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Vatlis: Revolution

The Map of O're and Vatlis

a part of “Vatlis: Revolution”, a fictional universe by Wolf's Bane109.


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The Map of O're and Vatlis

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:37 pm

The Map Of The Continent Of O're


The kingdom of Vatlis is in the center of the land with many steep hills and sheer drop off cliffs, the castle being on one of the said cliff edges. It is very rich in ores, mining, and the main water supply for the capital. It is fortified by five different walls, each wall having its own small town and cast of people. Vatlis is ruled by the younger twin daughter of the royal family in the past few recent years. She rules with an iron but fair fist, treating her people fairly and justly, but is also a fearsome opponent in battle.
Last edited by Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Land Of O're Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:53 pm

The Different Fighting Styles In O're

There are different types of weapons on O're. In the southern areas, the weaponry takes on an oriental theme; for example, the main sword-like weapons there are the Karask (longsword/one-handed katana), Wakana (wakizashi), and Kantar (two-handed katana). Seeing as their preferred weapon of choice is blades, it is best to know what you are up against if you ever dare to go to the southern border of O're.

Also, in most of the countries, there is the unified idea of different Stances or styles of fighting. A very experienced person is able to switch back and forth between different stances with relative ease, although it is rare nowadays.

Some examples include, Arrowstance (Quick stabs to keep an enemy at bay). Often seen in groups of bandits and thieves.

Axestance (A brutal stance, with smashing blows meant to crush bones). This is a rarer form of fighting, but if most often seen in Orcs, Ogres, and primarily Dwarves.

Scythestance (Long, sweeping slices, to cut the enemy to ribbons). This is often seen used by Elves, Goblins, and Hobgoblins as they favor long blades and knives.

Foilstance (A stance focused on agility and panache, involving a lot of tumbling and feinting). This is often seen used by trained assassins and thieves, as they rely heavily on their stealth and agility.

Bladestance (Slices and stabs mixed together, to drive an enemy back against the wall). This is the most popular form used in Vatlis, most notably favored by the Royal Guard, The Red Falchion themselves.

Stavestance (A defensive style focused on parrying and keeping many enemies at bay. Good for crowd control.). This form of fighting is often seen by those crafty ones at sea, often a favorite among pirates as seen by their use of cutlass' and knives.

But by no means are these the only forms of combat, as many cultures have invented their own as time has gone on and weapons have evolved.

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Re: The Land Of O're Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:07 pm

The Clans of O're


They are known for their brutality both in war and their clan life. They are brutal warriors that one would not wish to come across in the heat of battle, nevermind even in your daily life if you are ever so unlucky to come across one. They are rarely ever seen in their human form in battle, as they are always stronger and more deadly in their wolf form over their predecessor. The reason is unknown why they prefer their wolf forms, but it is rare that they are seen as humans. They are able to mate with humans, but only in their human form (obviously). But it is greatly looked down upon by their clan, as they see it as traitorous that they would choose a simple human over another Lycan.


Orcs are known to be even more so brutal than the Lycans, always at war with other species and their own clans. Their skin ranges in a variety of colors, white, black, dark red, light orange, and the oh so cliche light green. They don't have such a stark contrast in appearance to humans aside from their ears and skin color, which can be rather deceiving if one isn't careful. They are known for their brutal style of blessings, their armor causing pain to the wielder as dozens of small needs pierce the skin as it requires the blood of the wearer, but due to the pain their power and ferocity is tenfold. They are known for their ferocity outside of battle and are most commonly known for their more..."unsavory" crimes that they commit in human camps and clans.


Goblins are known for their trickery, mischief, and constant bombardment on travelers that are unlucky enough to come into their territory. Goblins are not only territorial over their own land, but will also raid small camps, never taking prisoners, always for the "sport" or the supplies. Some have left the Goblin cast in search of a "better life" and some have gone on record of becoming pirates, blacksmiths, and even carpenters, but those are few and far between, and few have ever been to leave their cast if lucky enough to leave alive.


Dwarves are known best for their craftsmanship and ore and mining trade. But that is not to say they are not good in the face of battle. Oh no, they are fearsome warriors, and if you are lucky enough, they will not only lend you their weaponry but also lend you their hand in battle if you earn their trust and respect. Dwarves are also known for their love of alcohol, music, and celebrations of the winter solstice. Their blessings are the only one that does not require the use of blood or tattooing Runes. They bless weapons with their runes, by infusing magic, sometimes the exact ability of the blessing may be unknown to the dawrf that crafted it.


