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What is love? (Closed)

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What is love? (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOneAndOnly on Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:55 am

"Jett. Jettie... Jett!" the girl's mother said, the last call of her name startling the girl out of the little daze she was in. It'd actually made her jump as she finally lifted her head to look up and across the table at her mother. "Are you going to carry the cake out for me, or what?" the woman asked, earning a single nod from her daughter. "O-Oh. Yeah, I'll be out with it in a minute." Jett replied before her mom took off out the sliding glass door that lead to their backyard. The seventeen years old stood up from her chair then and made her way across the kitchen to pick up the cake decorated with all kinds of pink things (because her sister was obsessed with that color), making sure that the sleeves on her shirt were low enough to keep her wrists covered before she carried it outside.

She set on the table in front of the birthday girl and joined everyone in singing happy birthday. Jett even helped hand out the cake to all of her sisters little friends. But as soon as she was no longer needed, she was taking off again. Because she didn't exactly feel like being surrounded by people at the moment. "Don't you want any?" her sister asked when she'd caught her sneaking off. "Oh, no, not right now. But save a piece for me and I'll eat it later...okay?" the black haired girl asked, giving her best fake smile. Her sister nodded in return and went back to talking to her friends, allowing the girl to head off again. Rather than go inside again, Jett started over to the trampoline that her family had sitting just outside of the tree line behind their house. That forest was one of the biggest reasons Jett was glad that they didn't live in the city.

She struggled a bit with climbing up onto it, but made it nonetheless. She tossed her shoes down into the grass below, and made her way to the middle of the trampoline, where she started jumping. It wasn't until then that she was worried that she might draw the kids' attention and tempt them to come over...but they could wait a little while couldn't they? After just a minute or so of jumping, the girl stopped and laid down and stared up at the sky, which is what she wanted to do in the first place. But she had to pretend that she was happy first as to not raise any suspicion. A couple quiet sobs left her mouth (which she quickly covered), but no tears fell. She wouldn't let them. It was stupid to cry now...but she couldn't help it. She just got like this sometimes, fairly often lately. Sadness just would randomly overcome her, driving her to the point of tears no matter how happy she'd been or how happy she wanted to be.

So this wasn't uncommon for her lately. Secluding herself somewhere so no one would see her sad, trying to fight it away. Being outside helped a little though. The sky changing from dusk into night was surprisingly comforting...and the fireflies that'd just started to come out kind of helped in their own way too.


It was sunday afternoon, and Dahvie was waiting (somewhat impatiently) for his friend to call him back. Because if they were going to go for a walk today, he needed to get ready.She she probably did too. But he didn't know if they were actually going quite yet, since she hadn't told him so. He certainly wanted to though. Being home alone was kind of boring when there was other things to be done. Like walks with best friends.

Dahvie was honestly a little afraid that he might not get to go for walks with his best friend in a few weeks or so. Because they were both seniors in high school, and she'd been talking so much about how she was going to leave... He really didn't want her to. It would be so hard if after years of being together constantly, that she just disappeared. It wasn't fair. Sure, that was a kind of selfish thought, but how could he not think that way?She wasn't supposed to leave yet. Not when they were so young still..

So that's why he was somewhat impatient about this whole walk thing. Because if he couldn't convince her to stay for at least another year or so, this would be one of the last walks they'd take for a long time.

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Re: What is love? (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Caille on Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:23 pm

Eric Laud was asleep in the morning. He liked it that way where he could be in the nice comfort of a warm bed that felt like heaven. Sure when you first went to sleep it wasn't the best but when you had to wake up in the morning all any person wants to do is stay in the comfort of that ever so warm bed and just embrace it. This morning however he stayed in bed and fell asleep again for a few hours and woke up to a little sister of his jumping on his bed giggling. "Eric!" She shouted, meanwhile excited. "It's time to get up sleepy head." She said sweetly and sat on her brother's stomach. Little Ellie was priceless but in the morning while he was in the midst of waking up it was dreadful but she was always cute none the less.

"You have to take me to birthday party!" She said pouting. "Mommy said you promised." Ellie said now crossing her arms and well, whether child, teen, or adult the crossing arms things always meant trouble later down the road and Eric sighed brushing a hand through his hair as he sat up. He wrapped Ellie in his arms and hugged her tightly and then ruffled her hair and a grin was placed on his face and she groaned at him and wiggled in his grasp. He let out a small chuckle and finally let her go. Tossing the covers away and swinging his legs over the bed and having his feet hit the soft light blue carpet on the floor, he stood up.

