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United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

United We Stand, Assembled We Fight


With the Avengers gone and many of the world's heroes dead can those few remaining brave souls stand up and unite to fend off the return of the Reapers?

2,099 readers have visited United We Stand, Assembled We Fight since Bromander Shepard created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


There is no greater sacrifice that can be made and we all share in the loss of so many noble men and women. Brave and unique individuals who have dedicated their lives to fighting for justice and to protect the people of Earth. Saddly those lives were lost in a war against an unnatural foe. A race of massive, sentient machines that attacked our planet without provocation or clear cause. It was six years ago that the Reapers sought to enslave or kill us all and our chosen heroes rose up against them. For that was what they did. They fought the good fight. When others would cower or run in fear our champions would stand and fight in the face of oblivion. It is those heroes we honor today and we stand solemnly in remembrance of the sacrifice they made for each and everyone of us... My fellow Americans, it is with a heavy heart that I tell you on this dark day we find ourselves facing that same foe once again. We may not have those heroes from our Golden age now, but we are still blessed to have remarkable individuals among us willing to stand and willing to fight. Then as now we find ourselves on the eve of the greatest military campaign in human history and once again we are in need of a banner call. There is no one better suited for the task to assemble this worlds heroes then the man who was our First Avenger. This nations Fallen Son. The man. The legend. Captain America...

You sit forward and watch with rapt attention as the video plays on the tv screen. You see footage of Captain America from just over six years ago before his final mission. He is standing on the steps of the Lincoln Monument. Before him are assembled a massive force of the worlds heroes. Beyond that is a crowd of millions watching in awed silence as the man steps up to the podium.

"This war has threatened to take everything from us. Our homes, our families, our freedom, our planet. So we fight... Just like always. We've been through hell and worse but still we fight. We've fought demons, psychopaths, aliens, and everything in between including each other on more than one occasion. But still we fight. We've fought alone and we fought as one but always we fight. We are here to fight, born warriors we stand against all that's wicked and all that would do harm to those who cannot fight for themselves... This is why we're here people. The Reapers would have us believe that we have no hope. No chance of victory. But what they don't understand is that we have something they will never have. An immeasurable bond forged in the fires of combat that ties us together. We have proven time and time again that we CAN do the impossible, that we CAN ride into the jaws of death and ride out again! My friends... look around you and stand proud. You're not in this fight alone. United we stand against our enemies and together we will defeat them!

The legend paused as the crowds of heroes and civilians alike broke out into heartfelt cheers. When the crowd died down enough you watch as his eyes flick up past the heroes standing before him and fall onto the crowd amassed behind them.

"Son's and daughters of America... My country... Your loyalty and trust have been a great comfort for me over the years. They've given me the will to go on. They've given me the strength to fight on when my body wanted to quit. I want to thank each and every one of you for allowing me to call myself your Captain. As for our enemies... Let it be heard from the streets of this city, to the streets of our allies all over the world... We are a planet of the free, a people of freedom! And if you choose to stand in the way of that freedom, you will hear these words: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

For a second time the crowds raise up in cheers and you can almost feel the palpable and raw emotion from that eerie recording as the pride swells in your chest. The recordings ends on a still frame of the legend himself standing boldly with his head held high as jets flew over head.


The image fades out and a list begins to scroll across the screen of all the heroes who lost their lives in the first war with the Reapers.

Nathan Summers aka Cable
Robert Baldwin aka Penance
Peter Parker aka Spider Man
Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel
Johnathan Storm aka The Human Torch
Susan Storm aka The Invisible Woman
Thaddeus E. Ross aka Red Hulk
T'Challa aka Black Panther
Brian Falsworth aka Union Jack
Scott Summers aka Cyclops
Mathew Murdock aka Daredevil
Daniel Rand aka Iron Fist
Samantha Parrington aka Valkyrie
Samuel Wilson aka Falcon
Thor Odinson
Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin aka Colossus
Neena Thurman aka Domino
Henry Pym aka Ant Man
Anthony Stark aka Iron Man
James Rhodes aka War Machine
Bruce Banner aka The Hulk
Warren Worthington III aka Angel
Robert Drake aka Iceman
Elijah Bradley aka Patriot
Ororo Munroe aka Storm
Frank Castle aka The Punisher
Luke Cage
Jessica Drew aka Spider Woman
Anna Marie aka Rogue
Barbara Morse Barton aka Mockingbird
Steven Rogers aka Captain America

You take a minute to sit back in contemplation and review in your mind everything you know about the first war.

Just over six years ago the Reapers [Yes the reapers form mass effect] attacked Earth. From what scientists have guessed it was a small exploratory force merely designed to get a foothold in the galaxy. Their plan was simple. The bulk of the force was to head to the planet to keep the Earths defenses busy long enough for the two or three other Reapers to erect a mass relay inside of our solar system allowing them to bring in their entire invasion force in one swoop. Initially the Reapers wiped out any resistance they came across killing tens of thousands including countless members of the hero population who tried valiantly to fend them off. It wasn't until the Avengers, led by Captain America, marshaled the heroes and organized them to fight as one single super army that they began truly fighting back. The Reapers began to fall to the heroes until victory was near. The Reapers realized the strength of Earth wasn't in the many but in the few. The unique individuals who showed extraordinary powers or skill. They devised a tactic to eradicate the Earths last true defense in one shot. By feeding the Earthlings false information in the form of a beacon from an alien race "previously wiped out" by the Reapers telling them that if they destroyed the relay being created they could stop the Reapers for good. The Reapers knew that the humans were intelligent enough that a blatant lie would not suffice and some measure of truth would be needed. The truth was that while destroying the relay would indeed hamper the Reapers it would not stop their arrival indefinably. The humans took the bait. A small group led by Captain America went up to the relay in a shuttle to destroy it. Under the command of Captain America was Iron Man, Hawkeye, Wolverine, Ms. Marvel, Lady Sif, Cable, and Susan Storm. Once the trap was sprung the team got hit hard and it is thought Cable died in these moments. Susan died shortly afterwards while trying to hold off the advancing Reaper forces allowing the others to make their escape into the facility. Ms. Marvel fell during the fighting as the team pushed deeper in the facility. Just before they reached the core Tony Stark was killed as he fought beside Captain America in the escape shuttle bay. His old friend and teammate dragged him into the one of the nearby shuttles and they sealed off the doors where Iron Man spent his final moments with Captain America. His final words were of apologizing for the civil war and of giving him the detonation codes for the bomb he'd created to destroy the relay. Captain America exited the shuttle with fists clenched and tears flowing freely down his face. He ordered everyone into the shuttles telling them that they were going to abort the mission. That the codes for the bomb died with Iron Man. The heroes all crammed into the shuttles when suddenly Cap sealed them inside and launched them back to Earth. Alone on the station Captain America fought his way through the last few meters and set the bomb before making his final stand and holding off the Reaper forces until the bomb detonated and the relay was destroyed. Captain America's final act was of saving the world from total annihilation. It was only a year later that humanity discovered the truth of what had happened and began preparing for the Reapers return.

The rest, is up to you...

Ok so this rp is basically a Reaper invasion on Marvel earth rp. The twist is that the majority y of the big name canon heroes are dead. You may be wondering, "The fucks the point then?..." Well I'll tell you Miss Nancy. The point is that now you get to create your own heroes within the marvel universe. Be that characters with no affiliation to any other canon character or the offspring of known heroes. The way I'll be handling this is that the reapers arent here yet but will be within a few weeks time. Now ever since learning of the Reapers possible return humanity has been attempting to prepare for the invasion but now that they've picked up evidence from deep space probes showing evidence that they are in our system the world is scrambling to get ready. With many of the worlds well known heroes dead they worry that they have no chance but it's time for those remaining few to rise up and step up to the plate to save Earth.

