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Safe Harbor

Plot Ideas

a part of “Safe Harbor”, a fictional universe by AmeliaIsGhostly.

The Safe Harbor is a gathering place of those who hold supernatural abilities. Here they can train and learn to control their powers, all the while trying to stay hidden from society. But what happens when one of the old members threatens their haven?

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Safe Harbor”.
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Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmeliaIsGhostly on Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:07 am

Alright, In this thread we can throw around plot ideas, no matter how big or small. We also want to discuss exactly whats going to go down with that whole conflict thing. We already have an idea, so once Savader gets a chance, they'll explain it here. ^^
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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Toxic Cereus on Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:34 am

I propose a rainbow unicorn attack.

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ☿Urania☿ on Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:24 am

No, how about a DOUBLE rainbow unicorn attack?

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmeliaIsGhostly on Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:32 am

Now come on guys be a little bit more mature...

We have to do a heavy metal robot unicorn attack. c:


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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CutUp on Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:27 am

How about a Lasercorn attack?

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Savader on Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:45 pm

Kinda hard to show-up all of that, but here goes...

Things start out with what you'd expect from a simple introduction of characters. A new member shows up, meets all the current members, gets to know the area a bit, we get a glimpse of their everyday lives, perhaps. Then, once everyone feels comfortable with the amount of lollygagging the boys and girls of the haven have spent, they are disrupted by the sudden arrival of an uninvited guest. That guest, as I'm sure you have predicted, is an old member who left a while back due to a difference in opinion and outlook on today's society -- normal society, that is to say -- to that of Winter's. Now he's aiming to increase his own faction's number by recruiting as many supernaturals as he can find, and if there were ever a place he could go where he'd find a handful of them neatly tucked, it would have to be Winter's group living peacefully at the haven he once resided.

This boy is naturally a very aggressive individual, and doesn't enjoy not getting his way. Of course, it's not like he's going to blow the place up when he confronts the members of the haven only to find that everyone is perfectly happy living with Winter's ideology of peace. However, that doesn't mean he isn't a serious threat to that peace... The old member would likely show some annoyance that he was once again unable to sway any others to join his "cause," and perhaps after a brief yet subtle show of his powers involving a conversation with Winter herself, he'd be on his way, allowing the others to get back to whatever it was that they were doing.

Or so they might have hoped, but Winter should have different plans for them after that complete invasion of their home. The plan is for her to begin teaching the others how to combat invasions of the mind, as well as insist on each of them taking a more serious approach to training their abilities.

It hasn't been made official yet, I don't think, what that future antagonist's power is going to be, but in line with the idea above which I discussed with Amelia before pitching it to all of you, is that he has the core ability to borrow other supernaturals' powers. To make matters worse, should he KILL a supernatural with their own ability, he then owns that ability for himself. (I imagine the concept of this ability as a whole has many ways of being added to or is subject to change, as like I said, I don't think it's official one way or the other yet. I'll leave that confirmation or denial up to the character's owner.) And therein lies Winter's reasoning that everyone should at least try to learn how to protect themselves against invasions of the mind, which should be made easier for them with the help of Winter's mind-linking, as well as they should develop a better understanding of their own abilities in case they have to defend themselves against other supernaturals.

Moving on, after everyone is comfortable with the amount of progression in the training process for each character, possibly a small timeskip if it starts to feel as though it will become repetitive, an unexpected incident occurs. One of their own has been kidnapped...

Now, it would be natural for everyone to assume that the old member with the power-stealing abilities has to be behind this, which I'm sure would be commonplace to convey among at least a couple of members as they all react to such a dire situation. However -- and perhaps after Winter and/or her partner (we'll leave it open for discussion) visit the man in question to confirm or deny this suspicion -- they soon learn that he was in fact NOT the one behind the kidnapping.

This brief conversation would end with the promise of the ex-member's own mission into finding the kidnapped supernatural. Obviously, this wouldn't be out of the kindness of his heart, but rather simply because he detests normal humans, and should they be behind the abduction of one of his kind, he would stop at nothing to destroy every last one of them responsible. That, and it's safe to say that an ulterior motive would be to win over the victim should he/she still be alive and bring them over to his side, as well as possibly showing the other members that he can get the job done, and that perhaps his leadership would be just.

