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Don't Stop Believin': The New New Direction

A Project

a part of “Don't Stop Believin': The New New Direction”, a fictional universe by chanelindistress.

New Year. New drama. New romances. New friends - New Direction. Who are you going to be? And is your voice going to be heard?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Don't Stop Believin': The New New Direction”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

A Project

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chanelindistress on Tue May 02, 2017 7:28 pm

"These kids are spoiled brats, and the more rich and celebritiy-ized they are, the more popularity and leeway they gain. I was the only kid without a pool (haha) and it added even more to my unpopularity because I was a very quiet kid. Not very quiet anymore, and now I go to Van Nuys Middle School, which is the polar opposite. This place is pretty cliquey, too. Newcomers beware."

- A former Buckley Student

"Buckley is promoted as a school that provides higher education and an accepting a close-knit community. The education is truly challenging and rigorous in the best way possible. As for the social environment at Buckley, it's the complete opposite. Most students are very money-centered and will judge you if you're not up to date with the latest fashion, technology, etc. Students are very snotty when it comes down to where you live, what car you drive, what technology you own, and it's a terrible situation for the few kids who receive financial aid. Even teachers assume everybody comes from wealth. One of the teachers I had made fun of where I lived because they thought nobody who can "afford" Buckley would live in that location. The diversity at Buckley is WEAK with 63% of the student body being white, and if you're not, then you're singled out. I would not recommend Buckley, the social separation based on ethnicity, socio-economic status, and overall appearance ruins this school of what otherwise could have been an incredible learning environment."

- Anonymous

"This school is horrible. I have gone here for over seven years, and my experience has been rather awful. I would say, the school's downfall really kicked in during my high-school years. The students form many cliques, and they're all fake. They really don't take kindly to newcomers. In other words, if you are not a 'lifer' you will have a lot of trouble making friends."

- A miserable student


Elementary school: 30 friends. Middle school: 20 friends. High school: 10 friends. College: You'll be lucky to have any friends at all, and that's to say that you'll even make it out of these halls alive. Cause, as made evident by the people above - Buckley, isn't a walk in the park for all and just because you make it through the doors on the first day doesn't mean you'll still be standing by the last. Once the first signs of puberty and pre-adolescence begin to poke its way through that fragile wall of innocence you once had, you can say goodbye to the days of your blissful childhood and hello to a world of secrets, drama and seemingly unending hell on earth.

The first traces of cliques begin to form in middle school and by the time, the next three years of your life have passed you'll be lucky if even one person you started your middle school years out with is still standing by your side. There will come a time in your life when you will have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it in your life and with new emotions and relationships to figure out you'll be questioning the real motive and intentions of the people you once called your friends in no time. It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it's even tougher when you have to pretend that you don't care. During your preteen years, you'll experience many firsts; your first date, your first kiss, your first break-up and probably your first makeup as well. There's a lot of crackling voices, acne and uncontrollable boners that will surface at the most inopportune of times for guys. And, noticing hair in places you've never had hair before, noticing boobs that definitely weren't there a week ago and the mood swings and cramps that come along with womanhood for the ladies. Welcome to your tween years!


The Middle School Social Order
Compared to the social structure of the upper-class the Buckley juniors social order is rather straightforward in the sense that either your popular or you not. There is no middle group. The Popular Kids are the students that find themselves lucky enough to be embraced by either the Junior Royalty, the Preps, the Jocks, the Trouble Makers or the unoriginally labeled Cool Kids. If your not in one of these five cliques than you are deemed unpopular and will find yourself in the Unpopular Kids group. The cliques that belong to this unfortunate group are the Teacher Pets, the Alternatives, the Soap Operas, the Wallflowers, the N-Squares and the Outcasts.

Social Ladder
Junior Royalties
Trouble Makers
Cool Kids
Soap Operas



{ The Junior Royalties } — The strongest candidates to be the next generation of Royals - The Junior Royalties are the most popular middle schoolers at Buckley. This clique is headed by Buckley's reigning Duke and Duchess who although don't rule over the entire school; they do rule over the middle school portion of the student body. Like the Royals, the Junior Royalties are made up of the reigning power couple and their closest friends. Whatever they say goes. They get whoever and whatever they want at the snap of a finger. Everyone wishes they could be part of the Junior Royalties clique, but not everyone is so lucky. They look up to the high school Royals as one day if they're lucky enough they'll get to be one of them.

