the brass elephant statues that seemed to walk the place in still-life.

Steam rose in a white pillar into the air above their booth as Officer Cassidy sat in silence and fascination as she watched her partner’s appetite at work. Her chicken and coconut milk soup and chicken pad thai were untouched as her jade eyes watched Hazmat grasp with chopsticks a steamed, vegetarian spring roll, dip it in peanut sauce, and devour it in two bites. He then gathered a lock of noodles that he raised to his mouth as though to join it with the flavor of the spring roll and slurped up the hair-like tendrils before sitting back in his chair with a glass of Thai ice tea to wash it all down with.

“I’m not a vegetarian obviously, but those spring rolls are just awesome. You should try some,” Matt offered.

Officer Cassidy glanced to the empty saucer dish, and then back to the other officer. “I would have, but you ate them all.”

Lowering his glass, Matt glanced to the saucer dish in disbelief, and then blushed in his embarrassment.

“Sorry; we can just order some more,” he sheepishly reasoned.

“Where does it all go?”

Matt smiled with playful arrogance as he answered, “To a good place. Why do you think I’m so strong?”

“Gym. You eat like a fat ass, and I’m surprised you’re not one of the deputies huffing and wheezing as you chase down thugs.”

That was right. Officer Cassidy had just transferred last month, and she didn’t know him beyond his humanity.

“Yes. You’re right. The gym…and nothin’ slows me down.”

“Not even 1000 calories?”

“It’s just fuel for the fire baby.”

It took great discipline not to violate PDA (Public Display of Affection). Officer Cassidy was a smoking-hot officer and her personality was one of his three favorite types: laid-back, down-to-earth, with a sense of humor. If he had met her somewhere out of uniform, he would have taken her out on a date. Technically, this was the closest date he’ll ever have with her.

Officer Cassidy rolled her eyes as a smirk twisted her lips.

Just then, a report crackled from the black radio perched on the table. Officer Cassidy observed how Hazmat’s expression became tense and serious as they listened about a disturbance at a café. He grabbed his napkin, wiped his face, and would have stole from the booth if she hadn’t put her leg up. Matt scooted right into her ankle and then glanced to the red-headed officer with a shrewd gaze as though she were getting in the way of his dreams.

Officer Cassidy’s thin, red brows rose in surprise to have received such an expression as she enlightened, “You’re not about to leave a lady with the bill are you? Also, did it occur to you that we’re on break? It’s just a disturbance. If it’s anythin’ serious, then they’ll let us know. Relax, Miller. The city isn’t burnin’ down.”

Hazmat’s expression softened as he scooted back to his original spot. “Man, I’m just screwin’ up today. You know, I wouldn’t have-”

Officer Cassidy’s eyes glimmered in disbelief as she slurped long and hard to mute the bullshit that was about to slip from Matthew’s lips. They both knew he would have ditched her at the restaurant without a second thought about it. Hell, he might not have recalled what he had done until the situation was handled and over.

“So…spring rolls?” Hazmat questioned, changing the subject.


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As Wolverine made his way across New York to reach Staten Island Nick Fury sat on the corner of Baxter & St. Mulberry and was once again seated in the unmarked black van silently observing from a distance. He watched as Shocker was pursued by two NYPD officers only to have the officers blasted off their feet and across the street. Sirens blared as more police cruisers poured out surrounding the villain. Shocker clenched his fists as the power from his gauntlets surged.

"I'm fresh outta lock up and lookin for a big score! You think you yahoos are gunna stop me?!"

He shouted before the blasting the nearest cop car into oblivion. Fury watched from his seat all the while with his number one agent on stand by in case things got too hairy.


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Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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The large television was beeping in the living room as she entered the front door of her home. Absentmindedly activating the vidcom, the silhouette of Black appeared on screen, smoking a large cigar, as Francesca moved to grab the Catalyst. Seems he was wearing a different suit this time, a classy black and white suit.

"Well, Wraith, seems you are to work for me sooner than expected. Do whatever it is they tell you to do. I'll let you know when the time comes for you to do something."

"Oh? And I assume I'm going to get paid for this?" She kicked a drone awake; the device fluttering then hovering steadily as it booted up. She put the box into its waiting pincer, watching it fold the pincer and retracting it along with the Catalyst into its body.

