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The Hunters IC

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eisenhorn on Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:04 am

Cain nodded to himself as she sent the codes. Seemed like he had barely caught the last train out, to use an old phrase. "Got it, see you on Ceres. Cain out." He downed his drink and dropped the pay for it, exchanging fare wells with the few guys he had been drinking with, and left at a brisk pace, not running, but walking rather quickly. Reaching his ship, he clambered into the pilots seat and ran start up sequences, getting his clearance out of Hellas Tetra, and for the jump gate. He lifted off, gunning the engines as he cruised out of the space port and towards the jump gate. It had been about ten minutes before he opened up a comm channel with Helena again, and he was about to hit the jump gate. "So, beyond what the reports are saying, the Cerulians give you any details about this that they haven't disclosed yet, or are we going in with only what the reports have said so far?" She would beat him to the gate, although he wouldn't be far behind, only a few minutes difference, and it wasn't really a race for him to get there first. He double checked the codes, making sure he had them handy for when they were requested by the proper authorities.
Garrus Vakarian: James told me there's an old saying here on Earth: "May you be in Heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead."

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kriegmesser on Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:40 am

"So, you are the 'Mech arena champion, Spectre?" Devaros inquired. "Yes, I am. I acidently killed one of the Davion pilots..." "No more need saying. We will get you to safty." "Thanks." "Don't thank me yet. Amoures! Bring down the killcounter.". A screen showing the battle would then drop down out of the ceiling, it clicked on showing a massive number slowly increasing. "This is how many Davion ships we have destroyed, you remember the deal?" "Yes... sadly...".
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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aniihya on Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:58 am

Helena let out a sigh: "The truth is I grew up with those who are attacking Ceres. I was part of the Sentinel until I wanted to leave because their goals were evil and bloodthirst was growing. I was betrayed by them. My organic body was crushed against a wall. The Cerulians gave me their best mechanoid body and I then worked for them for some time. I joined the hunters since I wanted to protect more. All I know is that we are going to a city 1000 miles east of the capital. It is best you talk reflective armor. It helps against being cut apart by lasers. I am resistant to Lasers and other EM-Damage. My flaws are when being shot by a large caliber projectile." Helena said and jumped through the gate. It sent her barely two minutes from Ceres. "I am entering the Cerulian atmosphere in 30 seconds. Speed is mach 15."
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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DDK on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:35 am

The ship had landed safely at an old port of entry, the landing area looked a little disused and cracks were forming around the walls, Roger had picked this spot, just a short way from the target zone, about a thousand miles east of the capital. Roger climbed out of the pilot's seat and walked accross the ship into a room full of equiptment, he loaded up his SMG and re-ajusted his armour.

"Hey Strider, those reports mentioned use of Lasers and the like, be on your toes" he said as he moved to the airlock and entered the codes to open it. "with any luck we'll be done before the bars close!"

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aniihya on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:46 am

Helena brought the ship in at Mach 20 directly towards where the enemy machanoids were. 100 feet above the ground she brought the ship to an immediate halt. The shockwave made the enemies fall over and get pushed to the ground. A small crater formed in the area around the ship. She then moved the ship about three miles away near the spaceport. A few survivors gathered around the ship as Helena got out. A man stepped forward and said: "Is it really Helena Talus? Yes! You probably came to take out the Sentinel." "They must be a bit dizzy after what I have already done." Helena said.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gekidami on Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:59 pm

Strider watched as Siderburner preped for the mission, he on the other hand didnt have much to do. He never used a gun and didnt wear any extra armour even though energy weapons could cause him damage it wouldnt destroy him instantly unlike a normal being who would be critically injured.

Not resonding to what Sideburner said -because Strider couldnt eat or drink- he followed to the airlock and let Sideburner open it. In the mean time a part of Striders leg slid open giving him access to his unactivated energy sword.

It was the only weapon he used letting his reflexes and speed do the rest, the weapon itself when on had a redish beam of compressed laser about a meter long, it could cut through most sorts of material and melt its way through thicker layers over time when pushed into them, needless to say it would make light work of most foes.
Not alot of people used the sword anymore because they were considered to dangerous especially to organics, infact due to numerous accidents they officially stopped being produced about 10 years ago.

Strider kept it in his hand, unactivated as Roger finished opening the airlock.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DDK on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:10 pm

Roger left the ship as soon as he could, he'd delayed long enough, it was time for action, the old landing pad contained a series of moving platforms, they could be used for quick transport into the nearby town, he climbed on, waiting for Stider to follow. "Come on, there's a chance they saw us landing, suddenly he glanced something high in the sky, above the region they were heading too, it was a glowing ball of white. "what the hell is that?" he exclaimed, when suddenly it stopped from high speed to an instant stand still, the sudden stop causing a sonic boom of sorts that shook down.

The powerful shockwaves burst down, he could make out some of the taller buildings being torn appart, he cringed a moment for any people who might have been inside, he couldn't see the ground below the space ship from where he stood. The space ship flew off as suddenly as it had arrived, landing somewhere nearby.

