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Book of Fairy


a part of “Book of Fairy”, a fictional universe by alice..

Magic is myth, isn't it?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Book of Fairy”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.


Tips: 0.00 INK Postby alice. on Wed May 31, 2017 2:24 pm


This is where you reserve and apply for roles. Read the rules for the requirements. You can apply for at least four roles, but you can only choose one or two of them in the end before I decide who is accepted. Do not create a character with the cs until I have approved the characters to be accepted in the roleplay.

Code: Select all
[center][justify][size=90][font=georgia][i]Before you start creating your character, please mind that you do not destroy the code. You can make changes that suit what you write in terms of looks, but keep the general appearance of the result of the coding. The "Power Lvl" with the stars has a maximum of five stars. Though I will only allow maybe two or three characters with a five star power level. This will be discussed in the rules and the OOC. In regards to nationality, this roleplay takes place in Japan, so most characters will have some Japanese in their blood. Halfies are allowed, but I also need characters who are fully Japanese. I will only allow one foreign character. Check in the OOC to see if that role has been taken up. PLEASE make sure that the 240x240 pic or gif stays 240x240. If you can't find one, use a pic resizer and post it to Imgur in order to receive a web link for it. The Neutral gender option is for characters who don't identify with a gender. Under extras, edit the "x"s and "."s to make sure your answers align correctly. For history and personality, the "lorem ipsum" on every line is the maximum amount of characters each line can include before it destroys the code a little bit. Simply just cut off a word with a dash and carry on the sentence and/or the word to the next line. You don't need to go in complete detail with your character's history and personality. Make it fit. I believe that is all I need to adress in this message. [color=red]Delete this message once you have completed reading it and/or abiding by it. Also delete the "[hr]" code so that the line at the top does not exist. Do not delete the second one in the middle. Thank you.[/color][/i][/font][/size][/justify][/center]
[size=85][i][color=#6E6E6E][font=georgia][justify]Here goes a brief descripction of your character.
It can be either poetic or simply a summary of
your character's personality. Do not exceed five
lines of this description.[/justify][/font][/color][/i][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Power Lvl ∞[/font][/size] [color=transparent]-[/color][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
[size=85][font=georgia]Name ∞ [color=transparent]__....[/color]Full Name[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Age ∞ [color=transparent]____...[/color]Word Form[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Gender ∞ [color=transparent]_....[/color]Female/Male/Neutral[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Nationality ∞ Character Nationality[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Year ∞ [color=transparent]__......[/color]First/Second/Third[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Birthdate ∞[color=transparent] _.[/color]Month and Day[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Role ∞[color=transparent] ____..[/color]Character Role[/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Thoughts ∞ [color=transparent]_.[/color][color=thoughts]#000000[/color][/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Dialogue ∞ [color=transparent]_*[/color][color=dialogue]#000000[/color][/font][/size]
[size=85][font=georgia]Faceclaim ∞[color=transparent] ..[/color]Faceclaim[/font][/size][/left][left][img][/img][/left][right][size=250][font=tahoma][color=thoughts]main.[/color][/font][/size][/right][color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color][color=#BDBDBD]H I S T O R Y[/color]
[font=georgia][size=90][color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
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[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
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[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.[/size][/font]

[color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color][color=#BDBDBD]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color]
[font=georgia][size=90][color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
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[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris libero, semper non mi.
[url=http://themesonglinkhere][size=85][font=tahoma][color=#BDBDBD]` theme `[/color][/font][/size][/url][/right][color=#BDBDBD]L I K E S[/color][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#BDBDBD]F E A R S[/color][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#BDBDBD]Q U I R K S[/color]
[font=georgia][size=85][img][/img]like one[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.[/color][img][/img]fear one[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img]quirk one
[img][/img]like two[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.[/color][img][/img]fear two[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img]quirk two
[img][/img]like three[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.x..[/color][img][/img]fear three[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img]quirk three
[img][/img]like four[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img]fear four[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx[/color][img][/img]quirk four[/size][/font]