We will be changing up the canons history a bit to make it possible for people who want to be heroes offspring and not be crayon eating toddlers since this is only set six years after the first war. We'll say that any and all offspring will be in their mid to late teens and didn't participate in the first war. However now with their super parent or parents dead they are no longer willing to sit on the sidelines and play it safe.

For your character app if you're picking a canon character feel free to just post a link to your chosen characters wiki page for their powers if you don't feel like all the lengthy typing of shit we all already know. That's up to you though of course. As for those same canons bio, don't give me an entire history on that character because again we all know them pretty well. Just give me a war journal. A quick overview of what your character was up to during the last war six years ago. One final thing about the canon characters. If you want to pick one of the canons from the KIA list that's fine. I was simply going for dramatic effect here and wanted a big list of well known and loved heroes that are dead. If that was a list of nobody heroes people have never heard of it would hold the same weight. That being said there are a few characters that are listed that must remain dead like Cap and Iron man for example. If you want to pick one of those characters just ask me when you reserve them and I'll let you know if you should bother making an app for it.

Whew ok now this is my first rp ever posted on this forum so I hope it goes well. Other than that we should be good, templates below and have fun!

Character Template
(Pics plox)
Alias:(hero name if applicable)
Current Location:
Occupation: (primarily for alter egos if applicable)
Abilities and Skills: (just post a link if canon and you don't want tell us that Spiderpman can do whatever a spider can)
History/Background: (gimme at least a paragraph and if it's canon just give me their war journal)
Notable family members: (again if applicable. This will mostly be used by offspring of canon heroes. Feel free to skip this if your not someones kid)
Other Information:

Toggle Rules

If choosing a canon character please know your character well
Romance is allowed but keep it PG, this isn't pronz
As GM of this rp I maintain the right to make any and all changes I see fit within the story line at any time
Standard RoleplayGateway rules apply

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine
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The snow was beginning to fall in the mountains of Alberta, Canada. The tall alpine trees seemed to never lose that sparkling white coat given to them by the sky. The air was cold yet seemed refreshing in the same moment. Deep in the forest the distinctive sound of an axe biting into wood echoed through the trees. One man stood alone outside of a small log cabin chopping wood for a fire. He had a nice sized stack already but diligently continued his work. On the surface one could never tell that this man was no mere mountain man. He wasn't even human. He was a mutant. A particular mutant known for his savageness, his ferocity and a unique set of claws. His name was Wolverine and he was the best there was at what he did. The problem was, what he did wasn't very nice. Or at least he used to be. The once X-men had hung up his costume and hero ways six years ago. Yet now he feared he was about to be dragged back into that world he'd left all those years ago. For a few weeks he'd had a bad feeling that put him on edge. He could almost smell something in the air. War was coming and he knew it. This morning he'd watched on his tiny tv in his cabin as the President of the United States addressed the nation giving a heartfelt speech and made his fears a reality. The footage shown of Captain America was almost painful to watch and after the list of fallen heroes scrolled down the screen Wolverine found himself unable to sit still in his cabin and decided to busy himself with work which is how he ended up out in the cold, cutting wood. The rhythmic impact of the axe biting into the wood logs was soothing and almost therapeutic. After his last log was split Logan paused before getting another pile. He took a deep breath and relished in the cold northern air as the soothing pine wind filled his lungs. However his peace did not last as something more than fresh air filled his nostrils. A familiar scent that caused his fist to clench. Logan turned and could hear the sounds of snowmobiles in the distance. He let go of his axe, leaving the tool firmly planted in the stump he was using as a chopping block and looked towards the source of the scent and sound. It wasn't long before the first snowmobile broke the tree line. Then the second, then the third. Seven in total each with a driver and a passenger. The snowmobiles parked in a circle formation around him. That's when they all got off and stood around him. The people were all dressed in winter combat gear, complete with a host of weapons and more than enough ammo to take down a small country. Wolverine didn't say a word. He just stood in silence in the center of the circle, his eyes darting from one figure to the next until the last snow mobile broke the tree line. This one had only a driver and drove into the perimeter made by the others. The driver shut off his snowmobile and got off before taking a few steps towards Logan. Though the man had yet to reveal himself as his face was covered with a hood a scarf Logan knew who it was. If his scent wasn't enough the goons surrounding him was more than proof enough. Logan was just surprised he'd waited this long to track him down. The man pulled down his hood and revealed a familiar face.


Logan growled. Nick Fury, head of S.H.I.E.L.D and long time acquaintance of Wolverine. Fury had made it a habit to interact and interface with the worlds hero population in order to better guide their actions to meet his own ends. Some liked Fury and saw him as a hero himself. Then there was people like Wolverine who, while respecting the man for who he was and what he's done, saw him as a snake whom you couldn't trust as far as you could spit. That snake just smiled casually now as he looked at the infamous Weapon X.

"Been a long time Logan. How you been?"

"I was fine till you girls showed up. Whatdya want Fury?"

Nick Fury allowed his smile to fade as his tone grew serious.

"We need your help."

Logan just scoffed under his breath and shook his head.

"Course ya do. Someone always does. Ain't ya heard? I'm retried Fury. Hung up the black and yellow."

"Oh I'm well aware of your AARP status Logan. And to be honest, I was happy for you. Hell you've earned it. Thing is you're too good at what you do for us to ignore that you're out here. Threats too big this time. We can't afford to let you sit on the sidelines anymore.... The Reapers are back."

Logan looked up and locked eyes with Fury and in that moment he knew... Wolverine was officially out of retirement.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Francesca was almost asleep at the sofa before a small beep coming from her television snapped her awake. Pushing a small button on her watch, the TV flickered to life. A faint silhouette of a man could be seen on the screen, looking very impatient.

"Wraith, are you there?"

"I'm here. What do you need?"

"I have a mission for you, listen closely..."

She sat up and listened intently to the man. This person was one of her more regular clients, only known as Black to her. Well, the mission this time was simple. Go to a facility and suppress the 'patients' there. Seems easy enough. After negotiating about the bounty she would earn this time, Black finally sat back on a large red chair.

"Any questions?"

"Yes, can this wait until I finish my shift at the restaurant?"

"No, it cannot! The package is to be secured as soon as possible! Who knows when we'll get a chance like this again!"



A few hours later, she found herself under fire from an army of pissed off military men. Seemed Black conveniently forgot to mention the package is escorted by what seemed to be a small army. With lots of guns, and a few mechs too. At least she got the package, a small box now strapped onto her back.

Damn...Well, I guess its time to get serious.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled down her visor over her eyes, and dashed out of cover, MP7s in both hands raining down bullets upon her enemies.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine
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The roaring engines of the Martin C-130 transport plane was a familiar sound to Logan as he sat there with Fury's team on their way back to the states. Beside him was the man himself and Fury was silent as he paged through a file folder. Logan looked to his left and smirked as the soldiers he caught eyes with were careful to avert their gaze.

"Yer boys are jumpy Fury. They ain't scared of me are they?"

Logan asked sarcastically as he turned to his left. Nick Fury just looked up with an arched eyebrow.

"You? No. They're scared of me."

