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Wing City Election Opening Press

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Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Mon May 01, 2017 6:06 pm

The Wing City Elections are now underway, starting with a series of interviews of each candidate. Keep an eye on this location to track the responses of each candidate, and what else they get up to. As this is a page for news, please do not post your own content, link me to it via PM or chat and I will add it here in the form of a news story.
Circ wrote:When I first joined RolePlayGateway, it was a place where positive conflict fostered creativity and friendships were formed rather than cliques. Honesty and transparency were valued, new people were incorporated into the community rather than judged based on what style of writing they preferred, and despite the youthfulness and zeal of the population there prevailed a reasonable degree of common sense.

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Mon May 01, 2017 10:08 pm

Interview with Cole Arkenach

Alrion: Welcome Cole Arkenach, thank you for coming to this interview. And why don't we get right to the point. There is a lot of mystery surrounding the current candidates and what they are hoping to achieve as mayor. What would you say are your main policies and goals?

Cole: Thank you for having me. I've never been one for mystery, and I feel kinda bad for disappearing from Terra for a while only to just show up now. But, more to the point. I'm really concerned with the defense of Wing City, and the well-being of the citizens like anybody in this race I'm sure. For better or for worse, we all have our own ways of dealing with these things. My own way, which I hope speaks to the crowd that wants me in and maybe even beyond, would be to put a major focus in negotiations and setting up defensive stations around Wing City. Negotiating with the TNG would be of the utmost priority in that case, and making sure this place remains free is my goal. And I hope that's everyone's goal - keeping Wing City and as a whole Terra safe and free.

Alrion: Well I'm sure everybody would agree that the freedom of the people is important. What's sitting on a lot of peoples minds, though, is what do you think sets you apart from the other candidates in this race?

Cole: I suppose the largest defining features are my willingness to get my hands dirty, and my focus on magic. Magic could certainly benefit Wing City greatly, and I'd certainly be willing to help fund Mage Colleges here in order to help young protégés understand their power. After all, it'd prevent less problems like we had recently, and less misunderstandings about magic.

Alrion: Those misunderstandings about magic being?

Cole: In some places, people are rightfully afraid of magic users due to their power coming directly from a chaotic and unknown source. Because of this, they can be dangerous if they're not helped. Some people opt for lynching instead.

Alrion: I'm a magic user myself, so its good to know there's a candidate looking out for us. So you spoke of getting you hands dirty, do you believe more in delegation, or having a hand in everything yourself?

Cole: Very good to for getting my hands dirty - I meant more along the lines of actively helping in the defense of Wing City if it ever comes under attack again. Acting as a protector of my land, if you get me. Though, on the subject of delegations...I'm not entirely sure just yet as I'm still working those details out. But I will say, I want the people's opinions as much as possible, and I want my actions to reflect them - not the will of other politicians.

Alrion: Well perhaps you could tell us about yourself. Many of the candidates in this election are relatively unknown to the people of Wing City. What do you look towards as your inspirations?

Cole: inspirations are a bit eclectic, but I suppose the ideal of peace is always a good inspiration to have. It's pretty simple, I know, but I see it as something easily relatable for everyone.

Alrion: And do you take any inspirations from others? Any teachers or heroes that have helped guide you through your life?

Cole: Teacher-wise? Nah. Though, heroes...I was always inspired by a former hero turned God from my home. His name is LeBlanc and he brought freedom, ale, and happiness to many towns under his rule. If there was anyone I'd want to be, it's LeBlanc.

Alrion: As far as I'm concerned, freedom and happiness is ale. Well, we had one last question for you, and that is what did you think of your predecessor? The enigmatic Mr. E. Mayor.

Cole: That's a tough question...mostly because I haven't seen too much of him when I was around. I suppose apathetic, though I do feel if he's to be re-elected I'd like to see him take a more active role here.

