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What happened last night...

What happened last night...


4 teens wake up in the middle of the woods surrounding a weird shrine. An ancient book is in the middle. However, they soon discover they have been given weird supernatural abilities, and are being hunted by a large group known as the Templar.

1,907 readers have visited What happened last night... since Mr. Baneling Squishy created it.


Copyright policy: This RP is not to be copied and pasted for your own thing. Any illegal copies made will be fined with a good smacking and jail. Do not try to run or hide. We know who you are. This original idea is owned by me and people allow.

So, much like the description said, 4 kids have woken up in thee woods. Each have been unique given powers, but they don't know where they are. They awoke around this book called "The Book?". It is a blank book, except that occasionally something appears that gives them guidance or answers. The 1st thing it tells them are their powers and that they are the "chosen ones". Also that there is a group called the "Templars" Who hunt down supernatural people and items and destroy them using technology that is revolutionary to that time. They are always 3 steps ahead of humanity on technology. And they know about the 4 of them. And the book. Also put "I read everything even the rules" in your History.

Romance is allowed to be custom for everyone else, but i want 2 of our charries to start off with a romance at least.

Ok, so this is the basics of the main charries.

(Matthew Magnus, Me): The Vampire: Has vampire strength, speed, and stamina. Does NOT burn OR sparkle in sunlight. Has fire/lightning powers. Is also the boyfriend of the werewolf.

(note: All Twilight references for charries will cause that Charrie to be executed. Unless they say something like twilight sucks.)

(Jenson, Kelsi): The Werewolf: Has nature/rock powers. Can turn into a lycan/werewolf. Does NOT need a full moon. Is the girlfriend of The Vampire, Matthew Magnus.

(Laney, Stella): The ghost: Has the ability to go through walls and floors, as well as possessing weak minded people. Is NOT dead or see through. Has telekinesis powers.

(Diana, Emily): THe Copycat: Can shape shift into anyone and match their voice, touch, even fingerprint and DNA. Can NOT turn into animals/objects. Has water/ice powers.

(OPEN): The Archon: Leader of the Templar. Controls everything. Owns many businesses both legal and illegal throughout the world. Can NOT become against the Templar and their mission.

(Chris, Kurmix): The Traitor: A Templar assassin that turns good sometime during the roleplay (not near the beginning though). Has some contacts for many things, and knows a lot about the Templar.

Other Charries:

(Liliana, sunny) A werewolf: has the standard and given werewolf powers. Also is traveling with the Mentor, and is somewhat like a pet at times.

(Woren, Flick) One of the Protector: Can more super fast and lift stuff 2x his weight. He also can track anyone and anything, and has improved senses. Can NOT lift a bus or anything heavier. He can create force fields and shoots beams of energy. Recently took the job from his father who had to go off someplace.

(Robert, Ata) One of the Protector: Can more super fast and lift stuff 2x his weight. He also can track anyone and anything, and has improved senses. Can NOT lift a bus or anything heavier. He can create force fields and shoots beams of energy. Recently took the job from his father who had to go off someplace.

(Note: I liked both Charries, and since im fairly certain Ata did read it, despite missing the charrie sheet, he is also accepted. So yeah, i made a new role :D. what can i say, im a nice guy, i liked both profiles so much, they had the perfect outlinging. Besides, 2 protectors are better then one! If you dont like this i can always resolve it in some manner if you want)

(Alice, AngelofAvalon) The Prophet/Mentor: A great artist who is running from the Templar and has empathy (reading emotions), and has been reincarnated over 20 times (i think). She does not know about the book. She knows about the kids however.

(Lance, Zody) The Deceiver: The Right hand man of the archon who has his own plans, he has his own agenda and does things his way. He has full access to the armory. He is very very well trained in all sorts of combat. May NOT follow all orders.

(Epislon, Skull) The Hunter: Genetically enhanced by the Templar, he is one of the main Templars hunting the kids down. He is powerful and strong. He has temporary about 5 second invisibility, very short range teleportation, and the ability to sense people using their powers/abilities. Also slight regeneration. Does NOT use magic for any of these, which is why the Templar are not against him or vice versa. It was all because of science.

The Book


This is a Charrie sheet.


Role: (put something unique if you don't want any of the laid out roles)





Templar Status: (Job if in the Templar, neutral for someone who is not against them, against if your against them like all the kids)


Normal Talents:

Appearance: (words or picture, your choice.)



Weapons: (should start with none or a Pocket Knife if your a kid)

Anything else:

I am open to many things, the Approval is just in case someone tries to create a Chuck Norris (meaning overpowered and too awesome to kill) or Mary Sue Character. So don't think you will be rejected, you probably wont.