Now we have two sides working towards the same goal: find the person or persons responsible for the abduction, bring the victim back home safely if possible, and hopefully stop whoever is behind it so that they never harm any supernaturals again. Two groups with opposing ideologies that have the same goal makes for an unstable partnership, and thus the rescue of the missing member will become something of a dangerous race between either side as both vie for solving the problem in their own way. Winter's group would naturally want to save their friend and return home, only choosing to fight if they absolutely must. The ex-member and his group would take a very different approach. A rather aggressive and violent one... An approach like that witnessed with the eyes of people sharing Winter's views on humanity would most likely result in a confrontation between both groups should their paths ever cross along the way (which I'm personally hoping they do). Vice versa, the other group would in turn see Winter's group as getting in the way of their righteous mission, not wanting to let anything get in the way of saving a supernatural from human hands.

So basically, it turns into a power struggle between two groups who are both racing to solve the problem their way. Once all is said and done, however, the end of my idea would open the door for an actual "war" between these two groups. Perhaps the reveal of whatever organization was behind the abduction of a supernatural forces the ex-member to take the initiative in his long-term plan to conquer humanity, and anyone, supernaturals or otherwise, who do not submit will be annihilated. And in turn, that would then force Winter and her friends to fight back.

Now, that's the gist of it. There are obviously missing details, but that's what this thread is for: working together to come up with a good plot for this arc and hopefully another after it (the kidnapping followed by the civil war, in this case). We need to work out the details, such as who is behind the abduction, who would BE abducted in the first place and whether it should be an NPC member or an actual character one of us plays, as well as deciding on just how large whatever organization it is that is clearly VERY aware of the existence of supernaturals, and isn't above capturing them as if they're nothing more than animals fit for experimentation.

If anyone has any questions regarding my and Amelia's idea, please do not hesitate to ask. Same goes for pitching your own ideas; whether you have an entirely different one, or simply want to add to or change certain aspects of what I wrote above, please do not hesitate to throw them out there. Let's make this RP a great one, yeah? Together!

"You see... I'm not mad. CHAOS isn't mad. I've SHOWN you the REAL WORLD. Shown you CHAOS. And hopefully you went sane. But killing chaos... you can't kill CHAOS. And you can't keep it locked up for long..."

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CutUp on Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:20 am

I had an idea that could run along with yours. Especially with the whole kidnapping thing. My idea was about a minor antagonist, more, or less a throw away character. The character in question is a serial killer who targets Supernaturals. I already talked to Amelia about it, and she said to it bring over here for discussion. Here's the basics:

Elliot Morgan, soldier, family man, father, murderer. He enlisted in the military right out of highschool in the bible belt of Tennessee, and graduated the Ranger Academy with honors. The Ranger Academy has been called the 'toughest combat course in the world', and 'the most physically, and mentally demanding leadership school the Army has to offer'.

His first real combat experience came about three years after in the Kosovo War in 98. He witnessed the NATO bombing campaign on Yugoslavia first hand during Operation Allied Force. When it ended in 99, these experenices changed him profoundly. He wasn't the same twenty-something kid that he was when he left. After that he was allowed some time off for his services.

During his leave he returned back home. There he reunited with his old highschool sweet heart. She helped remind him of the man he was before Kosovo, the wide-eyed, fun-loving kid he once was. So they began dating again. Eventually this led to her getting pregnant, and a shotgun wedding. But they were happy.

But, things wouldn't be all sunshine, and rainbows, as he was called into service again in 2001 to serve in Afghanistan. He missed the birth of his daughter, Grace. In the following years he bounced from tours in Afghanistan, and Iraq, but he still had a fairly good relationship with his family, well as good as it gets for a soldier at least.

But his career would soon be cut short in 2007, when he was hit by an IED. He survived, barely. He suffered sever burns all over his body, and was in a coma for months. While he was in a coma things weren't any better for his family. Grace died due to the powers emerging in a young Supernatural who couldn't control them. His wife couldn't handle the grief, and downed an entire bottle of pills.

Needless to say things weren't looking good when he finally awoke. He didn't take it well. When he awoke he was diagnosed with pain asymbolia, meaning he could not experience any unpleasantness associated with pain. After going through the necessary physical therapy, he went looking for answers, and revenge.

