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The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm

Created Items, Buildings, etc.

a part of “The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm”, a fictional universe by Midnightclub.

Gods rule the cosmos and all that is within. As one of these elite beings how will you run the world? What will you create?

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Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZacharyTC on Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:01 pm

This topic is for anyone who wants to post what their character created (besides living beings).

Let us start by posting what we all created before the cataclysm:

Adarani's Creations

Mango- a tropical fruit.

Grapes- I asume you all know what those are. :P

Monastery - The residing place for Vitaiim and anyone else who wishes to be a Monk or Nun. Built in isolated areas for serenity, this is where Adarani's disciples train in Healing, Agriculture, Unarmed Combat, and advice giving.

Vocabiln - A fruit created as a gift to a now-deceased deity named Trelas. Its juices have the power to heal the vocal chords of the individual who eats it, enabling them to sing or play music again.

Rejiv- The rejuvenating fruit, grown in both tropical and temperate soil. It has the ability to replenish your energy as if you have actually slept and helps to keep your mind healthy and aware.

Vitalita- The herb that, when made into a tea, can speed up the healing process and enhance your immune system.

Creation by Korterra (Deceased)

Nightmares- terifying visions are sent to mortals as they sleep, plaguing them with frights and ghouls from the moment they begin to dream until the moment they awaken. They may be logical, nonsensical, crazy, or really anything - But all nightmares have one thing in common. They create fear in a mortal's mind, even as they sleep away from the real world.

Monsters create victims. Some victims become monsters to return the favor to the monsters who victimize them.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vinno1234 on Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:38 pm

- The Threefold Principles of Artifice
A vast codex containing basic knowledge of the three essential skills required to create works of Artifice, a sort of technology powered by magic, so as to put the wonders of Magic into the hands of the common folk. These essential skills and their descriptions from the introductory page are as follows:

The art of storing spells in glyphs, runes, or seals to provide a work of Artifice its function. For example, say one wanted to create a device -available to anyone, be they magically gifted or not- which sprays a gout of flame larger, hotter, and more efficiently than spraying fuel and setting the fuel alight. One need simply store a spell that has such an effect within a compact glyph, attach the glyph to some sort of frame or grip, attach a sufficient source of alchemical fuel to provide power to the glyph, and build a removable casing for the device to protect the components within whilst still allowing for maintenance to be done on the device itself should the device require any. Now, one possesses a portable device that can be used to imitate the capabilities of even the most powerful sorcerer, and one needs no formal training in proper use of the device beyond knowing how to pull a trigger.

The art of transmuting, combining, and fundamental altering substances to give them new properties, or to create new substances entirely. Mainly used to create more efficient sources of fuel, more durable materials for construction of machines, or important substances necessary for the functions of complex devices.

The art of constructing mechanisms necessary for the function, stability, and housing of devices such as the one described above. While not the most complex of the three principles, it is no less necessary than the two described above.

Later chapters go on to describe methods by which one would apply these principles, and include detailed instructions on how to construct basic works of Artifice.

-The Triad of the Path
A significantly shorter work than the one described above, this is a simple scroll detailing the only three laws one is encouraged to obey while traveling.

--Law I
Thou shan't steal from thy fellow traveler, unless no other paths present themselves.

--Law II
Thou shan't harm thy fellow traveler, unless it is in defense of thyself.

--Law III
Thou must give aid to thy fellow traveler should they need it and should thou be capable of providing it.

This is the closest thing as exists to an officially recognized dogma among worshipers of Riomu.
Last edited by Vinno1234 on Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZacharyTC on Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:54 pm


The Code of Monks and Nuns (Will be included in "Civilizations" once the Sacriran Order is explained in more detail)

Because the Sacriran Order (the nation Adarani watches over) lost its key documents on their Goddess' teachings, she has taken it upon herself to rewrite them as a reference for the Vitaiim and anyone else who becomes a Monk or Nun. The following are the basic laws each is required to follow, along with the reasons as to why that is. Note that when Adarani says 'relationships', in this case, she means all forms (family, marriage, neighborly, friendship, and, of course, romantic).


I. You are to heal whomever you see who requires healing, be an advisor on relationships for those who wish you to be, and ensure the harvests worldwide are plenty. Peace comes by peace. By showing kindness in place of hostility, you shed light where there is darkness and bring hope to those who have none. War can only be effective for so long before the hostility and hate it brings breed themselves to where more agony and pain is brought forth to those who do not fight.