Toggle Rules

I reserve for 3-4 days, unless i am PMed that you are too busy and need an extension. Only 1 extension of 4 days though. Sorry.

Also, dont GM, dont kill player charries, dont be noob, feel free to ask any questions, and remember: Rules are our friends!!!!!!!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Matthew laid on some stone platform with a large stone table in the middle. He woke up, rather groggy, and noticed some simple things. A: He was not in his bedroom, as he was at some shrine place in the middle of the woods, B: His bag however, with all his stuff was here, and C: Jenson was asleep right next to him along with 2 other people he couldn't recognize. He saw a weird book on some sort of stone table in the middle. The shrine looked very old an ancient. Of course, then he realized another thing. How did they all get there. Who were the other 2 people. And why was there an old book on the stone table.

He went over to Jenson, making sure she was ok. He decided it would be a good idea to wake them all up. He slightly touched Jenson, being very careful and sweet, and told her softly "Umm, Jenson. Time to wake up, i have no clue where we are or how we got here, but we are in the middle of nowhere". He then looked around, and as he waited for her to get up, he went over tothe weird book. "What is this?" he asked, picking it up and as he opened the pages, he came across a page that said "The Book?". "Ok that is weird, why are all the pages blank too?" he wondered, as he flipped most of them were blank till he got to a page that said "Because you did not ask anything". At this point it creeped out Matthew, and he went back to Jenson. "Look at this book, its blank, but random answers to my questions are coming up. you think someone is playing a trick on us or something?" he asked, hoping she was fully awake.

(here is our starter post. You should probably start off waking up, and preferably, not learning about your powers instantly. Our location will be revealed in time also)

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Run. That was the only thing on Jenson's mind as her feet slowly step. She seemed like she was sprinting but really, she was moving in slow motion. Somewhere far away she heard her name being called. She slowly came to and realized it was Matthew who had woken her up. She was awfully groggy and couldn't think straight for a moment. Last nights events were forgotten and after searching with her eyes the area that she was in, she realized she had aboslutely no idea where she was. Her backpack was strapped tight to her shoulders and she hopped that she had enough things to survive on. Matthew came back over to her now handing her an old book and saying something about how it answered his questions. What? That didn't sound right. A book answering someone. She took the book from his hands, her midnight blue orbs scanning over the foreign object in her posession. She opened it when she heard him say, "Do you think someone is playing a trick on us?" His voice echoed in her head and the empty page tht she had opened the book to began to write out an answer in perfect handwriting. 'No joke, just my job. Job? To answer questions? She figured that was what it was and she closed the book handing it back to him. "I don't even wanna hold that creepy thing." Jenson replied, trying to hand him the book.

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0.00 INK was all she could think as Diana was stuck in another one of for nightly nightmares. Run..Run..she did. she ran and ran but the guy with the strange gun just kept running after her. shooting at her like she had just ran out of jail. words echoed through her head over and over again like there would be no end!. who's voice was that? who in the world was saying that? it's not her voice. who...who..who was that..? Chosen one's...ask..The Book..that was like a his..who were the chosen ones? what book?! Diana felt like screaming. and she did. she heared her own scream. and she sat up. her eyes opened to light..bright light.. " where..AM I..? " she mumbled and slowly standing up. her head throbbed and she toppled back over. " Ugghhh.. " Diana felt drunk. and that dream flashed through her mind over and over again Book..The Book..? what's that? " she mumbled more to herself then to the others.

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Cold. It was what she thought heaven would feel like. When Laney's eyes flickered open, everything was a painful blurr, and the light that shone through the trees gave her the impression of heaven. The cold rock below her back made her shiver, not only because it was cold, but because it was like she couldn't entirely feel it against her flesh. Around her, two people were moving, another screaming. Around her... Where the hell was she anyway?

Head spinning and nausea brimming, she rolled onto her stomach, then pressed herself to all fours. Had she not been breathing? It felt like the breath had been pressed from her lungs, like she'd been running for mile upon mile. The brunette groaned, dropping her head to the cold rock in a way that made her look like she was bowing to some mighty entity. It took her several more moments to gather herself and to swallow the uncontrollable want to cry. No, she didn't have time to be some hopeless baby.

"Does anyone know where we are?" she asked, lifting herself to her feet. Laney staggered a little, though managed to keep herself upright. Her startling green eyes flashed as she noticed the book. "God, the last thing I want to see is a book," she scoffed, more to herself than the others, before shuffling over and crouching beside the two. Her gaze flickered between them; it was clear that they knew each other. After clearing her throat, she lightly took the book and flipped through the pages. Without looking up, she spoke. "I'm Laney. You?"

