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An Elegy in the Ashes

Secondary Characters and NPCs

a part of “An Elegy in the Ashes”, a fictional universe by Jakuri-chan.

A millennium ago, a terrible cataclysm sunk the world into the very depths of Hell. The surface left unlivable, life turned its head toward the one place left untouched by disaster—the floating continent of Manus Luna. . . .

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Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jakuri-chan on Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:27 am

Okay, so this is where you post information about any secondary characters you have in mind for the roleplay who will be appearing more than once, but not enough to merit the creation of a full on profile. The basic rules for posting an NPC profile are pretty simple, and the information provided does not have to be nearly as detailed.

I'll post a small little default app below for anyone's use in creating an Secondary Character/NPC profile. If there is something more to it you wish to add beyond the fields listed, go on ahead.

Code: Select all
[left][size=200]FULL NAME HERE[/size]

[size=95][b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Nickname(s): [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]

[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Weight: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]

[b]Personal History: [/b][/size]
"I'm just a wandering spirit, dead and gone, a blank void, as empty as can be...a lonely ghost."

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Re: Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wake on Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:45 pm

Field Marshal James Tiraninot

Gender: Male
Nickname(s): The Tyrant (nobody is brave enough to call him this to his face though)
Age: 42

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 167

Personality: To most people, Tiraninot could be defined by either one of two different words. The first would be Efficient. Tiraninot is a very precise and organized individual. Able to juggle a very large scheduled with apparent ease and manage each of his duties, assignment, meetings, and paperwork with a quick and thorough completion. He has the mark of a man that knows how to maneuver around a bureaucracy skillfully and run a network of individuals fluidly.

The second word you would use to describe him to be, is ruthless. Grim, fierce and detached from morality, Tiraninot has a permanent scowl on his face. When other men break under the horrors of disaster, he crushes it's tragedies under his heels. Tiraninot Makes an intimidating presence in a conflict zone, never wavering, never losing face. Few are willing to cross him in certain matters, and the lynchpin behind his efficiency is his ability to force things to happen, at whatever cost. Tiraninot is a man who is both dedicated and willing to do whatever it takes to keep order and make sure that the interest of the government and the city are kept in working charge. He gives little hesitation towards making necessary sacrifices for the overall strategy, even if those sacrifices are peoples lives and livelihoods. Any rivals he may have can expect little mercy and a lot of opposition from him, as any threats are eliminated. Thoroughly eliminated.

Secretly though, their is another word to describe him. Ashamed. Tiraninot maybe be willing to resort to the most underhanded and atrocious of methods to ensure things are running smoothly, he still has some pangs of guilt over some of his actions. Secretly he keeps a mental record of every person who's lives he's ended or ruined. Though he believes himself a necessary evil in keeping the city safe, he still acknowledges that what he does is something he should eventually be punished for.

Personal History:
When Tiraninot was a young man, an event happened in Portum Animas that would later be known as "The Power Riots". An issue of over population and economic depression arose in the city after people from the country side tried to migrate in mass into the urban areas. Crowding, some bits of racial prejudice, poverty and underdevelopment caused tensions to rise. While the situation could have been contained, as plans for expansion on residential areas were underway, containment of violence failed when several waves of immigrants contained people with the gifts.

In the spark of a series of murders and gang fights it eventually erupted into a series of full scale riots and gang wars. This incident caused several gifted members of the city to start banding together into groups and begin waging territorial wars all over the city. Riots were happening everywhere, and it was common place to see blast of fire, telekinetic burst and other such attacks being thrown with reckless abandon. Streets were ruined and buildings were wrecked as a the city came close to total anarchy.

Somewhere during that harsh time, Tiraninot's mother and father were killed by a stray blast.

A new unit was formed in the city guard called the suppression unit, an early precursor that later would become today's HEA Unit, that was task specifically with combating and arresting citizens with special powers. Tiraninot joined at a relatively young age, and after months of bloody fire fights and back and forth battles between the suppression unit and the gangs the city slowly started to calm back down.

Years later Tiraninot would slowly move up the suppression unit's chain of command, eventually taking full control, renaming it and building it into an even more elite force. Since then he has been promoted all the way up to the position of Field Marshal, effectively becoming absolute head of the city security force and military.

He would later move on to invest much into the "The Furnace Pit", Portum Animas's, industrial district. There have been some strange rumors about some of the manufacturing he is in charge of, mostly around materials and parts that are being processed. But from what can be seen there isn't much to go on beyond what looks like just more industrial development for the army branch.