II. These laws are what you must follow as a traveller to foreign lands:

a. When you go on your travels, take only what you need, and nothing else. You need no distractions or snares which tear you away from your purpose, that of serving others.

b. Should an individual offer a reward for helping them with their woes, help them but reject what is offered, for what good is an act of kindness when people put a price on it? It becomes meaningless. Kindness is something you give without any thought of return. No man, woman, or child, owes you anything for your help. Everything you do must come from the heart.

c. When offered a place to stay, be courteous to your host, because you are not only representing yourself, but also your people, thus you represent me.


III. Though you know how to use your body in battle, do so only when your life is in danger, and try to keep your assailant alive in the process. Answering death with death is an act which brings more hate to this world, something which contradicts all that is needed for peace and prosperity.


IV. Should one of you hold a grudge, settle it quickly and peacefully so that you do not bring harm to others. The longer the grudge remains, the more potentially dangerous it becomes to anyone near you.


V. In each monastery, there are to be two Abbots, one male, one female, so each gender has a representative. Each has equal say on matters other than what is specifically assigned to them, thus discussion and mutual agreement is required. This is how the running of each monastery is balanced.

a. One Abbot is to be in charge of the monastery's agricultural matters, ensuring that all Monks and Nuns residing there perform their duties with plants and animals efficiently. Whatever they do not know about agriculture that he or she does know should be taught to them so they may teach future generations. The desk and seat of authority for the Abbot of Agriculture is within the monastery's House of Farmers.

b. The other Abbot is the Abbot of Medicine, taking charge of all the monastery's reports and organization for finding cures and tending to those among the residents who need medical attention. His or her studetns shall be instructors on how t heal fellow mortals, be it in pain, injury, or other sorts of suffering found. The desk and seat of authority for the Abbot of Medicine resides in the Infirmiry.

c. Among the many duties the two Abbots perform together in their monastery is that of matchmaking for the residents who request it. When one requests to court another, both Abbots must discuss the matter in private. Only by mutual agreement can the decision be made. If the request is denied, they must speak to the person who requested it where nobody else will hear, the same request unable to be made until the alloted time the Abbots decide to give, no more than five weeks, which gives plenty of time for said individual to think it over before trying again. If accepted, a letter of notice should be given to the two people involved, both the person who requested courtship and the one whom the topic of courting is about. They are to meet with the Abbots in private to discuss the courtship, to determine whether the person in question wishes to court the individual who requested that courship. Once that person requested for accepts, the courtship begins.


VI. At the head of all monasteries within the Sacriran Order is the Central Monastery, where the Grand Abbots reside, one male, one female. One of them is the Grand Abbot of Agriculture, the seat and desk of authority within the First House of Farmers. The other is the Grand Abbot of Medicine, the seat and desk of authority in the First Infirmiry. The Grand Abbots not only perform their usual duties, but also call for meetings among all the Abbots, gathering at the Circle of Abbots. This gathering is for lawmaking, economics, emergencies, etcetera. The Grand Abbots will keep such meetings orderly and calm, voting only when there is a tie, counting as one vote due to mutual agreement required. If disagreement occurs and cannot be broken, the Blue Crane will decide on the matter at hand.


(The Code goes on to explain standard procedures in training students in the way of the Monk/Nun.)
Last edited by ZacharyTC on Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby 0neTailedf0x on Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:33 pm


Veltrez wrote a document that governs his soon to be completed kingdom, although it has no citizens in it yet. He also created an amulet to give to those he thought he would need to communicate with. He refers his followers as citizens of Dementia or citizens of Mania, even if they do not live in the actual cities.
The Scroll Of mind
Laws that govern all followers
Care for those you come upon
Fight those who dare attack us
Do not hurt innocents.
Do not anger Veltrez
Do not help the enemies.
Do not look into the eyes of Veltrez
Do not anger any gods
Do not let non citizens into the kingdom
If you wish to leave ask Veltrez to heal your mind before you leave