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Matthew looked at the rest of them as they woke up. He also took the book from Jenson, seeing as how she did not want to hold it. "I don't suppose any of you know where we are?" he asked them. One of them basically answered by asking that same question. He also noticed on how the sun seemed to be somewhat high in the sky, and could guess it was 8AMish. "So its the books job to answer questions and stuff i guess. thats kind of weird. A magic talking book. Also my name is Matthew, and this is Jenson. I don't suppose you know who she is?" he noted and asked Laney, also pointing to Diana. The book began to show more writing, and said this "Her name is Diana, she is one of the chosen ones. And yes it is my job to most answer questions. Although usually in riddle.".

"So, that answers that. Although now i kind of want to know about this whole chosen one thing. Can this book answer that too?" Matthew wondered. However, another thought came to mind that broke that concentration for a moment. "So, how did we get here anyways, and where are we? I should probably call my parents to pick me up wherever i am..." He noted. He took out his cell phone, only of course to not get a signal. No internet ether. "Well, i think we should start looking for some kind of road. Maybe a highway."

He looked around, then asking "Which way is north anyways? And are we even in the united states?". The book then answered "Yes your in the united states". "Well, this book cant answer every question like it said it looks like...." Matthew noted.

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Diana blinked. "wait..let me see the book." Diana said standing up slowly again and taking the book from Matthew. in a whisper Diana asked " Why are we here? " and the book wrote-in a diffrent way compared to the others- 'To ask the questons and get your answers. to read about the Templars. ' " the what? " diana said slightly confused. all the book said was ' The Templars ' but in smaller wrighting it said [i]' Idiot '[/i. Diana's mouth droped open and she thrust the book back at Matthew. " I'm not asking that book anything else till it says sorry! " Diana snapped and sat back down.

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"So, looks like I'm not alone."
A shadow rushes across the room, and the book suddenly vanishes from the hands of one of the strangers and back into his.
"I'll thank you kindly not to touch this book."
The shadow revealed himself briefly. His eyes fell upon the group, then back the direction form which he came. Heavy crashing of footsteps are heard, getting louder with each passing second.
"Damn, looks like I'm outta options here. Everyone else in here, I suggest you run, lest you be caught up in this mess. If you're still alive and find me, I'll explain everything, but for now, everyone's lives are in danger."
Upon finishing his sentence, he makes for a dead-end wall and reveals a passageway.

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Confusion. Laney stared at the leafs of paper, intrigued by their abilities. She flinched as they book was so roughly handled, and when Diana released it, she made to grab for it. But someone else got to it first, and she jumped to her feet almost immediatly, staring at the odd shadow before them. For a moment she could see him, and she was slightly flustered, but his warning caught her attention. "Hello, uh, if we're the chosen ones then what use would we be if we're dead? The least you could do is help us escape." Though her words were bold, her stunning green eyes were beginning to grow a little more frightened than strong. What creature could make such loud footsteps? Feeling a little stupid for appearing weak, but not really caring at the moment, Laney pressed after the shadow and, without being polite and asking, hurried through the passage.

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Matthew had the book shoved into him, and taken from him. Suprisingly the shoving didn't hurt. That slightly interested him for a moment when the shadow started speaking. He then heard men walking outside. "Hold on, maybe they are..." he starded, but once he reached the doorway, some bullets were shot into it. He looked to the shadow and said "Ok tell me what is going on? Why are we here, and why are we being shot at?".

Matthew was still thinking though. He too had glanced at the page when it showed them their powers, and saw him next to vampire like and fire and lightning powers. So in his head, he was pretty much like "What the hell is going on?". As they started to go through the passage way, he let Jenson go first, also noting "be careful", he then told the shadow while they were walking down it "You better tell us now, What the hell is going on?".

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Diana followed the other's without a word. the shadow seemed like he knew what he was doing so no reason to stand around and protest. Diana followed beind Matthew. " hey your Matthew right? you and'm guessing girlfriend. both go to my school. your in most of my classes... i'm gonna call you Matt ok? ok. " Diana said grinning slightly and ingoring any comments he would of said about his name. slidding past him and the other Diana ran to catch up to the shadow. " hey so where are we goin? and what's your name? and why cant we touch the book? " Diana asked guessing she sounded annoying.

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Jenson eyed Diana as they walked. She thought about stepping between the two of them, but restrained herself from doing so by taking Matthew's hand protectively. She sighed and kept her eyes on the ground. She didn't want to come off as rude to the girl so she kept her mouth clamped shut and kept her thoughts to herself.