Black took a deep pull at his cigar, blowing smoke all around the screen, "Twice the usual amount. Keep in touch." With that the screen went blank.

Francesca entered the destination on the drone, and watched it zoom out her window. It was one of her faster drones, designed for close range suppression, with a small rapid fire energy gun. One shot would pierce through a normal body armor. Hmm...She had never thought she would be working with S.H.I.E.L.D this time. Ah well....

She had reached her underground base, where everything still looked like a mess, save for her work area and some places where the cleaning drones have finished tidying up. She strode over to a large glowing circle on the ground, several mechanical arms suddenly sprouting from the ceiling and floor. Within a few moments, she was fully suited and ready for action.

"Alright, time to work."

She flew through the flight exit, cloaking as she did so to avoid any unwanted attention.


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Character Portrait: Jane Hero
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Jane ran quickly, leaping over the bars of the Subway station, she lacked any sort of money to be able to give them even if she wished to, then again she didn't intend to use their train. She ran quickly towards a train on its way out and leapt down onto the tracks, running quickly behind it. She couldn't keep up with the underground train, but she had it in her mind that with a ten minute delay between trains, she would have plenty of space to run before risking getting hit by the next train. The people within the station noticed her and a couple of them took steps to contact the security personnel in the train station.

A few police came into the station after her, but all of them have far too much common sense to go jumping onto the train tracks to chase down someone. It was dangerous and they knew the only direction she could be heading. They would close down the trains and send in men from both sides, the situation would be resolved quickly and safely as no officer wanted to experience to unfortunate sensation of being hit by a subway train.

Partway through the tracks, Jane came across an old service ladder, placed there long ago in order to deal with repairs and accidents but long out of use with the more modern updates to the subway. As she ascended the rungs of the ladder she broke through a small metal grating that had been put into place to block off intruders. When she reached the top of the later she found herself in a dark partial room, sealed off with a cement wall. Though she wasn't aiming to cause more destruction, she didn't want to become captured again. With a firm kick she knocked out a section of the wall large enough for her to squeeze through. The other side led to part of a parking structure, at street level.

While she had evaded the police for the moment, her face and garb were known to them. Her escape would only be a temporary freedom, they would find her again and she would have to conflict with them once more, unless the situation changed. She moved out again, walking down the streets in search of another opportunity to draw in the attention of other heroes.

A bit away there was a loud noise, something strange looking. Jane quickly set about to find the location of the noises of violence. A man she did not recognize was tossing around the police, his crude voice calling out a challenge to the supposed "yahoos". Though she would be risking immediate capture by the police, she decided she could not continue to allow the risk of lives by those attempting to stop this creature. Jane stepped out into view, walking towards Shocker and pointing her finger, "Surrender immediately!" She doubted he would comply but such announcements seemed common among the heroes whose information Monitor had seen fit to show her.


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Before Logan stowed away on the ferry to Staten Island he'd stashed his bike knowing it wouldn't be practical to try ad bring it along. Now he was moving silently up to the warehouse that Fury had singled out as the nest for the Reaper sympathizers. Logan got into cover and pulled out the small earpiece Fury had given him. He stuck it into his ear and tapped it once, switching it on.

"This is Wolverine. I'm on sight and got eyes on the warehouse."

After a few seconds Reed's voice poured into his ears.

"Wonderful news Logan. Once your inside please keep me up to date of everything that you see that stands out to you."

"...Shit I thought this was Fury's channel."

Logan grumbled. There was an awkward silence before Reed continued.

"Yes umm... he's on the second programmed channel Logan.... Has Ms. Faefield arrived yet?"

Wolverine was in cover behind a few metal barrels and had been looking over them to get a look at the warehouse and possibly any of it's occupants while Reed had been speaking. He dropped back down into cover to respond as he put his finger to the comm to speak.

"Naaah, no sign of her yet. She's got five minutes and I'm goin in."

Logan said before getting too his feet and quickly making his way across the exterior to get into cover behind a large stack of wooden pallets. Wolverine continued to survey the surroundings to see what he and Wraith would be up against once in side.

"Logan, I'm certain the point of sending Francesca with you was to evaluate your ability to work as a cohesive unit."

Wolverine was carefully sniffing the air as Reed spoke, picking out five distinct and separate scents meaning there was at least five baddies in there that needed their guts spilled on the floor for them.

"Aww shucks egghead, and here I thought he was just worried bout me."