{ The Jocks } — Not everyone who claims membership to this clique is a star athlete. Truth be told if it weren't for the no-cut policy that Buckley enforces when it comes to the junior sports teams half the people who try out wouldn't even make the cut. If your an unpopular kid looking to climb the ranks and assume instant popularity the Jocks would seem like a perfect clique to try and infiltrate. It sounds easy enough; you just try out for any sport knowing that you'll automatically accepted, and the jocks will just have to accept you right? Wrong. The real jocks at Buckley take they're sports serious as shit, and they don't take kindly to little shits trying to weasel they're way into popular by way of fucking with the games that they love. They may not be able to get you cut from the team, but they will beat the ever-living-shit out of you until you quit and you'll be more unfavorable and unpopular than all the N-Squares combined. Since sports are such an important part of the culture at Buckley; the jocks find themselves to be the center of attention most of the time. Due to this their egos can be a bit inflated, but then again the same could be said of all the popular kids.

{ The Preps } — The students in this gain their status by way of wealth, cunning and gossip. The Preps make it their business to know everyone else's business and by making sure they're always up on the latest of everything. The Preps are known for throwing the most extravagant parties, wearing the nicest clothing. Having high GPA's and staying dialed in on the social scene. Some may partake in a sport or some other extracurricular activities, but their primary focus is ruling the school with their wits and cash. The preps are generally liked by the other popular cliques although the fact that can sometimes be found mingling with students in the N-Squares can put them on outs with the other popular kids at times. Money isn't a hard thing to come by at Buckley, and if a prep doesn't play their cards right, they can find themselves eating along side-by-side their intellectual peers at the bottom of the social ladder.

{ The Trouble Makers } — The trouble makers are more or less the class clowns and the kids who ... well, they cause trouble. They are the reason for every one of your teacher's migraines and the one day that they're out sick the class manages to learn something and get through a lesson without interruption. These are the people who live to make people laugh and smile, and, or, ridiculing the students that happen to find their way into to being the butt of their joke. Now being a class clown isn't as easy and effortlessly as it may seem. It's all about comedic timing and knowing whether or not the people around you are truly laughing with you or at you. It's one thing to make a joke it's another to be the joke.

{ The Cool Kids } — The kids in this clique are known for being popular for one reason or another. They don’t have a thing like the preps have money; the jocks have sports and the royalties have power, but they’re popular nonetheless. Unlike the other cliques, everyone likes the cool kids because they tend to be nicer towards the unpopular kids, although that’s not always the case. Popularity is harder to balance than walking a tightrope. It's a job, not a privilege. It's nothing but hard work, drama and worries. Work to get in. Work to stay in. As the most unpopular of all the popular kids, the Cool Kids walk a thinning line than the rest of the popular kids. If they get too comfortable around the unpopular kids, they may just find themselves being one of those unpopular kids.


{ The Misfits } — The middle schoolers in this clique just can't seem to find a place where they fit in. They might have a spot on a junior varsity (or even varsity) team, a role in the school play, money, or a 4.0 GPA, but they still don’t fit in with the other cliques for some reason. Some of the misfits desperately try to find a place for themselves in another clique, and others just attempt to fly under the radar and survive hoping things will get better when they move up to the upper school division. Regardless, most of the time they find themselves bonding over their lack of belonging at Buckley. The average misfit kid either hates the popular kids and has no desire to befriend any of them, or loves them and strives to be one of them. However, they'll usually end up being and staying an unpopular kid either way.

{ The Wallflowers } — Most of the Wallflowers would rather be alone than be around other people, although they wouldn't necessarily all be labeled as loners. They're an introvertive bunch, and they spend the majority of their time on the sidelines excluded from large groups as most of them can't handle having someone pay attention to them even though they probably crave it as much as everyone else. They tend to go unnoticed by their classmates, they see everything and knows everything that's going on at the school because no one ever realizes that they're there. Which is what the Wallflowers are ... they're just there.

{ The Soap Operas } — These are the actors, singers and dancers of Buckley. The only clique that is possible more dramatic than the Preps, the students in this clique are chasing big dreams of stardom and riches. No matter what their individual passions are they all want to be out there shining in the limelight, receiving standing ovations and being that one star that outshines all the rest. Probably the only group of people more competitive than the jocks, the Soap Operas take immense pride in their work, and when they're not practicing.. let’s just say the drama doesn’t end after the final curtain call.

