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Error: Glitch

Error: Glitch

a part of “Error: Glitch”, a fictional universe by Spectrum.

Have you ever felt like something just wasn't right with the world? Like things have never felt totally...real to you? It's as if you were living a lie. Well, you were. And, with a glitch, you wake up to the real world...

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Black on Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:07 pm

I had to finish off my college assignment, no sleep for me for a few more hours. >.< I will probably take my laptop to college tomorrow and spend my lunch time on it too. I'm glad you like Cyrus, he had a moment of sanity/normalness in my latest post. ^^ I love little Cyrus too, I wanna hug him. I want a new book, but I still have four novels on my shelf to read as well as twelve volumes of manga to get through. I am not an addict I swear!

I absolutely hate heights too, but I do what must be done... Rigging over a thirty lights and focusing them. Damn why do shows need so many lights? Surely we can just go up into the rig and re-position them during a scene. ^^"

Oh it's not a proper show. It's a Pop Music showcase. Those who study music at college will get the chance to show off their work. We are the ones in charge of their show. It's not a proper production if that makes any sense. Luckily we are not doing the actual show. But we will be doing the Acting Showcase at the end of November. Besides~ You don't wanna see the shit actors/musicians we have here! No, no. You want to see the awsome lighting which goes on. >:D Admit it. That's alllll you want to see. That and me fuck it up somehow.

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:31 pm

@Tabby-cat: First thing, I gotta ask: do you mind if my reply in Timeless is possibly really long? Like think over 1500 words? At this point, it's mainly Statix and I just thought of something for Rei to do so it's...a lot. D'you mind? *nervous laugh* I might be able to end it in this post... nah, I'll cut it short and end it in my next post. I have a different plan. I'm rambling, gah, this is how my head works Chaos! Confusion! Spit it out! D<

Anyway! I've never heard of a show like that. I'm not really totally good with these things, though, so.. But it sounds cool anyway! I wanna see the lighting! Of coooourse, I do. I'd only come to the show to say, "Wow! What an amazing job Tabby-kitten did on the lightning!" xD And if you screw up, I will laugh. I'll feel bad, but I'd laugh. But I doubt you will!

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Black on Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:52 pm

Just do the whole thing Specs. Seriously! I'd love to read it! Besides, it's not like i'll be doing much with Cyrus/Ghost. So there's not a lot of point allowing me to post in between. Nikolas passed out sadly too. I'd merely be re-writing what you wrote from Cyrus' POV. Just do the whole thing. XD

According to Chris, the actors/singers/dancers at College are really shit. Haha... I've yet to see that but when we did Open Evening on Friday, we had DVDs on and... yeah. I agree with Chris at the moment. I probably will mess it up somehow Specs, but thankfully in Theatre, no one works alone. So i'll just blame it on the people I am working with. 'Cos I am a nice person.

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:06 pm

I wanted to see Cyrus's reaction to the first part though... Augh, now you're off. Well! I'll do the first part and if you don't wanna respond, I'll do the second part. That'll work. Or maybe I'll get ahead of myself and do it all, who knows

Really? That's surprising. o.o The performers at my high school are pretty good. I mean, the band kids hate their guts (secretly), but they have a lot of talent. We have a really nice drama program--they get tons of money and even go to Horror Nights every year. xD That's the way to do it!

In other news, I'm ticked off. *simmering down* I hate children. There are two of them here. Every time they're over, my dad's girlfriend and their mother, my dad's girlfriend's daughter, never pay any attention to them because they are both incredibly dumb, ignorant, oblivious brawds. I'm not just insulting them because I hate them (although I do), but also because I'm telling the truth. Anyway, I managed to get in a lovely little nap (30 minutes cut short after next to no sleep last night) before I was rudely woken up by the sounds of screaming and crying. If there's one thing I hate more than a child's laughing, it's their stupid, obnoxious, usually pointless crying. The little brat was constipated. -_- Literately screaming at the top of her lungs and I come out, ticked and cranky, to see her mother and my dad's girlfriend ignoring her. I'm like, what the hell is this crap. So I go outside to talk to my dad and I, jokingly, say, "Can we go to the bookstore, like, 20 minutes ago?" And he responds, ticking me off further, by saying, "If you wanted to go to the bookstore, you should've gone with us before."
Me: "What?"
Him: "Yeah, we went out earlier. You could of gone, but you were sleeping."
Me: "You could of woken me up for that!"
Him: "That's not my problem."
Me: "You didn't even tell me."
Him: "You were asleep."