[color=#BDBDBD]D I S L I K E S[/color][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#BDBDBD]D R E A M S[/color][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#BDBDBD]H O B B I E S[/color]
[font=georgia][size=85][img][/img]dislike one[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.[/color][img][/img]dream one[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img]hobby one
[img][/img]dislike two[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.[/color][img][/img]dream two[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx[/color][img][/img]hobby two
[img][/img]dislike three[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.[/color][img][/img]dream three[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxx[/color][img][/img]hobby three
[img][/img]dislike four[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..[/color][img][/img]dream four[color=transparent][/color][img][/img]hobby four[/size][/font]

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Wed May 31, 2017 5:05 pm


I don't really have a favourite fairy tale, but the concept behind the emperor's new clothes always amuses me.

For now I'm just putting in the one audition, but if you F5 somewhere this time tomorrow, I might have a second idea up.

Also, quick credit: the 'reservation sheet' was stolen from Chrian Blaire. I just saw the CS code, so I figured we'd free-form it. Let me know if there's a another form you'd prefer.

Sakurano Yomi
You can tell I glow in the dark by these circles under my eyes.


Role | Maleficent

Gender | Female

Face Claim | Aika Fuwa | Zetsuen no Tempest

Hex Codes #5c164e, #a93f55

Born to a wealthy business tycoon and heralded as child prodigy, Yomi was to be the family's golden girl. These confines of a preplanned future drove the girl mad. Adolescence turned a rebel out of Yomi, as her whims were drawn to the nightlife like moths to a flame. She didn't want to be recognised for her family name or her intelligence, hell, Yomi didn't know what she wanted. The only thing Yomi was certain of was; "It is not this."

What remains of Sakurano Yomi is hardly an image befitting her family. While her speech patterns and vocabulary are certainly refined, she is as scatterbrained as she is whimsical. Yomi is constantly in search of a way to express herself, most recently she's taken a liking to free verse poetry. Despite her questionable attendance, her test scores greatly conflict her teachers and parents. Yomi feels detached from these worries and makes a nonchalant impression by day. It's after school that she changes. Yomi retains a seemingly laid-back demeanour but flirts with the boundaries of the modern world as if possessed. No matter how mellow she may appear, Yomi is always on the look for new experiences.

Yomi is often painted as a hedonist - sometimes even deviant. While she may not very well know what to do with herself, she does empathise strongly with others her age. Yomi periodically volunteers herself to tutor classmates - or when someone feels down, Yomi tries to lighten their load. She'll always pass it off with a shrug, but in all her strange ways and struggles Yomi finds solace in making others smile. Perhaps that part of her is what Yomi really wants to be admired for...

Watanabe Tatsuo
Can I get you anything? I'm here to help!

Role | Humpty Dumpty

Gender | Male

Face Claim | Satoshi Fukube | Hyouka

Hex Codes #af3800, #fbb13c

Born to your run-of-the-mill middle class family, Tatsuo's the every-man in Ichiro High. Tatsuo has decent grades all-round (the only outlier being math,) he plays a fair game of football (left-back in the school's team) and is an avid reader of both manga and American comics also. His favourites being One Piece and Spiderman respectively. Overall, Tatsuo's your every-day high school student.

Tatsuo would like to stand out a bit more. He dreams of being a professional football player, but the only thing that's garnered him any kind of reputation is his general clumsiness. Being a bit of a dreamer, Tatsuo tends to lose focus on what's in front of him and nobody trusts him with fragile objects – an image Tatsuo is ashamed of. Besides this, Tatsuo has a happy-go-lucky outlook on life. He's hard-working, honest to a fault and always finds a way to keep himself busy. If his father doesn't do it for him, that is.