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Matthew realized who it was, but couldn't help but smile at girlfriend. As Jenson took his hand, it made him feel a bit happier, despite what was going on. He couldn't help it. He was in love. He looked back at Jenson and smiled. He quietly noted "Its ok. We will get through this". He looked into her eyes. He was all hers, and she was all his. Thats all he could think. He gladly held her hand, not caring about being called Matt, which he usually found anoying since his parents had decided to name his little sister Mattie. He was refered to at Matthew and she was refered to as Mattie or Matt. So it was somewhat annoying.

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Liliana was following them in the bushes, trying to stay hidden. She didn't know what was going on but she was curious. Do they have powers? She thought and continued to hide. She examined them all and listened to them with her dog's sense of hearing, taking in every word they said. Looks like they're just as confused as I was. She thinks and finally steps out of the bushes, but continues to follow close behind them. "Who are you?" She says out loud, trying to sound brave, but in reality she was super nervous. She wanted to get information to tell Alice.

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Laney walked along quietly, dreading the silence. Not only was the ground shaking from the footsteps of whatever the hell was following them, but the passageway was poorly lit and she found herself stumbling quite often. At one point she nearly fell when she tripped over something. She managed to catch herself, but bloodied up the palms of her hands from the rough wall she'd scrambled to grab hold of. I should have mentioned I'm a clutz, she thought dryly. She wiped her hands on her jeans before continuing on, several times more tripping as she did. It was hard for her not to notice the googly-eyed looks Matthew and Jenson were giving each other. Laney couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously, and to get her mind off of it messed with a strand of hair. She jumped as someone spoke, though stopped in her tracks and looked behind her. Feeling a little stupid with her bloodied hands, she crossed her arms behind her back. "We should be asking that to you. How long have you been following us?"

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#, as written by FaeFire
A clear crispy and geniuine laugh came out, from even further behind. It obviously wasn't Liliana, it was a different, young, devil-may-care kind of laugh. "Now Now, I've been tailing, pardon the pun, Liliana, here for long enough to know she wants to get information." There was an odd pauses from the rebel voice, "You need to be careful, blood is not fun to get off your clothes, believe me." From farther back, behind her werewolf friend, Liliana, emerged another woman, well more of a girl really. She didn't know about the kid's musical tastes, but still, one of them was bound to recognize her. How many tiny, red headed blooming rockstars are there anyway? "I'm Alice Rapier, pleased to meet you,"She she spoke she offered out a hand and smiled, as innocently as possible, but given the circumstances, the correct term was probably, frightening. She had after all been stalking a stalker. A messanger shoulder bag hung off her, as it was aptly named for, shoulder, and it just added to the element of eccentricity about her, along with the fact she was wearing a tunic.

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#, as written by zody
Lance opened his eyes as the door behind him opened, allowing a bumbling soldier into his Quarters. He didn't even really try to be humble, but he simple asked: "What is it?..."

The soldier stammered, but found the courage to speak. "The Beta Team found some remarkable power levels in the forest".
Lance swung his chair around, pulling off his glasses , glaring at the soldier. He was in Squadron C-92B. "This is interesting why?" The soldier recoiled at his words. Then decided to try something daring. "We thought they might be the chosen ones, Lazarus".

Lance's eyes flashed, he stood up, and proceeded towards the soldier. "What did you just say?" The soldier immediately realised that his joke was ill fated, he took a step back, as Lance grabbed his neck. "I should snap this right now, shouldn't I?". He looked at the soldiers fear, he relished it, loved it, he threw the soldier out the door, possibly breaking some bones. He then headed to the Helipad. He grabbed a Sniper Rifle on the way, and also grabbed his tracking beacon.

Lance's Helicopter flew above the woods, he knew where the kids were, he could trace their power through the Power Scale Map on his scouter. He also spotted Squad F-93G, along with some type of machine. He turned on his radio, and told the Squad the Location of the kids. He also took out his rocket launcher. He fired a rocket at the place where the kids were, watching it crumble. He saw on his PSM that another two power levels had come in range. He told the pilot to land, so he headed off, Samurai Edge and Knife in hand, to find, and kill, the kids.

When he got to the rubble he had a change of heart, he looked around, wondering if they'd help him overthrow the Archon. He supposed not. He radio'd the Squad, telling them that the kids were dead, that they should leave immediately. After they'd left he walked over to the rubble, called in his chopper and started to search through it to find the kids, and whoever else was there.