{ The Artistes } — This clique is made up of the artistic inclination, whether it be in the realms of photography or drawing and painting - if they enjoy the less theatrical side of the arts then they're a part of this clique. They keep the art culture alive at Buckley, and they're dedicated to keeping it that way. Their only real passion is the arts, and as long as you aren’t dissing their passion, they can get along with you. They’re free spirits and don’t really care about the social hierarchy at the school, or so they say.

{ The N-Squares } — At the very bottom of the Buckley middle school social ladder, these students are often overlooked. Only really seen for their brains, they're the smartest students in their grades. Or so they claim, although they're are a couple of Preps who'd argue otherwise. Regardless, teachers love them and your parents wish you were as smart as them. Suck-ups, teachers pet, know it alls, losers, nerds, geeks, freaks they’ve heard it all before. However, while the Junior Royalties walk around like they're the ish - they know they’re really the Golden Children of the school.

{ The Outcasts } — These people were formally members of cliques but were later excluded for one reason or another. Some of these students could have at one point been at the very top of the social ladder being the ex-bestie of either the Duke or Duchess, who managed to lose favor in some one way or another. Others are possible wannabe jocks who get beat down the ladder for not being enough to be considered a "true jock." Or maybe you stole the lead role, and one of the other Soap Operas decided to get even. All outcasts have their own stories of how they ended up where they are now. Hell, you may be an outcast just because you haven't been at Buckley you're entire life, and everyone knows Buckley Griffins don't take kindly to outsiders. The one thing that they all have in common now is that the are all the most unpopular people of all the unpopular people.


Congrats on making it through your tween years. If you thought middle school drama was a nightmare you'd better brace yourself for your teenage years because high school's known for being a bigger bitch than karma herself. You may have been the baddest of bad in middle school but compared to what's to come that was nothing but kid's play. Now your walking into the big leagues and if you don't act right there is no shortage of people waiting to tear you a new one if you catch my drift. Hormones are at an all time high and you petty middle school angst doesn't even compare to the heartache, backstabbing, fakeness and all out bitchiness that is to come. The decisions you make. Those you decide to trust and those you're foolish enough to underestimate will all be contributing factors that will impact the next four crucial years of your life. Gossip and rumors are made to be fact unless you can convince people otherwise and you're guilty until proven innocent. Will some shall thrive, others will break under the social pressures that are to come. Your high school years can truly be some of the best years of your life. However, the quality of this experience depends as much upon you as it does the institution and what it offers to you. The Buckley is the most outstanding school you'll find in all of California; the academic excellence is here, the faculty and staff are the best in the profession, the athletic program consistently produces winners, the opportunities in the performing arts are unsurpassed, extra-curricular activities are abundant - but it is up to you to make the most of everything that you encounter here. The new school year is upon us and one can only imagine what kind of drama will be going down this year. Good luck. You're gonna need it.


The Pecking Order

King & Queen Bee (Seniors)
Prince & Princess



Free Birds





{ The Royals }
If you thought the Duke and Duchess of Buckley were a lot to handle you haven't seen anything yet. At Buckley, the school isn't run by the student council or the teachers or the Head of School mister James Busby himself. The Royals run this school and they're run by the King, Queen, Prince and Princess of Buckley. The reigning monarchy is one of absolution and no one defies them and lives to tell the tale. The King and Queen are the head honchos, the crème de la crème; there isn't anything they can't and will not do with the power they wield. They’re conniving, charismatic, and downright terrifying in the way that they carry themselves, whether that be with a smile on their face or a burning glare in their eyes.

Second in power to only their King and Queen the Prince and Princess are next in the line of succession. Hand-selected by the reigning King and Queen they are the future of the Buckley School. They are being groomed by the King and Queen to rule over the school next year and because of that reason where you find the King you'll more than likely find the Prince and vice versa for the Queen and Princess. Their word isn't as final as that of their rulers and their power of influence might not be as strong but it would be a mistake to cross them nonetheless. As the chosen successors of the King and Queen by the King and Queen themselves to move against the Prince and Princess is a move made against the King and Queen and to move against the monarchy is to subject yourself to instant social suicide.