After school, Tatsuo holds a part-time job at the family restaurant behind the register. Mister Watanabe firmly believes hard work builds character – and as a result Tatsuo has been taught the ins and outs of the dining business. He can keep his cool during rush hour and is quick with running any kind of numbers from the top of his head. Fellow students sometimes try to bribe him into giving him a discount – and being a teenage boy, that doesn't take more than a pretty girl's smile. Despite this (and banning Tatsuo from waiting the tables,) his father is grooming him to take over the family business one day. While supportive of Tatsuo's dream of a career in sports, Mister Watanabe doesn't truly believe his son has the required talents in him.
Last edited by Kestrel on Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby alice. on Wed May 31, 2017 6:04 pm

This format that you used is fine. You can present reservations however you'd like.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Momari on Wed May 31, 2017 9:40 pm

~Hanzel and Gretel is my personal favorite. Gotta love a life-size gingerbread house!

Tsukino Hana


Hana is a very talented, reserved, yet friendly girl. She is as skittish as a rabbit and very forgetful, and because of her forgetfulness to keep her grades maintained she studies extra hard, because going over the material a hundred times is just not enough. A majority of her time is spent either singing, dancing, or writing music. When she can, she also likes to visit the Arcade or try her luck with one of the gachapon shops (she loves collectables). When she's not at school, home, or the arcade, Hana is most likely working her shift at a cafe for some extra cash. It's sort of a drag as she forgets which tables are where, but the place pays her well and she tries hard not to make mistakes. Plus, she needs to fuel her addiction to gachapon, crane games, and DDR.
Although her strong suit is in her music, her affinity for cooking comes naturally as she is the daughter of ramen shop owners. Her parents are not very supportive when it comes to her big dream of becoming an idol. They would much rather her plan to do something more practical, which is why Hana is particularly shy when it comes to actually showing off her skills, but she is determined to take bigger steps to advance her blossoming career. Because of her addiction to music, she sometimes forgets to eat thus triggering anemia, but her big sister Rin tries to remind her by the time she gets home that she should eat something before going to bed.
Starting when Hana was only five, her grandmother began passing down her musical skills onto her. Her whole childhood has been filled with countless lessons; memories of her and grandma sitting on the piano bench - side by side, even thinking about it brings joy and inspiration to her eyes in the present. Besides her long deceased grandmother, Rin (a third year) has been her best friend since they could remember. Although they are very different which is good because Hana does not have many close friends. During the breaks of the school day, Rin often brings Hana's lunch to her because she forgets to take it, and its the exact same situation when it comes to umbrellas.

Face Claim:Kuronuma Sawako
Role: Little Red

Last edited by Momari on Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:18 am, edited 19 times in total.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Elision on Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:55 pm

xAmano Reikox| Seventeen | Snow White | Adagaki Aki |xImage

At a glance, Reiko is like a fairytale princess who took a step out of a storybook. Top of her class, the student council vice president, quick to strike up a conversation with anyone, and popular with her peers, Reiko appears to be free from anything negative. However, this is far from the truth. Beneath the cute sweaters and knee high socks, Reiko is bitter and disgusted by the world around her. Isolating herself emotionally from everyone except her brother for her own protection, the girl can go from smiling to spewing vile insults in moments.

Born to an American Businessman and a Japanese waitress after a fling he had on a business trip to Japan. Kept a secret by their mother who feared that if he fought for custody he would take her children away from her, Reiko and her brother spent the first 4 years of their lives without knowing their father. It very well might have been that way forever had her mother not fallen ill and passed away just before their 4th birthday. Knowing that she only had so much time left on this earth, she wrote a letter to the children's father and in under a month the two were swept off to their father's apartment in Tokyo for the next 12 years.

Of course, he was no loving father figure, and aside from his brief monthly visits the two kids were raised by a nanny. This lead to the the two twins not only growing extremely close, but shutting out everyone else in the process.

After their grandmother passed away, the two children inherited her house in Okayama. The twins begged their father for days until he finally allowed them to move back to their home town.

xAmano Renjirox| Seventeen | Chesire Cat | Yakumo Saitou |xImage

To be added...

Edit: I almost forgot, my favourite fairytale is beauty and the beast
Last edited by Elision on Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sambea on Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:33 pm

My favorite fairy tale will forever be Thumbelina, was always kind of mad that I could never be that small!