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Matthew was somewhat startled when someone had come up behind them in the secret passage, followed by another person, and then the whole thing blowing up behind them. "Well, i would like someone to tell me whats going on for one" Matthew noted to them. They were still going down the passageway as well. He also noted "We need to get somewhere safe....", notably looking at Jenson atthe same time. With things blowing up, he didn't want her to be one of them.

He took the shoulder of the Shadow with his other hand. "Now, tell us what is going on...."

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After knowing they were all safe, Robert turns around to look at the group.
"My name is Robert Forthwright. The book you see in my hands," raising it up slightly from his arm, "is a tome I've been entrusted with to protect. Until I have confirmed something, I cannot say any more than that. I have no idea why everyone arrived at the book's location, but I have a feeling there's something special about each and every one of you."
Looking around the room, Robert points at a random person. (Matthew)
"I want to test something with you, sir. I want you to clear your mind. Then, I want you to take this book in your hands and open up to the first page and tell me what you see."

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Laney blinked as Alice commented on blood on clothes. She looked down at the smudges, then sighed. "Laney," she replied in a lifeless voice. Her eyes fell upon the extended hand, but she didn't want to take it. It wasn't an attempt to seem rebellious, but her hands were awefully dirty... Her attention turned to Robert as he began to speak. "So... you're like a guardian," she said in what she hoped was a bright, relaxed voice. She shifted a little and looked to Matthew, wondering if he'd do what he was told.

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Matthew looked at him, and noted "Well ok then". He took the book and opened to the first page, clearing his mind. He sighed, as he looked on the page. At first it was blank, but then writing began to appear all over it. The Book also started to glow blue. Well, at first it showed a weird symbol. It was a circle with 2 swords making an X in it. The Circle was red and the swords were gold. Then it faded away and the writing appeared. The book then had this written.

"Matthew Magnus, one of the 4 chosen ones to stop the world from falling into darkness. Contains the ability to create and control fire and lightning upon this page being revealed. Also has become vampire like and may have some craving for blood. And Expensive wine. Has vampire speed, strength, stamina, ect. Will not burn (or sparkle) in sunlight. Has enough self control though not to kill you all, especially people close to him. He is one of the few people who can stop the Templar from destroying the innocent beings of the supernatural."

Matthew was confused, shocked, and slightly creeped out as he read this. However, on page 2, something else began to be written.

"Jenson Daniels, one of the 4 chosen ones to stop the world from falling into darkness. Contains the ability to control nature and earth upon this page being revealed. Also has become werewolf like and has werewolf strength and speed when in that form. Will not lose control in werewolf form. Self control is crucial though or you could change when you don't want to. She also does not need a full moon. She is one of the few people who can stop the Templar from destroying the innocent beings of the supernatural."

Matthew looked at it confused, but then realized it was because he was still holding Jenson's hand. "Oh right" he noted slightly. "Wait, why us?" he then asked. The book then told them "Because only your 4 contain the right emotions, skills, and understanding. And because you have the ability to work really well in a team. I would suggest though everyone else help them. It is never good to go on alone.". Matthew looked at the book and said "Well its clear this book is alive and thinks.

(Woah, thats one big post XD)

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Jenson's eyes scanned over the page after it turned blue reading up on Matthew and her own future, she guessed. Suddenly when she finished reading the page about herself she could hear something in the back of her mind. Pulsing? Then it became louder and every person around her had their own different beat, she could even hear people way into the darkness. She raised an eyebrow. "Cool." She whispered. She kneeled down now to the ground and touched it with both of her hands. The rhythmatic heart beats loudened and with her eyes closed she could tell exactly where everyone was. "Sweeeet." She stood back up and nodded at Matthew. "That's insane shit."

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Laney's eyes widened a little as she read the pages upside-down. It was a little alarming, but at the same time hard to believe. Werewolves? Vampires? What was next? "Hey hey, lemme see that," she said in childish excitement. She didn't want to grab at the book mostly because her hands still had dried blood on them. Sure, Matt had great control, but that didn't mean... The brunette shook her thoughts from it and reached out to turn the page of the book. Upon her touch, writing began to weave its way onto the page and soon she could clearly read what it said.

"Laney Redbird, one of the 4 chosen to stop the world from falling into darkness. Contains the ability to move things with her mind upon this page being revealed. Also has become ghost like and may often fall through solid walls, floors, and other objects. Can take control, otherwise known as possess'' people with weak minds or whose spiritual levels are lower than the average person. Is not dead, and will not become see-through. She is one of the few people who can stop the Templar from destroying the innocent beings of the supernatural."