Logan replied sarcastically before once again moving positions as he continued to circle the building and scope out the place. This time he slid into cover behind a forklift before peeking out around it to look through a shattered window. Logan could make out one figure standing inside casually smoking a cigarette. His black and white mask was pushed up just enough to reveal his mouth as the big man puffed away. He was carrying enough guns to topple a third world country and was thick with muscle. Wolverine growled as he realized who he was looking at.



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She landed in a deserted place on the island, careful to check for any enemies before uncloaking. Making sure her MP7s were fully loaded, she sneaked closer to the warehouse. Where was Wolverine? Did he find some unexpected company? Damn, she hadn't even stopped to consider how she was to communicate with him without some sort of communication device. Nick gave Wolverine one, sure, but he never did mention the frequency, nor give her one.

Wraith opened her scanner, making a preliminary scans, noting some strange spikes on her readings. She was also picking up life signs, about six of them. Two of them seem to be out doors from the relatively clearer data filtering in.

She pulled the new visor over her eyes, reactivating the cloak, the scanner automatically shutting down. Now, if the scanner was right those two shoud be around this corner.... She walked straight in front of a familiar yellow and black clad person. Surprised, Wraith stopped, and looked towards the other life sign. A man smoking with his mask pulled up just enough to expose his mouth. Judging that the man is better off dead than compromising the mission, she raised her weapons, ready to riddle the man full of holes.


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Character Portrait: Jane Hero Character Portrait: Hazmat
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#, as written by Sonata
Matthew had long finished his meal and was watching Officer Cassidy eat, trying to hide the fact that he was actually counting the minutes until their break was over. The radio had been going crazy, and as much as he wanted to believe that there were other officers besides him on the force that could handle most problems, there weren’t. He was unique.

…convict was identified to be The Shocker. All units are in pursuit…Baxter & St. Mulberry…

Hazmat’s brown eyes darted from the radio to the café windows to see a police car flying right towards them.

“Get down!” he alerted.

Both he and Officer Cassidy slid under the table of their booth as the café window shattered, sending flying glass and shrapnel clattering overhead. While crouched beneath the table, Matthew raised his wristwatch before his eyes and grinned almost wickedly.

“Looks like breaks over,” he informed.

Rolling out from the booth, he grabbed his hat from the rung of his pants and secured it on his head. He then charged out of the restaurant past the car and leaping out the gaping window.

“Miller!” Officer Cassidy called as she gingerly crawled out from under the table. “That’s The Shocker!”

They would need backup to handle such a supervillain.

The Shocker lowered his hands as he overheard someone shout surrender over his shoulder. He slowly turned his head, setting a single white eye on some plain-Jane girl. Who knows what was going through her head? For all he knew, she must have lost it if she thought she could take him on.

“Princess, Spiderman ain’t ‘round no more, so he won’t save you from bein’ blast to pieces if you decide to get in my way,” The Shocker threatened.

“That maybe true, and as much as I miss seein’ Spiderman swingin’ around and kickin’ your ass, I’m sure I’ll make it look better,” came another voice.

The Shocker’s attention went from Jane to the cop that was standing five yards away from him with his gun drawn on him.

“Another cop?” The Shocker queried almost boredly. He then glanced to the unconscious officers already folded about the street, having already received a taste of his gauntlets. He laughed at Hazmat condescendingly. “Ah’m gonna scatter you ‘cross this street.”

Matthew happened to notice a familiar criminal not standing too far away from The Shocker. Hadn’t he seen her just get taken away? His brows rose in surprise to think that she had escaped. So she hadn’t been a common criminal. She was just as dangerous as The Shocker.

“Halt! Put your hands behind your head!” Officer Cassidy ordered.

The Shocker glanced from Miller to Officer Cassidy and slowly began to fold his arms behind his head. His left hand was above his right and as his gauntlets roared, a white blast of vibrated air particles shot in Officer Cassidy’s direction. The female officer dove to the side as it connected with a lone police car. Unfortunately, the police car happened to be Hazmat’s Bugatti.

At that moment, it felt like he was on a PCP trip. The sounds of distant police sirens sank into low, contorted blares as Hazmat watched his baby fly off the curb and go flipping through the air. The driver’s side door had a big dent in it as though another car had smashed into it, and it wasn’t over.