Name: Iryūjonisuto Arisu

Role: Alice

Faceclaim: Mei Misaki


Arisu comes from a family of doll makers, dating all the way back to the Heian period. Every year her family makes her a doll that looks exactly like her at the time. Creepy as that sounds, she thoroughly enjoys them. She was never one to be very talkative and her physical looks didn't help her much either. With her dolls, she makes up stories in hopes that one day she can live one of them out. Despite the loneliness she is a happy and caring girl.

She wears a very blank expression on her face most of the time, but in some instances, if watched carefully, there will be a glimmer of expression. Her parents try their very best to get her to be what they consider normal, though with no success. Her twin, who has normal features, was shipped off to their aunt at the age of five to attend a school for gifted kids. This caused Arisu to become more of a hermit.

Now she makes dolls when she can and helps around her parent’s store. They hope that with her being forced into having a conversation she will become more of a social butterfly. It has yet to work, but they, including Arisu, still hold on to hope.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chrian. on Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:00 am

Please ignore TT_TT
Last edited by chrian. on Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby alice. on Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:07 pm

@chrian blaire OMG! I love clear! He is my adorable jellyfish loving, singing, innocent cinnamon roll! He fits perfectly as the white rabbit! I am DMMD trash, btw.

@kestrel thanks for clearing up the fact that their spots aren't set in stone yet. I'll probably start choosing when I have a sufficient amount of auditions to be able to choose competitors from.

@momari please realize that you may not be accepted. You shouldn't have used the cs unless you were accepted, but I will let it pass. Do not submit the cs until your acceptance is confirmed. If you do, you might be rejected before I begin choosing.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Momari on Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:46 pm

@alice My apologies. I thought the format was uber cool and because of my noob status I wanted to fiddle around with it to get an idea of how the coding worked. I wasn't planning to post the whole thing. Thank you for not getting furious. I'll change it asap. (´~`,)

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cheshire_Girl on Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:19 pm

The future belongs to the curious,
to those who are not afraid to try it,
question it, and turn it inside out.

Power Lvl ∞ -Image Image Image Image Image
Name ∞ __....Himari Sangatsu
Age ∞ ____...Sixteen
Gender ∞ _....Female
Nationality ∞ Japanese
Year ∞ __......Second
Birthday ∞ _.August twenty third
Role ∞ ____..The Little Mermaid
Thoughts ∞ _.#79CDCD
Dialogue ∞ _*#AAAAFF
Faceclaim ∞ ..Karasume Chitose
ImagexxxxxxH I S T O R Y
xxxxxxxHimari was never the brightest or the best. She has never received an award or accomplished tasks like becoming class representative. Her parents believe that it's their fault their daughter isn't keeping up with her peers. It's not that she's dumb,
it's just that, well, Himari doesn't speak. Her parents, Himawari Koneko and Yuri Sangatsu own a French bakery that specializes in macaroons. Himawari likes to think that Himari takes after her; slightly ditzy and a little bit forgetful, a day dreamer that chases her heart. Himari wasn't born mute, her Mother, the proud owner of a delivery truck, had left her inside of the truck on a cold winter day while she ran into the supermarket to pick up some ingredients for dinner. It was oh so easy to become sidetracked and after forgetting that her daughter was in the car, Himawari then walked down the block to buy something else. By the time Himawari remembered Himari, it was almost too late and her baby would never be able to make tangible sounds. She doesn't see it to be a terrible terrible disability, however, as Himari uses sign language, texting, and notebooks to communicate with her peers and parents. She's as upbeat as ever, pretending to hum tunes to herself, drawing in the margins of her notebook, and doing her best to keep up with the class.

xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y
xxxxxxxHimari is a very happy girl despite her disability. As soon as she saw the tale of The Little Mermaid, she pretended that a sea witch had stolen her voice and that the evil Witch was keeping it until Himari becomes old enough to fall in love. Unfortunately she does not believe that anyone could fall in love with a girl who is unable to speak, but that does not stop her from dreaming. Her dreams are what keep her alive, it's what gives life to the sparkle in her eye. Despite her inability to make words with her vocals, it does not mean that she cannot write them with pen and paper. In fact, Himari is a rather good writer, composing songs and poems that convey how she truly feels. While she may seem perpetually happy, it takes a bit to make Himari come out of her shell. She does not get frustrated very easily because she knows what it's like to struggle to convey what you are feeling, however Himari is not all that patient despite it. It is clear that she has becomes a bit tired of this life, but it is the only life that Himari has ever known and so, she will continue living it.