The citizens of Dementia shall be free of restraint in gambling , fighting, torture, and dark pleasures as those. Although if you do harm to another person without their consent you shall be forced to stare into the eyes of the duke of Dementia and lose your mind to insanity, a fate worst then death. If you see Veltrez in his devilish form run for your soul or risk losing your soul to eternal pain and suffering.
The guard of Dementia are golems connected as a hive with the duke or duchess controlling them. They are allowed to carry out justice, but only after a court hearing has taken place. What happens to the accused if proven guilty is up the duke or duchess to decide. The guards' bodies are made of metal and can be morphed to suit specific needs.
The citizens of Mania have a much stricter set of laws put in place, do not kill at all, or be forced to look into the eyes of the ducches of Mania and be in a fake state of blissful ignorance for the rest of eternity not caring if your whole family was slaughtered in front of you. The pleasures found in Mania are pure and beautiful music, painting, dancing, love, and food to eat to your hearts content. If you see Veltrez in his holy form rejoice, for you will be blessed with happiness and pleasant dreams.
The guard of Mania are golems connected as a hive with the duke or duchess controlling them. They are allowed to carry out justice, but only after a court hearing has taken place. What happens to the accused if proven guilty is up the duke or duchess to decide. The guards' bodies are made of metal and can be morphed to suit specific needs.
(The rest goes on to discuss the way the government is set up, I''ll put that in the civilizations section.)
The amulet of mind
This amulet has many functions. It can serve as a way of communication to Veltrez, just speak his name to it and you shall be speaking to him. It can also serve as a way to join Veltrez's civilization and become a part of Mania or Dementia. It also shows what side your more inclined to even if your powers are to cause damage. This may also be used to store the minds of those tainted with chaos, but not their body. If you have the mind of something that was affected by chaos Veltrez may be able to move their mind into a new body, but if they have been tainted too long it shall be impossible to return them to their original state.These amulets are rare and only given to those with a close relationship with Veltrez. The only other way to enter his civilization is to be invited by him himself.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seveneleven on Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:19 pm


The Three Books: Before the Cataclysm, Mathias created three books. Each spoke of how to create, laws and governments, and managing those laws and governments at the same time. The books also had insight and strategies in managing and creating a society. These books were safely stored away in the Halls of Justice, before the great Cataclysm, as they are meant to be studied by those that will soon employ themselves at the Halls. These books are The Book of Law, The Book of Socials, and The Book of Governs.

The Book of Law


This tome contains many chapters on the creation of laws and the many different types of laws. In the beginning of the tome, it contains the creation of laws known as Legislation. It speaks of a gather of people called Delegates, and they converse and debate on which laws should be made. It talks about rules of Legislation as well.

Later in the book it deals with Enforcement. Once laws are made they need to be promoted and secured by some legal force. This also includes the basis of Crime and Punishment and due processes.

Towards the end it deals with interpretation. This is the more analytical and philosophical portion of the book. While it states facts on what interpretation is about, it doesn't give concise rules on how law should be interpreted. It's main point is to promote free thinking, and how to best postulate on what laws that have been made. Another point of this part is to show great care and consideration for law, since it can affect numerous bodies.


The Book of Socials


Unlike the previous book, there isn't define sections to this tome. This tome largely deals with living in a community. How community can be and how community life can be advanced. It speaks of dealing with neighbors and showing respect towards others. The book even covers insight on interactions with different societies. The main point of the book, is to help build better relationships with other people in ways the society finds acceptable. The book also does it's best to teach respect for others as well.

While not a major part of the book, it also touches on commons, script, language, and occupations.


The Book of Governs


The last book is the ultimate application of the first two. This book teaches how to establish government and authority. It speaks of how to maintain a government and how to improve it. The book teaches many applications of government itself, including different political structures. The book's main job is to teach how to to bring community and law together to form a major force. The book also teaches the purpose of government and the causes of government. It also mentions political sciences and theories.

When dealing with authorities, it speaks of authoritative structures and lessons on governing. It mentions rules for authority and how it coincides within the law. It describes the many types of authority and how they affect different things found in the other books.


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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Midnightclub on Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:29 am

Acanthus' Creations


There are three rules of magic that exist:

1. The more powerful the spell, the greater the cost. This means that all mortals and gods have to pay some price, be it life, limb, or some other physical cost; to be able to cast more powerful spells.

2. No mortal can have under their control more than 5 schools of magic. Any god that is not Acanthus can control up to ten and with much farther reaching extent than any mortal might.

3. The more schools that are under ones control, the less powerful they can be in any one category. If one were to specialize in a single school they would actually be able to cast the more powerful spells of that school (still having the cost) than people who spread their skills out over more different schools.

There are seven types of Magic:

1. Verbal: The art of casting spells by word of mouth.

2. Runic: The art of writing down magical runes.

3. Names: The use of names to call upon the power of the named.

4. Divine: The magic that is granted to a mortal by a deity. (Any god can do this.)

5. Musical: The magic that can be worked through song or musical instruments.

6. Alchemical: The magic that can be placed into potions or other edible items and that is used to change the nature of substances.

7. Thaumatergy: The magic that is put inside inanimate objects to make them magical in nature.

(The different types of magic can and do overlap.)

There are fifteen schools of Magic:

1. Calling: As the spells of communication, these are used to send messages long distance. They are also used for speaking in different languages without having to learn those languages.