The car landed on its back, the red, white, and blue lamps completely crushed and the windows shattered. Where was he? Who was he? What the hell just happened? It looked like his car had just got wrecked. Matthew glanced at the blank spot where it had once been, and then at the totaled vehicle on its back on the sidewalk.


Officer Cassidy’s cry of warning entered his ears just as a concussive blast struck him in the gut. A harsh gasp left his lips as he was thrown across the street. He then struck the ground and went rolling across the asphalt to become another addition to Schultz’s collage of downed officers. Hazmat, however, was completely conscious. He coughed a few times as his brown eyes, shrunk in his disbelief, and in shock gazed back into his mind at the Bugatti that was being wrecked over and over again. He wasn’t even sure his insurance would cover it or even if the NYPD would. The car was expensive, and no one was rich during this financial crisis.

The Shocker chuckled as he pointed his left hand at Jane. He hadn’t forgotten about that cocky bitch.

“Shows over!” he informed as another blast roared from his gauntlets, similar to the last two that had been displayed, shot in her direction.


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Character Portrait: Jane Hero
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Jane continued to walk towards the supervillian Shocker as he briefly looked away from her in order to ruin the poor cop's life by decimating his car, such material possessions did not concern Jane, though she tried to reach him before he fired on the officer. It was no good, Shocker was no amateur and his speed and skills outmatched her. A solidly planted shot of shock wave struck the man whom she did not recognize in the chest and she immediately felt a sense of failure. She lacked the ability to move faster than others, her only thefted ability was the lesser superstrength provided by the bank robber she had encountered earlier. Something like that offered little help against an opponent that outmatched her like the Shocker.

She had nearly reached him, just a few steps away when she heard his words, "Show's over" The impact of the blow at such a close range sent her flying back much further than the targets that had some distance to him. Jane's body struck into the side of one of the police cars and caved in the sides. Her chest cavity colapsed inwards and her impact was compounded with a solid cracking noise as her ribs splintered. Lesions on her back from the impact were open wide enough to give access to her arteries and as her body fell forward, blood let out onto the street. Her eyes had an empty, cold gaze and her movement was entirely ceased. In her current state she was little more than ordinary human, and the shocker's blasts had killed stronger bodies than hers.

Even as she lay on the ground, her body was already rapidly repairing, pushing ribs out of organs and regrowing shattered rib bones. She would be down for a couple of minutes at least, this being the most gruesome death she had experienced so far.


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Character Portrait: Carnage
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Perhaps it was due to having guns pointing at his face in the grogginess of just waking up, perhaps his symbiote was reacting to the hostility, or perhaps he was just scared of losing the last family he had in the world. Honestly, as the adrenaline pumped, Brian didn’t really thing about the reason behind what he was doing. He just focused on lashing out at the eight armed men who had burst into his room. Lucky for the men, during the years of training Brian had put himself through he had worked on scaling his strength. So he held back the force of his attacks so that he wouldn’t obliterate their internal organs or shatter their bones.

He shot out a burst of red webbing from his hands at the two men who were on the edges of the semicircular group. As the two flew backwards and were slammed against the wall, pinned by the red sticky substance, he dashed forward at the other four. Keeping his arms out to the side, he close lined the two in the middle before they could react to their comrades being pinned to the wall. Though he held the force of the blow so that it wasn’t enough to kill, the two men did end up back flipping into a face plant on the ground. The two remaining men quickly snapped to aiming at him and peppered each side of him with a few bursts from their rifles.

Unlucky for the men however, the had come severely under equipped. The bullets from their rifles merely impacted less than an inch in his red symbiotic skin. No match for his alien durability. As the two reeled back from the realization that their attacks had no effect, Brian reached for the one on his left. Long red tentacles extended from his arms, grabbing the man around the torso. Brian, having gained a hold on the man, swung him around and threw him at the last aggressor in the room. The two men impacted each other, and were knocked to the ground.

After the men had been incapacitated, Brian quickly flicked his head to the right and left. Scanning for more hostiles.

“Brian!” Harry called out. Just now getting over the shock of the quick engagement Brian and the soldiers. “Brian we have to go before more come! They are after you!”

“Why are they after-?” Brian started to ask, but was cut off as Harry grabbed his arm and ran towards the door.