Alrion: I'm sure we'll see what he has to say in his own interview. Finally, do you have any words for the other candidates?

Cole: For all of you out there running, good luck and remember to keep the people in mind.

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Mon May 01, 2017 11:38 pm

Interview with Snowbund

Alrion: Snowbund, thank you for joining us for the interview, the people are interested in finding out more about you and what you hope to achieve as mayor. So without any delays, what would you say are your policies and main focuses should you be elected mayor?

Snowbund: Three things, Infrastructure, defenses, drinking

Snowbund: Well for the first one is this: How do you get around? Taxi, walk, briber, steal a speeder? The infrastructure in this place needs extreme brestructirng and the Jedi Corp of Engineers would enjoy mapping this place out and providing jobs to those living here, not to mention safe housing and training for their kids.

Snowbund: Which brings me to the second thing. Defenses. Defending oneself is well and good, but most people are too frail or too old or untrained or just simply in the wrong place and the wrong time. If I am elected I would work to ensure proper training, equipoment, supplies, and housing is made ready for the defenses of this city.

Snowbund: That now brings me to the third thing, .... and I'd like a third bottle please waiter.

Alrion: That I can agree with. A fresh whisky for me too. So tell me, what do you think sets you apart from the other candidates?

Snowbund: Its easdy, what sets me apart is that I have battlefield experience, I know how to discern my enemy from a friend. Which would you personally rather have leading your city ? A Jedi Master with experience in leadership as experienced first hand in the join project of defeating a evil stain on the galaxy, or a religious zealot that kills whatever it sees not human. I got shot off my own swoop six times just coming here for this interview!

Alrion: That's awful. I can see why you have taken such a strong stance on infrastructure if its not safe to simply reach an interview. As for your leadership, do you think you would have a hand in everything or would you focus on delegation?

Snowbund: *have taking a looooooong chug of her huttese hangover* I'd try and get my hands dirty working to help those where I can, where I cant get to I can delegate as needed. Like how my ship is set up, I have a crew member for each task crosstrained in each others tasks as well, if one falls, another can take their place until they are back on their feet. So delegating duties is something I am willing to do on a as needed basis.

Alrion: The people do appreciate a leader who can get stuck in there. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself. What or who do you look towards as your inspiration? Do you have any heroes or idealogies?

Snowbund: *after a moment of careful thought* My master during the Jedi Trials. Argus Din. He taught me that emotion can be very dangerous. Emotion can change a person. Make them go from being good intentions... to outright war and needless death. Master Din taught me that as a Jedi I have to be ready for the call of the Force to help another, be it you, or the waiter or someone on an entirely different planet. Before his death I was made a Jedi Knight, upon his death I was named a Jedi Master, and shortly after ending the Revan threat to the galaxy a few years ago I was named Grand Master of the Order.

Snowbund: But I owe it all, everything, to Master Din, even in death he guides me ever forward.

Alrion: It's good to have a candidate so in touch with their spirituality. We'll wind up for now with our last couple of questions. What did you think of your predecessor, the current mayor of Wing City and fellow candidate, Mr. E. Mayor?

Snowbund: Never heard of him; At least not to my knowledge unless he owned a bar or two. this E guy... what did he do before becoming Mayor and letting the city fall to ruin ? Other than to jack up my taxes?

Alrion: I honestly couldn't tell you, but hopefully I'll get some answers when I interview him. Lastly, do you have any words for your fellow candidates?

Snowbund: Only words come to mind
Snowbund: May the Force be with you

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Tue May 02, 2017 1:10 am

Interview with Ciaphas Cain

Alrion: Ciaphas Cain, thank you for joining me. I understand you've been in the limelight for the Terran people lately, and this mayoral election is just another step for you. Would you mind sharing what your policies and main focuses would be were you to be elected as mayor?