2. Creation: These are the spells of bringing into being that which was not there before. They include spells such as "create food" and "create water."

3. Divination: These are the spells involved in foreseeing the future, witnessing the past, or getting guidance from the universe. The most simple spell ever created lies within this category. This is the spell of '"prayer."

4. Enchantment: This school of spells involve putting magic into objects. These types of spells use the magic of Artifice and Alchemical.

5. Energy: These spells are mostly damaging in nature. These are the typical evocation spells.

6. Enervation: These spells deprive their victims of force or strength, destroy their vigor, and generally weaken them without causing them physical harm.

7. Healing: These spells are used to heal wounds and cure sicknesses.

8. Influence: These spells are used to change the mindsets of those they are used on. They generally force emotions upon those they are cast on but could also change that person's thoughts as well.

9. Innervation: This is the opposite of enervation. These spells fill the target with vigor, strength, and energy.

10. Illusion: These are the spells that are used to cause the targets to see, hear, or feel something that is not there.

11. Necromancy: These spells involve raising, controlling, dismissing, turning, and destroying the undead.

12. Protection: These are spells that provide physical or mental protection from spells and other threats towards the caster and targets.

13. Summoning: These are the spells that involve bringing manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy to you.

14. Teleportation: These spells involve moving yourself or your target long distances in the blink of an eye.

15. Transmutation: These spells involve changing an object or creature into another nature, substance, form, or condition.

The Tome of Magic

This is a book written by Acanthus that states all of the types of magic. It lists every school, every spell that has ever been written. Throughout the book are descriptions of the energy that is magic and the different forms that it can come in. The two most common of those forms are verbal and runic. Both are described in great detail. On the back of the book is a Rune that was stylized after Craigin. The Laws of magic are laws of the nature of the world. The laws are subject to change and the book itself changes as magic does. With the loss of all of Acanthus' shrines and artifacts, the book has become smaller than it was before the Cataclysm.

The Books of the Gods

These are books written by Acanthus that describe the domains and topics of each god he has met or heard of. They tie directly to the gods that they describe due to the magic of Names. After they are written, the books keep a general history of the goings and comings of the gods. There is not enough specific information within as to be useful for spies, but those with ill will towards a god may find the information within said books interesting.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bromander Shepard on Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:36 am

[disregard for now]
I should go.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jusan Kikan on Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:32 am

Keidra's Creation

Shooting Stars/Meteor Showers
Whenever Keidra flies in the sky, his wings appear to be a shooting star which sometimes causes shooting stars and meteor shower reactions.
Last edited by Jusan Kikan on Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bromander Shepard on Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:43 pm

*Soon to be made*

The Hall of Valhalla


Carved into the base in the tallest mountain range in Kalimdor by the War God himself. Built with his power Kalimdor Menethil built his War Hall with the power of the storms itself. Lighting tore into rock and thunder smoothed the stone until his home was fit for the God of War and Lord of Storms. The War Hall stretches for miles beneath the mountains and has everything in it that the War God could ever require.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seveneleven on Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:57 pm



These are what Death's Fleet are constructed of. Large, nay Huge ships of death and destruction. Used in Naval Warfare these ships are equipped with all manner of weapons, catapults, cannons among other things. These ships can transport many of Death's soldiers across the most roughest of waters. At the helm is always a large skull, which it's jaw detaches to show a disembarking bridge for the mass hordes of Death will flood from. These ships also have a very large cargo capacity. It is even known that Wendigos can sit comfortably in them. Despite being chained up and bunched up.
Last edited by Seveneleven on Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jusan Kikan on Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:06 pm

Keindra's Creation 2 and 3

The Laws of Servant, and Master (These are more like guildlines, instead of rules. People can choose to follow it or not.)
~If a master is in need, come swiftly to him.
~As a servant, you should stay by your master's side till the very end, and be a shadow for him.
~If he's ever in danger the servant will do what he can to protect him.
~If the master is cruel to the servant, the servant has the choice to leave, or stay.
~Anytime a servant is betraying his master, even though the master takes care of him, then the master can disown him.
~If a servant who is asking to work, be kind, and take him in
~Every wish the master makes, it's the servant's job to full fill it
~If the servant knows whats best for the master, try your best in a way it doesn't displeases the master.
~If a master forces someone to be his slave, then pay the slave more than the servants, feed him, and care for him more.
~Cloth the naked, feed the hunger, give water to the thirst, bring shelter to the homeless.
~A Heart of a Servant is bringing a smile to ones face, and no matter what your going through, you always putting others first.