“I’ll explain later.” He said he led Brian out into the hall. “Right now we-” Harry stopped mid sentence as the two made it out into the hallway, and saw that they were surrounded on either side by many men. Brian tensed, tiny squirming tendrils erupting from random spots on his torso and arms. His symbiote itched for battle.

“Please stand down, Mr. Parker.” A soldier in black said from up the barrel of a gun. Brian dropped his guard a bit, surprised at his last name being mentioned- When did it get so windy in here?


Brian was suddenly thrust from thinking about how he had gotten into the situation of being stuck inside a holding capsule, because he was no longer in the capsule. Now he was falling through the air.

If he had been paying attention to what was going on, he might have been able react fast enough to grab back onto the helicopter, or at least use some red webbing to hang onto it. Instead he had been going over earlier events in his mind, so he didn’t realize what was going on until it was too late. He tried to turn himself over to look toward the ground, but only succeeded in sending himself into an uncontrolled tumble. He barely got a glimpse of the metal roof before his body smashed through it.

He felt the impacts of a few metal support beams, before finally hitting the concrete floor of the warehouse. He groaned a little as he lay on the broken floor, is pride hurt much more than his body. As he pushed himself up, some debris that had landed on him fell to the side. Standing, he rotated his right arm. Which had taken the majority of the force form the impact. Why the hell would they just drop me out of the sky?” Brian asked himself as he looked toward the hole in the roof. Then, as he looked down, he finally noticed the other figures who were standing near him. Most of them seemed as confused as him, and many were in a defensive stance. The closest one to him being a large man in a black and white mask and was carrying an absurd number of firearms.

“Uhhh…” Was all Brian could manage. His jagged maw hanging open in confusion.


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Character Portrait: Jane Hero Character Portrait: Hazmat
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#, as written by Sonata
Officer Cassidy was horrified to see her partner get blasted and thrown across the asphalt. She quickly dashed from the sidewalk between two parallel-parked cars into the street where she knelt at his side, her hands upon his abdomen where she noticed bits of his shirt were torn unveiling the Kevlar vest beneath. Could the vest have absorbed the impact of the shock? In actuality, it had been Hazmat’s durability. The hum of The Shocker’s gauntlets put the female officer on alert as she immediately glanced to The Shocker to watch him blast an innocent civilian—so it first appeared. To see the girl’s chest implode enlightened her to how dangerous The Shocker’s weapons really were.

Hazmat had come out of his internal-grieving condition. He had raised his head to watch The Shocker blast that girl from before. His eyes couldn’t get any wider to see her murdered in cold-blood. He might have said, Karma’s a bitch at that moment, but this was no laughing matter. The Shocker was serious and he needed to be too.

“Stand back,” Matthew warned Officer Cassidy who quickly glanced in his direction. She hadn’t expected her partner to recover so soon.

“Miller, he’s dangerous,” she warned.

Frowning sternly, Hazmat removed his police cap and his badge. He dumped his badge into the hat and tossed it to the ground at his feet.

“I’ll be fine. He won’t,” Hazmat told her.

The Shocker had been observing the effects of his gauntlets at such close proximity. The girl’s death had been unintentional for an assassin/thief of his caliber didn’t go around killing little girls. His attention returned forward as he now noticed the cop was facing him in a showdown.

“Yer duelin’ against the wrong outlaw,” The Shocker growled. He was feeling a little unnerved to see that the cop he thought he had gotten rid of was standing before him unharmed.

“Shocker, huh? I’ll show you shocking,” Hazmat said.

He spread his feet shoulder-width apart and diagonally held out his arms to his left and right. His fingers splayed as thin, spidery branches extended from the dormant lamp posts to his fingers. The hair-like charge gradually thickened as it flickered along his knuckles and down to his wrists. Hazmat was trying to keep his breathing calm as he worked his powers. It had been a long time since he had the opportunity use it, and he felt a little nervous that he may not be too familiar with how he used to use it.

Come on, this is taking too long. You just have to do it. Do it! his conscience cheered.

Tensing up, Hazmat suddenly crossed his arms as he reached out with his ability and began soaking in like a sponge all the electricity within the vicinity. Television sets and computers flickered off, laptop batteries were quickly drained, and the hoods of the cars parallel parked around him popped open as the batteries began spewing forth energy. Officer Cassidy backed away from her partner squinting. She raised her hand to veil her eyes from his flickering form and jumped when a rope of electricity shot from a vehicle behind her to latch onto Hazmat’s form. Strings of electricity flickered around Hazmat like a web as he uncrossed his arms and boldly straightened in his stature with his fists clenched at his side.