Elves are known to be the more technically advanced race in O're. Their proficiency in both combat, warfare tactics, and their attunement with nature are their trademarks. Both male and female of their species are notably some of the best warriors. Their preferred form of weapons are bows, as they do not have to get their hands messy, but are also silent killers as they hide in the shadows. Their blessings are Runes by tattooing the skin, wheather by a simple rune, or multiple, depending on which the weilder may desire.

Djinns and Djinn Possession

Djinns are known for their power and trickery. They have control over the elements, among being able to possess the body of a living individual. They're naturals at persuading others with words and wish to take possession of a living being to try to "live" again, or gain power. Their origins are unknown in O're, but it is recommended to never come across one. Djinns are said to live in the southern part of O're, in the deserts, but as they are typically unseen to the human eye, their exact locations are unknown to this day.

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Re: The Land Of O're Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:27 pm

The Different Forms Of Blessing In O're

Blessings are a special type of magic. They give powers to the beings and objects they are inscribed upon. Each race has a different way of doing them. Most involve blood of some sort, especially with creatures. Despite the different races having differing styles, all the runes are the same. The first Blessings came from the Ancient Age; an age people hardly known about anymore, before even the Old Ages.

Back then, magic was rampant, primordial. It shaped the world itself. But it's said the Predecessors (The ancient people who elves and humans evolved from - which is why half-elves are able to exist, since humans and elves share a common ancestor) managed to harness the magic into symbols known as Blessings. Many people afterward tried and failed to create new blessings. Each blessing is composed of different parts, each strengthening a certain attribute. The more of that part there is, the stronger the attribute, and the stronger the being due to it.

Agility and Dexterity


Strength and Power


Knowledge and Wisdom










Stamina and Health


Hallucinations and Mind Manipulation


Agony, Torture, or Death

(This is a forbidden rune. It had allowed for the instantaneous death of any who were touched by the wearer. It is forbidden in all civilized places, and only a handful of people in the world still remember its form.)

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Re: The Land Of O're Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:52 pm

Ignore this one, was a duplicate post.
Last edited by Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Land Of O're Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:03 pm

The Olden Ages

The Old Age was a time long ago in O're's history. It was back when humans and elves were one species, magic was raw and untamed, and the Ethereal Realm was a far-away place. Back when civilizations were more simplistic, bronze stood in for steel, and the landscapes were rather mild - except for the mountains, of course.

That was all soon to change.

Back then, there were three main civilizations: Vatlis, Atlum, and Falernian. Vatlis, was a monarchy of the human-elves, the ancient civilization from which Vatlis draws its roots. Atlum was the nation of the ancient Dwarves, high up in the mountains. Falernian was a brutal, warmongering nation run by goblins. Orcs and kobolds were wandering tribes of nomads at the time.

In the beginning of the Old Age, there was a strained peace between the nations. There was animosity between them, a trying for power, but none of them made the first move. That is, until Falernian made an attack on Kulvarum, the capital of Atlum, scattering the dwarves across the mountains.

The peace broke, and there was war. The human-elves and dwarves fought against the goblins, orcs and kobolds (both tribes were bribed over to the goblin's side). There were also more than a few human-elf mercenaries who went to the goblin's side. The war went on for many years. At one point, four of the nobles of vatlis found that this war had been going on long enough. They wanted to put an end to it. They spent years in seclusion, learning to master the wild magic of O're.

And eventually they did, for these four princes - Abaran, Belatan, Cyladar and Delaxar - were the Predecessors themselves. The Predecessors, flush with new powers, began to get a little bit cocky and slowly turning to insanity. Thus was the nature of magic, and the magic was like a drug for them.

Abaran was perhaps the most vehement of the war of the four of them. Using his powerful Lawmagick, he cursed many of the Atlumites. He cursed the orcs so that their civilization could never evolve past brutal tribes. He cursed the goblins that they would never feel any remorse or empathy for other living beings. He cursed the kobolds to be trapped forever in the depths of the earth. And he cursed the human-elf deserters with a transmutation that caused them to turn into vicious animals on the full moon. These went into seclusion and were the beginnings of the Lycans and Changelings alike.

Belatan's Lawmagick was very strong, second only to Cyladar's. The second Predecessor started reshaping the landscape to his whims, creating vast seas, biting deserts, freezing mountains and treacherous jungles.

Cyladar was the strongest Predecessor, and his magic changed not one but two worlds; for he was the Predecessor to connect the Material Realm and Ethereal Realm, allowing spirits and mortals to go between both places. He had the strongest grip, and so this effect remains to this day.