Logan chuckled under his breath and shook his head.

"So what do we know?"

Wolverine asked casually. Fury sighed and sat back.

"Three days ago we got conformation from one of our deep space probes. The Reapers are in our solar system and they're here in force."

"How many we talkin?"

"At best, thousands. At worst, millions."

Fury replied, visibly concerned. Logan sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"You know we don't have a shot at winning this thing right?"

Logan grunted. Nick leaned forward and turned to Logan.

"You know we haven't exactley been sitting around with our thumbs up our asses Wolverine. Ever since Rogers blew up that relay we knew we couldn't just hope nothing like this would ever happen again. We've been planning on how to beat these things for six years."

Logan just arched an eyebrow, unconvinced.

"And? Come up with anything good?"

"Well Reed Richards worked up a little something we're calling The Crucible. It's an orbital satellite defense system that fires an energized beam from an arc reactor core. Similar to what powered the Iron Man suits."

"How the hell did Richard's pull that off without Stark?"

Logan asked.

"He didn't. The Crucible is Reed's brainchild but the tech is all Stark's. S.H.I.E.L.D gave him access to Tony's private files and unrestriced access to Stark's R&D labs once he told us what he was working on."

Logan let out a surprised whistle as he leaned back in his seat.

"So is this our magic bullet?"

Fury shook his head with a sigh.

"Unfortunately no. The Crucible should drop a Reaper on the ground without much of a problem so long as it has a clear skies overhead but when they're not nice enough to stand still for us... We're still in for a fight Logan."

Logan smirked and looked at the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"And that's why you need me."

Fury nodded with a smile.

"And that's why we need you."

"So what's the plan Fury?"

"We're putting a team together. We've already got a few perpesctive candidates but we need someone with experience fighting these things. With you we have that. You can help get the others ready for what's to come."

"I ain't a baby sitter Fury."

Wolverine grunted.

"We don't need you to be Logan. We need you to do what you do best."

Logan turned to Nick Fury with a viscous grin.

"Sounds like fun."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
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Located a mile and a half under Washington, DC the now sealed laboratory continues to operate off of its stolen arc reactor generator. A series of small floating robotic spheres with small metal arms flurry around taking final notes and preparing their report for an agency that no longer exists. Seventeen years of progress, development and study, prepared to run by itself, to continue even after the death's of the people involved in its construction. Its records were always hidden, the money always came from other projects, there was no paper trail and the details of the location of the lab were kept by only one member of the conspiracy. Inside of a chamber filled with a nutrient and oxygen fluid floated a teenage girl, tubes in her throat and blocking her nasal passage and IV needles in both arms feeding into a massive machine behind her. Across from the monitoring station, several display screens run though endless data, small scouting viruses having edged out into the world to record and collect information. A new bit of information was being argued among the AI that now ran the laboratory, "Reapers" were the topic of choice. Was the project ready, would the cause of their invention, to create and monitor the development of this girl be at too much of a risk. If the Reapers won, their project would be destroyed anyway. Her activation was decided upon, and the chamber began to drain of the fluids that had previously kept her aloft. The various tubes testing blood and feeding her withdrew from the body, pulling into the sides of the chamber. She had been grown over the last three months, the previous incarnation had perished during the testing phase. Nearly an adult, there wasn't enough time to allow for full growth, without the chamber to aid her cellular development, she would simply have to age out the rest of her years.

One of the small floating orbs opened up a small panel and a synthesized voice began to speak, "Jane. Are you aware who you are?" It hovered over her as it waited for her reply. With a gasp for air, her first breath, she looked up at the monitor. "I am Jane. You are the Monitor. I... feel cold." A section on the wall opened with a gentle swish, inside was a outfit, almost all black with a pair of belts decorated with metal, with a necklace and a choker. Jane stood up and three openings on the ceiling sprayed her with high powered air to dry and clean her from the pod, she did not act surprised or worried. Reaching for her clothing she began dressing in the outfit provided for her.

"There are creatures, referred to as Reapers by the humans, coming towards earth," the Monitor spoke through its robotic proxy, "This will be your first test. You will protect the earth." Jane looked towards one of the monitors that was scanning through satellite images. "Where should I go?" The Machine responded, "You will seek out the survivor of the last battle," the screen displayed a image of Wolverine, "Records indicate he will likely be recruited in order to halt the new assault."

Jane looked at the floating orb, "How will I find him?" "The Monitor stayed silent for a short while, processing out information. Jane stood quietly until it finally answered, "You will be transported to the surface, play the part of the Hero, use the attention to find the location of Wolverine." Jane stayed quiet till the machine spoke once more, "You will be transported soon."

With a flurry of energy, Jane was dropped in the middle of New York City, unsure of what to do in the cityscape that she was placed within. Despite the sudden confusion she caused among people who saw a woman suddenly appear, she did not attempt to cover herself with any claims of dismissal. She began walking forward, if she was going to act like a hero, she would first need to find crimes to stop.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine
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On a long, quiet road in Westchester County, New York the distinctive roar of a Harley echoed out into the country side. S.H.I.E.L.D needed some time to gather the rest of their team and the once X-men had some time. He was headed to a place he'd never wanted to see again, a place filled with two many memories. Logan pulled up into the long driveway of the mansion before coming to a stop. He breathed out a long sigh as he looked up at the building he'd spent so much time in. Faces flashed in his mind of people he'd never see again. Wolverine got off the bike and took the few steps to the front door. He wished he was anywhere else at the moment but this was something he had to do. He raised his fist and knocked. It wasn't long before he got a response and the door opened. Charles Xavier had died before the war and the second man to inherit the mansion died during the war. The third person to inherit the mansion and leadership of the X-men was a woman who in Logan's mind had no business even being in the mansion let alone owning it.

"Logan... Six years is a long time, finally sober up long enough to find your way back did you?"

Emma Frost said condescendingly. Wolverine had to stifle a growl.

"Save it Ice Queen. I ain't here to fight."

She folded her arms over her voluptuous bosom as she tried to refrain from glaring at the man at her door.

"Then what are you here for?"

"I'm here to see Summers."

He replied coldly. Emma stared at Logan for a few silents seconds before she nodded without a word and stepped aside letting him pass.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wraith stumbled back into her own automated base. While it looked all the part of a greasy rusted garage with several piles of junk scattered around, this was actually the remnant of an evil lair. Now she had made it into her own, in a cleaner part of the lab. She stood on a glowing circle, several mechanical arms suddenly appearing from the ceiling and dismantling her suit to reveal the tights she wore underneath.

The last of her suit stripped away, she collapsed onto a revolving chair, sighing. Well that last mission certainly went well..
Somehow, she had managed to escape, but was pursued by two humanoid mechs which seemed to have every possible sensors available to them. Unable to cloak her way out of this one, it turned into a fierce dog fight. While she had the advantage of being able to shoot two different targets at the same time, the MP7s she wielded lacked the piercing power to penetrate their armor. In a last ditched effort, she deployed the laser beam on her left gauntlet (courtesy of stolen Stark techs), destroying both of them.

However, the fight did leave some collateral damage. Many buildings were damaged, and one seemed ready to collapse. She retreated hastily, cloaking herself again when she noticed police copters flying around.

A droid bumped against her legs, snapping her out of her day dreaming. Oh? It was one of the droids she made to clean up the mess that was her hideout. She reseted the system, made a couple of tweaks to the joints and took the elevator up to her apartment. Now, she needs to think about this stolen package. What was it that made the military desperate enough to send mechs after her. Through a city too.