After about an hour Eric had his shower, got dressed, ate something, brushed his teeth, and finally did his hair. After he did all that he walked into Ellie's room and leaned against the door frame and looked at his little sister. "You ready yet, squirt?" He asked. He got a response of the little girl shaking her head and her brown locks moved with it. "Want me to get you something to wear?" He asked already making his way into her room and he picked out a nice casual but some what fancy purple dress and handed it to her. Once she approved of it Eric turned his back and let his sister put on the dress, afterwards he zipped it up for her and maybe about an hour and a half later he had her all ready to go and grabbed the present and the car keys and walked out with his sister.

A few hours later he was in the party sitting down with the other siblings who decided to stay and he talked to them as his sister and the birthday girl..and all the other screaming girls played. Soon it became cake time and everyone was pushed into the kitchen where the big table was set up and decorated. Soon the birthday girl's sister walked in with the cake and he decided to help serve cake to everyone. By the end he was sent on a mission by the birthday girl.

Eric had his piece of cake and another plate with a piece on it. He had to go find the sister who had walk off and give the cake to the girl named Jett. It was a rather odd name to him and he couldn't wrap his brain around it but hey at least it was something unique rather than boring and lame like his. He went outside and continued walking with his thoughts circling when finally he saw a girl laying on the trampoline and not until he actually came up to it did he notice she was crying. He set the cake on the trampoline and then crawled over to her and sat down.

"Jett..Right?" He asked looking at her and he could tell that she had been crying for sure. He frowned a bit but kept looking at her. "You okay? and don't lie..I can tell you were crying." He spoke softly and then looked up at the sky a bit. "I don't mind crying but..Why cry alone? It's one of the worst things to possibly do, it just makes you feel alone in this big world and like no one cares but I bet you a lot of people probably would care." He spoke quietly just barely over a whisper. "If you cry in front of people I don't think it means your weak..It means your strong,,and you aren't afraid to let people see you be you, we all cry." He said shrugging just trying to make her feel better. He handed her, her piece of cake. "Here, your sister wanted me to give this to you..and who knows it may cheer you up, sweets make me cheer up." He said with a small smile, trying to make the mood lighter. "I'm, Eric by the way." He said.

It was just one of those days..The ones where you wake up early you have a great start to your day have a fantastic breakfast and just stare out the window. What more could you ask for? Well selfish people could ask for a lot more and people with big dreams could certainly ask for a lot more. Nala was one of those small town girls with dreams bigger than the world and dreams that needed to be see through. She had always learned that the first steps were always baby steps and well look at her now. She had a dream to get straight A's all through out high school and she's got that, so long as she aces her finals. Another dream of hers was to win the talent show and she did exactly that. Nala was a dreamer and when she had one she was determined to get it if it meant losing everything else. Some may think this is selfish but she couldn't help it, she was only living the dreams of a small town girl. Nala also achieved at least one boyfriend through out her high school years which she believed to be pretty damn good. Nala did have more than just one but not many, she wasn't one to look like a slut or anything.

While looking out the window she was spaced out and trapped in all the things that could come true and the one dream she had on her mind since she was little about six or seven was to leave and go to the city. She wanted it and she could feel it, like an ocean breeze and she could literally hear the chance just calling her. She would have left earlier but she promised she would stay and finish high school in the place she called jail. Why did she call it jail? Well look at it! I mean yes it was small and barely had anything but it did have one of the greatest things of all, nature. Did that matter though? All her other dreams that she has had in mind all start in a city and if she stays in the town how on earth will she ever be able to obtain them? Looking at the birds fly she could only hope but wonder what it would be like to be free and fly away or to just go on your own path. Well some flew in groups but she would be the one leading it the one guiding everyone else to success.

After a few minutes that was when she remembered that she had to call Dahvie back. She decided to send him a text message. After sending him one confirming that they were still hanging out to and were going to go for a walk she put her phone in her hoodie pocket. She opened the small door to her secret window space and crawled out. Getting out of pajama's she got into some black shorts, a white and purple striped tee that was a little baggy but not overly and then she found her white flats and slipped them on. Shortly after she put her hair up and walked out the door and decided to meet Dahvie at their meeting spot.