Delaxar used his Lawmagick to create the runes known as Blessings. He purposefully made them adaptable, so that different cultures could adapt them in their own way, though never to destroy a certain rune or create a new one.

The world had been changed. The war ended. But the Predecessors looked at what each of them had done, and were not pleased. They had not discussed what they would do, they just did it regardless of the wishes of the other. Abaran was upset about Belatan changing the landscape, whilst he was angry at Cyladar fusing another world with theirs.

They broke out into infighting. In anger, they charged up great blasts of power. This created a great eldritch explosion that killed the Predecessors and cursed the land even more; Human-elves suddenly split into humans and elves, but possibly the most devastating effect was that it caused some of the changes of the Predecessors to wear off or become altered over time. The most obvious examples are how some goblins lost their apathy (becoming the subrace of Hobgoblins - see above) and how the kobolds have begun to come back to the surface world, which slowly shifts, melts and reforms over great periods of time into odd landscape formations, such as Vatlis' odd rippling texture of alternating hills and craters.

However, it is theorized that some of the more lasting effects may wear off or change, such as the curse on lycans, and orcs, or even the connection to the Ethereal Realm. If they ever do wear off, they could have great effects on the world of O're - though it should be pointed out that once an orc leaves their tribe, they can learn new things. The curse only affects those in the clan. This is a bit of a loophole Abaran didn't take into account.

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Re: The Land Of O're Information

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wolf's Bane109 on Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:13 pm

Religions of O're


"The Church of the Predecessors" (though most just refer to it as "The Church") is a very zealous and prejudiced religion - at least, in some sects. It is one of the most widespread religions, and is worshipped in many places.

The Church holds the belief that the Predecessors of the Old Age (see above posts) did not kill each other off, but Cyladar stopped them and told them to make peace, not war. They came together in harmony to rule the world.

The original sect of the Church - known as Orthodox Church - was very zealous and prejudiced, centered around the Vatlis area. It condemned goblins, orcs, lycans and the other Changelings, kobolds/drakonans, and humanoid elementals (seen as demons that steal human souls and take on their forms). They also were prejudiced against many other things, such as women's rights (the orthodoxes were less than pleased about seeing the twin sisters being crowned), homosexuals, immigrants from other countries, and many other things.

Many people did not like the Orthodox sect, seeing it as a blemish on the good name of the church. Thus, most of the population of Vatlis (and the other nations) worship a less angry sect - the Refounded Church - that just teaches to be good, kind, and to not be consumed by sins.

They still see the Predecessors as powerful benevolent Gods (rather than immature teenagers who couldn't handle their own power), but they believe inequality among people, and teach to treat everyone like anyone, so that there may never be another war among the races. The most famous worshipper of the Refounded Church is the Queen of Vatlis herself and her subjects if they choose to do so, as they have free will for whatever religion they want, if any.

The Orthodox sect and Refounded sect hate each other and there are often many barroom fights over the sects. A lot of people have animosity towards the Church for the Orthodox Church, and so they pursue other religions.


The Seven is a religion mostly worshipped in the southern deserts and islands. Unlike most religions, it does not worship gods, but ideals. The Seven is often seen as less of a religion and more of a worshipped mantra.

In their most famous religious story, there were seven men - not gods, just ordinary men. They looked upon the world and saw hate, greed and treachery. These seven wise men decided that they needed to found a code, a mantra that could help people open their eyes and strive to become better people. Thus was the Mantra of the Seven:

Compassion - Listen to those around you. Do not ignore. Make them feel loved and welcome.
Hope - Even when times seem dark, the sun shall rise again. Don't let the light inside go out.
Honesty - Do not lie or betray. Treachery leads to death and sadness. Speak only the truth, and good shall come of it.
Humility - Be humble. Do not gloat, brag, or hoard money. Share your wealth and time with the common people.
Kindness - Do not mock and jeer others in hatred. Treat one with kindness and they shall unto you.
Life - Enjoy life. The world gives us so many things to enjoy - do not ignore them.
Tranquility - Do not shout or strike in anger. Be calm and peaceful in everything you do. Don't get frustrated.
Many people worship the Seven because of it's peaceful doctrine. It has slowly been getting more popular over the years, slowly moving up north near Vatlis, as it has become rather popular there as well.


Many of the tribes of orcs, lycans and Changelings all alike worship natural spirits. Elementals and Djinn are seen as demigods, and shamans (also known as spiritualists or witch doctors) use strange herbs to heal and perform chants and ceremonies. Some of their powers are true - many are soul sorcerers of varying degrees, though they credit it to their religion rather than the Ethereal Realm.

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