"If they didn't know we were here before, they'll be heading for that space ship pretty soon, with us in the way, get ready for hostiles!" he commanded, turning the safty off on his SMG.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aniihya on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:25 pm

Helena noticed Roger and Strider on her radar so she contacted them: "Here is Helena. I just arrived and shook up the enemies a bit. There were luckily no civilians in the nearby buildings. I will deal with the enemies until you come. Tell me your status." She noticed the enemy coming around the corner. She charged for the enemy mechanoid and landed a punch, sending the enemy flying into a nearby building. Suddenly she heard: "Helena is that you? So you are a hunter now. You seem to have quite a reputation. You turned you back on us years ago, just like every other Zeusian clansman." A guy said. Then Helena replied: "I thought you were my friends. But in the end you were dirty Thorian traitors who abused my trust and gave a reason for me to hate Thorians. You are all just bad people." A girl tried to slash Helena with a laser but it had no effect. "You think you can beat the Angel of Ceres? You are just fools." Helena said and punched the unknown Sentinel girl so hard she blew apart.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gekidami on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:44 pm

As Strider exited the ship and followed Rogers lead he to saw the odd ship cause a shockwave further into the area. He didnt say anything as the ship seemed to land in the distance.

"If they didn't know we were here before, they'll be heading for that space ship pretty soon, with us in the way, get ready for hostiles!" Sideburner pointed out. Strider agreed with a nod and moved closer to Roger, a cloud of dust arrived from where that ship has caused its damage over the city when suddenly a transmission came through: "Here is Helena. I just arrived and shook up the enemies a bit. There were luckily no civilians in the nearby buildings. I will deal with the enemies until you come. Tell me your status." said the voice.

Strider didnt respond to the girl "Looks like another bounty hunter, and shes engaged the enemy." he pointed out to Sideburner. "What you want to do? i'd suggest we go in and take part for the bounty. But then i'd rather not be thought of having anything to do with the massive damage she caused to the city, doing worst then you're enemy surely cant pay well." he added, a clear tone of sarcasm and humour could be heard in his voice.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eisenhorn on Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:00 pm

Cain digested the info with little reaction. Everyone had skeletons, some darker then others, so it didn't bother him much. He came in shortly after Helena, pulling a low swoop after the strike she left, scanning for immediate threats then pulling up into a holding pattern over the area, opening a comm to the Hunters on the ground. "Boys and Girls, Cain here. I'll keep a holding pattern over the immediate area to cut off attempts at escape via starship and provide heavy fire support, objections? No? Good!Just call strikes in when you need em, but call missiles sparingly, don't have many of them." There were enough Hunters on the ground, according to his scans, that he would do much more good in a covering pattern over the city then on the ground. He was better with his Pallbearer then a gun anyways. If they pulled a unpleasant surprise out, there would be heftier firepower to knock it down. Granted, if it was bad enough to soak up what he could throw at it, they were in real trouble. Being in the air would give him the added advantage of being faster then anything they could dream of fleeing with, and track anything fleeing by surface transport. Having eyes in the air never hurt, and them being well armed hurt even less, for friendlies that is.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Draruto on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:33 pm

Forty Minutes later, and after dropping his load, he warped over to Ceres. Dropping out behind Cain, he transmitted over, "Sorry I'm late, I had a prior job to do. So sitrep please?" Having his helmsman put The Rage in a counter clock wise holding pattern. Having tactical arming all weapons, Ryder wanted to be ready for all problems.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DDK on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:45 pm

Roger listened to Striker as they came to a stop, "no turning back now..." he proclaimed as he jumped off the moving platform and ran toward an building for cover, as he did so one of the terrorists who had been guarding this place of entry began firing, very quickly two more joined him.

"Multiple enemy contacts" a small comms device worn by most bounty hunters on his neck transmitted the message to anyone on the 'network' the network consisting of anyone who accepted the same particular job. The smart comm technology meant less messing with gadjets and more bounty hunting. Of course any mechanoids or enhanced humans could just control the devices with thought and didn't have to rely on automation.

Roger fired a burst into the enemy group forcing them to duck for cover momentarily giving him and strider a moment to consider their options.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aniihya on Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:48 am

"Hey Roger. So you finally came. May I introduce the enemies. These are traitorous ex-friends of mine. They are Thorians who grew up with me on Zeus." Helena said. Then one of the male enemies said: "You got it all wrong. It was an accident. We can still be friends right?" "Even if we still were friends, I cant let you kill innocent people. I would rather see you dead than killing innocents!" Helena said. Her chain gun came out and began firing tearing the enemies apart who didnt take cover.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gekidami on Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:07 pm

Strider followed Sideburner to cover, as Roger pointed out the hostiles over the comms system to anyone listening then shot a few rounds they both heard an incoming transmission: "Hey Roger. So you finally came. May I introduce the enemies. These are traitorous ex-friends of mine. They are Thorians who grew up with me on Zeus." It was the same girl from before.