Cain: As you wish, what we have for current polocies in mind is to try and keep watch over any rouge mages running amok. With the danger the Elysium drug poses and the damage it can result from it. We need to maintain a safe watch on all witches. Now we are not inisting on a manhunt for all mages and psykers, we will just minitor mages lest we experiance another mass devestation again.

Cain: As for our main focus shall be, We of the Imperium will focus on both millitary and economical matters. We know the people here are patriotic to their cause, we already have seen many people exchange unpleasent words with Imperial soldiers. If they wish to continue to defend on their own I say we the Imperium shall let them. I shall implement policies that all Wing City Patriots, those who wish to defend their city shall be localized in a planetary CDF. Or City defense Force. We will give them the arms and training, if they want to act patriotic to their city then our new CDF will be able to sate both the patriots of the city and our wish to defend the city.

Cain: Economically, we shall begin extending trade routes, seeing what areas of civilian infastructure require more funding or even neccecary upgrades. We will also upgrade and create more Civilian Shelters in the case of citywide emergency to prevent even more deaths. And finnaly, what our biggest project is is to station a Contingent of Space Marines to finnaly ensure saftey on the ground.

Cain: What we offer is saftey, economics, and finnaly much needed security and localized Imperial FOrces on disaster duty to help rebuild and tend to any wounded.

Cain: This is what I and the Imperium offer.

Alrion: It sounds as if you plan to tackle many of the city's problems directly. What do you think sets you apart from the other candidates?

Cain: Well, most notibaly I have experiance on both the front and behind a desk. I have been on many battlefeilds than I can count and faced many horrors this universe has. I can not only lead in civil matters but I can lead an army to any sort of victory. I spill my blood on the front as any other guy, and I can care for the people I serve with or behind the desk. I know what the people think when you are right beside them fighting with all your heart.

Alrion: It sounds as if you are very well travelled. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

Cain: At least more than 100 years...I think I have 100 more years left in me...

Alrion: Well don't think age will be a deciding factor. I think one candidate is yet to hit puberty. Anyway, back on topic. Do you believe more in delegation or having a hand in everything youself, what with your military background?

Cain: I belive in both ways, having competent people working on a task makes work go my easily. However in certain cases one has to put matters into his own hands. And my Military background? Been on many tours of duty, been known to turn entire campains that were normally losing into a victory.

Alrion: You've had a long career compared to most of the candidates, what would you say has been your biggest inspirations, both heroes and ideologies?

Cain: I guess my ideas are based of the Emperor. The leader of the Imperium. He has sacrificed much to help humanity, and he gave us a chance at the future. You can say I fight to continue living a longer life every day. And to make sure my men and the people go on to live another day as well

Alrion: Last couple questions now, I know you're a busy man. What do you think of your predecessor, the current mayor of Wing City, Mr. E. Mayor?

Cain: Well, he seems like a good man with a good heart. But with what this city is enduring with so much more things just on the horizon. The city needs a more stronger hero. Someone that understands both war and civil matters full well. He is a good man but I don't think just good nature is going to be enough nowadays.

Alrion: Lastly, do you have anything to say to your fellow candidates?

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Tue May 02, 2017 7:17 pm

Interview with Talim

Alrion: Welcome Talim, thank you for this interview. It's been a good chance to find out what's really on the mind of a lot of candidate, so why don't we start there. What are your policies and main focuses should you be elected mayor?

Talim: In truth, I am unsure. I know seems odd, but when one has no place left in the world so to speak and spends most of her time, trying to rid the world of a great and terrible evil. Eventually they get tired. That is me, I am the Last Priestess of the Wind, my home destroyed, my cause only thing keeping me going. I would act with compassion and kindness, but I realize at times must be stern. I would endeavour to make sure all these new orphans could be rehomed as soon as possible. I would even provide a spirituality many of the other candidates like. I am not here to force my religion, but I would hope I could provide knowledge that is so often rare. Draw people to listen to the natural forces as well as the mechanical forces. Wing City to me is a place that is constantly in turmoil and suffering. I would hope, with my knowledge of darkness and how it corrupts others, I could begin to heal those wounds on the people, city and souls.