*slow, calming breaths* Not to mention, my headphones are breaking and only work crappily in one stupid ear and my cat ate the wires of my $50 skullcandies a couple weeks ago, so now I get to hear them laughing and screaming like insane banshees and now I'm just cranky and ready to burn the entire house down with all these stupid creatures inside it. -_- *fumes* Sorry about the rant guys.

Tabby! Poetic! I posted in Timeless! X_x *dies* 1,980 words. Poetic, read the PM I sent you and you two go enjoy that crap I just spewed out and wiped all over the IC xD, all 1,980 words of it.

@Tabby-cat: We're not done yet! Almost, but not quite. There's a little extra something we gotta add to lead into 2.0. Would you mind posting when you get the chance? It doesn't have to be anything super great if you don't want it to be. ^^;

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:58 pm

@Spec: Did I? Oh, yeah. Calling yourself awesome... Really, it's easier to say who that isn't. ^^ But yeah, I didn't really mean anyone specific.... I just added it. ^^ Anyways... And yeah, I know where you live too. ^^ Don't worry, I know you aren't a stalker. You aren't creepy enough... ^^ -glomps- You're too awesome to be a stalker. ^^ And really? It's not that hard... My state is just weird like that. Apparently we're too good for the regular system. -.- Actually, do you want to know what my aunt thinks? We don't want more time, 'cause that means having to work longer or something.... :P Whatever. Also, changing clocks is just weird. Bleh. Whatever. And yeah... Reading your latest post, sounds like you're having a crappy day. -hugs- Remember, child throwing! ^^
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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby freakofnature on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:27 pm

Another question (this is related to my Lit Homework....): do you guys read poems? like...any kind. And if so, what is your favorite? :3 i need three for the class. I needed some ideas where to start looking, since the theme of my whole project for the class is dark and mysterious. ^^

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:28 pm

@Freak: I don't really read poems, but if you need some good ones I'd recommend 'the Unknown Citizen', 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night', and a challenging one 'Death Be Not Proud'. I did work on all three in lit, so if you need any other information...? But yeah. I'm not one hundred percent sure what you're looking for. ^^

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:36 pm

@Poetic: Changing clocks is annoying. I consider you lucky for not having to do it. >< It gets dark by 6p here and it looks as bright as noon at only 7a. I hate walking to school in broad, hot daylight. Ugh. But, yeah, my day was fine till I got home to find little diseases wandering the house and destroying things ><

@Freak: Dark and Mysterious? Try the classics of Edgar Allan Poe. He'll be perfect. Here. I recommend The Raven and Lenore. There's another poem I liked, but I can't remember who it's by... It was about a guy who killed someone and hid the body under his floorboards. He was questioned by the police and managed to get away with it, but started freaking out and going insane and eventually the cops found the body and took him in. I thought it was Poe, but I guess not..

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:39 pm

@Spec: Changing clocks is really bad when you are usually too lazy. Seriously, I forget to set my alarm sometimes and end up nearly being late to school :P Have you ever tried eating a potato in the car? It sucks. Let's just say that. And yeah... My day was fine. I was really hyper, too... But yeah. Fun ^^ Oh! I know the poem you're talking about! The Tell-Tale Heart, I think. It's really creepy and mysterious, but is that a poem or just a story...? I forget. ^^" You'd probably be better at poems, though. I don't read 'em.... ^^" But no! I read your post in Timeless. Very cute, protective Rei. ^^ We just need Tabby to post once more.... And then you can finish us off!

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby freakofnature on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:41 pm

haha i cant use the Raven...or Lenore. >.< its in my textbook. its like cheating. BUT i did get some Edgar Allan Poe. Spirits of the Dead and the Haunted Palace. :D. The one your talking about is ALSO by him, but its a short story not a poem. The Tell Tale Heart. :3 i love that story. i wanted to use it...but too many ppl were as a 'i read this a while back and dont wanna read it again so imma use it so i dont get in trouble' aka, lazy ppl. Dx

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:57 pm

@Poetic: *googles* Ope, I was wrong. You're right, it's more of a short story than a poem. But hey, at least I got the Poe part right. ^^ I write poems all the time. Ever been on fictionpress? That's where I keep them all. Over 100 at the moment >< Some suck pretty bad though... But yep! Just one more post from Tabby and we got this in the bag. ^^ And hey! Rei's not supposed to be cute! He's supposed to macho and stuff! D<

@Freak: Aw, you can't? Darn. Yeah, I realize that now. >< My bad, sorry! It was a while ago that I read it. xD Lazy people for the win though! I usually try taking the easy way out, too.