He found the Supernatural responsable, a fourteen year old kid in way over his head. But Eliot didn't care. He killed the boy without even blinking. His injuries from the IED, the death of his family, and the murder of the boy all came together, and just broke something in his head. He saw the Supernaturals as demons, and started suffering religous disllusions. He saw that killing Supernaturals was God's work, and he was God's instrament.

From then on he began traveling the country, murdering Supernaturals. He used his military training, and condition to rival even the most powerful of Supernaturals. His general MO is decapitating his victims with a machete. He has the smarts, strength, and worse of all, conviction to kill every Supernatural he can find.

That's the general outline of the character. If we go through with that kidnapping plot, maybe he could do it or be tricked, or hired to do so? Maybe he could find out about all the Supernaturals in the town, and kidnap one to 'chum the water' so to speak, and draw them out to kill them? Maybe he could kidnap Danny, since it seems like he's going to be the youngest, and that'd probably gain a bigger response from the groups.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ☿Urania☿ on Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:24 am

Oh! Well I have a small idea for the beginning or at least when that unexpected guess comes. Maybe the group are having a moment together? It's night, they have a small fire going in the yard or whatever and they're all sitting around it sharing things with each other and whatnot when all of a sudden the guest comes in from the shadows and says something like 'having fun without me?' or something along those lines. :) just throwing out my idea~

EDIT: Oh, I had another idea about the people that kidnap one of us or them that is. We could kinda do like Orphan black and have like a big research company behind the kidnapping but then have the military being the actual ones behind everything?

DOUBLE EDIT (so many edits xD) : Welp I just finish reading cut's idea and it could go with mine? Elliot could have been hired by the research company to kidnap one of the supers?

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Savader on Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:15 pm

Both of those ideas sound awesome, and I especially like the "psychologically wounded war hero" character type for something like this. It's rather commonplace, haha. I think we could easily work him into my original idea, as being one of the "big baddies" the characters will have to fight against at one point or another as they search for their friend. If not during the search, possibly even after, when they're all trying to find a way to get the research company/military outfit off their backs -- and anywhere in-between those points in the story.

Keep 'em coming, guys! When we work together, we can only make the plot better ^^

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmeliaIsGhostly on Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:29 pm

Oh! Also guys, I was thinking probably one of the current residents would know the supernatural antagonist as they would have been in the house at the same time when he was (His name is lucien by the way.) I was planning on him being the second resident they ever took in, and I'm going to work with Dumisa to kinda create a history about it. Once I've done that, the rest of my character history will be updated with what happened when he got kicked out of the house, as will his be once I finish his character sheet up. But let me know if you are interested in having that character know about it because I'll include you in this whole discussion of what went down and let you know what I have so far, as it would directly affect your character~

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CutUp on Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:00 am

Ok, do we want Elliot as a full-fledge character with a sheet, or an NPC? I don't mind making him.

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Savader on Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:32 am

Hmm... This is just me, personally, but I think him being something of an NPC would be best. Especially when you take into account his rather specific details in appearance. Might be difficult finding a face claim to fit the match. Other than that, we should keep in mind that this guy likely doesn't have the happiest of endings waiting for him at the conclusion of this arc/story, nor would he really deserve one, given his history. Do we really wanna give him the same respect as our core characters? However, I don't mean to say that he should be run by multiple people for convenience, because as Amelia explained regarding Lucien, it would likely create confusion. Thus, it might be best if you and you alone play him out. You did come up with the concept for his character, so I should think you would best fit that role. It will ensure that his character is perfectly within the realm of how you imagined it being.

Ultimately it's up to you and Amelia, as it's your idea and her roleplay, but that's my two cents.

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CutUp on Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:45 am

I've actually have a few FC ideas for him:

Joe Manganiello
Christian Kane
Manu Bennett
Jeffrey Donovan

Joe, Christian, and Manu all have that right physicality for the character, while I think Jeffrey has a more intimidating figure to him because he isn't as physically imposing as the others, but yet still looks, and carries himself as someone who can kick you're ass.

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Re: Plot Ideas

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Savader on Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:48 am

I think Manu Bennett fits the role of what you're going for best. Jeffrey Donovan suits the role of someone far more akin to "business professional" type of attitude and intimidation, whereas Manu is right at home with the whole "crazy ex-military professional," who has a total "beast mode" aspect to his capabilities, lol.

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