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Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room

OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

a part of “Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room”, a fictional universe by Averagebear.

Bootlegging alcohol should be the last of the police's concerns when the bar is run by the devil himself, the biblical apocalypse is days away, the undead are roaming the streets, and it's still illegal for a woman to move whilst topless. COME ON.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:54 pm

Word on the street is it's gonna be big. Like, geographically big. Apparently BioWare has fallen in lust with Skyrim and wants to have Bethesda's love-child. Personally, as long as the character depth is preserved and such, I am totally okay with that.
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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yonbibuns on Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:31 pm

That sounds beautiful. I heard something along those lines, too. And since so many fellow gamers boo-hoo'd about Dragon Age II being rubbish (even though it was amazing and had fantastic character development) compared to Dragon Age: Origins, there was mention that they were gonna grab the best bits out of both and make some sort of Origin's, Skyrim, Dragon Age II love-nestlin'-baby. And who doesn't want Bethesda's love-child? I agree with you on that one. I swear, if I play Dragon Age III and everyone shares the same voice actor, I'm gonna' punch a metaphorical hole through my TV.

Because, this was my Skyrim experience:

Yonny (Minutes later): "What the hell... that guard has Farkas' voice."

Don't get me wrong. It was magical. But, Farkas was everywhere. I hate recycled voices. And awkward moments where the guards start whining about being an adventurer in serious-business conversations. Like, c'mon. Have some decency, man! Oh, and the marriage system. The marriage system. Uhghghghrlrlrlrll.
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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:08 pm

Haha, we have pretty much the same gripes, Yonniboni. I think personally that Skyrim sacrifices the depth of character for the expansiveness of the world and the experience. I, being a demanding and useless whiner, want both. I'm not saying everyone has to be a fully-fleshed character, but something like the companions system from DA would have improved Skyrim times a million, which basically would have made it the shit. Likewise, my only real complaint with DAII was that the scenery never changed. Well, that and the combat system could use a revamp. Still better than DA:O in that respect, though. It needs to decide whether it wants to be tactical with pausing and planning and stuff or real-time and active and think-fast. Trying to do both is just... awkward.

Also, did you notice? First guard in the beginning scene telling you to "shut up back there!" is Gideon Emery, aka Fenris aka Balthier.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yonbibuns on Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:57 pm

I'm with you there, sister. I'm a huge whiner when it comes to video games that involves: an immersive story, character development and possible romances. I mean, if everyone got married in the way Skyrim did... I don't even know. It'd be so easy. All you need to do is scamper off and find a necklace, then flaunt it around and everyone want's a piece of Dragonborn booty. And then, and then, they become simpering house maids (like, even Aela the Huntress--what's up with that? She was tough as nails). Now, Farkas. He's totally a simpering maid who likes getting kicked around. And I'm hard to please. I'd love for each and every character to have different voice actors and starkly different personalities, but it's always impossible with the amount of NPC's in all the Elder Scroll games. That's why I always squeal like a little girl whenever I hear any of the Khajiit's voices. THEY SOUND SO DARN EXOTIC. Also, when we're talking about DA:II, I agree. There weren't many places to go outside of the main cities and surrounding mini-maps leading to caves and such, so that's my only qualm. I mean, I still enjoyed the combat system even if it was a little weird. I've always loved the pausing; reminds me a lot of Neverwinter Nights. Fantastic. Random thought: I really hated how they changed the combat system in Final Fantasy. Now, it's all real time and terrible. I never finished the new one with Lightning and company, ended giving it away. WHEN oh WHEN are they gonna' come up with another awesome FF game? FF9 and FF8 were beautiful. End of FF rant.

Whawhawhawhawha--? Actually, I think I remember another guard having his voice, too. Oh-ho, Fenris. Gideon. Balthier.

Koo-koo. Let's marry Gideon's voice.


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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:49 pm

Oh, Yonny. That gif. It made me smile like a fool.

But yes. Are unique character models, voice acting and personality traits too much to ask? I don't think so, but then I've been called demanding before.

I dunno. I kinda liked FFXII. Mostly because stupidly convoluted plots are kind of my cup of tea. And the writer was the same guy who did FF Tactics, which is close to my favorite thing ever, and came out of retirement or something to write it.