She didn't realize her fingertips had sunk through the paper and out the other side of the book until she looked down and let out a startled yelt. She recoiled immediatly, cravling her hand as if it had been injured. "Cool? It's a little creepy, don't you think?" Laney prominantly asked Jenson, eyes searching the girl's face. "I mean, isn't it a little weird to think that you're a werewolf and you're boyfriend's a vampire?" Odd combination, she thought. Wonder how that'll work out.

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#, as written by zody
(Did anyone notice that the passageway just went kapow? BTW Hexadecacarbonylhexarhodium is a real Chemical)

William was in the lab, working overtime. He had nearly finished his formula. He was extremely anxious, he just needed to mix the Mercury with the Arsenic trioxide and Beryllium oxide, then he needed to get the Fluorosulfuric acid and Hexadecacarbonylhexarhodium, and mix it in. He grabs the Beaker, combining the Mercury, Arsenic and Beryllium Oxide. Smoke fogged up Wills goggles, he wiped them, and poured the Fluorosulfuric acid into the jar containing the Hexadecacarbonylhexarhodium. He then grabbed that beaker, putting it into the transfuser, along with the other beaker. He then switched it on. It spun. Will was anxious. He waited for the explosion, none came. Finally the bell rung, he quickly grabbed the beaker, laughing maniacally as he realised it was complete. An employee walked in, wondering why Will was still here. Will ambushed him, stabbing him in the neck, injecting the virus into him. The boy fell dead. William smirked. "Finally... I'll just wait a few hours.."

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#, as written by FaeFire
Alice nodded, and put her hand down. "Yeah, thats pretty much it. The story of it all, stupid books taking my flare. Anyway, all of you," her gaze fell onto the group, this time it was far graver than a few minutes earlier. "Get cool nicknames and magic powers, but be careful. This, as opposed to many other things in life, isn't a joke. You will, like the rest of us, be hunted, and if you are caught, you will not be spared. Is that clear? And Listen to me, and listen to me good, I've risked a lot in helping you guys, And I can't even fight. So If, one of you thinks this is a game, and decides to use your powers for any other reason than self defense or training, I will personally, drive this shoe," The suddenly frightening redhead points at her shoe, it isn't big, nor anything special, but it was about to have an entirely different effect, "Up your pretty little ass, okay?" Then without missing a beat, she turned to Liliana, as if nobody else could hear here, "See I can be a badass! Even if some magical diary steals my fireworks." Yep, she wasn't exactly normal. "Oh one last thing, while you may be, The Vampire or The Werewolf or what ever else they codename you, I'm the Prophet, or The Mentor, but I like the term THe Prophet alot more."

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Diana's mouth dropped open when she saw read it all. then she stared to wonder something. Was she in this book to?! " Wait wait let me see it. " Diana said taking the book and flipping to the next page.

" Diana Hallows better known as The Copycat, One of the 4 chosen to stop the world from falling into darkness. Contains the ability over Ice and Water. Also can shape shift into anyone and match their voice, touch, even fingerprint and DNA. Can not turn into animals or objects. Has god control over shifting to anyone. She is one of the few people who can stop the Templar from destroying the innocent beings of the supernatural. "

Diana stared for a long time before handing it back. " Sooo.. if i wanted to i could change to look like any of you..? cool. but.. creepy...right? " Diana said looking around at all of them. " And how dose that book know..? " Diana wondered aloud

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Character Portrait: Matthew Magnus
0 sightings Matthew Magnus played by Mr. Baneling Squishy
A confused kid who has no idea what happened. The last thing he remembers is going to bed last night.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Liliana Menchi
Character Portrait: Diana Hallows
Character Portrait: Chris Bloodhill
Character Portrait: Robert Forthwright
Character Portrait: Lance Quinn
Character Portrait: William Alexander Cortaina


Character Portrait: William Alexander Cortaina
William Alexander Cortaina

"Should I give this to Lance? Maybe, I might later...."

Character Portrait: Lance Quinn
Lance Quinn

Heh, those fools think they've figured this all out. They don't know how wrong they are".

Character Portrait: Robert Forthwright
Robert Forthwright

The Protector

Character Portrait: Chris Bloodhill
Chris Bloodhill

those fools,falling right into our trap

Character Portrait: Diana Hallows
Diana Hallows

A brave,stronghearted,strong willed -never going to give up matio- kinda gal! but also..kinda confused at the moment....

Character Portrait: Liliana Menchi
Liliana Menchi

A Werewolf


Character Portrait: Diana Hallows
Diana Hallows

A brave,stronghearted,strong willed -never going to give up matio- kinda gal! but also..kinda confused at the moment....

Character Portrait: William Alexander Cortaina
William Alexander Cortaina

"Should I give this to Lance? Maybe, I might later...."