She had only time to notice the word "Crucible" on the box before being set upon by jumpy trigger happy soldiers after all.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
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Jane came to a scene of violence, police cars were surrounding in a wide arc around the entrance to a bank, barriers had been enacted to keep people from moving in too close. Many of the police were ducking behind their cars as a sniper from the third floor took carefully aimed shots at the nearby rooftops, keeping the police from being able to place their own accuracy shooters. One of the policemen was talking on a phone to the men inside, his voice sounded strained yet careful, "Listen, I understand what you're asking for, but we are going to need a little more time if we are going to be able to... No, don't! Please, we're working with our people to get you what you asked for but we don't exactly have it sitting around. Give me an hour... Fine, half an hour." The man lowered the phone and punched his fist against the frame of the cop car, he was clearly angry with the situation.

Jane walked towards the police barricade just as a volley of fire poured out at the police, a man from the doors inside the bank fired through the glass, sending it shattering to the ground. A few rounds struck the side of a nearby cop car and a police woman in cover looked at Jane, "Miss, You need to get out of the area right now!" The policewoman spoke with a firm tone but Jane did not understand her reasoning and simply continued, stepping over the police line and heading towards the front of the bank. The police shouted after her to get out of the area but she did not obey, they were not in her registry of recognized authority figures.

As she walked up to the man who had the SMG by the front door, he leveled it at her chest and said with an angered tone, "I don't know if you're crazy or just stupid you little whore but you're coming in with me." He grabbed his radio to call up to his leader, "Boss, we got a girl here who decided she'd like to become one of our..." Jane cut him off with a swift punch to his throat, crushing in his windpipe and dropping him to the ground to writhe in terrible pain. He would die, she was aware of that, but it would have been problematic if he had gotten a chance to fire on her. She picked up his firearm and closed her eyes for a moment, she held it up so she could aim down the rail and continued on.

In the next room there were two men hovering over a group of hostages while two other men were working on bringing out stacks of money, Jane lifted the gun up and shot a quick burst into the first man and switched to fire on the second one guarding the hostages to gun him down before he was able to assess what had just happened. She had surprised them, which was fortunate for her. The two by the vault dropped what they were doing and reached for their pistols, pulling free their weapons as she released another spray of bullets into the throat and head of one of them. She did not even take a moment to question the way she was suddenly snapping into becoming a killer, nor did she feel any tinge of morality or guilt as she killed these men. She did not even attempt to reason that what she was doing could be justified by their intent to kill others.

The last of the men in view opened fire on her, but his shots were poorly aimed and only one shot struck her left arm, she however continued her grip on the gun, compensated for the shift and shot him down in response, with none of the hostages killed. Jane glanced at her arm, already recovered from the shot.

Jane looked at the hostages and spoke plainly, "It would be best if you moved calmly towards the exit and held your hands up to show your lack of hostility to the officials remaining outside." She was straight forward but she didn't know how to manipulate her speech. The Monitor had not deemed it necessary. As a few of the hostages began to move a man stepped out from the second floor, overlooking the area below, he wore a partial red mask with small bars over the lower half of his face and his eyes burned with hate and anger. He leveled out a shot at Jane, who did not see him up above and fired a powerful handgun towards her. It struck into her chest and she fell to the ground under the sudden and brutal injury. Her eyes stared blankly forward as her body lay slumped over and the man fired three more shots into her body, sending her sliding across the smooth bank floors. His shots were specifically designed to punch through three inch steel and her soft body nearly liquefied where they impacted.

In a panic the hostages began running outside and the police began firing on the third floor to keep the sniper from being able to take his shot on the fleeing civilians. The robbery was thwarted, but the police weren't going to take any chances yet, there could be any number of things going on inside. For now, it would appear as all the hostages were safe, but they could not confirm that no more remained. The man with the face mask came down the stairway and walked over towards the girl who's body lay lifeless upon the ground. Picking up her gun he insulted the body, "filthy little wretch, I would torture you if you weren't already dead. My men are truly pathetic to have been killed by someone like you." He turned away towards the vault, knowing that he would need to get out before the cops came back in.

Jane's eyes fluttered open, the wounds were still in the process of healing, but she had recovered enough to reanimate. She quickly rose to her feet and without a word ran at the man with the two guns. He turned around to see what the noise was just in time to be greeted by her first, planted squarely into his jaw. With the blow he stumbled backwards and dropped his hand gun. He rose up the weapon he had taken from her, but she swung her kick into the side of the gun and knocked it off the the side. Hand to hand combat had been part of the program that Monitor had uploaded during her education.

The half masked man grinned happily and said to Jane, "You really are something remarkable." His fist slammed into her stomach, a blow that she barely had time to see coming before she was sent flying through the air. She fell down onto a table where deposit and withdrawal slips sat, along with pens chained to the table to prevent people from walking away with them. The table collapsed under the sudden impact and she groaned out in pain. She said softly to herself, "superstrength," as she rose back to her feet. She began to adapt to the new data and as the man came running along to drive a plunging first down upon her, she drove her leg up between his legs, turning the strength she had displayed him using on her into a painful blow. The man rose nearly twenty feet off the ground before collapsing with a thud. His hands held his crotch in a terrible pain, and his lips gasped open, unable to even cry out or scream.

Jane rose up to her feet and started walking towards the front doors as five police in swat uniforms rounded the corner, each with a gun trained on her. She did not raise her arms in surrender, but rather continued to walk towards them. One of them shouted out, "Get on the ground and put your hands behind your head!" She did not comply, but they did not immediately open fire on the unarmed girl.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Hero Character Portrait: Hazmat
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
A Bugatti pulled up to the police line as a dark-haired officer popped open the door and quickly stepped out. He closed it before striding toward a female officer who was kneeling behind the safety of her car door.

“Miller, where the hell were you?” she asked irritably.

The officer grasped the lip of his police cap and raised it up to give air to his crown before he adjusted it. He didn’t know how to answer her question. He simply was late, which didn’t happen on a regular basis. Actually, it hadn’t ever happened until today.

“What’s the current situation?” Matthew questioned in his attempt to change the subject. There were more important matters.

“A strange girl went inside the bank and murdered all the robbers.”

A brown brow lifted above the rim of his black shades.

“Here she comes now!”

Hazmat watched SWAT swarm the girl, who continued to saunter toward them. She was unarmed, but if she had murdered the bank robbers that had been holding the place hostage—by herself—she was no one to underestimate. Matthew crossed his arms before his chest. He didn’t think SWAT would shoot an unarmed person, but they wouldn’t let her escape either. If she wound up being a major problem, he was there to take care of it. Hazmat wasn’t going to let her escape either.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine
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0.00 INK

Wolverine stood in silence before a row a head stones. The mansion always had a cemetery and Logan remembered a time when it was almost empty. Now the place was packed. Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Rogue, Storm. These were the graves that hit Logan the hardest. These were the losses that did the most damage. Logan sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and took a step towards the grave of Cyclops.

"Hey Summers.... Gotta say, helluva thing you did getting yerself killed like that. The mansion, the kids... none of it's the same. Now we got yer girl running things...."

Logan took a small pause to half chuckle under his breath.

"Guess yer not surprised I took off. You always had a problem with me doin that..."

Again Logan paused as his eyes flicked up to Jean's grave and his heart ached at the sight.