My favorite fairy tale is probably the Matchstick Girl.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cornflower on Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:07 pm


--White Rabbit--
--#EF4A59 #2FCBFF
Time, time never enough time. Much like the white rabbit running around, March Somner lives his life by the clock. Carrying around a pocket watch and huffing that he's late, it is no wonder that he gained the nickname the white rabbit.

Born an albino, March Somner always had a weak constitution that ensured that he could never live life directly under the sun. Being in and out of the hospital as a child, he was never expected to live past the age of ten. March understood those things even as young as he was, watching the residents of the same wing as him pass away. Having a limited lifespan gives one an undeniable edge of maturity. It was at the age of six that he realised that human beings are controlled by time.

Refusing to accept that as the truth, March began his struggle against his invisible enemy. Asking for a clock for his birthday, March began to realise that he can control his own time. What he does and how fast he does it, he might beat the ticking hands of the clock if he tries hard enough. No matter what he has to do, or how much bitter medicine he had to swallow down, March was persistent to come out as the victor of this battle. He will live on no matter what, will not let time get the better of him.

Of course, he exceeded the expectations of his parents with his sheer determination. He lived past the age of ten and continued living healthily after that, even convincing them to send him to school. The only reason why he attends Ichiro High as a transfer student from England was because of it’s legends, ones that perhaps contain a chance for him to fix his body and his life of constantly battling against time.

Until then, March is known to others as the impatient prefect that will snap at them to hurry up and get to the point, always muttering under his breath that he's late for some appointment. Constantly aware of how time is running out as he speaks, there is nary a moment where he isn't on his feet and running to catch this appointment or that.

Sorry... I'm not that good at coding and kind of typed the entire thing out on my phone, but it's been a while since I was this excited by a roleplay. My Favourite fairy tale will have to be Alice in wonderland no doubt! March's name is an allusion to the March Hare as well for extra irony.

One day, the flowers will bloom.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soleli on Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:17 am

x.Kobayashi Hisakox
. female
. age
xx. Alice In Wonderland
xx.Qiu Tong, Tamendegushi

Head in the clouds and always unattached to reality. That is how Hisako appears to most. Even as a child, it had always been apparent that the girl was a dreamer. Raised by a writer, Hisako’s childhood was filled with imaginative wonder. Her childhood involved her serving tea to imaginary friends and spending hours searching for fairies in her house. Cheerful and naive, Hisako has a deep rooted belief that magic was real, that everything in myths existed somewhere in real life, and not just in the space of one’s imagination.

Her dreamy nature didn't prove to be much of a problem until the girl reached adolescence, and still hasn't changed the slightest. Loudly proclaiming that fairies and unicorns existed, Hisako was isolated from her classmates for being too outlandish. Hisako herself didn't understand what she was doing wrong. For her, myths and magic were as real as everyday life, but no matter how she tried to convince others, she was pushed away and called strange, the outcast that was often the target of bullying. Daydreams began to be the only way to escape from reality, and Hisako only became more engulfed in the world of her imagination.

The constant isolation was the reason why she switched schools often, yet she never lost her optimistic nature. Dubbing others with nicknames from fairytales, Hisako wishes to one day publish her own book and bring others into the reality that she understood so well. Until then, she remains the ever hopeful dreamer, eager to please and easy to get along with, her open heart and empathetic nature allowing her to get close to others even despite her quirks.

She is a firm believer in the myths of the school, and wants to find proof that magic truly exists. Much like Alice in the stories, she easily gets sidetracked even while in the middle of conversation. Hisako has also developed the habit of trailing after the 'white rabbit', believing that they would lead her to the wonderland of her dreams, just as the fairytales said. Hisako has a tendency of referring to others by nicknames, as though she truly believes that they were the characters themselves. Then again, with her airheaded behaviour, there is no telling what she perceives.