Alrion: And what do you think sets you apart from other candidates? Do you think its this openess to spirituality and a more kind approach?

Talim nods with earnest and gentle expression
Talim: Yes, I do feel many while religious are less connected to this world. The very wind sings and speaks to us, if only we would listen... I understand how insane that sounds, and perhaps scares people. But, I promise you the natural world speak to us, perhaps not in ways we imagine or comprehend but it does. I also feel, with my experience stemming from that of culture rather than politics, I would provide a fresh understanding. I have led people and they served me. I am young, and willing to learn. I am not stuck in my beliefs like many may imagine. I only fight when necessary and if asked I would gladly lay down my life for this city. For there is no greater privilege than to die protecting the ones you love. I am not suicidal though, I just refuse to watch others suffer when I can do more. Maybe, they may call Liberal or weak, but compassion is not a flaw.

Alrion: We've talked a bit about your personal feelings, but what of your administrative skills? Do you believe in delegation or a more hands on approach to leadership?

Talim: Admittedly, a lot of this would be new to me. So, I would make sure to take on experts to learn the ropes. I would do my best to lead with what could be suggested as hands on approach, but at least early on. I would trying to grasp the intricacies. I would not desire to lead without knowing the details. Once I was more knowledgeable, I would regularly have Surgeries to consult the population and address the major issues. I imagine, many of those would be related to the recent cataclysm.

Alrion: What would you say have been some of your inspirations in life, both heroes and ideologies?

Talim: That is an interesting question. I guess my biggest inspiration was sadly a tragedy. Losing my whole village and people to the monster Nightmare, made me strive to rid the world of Soul Edge and this heinous monster. Certain people like Seung Mina or Kililk they also inspired me, Seung Mina especially as she was born to Nobility, but forfeited it to help us fight and rid the world of Soul Edge.

Alrion: Well just to finish with a couple of quick and easy questions, what do you think of your predecessor, the current mayor, Mr. E. Mayor?

Talim: It's hard to say truthfully. He seems beloved, even generally, happy, but I saw so little of him. I would assume he is not fooling the population with magic or such. Just seems so weird, we know so little. I won't speculate believe me, if the people love him and generally want him back. I won't stand in front of that. But, I would hope my approach of being more personable would be desired.

Alrion: And lastly, do you have anything to say to your fellow candidates?

Talim: Yes, I ask all of you don't forget those who are suffering currently due to the disaster that happens. And if elected, you focus on rehoming and giving those who lost someone meaning again. Whether via religion or by providing employment. Anything else would be rude to ask, but the people must always come first.

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Sun May 14, 2017 5:45 am

Interview with General 13-7

Alrion: General 13-7, thank you so much for joining me today. It's been so good to have this opportunity to interview different candidates, and the public is really finding out so much about you all. One thing on everyone's mind is, what are your policies and main focuses should you be elected mayor?

General: Good to be here Alrion. As I have stated before the grand goal of my Terran Liberation Army is to give the rule of Terra back to those native to this great world I hope that by becoming mayor of Wing City we will have the right foundation to rebuild Terra in the image of the Terran and not in the image of foreign powers such as the Imperium. I wish for a Terra that stands united on it's own.

Alrion: I think a free Terra is something on everyone's mind with the aggression the planet has faced over the years from outside forces. What would you say it is that sets you apart from other candidates?

General: I am not here for personal glory or to spread my religion. I'm here to protect the people of Terra and to let them run thier lifes I see myself as a wind blowing the Terrans in the direction they need to go in order to have a government for Terra by Terra.

Alrion: A strong wind, I hope. Speaking of directing the people, do you believe in delegation or having a personal hand in mayoral matters?

General: Both, I am willing to work with my own hands but no one person can do everything it will just burn them out and make things less efficient.