Character Portrait: Robert Forthwright
Robert Forthwright

The Protector

Character Portrait: Lance Quinn
Lance Quinn

Heh, those fools think they've figured this all out. They don't know how wrong they are".

Character Portrait: Chris Bloodhill
Chris Bloodhill

those fools,falling right into our trap

Character Portrait: Liliana Menchi
Liliana Menchi

A Werewolf

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Chris Bloodhill
Chris Bloodhill

those fools,falling right into our trap

Character Portrait: Lance Quinn
Lance Quinn

Heh, those fools think they've figured this all out. They don't know how wrong they are".

Character Portrait: Diana Hallows
Diana Hallows

A brave,stronghearted,strong willed -never going to give up matio- kinda gal! but also..kinda confused at the moment....

Character Portrait: Robert Forthwright
Robert Forthwright

The Protector

Character Portrait: William Alexander Cortaina
William Alexander Cortaina

"Should I give this to Lance? Maybe, I might later...."

Character Portrait: Liliana Menchi
Liliana Menchi

A Werewolf

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Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

I think we can just call the RP dead

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Dont know but i shall hunt them down if they don't post soon....i willl......PM THEM ALL! NAO! DONT LET THIS DIE!

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Ok im back sorry, i had some parties and such....

On another note, beware the milk and orange juice. I somehow got drunk on both, with should not be possible. But enough with that. They are in a underground tunnel that leads to one of the Protector's buildings. The building is also like a Sanctuary. Now, let me check up on the posts....

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

All right, thanks and sorry for bitching out like that. It happens, I think everyone is a bit lost, you might want to clarify the you know,THe BIg 4~s location better

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Okay, just read what I wrote to Ata, ur in the passage, with the kids, you're safe, and noone has been posting very much. That's all you need to know.

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Guys, this Zody guy's post make like no sense to me, I can't follow anything thats going on. I mean, when the hell do I post? I feel so lost over all of it, anyway, I'm sorry I haven;t posted recently, TT.TT I'm just confuzled so bad

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Well, Ata, you and the kids are in the passageway I blew up, but you're safe, because of me. Meanwhile, I blew it open and Lance (Me) and Chris (Kurmix) are outside planning to betray the Archon and destroy Epsilon.

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

I'm a little lost right now as to what's actually occurring and where I'm at in all this (from the posts that are there now after mine :P)

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Nice thinking ata, that was a good idea. Also he better flick, because you have to remember the Templar have access to satellites and stuff, not to mention even more......

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

THe Charecter wrote:
flickery wrote:Just a suggestion maybe they could hide in my character's store, the town's local antiquities' store / auction house?

As a Protector my character would have set up a hideout for them there, along with several force fields to keep out unwanted guests. Maybe the Prophet or the other Protector can lead them there.

If you are using this idea :], then I oughtta give you some description of the place so you can use it in your post.

A two story mansionette, conviniently a stone's throw away from the post office. It's rough, orangey exterior, frilled panels and green glass windows reminiscent of the Summer Houses of California. But once inside the compounds, you are faced with two choices. Downstairs where the events are usually held, a single grand room with a myriad of tables puzzled together to form a seating area. A bar, stocked with beverages of all sorts -open to all -it is clear the owner trusted the good folk of the town not to loot the cabinet.

A single saferoom holds the items for bid while another one remains a mystery.

On the second floor is literally inaccessible, no one other than the Silverpines have seen it, maybe a few more. A second gate up the stairs already hinders entry, with tinted glass to avert prying eyes. A security alarm hangs vigilant upon the grate, unauthorized entry is immediately reported. Once inside, displayed, is whole bunk load of old items, dusty tomes, diaries, jars, jade ornaments. You name it, ancient stuff.

But behind the barrier of loot and rust, lies livable quarters. A large sofa on a spread of genuine fur, facing a widescreen tv, clearly the living room and the central to many others. Considering the spaciousness of the first floor, the second floor certainly must host more than meets the eye. One must simply navigate through the maze of heirlooms to find them.

My character won't be there till I get back, I'll find an excuse.

The Prophet or the other protector will have the password to the Gate's Security, given to them by Woren's Step-dad.

Password: EllenDegeneres

That would probably work at the beginning, a nice place for them to train/learn about themselves too.

So thats good. However, the Templar will eventually find them, dont forget taht.

Oh I won't forget it, it won't be easy though. It's situated in the middle of town so, he'd have to watch himself too :].

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

flickery wrote:Just a suggestion maybe they could hide in my character's store, the town's local antiquities' store / auction house?