Beneath the ruling monarchy are they're most loyal of subjects; they're friends. The Royals are all hand-selected by the King and Queen as the Royals make up their inner-circle. The Prince and Princess may also be friends of the other Royals but, they closest friends aren't guaranteed to be Royals unless the King and Queen allow it. Because their popularity is solely based on their relationship with the ruling monarchy the Royals are some of the most powerful students at Buckley with the most fickle of standings. The second the King or Queen finds someone new to occupy their time and interest a Royal can find themselves dropped quicker than a hot potato. Which wouldn't mean that said Royal would automatically be labeled as an Outcast, but after being at the height of power who would want to be anything less than powerful. Plus, depending on how much of a bitch or asshole they were while in power finding a new clique to accept them may be harder than finding a needle in a haystack. This is more than likely one of the biggest reasons why the Royals are some of the most protective and loyal of all of the King and Queen's subjects - they're position of power relies solely on staying in the King and Queen's favor.

The Royals clique as a whole is made up of the students who set the trends, get exclusive invites to the hottest parties, and deem who’s in and who’s out ― all the while keeping their reputations perfectly pristine. They not only have the school wrapped around their fingers but the city as well. Beautiful, powerful, and often filthy rich, the Royals are at the top for a reason ― and they’re definitely not the type to let you forget it.

{ The Jocks }
One of the most if not the most competitive clique at Buckley, the Jocks, are known and beloved around campus for the hundreds of wins and trophies that they bring to the school every season. The people who win championships. The ones everyone can’t stop talking about. Hell, even if it weren’t for their high standing their athletic bodies would be enough to talk about. Within the Jocks clique, there is a pecking order within the pecking order. What sport you play, what team you made and how vital a member you are to your team determines just how popular you are amongst your fellow jocks as well as the rest of the school. If you're the captain of your team than you are the King or Queen to your teammates. Yeah, the true King and Queen rule over the entire school but you rule your team, and that is still some kind of power to have. Captains work their asses off to get their position, and they'd be damned if you don't respect it, or you will surely face the consequences.

The players of varsity teams are always more popular than their junior varsity brethren who tend to idolize them as much as the Prince and Princess probably revere their King and Queen. Junior varsity players may not be as popular as those they aspire after but, they're still pretty high up on the social totem pole and whether varsity or junior varsity the jocks look after their own. You miss with the JV's and know that the rest of the jocks are coming for your ass.

{ The Rebels }
As cliche as it sounds, these are the kids that your parents warned you about— for the most part. The Rebels are known for constantly skipping class, starting fights, and making detention their second home. Most are just brats either crying out for mommy and daddy's attention or committing stupid antics for the attention of their peers, but others are a real force to be reckoned with that even the Royals wouldn't touch with a fifty feet pole. These students laugh in the face of rules and do things their way. In most cases, it’s their way or the highway. Often turning a blind eye to what the administration and society say, they do whatever they desire with the thought of consequences and repercussions being lodged in the deepest creases of their mind. Frankly, whether they do what they do because they're seeking attention or because they just give no fucks about anything - these students have the courage to do what others wish they could. Some admire them for it and others resent them for it. Regardless, these are some bad ass students.


{ The Preps }
Perhaps they’re not as good with words as the Royals are, or they just don’t care as much, but the Preps get their popularity from flaunting their money around. It’s almost obnoxious, really. The students in this clique mainly consist of the kids that have the looks, and the money, and the brains. You’ve got your Ivy League bound kids, as well as Hollywood bound kids. Not all preps are complete snobs, but good portions of them are. Normally they do more “sophisticated” things than other students - like instead of playing football or going to a friend’s house they’re playing tennis, golf, having memberships to country clubs and playing violin or piano. Of course, that doesn’t mean all of them do these things, but a good portion of them have that ‘superior brainiac air’ to them. A lot of the preps have some kind of musical or artistic talent. They are usually wealthy, and their fashion is typically brand name - never knockoff.

{ The Animals }
If you’re not wary of this clique, well, let’s just say ― you really should be. They don’t give a damn about what you think of them, as long as you are thinking of them. It’s the girl you make eye contact with from across the hall, her hips sashaying to a tantalizing rhythm as she approaches. It’s the boy who sends shivers down your spine; strong hands teasingly moving upward as he whispers dirty secrets in your ear. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who it is. All it takes is that one undeniably sexy smile, two hands on the small of your back, three steps down the hall to the janitor’s closet ― and you’re a goner. This crowd never fails to keep themselves satisfied, luring others into a game of cat and mouse for the sole purpose of fulfilling their own carnal needs. Perhaps the only thing they do more than, well, their peers is ― party; in ways that would have Mother Teresa rolling in her grave. Undisputed party animals that use little to no discretion, the Animals’ are Buckley’s hot messes, and everyone knows it.