"Sounds like she knows you." said Strider as he peeked round the corner and moved out of the way to dodge some incoming fire. Strider didnt really pay much attention to people in the business, there were people he had heard of by normally teaming up meant spliting the money.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eisenhorn on Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:03 pm

Cain noted that two of the Hunters were facing some firm enough resistance that they had pretty much hunkered down for the moment. That wouldn't do, not at all. So he turned into a strafing run, lining up the prow mounted guns, priming his twin pulse lasers and .90cal. The target lock burned green, and he slowed down to almost a crawl, announcing his plan to the ground forces if they hadn't realized it already. "Cover your heads, going to soften them up for you. Alright, lets see who's gun is bigger..." He calmly pulled the triggers for the guns he wired into the controls, and the three weapons blazed full auto, cutting clean into where the hostile fire was coming from. It kicked up a lot of debris, and very well, if not outright killed, then made the hostiles get there heads down. He pulled up and gunned the engine, coming out of the near hover and resumed his circling pattern. He also resumed scanning for trouble that he could remedy with superior firepower. He had yet to be informed to restrain the use of blowing things out of this system, so he had every reason to do so. Mainly, there was no such thing as overkill.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DDK on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 am

"BWWWAAAAHHHHHH" the two enemies who had joined the original guard were splintered appart by the blazing run, pumped so full of bullets, Roger could have swore one of them even puked some of them up as he died, the third enemy was dazed by the assult "Thank the stars!" he announced, "i'm alive!" he was cut short as Roger fired a single shot right into the center of the helmet he was wearing, the bullet rang so hard it knocked him clean out.

As the spent bullet dinged of the helm and fell to the floor, Roger casually walked over, "cuffs" he said nonchallantly to Strider who he assumed was behind him. Roger had decided it best for Strider to carry things, since he was a mechanoid, he offered more storage options and even the most heavy items wouldn't encumber him. Roger held out his hand waiting for the energy cuffs. They were quite small since they used energy to restrain hostiles, so Strider probably had quite a lot stored. Roger was only too happy to bring them in alive, profiting off the goverments desire to see 'justice' in a court of law was good for business.

Meanwhile in a building nearby a few of the terrorists stood waching from the windows. A beautiful woman, clad in pink and red fiberous soft body armour lounged against an old clock, hands crossed across her ample bussom, armour fitting the contours of her body, her hair, long and black with a tint of brown sprang wildly in the air. A large mechanoid built for strength stood next to her, watching the scene through the window. No one had noticed them thus far.

"hmm... looks like we're facing a lot more hunters then I thought" The woman mused as she tipped her head. "Is it time for our plan, Calcutta?" quizzed the massive Mech. "not yet... let them get comfortable first.." Calcutta grinned a sly grin. Her voice as soft as a lotus blosom, "You must learn to be patiant Mercury or else the prize will elude you!". Murcury brought a bulky arm up behind his head "As you command!" he grunted obediantly in a deep, yet tinny voice.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gekidami on Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:05 am

Strider stayed close to Sidrburner folling him as he advanced that bought an enemy to the ground.
"cuffs" Ordered Roger, Strider compiled and passed him the enegery cuffs he had about his person. Bringing in prisoners was always worth a bonus, though Strider wasnt quite sure how a bounty would pay out with so many other hunters on the same job.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aniihya on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:22 am

While the enemies, her childhood friends, were not looking, Helena took out some sticky EM Grenade and ran towards the enemies. Before they could turn around the grenades were stuck to them and went off. The enemies fell over as if their power was gone. "Before you regain power, I will have taken you to the capital and the government will have changed you into normal mechanoids with no weapons or special abilities and an altered memory." She said to them. She then turned to the other hunters and said: "I wont let them execute my old friends. It is enough just to change their bodies and alter their memory so they dont commit evil crimes anymore. Ceres has the best anti hacking programs so no Sentinel can turn them anymore." She then dragged the mechanoids to her ship and put EM cuffs on them.

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kriegmesser on Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:46 pm

Devaros got Spectre safely to the target system and raked in over $30,000,000 "Pleasure to 'ave you in the system. We might meet again." "I would make a profit enough for my own system by allying myself with you!" "So we got a deal?" "Sure!" "Very well then, Hansen's Roughriders will be returned to it's full glory.". Spectre would then give Devaros a signet. "You are now an official member of Hansen's Roughriders... I guess you're a member of House Steiner now as well.". Spectre would hand Devaros a second signet, this one marking him as an ally of House Steiner.

((See OOC for signets))

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Re: The Hunters IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aniihya on Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:27 pm

"I will be off." Helena said and started her ships engine. Minutes later ship landed in the capital. The leaders of Ceres saw the bodies of the mechanoids: "Are you insane? You should have destroyed them!" "Their minds were altered and I dont want to lose old friends. All I need you to do is fish the fake data out and put my friends into civilian mechanoid bodies, ok?" Helena said. The minister of the planet nodded: "I understand. We will do that and you and the other hunters each get 5 million credits as a reward."

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