Alrion: So perhaps you could tell us a bit about yourself. What would you say are your inspirations, both heroes and codes you live by?

General: Heros...funny you ask. Believe it or not I once saw the Imperium as heros. That was before they left my family to die. It was then that I realized you can't​ rely on heros. You must work and fight for what you want you must rely on your own strength and not the strength of others. That is what Terra must do now become strong and stand on its own to be its own hero.

Alrion: Very strong words, and I can only hope people are inspired by them. Last couple of questions, very quick. What did you think of your predecessor, the enigmatic Mr. E. Mayor?

General: In all honesty I don't know much about him and I have never even really seen him do anything for Wing City or Terra...He doesn't even seem to exist it seems most of the time and he has done nothing to stop the Imperium so all in all I think he has been a failure for the city and the planet

Alrion: Very passionate words. Lastly, do you have any words for your fellow candidates?

General: I have nothing nice to say to the Imperial for the others I hope you will remember the people of Terra and know that win or lose the Terran Liberation Army will not stop it's mission to safeguard the people of Terra.

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Sun May 14, 2017 9:30 pm

Interview with Nadya
Alrion: Thank you for joining me... Nadya, is it? And your running mates name is Bo. Welcome to you both, this is a great opportunity for you to let the people know why you're running for mayor. Why don't we start with what policies and main focuses you would have should you be elected mayor?

Nadya: Thank you Mr. Flavaar! I think the most important of the policies is that I would set common sense regulations for becoming mayor. I'm 13, and I can't even drive yet, but I can run for mayor, and that's a bit silly. I think maybe you should have to be an adult, and a citizen on Wing City. But also, I think a focus would be on letting Wing City citizens govern Wing City, instead of a, um, a puppet government. We need to govern ourselves, or we're just gonna keep getting jerks down here trying to take over things they don't understand.

Alrion: Wouldn't that exclude you from re-running after the end of your term, unless you were in office for five years of course. It's unusual to see a politician have such a selfless and responsible policy.

Nadya: I guess, yeah, but that's okay. I'd rather have a good policy on who can be mayor, so that it's harder to corrupt them, than I would be mayor myself.

Alrion: What other things set you apart from the other candidates?

Nadya: Well, the other candidates all seem to me to be focused heavily on military things. I admit I'm young, but in my civics class, we learned that the Terran National Government was in charge of the military, and that Wing City was a part of the Terran Nation, and not in charge of the military. So I think for one, I might have a better grasp of basic government than some of them, since I just finished a whole year of learning about how the government works. And for another, I don't have a military background. A lot of the other candidates do. Oh! Also, I'm a Terran native, which I think is important, because I know how Terra works!

Alrion: ...That is a very good, and somewhat worrying, point. Ah, do you believe in delegating, that is, having others do work in your stead so you can manage overall, or do you believe in taking a more hands-on approach?

Nadya: Oh man. I'd be kind of stupid not to do both. Being a good leader means you do both. You can't do everything yourself after all. I have Bo to help me with things I can't do on my own, but of course I'd be working hard. And I'd definitely delegate to people who knew what they were talking about. Like, if the police were needed, I'd ask the chief of police what would be the best way to handle it. I wouldn't be all "Oh no, it must be done my way!" Bullies do that. But I'd do whatever I could myself, of course. It'd kind of be my job.

Alrion: Perhaps you could tell us a little about yourself. Do you have any inspirations, be they heroes or ideologies you live your life by?

Nadya: Oh man do I ever! Anodyne, the Ripper is super cool! She's got this awesome gun and she never misses a shot! And if you're a bad guy, you're definitely going down! and Kazen Horne is super cute and he once beat up the Aschen Emperor and that's pretty much the coolest thing ever, hands down. I have all the Invictus comic books. Oh! And Miss Catherine is wonderful! She is my foster mom's friend, and she's a magical cop! She takes down magical bad guys with the best. And of course, my babuschka. We were at the farmer's amrket a few weeks ago, because Babuschka sells honey. This jerk mage attacked and tried to kidnap me, because he's a jerk, and Babuschka threw a jar of honey at his head! Miss Catherine saved me from him. They're both the best.