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Re: What is love? (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOneAndOnly on Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:55 am

Jett's attention was torn from the darkening sky as soon as she felt the trampoline dip down. She instead looked up at the male who had apparently decided to join her. The girl nodded to confirm her name before reaching up to wipe quickly at her eyes, to rid herself of any tears that may have fallen before she looked quickly back up again. At first when he started talking to her, he was only making her want to cry more. But as he kept on, he actually made her feel a bit better.

It was really sweet of her sister to send out cake for her. And for this guy, Eric, to bring it all the way over here. But she wasn’t in any mood to thank him yet. Instead, she just sat up with some reluctance and started poking at the cake with her plastic fork, rather than eat any of it yet.

“I’m fine.” Jett finally replied, which was a lie of course, even though he’d told her specifically not to do that. "Not that it's really any of your concern Eric," she started as nicely as that phrase could be said, hardly attempting to glance over at the male, "but crying alone works just fine when you in fact don't want anyone to know you're doing it. Because there's times where people just have to play happy for everyone around them and they have no other choice." she explained before letting out a little sigh. "And even though you do feel alone and unwanted, those thoughts just let you cry all the more. And keep crying until you're so drained of energy that you just can't keep doing it anymore. And I don't know about you, but I always feel quite a bit better after a long, hard, energy consuming cry by myself." the black haired girl added once more, for no purpose other than to plead her case to the boy that she'd only just met.

Well...isn't this just the best first meeting conversation you've ever had, Jettie? Taking to this boy about crying…psh she asked herself as she finally had herself a bite of birthday cake. She sat in silence as she took a few more before deciding to add just one last thing, "I like that you're okay with crying in front of people though. Because most guys I've seen don't like crying at all. You’re a lucky person I guess." she informed, attempting to offer the boy a little smile.


As soon as he finally got the okay from Nala, Dahvie was up off the couch that he'd been watching TV on and headed to his room. It wasn't like he could wear the same clothes he'd worn yesterday and slept in. Well he could but that wasn't something that anyone should really do. So, Davhie found himself a pair of jeans and a tee shirt from his dresser and changed into them. Then he quickly combed through his hair and headed into the great room, leaving a quickly written note on the dining table for anyone to read if they got home again before he did. He didn't want any of them thinking he got kidnapped or something like that.

Dahvie tried to keep his pace at a calm one as he headed towards his and Nala's meeting spot. But that was kind of hard, being excited. He was kind of glad that the meeting place wasn't too very far away from his house, right now it seemed more than ever. He was there in a matter of minutes, and smiled happily upon seeing Nala. His pace quickened a little more until he was finally close enough to the girl to stop.

"Hey Nala." Dahvie greeted, wrapping his arms around the girl and picking her up off the ground a little.
Last edited by TheOneAndOnly on Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What is love? (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Caille on Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:55 pm

Nala was off thinking about her usual ideas again while she waited for Dahvie to show up. She watched as everyone and everything was still except for the clouds. They were moving and she noticed it. Nala would miss her friends after she left for the big world and she knew that no matter how much they convinced her, pleaded, cried, and all of that for her, she would never agree to stay. She loved them all but sometimes you had to give up something to gain something and if you want it bad you have to give something up. Nala talked about this all the time and a lot with Dahvie and she even offered to have him come with her but he never wanted to and he was just a small town person and she respected that.

Nala was caught totally off guard when Dahvie came and greeted her and wrapped his arms around her. Next thing she knew she was a little but off the ground and she was laughing a little bit. "Hey, Dahvie." She said smiling. Nala and Dahvie had been friends forever, ever since kindergarten to be quite exact. They were always together hanging out no matter what, they were the best friends everyone wish they were. Nala did have to admit in the seventh grade she grew a crush on him and it stayed until the ninth grade but now it was resolved and he'd never have to know about.

"So where exactly shall we walk today?" She asked and started to think of places. "Hiking trails? The beach?" She suggested and secretly she hoped he might say beach because now she pictured herself having her toes in the soft sand and many other joys of the beach.

(I edited this and I shall edit in Eric soon when I get more time. Sorry for not posting! I as really busy.)
Last edited by Caille on Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What is love? (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOneAndOnly on Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:21 pm

((Okay it's done! Sorry I took longer than I said I would...I had like, a million things to do =/ ))

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