The officer was pure white and flickering brilliantly. He appeared made of electricity as it wrapped and embraced him like a body suit.

“Draw,” Hazmat said gruffly.

The Shocker was disturbed to see that there was another New York super hero he would have to deal with. He had never seen him around when Spiderman ruled the city. So who the hell was he? No matter. He was going to test the strength of his gauntlets against this power house. He wasn’t going to hold back. His gauntlets would either rip this hero to pieces or put him in the electric chair. Thrusting his fists forward, an electric-blue beam shot from them toward the officer as Hazmat thrust his own hands forward to expel the absorbed energy. The two attacks collided, the friction of the two powers causing the asphalt to melt where the collision currently was.

The two supers were deadlocked—for the moment. The Shocker could probably go all day because of the device he was using would do all the work. Hazmat had stamina, and if he didn’t overwhelm the villain soon, he was going to get winded and then obliterated by his attack.


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Before Wolverine could say anything a helicopter soared overhead and dropped something right through the roof.

"The hell was that?..."

Logan muttered aloud. He slowly got out of cover and took a few steps toward the building before pausing top turn to Wraith.

"I'll make an entrance here. You go around to the other side and we'll catch em in the crossfire. Try not to get killed girly."

Wolverine said roughly before taking off toward the warehouse. He snuck in through a broken window and crept his way through the dank, musty darkness on his to the main room. His plan was that hopefully Wraith and him could take out a few of these goons before they even knew they were here but things rarely went as planned. Logan took a few quick sniffs as he got closer and picked up a familiar scent.


Logan muttered to himself with a low growl as he moved through the shadows. As he reached the entrance to the central chamber his eyes verified what his nose already knew. There were five well known villians standing in the center of the room. The insane symbiotic known as Carnage stood in the center of the room inside of a crater. It looked as if he was the thing dropped from the helicopter. The purpose of the air drop was still unclear but what did seem obvious was that the other four didn't seem to know why he was here nor did they seem willing to find out. Standing around him all ready to tear him to pieces stood Crossbones, Lady Deathstrike, Bullseye, and Whiplash. A savage grin etched its way onto Wolverines face as he steeled himself for the fight ahead.


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Character Portrait: Carnage Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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There was a blip on her short ranged scanner, causing her to look up as a thing dropped down from the heli.

"I'll make an entrance here. You go around to the other side and we'll catch em in the crossfire. Try not to get killed girly."

Wraith nodded and ran towards the other side. She's got a this feeling that she wasn't fighting normal people waving guns they barely understand how to use, so she holstered her MP7s and powered up her gauntlet. Hmm, it has been some time since she had used the default repulsor rays. The repulsor ray was the only thing she eft untouched on the Ironman armor though. Quite a lot of it was modified, tweaked and even changed completely to suit her style. Stark designed the armor to fight crime. She designed it to kill.

She smiled when the dual adamantium blades ejected from the gauntlets, shining wickedly in the light. Retracting them, Wraith decided to move into the warehouse, aware she had given enough time for Wolverine to make his move.

The sight was not entirely unexpected. The 'thing' turned out to be Carnage, not one she would like to meet in a dark alley. Finally recognizing Crossbones, she also realized that the other 'villains', as the News always said, would also be troublesome. Particularly Whiplash. She had a disagreement with him over the Ironman tech once.... Something over a grudge on the deceased Ironman.

Oh and since they are all standing together, she might as well give them a surprise.

"Surprise..." She murmured as she chucked a grenade towards the group, the grenade rolling to a stop in the midst of them.


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The explosion turned the tense stand off into a scene of chaos in under a second.


Wolverine used that as his moment to strike and rushed in. His target was Deathsrtike and he hoped he could drop her quick. His sense were more heightened than anyone in the room and he was able to pick Deathstrike out of the smoke with ease. He snarled and leapt at her, his claws ready to perforate her torso. Just before his claws sank into flesh the assassin whipped around and threw a straight kick into Logan's throat that stopped him dead and dropped him to a knee as he struggled to breath.

"Gaijin dog! First you dishonor and disgrace my family and now you seek to offend further by robbing me of my chance to witness the grace and majesty of the Reapers?! You die tonight Logan san!"