Um, for ideologies though, I try to be kind as I can, but I don't want to give in to jerks. So you have to be kind, but stick by your convictions. That's how I live.

Alrion: Anodyne and Kazen from the Invictus? Very worthy inspirations, though they do tend to represent the same kind of military oriented notions your fellow candidates do. Regardless, we have just a couple of quick questions to finish off on. Firstly, what do you think of your predecessor, Mr. E. Mayor?

Nadya: Oh yeah! My Babuschka made all the candidates cookies. They're in the back. And good luck! I hope we can all be nice to each other for the whole race.

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Sun May 14, 2017 9:35 pm

Interview with Bristol Stacks
Alrion: Ah, Bristol Stacks, I have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to interview you. Thank you for joining us today. The people are interested in knowing more about you and your campaign, so without beating around the bush too much, would you like to tell us what your policies and main focuses would be should you be elected mayor?

Bristol: It's a pleasure to be here, Alrion! I see the constant war and tragedy that constantly visit the citizens of this city. As one that used to do boardroom deals I think this city needs to better organize its resources with the players involved. Mr E has done an excellent job of keeping this city running and rebuilding against every tragedy but I would like to change focus on more local defenses to fend them off ourselves before that happens. As long as they agree to reasonable conditions. Establish resources with conditions to those that want to defend this city without our having to manage them directly as repeated events. For instance I'm aware that there are a few groups that deal with magical enforcement in this city and if any had a path to interact securely the local government perhaps this last Elysium situation could have been avoided in the first place.

Alrion: I see, and I take it this approach of taking what's there and adding infrastructure, that's what sets you apart from other candidates? Or what does, if I've misunderstood.

Bristol: I was born in this city and I've seen all the hazards that repeatedly tear it apart. I was even a victim of one of them though thanks to Logicroad I've since made a full recovery. [Chuckles]

Alrion: You mentioned you wouldn't need to manage directly. Do you believe in delegation or do you prefer a more hands on approach?

Bristol: I was the boss's son once, I know, but that comes with responsibilities to excel and lead well if you want the respect of the workers. I don't put people in a position to delegate to if I didn't trust them with the responsibility and to keep me informed of things I need to know to regulate the whole picture. I have to be 'always on' and while I would prefer to delegate some administrative tasks I'm very much a believer of managing or at least observing in situ. I can make better and more informed decisions if I'm on the front doing the work as much as is practical. Leading from inside an office with other's sweat, tears, and accounts might be effective in some ways but I'd prefer to have first hand knowledge if I can get it. You lose a certain appreciation for the small but very important problems the work your people do sitting behind a desk for too long.

Alrion: It sounds as if being the boss's son has made you well experienced. How about you personally. Do you have any inspirations, either in heroes or in ideologies?

Bristol: I'd like to think that there are heroes. People that are above and beyond the pale and have risen beyond all reproach life hasn't proved to be that way. Not even me; I have to assume that for the sake of the people that trust me to watch the big pictures. I bought into my own hype for a little while until life came by and showed a little light on my hubris with some disease. Maybe I still am. It's a hard thing to look the right way in the mirror. The mirror of the past is much like that I think. All the heroes of antiquity have had their edges sanded off until they're all smooth in the mirror. I suppose I'm inspired more by the philosophers and great men that spent more time looking for their flaws in order to see the right next step than celebrating with other people on how valuable their last contributions were.

Alrion: We have a last couple of quicker questions. Firstly, what did you think of your predecessor, Mr. E. Mayor?