"I spose ya gotta be happy now though. Yer with Jean... She was a helluva lady Summers. Yer a lucky man, always were."

A door from the mansion opened and Logan could hear who ever opened it running across the grass towards him. He sighed again and gave Scott's grave a final nod.

"Say hi to Chuck for me."

He said before turning and walking away.

"Logan?! Logan you're back! I just heard!"

The girl said before leaping into his arms and embracing him. Wolverine couldn't help but smile as they hugged before he let her go and looked down at the face of Kitty Pride.

"Ain't ya ever gunna grow up kid? Whatdya like two feet tall?"

Logan asked with a smirk and an arched eyebrow. Kitty laughed and put her hand on her hip.

"You're one to talk shorty."

Logan chuckled and shook his head.

"So you're back now right? For good?"

She asked eagerly. Logan fell silent as he just reached up and scratched the stubble on his face. That was more than enough answer for Shadowcat.

"Logan, we need you. We need you back."

"Yeah I've been hearin that a lot lately."

Logan grunted.

"That's because it's true. You're more important than you give yourself credit for. There are people out there who care about you."

Logan's attention flicked up to Kitty's eyes and he could see the beginning of tears welling up in her eyes.

"I know kid... Maybe... maybe when I'm done. S.H.I.E.L.D's got some stuff for me to do. I was actually supposed to head down to the Baxter Building and talk to Richards but I figured I oughta stop by first."

Kitty nodded and brushed her hair behind her ear with her hand.

"Yeah I'm glad you did."

Logan gave her a weak smile before patting her on the shoulder.

"Take care of yerself kid... I'll see you around."

With that he started walking back towards the mansion to leave. He'd gotten several feet before he heard Kitty call after him.

"You're always gunna be X-men Logan, don't forget about us!"

Logan paused but didn't turn around. After a few seconds he just continued walking.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
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0.00 INK

Jane hadn't expected for the situation to draw so little attention, or for the police to end up turning their weapons upon her. The situation had not played out the way she had thought it would, and she began to weigh her options. Monitor had not prepared her to deal with humans, primarily because it was not programmed with the knowledge on how to speak in any matter than was not frank and straight forward. It was possible to fight her way through them but she knew that those actions were not seen as heroic. Jane continued to step forward, those she slowed herself to a crawls pace. As long as she kept calm and moved slowly, hopefully the police wouldn't fire their weapons. There was no guarantee of anything at this moment, but she wouldn't simply surrender to them, she had important things to do first.

"Get on the ground! Now!" The mustachioed policeman yelled at her, his weapon trained on her middle. He did not want to fire on the girl, but he wouldn't risk the lives of his fellow police officers if it was something that could be prevented. Yet the girl didn't seem to be nervous or even seem to have any emotional response going on, it was possible the kid was on drugs but, his instincts told him that wasn't true. There was something else behind her behavior.

As she continued to walk forward, one of the senior members of the squad moved forward with a fireable taser and shot, channeling a surge of electricity into her. Jane hadn't encountered any means of negating such a thing and she dropped to the ground as her muscles tightened. The officer continued a second wave a shock as another moved behind her to place on handcuffs. Jane shuttered at the second wave of shocks as her arms were pulled behind her and were cuffed together tightly, incapacitating her arms.

Within a few moments two of the officers were holding onto Jane and leading her towards the back of a police van, she was silently running through her options, trying to weigh out her actions against the reactions of others. She thought it might be best to break the bonds she was under and then run away, but a voice called out to her, one of the hostages stood up and shouted out to her, "Thank you! I owe you my life!" The middle aged assistant manager of the bank, who might have otherwise been the choice for first hostage to die spoke up first, then another voice, a young woman called out. "Thank You!" A few more voices shouted out to her as the led her into the back of the van. She allowed the officers to lead her to where they wanted in the van. She would allow them to take her, at least for now.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine
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0.00 INK

Logan was in the elevator of the Baxter Building on his way to the penthouse. S.H.I.E.L.D had asked him to speak with Reed Richards so that the worlds smartest man could bring Wolverine up to speed on the Reaper developments. Logan was never a big fan of Reed's and always saw the guy as more of a brain than a fighter but he couldn't deny what the Fantastic Four was able to accomplish as a team. That team was no more however. With two of it's members dead, Johnny Storm and Susan Storm the two remaining members had a hard time of it on their own. The elevator dinged and Logan stepped off to be greeted by the ever loving blue eyed Thing.

"Hey Rocky."

Logan said with a smirk as the massive enforcer of the Fantastic Four walked up to him and shook his hand.

"Hey half pint. Been a while. You just get back?"

Ben replied casually. Logan nodded as Ben led him into the apartment.

"Yeah not too long ago. Hear yer boy's been busy."

Logan asked as the two walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah Reed's been working night and day on that Crucible project of his. Trying to prep for the fight."

The Thing said as he opened the fridge and pulled out a pair of beers.

"It's gunna be a helluva fight if I had to guess."

Logan grunted as Ben handed him one of the bottles. Ben nodded in response as he popped open his beer and took a long swig.

"So, any intel you can give me on the Reapers?"

Logan asked after taking a few thirsty gulps of his beer. Ben just shrugged casually.

"Not sure how much I can tell you. Reed's the one whose been doing all the digging, you should ask him."

"I'm askin you."

Logan fired back. Ben chuckled and nodded before replying.

"From what Reed's told me we aint the first. Them big damn crawfish have been wiping out entire civilizations forever. No ones ever survived first contact... Till now that is."

"Thanks to Cap."

Logan replied as he downed the last of his beer and set the empty bottle on the counter.

"Thanks for the brew Ben, I'm gunna have a chat with yer boy."

Wolverine said as he started to walk away.

"Hey and Logan... It's good to have you back. We're gunna need you once the slug fest starts."

Logan chuckled and kept walking as he shot his response over his shoulder.

"Aww hell Rocky, yer gunna make me blush."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnage
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0.00 INK

Brian fought the urge to rip his way out small coffin sized cylindrical container. It rumbled about, vibrating slightly and telling him that whatever was transporting him was still moving. A few small red tendrils extending from the top of his hand probed the inner surface of his “transportation cell”, looking for the tiniest crack or weak point. He had previously been too lazy to tell his subconscious to cut out the probing, but as one of the tendrils found a micro-crack he firmly forced his body to stop. The tendrils quickly shot back into his hand. He tried to focus back on the soldier on the other side of the faced sized window. The man had stopped staring intently at the container and was now looking too the side. At what, Brian had no idea, but without the staring he felt a little less unnerved.

Brian counted the number of pockets and pouches on the man’s body, trying to keep the boredom away, but after the seventh time it ceased to be of any use. Then the man looked back toward the holding chamber. Brian looked away, it felt really weird to be stared at so intently. He didn’t like it. He closed his eyes, trying to think of some way to pass the time. He hoped it would only be a little longer until they arrived to where they were going. He hoped that when they got there they would let him out of this container. At least, that is what the man and him had agreed upon before he had let himself be caged up like this.


Much earlier, Brian had been in the middle of a training session. Though, he was treating it a little less seriously than he normally did. He suddenly stopped, standing up from his four legged crouched position as he landed on the metal floor. He pulled his left shoulder back, dodging the laser painter that was aimed at him and signified a hit if it managed to tag him. Then he sung his right arm up, releasing three red spikes as he swiped through the air. He was tired of dodging. The spikes impaled the metal pillar, disabling the rotating mechanical eye that housed the laser painter.