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Re: Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jakuri-chan on Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:13 am

Niamh Antouanette

Gender: Female
Nicknames(s): The Apostle of the Holy Mother, Hand of the Divine, Lady of Blood and The Scarlett Queen

Age: Twenty-Five
Height: 5 ft 10 ins (177.8 cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (66 kg)

Personality: Though she is a patron of the Church of the Holy Mother, and one of the people who is responsible for maintaining it, Niamh Autouanette is anything but what her appearance may lead you to think. Though it appears as if she has a kind face, one of a maternally woman who would nurture the passively gifted children who are left in the care of the Church by Portum Animas’ leaders, that could not be more wrong. . . . The reality about this woman here, is that she is cruel. She is a vicious woman whose demeanor does not at all match her appearance and position of ‘power’ within her establishment. Even if she ought to be a kind woman, she’s more like a she-devil, a demoness in the flesh of an Apostle. For the public, she puts on an act, a convincing ruse that has a majority of the church goers really thinking of her as being a nice lady, that she loves all people and that her one wish is to bring about the revival of the Goddess Harmonia. Out of this though . . . Niamh turns into a lady who is bent on not reviving the Goddess, but instead bringing the Holy Mother down so that she herself can take in her power. Saying it simple, the Apostle of the Holy Mother desires the power to become a Goddess.

She seeks to use those Gifted left to her care to somehow draw enough power to call Harmonia to her, and to take what she believes is rightfully hers. Even if this act would cost the children cared to the church their lives, she possesses no guilt in doing so. All people are just simple pawns to her, pieces of a game that only she understands—but one thing is for sure, in that twisted game of hers, she herself is playing the role of the ‘Queen.’ Despite the fact she has an appearance comparable to that of a rose, she is anything but fragile, she’s a fighter, fierce, never backing down until she wins. She has a very domineering personality, controlling, she always has to be in control of any plan or scheme she is involved in.

The reality of what she can do is known only to those who are under her command—her cruelty is known well to these people, as she has been left in command of a legion of ‘holy warriors.’ Yes, the church actually has knights working for them, and this psycho lady is in command of some of them. . . . To those her word is handed down to, Niamh is greatly feared. Putting it blatantly; if you were to disappoint her, you’d be lucky to leave her presence with only a broken bone; if she’s in a foul mood she won’t hesitate to take someone’s life if she thinks of them as useless to her and her plans.

Personal History: She was odd from birth. Unlike normal children, Niamh was anything but, she never associated with others her age, and she never acted her age. Children are expected to ask silly questions, to be curious, to smile, to be innocent and pure of heart, but Niamh . . . was never such a girl. From a very young age, she was always a quiet thing, rarely ever speaking, she was observant and self-confident despite her quietness, anytime she did speak up, there was not a hint of uncertainty in her young voice, and odder still, she was always correct in what she was saying, no matter the topic. She had a gift, but she was not Gifted. No, no . . . she was just exceptionally intelligent, creepily so. And, it was due to this strange level of intelligence that caused Niamh to be even stranger than she ought to have been. When she was rather young, she declared that the whole of humanity on Manus Luna was nothing better than scum, they didn’t deserve to even be breathing. As she saw, only people of remarked knowledge should have had the great pleasure of getting to breathe. So, from there on, she made a rather interesting decision. Niamh decided that she would become a Goddess and through the powers granted to her through this, she would end life as it was, and spare only those she saw as deserving, and ultimately give new life to the world. . . . Joining the Church at a young age, Niamh eventually formed a rather convincing facade that would make people believe she really a wonderful woman who was kind and caring, the perfect figure for someone who would one day become a leader in it. As the years went on . . . she began to realize her desires to move up the ladder of power within the church, eventually coming to her current placement at the age of twenty-two. Given a legion of knights under her command, Niamh has led crusades to other parts of Manus Luna, to ‘purify’ them of sinners and sins. Such events have only been bloodbaths, she herself leading these occurrences with a smile upon her face, leading to her nickname as ‘The Lady of Blood.’ Such happenings are often carried out in small, rural areas of the continent, and as such, word of these massacres are often not heard of until long after they have happened, and in the end, they are blamed upon the everchanging and growing monster population. . . . Only Niamh herself and her legion are aware of the truth, and her name as The Scarlett Queen and Lady of Blood are what they call her in secret.

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Re: Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby shadereen on Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:33 am

are there anymore posts to fill? Can I have 1?