Bristol: A curious fellow. I can't seem to remember when he was elected exactly but he did a good job certainly or this city would have fallen apart. There's been no small amount of massive bludgeons that put divots in this city under his office and it all gets put back together again. I'd be happy to give him a justly deserved vacation. [laughs]

Alrion: And lastly, do you have anything to say to your fellow candidates?

Bristol: I see a bit of zealotry in them though I can also see the places from which such zealotry was necessary. Nevertheless, refusing to change when the conditions do makes everyone weaker. Offices of the public need to know how to laugh at themselves I think or you can lose opportunities drowned out by your shouting.

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Re: Wing City Election Opening Press

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Sun May 14, 2017 10:10 pm

Interview Mr. E. Mayor

Alrion: Mr. Mayor, weclome, this interview has been eagerly anticipated by the public, your fellow candidates and myself. Everyone wants to know what's in your mind and how you will stack up compared to all the other candidates. So why don't we jump into it. Would you mind first sharing what your policies and main focuses would be should you be re-elected?

Mr. E: Ho Ho Ho! I'm always glad to answer any questions Wing City citizens have of me, Mr. Flavaar. I love it when people get engaged in the political process, and I haven't seen this much interest in politics since before I was elected! It's wonderful! The city is coming to life again. I love it. And my focus remains trying to keep Wing City, up, running, and wonderful. We have much less crime than some other cities on Terra, despite the constant attacks. I'd like to keep making sure that our streets stayd as safe as I can help with, and the keep making sure that Wing City is affordable for all. We're working on new invasion shelters as we speak, you know, and the plan is to keep them stocked well so that our citizens can stay safe, even when foreign powers try to turn our streets into a battlefield. We're also working with the heads of the two local magical schools to handle rogue magic as it pops up and to see about possibly lessening those trouble.

Mr. E: Experience! Both with rogue magic and the unique challenges that come with being a mayor a city the size of Wing City. It's rogue magic that changed me from a handsome young man to, well, how I appear today. I'm fairly indestructable now, much like Wing City itself, but I know I no longer look normal. Still, it means I know the dangers of rogue magic well, and have worked with magic users in the past, along with other politicians, and some military leaders to keep Wing City safe, and to make certain that it always recovers. The space port means we're a bit of a military target, I know, however that doesn't mean that we can't take actions to keep our people safe.

Alrion: Terra does sometimes feel like its a target... Did you know some of your fellow candidates have considered you absent or ineffectual? What would you have to say to them.

Mr. E: I know I am not often in the public sphere. There's a lot of paperwork that comes with being mayor, and many, many meetings. It's also difficult, because we are the capital of Terra, and so have to work with the national government on many issues. However, I have worked hard. To them, I say: My original election was on less than 10% of Wing City voters. Where have you been, that you are only now interested, and what is in it for you? Because to see a resurgence like this? I'm afraid some of the candidates are not here as honest candidates.

Alrion: Perhaps their honesty will find itself tested during the election. Do you have any inspirations, heroes or ideologies? The people would like to know much more about their somewhat enigmatic mayor.

Mr. E: Ho ho! I don't consider myself enigmatic. My door is always open. I have nothing to hide. I think my ideology is that we should be able to stand proud as Wing City citizens, as Terrans, as people. And we should be able to do it knowing that out hard work keeps up able to stand, and able to keep moving forward.

Alrion: Well just a couple of last quick questions. Firstly, do you have any thing you would like to say to the other candidates?

Mr. E: Yes. I'm glad you are running, but please be running for the right reasons. Not because your god told you to, or the leader of your nation asked. this job is hard. If I had hair, it would have all turned grey within a year's time. And Wing City is strong. IF you are trying to take it over via the mayoral election, Wing City herself will not stand for it. Other than that, good luck.

Alrion: Lastly, one of our candidates had a suggestion. Should this election turn against you, would you consider taking up a new job as Santa Claus?

Mr. E: Ho Ho Ho! How do they know I don't work as him already?

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