“Mission failed.” An electronic voice sounded over the speaker in the corner of the large room. “Unable to restart, equipment damaged.” It continued as Brian left the room. It had been quite a while since he had damaged the training equipment on purpose, but he had been on edge since the anniversary of his mother’s death a few days ago. It had simply all come to a head a few moments ago when he had been in the middle of an dogging exercise and it had become too easy. A few thoughts ran through his head on how he could be out there, helping people and being a hero like his dad. Then he had simply not wanted to finish the last four minutes of the ten minute exercise.

A few moments later, he was in his room laying down. Like many days he was stuck in his usual rut of wanting desperately to get out of the facility he called home, but this time he couldn’t seem to find anything to get his mind off of it. Usually training helped a lot, but today it and everything else only made it worse.

“Omni.” He said out loud, addressing the voice activated software of his room. “Call Uncle Harry.” He commanded, as the speaker phone built into the room dialed his adopted father’s number. He listened to the line ring, expecting Harry to pick up. It was around noon and though Brian knew his benefactor would be down in a few hours to check on him, Brian wanted to talk now. However, he got voice mail.

“You have reached Har-”

“Omni. Hang up and dial again.” He commanded before the voice-mail could finish. He listened to the eight rings, once more going to voice mail. He repeated the call a few more times before giving up. Though he thought it was strange that Harry wasn’t answering. Usually the business man researcher always kept his phone on him, especially during the day. Brian closed his eyes, deciding to sleep until Harry came down. At least that way he wouldn’t have to “wait” as long. Soon, he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


“Brian….” The voice was muggy and distorted. “Come on….” Who was it? Brian wondered, the voice sounded familiar.

“BRIAN! GET UP! WE HAVE TO GO!” Brian jolted up as he heard Harry yelling for him.

“What the hell is your problem Harry?” Brian said, getting out of bed and cracking his neck.

“Brian! Hurry we have to-” Harry was cut off as the door to the room bust open and armed soldiers filled into it. All with their guns aimed at either Brain and or his caretaker.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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0.00 INK

"Interesting." The man was now sitting in a chair, hands folded together in a contemplative look. As always Black is hidden in darkness, visible, but not enough to make out his face. Wraith had tried to enhance the image on the monitor several times but she had never managed to reveal his face.

"Yeah, I can't open it, I can't cut it, I can't even figure out what its supposed to be." Wraith shook the box in front of the monitor. "Only thing I have is the name. Crucible."

The man seemed to be smiling though his face is still shrouded by darkness. "Ever heard of the Reapers, Wraith?"

"Of course I did. The whole world was at war with them 6 years ago. Why? Is this some Reaper technology?"

"Hardly. Its linked to a top secret project of the government codename -"

"Crucible." Wraith interrupted.

"Yes. From what we can discern it is a sort of a super weapon, designed for mass destruction." The view on her moniter shifted, following Black as he stood up from his desk and moved in front of a fireplace. "Capable of taking down a Reaper..."

"Wait.. Does that mean...."

"Yes, Wraith. The Reaper's are coming back."

"The Reapers are..." After a few seconds of silence, she spoke "And why exactly are you telling me all this?"

"I want you on our side, Wraith, as well as anybody else who is able. Whoever made the Crucible is making a step in the right direction, and I have plans to improve on it. I..." He turned towards the monitor.

"Will you join us, Wraith? For the betterment of mankind?"

"Fran, take this to table three will ya?" a large man said. David was the head chef of the restaurant, having more than several years of experience under his belt. And a large potbelly too.

"Will do." Francesca took the tray and adjusted her waiter uniform, modeled somewhat after the french maid outfit. Black's word was still fresh in her head, as she pondered over the fact that the Reapers were returning. If anyone else but him said it, she would have dismissed it as a load of bull, and throw him into a ditch somewhere just for the heck of it. Black was one of her most frequent clients, as well as being the one who funded most of her equipments. Who knows, she might join him. After all, there was no Captain America to help them this time, and no relays to be destroyed, and certainly no one else she had seen that had a better plan. The government might have one but then again she had never been in good terms with the government, even if she had received some govvie covert ops missions from time to time.

She finished with serving Table Three, and moved to another to take orders. No use thinking too much about it now. She have customers to please, and tips to be collected.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine
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0.00 INK

Before entering Reed's lab Logan had lit up one of the cheap cigars he had been carrying and was casually puffing away. He walked into the laboratory just as he exhaled giving the illusion the X-men was appearing from a cloud of smoke. Standing in front of a massive, holographic monitor filled with mathematical equations was the once leader of the Fantastic Four, Reed Richards. The genius didn't even seem to notice Logan's presence until the smoke reached his nose, causing him to cough.

"Logan? I didn't hear you come in."

Wolverine just casually leaned against the wall as he puffed away on his cigar.

"Yeah, noticed that Einstein. So they tell me you built yerself a big lazer."

Reeds excitement began to be painfully evident as he rushed over to a terminal and tapped away bringing up a diagram of one of the countless Crucible satellites.

"Oh The Crucible is much more than a lazer Logan. It's is a global network of defense satellites. I've erected a gridded spider web pattern around the entire globe that gives us a remarkable opportunity to combat these interstellar, machines anywhere on the globe. It is really quite ground breaking technology. By fusing arc reactor technology with vibranium alloy in order to bolster it's-"

"That's a helluva lazer ya built there egg head. So when will it be ready?"

Logan said cutting him off. Reed rubbed his chin before replying.

"Well we've run into a bit of a delay."

Logan just cocked his head.

"A primary component of the project has been stolen. It is the key stone to the entire grid. I've been calling it the Catalyst. It allows activation and arming of the satellites not to mention the actual software needed to operate the grid."

Logan stared at Reed as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"And you let this get lifted?"

"Oh the thief was hardly some common criminal Logan. My security mechs made contact with her but they never stood a viable chance against her. She was much too well trained and much too well armed. The level of technology that she implied was impressive."

"Careful there Stretch, I think you got a hard on."

Logan said as he walked over to the monitor as video began to play on the screen.

"All of my mechs have security logs with video and audio playback so I can review there performance remotely. This is what I caught on our thief."


[hope this is ok Greengoat lol]

Logan allowed a half smirk to dawn on his face as he looked at the video image.

"Damn... girls a looker I'll give her that."

Reed nodded in agreement.

"Yes, she is attractive but the problem is we have no way of finding her."

Logan turned to leave.

"Let me handle that. Tracking's kinda my thing bub."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Hero Character Portrait: Hazmat
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
The cop winced as he watched the SWAT resort to tasing. They didn’t seem to care if the criminal was a man, woman, or child, they took her down with similar respects.

“Man that looked like it sucked,” Hazmat said.

“And maybe this wouldn’t have happened if you had shown up on time,” the female officer teased.

Officer Maryanne Cassidy was her name and she and Officer Miller were acquainted to put it innocently.

Hazmat flashed a grin at her and held out his hands as he replied jokingly, “What? Does everyone think I’m a super hero all of a sudden?”

Officer Cassidy’s pink lips twisted into a sultry smirk. “I just know you would have handled it better. Maybe none of this would have happened.”

“Maybe…” Hazmat replied with a serious air. “If that strange chick came outta nowhere while I was dealin’ with the situation, I don’t know what I’d do.” His hand rose to soothingly rub the back of his neck as he imagined the situation playing out differently. “She killed criminals who could have just as easily murdered those hostages, and they weren’t given the chance to. By law, she’s a murderer, but realistically, I guess she’s a hero.”