Summoning Feather: "The Secret Contract"
(Little does Keindra know, the Summoning Feather is actually a contract to Gods, and it's unbreakable. which is part of the reason why he's carefull on who to give it to)
Description: It's a solid silver feather with Keindra's symbol on it. Keindra is the only God who can produce these feathers from his angelic wings.
Purpose: Whenever a God/Goddess has a request they want to accomplish, (doesn't matter what it is), they can use the feather to summon Keindra to do their bidding.
Rule of thumb:
1.) ONLY GODS AND GODDESSEScan use the feather
2.) When summond by the feather, Keindre CANNOT be used to destroy, or ruin another God, or Goddess. So don't do any revenge things.
4.) Keindra has free will on who gets to have the feather
(Here's an image of it, instead of the heart, it has Keindra's symbol on it)
Last edited by Jusan Kikan on Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:29 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Colonel_Masters on Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:13 pm

That is a special feather right? because Hanriot has just invented his own type of more common feathers. (apart from being great as quills, having many colors and smelling great they are not that special)

Hanriot's creations:

Rats; like the rats we know and lo... well, there are also special rats among Hanriot's creations but more about them later.

The feathered Grape Trees "Rions":

These treas are massive! larger then a chapel and far far taller these trees are the greatest among Hanriot's flora and Hanriot still discontent with the size of their grapes keeps making them bigger!

The Rions are white trees of immense size and height, indeed the effort of harvesting a Rion is such a massive undertaking that entire villages are built among the branches by those seeking to gain the tree's bounty.

Rion's are born when the roots of three Rions meet, when three such roots meet a new Rion begins to grow and develop and after a few centuries of growth this Rion also begins to send its roots forward seeking partners.

Many Earth quakes in Hanriot Territory are caused by Rion roots moving about, fortunately because Rion's take so long to grow there are not too many of them about.

Rions need smaller plants called vines to gather the needed sunlight and extra water, fruit called grapes are the seeds to these plants and have grown to be so tasty only because the Rion's themselves enjoy the taste of wine.

The vines connect to the Rion instinctively as they grow and act as a Rion's sunlight supply, secondary water supply and defense should the latter ever be needed. The vines are capable of defending the tree from those who would do it harm however the Rion's with their immense psych powers are able to determine those who truly mean them harm.

The Rion's grow feathers on themselves in order to gather heat, they need this heat in order to provide energy for their ever expanding gigantic tunneling roots and as a result the Rion's are packed with colorful feathers.

The roots themselves supply water, the water is boiled by the heat supplied by the feathers which in turn supplies steam to the treas which propel the roots forward in great speed.

The Roots can also be used by smaller creatures as great underground passageways between one Rion to another but only by those whom the Rion's like and accept. Water from the VInes is what feeds its local branch and thus A Rion has all the resources it needs.

Rions are highly intelligent however they think very slowly and normally are busy discussing philosophy with their partners and children. Rions like having smaller creatures around them to groom them, clean them and generally be useful to the Rion's and thus allow smaller creatures to live among their branches.

Mortals also interest Rion's and as a result Rion's allow them to live on their branches and take some of their grapes, in return the Mortals share their dreams with the Rion's and also make the wine out of the Rion's Grapes to which the Rions have by now grown addicted to.

The Rion's do not drink massive amounts of their wine and instead collect bottles of their finest years and occasionally flavor it comparing their years and the wines of their partners.

Rion't have been known to bore the hell out of travelers about the favorite years of their wines and can talk about the subject for years at a time... only Hanriot is known to have patience for this because Hanriot actually Tasted each and every year in question of each and every Rion Tree. Rions compete with each other on who can produce the best wine and have been since the dawn of their creation inventing new and better wines with the help of their mortal subjects.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jusan Kikan on Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:10 pm

Colonel_Masters wrote:That is a special feather right? because Hanriot has just invented his own type of more common feathers. (apart from being great as quills, having many colors and smelling great they are not that special)

Yes, it's a special feather, because the feather comes from Keindra's wings, and it's use to summon him. Even though it's a feather, it's not really that soft, but more solid and sturdy. Also, being the God of contracts, he could've used a scroll or parchment of paper. But it's just too cliche, to use paper with written stuff on it. It's the best way to use something different, instead of using something everyone can do. Again it's my opinion. I'm just explaining my part.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seveneleven on Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:05 am



Large, wooly, bull-like creatures. These are used in Death's Army as the main mount of the nightmarish hordes. They are used for battle, and caravans. The Yak is often armored plated when in combat and are used for bull rushes. Much more stronger and resilient than say a horse. And there not all that slow either.
Thanks to their great strength they can carry a decent amount of supplies. It's also a very obedient creature, easy to tame and make use in the army.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vinno1234 on Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:23 pm

Magical Materials
All of this was drawn by

Materials created through Alchemy that possess mystical properties, and oftentimes have difficult forging and refining processes. At time of writing, there are currently thirty-one (31) officially recognized Magical Materials.