As a Protector my character would have set up a hideout for them there, along with several force fields to keep out unwanted guests. Maybe the Prophet or the other Protector can lead them there.

If you are using this idea :], then I oughtta give you some description of the place so you can use it in your post.

A two story mansionette, conviniently a stone's throw away from the post office. It's rough, orangey exterior, frilled panels and green glass windows reminiscent of the Summer Houses of California. But once inside the compounds, you are faced with two choices. Downstairs where the events are usually held, a single grand room with a myriad of tables puzzled together to form a seating area. A bar, stocked with beverages of all sorts -open to all -it is clear the owner trusted the good folk of the town not to loot the cabinet.

A single saferoom holds the items for bid while another one remains a mystery.

On the second floor is literally inaccessible, no one other than the Silverpines have seen it, maybe a few more. A second gate up the stairs already hinders entry, with tinted glass to avert prying eyes. A security alarm hangs vigilant upon the grate, unauthorized entry is immediately reported. Once inside, displayed, is whole bunk load of old items, dusty tomes, diaries, jars, jade ornaments. You name it, ancient stuff.

But behind the barrier of loot and rust, lies livable quarters. A large sofa on a spread of genuine fur, facing a widescreen tv, clearly the living room and the central to many others. Considering the spaciousness of the first floor, the second floor certainly must host more than meets the eye. One must simply navigate through the maze of heirlooms to find them.

My character won't be there till I get back, I'll find an excuse.

The Prophet or the other protector will have the password to the Gate's Security, given to them by Woren's Step-dad.

Password: EllenDegeneres

That would probably work at the beginning, a nice place for them to train/learn about themselves too.

So thats good. However, the Templar will eventually find them, dont forget taht.

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Just a suggestion maybe they could hide in my character's store, the town's local antiquities' store / auction house?

As a Protector my character would have set up a hideout for them there, along with several force fields to keep out unwanted guests. Maybe the Prophet or the other Protector can lead them there.

If you are using this idea :], then I oughtta give you some description of the place so you can use it in your post.

A two story mansionette, conviniently a stone's throw away from the post office. It's rough, orangey exterior, frilled panels and green glass windows reminiscent of the Summer Houses of California. But once inside the compounds, you are faced with two choices. Downstairs where the events are usually held, a single grand room with a myriad of tables puzzled together to form a seating area. A bar, stocked with beverages of all sorts -open to all -it is clear the owner trusted the good folk of the town not to loot the cabinet.

A single saferoom holds the items for bid while another one remains a mystery.

On the second floor is literally inaccessible, no one other than the Silverpines have seen it, maybe a few more. A second gate up the stairs already hinders entry, with tinted glass to avert prying eyes. A security alarm hangs vigilant upon the grate, unauthorized entry is immediately reported. Once inside, displayed, is whole bunk load of old items, dusty tomes, diaries, jars, jade ornaments. You name it, ancient stuff.

But behind the barrier of loot and rust, lies livable quarters. A large sofa on a spread of genuine fur, facing a widescreen tv, clearly the living room and the central to many others. Considering the spaciousness of the first floor, the second floor certainly must host more than meets the eye. One must simply navigate through the maze of heirlooms to find them.

My character won't be there till I get back, I'll find an excuse.

The Prophet or the other protector will have the password to the Gate's Security, given to them by Woren's Step-dad.

Password: EllenDegeneres

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

lol. They should know each other, they are both protecting the same thing.

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Alrite then, passageway it is!

Bah, too bad I can't post now or I'll hop right in. The roleplay is going pretty fast, may be a good thing if everyone can post. Someone's shooting at them through the door? D: I'll be missing much :/

Quick question, will my character know the other protector? I assume they are both from some sort of long family line protecting the book(s), but will they be informed of one another? Or just left to find out for themselves?

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Ummm, you can psot if you want Sunny. Also, i too was wondering where he got the idea it was a room. Granted there are some arch ways, and random walls located, but a lack of a ceiling really denies its room status. But i really don't mind anyways.

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

I'll be posting in a few more hours, heck I'm at work now. If you want, I could post now but it won't be as good as when I'm at home in a conducive environment ( you know ...couples quarrelling downstairs, cat shrieking when dustbin is overturned. The smell of cocaine, car alarms going off like poptarts at a market.).

* ata, I noticed you put in your post "dashed across the room" but I think they're not in a room (correct me if I'm wrong) but in the woods somewhere. Yeah, so just wanted to point that out in case you were mistaken in any future posts. :]

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Do you think I could post or should i wait for Alice (AngelofAvalon)?

Re: [OOC] What happened last night......

Its good, now everyone keep up the fantastic posting! We are doing a great job!