Officer Cassidy holstered her pistol and secured the strap. “I’m goin’ to lunch. Don’t you have similar break hours as me?”

“Yes, ma’am I do.”

She smirked again at his formalities. “I was thinkin’ Subway.”

Hazmat made a childish face. His nose wrinkled and his brows knitted in his disgust. “Ya know, I’ve hit that place up so many times that I don’t think I could eat a sub sandwich even if it was my last meal on Earth. How ‘bout we head to China Town and get some Thai?”

Officer Cassidy glanced haphazardly to the side for a moment as she mused on the choice. “I don’t think I’ve had Thai in years.”

“Just stick to the Pad Thai if you’re unsure. It’s the safest option. See ya there, don’t stand me up.”

The red-headed officer sauntered over to her vehicle as she replied, “Stand you up? I think it’s you stand me up. I know how you go runnin’ after every civilian that throws a can on the ground.”

“You know it!”

Ugh, he sounded so proud of it, Officer Cassidy mentally groaned. “See ya there.”


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
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0.00 INK

Two SWAT members were still watching Jane as she sat quietly in the back of the van, silently planning out where she would go next from here. It was possible for her to escape, she could break her bonds and try to flee. They may gun her down a few times, but... No, she knew it was not the right path. To be captured by the police was problematic, but she needed to make sure that no one was going to get hurt. Monitor wasn't here to formulate a plan of action for her, or give her advice, she had to go off of the information that she had.

Escape was the only plan, she determined, she would breach her bonds and the lock on the rear door while the vehicle was in transport, and then make her way to hiding. She suddenly understood the use of costumes by heroes, the need to keep oneself apart from legal punishment. She consigned herself to this plan, though she felt it was going to lead to further problems, she could not identify herself to the police and she was unaware of how such a conflict would resolve.

After several minutes, the van doors were shut and locked, Jane could hear the resonance of the metal clang and she closed her eyes to think over exactly how this would end. Sirens came on, a vehicle in front of the van and two behind it. She didn't worry. As she felt the speed picking up she casually stood up, the metal chains popping apart and scattering across the metal floor and walls, she build up a small running start before shouldering the rear door to the van, rending the metal mostly open and falling through the gap. She bounced onto the hood of the police car behind the van, her velocity carrying her into the air and landing on the trunk. Both the van, and the two rear police cars immediately slammed on their brakes.

Jane got up, her shoulder felt like the bone had shattered, that would take a moment to heal, but she needed to be up on her feet. She forced herself up, arm hanging limp at her side. She spotted a subway station and began running as fast as she could to get underground. She had limited knowledge of police tactics, but she knew that the surface often meant helicopters. The underground meant they could trap her in, seal off all the exits, but such a plan only worked if the individual being pursued couldn't rend metal apart with her hands and break through concrete barriers.

Am I a villain now? was the only thought she could place as she leapt down the stairway, over a crowd of gawkers.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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0.00 INK

The mutant was hot on the trail of the mercanary thief. Wolverines first stop was the sight where she had destroyed the mechs and stolen the Catalyst. It didn't take long for the tracker to pick up her scent. Wolverine followed his nose back to the city and now he found himself walking down the street with the scent getting stronger in his nose. He came to a stop in front of a small restaurant and took a few quick sniffs. A low growl rolled out of his throat as his fist clenched. He pushed the door open and stepped inside to see the hustle and bustle of the lunch crowd. Waiters rushed around to their tables as customers ate in peace. Logan stood in the lobby, his eyes darting from face to face.

"Alright girly, I know yer in here..."

He grumbeld to himself as he searched for sign of his quarry. A servor approached Logan with a practiced smile and a clip board.

"Hello sir, is it just you?"

Her voice snapped him out of foucs and he looked at her.


He asked flatly. The rough demeanor didn't faze the servor in the least and she simply repeated herself.

"Is it just you today sir or is someone joining you for lunch?"

Logan had half a mind to tell her to fuck off and continue looking but he figured if he casued a seen at the door before he got eyes on target the merc could make a break for it. He opted for a little discretion.

"Just me."

The servor smiled and scribbled something on the clipboard before turning to do a quick scan for open tables. Apparently finding one she turned back to him with a smile.

"Right this way sir."

She said before leading Logan to a small table near the end of the room. Once seated Logan sat in silence and carefully eyed each an every person in the room taking care to get everyones scent. The countless smells of the food from the kitchen and the tables was making it difficult for Wolverine to hone in on the scent of the merc but he still knew what she looked like and looked for any sign of his target.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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0.00 INK

"Oh Fra-aaan~! You've got a customer on table si-iiix!" one of the waiter called out.

"Table six was it? Ok." Francesca sat back against the wall, fanning herself with the clipboard. The kitchen is a hot hot place. There were times when she thought the chef was some sort of cooking demon from hell. It certainly was hot enough, though the rest of the cooks didn't seem to mind.

"Be sure to smile." The waiter smiled, giving a cute pose at the same time.

Francesca laughed a bit, and returned the waiter's smile "Sure. I won't do that pose though." She rearranged her uniform and tidied herself up a bit. Just a little bit more and my shift is over, Fran thought.

She went out the kitchen door, moving quickly to the assigned table, being careful not to bump into anyone on the way. The man sitting down on table six looked....Well, he looked like the sort of man who would gut you for breathing his air. Rough, with the airs of one who had seen it all. Ah well, even the most vicious of person needs to eat, and Fran was sure he can't be as bad as he looked.

Giving her best smile, she said, "May I take your order sir?" Steak. This guy would order steak. Vegetables seemed incompatible with this man, and meat the only option. She'd eat her own panties if she was wrong.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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0.00 INK

Logan was still carefully eyeing each and every patron in the restaurant when a voice beside him got his attention.

"May I take your order sir?"

Wolverine turned almsot paying the waitress no mind, ready to tell her to beat it when he caught her scent. Logna's full attention was on her now as he turned to look up at her. A low growl rolled out of his throat as he realized he found his target.

"My order huh?... Yeah I'll take the Catalyst that you lifted darlin."

Logan leaned in and looked up at her, his eyes almost daring her to make a move.

"And don't try nothin smart. You so much as twitch a way I don't like, I'll gut ya where ya stand."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Charming. Looks like she got the gutting part right. From the look in his eyes, it didn't seem like she can bluff her way out of this one. Her smile widened.

"Oh? Sure you won't take the steak sir?"

She sighed. In a split second, the clipboard she held was flying towards his head, she herself having backflipped over the next table. A few moments more, she sprinted through the kitchen door, and jumped into the changing room, closing and locking the door behind her. Another merc? Didn't seem military. Very soon he would be crashing straight into the kitchen and shooting everything in sight she would think. Fran wished she had done what Iron Man had and brought the suit in bag form or something. She didn't finish that portable model of the suit yet, but she still have both parts of the gauntlets. And the visor. It will have to do. She equipped what she had over her waiter's uniform, her bag with her usual clothes over her shoulder.

Now looking the part of a cybernetic maid from the future, plus a 9mm handgun she kept handy at all times, she opened one of the windows and jumped straight to the other side of the alley, landing on one of the fire escape ladders. As she made her way down, she called Black using the visor interface, certain that man wouldn't be able to follow her here.

"Black, the box I recovered. Its called the Catalyst."