{ The Wannabes }
Ah, the wannabes. As the name so clearly states, the wannabes want to be something they’re not. They’re the lowest-ranking clique on the B-List. Wannabes desperately want to be a part of the A-Listers. Some of them can be tolerated while others are just so painfully annoying you don't want them in your presence. These people will do anything an A-Lister asks them to. To them, they’re gods and goddess. However, unless they’re using them for one thing or another, the A-Listers don’t typically give the wannabes the time of day. They're the first people who pop into the mind when the A-Listers need a lackey to do their dirty work.

The wannabes do everything in their power to try and be cool and keep those above them happy; because they know how close they are to being cast out of the in-crowd. Most people either pity them or hate them, but the wannabes don’t mind - they’re aren't fazed by the haters. If and when they become a part of the A-Listers, those who doubted them will surely pay. Wannabes typically try to start trends, but they seldom come through as successful. Much like preps, they wear brand name clothes and act superior; although they aren't.


{ The Performers }
The Performers have a passion for music and adore being in the limelight. These students bring rhythms and melodies to the halls of Buckley. Music has a special place in their hearts and, ladies and gentlemen, try not to stare in awe as they showcase their talents. From songbirds and skilled dancers to aspiring DJs and instrumentalists, the Performers may seem like nothing more than a motley crew of gifted individuals; however, it’s their passions and love of music that unite them. Which, and let’s be real here, is more than we can say about some other cliques at this school.

{ The Thespians }
Thespians absolutely adore the theater. It’s their life’s true calling. They're typically random, loud, and often burst out into song. Thespians love the theater because, essentially, it’s their kingdom. Thespians feel at home there, and it’s where they can share their passion for their art with their peers, parents, and friends. They insist on auditioning for every single school production. Those who reside in this category but hate the performance aspect of it are often behind the scenes painting sets and operating the light fixtures and wind machine. Thespians worship their director, cast and crew. They tend to be one big family unless someone stole so and so's lead role, then a civil war breaks out which is never pretty. They usually obsess over Broadway plays and musicals as well and have stars in their eyes and big plans for the future.

{ The Artisans }
A rather creative and accepting bunch ― filled with a mishmash of students just trying to find an outlet. These students are true craftsmen who love to let their pieces speak for themselves. Whether their media is painting, drawing, photography, clay, metals or whatever else they can get their hands on - the artisans are made up of people who love finding new ways to express themselves and show the world who they are without the use of words. There are some who dream of recognition and hope to have their work one day featured in some fancy gala somewhere in downtown Manhattan or France, but most do what they do because they just love what they do. Even though the likely chance of them ever making a career out of their passion is close to one in billion.


{ The Drifters }
These people don't like to tie themselves down to one specific group. They drift around going from group to group, having a rather wide variety of friends and acquaintances. Which is why they don't have a defined circle of friends. They just mix and mingle with everyone from the Virtuosos - to the Brains. The social butterflies of Buckley, these students have an act for being able to build relationships between themselves and whoever they choose whether they share a common interest with these people or not. The only people that drifters usually don't give the opportunity to befriend are the Listers as the Listers don't tend to associate themselves with anyone who it's a Lister. Although, depending on the social skills of said drifter who knows what could happen if they were to weasel there into a Lister's path.

{ The Skaters }
Skaters are people who love to skate (and can actually do it), unlike posers who call themselves skater just because they wear skate clothes and own a board. Although the clique is called the skater clique, not only skaters are a part of this clique. Skateboarders, bmxers, scooters, inline skaters; basically anyone who rides on any set of wheels that isn't a car and loves it is a part of this clique. It's all about landing tricks for these people. Landing a trick is the ultimate high! For real skaters what they do isn't a fad, it's a way of life.

{ The Hipsters }
Most of the students at Buckley think of the Hipsters as tree hugging rejects who either spend their time stoned or putting on some peaceful protest for the rights of some irrelevant cause. Peace, tranquility, and love. Three things that you'll never find in Buckley - or at least you'll never find it all at the same time. The hippies value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter. Although "hipsterism" is really a state of mind, it is also often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store.