01: Orichalcum
Properties: Glows bright Gold when subject to Good-aligned Magic, fairly durable, extremely heat resistant, disrupts Evil Magic on contact.
Obtaining: Orichalcum can only be obtained by working Gold near a Lava Flow, while pure sunlight is touching the forge.

02: Lunargent
Properties: Glows softly Silver when subject to Good-aligned Magic, fairly durable, extremely resistant to cold, harms Evil Creatures on contact.
Obtaining: Lunargent can only be obtained by working Silver under the light of a Full Moon, and will evaporate into thin air if not cooled using water that has never been touched by the light of day.

03: Adamant
Properties: Harder than Diamond, can cleave through stone like a knife through cardboard, really good conductor of sound.
Obtaining: Adamant can only be obtained be striking Diamond with a certain set of sonic frequencies in a certain order with little margin for error in timing. Should one mess up the timing, the Diamond will immediately shatter with intense force.

04: Souldust
Properties: Good for warding away lingering spirits, and for harming any variety of ambulatory corpse, be they conventional Undead or Othuma's Deathspawn.
Obtaining: Souldust can only be obtained by drawing a small amount of life force from a willing, sentient Mortal with a strange device, made through some particularly esoteric Artifice. The construction of these devices remains a closely guarded secret.

05: Sangunite
Properties: Capable of warping mortal flesh, an aspect that can be dangerous or life-saving, depending on how precisely it's used.
Obtaining: Sangunite can only be obtained by smelting any metal that's been tainted by The Inferno, and cooling it in Mortal Blood.

06: Desichalkos
Properties: Can cause spatial distortions, and is useful in creating frames into which Portals can be placed, so as to maintain a permanent gateway between two places.
Obtaining: Desichalkos can only be obtained by working Brass within close proximity to an unstable Portal.

07: Exuomite
Properties: Extremely volatile, explodes violently when subject to sufficient pressure.
Obtaining: Exuomite can only be obtained as a byproduct of the manufacturing process for Desichalkos.

08: Meuon
Properties: Has interesting effects on Kinetic energy, wildly and randomly speeding things up and slowing things down, halting moving objects and causing motionless objects to suddenly rocket forward.
Obtaining: Meuon can only be obtained by alloying Nickel and Thundersteel, while constantly alternating between cooling and heating the material for six hours.

09: Meuobalt
Properties: Has interesting effects on Kinetic Energy, capable of making something accelerate to positively ludicrous speeds. An unstoppable force.
Obtaining: Meuobalt can only be obtained by mixing Meuon with Cobalt Dust and smelting the result.

10: Meuorite
Properties: Has interesting effects on Kinetic Energy, capable of almost completely nullifying most kinetic force applied to it. An immovable object.
Obtaining: Meuorite can only be obtained by mixing Meuon with Pyrite Dust and smelting the result.

11: Thundersteel
Properties: Very good at conducting Magical Energy, giving it a wide variety of uses in the field of Artifice.
Obtaining: Thundersteel can only be obtained by immersing Iron in Zinnteros and bombarding the result with a great deal of Electricity.

12: Zinnteros
Properties: Liquid at normal temperatures, can be easily manipulated by Sparks of Intelligence, (a tiny little spirit that an Artificer conjures up to serve the same functions as a computer) making it essential for small Thaumatic Control Circuits, which are themselves necessary for especially complex devices, such as Automata.
Obtaining: Zinnteros can only be obtained in a manner similar to Adamant, though one must use Tungsten as opposed to Diamond. The consequences of failure in creating Zinnteros are not as severe, however.

13: Promethium
Properties: Extremely efficient Fuel, a common standard among most Alchemists and Artificers.
Obtaining: Promethium can only be obtained by grinding Coal into a powder and mixing it with Exuomite Dust, then compressing the result very, very slowly. Compressing it too fast is definitely going to make it explode, and loss of life in such a scenario is almost guaranteed. Finished substance is nowhere near as volatile as Exuomite.

14: Virr
Properties: A useful lubricant and/or coolant for most any device.
Obtaining: Virr can only be obtained as a byproduct of the manufacturing process for Promethium.