[[my favourite fairytale is the snow queen!]]

This character app belongs to maccotango, don't take without permission!
Last edited by Soleli on Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chrian. on Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:34 am

I'm terribly sorry but I'm caught up with real life problems at the moment so I won't be able to join, please ignore my reservation TT_TT
Wish you'll have a successful RP :D

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soleli on Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:18 pm

x.Kobayashi Azamix
. Male
. 17
xx. King of hearts
xx.Qi Fang-Tamendegushi

There always seemed to be a princely aura around Azami, the way he carries himself straight with the casual confidence that he will always get his way. A year older than Hisako, the two siblings seemed to have nothing in common. While Hisako was an avid dreamer, Azami stood rooted to the ground of reality. As a child, he had always loved the Color red, planting red rose bushes in the garden led to the realisation that he had a green thumb. He had enjoyed botany ever since, taking sick plants and 'nursing' them to life, it was his aim to start a flower shop one day dealing in the red flowers he so adored.

The siblings spent their childhood close together, and thus Azami grew to be quite protective of his younger Sister. Popular for his looks and mannerisms, Azami never faced the problems Hisako did in his adolescence. However, his attitude was assertive even in his younger years. Rather ruthless in fights against the bullies who mocked his Sister, Azami was dubbed the king of hearts by Hisako, for similarly to the queen of hearts who often had the catchphrase 'off with their heads!' Azami will fight anyone who didn't agree to his views. His stubbornness and demanding nature didn't stop him from getting along with others, for despite that Azami was charming and diplomatic, a heartthrob for many. He has managed to secure a position for himself at the top of the school, and is one of the more popular individuals in the level. A downside to his nature is that Azami is distrustful. While polite on a surface level, he is hesitant to open himself up and trsut others unless proven explicitly that he wouldn't be betrayed. While he is skeptical about the school legend having a basis of truth to it, Azami will do his best to support his Sister in proving herself.

This character app sheet belongs to maccotango, don't take without permission!

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zallen on Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:03 am


Face claim: Karoku, Karneval

Role: Prince Charming

Name: Seiyuu Akihito

Gender: male

Thought | Speech: light blue | blue

Rumors of Akihito ranged from being a blue haired demon in human guise to someone who once forced an asshole teacher to wear a dress throughout the day. For all outward appearances, Akihito is a man who's constantly smiling, politely friendly to his peers. But behind that smile hides a sharp tongue and straightforward confidence. The upcoming star of the drama club, Akihito can pull on many masks and has a tendency to be dramatic when he's excited. When he's not wearing a mask, however, Akihito is actually very sharp tongued, bluntly honest and prone to cynicism, with a low threshold for imperfection and laziness and a vengeful petty child who finds it hard to relate to people. His personality is pretty nasty, and he attempts to hide that with niceness in an attempt to fit in, something that is easily seen through. However, despite infuriating many people with his bluntness, Akihito tries to help them by leading through example, which combined with his confidence and the way he puts his all into anything he does, gives people a sense of ease when he takes the lead.

Akihito is a perfectionist to the core, someone who is constantly pushing himself to and beyond the brink in an attempt to become the best of the best. However, he rarely places this expectations on others - just himself, and takes it upon himself to do better if he fails. Due to his mother leaving when he failed an exam, Akihito pushes himself into being the ultimate best out of a fear that misfortune will strike if he fails, and a way of proving the worth of his own existence. Thanks to a mixture of talent and sheer hard work, Akihito is able to do most things with reasonable expertise at the cost of high stress and social isolation. Competitive and slightly petty, Akihito is someone who will, upon being told that he can't do a thing, learn to do that thing expertly and then do it while gloating in front of said person (which he uses as a method to release stress). Once he decides something, Akihito will carry it out come hell or high water, and he takes every task he does with utmost seriousness, putting his all into everything he does. Unfortunately, his sense of perfectionism has lead to him ruining his own health more than once, and combined with his pride in himself and inability to converse with people makes it hard for him to ask for help if he needs it, a high chance for disaster.