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Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
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-Boston, Massachusetts. 3:17 PM-

Anya Rogers sat in her modern history class, sketching flowers in the margins of her notebook and quietly waiting for those last few minutes on the clock to go by so that her day could be over. The college freshman was already starting to feel bored with her classes, and frustrated at the slow pace that the lessons were being taught at. University of Massachusetts, Boston. She had fallen in love with the city, the beautiful historical landmarks placed next to modern buildings, the art, the culture. The stereotype of the rude Bostonian was entirely fictional she had found, it was a diverse and relatively low crime area. The most dangerous thing in the city was the bit of mob activity, which these days basically consisted of insider trading and high interest under the table loans. Dangerous crime wasn't profitable anymore, it was far easier to pay bribes to the cops to ignore the non-violent crimes they did participate in. In essence, there wasn't any crime that a super hero could fight, at least not regularly enough to keep active.

"Remember to read chapter seven for next week, and remember people we have a test in two weeks. Slackers beware!" Her teacher spoke loudly at the end of the class, to alert all the daydreamers that they could finally leave. Anya folded up her notebook and tucked it into her bag, a brown and pink flowered pattern that she didn't foresee half the girls on campus possessing when she picked it up. Well, at least it made her blend in. Once she was outside she took out her cellphone and turned the ringtone back on. No missed calls. She simply sighed and continued walking.

As she reached the outside of campus she took out her cell phone again and dialed a private number, after several rings she reached the private non-emergency number for Nick Fury, "Hi, Uncle Nick, its me! Anya! I really miss you, I hope your doing well. I know you're like, the busiest man, in like—the whole world, but maybe if you... No I'm being silly, I'm sorry to bother you. I just miss you. I saw dad's picture in the book for my recent history class and I just... I miss him. Don't be a stranger! I love you Uncle Nick. I hope you are doing well." She hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

She sent a quick text to her mother, Natasha Romanoff, I saw a picture of dad today. I'm feeling kind of lonely. Hope everything is going well. Text me when you get this. Anya began walking back towards her apartment where she enjoyed the privacy of being the only occupant for a four bedroom home.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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The clipboard shot out of her hand and cracked the mutant in the head but did little more than distract him long enough for the merc to flip away from him. Logan tore up from his seat with a roar in his lungs as he charged after her. One of the male waiters jumped in front of Logan and grabbed his arm.

"Hey buddy, it's time for you to-"

Wolverine smashed his fist into the man's jaw knocking him clean through a nearby table befor ehe could finish his sentance.

"Save it bub."

He grunted as he went after his target. The X-man charged after his quarry and caught sight of her just as she leapt onto the ladder of a fire escape in the alley. Wolverine snarled and sprinted after her, first leaping from a trashcan to a dumpster then through the air towards her. Wolverine tackled the mercenary off the ladder and the two went crashing into the alley.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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The beep and targeting circle did little more than warn her, as she could not react fast enough to avoid... That. Even if she could, the sight of that man jumping like some sort of rabid animal towards her shocked her long enough for him to crash onto her. As they rolled, she had the presence of mind to quickly eject the hidden blade inside her gauntlet, striking straight for his heart.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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In the flurry of snarls and thrashing a single blade shot out and sank deep. Logan breathed deep in pain as the blade pierced the flesh. He released his hold and stumbled back, slamming into a dumpster as his chest bled profusely. Logan's hand was over his heart as he struggled to breath with the injury. His eyes staring with hate filled rage at the woman who'd stabbed him. Soon however the ragged, pain filled breaths turned into slower, foreboding growls. The flesh and skin knitted itself back together and Logan got to his feet. Wolverine glared hungrily at the mercenary with a savage grin as he lowered into a ready position, like an animal primed to pounce.

"Alright girly... Now it's my turn."


Wolverine roared and surged forward his claws on either side ready to tear her to ribbons. He leapt at her and swiped intending to tear her chest open.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Wolverine
Character Portrait: Hazmat
Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Character Portrait: The Iron Spark


Character Portrait: The Iron Spark
The Iron Spark

Revenge will be sweet

Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Anya Rogers

"Surrender, I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Jane Hero

"Orders, Sir?"

Character Portrait: Hazmat

Matthew Joseph Miller; Super Cop for the NYPD

Character Portrait: Wolverine

"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."


Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Anya Rogers

"Surrender, I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

Character Portrait: Hazmat

Matthew Joseph Miller; Super Cop for the NYPD

Character Portrait: The Iron Spark
The Iron Spark

Revenge will be sweet

Character Portrait: Wolverine

"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Jane Hero

"Orders, Sir?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jane Hero
Jane Hero

"Orders, Sir?"

Character Portrait: Wolverine

"I was the best there was at what I did... problem was, the best wasn't enough bub."

Character Portrait: The Iron Spark
The Iron Spark

Revenge will be sweet

Character Portrait: Hazmat

Matthew Joseph Miller; Super Cop for the NYPD

Character Portrait: Anya Rogers
Anya Rogers

"Surrender, I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

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Most recent OOC posts in United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

is this still going? sounds cool but sound like it needs more players, if so i'll make something up!

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Sonata wrote:
greengoat wrote:We must build additional pylons, thats why.

What? o_o

Starcraft reference lol

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

greengoat wrote:We must build additional pylons, thats why.

What? o_o

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

We must build additional pylons, thats why.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

greengoat wrote:Oh jesus that Hazmat. Sounding kinda like " I've got candy get in the van" there, lol.

lol Psh.

So did this RP die like so many do?

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Oh jesus that Hazmat. Sounding kinda like " I've got candy get in the van" there, lol.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

I'm kind of waiting for GothicBabe to post if she can. If not, I'll just move my character along.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Uh, I was acctually planning on wrapping up Carnage's fight in the next post, so I was waiting for Whiplash to be finished off.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

greengoat wrote: Deathstrike has a thing for wolverine, so knock yourself out with her. Bullseye is fair game, Whiplash might go for Wraith since she did get the Ironman tech. And Crossbones? Also fair game.

Pretty much how I saw it too lol Wolvie and Wraith have no idea Carnage is good and not the evil crazy ass that he was before so chances are they might attack him until they figure out whats going on

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

*imitates Wolverine's voice*

Thing is bub, is that I ain't got a clue bout that thing that just dropped down outta nowhere.

*Ahem, normal voice*

Yeah, since Wraith has no idea that Carnage is on their side, she might shoot him as well as the others. Deathstrike has a thing for wolverine, so knock yourself out with her. Bullseye is fair game, Whiplash might go for Wraith since she did get the Ironman tech. And Crossbones? Also fair game.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Naw we ain't dead. It's three on four and carnage+wolverine could probably take those four by themselves anyways. Brian needs to watch out for whiplash though, with how hot his weaponry is.

Also, plans on how the battle is gonna go down? Who vs Who?

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Damn, deathstrike, bulleye AND whiplash has joined? Oh we ded....

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

I'll be posting tomorrow. I was at MEPS all day today, and I'm tired. I was given permission by Bromander to NPC Shocker since I requested that plot. I'll include Jane, but I'll be disappointed if the plot doesn't go the way I had hope it would and thus wind up compromised again.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Just Nick Fury since he's a massive plot device and lets me directly influence the progression of the story. Any other NPC's are fair game

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

I'll shoot out some PM's and get everyone together

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Commander, we should get the others to post as well. As Alex said, its a two person gig as of now.

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight

Ooh Red Skull didn't think of that. Interesting choice if thats it

Re: United We Stand, Assembled We Fight


And who is the red and blue man?