In conclusion, yes. Let's do that.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:46 pm

Angels and Airwave's tune is now up in my itunes. In exchange..... uh... okay here, I offer this. It's more a G&S number, but most of you are here anyway.

I'm only on my third DAII playthrough, and oddly, I still don't mind the recycled backgrounds. It's like a goofy "spot the difference" game for me. Fenris lives in the whorehouse.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nannyhap on Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:53 pm

asdfghjkl; yonbibuns no

So I was sitting happily in class, about this time last week, waiting for the professor to start the lesson and dicking around on the internet, and I saw that you'd posted SONGS, and I was excited!

About two minutes later, I squawked with despair and threw down my headphones, and everyone gave me a funny look and I couldn't explain that I'd done it because my heart just hurt okay it was none of their business wehh.

Which is to say, excellent job on those Rem songs. I now have a sobby playlist of death to rock the ages. I should just make an archangel playlist with ALL of our songs on there, though--maybe that'd be happier.

(<.< Also, I must quietly confess that God was not my first thought upon hearing those. BAD INTERNET NAN. BAD.)
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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yonbibuns on Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:38 am

Heart-squawking angst, I tells you!

You can't blame me if Remiel reminds me of sad, sad, sad songs. But, those are my favourite kinds. So, you'll be seeing lots of those. But Undone especially reminded me of Remiel and it's a lovely song, besides. Seriously, I turn into a fangirl mess whenever my song sputters out a song that reminds me of our characters. It makes me work days not so terrible.


We should compile these and plaster it to the front page for our viewing pleasure. It's not so bad to confer to when yer' in a writing slump, too.

Is it about shipping? Is it? Is it? Kufufufufufufu.

Wudge. Wudge. You, my friend, are always the one that gets me to add new songs to my iPod. Specifically because you have amazing tastes in bands I've never heard of. So, I love you. Lots. In a sick slobbering puppy kind of way. Hoo hoo hoo, DA:II never gets old. Especially if you play vastly different characters the next time around. I'm still sad that I can't import an Origin's Fallon look-a-like. Has anyone beat Mass Effect III yet? Garrusgarrusgarrus.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nannyhap on Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:03 pm

If it weren't for Gears of War and Sims Medieval being played loudly in my presence, I'd be listening to as much of the playlisty bits as Spotify could compile. As it is, I'm staring longingly and adding songs to it because I'm Just That Way.

I made the mistake of listening to The World Spins Madly On the other night. It doesn't even fit. It just makes me sad! And apparently that means it reminds me of Rem? I need to work on that.

It may....potentially....have something to do with shipping, yes. And not the sort that's $4.95. I AM TRYING TO BEHAVE MYSELF, and mostly succeeding, except when music is involved.

Someone must have noticed by now.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mrs. Nesbit on Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:42 pm

Could I by any chance reserve the Psychic character? I also have no qualms with a little competition.

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Re: OOC || Lucifer's Speakeasy: The Back Room || Accepting!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:48 pm

Yo, Flor! The GM has a tendency of like, disappearing forever, but don't worry about it too much. :) There's no one else vying for the psychic as far as I know.

Dudes, guess what movie I just watched. Guess, guess--it's Legion. The one with the zombie apocalypse. 'Cept it's angel zombies or something. They were all very rude and cussing up a storm for some reason. I had my Mike in the back of my mind while watching it, and he loved the first line ("Maybe He was tired of all the bullshit.")... then hated everything else, it was hilarious. The movie Mike is this unpredictable jerk who packs heat, and the Gab is a man who is so obedient to the point of being disobedient. They both godmode like whoa and the whole film was pretty lame.
But I did a lot of giggling and scolding the on-screen characters, so that was fun. Also, I sat there wondering where Raph was, then realized he was probably sulking and sobbing his eyes out in some corner.

Our angels are cooler.

Specifically because you have amazing tastes in bands I've never heard of.

I have amazing tastes in bands I've never heard of!! Yeahh, mostly I pull them from AMVs. xD "Heal Me" was actually from a Tali/Shepard video, funky coincidink. I'm hoping Bioware will have PC Warden import cameos in the third game though, man, even a statue (Soul Calibur III could do it, why can't you) would make me happy.
No ME3 playtimes here by the way, I'm reluctant to begin the third without the first and second pfffff.

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