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Re: Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jakuri-chan on Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:48 am

Aelius Ardente

Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Aeli
Age: Thirty-Nine

Height: 5 ft 11 ins (180 cm)
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)

Personality: A sort of erratic man—Aelius is nothing short of an absentminded genius really. He’s highly intelligent, able to deduce things with a simple gaze, and his abilities to work with machines are nothing short of staggering. Although he bears a bit of an awkward appearance, one that might suggest that he’s not exactly very good at dealing with other people, Aelius is actually quite the chatterbox if he’s given the chance to speak. Most often though, he’ll just end up talking one’s ear off about his work, research and the workings of the technology he’s helped to uncover and get working again. He’s not exactly the most observant person when it comes to noting the emotions and conditions of another person though, this is where the absentminded aspect of his personality comes into play. Really, he’s a nice guy who cares a ton about his family, though because of what happened with his youngest daughter Aylin, her being taken away by the government he works for, he’s since gone and distanced himself from everyone. Also, though he bears love for Nicoletta, he’s also guilty of detaching himself from her a fair amount once she let her secret slip, the fact that she was a gifted child as well. When it comes down to it, Aelius is a genius of a man who’s nervous, and frightened of the fact that he could potentially lose another of his family, it’s simply a pain he doesn’t want to bear again. . . .

Personal History: From his young days, Aelius’ unusual intelligence was notable. Although some might’ve mistaken him for dumb when he was little due to his habit of staring at things for long periods of time and barely saying a word, the truth was that his young mind was deducing the workings of whatever it was he was looking at. Or he was simply off in thought thinking about things which would have stumped the majority of the adults around him. He’s been smart since he was very young. . . . He was an only child, so he grew up without the burden or the blessings of a sibling in a rather poor family who lived in a rural area outside of Portum Animas, not being a ‘gifted’ child, there was no fear of him being taken away by the metropolis’ government, so his young life was fairly easy and normal, despite being so smart. While he never attend a formal school due to his family’s financial state, Aelius managed to educate himself in many subjects as he grew up, eventually his talents were noticed and he was offered a job by Portum Animas’ research department to begin work for the city. So, he moved into the bounds of the city, and began what would be his lifelong career, in this time he met the woman who would become his wife, Csilla. She was the daughter of a local baker, so she came from a simple background. While she wasn’t as intelligent as Aelius was, the man never found himself the least bit bored in her presence—they married young, and soon found themselves starting a family with the birth of their twins, Vincente and Isolde. Time passed on and their family grew, and remained close until Aylin’s gifted status was uncovered, and she was taken away. After this happened, Aelius unintentionally threw himself deep into his work while emotionally detaching himself from his children and wife. . . .

Csilla Ardente

Gender: Female
Nickname(s): La
Age: 37

Height: 5 ft 4 ins (162.6 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs (54 kg)

Personality: A kindly, loving woman, Csilla is a mother who sort of blends into the backdrop of everything. In recent years, she’s become rather soft spoken and rarely finds herself intervening on the happenings of her children due to emotionally distancing herself from her family. She’s not at all timid, it’s just that she’s become so very passive. . . The trauma of her youngest daughter being wrenched from her home while she was powerless to do a thing to stop it really took its toll upon her. Though it might seem rather selfish for her to be as she is now—seeming uncaring and cold toward her children, the truth is that she still cares very deeply for them, it’s just that she doesn’t want to face the pain of losing another she cares for so dearly. Despite the emotional distance she’s put between herself and her family, Csilla is still there for them. If her husband or one of her children needs something, she’ll aid them however she is able to, even if that trauma still gnaws away at her. At the same time, the incident with losing Aylin has led Csilla to form a rather strong sense of anger toward anyone who might threaten one of her children, despite her passiveness there remains in her, an urge to protect her kids.