All of the work that takes place into being the best of the best leaves little time for socializing or play, however. All of the stress accumulates within Aki, coming out in the form of short temper and sarcasm - which is why he fights to release stress. Akihito is proud of his physical skill set, and the adrenaline rush that comes from putting someone down or winning a fight never fails to calm him down. A man more of actions than words, Akihito has been challenged more than once thanks to his blunt confidence and talent angering others, and he's never backed down from an offer to fight, especially if one makes him lose his temper. Known as 'Prince Charming' amongst delinquent circles for his princely looks and sense of drama combined with his ability to fight, Akihito is almost sadistic in how willing he is to dish out pain, and can be very aggressive when he wants a fight. A bloodthirsty smile followed by a raised fist haunts many a man's dreams after Akihito is done with them.

So how did he get expelled from his previous school? Well, it has to do with his friend Hisato. Raised in competition with his two half brothers to inherit a company, Akihito was lead into believing that perfectionism was the only way to survive, a fact that was cemented when his mother left him after he failed an exam. Numbing his own emotions, Akihito pushed himself into being the best, but the stress soon showed itself through a short temper and violent outbursts, not helped by the bullying he received for standing out. During one of these bullying attempts, his classmate Hisato helped him out, and Akihito received his first friend. They were inseparable - Hisato might have gotten Akihito into delinquency, but he also helped Akihito to feel again and relate to others better, bridging the gap between him and his classmates and even getting him to join the drama club. Unfortunately, an incident happened which resulted in Akihito getting a permanent record and expulsion, causing Akihito's dad to effectively disown him as heir and send him away, effectively cutting off communications with Hisato.

As a student in Ichiro high, Akihito is seen as a nice but intense man by his classmates, someone to be wary of, a person who moves only according to his own will, a delinquent thanks to his dyed hair. Still, Akihito doesn't care. He came to Ichiro academy for one reason only - finding Hisato - and until he does, nothing else matters.
Last edited by Zallen on Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me... because what I create cannot harm me. As the rubber to your pencilled, weak glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks back to you.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby alice. on Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:07 am

Accepted Characters:

Sakurano Yomi as Maleficent
Watanabe Tatsuo as Humpty Dumpty
Amano Reiko as Snow White
Amano Renjiro as Cheshire Cat (awaiting details)
Himari Sangatsu as Little Mermaid
March Somner as White Rabbit
Kobayashi Hisako as Alice
Kobayashi Azami as King of Hearts
Seiyuu Akihiko as Prince Charming
Tsukino Hana as Little Red

Will review new characters once their reservation has been submitted. You may now begin the character sheet for the characters mentioned above. :)

P.S. We have three pairs of siblings lol.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Momari on Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:47 am

Tsukino Rin


Rin is a funny and bright young lady. She is the photographer and editor for the school newspaper, and absolutely loves her job. Rin has an interest in astrology, cryptids, urban legends, and all things spooky. A firm believer in the paranormal although she has had zero experiences of her own. Rin thinks it would be totally cool to catch something spine-chilling on that fancy camera of hers. Her classmates would say she's lively and an outgoing person besides her love for creepy phenomenons. She's a class clown and loves to hear people laugh. If she finds something just too funny she may have a hard time trying to stop herself.
She usually stays after school to work on her horoscope column. After that she will walk downtown with Hana only to part ways and go to their own work places. Speaking of, Rin stocks the shelves at a corner store. She likes this job quite a lot actually. Making sure every can, package, and box is aligned perfectly brings her an odd sort of peace within herself. Anyways, she's extremely protective of Hana, they are best friends after all, and Rin never likes for her lil sis to ever go anywhere alone. On days off she likes to spend time with Hana at the arcade and gachapon. It's sort of their thing. You could say she's sort of the good luck charm of their duo. See, she's mind blowingly good at the claw and pretty much all games alike. Maybe its skill, being a fast learner, intelligence, luck, or even possibly witchcraft - the girl is good at any game she sets her mind to; Rin's favorites being air hockey and the classics like Mario, DK, and Pacman. Other than just games, in her free time she watches a bit of anime and reads some manga. She's into genres like Shounen, Gundam, and really anything packed with action; her favorite series of all time being Berserk.
Despite being a very supportive person of her friends and family, Rin carries a very toxic jealousy of other people. She's a got sky high standards and often compares herself to others. She feels slightly inferior to Hana because of the fact she's not blessed with all the talents she wish she also had, but even still she has no hate in her heart and tries to recognize her own good qualities when she feels low. Rin will do whatever she can to help others reach their goals as she herself works to improve her knowledge of the darker side of the world to hopefully spark more interest in the subjects she covers through her writing.