{ The Geeks }
A geek is somebody who is generally very knowledgeable—even to the point of obsession—about a particular topic. What separates the geeks from the nerds is that geeks aren't all knowing know-it-alls. Instead, they are all knowing enthusiast about whatever topic or field happens to catch their interest. These are the kids with 1st edition or limited edition comic books. They are obsessed with the newest, coolest, trendiest things that their obsession has to offer. Geeks are different from nerds in the fact that they have social lives. However, these social lives are often spent pursuing some passion that the geek is obsessed with (i.e. Yu-Gi-Oh!). They spend all their time thinking about their one obsession and play it in all of their free time. Geeks are usually only friends with other geeks, and attempts to converse with geeks is futile, unless, of course, you want to talk about Star Trek or whatever that certain geek is obsessed with.

{ The Nerds }
If you need a tutor, they’re the ones to go to— if you can tear them away from their books first. Sometimes they get their straight marks effortlessly, other times they slave over their textbooks in the library for hours, but, either way, they’re in the top ten once exam scores come out. A nerd is a basically a bright but socially inept person. The nerds are the people who gain pleasure from amassing large quantities of knowledge; i.e. the all knowing know-it-alls. They possess envious amounts of intelligence and work ethic. These students make flawless grades and make our school look good. The Nerds are confident that those who are at the top of the school now will be working for them one day. The members of this clique have outstanding achievements in academics, even if they are always one step behind sports in receiving recognition.


{ The Loners }
There are two types of loners at Buckley. You've got the loners who are alone because they freak people out, and no one wants to go near them, and then you have the loners who were probably wallflowers in middle school and chose to be alone out of preference. Regardless, a loner is a loner and at Buckley, a loner is a loser. The loners tend to have crazy social anxiety along with poor social skills in general, zero confidence and exhibit envious traits. They're the ones who feel invisible around the opposite sex (or same-sex if they're attracted to the same-sex) because they are more or less invisible. Nobody notices when their around and no one would notice if they dropped off the face of the earth.

{ The Niners }
The Niners, otherwise known as the freshmen, are first-year high school students at Buckley. Your high school years are ones of self-discovery and everyone in this clique is just trying to figure out who they are and where they belong. Entering high school freshman tend to stick together, traveling in large packs for protection.There are two types of Freshman. The first kind being the annoyingly cocky, stupid, and immature kind. They haven't yet grasped the fact that they're no longer in middle school, and that they're are far larger and stronger upperclassmen lurking in the shadows looking for a reason to kick their asses. Then you've got the quiet and respectful freshmen who despise their counterparts. They make a decent attempt to fit in with the mature people on campus. Often keeping their mouths closed and heads low until they either find their place. By the end of the year, every freshman will have found their clique at Buckley and will go from being unclaimed to being apart of a group. Unless, they turn out to be a loner in which case ... poor child.

{ The Outcast }
The difference between a loner and an outcast is the fact that an outcast was once upon a time accepted by a clique that ended up exiling them. Their former clique has shunned them, and there is a good chance they will never work their way back into their clique's good graces. There are many ways that one could get cast out of their clique, and chances are once you are you will spend the rest of your days at Buckley shunned and ridiculed by those you once called your friends forced to live out the rest of your high school days unclaimed, unwanted and alone.


At Buckley it isn't just your clique that factors into your popularity. The social separation doesn't start and stop at your interests and talents. Popularity at Buckley is also based on whether your lifer who's been at Buckley since you were still in pull-ups or some transfer that showed up a year or two ago. The socioeconomic status of your family is taken into account by all and whether or not your family could actually afford the tuition it took to get you here or your just another scholarship charity case also plays a part in the matter. Just because you've found a clique that accepted you it doesn't mean that things are always going to peaches and cream. There is in-fighting, rivalries, jealousy and a bunch of other obstacles that will find their way into your inner circle. Hopefully, your group is strong enough to overcome all the hurdles that are to come.


Important Note: These cliques are stereotypes, your character does not have to fit the description to the letter. For example, if you want to play a jock that’s accepting of all cliques, that’s fine! However, your character should be able to identify with the description in a general sense, and be prepared for the backlash of not following the order of the social hierarchy.

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