Wolverine coughed and spit onto the floor as ease of breathing returned. He wiped his mouth with his forearm and looked up at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Grace and majesty of the Reapers?.... You were always batshit crazy babe but yer reaching Wilson levels now."

He said. Lady Deathstrike screamed and swung at him with her long, jagged claws. Her strike primed to sheer Wolverine's face off but the mutant brought up his claws in time to block the attack before surging forward and headbutting her in the mouth. She backpedaled as blood shot from her nose and mouth and Logan pressed his advantage. He swiped at her left calf, intending to take the limb but the assassin back flipped out of harms way before leaping at him and the two went tumbling to the ground. Logan managed to throw a quick elbow to her jaw before hurling him off of him and getting to his feet.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Wolverine
Character Portrait: Hazmat
Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Character Portrait: The Iron Spark


Character Portrait: The Iron Spark
The Iron Spark

Revenge will be sweet

Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Anya Rogers

"Surrender, I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Jane Hero

"Orders, Sir?"

Character Portrait: Hazmat

Matthew Joseph Miller; Super Cop for the NYPD

Character Portrait: Wolverine

"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."


Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Jane Hero

"Orders, Sir?"

Character Portrait: Hazmat

Matthew Joseph Miller; Super Cop for the NYPD

Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Anya Rogers

"Surrender, I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

Character Portrait: Wolverine

"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."

Character Portrait: The Iron Spark
The Iron Spark

Revenge will be sweet

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Jane Hero

"Orders, Sir?"

Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Anya Rogers

"Surrender, I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

Character Portrait: The Iron Spark
The Iron Spark

Revenge will be sweet

Character Portrait: Wolverine

"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."

Character Portrait: Hazmat

Matthew Joseph Miller; Super Cop for the NYPD

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Most recent OOC posts in United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

is this still going? sounds cool but sound like it needs more players, if so i'll make something up!

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Sonata wrote:
greengoat wrote:We must build additional pylons, thats why.

What? o_o

Starcraft reference lol

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

greengoat wrote:We must build additional pylons, thats why.

What? o_o

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

We must build additional pylons, thats why.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

greengoat wrote:Oh jesus that Hazmat. Sounding kinda like " I've got candy get in the van" there, lol.

lol Psh.

So did this RP die like so many do?

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Oh jesus that Hazmat. Sounding kinda like " I've got candy get in the van" there, lol.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

I'm kind of waiting for GothicBabe to post if she can. If not, I'll just move my character along.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Uh, I was acctually planning on wrapping up Carnage's fight in the next post, so I was waiting for Whiplash to be finished off.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

greengoat wrote: Deathstrike has a thing for wolverine, so knock yourself out with her. Bullseye is fair game, Whiplash might go for Wraith since she did get the Ironman tech. And Crossbones? Also fair game.

Pretty much how I saw it too lol Wolvie and Wraith have no idea Carnage is good and not the evil crazy ass that he was before so chances are they might attack him until they figure out whats going on

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

*imitates Wolverine's voice*

Thing is bub, is that I ain't got a clue bout that thing that just dropped down outta nowhere.

*Ahem, normal voice*

Yeah, since Wraith has no idea that Carnage is on their side, she might shoot him as well as the others. Deathstrike has a thing for wolverine, so knock yourself out with her. Bullseye is fair game, Whiplash might go for Wraith since she did get the Ironman tech. And Crossbones? Also fair game.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Naw we ain't dead. It's three on four and carnage+wolverine could probably take those four by themselves anyways. Brian needs to watch out for whiplash though, with how hot his weaponry is.

Also, plans on how the battle is gonna go down? Who vs Who?

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Damn, deathstrike, bulleye AND whiplash has joined? Oh we ded....

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

I'll be posting tomorrow. I was at MEPS all day today, and I'm tired. I was given permission by Bromander to NPC Shocker since I requested that plot. I'll include Jane, but I'll be disappointed if the plot doesn't go the way I had hope it would and thus wind up compromised again.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Just Nick Fury since he's a massive plot device and lets me directly influence the progression of the story. Any other NPC's are fair game

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

I'll shoot out some PM's and get everyone together

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Commander, we should get the others to post as well. As Alex said, its a two person gig as of now.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Ooh Red Skull didn't think of that. Interesting choice if thats it

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight


And who is the red and blue man?