Personal History: Rather ordinary from birth, there was really nothing too noteworthy about Csilla as she grew up. She was born in the bounds of the metropolis she still lives in today, and she can’t say that she’s ever actually left Portum Animas. Born to a baker and his wife, Csilla grew up in a rather mundane household, she aided her father and mother with their work, learning how to bake breads and pastries while she didn’t ever attend a formal school. Because her parents ran a business, she was at least taught the basic skills, reading, writing and simple maths. . . . Still, Csilla never really questioned her lifestyle nor did she ever pine for anything more, if anything can be said, it’s that she was a fairly contented lass. All in all, she was happy. As she was raised as an only child, she was also rather mature for her age, socializing mostly with adults from a young age had a profound effect on her confidence and ability to communicate—this is what would win over the man whom would become her husband. She met Aelius when she was fifteen, and married him at sixteen. He and she got along quite well from the get go, they having met by chance when Aelius wandered into the bakery run by Csilla’s family one afternoon while looking for a place to get lunch. . . . She was minding the store, and they met, hitting it off. After marriage, the two begun a happy life together, starting a family soon after, and continuing to expand on that while remaining close, until Aylin was taken away of course. After she was detained and taken away, Csilla fell into a short-lived state of depression which served as the beginnings of her emotional distancing from her children. Aelius and she grew somewhat distant, and really, Csilla never smiled much until around the time Aelius brought the ‘twins’ home in secret from his work. She lives on now, raising these two false humans as if they were indeed her children, and with them, she minds her sundries shop. . . .

Isolde Ardente

Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Issy
Age: 19

Height: 5 ft 8 ins (172.7 cm)
Weight: 125 lbs (56 kg)

Personality: A certifiable wild child, Isolde is undoubtedly the rebel of the Ardente family. While she is currently away from her family, out roaming the wilds and wilderness of Manus Luna, stories of her adventures and actions make it all the way back to the city for her family to both hear . . . and grimace at. She’s known for her rough and tumble ways, for being brash, blunt, and all around rough. She has a rather joking attitude, joking as in, she’s on the malicious side of the spectrum, and she’s someone who takes pleasure in what she does—and that would be beast slaying. In a word, Isolde is something of an adrenalin junkie; the thrill of a hunt is something she enjoys to no ends. Word of her violent ways has reach the ears of her family and caused them to question what happened to her, because before she left Portum Animas, she was simply a defiant girl, not malicious and seemingly bloodthirsty like the girl they hear about now. Isolde does not conform to what anyone sees as being well-mannered or polite, evidently she’s made it quite clear that she’s out for herself, and herself alone. Paying heed to the lives of others seems to not be in her mind.

Personal History: Born shortly after her twin brother, Vincente, Isolde is technically the younger of the two. While she might have the title of the technical younger sibling, the fact remains that between her and Vincente, she always seemed like the older one, going out of her way to protect her brother if he was bullied or anything like that. She and her sibling were always very close, they were well bonded and adjusted children, happy and healthy, going through their lives like kids should—carefree and innocently. When Nicoletta was born, Isolde took on the role of big sister to her as well, looking out for her and making sure she was safe and healthy. She played sentient for both her siblings, mindful of them, making sure that the two were secure and protected from harm. At this time, Isolde got along well with her parents, she was close to them. . . . And like what she did after Nicoletta was born, Isolde acted like the cerified defender of Aylin after she was born, especially to her since the girl was born of a frail demeanor. All in all, Isolde was close to her family in her early years, she loved them and was an amicable girl. After Aylin was taken away, she became someone very different though, she grew irritable, always angry, defiant of her parents and irked by her siblings. . . . Eventually, Isolde wound up leaving home when she evidently got fed up by her family’s ways. Since that occurred, the truth of what it is she’s been up to isn’t for certain, but it is known that she is at least out there, seemingly having changed a rather large amount, acting on slaying the strange beasts who have been appearing on Manus Luna as of late. She has a reputation for her prowess in slaying. . . .

Aylin Ardente

Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Lin
Age: 12

Height: 4 ft 5 ins (134.6 cm)
Weight: 55 lbs (25 kg)

Personality: The lost child of the Ardente family, Aylin. Taken from her family when she was four years old for her gifted abilities, Aylin has not once been in contact with them since then, as such, she’s grown up with very distant memories of her parents and siblings. . . . Because she’s been raised by the church, Aylin’s been made to believe that she was only born to be a servant of the Great Mother, the goddess who gives life to all, and she’s only suppose to exist to use her powers to heal, for no other reason. Thanks to this, Aylin is something of a blank slate with few interests or views of her own, she subsists day in and out, minding the duties she was given by the church. Aylin is a duty bound child to be honest, she’s simpleminded and naive. Other than these things, there isn’t much to say on her, she’s rather ordinary. . . .