15: Visium
Properties: One of the few substances that can truly neutralise any Material that has become unstable, and is near the point of some catastrophic event. For example, raw Exuomite is often shipped immersed in Visium.
Obtaining: Visium can only be obtained by combining equal amounts of Virr and Zinnteros, and boiling the result at high temperatures.

16: Infernal Bronze
Properties: Can absorb and store vast amounts of heat, extremely durable, resistant to just about everything except for Adamant.
Obtaining: Infernal Bronze can only be obtained by smelting Copper mined from The Inferno, and cooling it in Holy Water so as to remove any Evil Impurities.

17: Ironwood
Properties: Wood is as durable as Steel, Leaves are Razor-Sharp and Paper-Thin.
Obtaining: Ironwood can only be obtained by growing an Oak tree in earth saturated with a fluid distilled from Bismuom

18: Bismuom
Properties: Strong as Steel, and technically a Semi-Organic Substance. Grows on its own like a Plant or Moss, but in Geometric Shapes.
Obtaining: Bismuom can only be obtained by smelting Bismuth with Souldust, and allowing the result to grow in a deep cave under soft, green light. Please note that Bismuom does not retain Souldust's death-warding properties.

19: Dream Ivory
Properties: Capable of increasing one's intelligence, and is essential in the construction of Devices that receive input directly from the user's mind, as opposed to a more traditional control method.
Obtaining: Dream Ivory can only be obtained by using a Device that is similar to, though much easier to construct than, the Device used to create Souldust, though this Device siphons off the dreams of unconscious Mortals, and shapes them into a substance resembling Bone. This substance is Dream Ivory.

20: Enchanted Canvas
Properties: Highly durable, yet flexible as normal cloth, and almost completely waterproof. A sheet of Enchanted Canvas would prove to be sufficient defense against all but the sharpest of blades.
Obtaining: Enchanted Canvas can only be obtained by weaving minute fibers made from Ironwood into normal cloth, and immersing the resulting canvas in the same Bismuom-Fluid used to grow Ironwood.

21: Carapace Glass
Properties: As strong as Iron, and always clear. Resistant to shattering, and isn't sharp if broken.
Obtaining: Carapace Glass can only be obtained by mixing molten Glass with Visium and small amounts of molten Meuorite, and flash-cooling the substance at just the right time.

22: Flashpowder
Properties: A stronger explosive than Exuomite, but more stable, and easily controllable for tasks such as mining.
Obtaaining: Flashpowder can only be obtained by mixing powdered Sulfur with Exuomite and small amounts of powdered Meuobalt, and flash-heating the substance at just the right time.

Empyreal Materials
Magical materials of significantly higher quality than the ones listed above, with the caveat of being more difficult to obtain.

01: Deep Cinnabar
Properties: The substance used to make the Ifriti Subrace of Di-Dorem, essentially a cure-all Panacea for that type of
Obtaining: Deep Cinnabar can only be obtained through replication by Torsc, as the original deposit was used up in the creation of the Ifriti.

02: Deep Amber
Properties: The substance used to make the Korrigan Subrace of Di-Dorem, essentially a cure-all Panacea for that type of Di-Dorem.
Obtaining: Deep Amber can only be obtained through replication by Torsc, as the original deposit was used up in the creation of the Korrigan.

03: Deep Citrine
Properties: The substance used to make the Trow Subrace of Di-Dorem, essentially a cure-all Panacea for that type of Di-Dorem.
Obtaining: Deep Citrine can only be obtained through replication by Torsc, as the original deposit was used up in the creation of the Trow.

04: Deep Jade
Properties: The substance used to make the Ophidian Subrace of Di-Dorem, essentially a cure-all Pancaea for that type of Di-Dorem.
Obtaining: Deep Jade can only be obtained through replication by Torsc, as the original deposit was used up in the creation of the Ophidian.

05: Deep Turquoise
Properties: The substance used to make the Djinni Subrace of Di-Dorem, essentially a cure-all Panacea for that type of Di-Dorem.
Obtaining: Deep Turquoise can only be obtained through replication by Torsc, as the original deposit was used up in the creation of the Djinni.

06: Deep Amethyst
Properties: The substance used to make the Grimalkin Subrace of Di-Dorem, essentially a cure-all Panacea for that type of Di-Dorem.
Obtaining: Deep Amethyst can only be obtained through replication by Torsc, as the original deposit was used up in the creation of the Grimalkin.

07: Di-Domite
Properties: The holiest substance among Di-Dorem, Di-Domite is capable of expelling any affliction from a Di-
Dorem, and can even resurrect deceased Di-Dorem, assuming most of their body happens to be intact.
Obtaining: Di-Domite can only be obtained by combining all six Deep Crystals in one of Torsc's few Holy Rituals.