Face Claim: Nanasaki Ai
Year: Third
Role: Huntsman

Last edited by Momari on Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zallen on Sat Jun 17, 2017 9:38 am


Face claim: Tachibana Hotaru

Role: Sandman

Name: Ichinomiya Jun

Gender: male

Thought | Speech: gold | olive

Jun's past is not a nice one, and there is no need to expand on it. All you need to know is that it was horrible enough for his mind to fracture into three, and the effects have remained ever since. Jun (with the kanji for truth) suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, something he's partially in denial of. His main personality, the host, is a grumpy insomniac who has a sharp tongue, who views the world cynically and cares about people despite himself. He's not an outgoing guy, but he's not introverted either, and has a strong sense of justice, and he'll do what's right even if it scares him to death to do so. Overall an emotional kid who aims to live a normal bit productive life, who acts stronger than he actually is.

His first Alter is a childlike helper who was created during Jun's childhood years, a positive and helpful companion also known as Jun (the kanji for innocence and purity). He never talks (or makes a sound), instead expressing himself through physical movements like charades to get what he wants across, and he is a constantly smiling soul, gentle and bright and friendly - just like a cheerful child. He shows the emotions Jun finds himself too embarrassed or scared to show, such as tears or happiness, and he's also very encouraging, to Jun and others - expressing a sense of wonder and encouragement that Jun desperately needed but couldn't get, someone who dared to reach out and be what was deemed as normal around people when all Jun wanted to do was curl up in a ball and die.

His second Alter is also known as Jun, this time with the kanji for obey. This one only comes out in times of distress, when Jun finds himself scared for his life or physically in danger - born from a time when Jun was unable to handle the fear and pain that was in the past. Sharp and wary, this protector-like persona can be harsh and vicious, reckless in his attempts to protect the main body. If you don't harm him, he won't harm you, but try it and he's capable of unleashing pain in a way Jun's morales don't allow. However, despite his attempts to protect, this Alter doesn't do so in effective ways - he is both protector and persecutor, emulating aspects of Jun's abuser in an attempt to protect, when Jun's abuser forced him into harming others, and can oftentimes cause harm to both the other Alters and himself. This he knows - and as a result has an intense amount of self loathing, but he genuinely thinks that it's what is necessary to protect the system.

And finally, the third Alter also called Jun with the kanji for shield, who only comes out in sleep. Born from the fear of being attacked while asleep as a child, this Alter does nothing but guard, disappearing only when he is awake. Emotionless, quiet, always watching, this Alter also acts as a Gatekeeper - one who keeps the system in check, who controls the locks on memory, who prevents the other Alters from destroying the main body.

At school, Jun is known as that kid who seems a little bit offbeat, a tough but good helper who can be counted on. Not particularly close to any of his classmates, but not apart either, Jun is always seen with a recording device on him, be it phone or video recording device. Jun constantly taking films or videos of whatever he wants, be it stars a bird in flight or just him cooking, and can oftentimes be found editing memes or amv's together online through phone or computer. Jun likes to dream about being a film maker as a possible career in life, but his grip on reality and the need for money struggles with that desire. Living on his own and half in denial of his own problems, Jun is desperately working hard to seem as normal as possible, even if most days he feels as if he's doing nothing but run from the nightmares that have haunted him since long ago.

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Re: Reservations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Momari on Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:06 pm

Accidentally reposted x.x
Plz ignore.

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