Personal History: Though she was born into a loving family, Aylin’s fate was wrenched from her as she was forced away from her family for bearing a developed power in the way of healing others’ wounds. Because of what she could do, she was detained like many others were, and was ultimately left in the care of the church where she was raised as if she were an orphan with no real parents. Though Aylin does possess foggy, distant memories of those whom are her family, the way she was raised has led to see these as only dreams, and wishes of something she can’t and won’t ever have. She was raised to be a servant of the Following, to act as the hand of the goddess—nothing else. As such, Aylin’s life is not exactly very eventful beyond her being taken away at such a young age. Her life is nothing but a simple cycle that constantly repeats, she wakes up, attends to her assigned tasks, and then sleeps when it is said and done. She has no interests of her own and nothing much has ever happened to her. Aylin doesn’t understand the tragedies of the real world due to her upbringing, and she, nor her family, is remotely aware that they are still even within the same city. . . .

The Twins
Momchil & Amalia Ardente


Gender(s): Male and Female
Nickname(s): Momo and Lia
Ages: ???

Heights: Both are 4 ft 9 ins (144.8 cm)
Weights: Both are 75 lbs (34 kg)

Personalities: Although it might seem strange to us, Momchil and Amalia seem to live as two halves of the same whole, while they do have individual features of their personalities that make them their own person, there is an undeniable fact that they do not seem complete without one another. Both seem rather apathetic, passive, and outwardly unconcerned with the happenings around them, but the reason for this is the fact that they cannot yet entirely comprehend tragedies, or joyous occasions due to a lack of understanding. They are not experienced with life, and as such, they just seem as if they might be cold-hearted. However, there are some traits the two possess that make it apparent that they are indeed beginning to form a grasp upon the concept of living. Momchil is a boy who seems to enjoy being busy, and if he doesn’t have anything to do he will actually begin complaining about being bored. Amalia is a girl who actually possesses a vast wealth of knowledge inside of her head, and she will tend to factually answer any question asked in her hearing range whether or not it was asked of her. Both of these artificial humans are still rather inept at normal socialization with people, and tend to speak bluntly or will ask questions that people see as rude due to a lack of understanding. . . . As time has gone on, and these two have lived with the Ardente family, they have formed, while nearly unnoticeable, a powerful loyalty and gratefulness to them. Although concepts such as love and adoration escape their true understandings, the fact remains that the twins have indeed began to love the people who took them in as family, and as such, they are willing to risk their existences for them, and would die if it meant keeping them safe from harm.

Personal History: While the whole reasons for their existences prior to Aelius’ discovery of them is entirely unknown, even to them, the fact remains that these two are a little more than unusual beings. They are not human, despite appearances, and are artificial life forms born in the era preceding the one in which life was bound to Manus Luna. Aelius happened upon them while exploring a ruin underneath Cathedral Square in Portum Animas, both of them were laying flat on the ground, side by side, holding each other’s hand, looking as if they were dead. Intrigued by this discovery, the researcher wandered over to the two of them, and began to investigate, only to somehow ‘activate’ the two, and rouse them from their slumbers. Amazed that the two were still ‘alive’ and functional, Aelius himself came to a rather hasty choice in what to do with them, and that was to smuggle them away from the research site and take them home, because he knew what would happen if anyone else in his team were to see the two artificial humans. Not wanting them to wind up as lab subjects for the remainder of their existences, Aelius brought them home, to his wife and his two remaining children and was met with disdain and confusion. The two children had no names, no memories and no personalities. As a result of this, they came to be named by Aelius himself, deemed Momchil and Amalia. Even though the Ardente clan was unsure about the two of them, the fact remains that the twin falsies quickly blended in with the incomplete family, and came to be loved as their own blood. Both of these two twins have lived at the Ardente household for more than a year now, and despite their small sizes and seemingly young bodies, they have not grown or changed a bit in appearance, but it’s obvious that their minds have begun to seem more human in how they think and how they feel. Since being taken in by their host family, Momchil and Amalia have grown to hold onto a powerful fondness for both Nicoletta and Vincente, and as requested by Csilla and Aelius, they address the husband and wife as, ‘mother’ and ‘father.’

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Re: Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby JokerofSpades on Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:25 pm

Julian Samaet

Gender: Male
Nickname(s): The Judge, by most. Only Abby calls him Julii.
Age: 48

Height: 6'6
Weight: 200 lbs

Personality: Julian is a hard ass, to put it into simple terms. Years of regret and shame have washed away any sort of softness left in the Sanctioned and replaced it with a cold, sarcastic and humorless man. Rarely can anything make this man laugh anymore.
The reason is quite simple: He regrets his brother's death, and blames himself for not stopping him from sleeping with that tramp. In a way, the years have brought no form of real closure to Julian - he just simply accepts the fact that his brother did the wrong thing and got himself killed, regardless of whether or not he should have apologized or not. Because of this attitude, Julian refuses to let his nephew stray from the path of righteousness, and hence the reason why Mikael is so overworked - Julian expects nothing but the best from his pupil, for skill wise he must surpass his father.