08: True Umbra
Properties: Seems to drain Light and Heat from the surrounding environment. Can make one's surroundings noticeably darker, causes Frostbite on those who let it touch their bare skin, fist-sized chunk can make a pond freeze solid in seconds.
Obtaining: True Umbra can only be obtained by using special Tools on a special Anvil, under open sky, with absolutely no natural light shining upon the work area, including Sunlight and Moonlight. One would go about hammering at the Anvil as though there were actual Metal there, and if the requirements are met, the item one intends to create with True Umbra will begin to slowly appear on the Anvil.

09: Captured Starlight
Properties: Extremely, ludicrously, absurdly powerful. As malleable as clay, until the Item using it is "complete". When incorporated into ANY Item, be it a Thaumatic Circuit, a Weapon, Armor, and so on, the resulting item will excel above and beyond requirements and expectations.
Obtaining: Captured Starlight can only be obtained by focusing the light of the stars in the night sky through a series of Three-Hundred Mirrors of Eldritch Design. The location of these Mirrors remains a mystery to all but Torsc and Acanthus, though that doesn't stop Captured Starlight from appearing in the hands of some enterprising individual every few decades or so.

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Re: Created Items, Buildings, etc.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Binsetsu on Sat May 18, 2013 9:12 am

The Island of Mists
The island that Crymadolos created during his birth and is now chained to. The chains that hold him here have caused his power to slowly leak into the very ground, turning the entirety of the island into a near separate plane of existence within the Middle Realm. On this Island, Crymadolos is lord and master and the thick fog there never lifts. The fog is so thick that mortals could not hope to navigate it and indeed, Crymadolos actively manipulates the fog to keep all uninvited guests, be they mortal or immortal, away from his humble dwelling on the island. To step on the island is to confront the pain and misery that lingers there. As the island is so saturated with Crymadolos’ power, only mortal creations of Crymadolos can travel to the island through the form of portals and even gods would find themselves taxed to open portals anywhere but near the outskirts of the island. Crymadolos lives here with his daughter, Kaquya, and she is the one to greet visitors most often, as her father rarely entertains the idea of meeting others.

Crymadolos’ House
Crymadolos’ house on the Island of Mists. It is presumably located somewhere in the hilly area in the centre of that very island and is notoriously difficult to find, to the point it is highly likely the house actually moves around, instead of being rooted to one spot on the island. It is a humble, two story dwelling, that looks more often than not abandoned. It is somewhat rickety, as if it is in a state of disrepair, giving the entire house an haunted house feeling, which is exasperated by the fact there are often large numbers of Mistlings in the house's direct vicinity. More often than not it is obscured by thick fog, even thicker than is usual on the Island of Mists. The only sign that the house may be lived in is the fact there is smoke rising from the chimney.

Idol of Pain
The Idols of Pain are strange, seemingly made of stone, manifestations of Crymadolos’ power that have been appearing in the Middle Realm of late. No one is entirely sure of their origin, but the most accepted theory is that when Crymadolos spread his pain across the Middle Realm it then somehow latched on to residual pain, misery and tragedy of certain areas, leading to the manifestation of an Idol. Although seemingly harmless, the Idols draw to them those with pain in their hearts or body, those who have suffered great tragedy, the uniquely miserable or a combination of the three. An Idol feeds on these aspects of mortals and on the same qualities in its direct environment, growing stronger and empowering the mortals that are drawn to it. Should the Idol be left to grow more powerful, it will eventually grow into a Manifestation of Pain, a powerful demon that spreads pain, misery and tragedy.

The Idols are not constructed of any known material and are nigh-indestructible through mortal means, but possess a certain weakness to Divine power. As such, any brave mortals seeking to destroy an Idol would need to have a strong connection to a deity other than Crymadolos and the power to channel this energy into an Idol. The Idols vary in size, ranging from Idols the size of trees to small enough to hold in one’s hands. Although the shape of an Idol varies wildly, some are squared and angular, whereas others are rounded, they look like a simplistic carving of a distinctly male figure in great pain.

The Idols are widespread and are a fairly rare sight, but are known to appear in places where there has been great pain, misery and tragedy. As such, the Island of Mists is littered with them and there are rumours of a uniquely powerful Idol hiding within the City of Tragedy. Other likely places an Idol will manifest in are old battleground and particularly poor areas of a city. Idols are also known to present themselves to ordinary mortals who have suffered greatly.

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