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby freakofnature on Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:00 pm

when it comes to my Lit class? i go all out. i love reading/writing/English class. :3 its...just FUN. idk...learning about literature is amazing to me. not as much as my French class (since i plan to master 7 different languages. DX) but still, lit class is awesome and my teacher is a sweetheart. she tries so hard to keep us entertained. >.<

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:01 pm

@Spec: ^^ But yeah... Fictionpress. I tried that for a bit, but I'm too lazy to keep a regular schedule. I write on my own time ^^" Survival? But yeah.... Really? That's a lot! I'm sure that most of them are fine! -tackles/hugs- But yeah. ^^ -evil grin- One more post... And, oh, I forgot. Very macho, protective Rei. ^^ -coughs-

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:21 pm

@Freak: Really? That's awesome, then! All my years of english classes, I've always ended up with some crazy psycho teacher. Freshman year, before I switched into honors, I had this Indian lady who whistled every time she talked and she was just annoying in general. -_- Couldn't understand her. Sophomore year, I had this OCD brawd that had a stick up her butt and memorized the entire dictionary. It was an AP class so she didn't teach--just gave us an essay to read and a bazillion long-answer questions for it. -_- Junior year was fun, but I never would of been shocked if my teacher pulled out a chainsaw and started murdering people. She was literately psychotic, I kid you not. I tried staying on her good side. o.o And this year, my teacher's from Jersey. She's cool, too, but always threatens that she's going to one day set us on fire. *cough*

@Poetic: I have no regular schedule with these things. xD I update a poem whenever I feel like writing one. I know, I know, I need to post here and in Survive! Sorry, you guys! Dx I will tomorrow. Hopefully. >3 And that's better.

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:34 pm

@Spec: Spec-chan! Do you want to read a new idea I've come up with? ^^ And if we're talking about English classes... Right now my Language teacher is awesome. He's American, but he's lived twenty plus years in Japan. Japan. It's really cool, too, 'cause he has a ton of awesome stories and the class is lots of fun. ^^ My Literature teacher is boring, but at least we learn stuff... :P

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:44 pm

@Everyone: I posted! Finally! Dx Sorry for the wait you guys--but really, any of you can post whenever you please now at this point. Feel free. ^^;; Protagonist: because wud has dropped out, go ahead and ignore the conversation or let your character do something else...the same for you, too Caz, since Kail hasn't even gotten on to read my PM I sent to her yet, so I don't know the deal with her. I'm really sorry you too. If either of you would like, I could make another character if you wanted me to or something. ><;; Sorry, again.

@Poetic: Yeah, sure! I'd love to hear your new idea. ^^ I'm sure it'll be better than most of the stuff I've been coming up with. ^^ Ooh, Japan? Sounds awesome! I'd never wanna live there, but I've always wanted to visit. I'd love to hear stories from it. Lucky you! ^^

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:00 pm

@Spec: I read your post ^^ Fire, eh? This is going to be fun... But yeah, I'll reply to it sometime this week. I think. ^^ But yeah! Anyways! I'm just finishing typing up the details to the idea, and of course you'll be my wall to bounce things off of, but I'll get it to you in a second. Yes, my Language teacher is awesome. He's got tons of great stories, too. You probably won't believe me, but he was in a building when the earthquake hit, and that's part of the reason he left to teach at my school. He didn't have anywhere left to teach in Japan. 0.o

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:04 pm

@Poetic: Yeah, I decided to go with it anyway. Take your time replying I certainly did -_-. I ended up not having practice today too. Some people started a rumor about it being canceled, so people kept going to the director and asking him about it 'till he got really mad and apparently kicked them out of his office saying, "Fine! Well! No! I guess there's no practice today!" and canceled it. xD I'm not complaining. He's a cranky old man going through menopause, so this isn't uncommon. Okay, can't wait for the PM. ^^ Woah, really? That's scary! I'd be totally freaked out if I were him. o.o

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:21 pm

@Spec: I noticed ^^ No, I'm not one hundred percent sure what I'm going to use, but I know what I'm not going to use first... And really? Geez, that sounds... Ok, hilarious. ^^ And hey, I'm not complaining either. It means you got on earlier! And yeah, I was really surprised when he told us. I didn't think about it, but most of Japan (if not all) was affected... But yeah. Also... -pokespokespokes- Survival? (Yeah, I'm ragging on you about it. Sorry..?) I sent you the PM! I even have my character all thought out...

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Re: [OOC] Error: Glitch

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Spectrum on Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:40 pm

Yeah, that's really scary! Dx Oh, yes, Survival, I know, I know! Where is Kail anyway? Ack, I have 20 minutes left before I have to get off. >< I have nothing going on tomorrow since it's just a Wednesday, so I promise promise promise I will post ASAP tomorrow! You're not ragging! You have all the rights to be pushing me on it! It's been too long! Augh. I'm a horrible person.

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