Julian, in the end, is a tough customer that will belittle nearly anybody that isn't on his side.

Personal History: Back in his teenaged years, he was the headstrong, brash, hot-head of the Samaet Brothers compared to Maximilian - Max was care-free, flitty, charming and 2 years older. Not saying that Julian isn't charming, it's just that he is a little rough around the edges, that's all. However, back in those years the two of them had a bond stronger than most normal brothers dared to have. They laughed, fought, killed and captured together. Their very first Cleansing was done together, which says quite a bit about them. True, they argued over literally everything (the worst one had to be about which stool was sturdier...) but that didn't yank them apart. Instead, they kept by each other's sides until the bitter end. At least, that was what they had always told each other.

The second Max brought home that gypsy girl Julian was instantly suspicious of her. Julian has never been the trusting type, always muttering about how somebody will eventually stab him in the back. The only person he trusted that much was Maximilian. However, Maximillian decided to go out more with the HEA at the age of 25, leaving Julian alone more and more often. When Max showed up after being gone for 6 months, Julian was a little more rough and rude than he had been before. He hadn't coped without Maximilian very well, and that led to him becoming angry and sarcastic. Max tried to tell him the great news - that he had found the woman of his dreams, but Julain would have none of it. They fought constantly after that, Julian still angry at Maximilian for betraying him to some 'whore' while Max seething about Julian's choice of words towards his lady friend. Things took a turn from the worst from there, and that is saying a lot.

Maximilian came home one night (Julian was roughly 26)somewhat on edge and completely distraught, something that Julian hadn't seen on his brother's face in a very long time. Max wasn't one for nervousness, he was always the brave, optimistic one. Nevertheless, Maximilian couldn't seem to settle into his chair during a brief meal, before he quickly left once more. Julian, now completely confused by his brother's behaviour, decided to follow him. As Max winded down roads and side streets, Julian's confusion grew until his brother stopped at a house. When Max entered the house and began talking, Julian slowly put the pieces together, and listened in horror: Maximilian was going to be a father to a gypsy child. When Julian heard the news, he was mortified. He couldn't believe that his clean - cut brother, a Sacntioned, would copulate with a gypsy whore. As he listened, the story got worse. Max was discussing plans of her becoming part of the faith so that she could be recognized as his wife. Her voice, while tentative, agreed, but Julian new better. Gypsies were liars: she was toying with his brother.

Julian confronted Max on the streets home, and things got physical. Julian threatened to expose him, and Max got very mad. A fight between both brothers ensued, both with words and fists, until Julian lay on the ground, battered by his older brother. The next thing Julian could remember was waking up in his bed with a little note.

Julian, it seems that we do not see eye to eye on my relationship with Maria. I understand your hesitation towards her, but I mean to marry her. I would have appreciated your blessing in the matter, but what is done is done. I shall probably not return until a certain someone arrives, so take care of yourself. Don't bother looking for me - I am on a job, and even tracking me will be useless.


Nine months later, after Julian ripped himself to pieces emotionally, a small baby was discovered on the doorstep of the church, looking too much like Maximilian for anybody to let go. 3 weeks later, Maximilian's body was found, torn to shreds. Julian took it upon himself to raise the kid to never make the same mistakes as his father did. Ever.
What's that, the picture is gone? Damn it all. Uh, move along, nothing to see down here besides these words.

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Re: Secondary Characters and NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby JokerofSpades on Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:50 pm

Abigail Lilian

Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Abby
Age: 6

Height: 3'6
Weight: 35 lbs

Personality: For only a girl of six, Abby is full of life. Always active, always wanting to do something fun. She is a pure optimist at heart, loving life and everything around her. Since she doesn't really understand the Church or anything about most of the world, she assumes everything gets along, and that her big Uncle Micky is the coolest person ever.

Personal History:
She was born to Mikael's half brother Hadrian, and not one week later was dropped off at the church for Mikael to take care of. Not much else to her history besides the fact that she is completely blind, and is starting to sense that Uncle Mickey is sad about something. Other than that, nothing!

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